Statism/Antistatism - Étatisme/Antiétatisme - Statismo/Antistatismo


List in chronological order.


(1776) Edward Gibbon, On Personal Law [English]

(1792) Wilhelm von Humboldt, The Sphere and Duties of Government - passages [English]

(1835) Alexis de Tocqueville, Tyrannie de la majorité  [Français]

(1840) Alexis de Tocqueville, Quelle espèce de despotisme les nations démocratique ont à craindre  [Français]

(1845) Max Stirner, Der politische Liberalismus [Deutsch]
(1845) Max Stirner, Political Liberalism [English]
(1845) Max Stirner, Le libéralisme politique [Français]
(1845) Max Stirner, Il liberalismo politico [Italiano]

(1848) John Stuart Mill, Objections to state interference [English]

(1848) Antoine Martinet, Statolatrie ou Le Communisme Légal [Français]

(1848 - 1888) Karl Marx - Friedrich Engels, On Free Trade [English]

(1852) Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte  (passages) [English]

(1855-1857) Charles Dickens, The Circumlocution Office [English]

(1859) Richard Simpson, Bureaucracy [English]

(1861) Henry Sumner Maine, On the origin of state territorial sovereignty (extract) [English]

(1861) Henry Sumner Maine, From status to contract (extract) [English]

(1880) Juan Bautista Alberdi, La Omnipotencia del Estado es la Negación de la Libertad Individual [Español]

(1882) Ernest Renan, Qu’est-ce qu’une nation? (extrait) [Français]
(1882) Ernest Renan, What is a nation? (extract) [English]

(1884) Friedrich Engels, The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State  [English]
(1884) Friedrich Engels, L'origine della famiglia, della proprietà privata e dello stato [Italiano]

(1885) Henry Sumner Maine, Popular Government (passages) [English]

(1894) Lev Nikolajevic' Tolstoy, On Patriotism [English]

(1895) Gustave Le Bon, Psychologie des foules [Français]

(1901) Lev Nikolajevic' Tolstoy, Notes for officers & Notes for soldiers [English]

(1902) J. A. Hobson, Imperialism. A Study [English]

(1905) George Washington Plunkitt, Honest Graft and Dishonest Graft [English]

(1905) George Washington Plunkitt, Reciprocity in Patronage [English]

(1908) Enrico Barone, Il ministro della produzione nello stato collettivista [Italiano]

(1908) Georges Sorel, La Décomposition du Marxisme [Français]

(1910) Rudolf Hilferding, Il capitale finanziario [estratto] [Italiano]
(1910) Rudolf Hilferding, Finance Capital [English]

(1913) Hilaire Belloc, The rise of the (extract) [English]

(1915) Sigmund Freud, Thoughts for the Times on War and Death [English]

(1917) Israel Zangwill, The Principle of Nationalities [English]

(1917) Rabindranath Tagore, Nationalism (extract) [English]

(1919) Joseph Schumpeter, State, Imperialism and Capitalism [English]

(1919) Max Weber, On Politics [English]

(1921) R. H. Tawney, On Property [English]

(1923) Albert Jay Nock, The State (extract) [English]

(1924) John R. Commons, Commodity Tickets and Price Tickets [English]

(1925) Shih Shun Liu, Extraterritoriality, Its Rise and Its Decline [English] (PDF)

(1926) John Maynard Keynes, The end of laissez-faire [English]
(1926) John Maynard Keynes, La fine del laissez-faire [Italiano]

(1926) Carlton J. H. Hayes, Nationalism as a Religion [English]

(1927) Albert Jay Nock, Anarchist's Progress (extract) [English]

(1927) John Maxcy Zane, The Multiplication of Laws and Lawyers [English]

(1927-1944) Ludwig von Mises, On secession (selected passages) [English]

(1929) Denis de Rougemont, Les Méfaits de l’Instruction publique (extrait) [Français]

(1930) John Maynard Keynes, Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren [English]

(1933) John Maynard Keynes, National self-sufficiency[English]
(1933) John Maynard Keynes, Autarchia Economica [Italiano]

(1933) John Maynard Keynes, The raising of prices [English]

(1935) Smedley D. Butler, War is a Racket [English]

(1935) Albert Jay Nock, Our Enemy, the State (passages) [English]

(1936) Elie Halévy, L'ère des tyrannies [Français]

(1937) Rudolf Rocker, State Nationalism [English]

(1937) Rudolf Rocker, The Will to Power [English]

(1937) Ignazio Silone, Vino e Pane [Italiano]

(1938) Ignazio Silone, La scuola dei dittatori [Italiano]

(1938) Luigi Sturzo, L'état totalitaire [Français]

(1939) Albert Jay Nock, The Criminality of the State [English]

(1941) Carlton J. H. Hayes, From Nationalism to Imperialism [English]

(1946) George Orwell, Politics and the English Language [English]

(1949) Emmanuel Goldstein (George Orwell), War Is Peace [English]

(1949) Emmanuel Goldstein (George Orwell), Ignorance Is Strength [English]

(1951) Jacques Maritain, Man and the State (extract) [English]

(1952) A. J. P. Taylor, Economic Imperialism [English]

(1952) Richard Douglas Heffner, The Gilded Age [English]

(1954) Gordon W. Allport, The Scapegoats [English]

(1956) William H. White, The Organization Man - Conclusion [English]

(1958) Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks' Arrest [English]

(1959) Pitirim A. Sorokin and Walter A. Lunden, Power [English]

(1960) Elie Kedourie, Nationalism [English]

(1961) Dwight David Eisenhower, Farewell Address [English]

(1961) William Lederer, Secrecy in Government [English]

(1962) Henry Treece, The First Crusade [English]

(1963) Ludwig von Mises, The Meaning of Laissez Faire [English]

(1965) Jacques Ellul, L'illusion politique (extraits) [Français]

(1967) Robert Ardrey, The Scourge of Territorialism (extract) [English]

(1967) Robert Ardrey, Territorialism and War (extract) [English]

(1967) Leonard C. Lewin, The Functions of War [English]

(1969) William McGaffin and Erwin Knoll, The Military-Industrial Complex [English]

(1976) Ashley Montagu, Territorialism and War [English]

(1988) Marc Eric Ely-Chaitlin, The Dynamics of Mob Rule [English]

(2002) Butler Shaffer, The Irrelevance of the State [English]
(2002) Butler Shaffer, Sull'assoluta irrelevanza dello stato [Italiano]

(2003) Butler Shaffer, The Insanity of the State [English]
(2003) Butler Shaffer, Sull'assoluta assurdità dello stato [Italiano]

(2005) Michael S. Rozeff, Reflections on the State [English]

(2006) Michael S. Rozeff, The State and Moral Chaos [English]


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