M., T., Aktuelle Geldexperimente. With notes, illustrations & charts, 13pp, 36x, in PEACE PLANS 736
M., T., Alternative Zahlungsmittel. Ein Überblick über einige Selbsthilfemassnahmen. Vorläufige Fassung, August 1986, photocopy only, 8pp. PEACE PLANS 732. - Alternative Zahlungsmittel. 2. Fassung, 9pp, 1986, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 732.JZL.
M., T., Some notes on monetary reform studies & attempts. 6 Aug. 85, to J.Z. & extract of letter to K.Z., 48x, in PEACE PLANS 645.
M’CREADY, JOHN, A Review of the Trade and Commerce of New York. New York, 1820. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
MA, TAK-WO, Currency of Macau. 1987, Hong Kong, Urban Council and Meseu Luis de Camoes. - Schuler
MACASKILL, FRED, In Search of Liberty. Books in Focus, N.Y., 1979, PEACE PLANS 51-55. (JZL) Extract on monetary freedom, from this book, with some advertisements for the publisher, BOOKS IN FOCUS, 8PEACE PLANS, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 905.
MACAULAY, FREDERICK R., Some Theoretical Problems Suggested by the Movements of Interest Rates, Bond Yields and Stock Prices in the United States since 1856. .New York, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1938.1. In the list of 150 railroad bonds compiled by Frederick R. Macaulay the 32 issued before 1865 were all payable in currency. A bond payable in gold was issued in 1865, but of 24 bonds issued between the end of the Civil War in 1865 and the resumption of specie payments in 1879, only 6 contained gold clauses. Fourteen of the 24 bonds issued between 1879 and 1886 contained gold clauses, and only 2 of the remaining 72 bonds (the latest year of issue was 1926) did not contain such clauses (see Macaulay, Movements of Interest Rates, A5-A16; also, Friedman and Schwartz [in A Monetary History, 71 n. 78] cite this evidence in their discussion of interest rate behavior during the Civil War). - At a conference on the abrogation of gold clauses, Friedman presumably had the Macaulay data in mind in making the following remarks: "From 1860 to 1879, there were no gold clauses, but gold clauses were put into every bond thereafter. They started in 1879 as a result of the experience during the greenback episode, when gold sold freely in terms of greenbacks at a free-market price; the gold clauses said that you were to receive the number of dollars required to buy X ounces of gold of such and such weight and fineness. It was in contemplation of a return to such a situation - one in which the U.S. would be driven off gold and you would have a free greenback price of gold - that gold clauses were introduced in bonds after 1879. Almost every bond issued by both the private sector and the government from 1879 on had a gold clause, and it's perfectly clear that that was why they did it." - Steven L. Green, July 86.
MACAULAY, HUGH, H., The Many Costs of Governmental Regulation. CMRE MONOGRAPHS, No. 33 - $3.00, in 1990.
MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON, The History of England from the Accession of James II. London, 1849-61. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling. - 1855-61. 5 vols. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MACCALLUM, SPENCER HEATH, The Art of Community. Institute for Humane Studies, Menlo Park, Cal., 1970, in PEACE PLANS 107/108. - The author supports the monetary freedom ideas of Riegel and those of his grandfather, Spencer Heath. - J.Z.
MACCULLOCH, JOHN RAMSAY, The Principles of Political Economy. - The Principles of Political Economy - A. and C. Black 1849, 646pp. - 5th ed., Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black, 1854, chapter vii. - Thomas Sowell, Say’s Law.
MACDONALD, GEORGE, The Evolution of Coinage. 1916, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
MACDONALD, W., Jacksonian Democracy. AMERICAN NATION SERIES, vol. 15. N. Y., Harper, 1906. - Bogart, The Ec. Hist. of the U.S. - Reginald Charles McGrane, The Panic of 1837, 1924.
MACDOUGALL, Sir DONALD, The World Dollar Problem; A Study in International Economics. London, 1957. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
MACESICH, GEORGE, International Trade and United States Economic Development Revisited. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC HISTORY, XXI (September, 1961), 384-85. - Temin.
MACESICH, GEORGE, Sources of Monetary Disturbances in the United States, 1834-45. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC HISTORY, XX (September, 1960), 407-26. - Sharp, James Roger: The Jacksonians versus the Banks. - 407-34. - Temin.
MACEY, JONATHAN R., Needless Nationalization at the FDIC. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, February 14, 1992. According to Macey, "By nationalizing Crossland, the FDIC is signaling that it can take over any bank or thrift it wants, no matter how large or small, or how remote the threat to the banking system." - SALSMAN, RICHARD A.
MACFARLAN, J. F., Remarks on the Scotch Banking System. 1845, Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain. - MACFARLAN, J. G., Remarks on the Scotch Banking System, 1845, Edinburgh, Adam and Charles Black. - White
MACFARLANE, C. W., Pennsylvania Paper Money. ANNALS OF AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE, viii, 50-126. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
MACFIE, A.L., Banking Controversies in 1825. ECONOMIC HISTORY, Feb. 1938. - JZL.
MACFIE, ALEC L., Theories of The Trade Cycle. - MacMillan adv. in Meulen, Free Banking, 1934.
MACGREGOR, JOHN, Commercial Statistics of all Nations. London, 1847. 5 vols. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization. - Vol. 3 treats of the United States. 2nd ed. London, 1850. - Bogart, The Ec. Hist. of the U.S.
MACGREGOR, JOHN, The Progress of America from Columbus to 1846. 2 vols. London, 1847. - Bogart, The Ec. Hist. of the U.S.
MACHAN, TIBOR, Intellectual Property and the Right to Private Property. - (Chapman University) - 12/1/2006 - Mises Institute Working Papers - Online at the Mises Institute. - Could one claim monetary freedom on that basis? An aspect of freedom of expression, freedom of press, freedom of information, freedom to read, freedom of contract, freedom to own and transfer property? - Morally that case is certainly better than legalized monetary despotism. - J.Z., 16.5.10.
MACHINNON, Remarks on the Question of again Permitting the Issue of One Pound Notes. Saunders and Ostey, 1830, written anonymously. - Coppetiers
MACHLUP, FRITZ, Die Goldkernwährung. Halberstadt, 1925. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
MACHLUP, FRITZ, Euro-Dollar Creation: A Mystery Story. BANCO NAZIONALE DEL LAVORO QUARTERLY REVIEW, 94, 1970. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies. - When it comes to note issue banking, then every aspect of it should be fully publicized. For shop currencies - every buyer in the shops, paying with their shop currency, would, so to speak, act as a controller of this currency. He could not help noticing if, what he and many others wanted, (apart from some special bargains, rapidly sold out) would be out of stock and he would be confronted by many empty shelves, a view still much remembered from wartimes and the few inflationary years afterwards. The first ones noticing a lack of stock would raise an alarm. But this is a hypothetical case. In reality, even under the limited liberties of today, the shelves of most shops are rather overflowing with goods and restocking can be done even overnight. - J.Z., 30.5.10.
MACHLUP, FRITZ, Prof. Knight and the ‘Period of Production.’ JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, 43, 1935, PP. 577-624. - Selgin.
MACHLUP, FRITZ, The Liquiditiy of Short-Term Capital. - "The Liquidity of Short-Term Capital" - Economica, No. 37. (August 1932), pp. 271-284 - Online at the Mises Institute.
MACHLUP, FRITZ, The Political Economy of Inflation. In: pp. 15-22, CATO JOURNAL, Vol.3, No. 1, Spring 83, The Search for Stable Money. - JZL. Also in Dorn & Schwartz, 1983ff.
MACHLUP, FRITZ, The Stock Market, Credit, and Capital Formation. - Stock Market, Credit, and Capital Formation, The - Glasgow, Edinburgh, London: William Hodge and Co., Ltd., NY: The MacMillian Company, 1940. Translated from a revised version of the 1931 German edition (Börsenkredit, Industriekredit und Kapitalbildung) by Vera C. Smith. - Online at the Mises Institute. www.mises.org/machlup/Machlup-Stock.pdf - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
MACKAY, CHARLES, Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. 1841. - Reprinted by L. C. Page, Boston, from the 1847 and 1854 editions, London. - Reprinted, Boston, 1932, preface by B. M. Baruch, 1932. - Smitley, Popular Financial Delusions, 1933. - Groseclose, Money & Man. - JZL. - In Gutenberg Project. Also in OLL.
MACKAY, JOHN HENRY, Abrechnung. 3. Auflage, 1978, Mackay Gesellschaft, Freiburg/Br., 189 S., 1104 Kbs. RTF, zipped 133 Kbs. JZem. Mackay's works are no longer under copyrights! I was the last copyrights holder. Reproduction of this digitization is free and desired by me. - I don't care much about his poems and not at all about his homosexual writings. - J.Z., 1.1.06.
MACKAY, JOHN HENRY, Der Freiheitsucher, Psychologie einer Entwicklung. 1920, 7. Auflage, Mackay Gesellschaft, Freiburg/Br., 1982, 263 S., PEACE PLANS 186. - 2,249 Kbs. RTF, zipped 548 Kbs, JZem.
MACKAY, JOHN HENRY, Die Anarchisten. 1891. 344 Kbs. zipped. (The English translation is already on several sites, scanned in and uploaded by others.) - JZem
MACKAY, JOHN HENRY, The Anarchists, a Picture of Civilization at the Close of the 19th Century. Translated from the German by George Schumm, Boston, Mass., 1891, 315pp. - 24x, in PEACE PLANS 57-60. - John Henry Mackay - The Anarchists - “A Picture of Civilization at the Close of the Nineteenth Century.” 1891 (It is wrongly mentioned under "Socialist Anarchism" rather than Individualist Anarchism.) Also at: The Anarchists (1891)
MACKAY, JOHN HENRY, The Freedom Seeker. The Psychology of a Development. 1920, 1983, Mackay Gesellschaft, Freiburg/Br., 202 S., 29x, in PEACE PLANS 819. http://www.butterbach.net/mackay/TheFreedomseeker1.htm
MACKAY, THOMAS, A Policy of Free Exchange. 1894. OLL, 672 KB.
MACKENNA, BENJAMIN VICUNA, Libro de Oro. Lima, 1880. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MACKENZIE, A. D., The Bank of England Note: A History of Its Printing. Cambridge: The University Press, 1953. - Fetter, Development of British Monetary Orthodoxy 1797-1875. - Alas, the history of banking is all too much a history of privilege and monopoly, i.e. of legalized but wrongful meddling with free exchange. - J.Z., 2.4.10. - I remember a hint that for a while its printing was still so primitive that its notes then were almost a standing invitation for forgers. - Ultimately central note issue systems might become almost impossible - through skillful forgers, also equipped with the latest technology. Even if a high technology is utilized in checking for forged notes, this will still require some time and cause some inconvenience. Thus under full monetary freedom the notes of a central bank would become largely refused or discounted. - The circulation area and period of local currencies is much smaller and thus invites less forgeries and these would be discovered much faster. Central banks with their forced and exclusive currencies do depreciate but do not forge their own notes. - J.Z., 30.5.10.
MACKENZIE, KENNETH, The Banking Systems of Great Britain, France, Germany, and the United States of America. London, 1935. - GOLLIN, The Commonwealth Bank of Australia.
MACKLIN, THEODORE, Gold - Key to Confidence, Economists. National Committee on Monetary Policy, New York, N.Y., 1967, 44pp, with bibliography. - JZL. - Any notes not redeemable in gold but standing at par with their nominal value at the gold markets or accepted at their nominal value at least locally, in the shopping centers, for consumer goods and services priced out in gold weight units, are not only as good as gold for ordinary consumption purposes but, in some respects, even better, e.g. more portable and easier to provide in convenient small denominations. - J.Z., 30.5.10.
MACLAREN, JAMES, A Sketch of the History of the Currency. [Eine Skizze der Geschichte der Umlaufsmittel.] London 1858. 68 182 183. - MARX. - If only Marx had studied the economics of money enough to arrive at more correct conclusions and proposals! - As it was, he picked the worst monetary ideas for his platform. Possibly he did this only in pursuit of his addiction to and dream of power. - He certainly propagated his monetary despotism proposals much more effectively than the advocates of monetary freedom propagated their ideas. - Hundreds of millions of human beings paid for this omission with their lives, liberties, rights, with misery, oppression, exploitation and poverty, for all too many decades. A good instance of the wrongs and harm that insufficient studying and publication of truths can cause. - J.Z., 20.6.10.
MACLEOD, ALEXANDER CHARLES, State-Paper Taxation. 1853. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
MACLEOD, H. T., History of the banking of all nations. London 1896. - Obst. [HENRY D.? HENRY DUNNING?]
MACLEOD, HENRY DUNNING, A Dictionary of Political Economy. Vol. I. 1862. 1863.
MACLEOD, HENRY DUNNING, A history of banking in Great Britain: With a Historic Analysis of the Principles Governing Banking, Currency and Credit.” (1896) in W. G. Sumner (ed.) (1896) A History of Banking in All the Leading Nations, reprinted by Augustus M. Kelley. N.Y., 1971. - DOWD, The State & the Monetary System.
MACLEOD, HENRY DUNNING, Bimetallism. 1894. - White, Horace, (1895ff.) - exposition of the monometallic case. - Sykes, Ernest, Banking and Currency.
MACLEOD, HENRY DUNNING, Dictionary of Political Economy. 1863. London. - Peter Bernholz. - See: A Dictionary …
MACLEOD, HENRY DUNNING, Economics for beginners. Imprint: Longmans, Green, and Co. 1878, 1 vol, 4 eds. by 1891. London. Author: 1821-1904. Pagination: xiv,171,[1],4p. 8o. Notes: With 4 pages of press-notices for works by the author. Subject Headings: Economics - Handbooks, manuals, etc. British Library Shelfmark: 8207.b.14. Fiche Quantity: 2 fiches; 11x15 cm. Fiche Number: 1.1.8195. 1224.NC Series: General Collection: Economics. The Nineteenth Century Home Page. About The Nineteenth Century | Chadwyck-Healey Home Page. Send your queries to our Webmaster. Copyright (c) 1998 Chadwyck-Healey Ltd
MACLEOD, HENRY DUNNING, Elements of Political Economy. 1858.
MACLEOD, HENRY DUNNING, Institute of Bankers in Scotland lectures on credit and banking. Delivered at the request of the Council of the Institute of Bankers in Scotland by Henry Dunning Macleod, ... Imprint: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer. 1882, London. Pagination: xi,[1],118,24p. 8o. 1292.NC Series: General Collection: Economics. Author: Macleod, Henry Dunning, 1821-1902. Notes: Half-title reads: Credit and banking. - With a 24-page advertisement for works published by Longmans, Green & Co. Subject Headings: Institute of Bankers in Scotland. Banks and banking. Credit. Variant Title: Credit and banking. British Library Shelfmark: 8229.bbb.42. Fiche Quantity: 2 fiches; 11x15 cm. Fiche Number: 1.1.8374. The Nineteenth Century Home Page. About The Nineteenth Century | Chadwyck-Healey Home Page. Send your queries to our Webmaster. Copyright (c) 1998 Chadwyck-Healey Ltd - Also just listed as: Lectures on Credit and Banking, 1882.
MACLEOD, HENRY DUNNING, The Elements of Banking. 1 vol., 10 eds. by 1891. - Longmans, Green, and Co., 1876. London. Pagination: [2], 270, [2], 32p. 8o. Subject Headings: Banks and banking. 1285.NC Series: General Collection: Economics. Notes: With an advertisement for works by the author and 36 pages of advertisements for works published by Longmans, Green, and Co. British Library Shelfmark: 8227.aaa.52. Fiche Quantity: 4 fiches; 11x15 cm. Fiche Number: 1.1.8367. The Nineteenth Century Home Page. About The Nineteenth Century | Chadwyck-Healey Home Page. Send your queries to our Webmaster. Copyright (c) 1998 Chadwyck-Healey Ltd.
MACLEOD, HENRY DUNNING, The Elements of Economics. 2 Vols. 1881-86.
MACLEOD, HENRY DUNNING, The elements of political economy. Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, and Roberts. 1858, London. Pagination: xliv, 573,[1]p. 8o. 1221.NC Series: General Collection: Economics. Subject Headings: Economics - Handbooks, manuals, etc. British Library Shelfmark: 8205.d.19. Fiche Quantity: 7 fiches; 11x15 cm. Fiche Number: 1.1.8192. Author: Macleod, Henry Dunning, 1821-1904. The Nineteenth Century Home Page. About The Nineteenth Century | Chadwyck-Healey Home Page. Send your queries to our Webmaster. Copyright (c) 1998 Chadwyck-Healey Ltd.
MACLEOD, HENRY DUNNING, The history of economics. London, Bliss, Sands and Co., 1896. Pagination: xv,[1],690p. 8o. 1214.NC Series: General Collection: Economics. Subject Headings: Economics - History. Notes: With an advertisement for works by the author. British Library Shelfmark: 2240.bb.4. Author: Macleod, Henry Dunning, 1821-1904. Fiche Quantity: 8 fiches; 11x15 cm. Fiche Number: 1.1.8159. The Nineteenth Century Home Page. About The Nineteenth Century - Chadwyck-Healey Home Page. Send your queries to our Webmaster. Copyright (c) 1998 Chadwyck-Healey Ltd
MACLEOD, HENRY DUNNING, The Principles of Economical Philosophy. Two Vols. 1872-75.
MACLEOD, HENRY DUNNING, The Theory and Practice of Banking. London, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1855, 1866, 1883, 4th ed., 2 vols, 1886, 1892, 1894, 1923. London, Longmans. - Groseclose ET AL. - The theory and practice of banking: with the elementary principles of currency; prices; credit; and exchanges. 1255.NC Series: General Collection: Economics. Imprint: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, London, 1855, 1856. Pagination: 2v. (xxiv,436;lxxxvii, [1],542p.). 8o. Subject Headings: Banks and banking. Credit. Currency question. Foreign exchange. Prices. British Library Shelfmark: 8227.h.33. Fiche Quantity: 12 fiches; 11x15 cm. Fiche Number: 1.1.8286. Author: Macleod, Henry Dunning, 1821-1902. The Nineteenth Century Home Page. About The Nineteenth Century | Chadwyck-Healey Home Page. Send your queries to - - Bd. I. London 1858. 60 153 - „Theorie und Praxis des Bankwesens: mit den elementaren Grundsätzen der Umlaufsmittel, Preise, des Kredits und Wechselgeschäfts.“ - Karl Marx.
MACLEOD, HENRY DUNNING, The Theory of Credit. (2 vols.), London, 1889-94. - GOLLIN & MILLER. 2nd. ed. 1894, London, Longmans, Green, and Co. - Selgin.
MacMANIMON, ANDREW, The Ethical Implications of Monetary Manipulation. 13 pp. essay of 2009 ATLAS competition. Online at ATLAS.
MACMANUS, T.; NELSON, R.; & PHILLIPS, C., Banking and the Business Cycle. New York, Macmillan, 1937. - Barry N. Siegel, Money in Crisis.
MACMASTER, JOHN B., Wildcat Banking in the Teens. ATLANTIC MONTHLY, Vol. LXXII (1893). - Redlich.
MACMILLAN COMMITTEE, THE, Report, 1931. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
MACPHERSON, C. B., The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism: Hobbes to Locke. (Oxford 1962). - “For the intellectual framework to Locke's economic contributions.” - Cottrell & Anderson, Money & Banking in England.
MACPHERSON, DAVID, Annals of Commerce, Manufactures, Fisheries, and Navigation, etc. 4 vols. London, 1805. - Bogart, The Ec. Hist. of the U.S. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MACQUARIE, LACHLAN, A Letter to the Right Honourable Viscount Sidmouth. London, 1821. - HOLDER, Bk of NSW.
MACRAE, C. DUNCAN, A Political Model of the Business Cycle. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 85 (April 1977): 239-63. - White, Competition & Currency.
MACRAE, N., The London Capital Market. London, 1955. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
MADDEN, CARL H., The Money Side of the Street. New York: Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1959. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking.
MADELAINE, Sister M. GRACE, Monetary & Banking Theories of the Jacksonian Democracy Philadelphia, 1943 - Remini., - publ. by Kennikat, 1970.
MADISON, CHARLES A., Anarchism in the United States. JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF IDEAS, VI, January, 1945, 46-66. - James J. Martin, Men Against the State. - As yet there was never enough enlightened, tolerant and sufficiently publicized anarchism - there, either. Anarchists should be tolerant towards voluntary and tolerant Statists, doing their things only towards themselves and should demand the same freedom for themselves. Through their intolerance they have greatly contributed to the false image most of the public has of them, namely as violent terrorists and bomb-throwers. - J.Z., 30.6.10.
MADISON, CHARLES A., Benjamin R. Tucker: Individualist and Anarchist. NEW ENGLAND QUARTERLY, XVI (September, 1943), 444-467. - James J. Martin, Men Against the State.
MADISON, JAMES, Letters and Other Writings of James Madison. New York, 1884. - Carothers, Fractional Money.
MADOX, T., The History and Antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England. London, 1769. 2nd ed. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
MAGEE, JAMES D., Historical Analogy to the Fight Against Par Collection. 1923. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 31(3) (June). - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
MAGEE, S. P. & RAO, R. K. S., Vehicle and Non-Vehicle Currencies in International Trade. AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, May 1980. - Cowen & Kroszner, The Evolution of Media of Account.
MAGNIS, NICHOLAS E., JR., & PICKELL, BARRY, Credit Card Banking. BANKERS MONTHLY (London), Nov. 15, 1966, pp.31-33, 45-46. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972.
MAGNUS, ALBERTUS, Ethica. Liber V, Dract. II, caput IX, caput X, in Diehl & Mombert, Wert und Preis I, 1912, S.31.
MAHLBERG, W., Zum Neubau des Kredits. Leipzig, 1924. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
MAHLER, E. H., Warenhäuser. In: Handbuch der Schweizerischen Volkswirtschaft. Bd.II, S.341ff., & S.530ff., Bern 1939 (zit. Mahler I). - Lautner, Der „WIR“ Verrechnungsverkehr, 1964.
MAHRAD, AHMAD, Kriegsfinanzierung durch währungspolitische Manipulationen im I. Weltkrieg. 1970, reproduced in Information, Zukunfts- und Friedensforschung, I/II,1976, pp.9-17. - Reports not only a particular application of monetary despotism, but, by the way, that in Persia there has been free and private coinage of silver for a long time. - J.Z. - JZL
MAIN STREET JOURNAL, THE, a lively monthly "dedicated to keeping local government obedient to the Constitution." Edited by F. Tupper Saussy. Spencer Judd, Publishers, Post Office Box 143, Sewanee, TN 37375. - “The only periodical in the world reporting how citizens are asserting their economic rights on Main Street.” - Alas, he, too, is still far from acknowledging and publicizing all rights and liberties. - J.Z., 30.6.10.
MAIN, JACKSON T., The Social Structure of Revolutionary America. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1965. - Woodford, Detroit & its Banks.
MAIN, JACKSON TURNER, The Antifederalists, Critics of the Constitution, 1781-1788. Chapel Hill, N.C., 1961. - Sharp, James Roger: The Jacksonians versus the Banks.
MAISEL, S. J., Risk and Capital Adequacy in Commercial Banks. (1981) Chicago: University of Chicago Press. - Dowd
MAISEL, SHERMAN J., Managing the Dollar. 1973. New York: W. W. Norton & Co. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking. - “Mismanaging the Dollar.” Or: “Wrongful Manipulation of the Dollar”. - would be more descriptive titles. - J.Z., 30.6.10.
MAISON, N., Reminiscences of Bureau County. Princeton, Illinois, 1872. - McGrane, The Panic of 1837.
MAITLAND, F. W., Domesday Book and Beyond. Cambridge, 1907. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
MAITLAND, JAMES, 8th Earl of Lauderdale, An Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Public Wealth. New York, August M. Kelley, 1962. Originally published in 1804. - Thomas Sowell, Say’s Law.
MAITLAND, JAMES, 8th Earl of Lauderdale, Three Letters to the Duke of Wellington, London, John Murray, 1829. - Thomas Sowell, Say’s Law.
MAKINEN, GAIL E. &WOODWARD, G. THOMAS, Some Anecdotal Evidence Relating to the Legal Restrictions Theory of the Demand for Money." 1986. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 94 (April): 260-65. - Selgin, The Evolution of a Free Banking System.
MALACHI MALAGROWTHER (Sir Walter Scott), Thoughts on the Proposed Change of Currency, &c. Edinburgh, 1826. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
MALCOLM, ROBERT, Short Essays on a Gold Note Currency. New York, 1858. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
MALISPINI, RICORDANO, Istoria di Fiorenza. Bologna,1867. pp.334. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MALLALIEU, WILLIAM C, & AKURAL, SABRI M., Kentucky Banks in the Crisis Decade: 1834-1844. REGISTER OF THE KENTUCKY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, LXV (October, 1967). - Sharp, James Roger: The Jacksonians versus the Banks.
MALMESBURY, WILLIAM of, Chronicles of Malmesbury. See: WILLIAM. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MALMESBURY, WILLIAM of, Gesta Regum Auglorum. London, 1840. 2 vols. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MALONE, DUMAS, Jefferson and His Time. Volume 1: Jefferson the Virginian, Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1948. - Volume 2: Jefferson and the Rights of Man, 1951. - Leslie Snyder, Justice or Revolution.
MALTHUS, THOMAS ROBERT, Definitions in Political Economy. London, John Murray, 1827. Chapter vi, & his glossary on pp. 244-47. - Thomas Sowell, Say’s Law.
MALTHUS, THOMAS ROBERT, Occasional Papers, on Ireland, Population and Political Economy, from contemporary journals, written anonymously and hitherto uncollected. Ed. & with an introduction by Bernard Semmel, Burt Franklin, New York, 1963, 281pp. - JZL.
MALTHUS, THOMAS ROBERT, Principles of Political Economy. 2nd. edition, New York, Augustus M. Kelley, Inc., 1951. Originally published in 1832. Book II, Chapter I. - Thomas Sowell, Say’s Law.
MAMIS, ROBERT A., Trade Secrets: Good old-fashioned barter. INC, 8/82, 4pp, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 865.
MANCINI, LIBERO, Catalogo Italiana della Catamoneta 1746-1966. Bologna 1976. - Albert Pick
MANDEVILLE, SIR JOHN, Travels. ca. 1322. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
MANES, Prof. ALFRED, Staatsbankrotte, wirtschaftliche und rechtliche Betrachtungen. 1918, 3. Aufl., 1922, 290 S., 29x, in PEACE PLANS 635.
MANES, Prof. ALFRED, Staatsbanktheorie. Wirtschaftliche und rechtliche Betrachtungen, Berlin, 1919. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank. - 3.veränderte Auflage, 1922, Verlag von Karl Siegismund, Berlin, 288 S. - JZL.
MANHATTAN REPORT ON ECONOMIC POLICY, Is Central Banking Obsolete? Vol. IV, No. 3, 1984, 24pp: 1.) GREENWOOD, JOHN G., The Japanese Experiment in Monetarism, 1974-1985, 3 pages. 2.) The History of Central Banking, an Interview with RICHARD TIMBERLAKE, by JOE COBB, 5 pages. T. is also mentioned as author of “Origins of Central Banking in the United States, Harvard University Press, 1978. Joe Cobb is mentioned as staff economist at the U.S. House Banking Committee and as Executive Director of the U.S. Choice in Currency Commission. 3.) CLARK, ANDREW P., The Denationalization of Money. 2pp, 4.) The Future of Monetary Institutions: A Roundtable Discussion, among PHILLIP CAGAN, RICHARD HOEY, WILLIAM POOLE, ALAN REYNOLDS & LAWRENCE WHITE, 9 pages. - I microfiched it, 36x, in PEACE PLANS 640. - JZL.
MANHATTAN REPORT, Special Edition, Alternative International Monetary Systems. International Centre for Economic Policy Studies, New York, Vol. I, No. 4, June 1981, 12pp. - JZL. 29x. in PEACE PLANS 544.
MANIPULATIONEN IM I. WELTKRIEG, 1970, reproduced in Information, Zukunfts- und Friedensforschung, I/II, 1976, pp.9-17. - Reports not only a particular application of monetary despotism, but, by the way, that in Persia there has been free and private coinage of silver for a long time. J.Z. JZL. See also under MAHRAD, AHMAD.
MANKIW, N. G., The allocation of credit and financial collapse. (1987) QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 101: 455-70. - Dowd
MANLEY, R., A translation from the Dutch of Caron's Japan. London, 1663. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MANN F. A., The Legal Aspect of Money with special reference to Comparative Private and Public International Law. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1971. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies. - 4th ed. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982) - Steven L. Green, July 86. - Cowen & Kroszner, The Evolution of Media of Account.
MANN, FREDERICK, Dismantling the U.S. Federal Reserve System. 1995, copyrighted, 15pp, in PEACE PLANS 1615, Feb. 2000, p.118.
MANN, FREDERICK, Money as a Weapon to Dominate and Control. 2pp, in PEACE PLANS 18, NEW edition, p.125.
MANN, FREDERICK, The Economic Means to Freedom. - The Economic Means to Freedom - A series of essays by Frederick Mann. It was one of a number of resources on libertarianism at the BuildFreedom.com website. - www.buildfreedom.com/ - Roy Davies
MANN, FREDERICK, Why You Need Gold, Silver, and Alternative Banking. 1993/94, copyrighted, 7pp, in PEACE PLANS 1615, Feb. 2000, p.111. - This article contains: ROBERTSON, JIM, Practical Considerations in Buying and Selling Gold. 4pp.
MANN, FREDERICK, You Can Profit from the Golden Revolution! # 1, 2001, 5pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.577. - www.bigbooster.com/7million/wealthbooster.php?referrer=1 - # 2, 3pp, in PEACE PLANS 18, NEW edition, p.122. - # 3, 5pp, ibid, p.127. - Are these gold accounts covered by & redeemable by the account provider, in physical gold, upon demand, or does the market value of, e.g., one ounce of gold, just serve as a standard for the account, for clearing purposes? I fear the former is the case. - J.Z., 15.4.01. - Only on a free gold market should a value-carrier (exchange medium) be exchangeable into its value standard, at par or close to par with its nominal value. To tie the quantity of exchange media to the quantity of value standard units available is absurdly and wrongfully limiting free exchanges. - J.Z., 24.2.02. - Three great advantages of using gold weight units merely as a value standard, not as a cover and redemption medium are: 1.) It is much cheaper. As much gold does not have to be acquired and kept in readiness. 2.) It does not impose any quantity restrictions upon the number and total value of exchanges that are so measured and brought about. 3.) No gold stock exists that any government can wrongly confiscate, once again. - J.Z., 12.7.10.
MANN, FRITZ ALEXANDER, The Legal Aspect of Money, Clarendon Press, 1953. In State Library of NSW. (I checked it out at least twice and found it no good for my purposes. It is just full of legal terms and definitions that did not help my economic understanding. However, a legal mind might get something of value out of it. - J.Z.)
MANN, MAURICE, How Does Monetary Policy Affect the Economy? Federal Reserve Board Staff Economic Study, Washington, D. C. 1968. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972.
MANN, THOMAS, Inflation: The Witches Sabbath." ENCOUNTER, February 1975. p.63. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation. ) - This lecture was originally given in 1942. - Bruce Bartlett.
MANNE, HEBRY G. & MILLER, ROGER LEROY, Gold, Money and the Law. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co., 1975. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
MANNERS, RON & KITCHING, RON, Gold ‘n Dollars. The Chile-Kalgoorlie Connection. Lessons for Free-Enterprise for Australia. A two-part address, Brisbane, 21.2.94, 60pp. - JZL.
MANSFIELD, JOHN B., History of the Great Lakes. 2 vols. Chicago: Beers & Co., 1894. - Woodford, Detroit & its Banks. - Unless it is a geology or fishery report, should it not rather be called: History of the people around the Great Lakes? - J.Z.
MANYPENNY, GEORGE W., Papers. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. - SHADE, G. W. (1972), Manuscripts.
MAO, KING-ON, History of Chinese Paper-Currency. Volume 1: Notes issued by the Central Bank of China 1923-1949, Hongkong 1968. - Volume 2: Occidental Banks in China from 1854-1973, Hongkong 1977. - Albert Pick
MAO, KING-ON, History of Paper Currency as issued by the Peoples Republic of China from 1921-1965. Hong Kong 1972. - Albert Pick - The propaganda term of a totalitarian regime for itself should not be thoughtlessly copied. - J.Z., 30.6.10.
MARCUS, Dr. A., Grundlagen der modernen Metallwirtschaft. - Max Franzke, Untergang der Welt-Goldwährung? 1931.
MARCUS, EDWARD, The Impact of Credit Cards on Demand Deposit Utilization. SOUTHERN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, April 1960, pp.314-16. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972.
MARCUS, Remarks on Private Banking. 1818. Albany, N.Y., E. & E. Hosford. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MARCUSE, P., Notenbankwesen in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Leipzig 1907. - Obst.
MARGET, ARTHUR W., Prosperity and Depression. - Prosperity and Depression - United Nations. Lake Success, New York. 1946 - Online at the Mises Institute. - Another confusing title entry in the Mises Institute list or a mistake in my copying? - This may be a review by A. W. M. of a book by G. H. - J.Z.
MARGET, ARTHUR W., The Loan Fund: A Pecuniary Approach to the Problem of the Determination of the Rate of Interest. 1926. Dissertation, Harvard University. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
MARGET, ARTHUR W., The Present State of Interest Theory and Mr. Keynes. AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW Supplement - round-table discussion - of March 1938: 72. - Egger, The Ills of Capitalism. - Was Egger aware of the ills of State Capitalism or of State Socialism and that what he calls Capitalism and imagines to be Anarcho-Capitalism or Genuine Laissez Faire Capitalism - is, largely, the mixed economy resulting from all too much State Interventionism? - J.Z., 30.6.10.
MARGET, ARTHUR W., The Theory of Prices: A Reexamination of the Central Problems of Monetary Theory. Prentice-Hall, New York, Prentice-Hall, vol. I 1938, vol. II 1942. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition. - Vol. I. - The Theory of Prices: A Re-Examination of the Central Problems of Monetary Theory, Vol. I - Augustus M. Kelley, New York, 1964, 1966. - Online at the Mises Institute.
MARIANA, JUAN DE, De Mutatione Monetae. (On the Changing Value of Money.) One of the Tractatus Septem. Cologne, 1609. "Accused of attacking the sovereign power of Spain in his criticism of its fiscal policies, Mariana was tried in 1609 by the Spanish Inquisition and acquitted." - The Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, ed. by Paul Edwards, MacMillan & The Free Press, 1967. He was "a strong advocate of the power of the people" but of "all possessions held in common", as well. Qld. U, History Dept. See also under Ullastres. - This in spite of the fact of the daily experience that it does not work very well within many nuclear families, especially among the children of nuclear families, far less within extended families. - J.Z., 30.6.10.
MARIO J. RIZZO, Time, Uncertainty, and Disequilibrium. (ed.) (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1979. - White, Competition & Currency.
MARK, JEFFREY, The Modern Idolatry, being an Analysis of Usury & The Pathology of Debt. Libertarian Social Institute, Bombay, n.d., 230pp. - At least some authors indicate their errors and prejudices already in their titles. - For that one should be grateful to them. - J.Z., 18.3.10. - JZL.
MARKER, RICHARD A., The IMF - Engine of Inflation, The Future of Currencies and Gold and How You Can Survive and Profit. California: Forecaster Publishing Company, 1975. - Antony C. Sutton, The War on Gold. - As if each “national” government, via its central bank’s note issue monopoly and legal tender laws could not make its own inflation. - J.Z., 14.4.10.
MARKOVITZ, MORRIS J., Fractional vs. 100% Reserve Banking. THE FREEMAN, 6/88, 4pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.189. Also in PEACE PLANS 791. (More legible copy than the one reproduced with Jim Stumm's comment in PEACE PLANS 787.) - Anything that can be agreed-upon between free people. But nothing should be promised or expected that cannot be delivered. - J.Z., 30.5.10.
MARKOVITZ, MORRIS J., I$ Inflation Here to $tay? THE FREEMAN, Apr. 74, 5pp. in PEACE PLANS 804. - One of the few articles that clearly recognizes legal tender as a precondition for inflation. - J.Z.
MARKWALD, ARNOLD, Soll die Reichsbank verstaatlicht werden? Berlin 1889. - Obst. - War sie es nicht schon durch ihre gesetzlich gegebenen Privilegien? - J.Z., 14.3.10.
MAROTTA, MICHAEL E., Money Without Government & Banks. - Money Without Government & Banks by Michael E. Marotta. - www.limunltd.com/numismatica/articles/money-without-government.html - This article was originally published in PRACTICAL ANARCHY, November 1993. - Roy Davies. - 2pp, in PEACE PLANS 1661, February 2001, p.31. - mercury@well.com - Originally from PRACTICAL ANARCHY, Nov. 93, edited by Bill Smith, - wfs5572@tamsun.tamu.edu - NUMISMATICA. - Again in PEACE PLANS 1664 & 1665.
MARPERGER, PAUL JACOB, Beschreibung der Banken. Hamburg 1717. - Obst.
MARPLES BUSINESS ROUNDUP, Toward Universal Credit Cards. Oct. 1966. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972.
MARQFOY, GUSTAVE, La Banque de France dans ses Rapports avec le Crédit et la Circulation. Paris: Guillaumin, 1862. - SMITH, VERA C.
MARSCHAK, J., Money Illusion and Demand Analysis. THE REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STATISTICS, vol. XXV, p.40. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
MARSH, D. B., World Trade and Investment: 1951. - K. Ryan, 1990
MARSHALL, ALFRED, Money, Credit, and Commerce. Macmillan & Co., London, 1923. - New York, Augustus M. Kelley, 1965. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling. - Norman Angell, The Story of Money, 1934. - O’Driscoll, Jr.
MARSHALL, ALFRED, Official Papers. London: Macmillan, 1926. - Friedman, M., Money Mischief.
MARSHALL, ALFRED, Principles of Economies. Vol.1. London, 1890; 4th ed., 1898. - Bogart, The Ec. Hist. of the U.S.
MARSHALL, Handbuch der Volkswirtschaftslehre. Anmerkung über Ricardos Werttheorie. (Titel & S.477-486). Nach der 4 Aufl, übersetzt von Hugo Ephraim und Arthur Salz., Stuttgart & Berlin, 1905. - In: DIEHL & MOMBERT, 5.Band, Wert & Preis II, S.225. 1920, Karlsruhe i.B., G. Braunsche Hofbuchdruckerei und Verlag.
MARSHALL, L. C., Readings in Industrial Society. Univ. of Chicago Press, 1918. A Study of Evolution of Welfare Economics up to the World War Period. - Smitley, Popular Financial Delusions, 1933.
MARSHALL, LYNN L., The Authorship of Jackson's Bank Veto Message. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY HISTORICAL REVIEW, L (December, 1963), 466-77. - Sharp, James Roger: The Jacksonians versus the Banks. - JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY, L (December, 1963), 466-77. - Temin. - In both journals on the same pages? - J.Z.)
MARSHALL, LYNN L., The Genesis of Grassroots Democracy in Kentucky. MID-AMERICA: AN HISTORICAL REVIEW, XLVII (October, 1965), 269-87. - Sharp, James Roger: The Jacksonians versus the Banks.
MARSHALL, TOM, contribution in A WAY OUT, Jan., Feb. 1966, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 564.
MARTIN, DAVID A., The Impact of Mid-Nineteenth Century Gold Depreciation upon Western Monetary Standards. JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN ECONOMIC HISTORY 6 (Winter 1977): 641-58. - Friedman, M., Money Mischief.
MARTIN, HENRI, Decline of the French Monarchy. Engl. transl. Boston, 1866. 2 v. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MARTIN, HENRI, Histoire de France. Paris, 1862. 17 vols. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MARTIN, J. B., The 'Grasshopper' in Lombard Street. (1892). - Cottrell & Anderson, Money …
MARTIN, J. G., Twenty-One Years in the Boston Stock Market. (1856) Redding and Company. - DOWD, The State & the Monetary System.
MARTIN, JAMES J. & NORMAN, ADRIAN R. D., The Computerized Society. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1970. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972. - Luckily, we are not quite there as yet. - J.Z., 15.4.10.
MARTIN, JAMES J., American Prophets (I): Josiah Warren. LIBERATION, II (December, 1957), 10-14. - James J. Martin, Men Against the State.
MARTIN, JAMES J., Men Against the State: The Expositors of Individualist Anarchism in America, 1827-1908. - Men Against the State: The Expositers of Individualist Anarchism in America, 1827-1908 - 1953, Libertarian Book Club, N.Y., 1957. - Ralph Myles Publisher Inc., Colorado Springs, 1970, 314pp., indexed, with bibliography. - JZL. - Online at the Mises Institute. - Should be “expositors”. My father, in 1980, with the Mackay Gesellschaft he started, brought out a German edition of this book in two volumes. The printer managed to produce these volumes in different sizes! - J.Z.
MARTIN, JOHN B., An Inquiry into the History, Functions, and Fluctuations of the Bank Note Circulation in the United Kingdom, Continental Europe, and the United States. JOURN. INT. BANKERS, I, 273-341, London, 1880. (FB? Should at least bring interesting historical material. - J.Z.)
MARTIN, JOSEPH G., One Hundred Years of the Boston Stock Market. Boston: Privately Printed, 1897.
MARTIN, PAUL C. & WALTER LUEFTL, Die Formen für den Staatsbankrott, am Beispiel des finanziellen Endes der Republic Österreich. Wirtschaftsverlag Langen-Müller/Herbig, 1984, 92 S. JZL. fb?
MARTIN, PAUL C., & LÜFTL, WALTER, Die Pleite. Staatsschulden, Währungskrise und Betrug am Sparer. Wirtschaftsverlag Langen-Müller/Herbig, 1984, 416 S. - JZL.
MARTIN, PAUL C., Klartext. Beobachtungen aus der Endzeit des sozialliberalen Versuchs. Wirtschaftsverlag Langen-Müller/Herbig, 1982, 128 S. - In skimming through his writings I noticed nothing on the monetary and financial freedom alternatives. That the situation under territorial statism is bad and that it leaves only all too few freedom options - is nothing new. Prophets of doom seem to have always a ready market for their output. - J.Z., 9.4.10. - JZL.
MARTIN, PAUL C., Sachwert schlägt Geldwert. Wirtschaftsverlag Langen-Müller/Herbig, 1983, 357 S. - JZL. - Nur ein kurzer Auszug, als Buchhinweis, 6 S., 29x in PEACE PLANS 738. Das Buch erschien im Wirtschaftsverlag Langen-Müller/Herbig. (M. befürwortet, hier, Geldfreiheit, insbesondere auf S.150-52.) - JZL. (Are there monetary freedom ideas contained in his other works, too? I have seen no evidence of that as yet but then I have only bought and skimmed them. - J.Z.)
MARTIN, PAUL C., Wann kommt der Staatsbankrott. (Kein Fragezeichen!) 1982, 1983, 1984. Wirtschaftsverlag Langen-Müller/Herbig, 389 S. - See also: LÜFTL, WALTER & MARTIN, PAUL C. - JZL. FB?
MARTIN, PAUL, Die Bank von England nebst Beiträgen zu ihrer Diskontpolitik seit dem Jahre 1844. Berlin 1899. - Obst. - Mit Diskontierungen von gesunden Geschäftspapieren, ursprünglich „real bills“, im Verfahren der „real bills doctrine“, sollte keine „Politik“ gemacht werden, sondern nur das Geschäft eines gesunden Umsatzkredits. - Wer mit Territorial-„Politik“ „Geschäfte“ macht, der versteht von beiden nicht genug und richtet daher unvermeidlich viel Unrecht und Schaden an. - J.Z., 14.3.10.
MARTIN, PETER, How damned lies hit the consumer price index. - Just a short but interesting article in THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, March 31, 2010, on the inaccuracies of determining “the” CPI for Australia. It can certainly not make up for all the wrongs and harm done by the over-issue of legal tender monopoly money, which people are not free to refuse, discount or replace. - J.Z., 9.4.10. - JZL.
MARTIN, R. MONTGOMERY, China: Political, Commercial, and Social. In an Official Report to Her Majesty's Government. London, 1847. - Temin.
MARTIN, W. E., Internal Improvements in Alabama. JOHNS HOPKINS STUDIES, Vol. XX. - McGrane, The Panic of 1837.
MARTIN-ALEXANDER LUMBER CO., v. JOHNSON, Arkansas, 1902. A truck payment case, 2pp, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 731.
MARTINEAU, HARRIET, Berkeley the Banker. 1933. See the PEACE PLANS 701-705 edition of her Illustrations of Political Economy. I wasn't impressed by her opinions on note issuing banks. - J.Z.)
MARTINEAU, HARRIET, Society in America. 2 vols. London, New York, 1837. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960. - Sharp, James Roger: The Jacksonians versus the Banks.
MARTINO, ANTONIO, Constraining Inflationary Government: A Lesson from Italy. Unpublished manuscript (1982). - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
MARTINO, ANTONIO, Toward Monetary Stability? 1984. ECONOMIA INTERNATIONALE 37, 1-16.
MARX, KARL, & ENGELS, FRIEDRICH, Communist Manifesto: Socialist Landmark. A new appreciation. Written for the Labour Party by Harold J. Laski, together with the original text and prefaces, London, 1948. - GOLLIN, The Commonwealth Bank of Australia. - For more than a century most leftist minds were dulled and misled by the writings of K. M. & F. M. - J.Z., 26.4.10. - When will we finally arrive at a really enlightened age and what steps are we prepared to take to speed up its arrival? I would gladly send the draft of my latest book on this subject, in digitized and zipped form to anyone interested. - J.Z., 30.6.10.
MARX, KARL, & ENGELS, FRIEDRICH, German passages on their monetary despotism. 1p, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.653. - I managed to repeat this page on sheet 771! - My rough & instant translation: A) Communist Manifesto, 1946 Schwerin edition: "The proletariat will use its political domination to deprive the Bourgeois gradually of all capital, and to centralize all means of production in the hands of the State, that is, the proletariats organized as ruling class and to multiply the quantity of the means of production as fast as possible. This can be done differently for different countries. For the most advanced countries, however, the following will be rather generally applied: … 5.) Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly. - - - B) From: Wage Labor & Capital, by Karl Marks, Reclam, Leipzig, Demands of the KPD: Point 10: A State bank takes the place of all private banks. Its paper has legal tender. - This measure makes it possible to regulate credit affairs in the interest of the whole people and, thereby, undermines the Rule of the great financiers. By gradually replacing gold and silver by paper money it cheapens the essential instrument of bourgeois exchange, the general means of exchange and permits gold and silver to be used externally. This measure is required to bind the interests of the conservative bourgeois to the government. - The Committee, Karl Marx, Karl Schapper, H. Bauer, F. Engels, J. Moll, W. Wolff."
MARX, KARL, &. ENGELS, FRIEDRICH, Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei. London 1848. Manifest der Kommunisten. - J. D. Unwin, Hopousia, 1940.
MARX, KARL, A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. 1970b. New York: International Publishers. - Frank Vorhies. - A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy - C. H. Kerr 1904, 314. - At least his remark on legal tender money is correct. - J.Z.)
MARX, KARL, AUTORENKOLLEKTIV MARX-ARBEITSGRUPPE HISTORIKER, Schulungstext zur Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie. Erweiterte & verbesserte Auflage, Berlin, kein Datum, 204 S. - JZL.
MARX, KARL, Capital, Vol. I, 1867. - Capital, Vol. II, 1895. Vol. III, 1909, by Kerr & Co., Chicago. Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935. - Thomas Sowell, Say’s Law, refers to Chapter xv of Vol. III. - MARX, KARL, Capital. (Transl. E. and C. Paul.) - J. D. Unwin, Hopousia, 1940. - MARX, KARL, Capital. Everyman Edn. 1930. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies. - MARX, KARL, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy (3 vols.), ed. by F. Engels, Chicago, 1909-13. - GOLLIN, The Commonwealth Bank of A. - Capital, vols. 1-3. 1967a, b, c, 1967, New York: International Publishers. - Frank Vorhies
MARX, KARL, Contribution to a Critique of Political Economy. 1904. London, July, 1935. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
MARX, KARL, Das Elend der Philosophie. (1847) - GRÜNES LAND, Inflation und Arbeitslosigkeit sind Betrug mit Falschgeld, 1974. - (Gesellians! - J.Z.)
MARX, KARL, Discours sur la question du libre echange." [Rede über die Frage des Freihandels.] 15. For over two hundred centuries most Free Traders have overlooked the money and currency aspects of Free Trade. One should have expected such oversights from Protectionist but not from consistent Free Traders. Only under full monetary and financial freedom would Free Trade be a genuinely Free Trade. Under monetary and financial despotism, like in internal trading, it does encounter problems. These problems are not inherent in Free Trade and Monetary and Financial Freedom but inherent in Monetary and Financial Despotism. Half a freedom or half a right is just not good enough.
MARX, KARL, Early Writings. (ed. by T. B. Bottomore) London 1963. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
MARX, KARL, Grundrisse der Kritik der politischen Ökonomie. (Rohentwurf) 1857-1858, mit Anhang, 1850-1859, Europäische Verlagsanstalt Frankfurt, Europa Verlag Wien, Nachdruck der Moskauer Ausgabe von 1939 and 1941, mit einigen Korrekturen. - Wie sehr wurde die Moskauer Ausgabe unter Stalin zensiert? Veröffentlichungsdatum dieser Ausgabe nicht angegeben. 1102 S., mit Namensverzeichnis. Ich werde die von ihm zitierten Werken nicht ausziehen. Aber sogar er hatte einige gute Sätze über Geld und Zwangskurs zu bieten. Die Literatur über ihn und seine Schriften und Ideen ist schon sehr gross - aber has sie irgendetwas Rechtmässiges und Gutes erreicht? - J.Z., 12.3.10. - JZL. - Grundrisse. 1973. New York: Vintage Books. - Frank Vorhies
MARX, KARL, Lohn, Preis und Profit. Vortrag von 1865. (Titel und S.17-46). In: DIEHL & MOMBERT, 5.Band, Wert & Preis II, S.87. 1920, Karlsruhe i.B., G. Braunsche Hofbuchdruckerei und Verlag.
MARX, KARL, Lohnarbeit und Kapital. "NEUE RHEINISCHE ZEITUNG", Köln, April 1849. 15. - Most of the times and in most countries workers, capitalists and entrepreneurs, wholesalers and retailers were largely made dependent upon the State’s monopoly money and the State’s manipulation of its “value standard”. Instead of uniting against this wrongful and anti-economic imposition, they blamed and fought each other each other in many ways. Almost all people are still directly or indirectly victimized by monetary despotism and its effects - without being clearly aware of this. - J.Z., 30.5.10.
MARX, KARL, Manuscrits de 1857-1858. ("Grundrisse") Tome I, Paris. Editions Sociales, 1980, pp 49-75. - Nataf
MARX, KARL, Marx Grundrisse. Selected and Translated by D. McLellan. London 1971. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
MARX, KARL, Selected Essays. Translated by H. J. Stenning, Leonard Parsons, London. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
MARX, KARL, Selected works. Vol. 2. 1969. With F. Engels. Moscow: Progress Publishers. - Frank Vorhies
MARX, KARL, Selected Writings. 1977. ed. D. McLellan. Oxford: Oxford University Press. - Frank Vorhies
MARX, KARL, The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844. 1964. New York: International Publishers. - Frank Vorhies
MARX, KARL, The German Ideology. 1970a. With F. Engels. New York: International Publishers. - Frank Vorhies. - German, like other people, have many different ideologies in their minds. None is quite specific to any “nation”. Each is independent of frontiers. Only mere legislation can enforce certain notions in certain territories. - J.Z., 30.5.10.
MARX, KARL, The Marx-Engels Reader. 1978. ed. R.C. Tucker. With F. Engels. New York: W.W. Norton. - Frank Vorhies
MARX, KARL, Theories of Surplus Value. New York, International Publishers, 1952), pp.368-414. - “Here is the largest single piece of Marx's crisis theory and criticism of Say's Law found in any one place.” - Thomas Sowell, Say’s Law. - Theories of Surplus Value, 1971. part 3. Moscow: Progress Publishers. - Frank Vorhies. - To have been attacked by Karl Marx is, almost, a recommendation. - J.Z., 5.4.10. - The „surplus“ profit or extra earnings that everybody could gain by quite free exchanges - is still largely ignored today. -J.Z., 20.5.10. - Likewise the “surplus profit that most present workers and employers could gain by introducing one or the other self-management, partnership or cooperative ownership system, one that would get them away from the employer-employee relationship, not to speak from the dependence upon the State as the only employer. - Marxism has held up economic progress for over a century and still does. It was and still is a plague for all proletarians and other workers, tradesmen and professionals, also all employers, independent contractors, traders and owners. Its words “product”, central banking, with its forced and exclusive currency, is still universally and territorially applied and has led and still leads to numerous economic and political catastrophes. - J.Z., 12.7.10.
MARX, KARL, Zur Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie. Erstes Heft, Volksausgabe, Dietz Verlag Berlin, 1951. - Indexiert, mit Literatur- Namesverzeichnis, 318 S. - Seine interessante Bemerkung über den Zwangskurs, als die natürlichen Gesetze des Geldes verkappend, steht auf S 128/29 dieser Ausgabe. Unter kommunistischer Diktatur veröffentlicht, daher, wahrscheinlich, auch zensiert. - J.Z., 12.3.10. - S.128/29: „Es leuchtet daher ein, warum Beobarchter, die die Phänomene der Geldzirkulation einseitig an der Zirkulation von Papiergeld mit Zwangskurs studierten, alle immanenten Gesetze der Geldzirkulation verkennten mussten.“ - Auch eine Bemerkung auf S. 126 ist nicht schlecht: „Von ihrem funktionellen Dasein getrennt, verwandeln sie sich in nichtswürdige Papierlappen. Indess ist diese Macht des Staates blosser Schein. Er mag beliebige Quantität Papierzettel mit beliebigem Münznamen in die Zirkulation hineinschleudern, aber mit diesem mechanischen Akt hört sein Kontrolle auf. Von der Zirkulation ergriffen, fäll das Wertzeichen oder Papiergeld ihren immanenten Gesetzen anheim.“ - Vergleiche auch S. 184: „... das von der amerikanischen Zentralregierung während des Unabhängigkeitskrieges gesetzlich aufgezwungene Papiergeld (Continental bills), endlich das auf noch grösserer Stufenleiter ausgeführte Experiment der französischen Assignaten. Die meisten englischen Schriftsteller der damaligen Zeit verwechseln die Banknotenzirkulation, die nach ganz andern Gesetzten bestimmt wird, mit der Zirkulation von Wertzeichen oder von Staatspapieren mit Zwangskurs, ...“ - Als Kommunist hatte er im „Kommunistischen Manifest“ natürlich keine Einwendung gegen die so vorgenommene Enteignung angeblich nur reicher Gläubiger, obwohl, z.B. bei der Sozialversicherung die unrechtmässig enteigneten Gläubiger zum grossen Teil die Arbeitenden waren und sind - und ungeheuere Summen ihnen so verloren gingen. Als Lohn- und Gehaltsempfänger waren sie ebenfalls Gläubiger ihrer Arbeitgeber und dadurch sowohl durch Inflation wie Deflation und Stagflation ganz unrechtmässig geschädigt. - J.Z., 14.3.10. - In der Deflation indirekt. Sie wurden arbeitslos oder ihre Arbeitseinkommen wurden sehr vermindert. - J.Z., 30.6.10. - JZL.
MASON, EDWARD S., & ASHER, ROBERT E., The World Bank since Breton Woods. Washington, D. C: The Brookings Institute, 1973. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
MASON, PHILIP P., Detroit, Fort Lernoult, and the American Revolution. Détroit: Wayne State University Press, 1964. - Woodford, Detroit & its Banks.
MASON, STEVENS T., Papers. Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library, Detroit, Mich. - SHADE, G. W. (1972), Manuscripts.
MASON, WILL E., Clarification of the Monetary Standard. University Park, Penn., Pennsylvania State University Press, 1963. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition. - The use of “the” implies that there could or should be only one. That one, even if it happens to be the best possible one, will always be perceived as inferior and as an imposition by at least some people. Free choice of value standards! - J.Z., 13.4.10.
MASON, WILL E., The Empirical Definition of Money: A Critique. ECONOMIC INQUIRY 14. (Dec. 1976): 525-538. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
MASSACHUSETTS CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, 1820. Journal of Debates and Proceedings in the Convention ... to Revise the Constitution of Massachusetts ... 1820. Reported for the BOSTON DAILY ADVERTISER. Rev. ed. Boston, 1853. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
MASSACHUSETTS CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, 1853. Official Report of the Debates and Proceedings in the State Convention ... to Revise and Amend the Constitution. 3 vols. Boston, 1853. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
MASSACHUSETTS REGISTER AND UNITED STATES CALENDAR, Boston, 1784-1877. - Carothers. - Another all too unspecific reference. Who has the time and energy to peruse almost a century’s worth of a particular annual, in search of some entries that might be of interest to monetary freedom advocates? - J.Z., 17.5.10.
MASSACHUSETTS, BANK COMMISSIONERS, ANNUAL REPORTS, 1838-1843, 1849-1850, 1851-… - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
MASTIN, P. W., The Problem of Maintaining Purchasing Power. - G. D. H. Cole. - Not a great problem if those, who do issue exchange media - as potential or competing local currencies - are the providers of goods and services themselves! It is problematic only for third parties, who issue monetary claims upon the goods and services of others and thus have no inbuilt restraint upon their issues. E.g., to choose some simple analogies, cinemas, theatres, railways and sports stadiums are unlikely to issue more tickets to their performances than they can seat or accommodate standing. If they did, they might be demolished by a rightfully angry mob. Central banks have so far been safe from the mob fury they do really deserve - for all they have done to us. - However, angry citizens would be advised to engage, rather, in a peaceful monetary revolution. It would be best realized by “mobs” (citizens, especially suitable business enterprises) establishing their own and sound note-issuing banks or utilizing the exchange media and value standards that others do offer, competitively and under full consumer sovereignty. (Voluntary acceptance or refusals or discounts.). Those able to distinguish between dozens of kinds of toothbrushes, blouses, drinks, restaurant meals etc., should be able to distinguish between different kinds of exchange media, especially seeing that a test of their purchasing power, if they are unknown to them, would be quite simple and could be undertaken fast - in the nearest shop. They would also come to find always acceptable for them particular local currencies, e.g. Woolworth shop currency or local bus money, which they do often enough use or can pass on easily. Then central banks would remain for the deluded fools and fanatics, who would still subscribe to them and their “services” and would be the only ones accepting their paper monies and paper value standards. The others would be free to avoid them like a pest. - Or, while they are still subjected to tributes called taxes, use them only for that purpose to avoid becoming harassed or prosecuted by the tax or tribute collectors. - J.Z., 17.5.10.
MATHEWS, CORNELIUS, The Career of Puffer Hopkins. New York, 1842. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
MATHEWS, CORNELIUS, The Motley Book. New York, 1840. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
MATHEWS, DON, Why Keynes Lives. - September 1999 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute.
MATHEWS, THEODORE WILLIAM, Statutory Protection of Bank Creditors Prior to the Civil War. Unpublished A.M. Dissertation, University of Chicago, 1930. - Rockoff (1975). - That kind of protection would hardly be needed for the holders of shop currencies of shops or shopping centers which they do habitually use. Just like the visitors to cinemas and concerts do hardly need protection against an over-issue of tickets by these providers. Issuers of ticket monies would be daily, even hourly tested, inspected and controlled - by their customers buying something from them, with the ticket money they had received, directly or indirectly from them. - Moreover, these providers would be only too happy to sell them what they have to offer for the notes they had issued. - The old model of the goldsmith banks is still distorting the thinking about money in all too many heads. - J.Z., 17.5.10.
MATHIAS, PETER, English Trade Tokens. Abelard-Schuman, London 1962.
MATONIS, JON W., A Critique of Marx's "The Power of Money in Bourgois Society in the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844". 16 Aug. 85, 8pp. in PEACE PLANS 810.
MATONIS, JON W., Anarchy and Money. Short statement only, in PEACE PLANS 645. 1984 manuscript, 20pp, with select bibliography, 48x, in PEACE PLANS 740.
MATONIS, JON W., Announcement for Articles & Outline for THE JOURNAL FOR MONETARY FREEDOM. 48x, in PEACE PLANS 740.
MATONIS, JON W., Digital Cash and Monetary Freedom. - [1995] - Digital Cash and Monetary Freedom by Jon W. Matonis. - www.isoc.org/HMP/Paper/136/html/paper.html - & on xyz other URLs. Matonis advocates a privately-managed digital cash system. The Internet is a new world and a new world demands a new currency - a new standard of value. This standard should be dictated by the market. - Roy Davies
MATONIS, JON W., Hint on a monetary penal clause in U.S. legislation. 1/2 page only, in PEACE PLANS 25.
MATONIS, JON W., Issue Papers 1 & 2. 2pp, on Alternative Currencies, Issue Paper 3: Free Banking/Free Money. 6pp, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 741. No. 4: The Direction of the Free Money Movement. 12 June 88, 2pp, in PEACE PLANS 810.
MATONIS, JON W., The Direction of the Free Money Movement. Issue Paper No. 4, 12 June 88, 2pp, in PEACE PLANS 810.
MATONIS, JON W., The Political Appropriation of the Monetary Unit. 1985 manuscript. - shortly mentioned in PEACE PLANS 645. Matonis tried to established an Institute for Monetary Freedom and a journal. As far as I know, nothing has come of these plans. The reason may be that there is still no directory to all who are strongly in favor of this liberty. - J.Z., 7.6.98. - The full 1985 manuscript, 50pp, 48x, in PEACE PLANS 740.
MATONIS, JON W., to WATNER, CARL. 2 Nov. 86, 1p., in PEACE PLANS 740.
MATONIS, JON W., to ZUBE, JOHN & from J.Z., 18 July - 8 Aug. 86. 48x, in PEACE PLANS 645,
MATONIS, JON, Directory of Journals Representing Free Banking. 1990. 20 entries, 1/2 page, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.780. - I have not yet extracted these and references from all other PEACE PLANS files for this bibliography. One person can only do so much. - J.Z., 30.6.10.
MATONIS, JON, The Land of Vespucci. Jan. 26, 1983, 3pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.650. - Capital goods are not a good basis for the issue of currency. Even 100% covered gold certificates still need "shop foundation" - for if you convert them into their metallic cover, you can neither eat nor drink it. - J.Z.
MATSUKATA, MASAYOSHI, Report on the Adoption of the Gold Standard in Japan. Tokio, 1899.
MATSUKATA, MASAYOSHI, Report on the Post-Bellum Financial Administration. Tokio, 1900.
MATTESON, WILLIAM J. & HARWOOD, E. C., Life Insurance and Annuities from the Buyer's Point of View. Publications of American Institute for Economic Research, by 1960.
MATTESON, WILLIAM J. What Will Social Security Mean to You? Publications of American Institute for Economic Research, by 1960.
MATTHEWS, R. C. O., A Study in Trade Cycle Theory: Economic Fluctuation in Great Britain, 1833-42. (1954) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. - MATTHEWS, R. C. O., A Study in Trade-Cycle History: Economic Fluctuations in Great Britain, 1833-1842. 1954. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MATTHEWS, W. P., & TUKE, A. W., History for Barclay Bank. (1928). - Cottrell & Anderson, Money & Banking in England. - (Of? J.Z.)
MATTHIESSEN, F. O., American Renaissance. New York, 1941. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
MATTHIEU, PIERRE, History of France. Transl, into Engl., London, 1624. Fol. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MATTINGLY, HAROLD, SYDENHAM, M. A., et al, The Roman Imperial Coinage. 9 vols. London: Spink & son, Ltd., 1923-. - DOTY (1978).
MATTINGLY, HAROLD, SYDENHAM, M. A., Roman Coins from the Earliest Times to the Fall of the Western Empire. 2d ed., London: Methuen & Co., Ltd., 1960. - DOTY (1978).
MAURUS, Dr. HEINRICH, Das Papiergeld. 1868, 18. Kapital aus seinem: Die Grundsätze der Volkswirtschaftslehre vom Standpunkte der sozialen Reform. 24pp, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 732.
MAURUS, Dr. HEINRICH, Grundsätze der Volkswirtschaftslehre. Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung, Heidelberg, 1968. (Kapitel 18 über das Papiergeld ist gut. 24pp. Kopiert für JZL, reproduziert, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 732.
MAUS, MARCEL, The Gift. Forms and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Societies. With an Introduction by E. E. Evans-Pritchard. W. W. Norton & Co., New York, London, 1967, by arrangement with Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. 130pp. JZL in photocopy. - This kind of gift-exchange still functions pretty well in the households of most nuclear families and also in some friendship circles. - But it does, certainly, has its limits. - The author added very extensive notes, with bibliographical references, from p.82 onwards. I have not attempted to extract titles from it, since his main topic is the pre-monetary economy. - But I find it tragic-comic that the supposedly modern and scientific monetary economy, mis-run by territorial governments, through their central banks, has often forced us back into these archaic forms, which I experienced myself in the hunger years in Germany, after WW II, when the Nazi inflation, with price controls, rationing and delivery quotas was continued by the allied occupation forces. - J.Z., 8.6.10.
MAVOR, Wm., FORDYCE, Collection of Voyages. London, 1810. 28 vols. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MAWE, JOHN, Travels in Brazil. London, 1823. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MAXWELL NEWTON, The Fed. (New York: Times Books, 1983). - “a journalist's historical account of election-timed presidential manipulation of U.S. money growth.” - White, Competition & Currency.
MAXWELL, E. W., Principal Cause of Unemployment, a simple explanation of our defective money system, showing how it causes unemployment and industrial disaster. 1932. (Despotic banking vs. free banking? - Or one of the usual quack diagnoses and “cures”? - J.Z.)
MAY, A. L., The Battle for the Banks. Sydney, 1968. - HOLDER, Bk of NSW.
MAYBURY, RICHARD J., Will Mr. Greenspan Ruin You or Make Your Rich? “MONEY WORLD”, September 1988, pages 8-10. I reproduced it, somewhere, in PEACE PLANS, probably together with a letter written to me about it by Patrick Brooks, on 31.8.88. - JZL.
MAYER, CHRISTOPHER, The Dollar vs. Gold. - - February 2004 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute.
MAYER, CHRISTOPHER, What the Fed Can’t Control. - February 2002 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute. - We need also an article on what the Fed should not be able to control or interfere with. - J.Z., 17.5.10.
MAYER, ERICH KARL, Über die Annahme von Banknoten an öffentlichen Kassen. München, 1900, 28 S., Strassburger Doktor-Dissertation. (Die kürzeste Arbeit dieser Art, die mir bisher begegnet ist. - J.Z.) - Knapp.
MAYER, F. W., Natürliches Geld. W. A., 64, 1950. - Forstmann. FB? Gesellian title?
MAYER, MARTIN, The Bankers. Weybright and Talley. New York, 1974, 1978, with notes and index 365pp. - JZL. It refers to “free banking” on pp. 71-72. Legal tender cases are, likewise, only very shortly dealt with, on page 28. Gresham’s law is only incompletely understood on page 47. Say’s Law is not in the index. Not even Meulen’s “Free Banking” and Herbert Spencer are mentioned in it. I did not notice any obvious free banking title in his notes. This book seems typical for at least 90 % of all writings on the subject, if not 99%. - The author’s minds are, mostly, sunk in the statist swamp. - J.Z., 6.5.10.
MAYER, MARTIN, The Greatest-Ever Bank Robbery: The Collapse of the Savings and Loan Industry. Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1990, 368pp. Reviewed by William H. Peterson, THE FREEMAN, May 1991, pp.199/200.
MAYER, THOMAS, Comments on 'Monopoly Explanations’. In: The Great Depression Revisited. Ed. Karl Brunner. The Hague: Kluwer-Nijhoff Publishing, 1981, 211-219, esp. 213. - Tyler Cowen, Why Keynesianism Triumphed or, Could so Many Keynesians Have Been Wrong?
MAYES, DAVID, A More Market Based Approach to Maintaining Systemic Stability. - A More Market Based Approach to Maintaining Systemic Stability (abstract and link to pdf file)
MCASKILL, FREDERICK, In Search of Liberty. Incorporating a Solution to the South African Problem. Books in Focus, Inc., New York, 230pp. - Favors free banking on several pages. - J.Z. - JZL.
MCAULIFFE, JOSEPH R., The Banking Blues. Part I, CHALCEDON REPORT, Nov. 88, 2pp, in PEACE PLANS 810.
MCCALLIE, JOHN, 2pp extract from an article, Winter 88, AUSTRALIAN ECONOMICS NEWSLETTER, on the 5th anniversary of the Mises Institute, honoring Henry Hazlitt, with remarks on gold standard and legal tender, in PEACE PLANS 795.
MCCALLUM, BENNETT T., & GOODFRIEND, MARVIN S., The Demand for Money: Theoretical Studies. The New Palgrave: Money. 1989. New York: W.W. Norton, 117-130. - T. Cowen & R. Kroszner, Nov. 90.
MCCALLUM, BENNETT T., Bank Deregulation, Accounting Systems of Exchange, and the Unit of Account: A Critical Review. 1984. CARNEGIE-ROCHESTER CONFERENCE SERIES ON PUBLIC POLICY 23 (Autumn). - 13-45. - Selgin. - The argument brings into sharp relief the efficacy of any non-coercive suggestion by a government. The "standard bundle" refers to one unit of the composite-commodity bundle (for example, one ANCAP unit in Hall's system). - Gerald P. O’Driscoll, Jr., July 86. - 1985. The New Monetary Economics. Fiscal Issues and Unemployment. - T. Cowen & R. Kroszner, Nov. 90. - “Working paper (National Bureau of Economic Research). - Milton Friedman. - WORKING PAPER no.1572. Cambridge, Mass., N.B.E.R., March 1985. - Cowen & Kroszner. - In: The “New Monetary Economics”, Fiscal Issues and Unemployment. Ed. by K. Brunner & A. Meltzer, pp. 13-45. Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1985. - Scott Sumner.
MCCALLUM, BENNETT T., Comments [on Sargent and Wallace (1983)]. 1983. JOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS 12 (July): 189-96. - Selgin, The Evolution of a Free Banking System.
MCCALLUM, BENNETT T., Issues Concerning the Nonpecuniary Yield of Money. CATO JOURNAL, Vo. 6, Nor. 2, Fall 1986, pp. 607-611. - JZL., photocopy.
MCCALLUM, BENNETT T., Monetarist Rules in the Light of Recent Experience. AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 74, May 84, 388-91. - Scott Sumner.
MCCALLUM, BENNETT T., On the Role of Overlapping-Generations Models in Monetary Economics. CARNEGIE-ROCHESTER CONFERENCE SERIES ON PUBLIC POLICY 18, Spring 1983a, 9-44.
MCCALLUM, BENNETT T., Price-Level Stickiness and the Feasibility of Monetary Stabilization Policy with Rational Expectations, JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 85 (June 1977): 631-32. - White, Competition & Currency. - Pages 627-634: Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
MCCALLUM, BENNETT T., Some Issues Concerning Interest Rate Pegging, Price Level Determinancy, and the Real Bills Doctrine. 1986. JOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS 17 (January): 135-60. - Selgin, The Evolution of a Free Banking System.
MCCALLUM, BENNETT T., The Political Business Cycle: An Empirical Test. SOUTHERN ECONOMIC JOURNAL 44 (January 1978): 504-15. - White, Competition & Currency.
MCCALLUM, BENNETT T., The Role of Overlapping-Generations Models in Monetary Economics. - Carnegie-Rochester Conf. Ser. Public Policy 18, Spring 1983, 9-44. - Cowen & Kroszner.
MCCALLUM, J. HUSTON, Beyond the Historical Gold Standard. - Selgin. - In: CAMPBELL, COLIN & DOUGAN, WILLIAM R., Alternative Monetary Regimes, editors, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,
MCCARTHY, C. L., A Reconsideration of the Definition of Money. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 45 (June 1977): 190-200. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
MCCARTHY, JUSTIN, A History of Our Own Times, from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the General Election of 1880. 2 vols. New York, 1881.
MCCLARY TYMESON, MILDRED, Worcester Bank Book from Country Barter to County Bank. (Worcester, 1966), p.9: “One storekeeper in Worcester, Massachusetts (population 2000 around 1803) sold spices, salt and molasses for "country pay" consisting of vegetables and woolens.” - Klebaner - Would she have done so if the country had been sufficiently supplied with exchange media of the monetary or clearing kind? - J.Z.
MCCLAUGHRY, JOHN, A Battle over Monetary Policy. THE WASHINGTON TIMES, Dec. 2, 82, 1p, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.656.
MCCLAUGHRY, JOHN, Sorcery at the FED. The Time has come to retire Federal Reserve Board Chairman Paul Volker’s money wand and replace it with free banking and sound money. - INQUIRY, Jan. 8, 1983, pages 16-20, reproduced in PEACE PLANS 865. - JZL.
MCCLOSKEY, DONALD N. & ZECHER, J. RICHARD, How the Gold Standard Worked, 1880-1913. In: The Monetary Approach to the Balance of Payments. Ed. J. A. Frenkel and H. G. Johnson, London: Allen & Unwin, 1976. - White, Competition & Currency. - The remaining flaws of the classical gold standard are still not sufficiently seen and published by most. As Dr. Walter Zander pointed out: Most people, including “economists” simply do not sufficiently distinguish between the value standard and the exchange medium. Any exchange medium can have a sound value standard, like e.g. a gold weight unit, without being redeemable in it. (Naturally, in case of gold-accounting or gold-clearing, convertibility into gold at par on a free gold market would be desirable. Being there close enough to their nominal par-value would be good enough. Or acceptance at par by a local clearing house. And, naturally, by the local issuer. Wide enough acceptance at par with such a value standard, for wanted consumer goods and services (as well as labor) and as debt payment certificates - is good enough for an exchange medium, regardless of what material it is made of, or whether it exists only in symbolic forms, e.g. in electronically transmitted signals. - The claim by creditors to payment in metallic good has done more harm than good. However, debtors should be free to pay in metallic gold - if they are sufficiently supplied with it. - Not every honest, hard-working or ingenious debtor is always sufficiently supplied with metallic gold to pay all his bills. Almost no one is, today or will be, most likely, in the future. But they could and should all be free to offer to pay all their debts in all kinds of exchange media, including their own clearing certificates, up to the gold weight value of their debts, even if that would require a considerable discount of their means of payment to satisfy their creditors. - Only the debtors themselves should be obliged to accept their own IOUs at par with e.g. their nominal gold weight value, for their goods, services and labor also priced out in such value standards. - Not metallic redemptionism but a sufficient “acceptance foundation” or “readiness to accept foundation” is required for a “currency”, whether printed, coined, in accounts recorded on paper or in electronic signals. - J.Z., 24.4.10.
MCCLOSKEY, DONALD N. & ZECHER, J. RICHARD, The success of purchasing power parity: Historical evidence and its implications for macroeconomics. In: Michael D. Bordo and Anna J. Schwartz, eds., A retrospective on the classical gold standard, 1821-1931. University of Chicago Press, 1984, 121-150.
MCCLOSKEY, DONALD N., Economics as an Historical Science. In: Economic History and the Modern Economist, ed. by William N. Parker.. Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1986. - Mullineaux
MCCLOSKEY, DONALD N., The Rhetoric of Economics. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1985. - The importance of metaphor in the development of economic argumentation is set forth in Donald N. McCloskey, The Rhetoric of Economics (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1985). - Richard E. Wagner, Politics, Central Banking, and Economic Order.
MCCLURE, J. HAROLD JR., & WILLETT, THOMAS D., Inflation Uncertainty and the Optimal Inflation Tax. Claremont Center for Economic Policy Studies Working Paper. Claremont, Calif.: Claremont Graduate School, 1987. - “show that taking into account plausible negative effects of inflation on output, due to inflation uncertainty, dramatically lowers estimates of the revenue-maximizing rate of inflation.” - White, Competition & Currency. - Trust “economists” to work out that optimality for the State! - Like an essay on “optimizing” bank robberies! - J.Z., 26.4.10.
MCCLURE, J. HAROLD JR., & WILLETT, THOMAS D., The Inflation Tax. In: Political Business Cycles: The Political Economy of Money, Inflation, and Unemployment. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1988. - White, Competition & Currency.
MCCONNELL, Australian Banking. - Silverman, H. A., The Substance of Economics.
MCCORMICK, RICHARD P., The Second American Party System: Party Formulation in the Jacksonian Era. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1966. - Temin.
MCCULLOCH, HUGH, Men and Measures of Half a Century. New York, 1888. - Sharp, James Roger: The Jacksonians versus the Banks. - N.Y., Charles Scribner's Sons, 1889. - Bogart, The Ec. Hist. of the U.S. + Rockoff (1975).
MCCULLOCH, HUGH, Papers. Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. - SHADE, G. W. (1972), Manuscripts.
MCCULLOCH, J. HUSTON, & MIN-TEH YU, Bank Runs, Deposit Contracts and Government Deposit Insurance. (1989) mimeo, Columbus, OH.: Ohio State University. - Dowd
MCCULLOCH, J. HUSTON, Beyond the Historical Gold Standard. 1986. In: Alternative Monetary Regimes, edited by Colin Campbell and William R. Dougan, 73-81. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. - Selgin, The Evolution of a Free Banking System.
MCCULLOCH, J. HUSTON, The Ban on Indexed Bonds, 1933-77. AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 70 (December 1980): 1018-21. - White, Competition & Currency. - “McCulloch notes the issue of negotiability (in "The Ban on Indexed Bonds," 1020) but gives it little emphasis.” - Steven L. Green, July 86. - 4pp, in PEACE PLANS 971.
MCCULLOCH, JOHN RAMSAY, A Dictionary of Commerce. 2nd ed. London, 1835. - Bogart, The Ec. Hist. of the U.S
MCCULLOCH, JOHN RAMSAY, A Select Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts and other Publications, on Paper Currency and Banking. (ed.) 1802. - London, 1856, 1857. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling. - New York: Augustus M. Kelley, 1966. (Reprint of 1857 ed.) - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MCCULLOCH, JOHN RAMSAY, A Statistical Account of the British Empire. Vol. 2, 1837b, London, Charles Knight. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MCCULLOCH, JOHN RAMSAY, A Treatise on Metallic and Paper Money and Banks. Edinburgh: A. &, C. Black, 1858. - SMITH, VERA C.
MCCULLOCH, JOHN RAMSAY, Fluctuations in the Supply and Value of Money. 1826a. EDINBURGH REVIEW 43 (February):263-98. [McCulloch, J. R.]. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MCCULLOCH, JOHN RAMSAY, Historical Sketch of the Bank of England: With an Examination of the Question as to the Prolongation of the Exclusive Privileges of that Establishment. 1831. London, Longmans. [McCulloch, J. R.]. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MCCULLOCH, JOHN RAMSAY, Prolongation of the Bank Charter. 1833, EDINBURGH REVIEW 56 (January): 376-411. [McCulloch, J. R.]. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MCCULLOCH, JOHN RAMSAY, The Bank of England and the Country Banks. 1837a. EDINBURGH REVIEW 65 (April): 61-84. [McCulloch, J. R.]. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MCCULLOCH, JOHN RAMSAY, The Late Crisis in the Money Market Impartially Considered. 1826b. EDINBURGH REVIEW 44 (June): 70-93. [McCulloch, J. R.]. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MCCULLOCK, J. HUSTON, Money and Inflation - A Monetarist Approach. Academic Press, 1975, 2nd. ed., N.Y., 1982, 115pp. - He got Gresham's Law right, possibly from Hayek. He is still somewhat unclear on paper money and legal tender and reports nothing on tax foundation. He mentions but does not quite comprehend the Real Bills Doctrine. Thinks IT, rather than the continued acceptance of an inflated paper money standard or the parallel pretence of 100 % gold coverage of issue, could lead to inflationary depreciation of such notes. Makes not distinction between legal tender notes and those without - bar for his insight on Gresham's Law. But then I have not studied - but only skimmed the book and might be wrong. - J.Z. - 75-76: - McCulloch makes an interesting case for silver as a better monetary metal than gold. - White, Competition & Currency.
MCCULLOCK, JOHN RAMSAY, A Dictionary ... of Commerce and Commercial Navigation. London, 1882. - McGrane, The Panic of 1837, 1924. - Compare MCCULLOCH, J. R., A Dictionary of Commerce.
MCCULLOCK, JOHN RAMSAY, Old and Scarce Tracts on Money. 1933. - Compare: “A Select Collection of Scarce ….
MCCUSKER, JOHN J., Money and Exchange in Europe and America, 1600-1775. A Handbook. University of North Carolina Press, & MacMillan Press, London, 1978, with bibliography & index, 367pp. - JZL.
MCDONALD, HAMISH, Japanese paying with their lives. Increase in suicides induced by debt. 1983, with note by J. Zube, 1p, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 742.
MCELROY, WENDY, American Anarchism. Talk delivered at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, November 20, 2000. - Probably also digitally offered there. I listed in among the digitized titles. - J.Z.
MCELROY, WENDY, Anarchism: Two Kinds. Ludwig von Mises Institute, December 13, 1999. - Probably also digitally offered there. I listed in among the digitized titles. - J.Z.
MCELROY, WENDY, Articles on Individualist Anarchism, online, with links, 2pp, in PP 1616: 180. - e-mail - mac@zetetics.com - Most articles are on http://www.zetetics.com/mac/news.php
MCELROY, WENDY, Benjamin Tucker, Individualism, and LIBERTY: Not the Daughter but the Mother of Order. 1981, OLL, 5.4 MB. LoL. LITERATURE OF LIBERTY 4, Autumn 1981, 7-39. - Cowen & Kroszner.
MCELROY, WENDY, Benjamin Tucker, LIBERTY, and Individualst Anarchism. - Benjamin Tucker, Liberty, and Individualist Anarchism (pdf) - The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, Volume 2, No. 3, 1998
MCELROY, WENDY, Benjamin Tucker, LIBERTY'S Library. http://flag.blackened.net/daver/anarchism/tucker/wendy3.html
MCELROY, WENDY, Culture of Individualist Anarchism in Late 19th Century America. JLS, www.mises.org/journals/jls/5_3/5_3_4.pdf
MCELROY, WENDY, Individualist Anarchism v. Communist Anarchism and Libertarianism. 1981, speech, I & II, - http://www.zetetics.com/mac/agora1.htm
MCELROY, WENDY, Individualist Anarchism. - individualist anarchism - Collection of articles.
MCELROY, WENDY, LIBERTY 1881-1908. A Comprehensive Index. 1982, Michael E. Coughlin Publisher, St. Paul, Minnesota. Part I, pages 1 to 45, lists titles and periodicals. I made no attempt to extract them. - J.Z., 18.3.10. - JZL - Her index is now online: -. Comprehensive Index to Liberty
MCELROY, WENDY, McElroy’s Index to RADICALA REVIEW. - Index to Radical Review
MCELROY, WENDY, The Schism between Individualist and Communist Anarchism in the Nineteenth Century. JLS, - www.mises.org/journals/jls/15_1/15_1_3.pdf - if both had been panarchistic …- J.Z.
MCFARLANCE, BRUCE, Monetary "Cranks" Have A Point. WORONI, 11 May 67, 1p, with 1p by J.Z., 5 June 67, in response, in PEACE PLANS 913.
MCFARLANE, C. W., Pennsylvania Paper Currency. In ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY, Vol. 8. - Carothers, Fractional Money.
MCFAUL, JOHN MICHAEL, & GATELL, FRANK OTTO, The Outcast Insider: Reuben M. Whitney and the Bank War." PENNSYLVANIA MAGAZINE OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY, XCI (April, 1967), 115-44. - Sharp, James Roger: The Jacksonians versus the Banks.
MCFAUL, JOHN MICHAEL, The Politics of Jacksonian Finance. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of California at Berkeley, 1963. - Sharp, James Roger: The Jacksonians versus the Banks.
MCGARRY, SHERIDAN L., Mormon Money. "NUMISMATIST 63 (September, 1950). - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
MCGEE, ROBERT W., Secession Reconsidered. - Vol. 11 Num. 1 - Journal of Libertarian Studies - Online at the Mises Institute. - Did he consider secession from the central banking system? - J.Z.
MCGOULDRICK, PAUL, Operations of the German Central Bank and the Rules of the Game, 1879-1913. 1984. In Michael D. Bordo and Anna J. Schwartz, eds., A Retrospective on the Classical Gold Standard, 1821-1931. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
MCGOWAN, G. E., Trust Receipts. New York: Ronald, 1947. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking.
MCGRANE, REGINALD CHARLES, Foreign Bondholders and American State Debts. New York, Macmillan, 1935. - Barry N. Siegel, Money in Crisis.
MCGRANE, REGINALD CHARLES, The Correspondence of Nicholas Biddle Dealing with National Affairs 1807-44. (ed.) Boston, 1919. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
MCGRANE, REGINALD CHARLES, The Panic of 1837. Some Financial Problems of the Jacksonian Era. Phoenix Books, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 1924, 1965, with bibliography and index 260pp. - JZL.
MCHENRY, JAMES, Brief Exposition of the Principles of a Bank. Baltimore, 1795. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
MCILWAINE, SIMON, The Failure of State Money and the Case for Monetary Individualism. - The Failure of State Money and the Case for Monetary Individualism (pdf file)
McIVOR, RUSSEL CRAIG, Canadian Monetary, Banking, and Fiscal Development. 1958, Toronto, Macmillan of Canada. - Schuler
MCKEEN, RICHARD, Philosophy and Method. JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY, October 1951. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
MCKELVEY, BLAKE, Rochester: The Water-Power City, 1812-54. Cambridge, Mass., 1945. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
MCKENNA, REGINALD, Monetary Policy, 1931. (The Rt. Hon.) British Broadcasting Corporation. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
MCKENNA, REGINALD, Monetary Stability. London, 1925. - Norman Angell, The Story of Money, 1934.
MCKENNA, REGINALD, Post-War Banking Policy. 1928. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935. - Continued on as unsound foundations as the pre-war policy and the war policy had. - J.Z., 4.4.10.
MCKENZIE, PATRICIA O., Some Aspects of the Detroit Bank Crisis of 1933. Ph.D. dissertation, Wayne State University, 1963. - Woodford, Detroit & its Banks.
MCKINLEY, DAVID H. et al, Forecasting Business Conditions. New York: American Bankers Association, 1965. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking.
MCKINNON, RONALD I, Optimum Currency Areas. AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 53, September 1963, 717-25. - For fixed exchange rates, according to my skimming. Apparently does not want the determination of "optimum currency areas" to be left to the market. This and other such works are listed here only as warnings. If I am wrong in my hints, please do correct me. - Whole countries are, certainly, not the optimal areas for “local currencies” - J.Z.
MCKINNON, RONALD I., Financial Policies. In: Policies for Industrial Progress in Developing Countries, ed. John Cody et al. (London: Oxford University Press, 1980). - White, Competition & Currency.
MCKINNON, RONALD I., Money and Capital in Economic Development. - (Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1973). - White, Competition & Currency.
MCKINNON, RONALD I., Optimum Currency Areas. AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 53 (Sept. 1963): 717-724. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
MCKNIGHT, LOGAN, Free Banking. BE BOW'S REVIEW (1852-1853), xii, 610-613; xiii, 127-134; xiv, 28-33, 151-157. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860. - One of the all too many texts that I have never seen, although I looked for this kind of texts for over half a century! At last all such titles should be put online or on a large disc. - J.Z., 27.3.10. (DE BOW'S REVIEW - This or the above title might be a typo or scanning mistake. - J.Z.)
MCLACHLAN, R. W., Money of Canada from the Historical Standpoint. In TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA, June 1915. - Carothers, Fractional Money.
MCLAUGHLIN, DONALD H., The Triumph of Gold. MONETARY TRACT, Number 2. Connecticut, Committee for Monetary Research and Education, Inc., February, 1974. - Antony C. Sutton, The War on Gold. - Gold can neither win nor lose. It is just a metal. But we can win or lose in our relations to it. - J.Z., 14.4.10.
MCLAUGHLIN, DONALD, Gold Has Risen - but Remains the Same. THE FREEMAN, 5/80, 7pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.193.
MCLAUGHLIN, JANE D. & HARGIS, ANTHONY L., Current Gold Accounts. 1981, 15pp, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 738.
MCLAUGHRY, JOHN, The Debt Crisis. RESURGENCE, Nov., Dec. 84, 1 1/2 pp, in PEACE PLANS 913.
MCLEARY, JOE W., Credit Cards - Can Small Banks Compete? MONTHLY REVIEW, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, February 1968, pp.18-21. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972.
MCLENDON, S. G., History of the Public Domain of Georgia. (Atlanta: Foote & Davies, 1924). - Temin. - The greater the “public domain” the more numerous and greater the man-made problems do become! - J.Z.’s “law” of today, 30.5.10.
MCLEOD, ALEX N., The Principles of Financial Intermediation. 1984. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
MCLEOD, HENRY DUNNING, Credit. 1897, for the last generally accepted statement of the theory underlying the then current monetary practice. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
MCLEOD, HENRY DUNNING, The Elements of Banking. New, seventh edition, 1897, Longmans, Green & Co, London & Bombay, 308pp. Plus new impression of 1908, 308pp. - JZL.
MCLEOD, HENRY DUNNING, The Elements of Economics. Longmans, Green & Co, London, 1881, vol.1, 415pp, vol. II, 1886, 376pp. - JZL.
MCLEOD, HENRY DUNNING, The Theory of Credit. Vol. II, Part II, London, Longmans, Green & Co, 1891, XXXX + 519-840pp. - JZL.
MCMASTER, JOHN BACH, A History of the People of the United States from the Revolution to the Civil War. 8 vols. New York, 1883-1913. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960. - Carothers, Fractional Money.
MCNEW, BENNIE B. & PRATHER, CHARLES L., Fraud Control for Commercial Banks. Homewood: Irwin, 1963. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking. - By the greatest robber and fraudster of them all? - J.Z., 4.4.10. - It is the central note-issuing national banks that are beyond moral, rational and economic control - as long as they are allowed to exist - for all but their voluntary victims. - They are tyrannical and even totalitarian systems. And yet they do pretend that they are our saviors and ought to control all private banking. - All despotic, tyrannical and totalitarian regimes pretend to are our saviors or to represent the “good guys”. - J.Z., 30.5.10.
MCPHETERS, L. R., & REDMAN, M. B., Rule, Semi-rule, and Discretion During Two Decades of Monetary Policy. QUARTERLY REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS 15 (Spring 1975): 53-64. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
McVickar, John, Hints on Banking, in a Letter to a Gentleman in Albany. - (pamphlet). 1827. - White, Horace, (1895ff.)
MCVICKAR, JOHN, Outlines of Political Economy. New York, 1825. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860. - What’s wrong about “political economy” is the politics. - J.Z., 27.3.10.
MEADE, J. E., Public Works in the International Aspect. Pamphlet: New Fabian Research Bureau. - G. D. H. Cole. - All, I suppose, on the use and abuse of taxes or tributes to finance any service or enterprise. - as if no other financing methods were possible for really wanted goods and services. - J.Z., 26.4.10.
MEADE, J. E., The Rate of Interest in a Progressive State. 1933. London: Macmillan. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking. - Is any territorial State, as such, really “progressive” or, rather, regressive? - J.Z., 22.3.10, 30.5.10.
MEASE, Life of Morris. In the Portfolio, vol. xxix. 177, Hazard's Register, ii. 234, and the American Edition of the Edinburgh Encyclopedia, Philadelphia, 1832. - Sumner, The Financier & the Finances of the Am. Rev.
MECENSEFFY, EMIL EDLER VON, Die Verwaltung der Österreichisch-ungarischen Bank 1886-1895. Wien 1896. - Obst.
MEDARY, SAMUEL, Papers. Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, Ohio. - SHADE, G. W. (1972), Manuscripts.
MEDBURY, JAMES, Men and Mysteries of Wall Street. New York, 1870. - Sobel, The Curbstone Brokers.
MEDILL, WILLIAM, Papers. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. - SHADE, G. W. (1972), Manuscripts.
MEE, JOHN F., Management Thought in a Dynamic Economy. New York: New York University Press, 1963. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking. - Is our economy dynamic or free enough? - J.Z., 4.4.10. - Has private and self-management been sufficiently realized? - J.Z., 30.5.10.
MEEK, PAUL, Open Market Operations. Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1969. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society. 1972. - Since this is just one aspect of financial despotism, to call it that is another great abuse of the English language. - J.Z., 15.4.10.
MEEKER, J. EDWARD, The Work of the Stock Exchange. New York, 1922. - Sobel, The Curbstone Brokers. - Should there be just government-authorized stock exchanges or even “kerb exchanges”? - J.Z., 26.4.10.
MEEKER-LOWRY, SUSAN, The Local Exchange Trading System. 1985, 2pp, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 738.
MEEKS, PRIDLY, A Mormon Coin. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NUMISMATICS 22 (January 22, 1888). - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
MEEKS, PRIDLY, Reminiscences. UTAH HISTORICAL QUARTERLY, 1948. " - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
MEERMAN, JACOB P., The Climax of the Bank War: Biddle's Contraction, 1833-34. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, LXXI (August, 1963), 378-88. - Temin.
MEGRAH, MAURICE, The Bills of Exchange Act, 1882, and Negotiable Instruments Generally. - Sykes, Ernest, Banking and Currency, 9th ed., 1947.
MEHL, MANFRED, Das Papiernotgeld von Mecklenburg und Vorpommern 1914-1923. Berlin 1971, 1978. - Albert Pick
MEHL, MANFRED, Das Papiernotgeld von Ostpreussen, Westpreussen und Posen 1914-1923. Berlin 1976. - Albert Pick
MEIER-HAYOZ, A., Gesetzlich nicht geregelte Verträge. I, II, SJK, Karten 1134, 1135, Genf 1954. - Lautner, Der „WIR“ Verrechnungsverkehr, 1964. - Should private contracts be regulated by laws? Certainly not by territorial laws. Possibly by personal laws - for voluntary members of exterritorially autonomous communities. - J.Z., 26.4.10.
MEIGS, A. JAMES, Money Matters. Harper & Row Inc, New York. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
MEIMBERG, RUDOLF, Der Geldwert im Widerstreit der Interessen. Frankfurt/Main: Fritz Knapp Verlag 1961. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank. - Flamant. - In den Händen der Regierungen, denen er anvertraut ist, wird der Wert des Geldes immer wertloser. - J.Z., 11.3.10. Es geht nicht nur um Interessen sondern auch um Rechte. - J.Z., 4.5.10. - Any sound measuring standard should not be subjected or subjectable to any private or governmental interests. For length, weight, volume and electric measurements this has already been achieved but not yet e.g. for value standards. Since ideas on the ideal value standard do differ greatly, there should be free choice among all value standards for all payment communities of volunteers. Under full freedom of choice the good value standards will tend to drive out the bad ones. - J.Z., 30.5.10.
MEIS, Dr. HANS, Die Steuergutscheine und ihre Mängel. (Written under pseudonym Siem.). - In Rittershausen papers. (The German government had then attempted to realize its tax foundation money option in a very flawed form. - J.Z., 30.6.10.)
MEIS, Dr. HANS, Die Vier Gesetzentwuerfe. (The Four Law Drafts.) Meis was a co-author of them. 24x, in PEACE PLANS 40. (See under Zander.)
MEISEL ROCA, ADOLFO, Las Bancos Commerciales en la Era de la Banca Libre, 1871-1923. Unpublished 1989 manuscript, Banco de la Republica, Bogota. - Schuler. - By now all monetary freedom writings could and should have appeared on a single large disc. Together with their translations into major languages. - J.Z., 24.6.10.
MEISELMAN, DAVID I., In Defense of Floating Rates: U.S. Inflation Must Be Labeled 'Made In The U.S.' Rather Than 'Imported'. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, September 13, 1974. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
MEISELMAN, DAVID I., Inflation, Who Did It? National Public Policy Syndicate, New York, August 12, 1977. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation. - “What makes it possible?” would be a better question. - J.Z.
MEISELMAN, DAVID I., Is Gold the Answer? - In Dorn & Schwartz, 1983ff.
MEISELMAN, DAVID I., Is There a Political Monetary Cycle? CATO JOURNAL 6, no. 2 (Fall 1986): 563-79. - Richard E. Wagner, Politics, Central Banking, and Economic Order.
MEISELMAN, DAVID I., Worldwide Inflation: A Monetarist View. In: The Phenomenon of Worldwide Inflation, AEI, Washington, D.C., 1975. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
MELCHETT, Lord, Modern Money. (Secker). - Sir Leo Chiozza, Product Money, 1933.
MELDEN, A. I., Essays in Moral Philosophy. (ed.) University of Washington Press, Seattle, and London 1958. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
MELDEN, A. I., On Promising. MIND, vol. 65, New Series, January 1956. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
MELDEN, A. I., Rights and Right Conduct. Oxford 1959. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
MÉLIOT, M. &. A., Dictionnaire Illustré des Monnaies. Paris, 1906.
MELITZ, JACQUES, Primitive and Modern Money: An Interdisciplinary Approach. 1974. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
MELLON, HELEN JOSEPHINE, Credit Control: A Study of the Genesis of the Qualitative Approach to Credit Problems. 1941. Washington, Council on Public Affars, 1941. - Selgin.
MELON, JEAN FRANÇOIS, Essai politique sur le Commerce. 1734, Paris. Reprint, 1843. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MELTZER, A. The History of the Federal Reserve. Vol. 1, The University of Chicago Press, 2003. - Gonzalo Schwarz - ALLAN H.? - J.Z.
MELTZER, ALBERT, Anarchism, Arguments For & Against. PEACE PLANS 33/34. - Anarchism in the sphere of money means any money system and value standard - but each only for those who do want it for themselves. - In other words, panarchism in the sphere of exchange media and value standards. - J.Z., 14.2.10.
MELTZER, ALLAN & REYNOLDS, ALAN, Towards a Stable Monetary Policy. Monetarism vs. the Gold Standard. A debate, moderated by Edwin F. Feulner, Jr., with an introduction by David G. Raboy, The Heritage Foundation, Fiscal Issues 3, copyrighted 1983 by The Institute for Research on the Economics of Taxation, 32pp. - As if an inflationary monetary policy, as proposed e.g. by Keynes and M. Friedman, could not also be stable, i.e. constant and predictably in its depreciation policy. - J.Z., 12.4.10. - JZL.
MELTZER, ALLAN H., Keynes's Monetary Theory: A Different Interpretation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988, 1989. - Richard E. Wagner, Politics, Central Banking, and Economic Order. - For an examination of the development of Keynes's thought. - Tyler Cowen, Why Keynesianism Triumphed or, Could so Many Keynesians Have Been Wrong?
MELTZER, ALLAN H., Monetary Reform in an Uncertain Environment. In: CATO JOURNAL, Vol.3, No. 1, Spring 83, The Search for Stable Money, pp. 93-112. Comment by Robert L. Greenfield, pp.113-120. - - JZL. - White, Competition & Currency.
MELTZER, ALLEN & REYNOLDS, ALLEN, A Debate Between Allen Meltzer and Alan Reynolds. Organized by The Heritage Foundation, reproduced in LIFE, March 1982 edition. - Dr. James L. Green, Investments and Sound Money, in MM, undated.
MELVIN, CRANDALL, A History of the Merchants National Bank and Trust Company of Syracuse. New York. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1969. - Woodford, Detroit & its Banks.
MELVIN, MICHAEL Monetary Confidence, Privately Produced Monies, and Domestic and International Monetary Reform, 1984. (unpublished). - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking. - Later published in Political Business Cycles: The Political Economy of Money, Inflation, and Unemployment, ed. Thomas D. Willett (Durham, N. C: Duke University Press, 1988). - White, Competition & Currency.
MEMMINGER, C. G., Speech ... in the House of Representatives of South Carolina upon the Bill and Resolutions Relating to Bank Issues and Suspensions. Charleston South Carolina. 1858. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860. - What is the average truth contents of the speeches of M.P.’s? - J.Z., 27.3.10.
MÉMOIRE DU ROI, Canadian Archives, Collection Moreau St. Mery, XI, pp.332-334. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
MEN & MONEY, Newsletter of the Committee for Monetary Research and Education, Inc., Vol. XV, No. 1, The 1990’s: Whose Decade Will It Be? Proceedings of the 18th Annual CMRE Conference, Arden House, March 9-11, 1990, August 1990, 28pp. August 1990, also listing most of 47 CMRE Monographs. This newsletter deals with the 9 sessions of the Eighteenth Annual CMRE Conference, Arden House, March 011, 1990. Address of the newsletter & Committee: P.O. Box 1620, Greenwich, Connecticut 06836. Single copy: Eight Dollars. - I presume that by now it is well represented on the Internet. I acquired some of their brochures and microfiched this issue - somewhere. - J.Z., 2.3.10. - JZL.
MENADIER, in der ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR NUMISMATIK, 1907, S. 200-206 unter „Literatur": eine Besprechung der Staatlichen Theorie des Geldes. - Knapp.
MENDELSOHN, Dr. KURT, Self-Help Undertakings Started by the Workless, A Method of Creating Work and Raising Consumption. Reproduced by Prof. Edgar Milhaud, in his “Fresh Work Fresh Markets, 1933, microfiched in PEACE PLANS 342-353.- JZL.
MENDELSOHN, JOSEPH, Über Zettelbanken. Berlin 1846. - Obst.
MENDENHALL, THOMAS, An Entire New Plan for a National Currency, etc. Philadelphia, 1834. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860. - “Tell me the old, old story, …” - J.Z.
MENDERHAUSEN, H., Prices, Money and Distribution of Goods in Post-War Germany. AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, June 1949. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
MENGER SOCIETY, THE, The Denationalization of Money. 1p leaflet on its 1981 conference. 29x in PEACE PLANS 738. - The proceedings are wanted, preferably with non-exclusive & revocable permission for filming or digitizing. - J.Z.
MENGER, KARL, 1840-1921. Unfortunately, most English translations even translated Karl to Carl! - Not wishing to alphabetize the texts differently under Karl and Carl, I changed all author entries to Karl. - On the other hand, the German spelling of that name at that time was, often, Carl. - Enc. Brit. says: Karl. - J.Z.
MENGER, KARL, Aussagen in der Valutaenquete. 1892, - Carl Menger, Gesammelte Werke, Bd. IV., 225-286. (Die Valutaregierung in Oesterreich Ungarn, JNS III.F III & IV. Sonderabdruck unter dem Titel: Beiträege zur Währungsfrage in Oesterreich-Ungarn, [IV] ).
MENGER, KARL, Beiträge zur Währungsfrage. 1892, - Carl Menger, Gesammelte Werke. Bd. IV., 125-188.
MENGER, KARL, Carl Menger and the Austrian School of Economics. Eds. J. R. Hicks and W. Weber. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1973. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
MENGER, KARL, Das Goldagio und der heutige Stand der Valutareform. Bohemia, Prag [IV] - Carl Menger, Gesammelte Werke, Bd. IV., 1893, 308-324.
MENGER, KARL, Der Gesetzentwurf betreffend die Feststellung der Kronenwährung in Oesterreich-Ungarn. 1892, JNS III.F.III [IV]
MENGER, KARL, Der Übergang zur Goldwährung. Untersuchungen über die Wertprobleme der österreichisch-ungarischen Valutareform. 1892, - Carl Menger, Gesammelte Werke, Bd. IV, 189-224.
MENGER, KARL, Die Kaufkraft des Guldens österreichischer Währung. 1889, - Carl Menger, Gesammelte Werke, Bd. IV., 117-124.
MENGER, KARL, Geld und Münzwesen seit 1857. 1897, Oesterreichisches Staatswörterbuch, hg. Von Mischler und Ulbrich, Wien.
MENGER, KARL, Geld. Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, III, 1892, auch in 2. (1900) & 3. (1909) Auflage. - Carl Menger, Gesammelte Werke, Bd. IV, 1-116. - MENGER, KARL, Geld,"reprinted in The Collected Works of Carl Menger, ed. F. A. Hayek (London: London School of Economics and Political Science, 1936); unpublished abridged English translation by Albert H. Zlabinger. - White, Competition & Currency. 3. Auflage des Handwörterbuchs: At least this article of it comes highly recommended by U. von Beckerath and is thus wanted by LMP. - J.Z.)
MENGER, KARL, Gesammelte Werke. Herausgegeben mit einer Einleitung und einem Schriftenverzeichnis von F. A. Hayek, Band IV, 2. Auflage, J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen, 1970, with Karl Menger bibliography, 332 S. - JZL.
MENGER, KARL, Grundsätze der Volkswirtschaftslehre. Wien, Braumüller, 1871, OLL, 16.2 MB. - English ed.: Principles of Economics, New York, New York Univ. Press, 1981. - Cowen & Kroszner.
MENGER, KARL, La Monnaie Mesure de Valeur. 1892, REP VI.
MENGER, KARL, Lorenz von Stein, 1889. JNS III.F.I [III] - Behandelt er Stein’s Lehre über Steuerfundationsgeld? - J.Z.
MENGER, KARL, Mündliches Gutachten vor der Währungs-Enquete-Commission. Stenographische Protokolle über die vom 8. bis 17. März 1892 abgehaltenen Sitzungen der nach Wien einberufenen Währungs-Enquete-Commission. [IV]
MENGER, KARL, On the Origins of Money. 1892. Translated by Caroline A. Foley. ECONOMIC JOURNAL 92 (June): 239-55. - Selgin, The Evolution of a Free Banking System. - On 8pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.678. - MENGER, CARL, The Origin of Money - CMRE MONOGRAPHS, No. 40 - $3.00, in 1990. - On the Origins of Money - Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, 2009 - Online at the Mises Institute. - 45 Kbs HTML, in my first CD, folder D FB condensed, subfolder: Karl Menger, on the origin of Money. On the Origins of Money (1892)
MENGER, KARL, Papers, at Duke University, short note: in PEACE PLANS 1575/1575, p.373, from MARKET PROCESS. 31 boxes of material are involved, or approximately 23,700 pages. Much of it is still unpublished - At 6 cents a page the microfiching of this collection would cost less than A $ 1,500. Can the numerous fans of C. Menger not spare as much for this purpose? A single fan could afford this and would have to order more duplicate fiche only upon demand for them. - Then this archive could be affordably accessible at home - to any fan of C. Menger, for about $ 50-60!. It could be cheaper still to put it all on one or a few CDs. Just do it - if you have access to this collection! Freedom treasures that could be so cheaply duplicated should not remain confined to a single hoard, out of reach of most people, most of the time in most locations. - J.Z., 8.11.99.
MENGER, KARL, Principles of Economics. [1871]. Translated and edited by James Dingwall and Bert F. Hoselitz, with introduction by F. A. Hayek,. The Free Press, Glencoe, Illinois 1950. - New York & London, New York University Press, 1981, indexed, 328pp. - JZL. - Selgin, The Evolution of a Free Banking System. - (1994). Principles of Economics. Grove City, PA: Libertarian Press, Inc. - Peter H. Canning. - Principles of Economics - Online edition, The Mises Institute, 2004. - www.mises.org/etexts/menger/principles.asp - another version)
MENGER, KARL, Problems of Economics and Sociology. (Untersuchungen über die Methode der Sozialwissenschaften und der Politischen Ökonomie insbesondere.) Leipzig 1883. Edited and with an Introduction by Louis Schneider.) Translated by Francis J. Nock. University of Illinois Press, Urbana 1963. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies. - White, Competition & Currency.
MENGER, KARL, The Collected Works of Carl Menger. ed. F. A. Hayek, London School of Economics and Political Science Reprints, London 1933-6. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies. - The Collected Works of Carl Menger, (London: London School of Economics and Political Science, 1936); unpublished abridged English translation by Albert H. Zlabinger. - White, Competition & Currency. - Unpublished or reprinted? Take your pick! - J.Z.
MENGER, KARL, The Origin of Money. 1892. ECONOMIC JOURNAL 2 (June). - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking. (On the Origins of Money? - See above, under “On the Origins of Money”. - J.Z.)
MENGER, KARL, The Theory of Money. In: Principles of Economics. New York and London, New York University Press, 1981. - Nataf
MENGER, KARL, Von unserer Valuta. 1892, - Carl Menger, Gesammelte Werke, Bd. IV., 287-307. (AJZ XV/12 u. 13 [IV].
MENGER, KARL, Zur Goldfrage. Nochmals über J. E. Cairnes’ Essays, 1873, AA v. 19. VI. „M“.)
MENGER, KARL, Zur Theorie des Kapitals. 1888, JNS N.F. XVII [III]
MENNINGEN, IGNAZ RITTER von, Zur Währungs-Statistik. In den STATISTISCHEN MONATSHEFTEN, herausgegeben von der k.k. Statistischen Zentral-Kommission, neue Folge, XVIII. Jahrgang, Bruenn, 1913, S.428-491, Anhang VI, Anmerkung über die Staatliche Theorie des Geldes. - Knapp.
MERCER, ILANA, The War on Tax Havens. - "The War on Tax Havens" - Mises Institute DAILY ARTICLE, September 10, 2001, Mises.org - Online at the Mises Institute.
MERENESS, N. D., Maryland as a Proprietary Province. New York, 1901. - Carothers, Fractional Money.
MERING, O. v., Die Liquidität der deutschen Kreditbanken mit Berücksichtigung der gegenwärtigen durch den Krieg hervorgerufenen außerordentlichen Verhältnisse. Jena 1916. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
MERLIN, S., Trends in German Economic Controls Since 1933. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, February 1943. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
MERMELSTEIN, D., The Economic Crisis Reader. (ed.) New York, Vintage Books, 1975. - Frank Vorhies
MERRETT, D. T., Australian banking practice and the crisis of 1893. (1989) AUSTRALIAN ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW 29: 60-85. - Dowd
MERRIAN, L. S., The Theory of Final Utility in its Relation to Money and the Standard of Deferred Payments. 1893. ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL Sciences 3 (January). - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
MERRICK, JOHN J., & SAUNDERS, ANTHONY, Bank Regulation and Monetary Policy. 1985. JOURNAL OF MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING 17(4) (November). - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
MERRILL, HORACE SAMUEL, Bourbon Democracy of the Middle West, 1865-1896. Baton Rouge, La., 1953. - Sharp, James Roger: The Jacksonians versus the Banks.
MERRILL, SAMUEL, Papers. Indiana State Historical Society, Indianapolis, Ind. - SHADE, G. W. (1972), Manuscripts.
MERRITT, A. N., War Time Control of Distribution of Food. Macmillan, New York, 1920. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
MERRITT, FRED, Early History of Banking in Iowa. (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1900), p.137. - Klebaner
MERTENS, GEORG, Die Zahlungsmittelversorgung in miltärisch besetzten Gebieten. 4 S., in PEACE PLANS 532. Undatiert. Vermerk von Prof. Rittershausen: Herrn Dr. Holzhauer ... Seminararbeit auf Grund Ihres Buches! - Datum unleserlich auf meiner Photokopie. Georg Mertens lived then in Berlin Zehlendorf West, Am Heidehof 18. - JZL.
MERZBACHER, SIGMUND, Scheckgesetz vom 11.3.1908, samt den Bekanntmachungen vom 19.3.1908. München 1909, C. H. Beck’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Oskar Beck, Textausgabe mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen und Sachregister, 106 S. - JZL.
MESZAROS, I., Marx's Theory of Alienation. The Merlin Press, London 1970. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies. - Central banking, strongly advocated by Marx, has really “alienated” us, coercively but also legally, from our monetary freedom frights and liberties, our free banking options. - J.Z., 30.5.10.
METCALF, Sen. JACK, Honest Money for America. Circular, 2 pages, October 1, 1987, from Robert Sagehorn, microfiched, in PEACE PLANS 791.. - JZL.
METCALF, SEN. JACK, Honest Money for America, Federal Reserve Update. October 1988, Vol. 5, # 3, Laurie Schock Editor, 6 pages A 4, on one folded sheet, addressed to John MClaughry, Concord, VT, 05824. - Address then for Metcalf: 1023 South Adams # 161. Olympia, WA 98501. - JZL.
METZ, S. S., Standstill Bills. BANKER, Vol. XXXII, Oct.-Dec. 1934, pp.197-204. - GOLLIN, The Commonwealth Bank of A.
METZLER, LUDWIG, Studien zur Geschichte des deutschen Effektenbankwesens. Leipzig 1911. - Obst, Georg, Geld-, Bank- & Börsenwesen.
MEULEN, HENRY, editor and, practically, publisher as well, of "THE INDIVIDUALIST", from ca. 1937 to his death in 1978. (Formally put out by the Personal Rights Association.) I believe all the previous issues, under another editor, are in the State Library of NSW. - While I had intended to microfiche all the issues under his editorship, if I could lay my hands on them, I never succeeded in this. Appeals for the missing issues, listed in PEACE PLANS 561, were, in vain, so far. A US firm seemed to intend to film his set, got it supplied by Meulen but, apparently, never went ahead with the project. Issues 1975-1978 (last), with an index of all issues under his editorship: PEACE PLANS 561. If someone supplies me with copies 2-5 of 1974, I could proceed to film years 1962-1974. - J.Z.) (What I microfilmed so far will probably be all that I will ever microfilm of this or any other journal or book. - J.Z., 7.2.10.)
MEULEN, HENRY, & BECKERATH, ULRICH VON, Correspondence, incomplete, on Free Banking by two major writers on Free Banking, book-length: www.butterbach.net/epinfo/instead.htm I digitized it in 6 files, which came to over 6 MBs in RTF and over 2 MBs zipped. Both were fans of Tucker’s “Instead of a Book”. - J.Z., 12.7.10.
MEULEN, HENRY, & SAGEHORN, ROBERT, some correspondence, 1968-1978, 29pp., in PEACE PLANS 791. (Since Meulen has destroyed his part of his correspondence, it is important for all his correspondents to come forward and help preserve what is left, at least online or on discs. - J.Z.)
MEULEN, HENRY, Banking and the Social Problem. 1909 pamphlet, 17pp, in PEACE PLANS 320 + 561.
MEULEN, HENRY, Banking Reform & Commerce. THE CLARE MARKET REVIEW, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp.13-18. (Meulen books, Goldsmith Collection)
MEULEN, HENRY, Correspondence with John Zube on human rights. 48x, in PEACE PLANS 589/590.
MEULEN, HENRY, Free Banking, A Short Statement of a Policy of Individualism. 16pp, 24x, in PEACE PLANS 45, also, 36x, in PEACE PLANS 561.
MEULEN, HENRY, Free Banking, an Outline of a Policy of Individualism. 1934, indexed, 429pp, London: Macmillan, in PEACE PLANS 796. - This is the 2nd. ed. of his previous work, published in 1917 and titled: "Industrial Justice through Banking Reform". With a letter by Ulrich von Beckerath, 7 April 1968, warning me not to publish this book, since Meulen was an opponent of free banking - as advocated by Beckerath and myself. Includes also 15pp of letter exchanges between Meulen and myself, 1964-69, of letters ready on hand and not already filmed in the human rights discussion in PEACE PLANS 589/590. 6 more pages of this correspondence are reproduced in PEACE PLANS 797 and some more correspondence of Meulen with Rittershausen is filmed in PEACE PLANS 798. 20 or even 30 years ago, I asked in The Economist’s Bookshop, in London. At least then they had still quite a few copies of the printed edition for sale. - His historical reports are more valuable than his hypotheses and proposals. - J.Z. - JZL.
MEULEN, HENRY, Individualist Anarchism. 1949, 16pp, 36x, in PEACE PLANS 45 & 561.
MEULEN, HENRY, Industrial Justice through Banking Reform." Title of the first edition, 1917, of his ‘Free Banking”. A Short Description of it is as an insert in a book, in Meulen books, Goldsmith Collection. All his remaining letters relating to monetary freedom and issues of The Individualist, 1937-1978, that have been listed in Peace Plans 561 as being still short, are still wanted by me, although I will, probably, neither get around to microfiche nor to digitize them. - J.Z., 17.5.10. - First edition of his later renamed book: “Free Banking”, 1934.) - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
MEULEN, HENRY, Letter in THE FREE TRADER, Jan.-Feb. 1952, 1p, on the bank rate, in PEACE PLANS 803.
MEULEN, HENRY, Monetary Reform Proposals. 24x, one of 3 pamphlets by him 2.) Free Banking, 3.) Individualist Anarchism, are the others, in PEACE PLANS 45.
MEULEN, HENRY, Peace through enlightenment on individualism, Henry Meulen Speaking. 24x, a short review of his work, by quoting him, compiled by J.Z. in PEACE PLANS 12.
MEULEN, HENRY, THE INDIVIDUALIST, Contents listing, as far as H. M. and myself got around to make it, in my first CD, folder D FB condensed, file Meulen The Individualist Index, 384 RTF. JZem. THE INDIVIDUALIST contains numerous articles by him on monetary freedom, at least his own version of it. - I microfilmed all the issues I could obtain. Alas, he burnt all his correspondence, wrongly assuming that he had extracted its essence in THE INDIVIDUALIST. Among it was much correspondence with Ulrich von Beckerath, whose ideas on this subject were rarely mentioned in this periodical. - J.Z., 14.6.10.
MEULEN, HENRY, The Price of Gold. 4th ed., co-authored with Thomas Goeritz, 1973, 8pp, 36x, in PEACE PLANS 561. (See note under Goeritz.J.Z.)
MEULEN, HENRY, to LABADIE, LAURANCE, 5.3.59. 1/2p, plus a note by L.L.: 238.
MEULEN, HENRY, to RITTERSHAUSEN, HEINRICH, 1950 to 1973. As far as on hand, partly in English, partly in German, 20pp, in PEACE PLANS 798.
MEULEN, HENRY, to THE INDIAN LIBERTARIAN. 5.3.1959, 1p, in PEACE PLANS 1723/1724, August 01, p.237.
MEVIUS, J. & F. G. LELIVELT, Speciale Catalogus van de Nederlandse Bankbiljetten van 1814 tot heden. Amsterdam 1977. - Albert Pick
MEYER, B. H., History of Transportation in the United States before 1860. Washington, 1917. - McGrane, The Panic of 1837. - An old term for banknotes was “transport tickets” or “Transport Zettel”. They really help transport or transfer values from one to the other and for this they do not have to be made out of rare metals. Railway companies can and have issued railway money, not only transport tickets for persons and goods. - J.Z., 30.5.10.
MEYER, F. W., Die Währung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland auf dem Wege zur Konvertibilität. in: Volkswirtschaftliche Studien für das Schweizerische Institut für Auslandsforschung, Erlenbach - Zürich, 1954. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
MEYER, F.W., Kapitulation vor schleichender Geldentwertung? Beiträge zur Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Hrsg. Dr. Alfred Müller-Armack u.a., Köln 1966. - Flamant. - Zwangs-“Ordnung” oder natuerliche und freiheitliche Selbst-Ordnung? - J.Z., 11.3.10.
MEYER, FRITZ W. & SCHUELLER, ALFRED, Spontane Ordnungen in der Geldwirtschaft und das Inflationsproblem. Walter Eucken Institut, (Hrsg), Vortraege und Aufsaetze, Nr. 59, Francke & Mohr 1951, Mohr, Tuebingen,1976, 64 S. - Gerding. (More against than for free banking. Misleading title. - J.Z. JZL)
MEYER, HANS, Das Papiernotgeld des Königreiches Sachsen, Braunschweig. 1979. - Albert Pick
MEYER, HANS, Das Papiernotgeld des nachmaligen Landes Thüringen 1914-1923. Berlin 1976. - Albert Pick
MEYER, HANS, Das Papiernotgeld von Baden 1914-1924. Berlin 1974. - Albert Pick
MEYER, HANS, Das Papiernotgeld von Bayern 1914-1924. Berlin 1974. - Albert Pick
MEYER, HANS, Das Papiernotgeld von Schlesien 1914-1924. Berlin 1975. - Albert Pick
MEYER, HANS, Das Papiernotgeld von Württemberg 1914-1924. Berlin 1973. - Albert Pick
MEYER, HANS, Deutsches Papiernotgeld 1914 bis zu Beginn der Hochinflation. Berlin 1971-78. - Heft 1, Rheinprovinz. - Heft 2, Westfalen. - Heft 3, Hessen, Pfalz, Elsass. - Albert Pick - It is quite significant that a deflation went in parallel with the inflation from 1914 to 1923. This is clearly indicated by these emergency money issues. A central authority can never supply a whole country sufficiently with all the required exchange media. exchange media. As someone said in a joking exaggeration: “If the Sahara were nationalized, it would soon run out of sand!” - Thus people felt compelled to issue emergency monies, even against the existing legislation. Many public authorities did so as well. Even the Reichsbahn did. But central banks keep on asserting that they can supply all the exchange media required, just like politicians and bureaucrats go on asserting, that they can supply all the required public services. The dissatisfied customers are, alas, not allowed to opt out from under them. If they were, the involuntary victims of the State would disappear as its subjects and victims, like snow or fog under the sun. And more and more of the remaining statists would also begin to drop out, particularly when they do notice how successful these dropouts have become. E.g., they no longer have to pay compulsory taxation and support and obey a vast bureaucracy. Also their old age funds would then be safe from confiscation and inflation or under compulsory “investment” orders. Nor could they then become involved in any aggressive wars against their will. - J.Z., 30.5.10.
MEYER, JOSEF, Ein Beitrag zur Valuta-Regulierung in Österreich-Ungarn. Wien, 1877. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MEYER, LELAND W., The Life and Times of Colonel Richard Mentor Johnson of Kentucky. New York, 1932. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
MEYER, PAUL A., Money, Financial Institutions, and the Economy. 1986. Homewood, Ill.: Richard D. Irwin. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
MEYERS KONVERSATIONS-LEXIKON, 3rd. Ausgabe, Leipzig 1874. Artikel "Banken" und "Banknoten". 48 S., Papiergeld, 1 S., 29x, in PEACE PLANS 737.
MEYERS, MARVIN, The Great Descent: A Version of Fenimore Cooper. THE PACIFIC SPECTATOR, X (Autumn 1956), 367-81. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, Politics & Belief. A Vintage Book, New York, 1957, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1960, with bibliography and index, 298pp. - JZL.
MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion. AMERICAN QUARTERLY, V (Spring 1953), 3-15.
MEZ, A., Ein Beitrag zur rechtlichen Betrachtung des Giroverkehrs. ARCHIV FÜR BÜRGERLICHES RECHT, 30 (1907), S.47ff. - Lautner, Der „WIR“ Verrechnungsverkehr, 1964.
MICHAEL D. BORDO & SCHWARTZ, ANNA J., A Retrospective on the Classical Gold Standard, 1821-1931. (eds.) Chicago: University of Chicago Press. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
MICHAELIS, A., Die Quantitätstheorie als Grundlage der Konjunkturforschung. Jena, 1929. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
MICHAELIS, OTTO, Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften. Vol. 1: Eisenbahnfragen. Handelskrisis von 1857. Vol. 2: Von der Börse. Über Staatsanleihen. Theoretisches. Bankfragen. Berlin: Herbig, 1873. - SMITH, VERA C.
MICHAELIS, R., Scheckgesetz. (Kommentar). Berlin/Leipzig 1927. - Lautner, Der „WIR“ Verrechnungsverkehr, 1964.
MICHELET, JULES, Histoire de France. Paris, 1842. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MICHELL, H., The Edict of Diocletian: A Study of Price-Fixing in the Roman Empire. THE CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE, February 1947, p. 3. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
MICHIE, ARCHIBALD, Readings in Melbourne. London, 1879. - GOLLIN, The Commonwealth Bank of A.
MICHIGAN BANKING COMMISSION, ANNUAL REPORT. Lansing: various publishers, 1838 to date. - Woodford, Detroit & its Banks.
MICHIGAN TRADESMAN, First Independence National: Michigan's Only Minority Bank Growing at Impressive Rate. 89 (1972): 4-5. - Woodford, Detroit & its Banks.
MICHIGAN. Laws in Relation to Banking Associations in the State of Michigan. Passed at the Adjourned Session of the Legislature for 1837. Detroit, John S. Bagg, printer, 1837. - Woodford, Detroit & its Banks.
MICKWITZ, GÖSTA, Schleichende Inflation, Produktionsstufen und Absatzpolitik. WELTWIRTSCHAFTLICHES ARCHIV, Bd. 89, 1962. - Flamant. - Die falsche Begriffsbildung einer “schleichenden” Inflation has sich, leider, allzusehr eingeschlichen. - Hatte Mickwitz nicht den Witz das zu sehen? - Wir sollten „Absatz-Politik“ auch absetzen, für Geld, wenn jemand dumm genug ist dafür etwas zu zahlen, und sonst mit all ihrer „Literatur“ auf den Müll werfen. - J.Z., 11.3.10.
MIDDELMANN, Dr. RAOUL F., Credit Foncier. A Challenge to Existing Australian Practices of Long-Term Financing of Building Construction. 1971, 16pp, in PEACE PLANS 818.
MIDDLEMAN, Dr. RAOUL F., Submission to the Campbell Enquiry into the Australian Financial System. 1979, 3pp, in PEACE PLANS 818. (Address was then: 142 La Perouse Street, Griffith, ACT 2603, Australia. - For banking principle - real bills doctrine - and mortgage banking. He also supplied a 1971 paper on mortgage banking: Second Conference of Economics, Sydney, August 1971: 'Credit Foncier', a Challenge to existing Australian Practices of long-term Financing of Building Construction. 16pp, on mortgage banking. - JZL.)
MIDDLETON, HENRY, The Government and the Currency. New York, 1850. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
MIDWEST BANK CARD SYSTEM, INC., Annual Report, 1966-67. Chicago, Illinois, 69 West Washington Street, 60602. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972.
MIGNON, FRANCIS A. C., Every Man His Own Financier. A Practical Handbook. T. Werner Laurie, London, no date, indexed, 343pp. In the preface he mentions some of the titles he has read, also without giving the year of their publication. On page 21 he mentions Farrer, Studies of Currency, 1898. Page 117 he mentions THE ECONOMIST of July 14, 1906. Page 190 brings a London Course of Exchange of October 18, 1907. Page 251: “Requirements of the Companies Acts, 1862-1908. I did not find a later date in skimming through the book. - I got the impression that he wanted to make money on the money market or through speculations on the stock exchanges. I did not understand his system without close study - which I will not give it. - J.Z., 23.3.10. - JZL.
MIGULIN, P., Unsere Bankpolitik 1729-1803. Charkow 1904. - Obst. - (Über die russische Staatsbank.)
MIKESELL, R. F., Foreign Exchange in the Post-War World. New York, 1954. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
MIKKELSEN, ADAM, Electronic Money and the Market Process. - Electronic Money and the Market Process
MIKSCH, L., Die Geldschöpfung in der Gleichgewichtstheorie. ORDO II, Bad Godesberg, 1949, PEACE PLANS 308-328. - According to Prof. Rittershausen, in Bankpolitik, S.211:"Miksch fights especially the ruling opinion of monopoly as the only possible and justified organizational principle for the creation of money." - JZL - (See Rittershausen to U. v. Bth, 10.9.48, & Rittershausen, Bankpolitik, p. 211.) 20pp, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 731. Otherwise, the academic response at that time to monetary freedom ideas was zero. - J.Z. - Hayek was one of the many who ignored his work, too, when he stated, later, that he himself was the first economist who considered the monetary freedom options. Moreover, he managed to class, of all people, Prof. H. Rittershausen as an “inflationist”! - J.Z., 7.2.10.
MILDSCHUH, WILIBALD, "Geschichtliche Entwicklung der Geldtheorie. [Historical Development of Monetary Theorie.]. 1927. In Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaft. vol.4, edited by Elster, Ludwig; Weber, Adolf; and Wieser, Friedrich. Jena: Gustav Fischer. - T. Cowen & R. Kroszner, Nov. 90. - Willibald? - J.Z.
MILES, MARC A., The Monetary Crisis: Why Quantity Rules Are No Solution. POLICY REPORT 3 (May 1981): 5-7, 9-11. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
MILFORD, JOHN, Observations on the Proceedings of the Country Bankers during the Last Thirty Years. ... London, Longmans. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGAR, A Gold Truce, A Constructive Plan for the Revival of International Trade. ANNALS OF COLLECTIVE ECONOMY, 1933, vol. IX, 159pp, in PEACE PLANS 299. (French translation wanted for filming. - J.Z.)
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, A Plan for Immediate Action Against Unemployment and the Economic Crisis. In his ANNALS FOR COLLECTIVE ECONOMY, vol. VIII, January-March, 1932. (Reproduced, with updated statistics, in the 1933 volume.)
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, A Plan for Immediate Action against Unemployment and the Economic Crisis, simultaneous and joint provision of employment and markets. In: "ANNALS OF COLLECTIVE ECONOMY", Vol. IX, No. 2, June-November 1933, pp.161-183. - Reproduction of his 1932 article, with updated statistics. Proposing internal and external "purchasing certificates", a plan later developed in Beckerath's writings. - Discussion of the Plan at the Geneva National Institute: pp.184-193. - The Plan and International Public Opinion: pp.194-206. - The Plan before the Belgian Association for Social Progress: pp.207-249. - The Plan in New Zealand: pp.250-252. - App.A.: The Meaning of the Barter Exchanges. From THE NEW REPUBLIC, Jan. 4, 1933. - App.B.: Back to Barter. From: THE NEW REPUBLIC, Jan. 4, 1933. (Both, apparently by Murray E. King.) - App.C.: A Million Men Return to Barter. Extract from NATIONAL MUNICIPAL REVIEW, March 1933, 6pp. - App.D.: Cooperative Self-Help Activities Among the Unemployed. Extract from the MONTHLY LABOR REVIEW, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, March 1933, here on pp.268-322. - App. D.: Carl H. Chatters: Is Municipal Scrip a Panacea? Extract from "PUBLIC MANAGEMENT", March 1933, here pages 323-325. - (JZL, very imperfect photocopy.)
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, Absatzmöglichkeiten und internatinales Clearing. 1934, Artikel in his ANNALS, in PEACE PLANS 347/348.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, ANNALEN DER GEMEINWIRTSCHAFT, 10. Jahrgang, Heft 1, Januar/Juli 1934, Herausgeber, Genf, 312 S. Mit Beiträgen von Edgard Milhaud, Ulrich von Beckerath, Dr. Walter Zander, Dr. H. Rittershausen, Ing. Karl Küttel, Dr. M. A. Heilperin, Alex von Muralt, Mich. Unterguggenberger. - JZL.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, ANNALS OF COLLECTIVE ECONOMY, editor, vol. 10, 1934, Ending the Unemployment and Trade Crisis by the introduction of purchasing certificates and the establishment of an international clearing system. London, Williams & Norgate, 1935, 402pp. Contains essential monetary freedom writings by Beckerath, Rittershausen and Zander, which are separately listed. In PEACE PLANS 769. Taken from the 1968 reprint, Swets & Zeitlinger N.V., Amsterdam.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, Creation Conjointe d'Emplois de de Debouches et Clearing International. Progres du Mouvement, in: Organisation des Echanges et Creation de Travail, pp. 243-313, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 744.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, Ending the Unemployment and Trade Crisis by the Introduction of Purchasing Certificates and the Establishment of an International Clearing System, a Sequel to "A Gold Truce" and "Fresh Work Fresh Markets", Edgard Milhaud, editor, writer & collaborators: U.v. Beckerath, Walter Zander, H. Rittershausen, K. Küttel and M. A. Heilperin. 354pp. Williams & Norgate Ltd., London, 1935. In flawed photocopy only: JZL.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, Fresh Work Fresh Markets. A Plan for Immediate Action Against Unemployment and the Economic Crisis. Including: LEDERER, Dr. E., Work for the Workless. MENDELSON, Dr. Kurt, Self-Help Undertakings Started by the Workless. & GRAHAM, Prof. FRANK D., The Creation of Employment. ANNALS OF COLLECTIVE ECONOMY, Geneva, Vol. IX, No. 2, June-Nov. 1933. 353pp. Translated by G. Spiller, London. - Flawed photocopy only. - JZL.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, Gleichzeitige Schaffung von Arbeitsgelegenheit sowie Absatzmöglichkeiten und internationales Clearing, Fortschritte der Bewegung. In: Zahlungsverkehr, Einkaufsscheine und Arbeitsbeschaffung. ANNALEN DER GEMEINWIRTSCHAFT, 10. Jahr., Heft 1, Januar/Juli 1934 - Fiched in: PEACE PLANS 347/348.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, Goldburgfriede und internationales Clearing, Plan für die Wiederherstellung des Internationalen Handels. ANNALEN DER GEMEINWIRTSCHAFT. Jahrgang IX, Heft 1, Genf, 1933, PEACE PLANS 360.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, La Compensation Organisée, Une Idée en Marche. 1935, 322pp, in PEACE PLANS 745.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, Le Cheque-Compensation International Devant L'Opinion. 1936, 301pp, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 658.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, Le Problème des Compensations devant la Société des nations. In: Organisation des Echanges et Creation de Travail, pp. 389-398, fiched, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 744.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, Les Gouvernements nous entendront-ils enfin? In: Organisation des Echanges et Creation de Travail, pp.1-6, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 744.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, Neue Arbeit, Neue Absätze. ANNALEN DER GEMEINWIRTSCHAFT, 9. Jahrg., 1933, Heft 2.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, Nouveau Travail, Nouveaux Débouches, Avant-Propos, LES ANNALES DE L'ECONOMIE COLLECTIVE, 7-12/1933, 4pp, 29x in PEACE PLANS 665.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, Nouveau Travail, Nouveaux Débouches. Un Projet D'action Immédiate Contre Le Chômage Et Contre La Crise. Paris, Maison Cooperative du Livre, 1933.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, BECKERATH, U. von; ZANDER, WALTER, RITTERSHAUSEN, H., Organisation des Echanges et Création de Travail, Contra la Crise. - La mise à exécution des propositions Milhaud. - Bons d'achat et Monnaie ferroviaire.- Le Chômage comme problème de moyens de paiement et de crédit. - La Compensation internationale. - Edited by Milhaud. Authors: Edgard Milhaud, U.v.Beckerath, Walter Zander, H. Rittershausen, K. Kuettel, M.A. Heilperin, from ANNALS..., 1934, Recueil Sirey, Paris, 404pp., 29x, in PEACE PLANS 744.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, Organized Compensatory Trading. 305pp. The main part of ANNALS OF COLLECTIVE ECONOMY, vol. 12, 1936, also in London, 1937. Microfilmed in PEACE PLANS 770. - from the Amsterdam, 1968 reprint,
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, Postscript. The Compensation Problem before the Assembly of the League of Nations. 1934, 9pp, in PEACE PLANS 769.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, Simultaneous Provision of Employment and of Markets and an International Clearing System. Progress of the Movement. - 1934, 68pp., in PEACE PLANS 769.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, The Compensations Cheque. Geneva, 1949. Criticized by J.J. Bonda, in Goods Currencies, English Univ. Press, London.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, Treve de l'Or et Clearing International. Plan pour le rétablissement des échanges internationaux. Paris, Recueil Sirey, 1933.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, Un Project d'Action Immédiate Contre le Chômage et Contre la Crise, LES ANNALES DE L'ECONOMIE COLLECTIVE, 7-12/1933, 25pp, in PEACE PLANS 665.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, Werden die massgebenden Stellen uns endlich hören? 6 S., 1935, in PEACE PLANS 347/348.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, Will Governments Heed our Proposals at last? - MILHAUD, Prof. Edgard. In: Ending the Unemployment & Trade Crisis. London, Williams & Norgate, 1935. 6pp, 1935, in PEACE PLANS 769. - They are still deaf to them! - J.Z., 30.5.10.
MILHAUD, Prof. EDGARD, Zahlungsverkehr, Einkaufsscheine und Arbeitsbeschaffung. ANNALEN DER GEMEINWIRTSCHAFT, 10. Jahrg., Heft 1, Januar/ Juli 1934, mit Beitraegen von Milhaud, Beckerath, Zander, Rittershausen, Kuettel, Heilperin, Muralt, Unterguggenberger, 316 S., in PEACE PLANS 347/348.
MILL, JAMES, Commerce Defended. London, C. & R. Baldwin, 1808, ch.6. - “The classic statement of Mill’s version of Say’s Law.” - Thomas Sowell, Say’s Law.
MILL, JAMES, Elements of Political Economy. 1821, Baldwin, Cradock and Joy. - DOWD, The State & the Monetary System. - 3rd. ed., London, Henry G. Bohn, 1844. - ch. 6, sect. 2-4. - “A more systematic or ‘textbookish” development of Mill’s version of Say’s Law.” - Thomas Sowell, Say’s Law. - Does it include the monetary- or clearing-freedom precondition? - J.Z., 5.4.10.
MILL, JAMES, Over-Production and Unemployment, A Plea for Freedom. Philadelphia, 1940, 30pp. (Meulen books, Goldsmith Collection)
MILL, JAMES, Privilege and the Effects of Privilege.
MILL, JAMES, Some Observations on a Sound Money System. - According to L. Labadie, Bilgram followed Mill's line of thought.
MILL, JOHN STUART, Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy. London, John W. Parker, 1844, essay 2. - “The most sophisticated classical version of Say’s Law.” - Thomas Sowell, Say’s Law. - Did he clearly see the need for free banking or did he presume that any exclusive or even forced currency could be good enough? - J.Z., 5.4.10.
MILL, JOHN STUART, Principles of Political Economy, With Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy. London: John W. Parker, 1848. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition. - 5th ed. published by Parker, Son and Bourn, West Strand, London, 1862. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society. - 7th ed., London, Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer, 1871. - 2 vols. New York, 1893. - Edited edition by W. J. Ashley, London, Longmans, Green & Co.: 1909, 1920, 1921,1923, 1929. - Thomas Sowell, Say’s Law. - 1972. - New York, Augustus M. Kelley, 1973. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies. (J. S. M. favoured competitive note issues on principle, although he personally preferred central banking. - White.)
MILL, JOHN STUART, The Currency Question. 1844. WESTMINSTER REVIEW 41: 579-98. [Mill, John Stuart]. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MILLER & MANNE, Gold, Money and the Law. - Steven L. Green, July 86.
MILLER, C., Studien zur Geschichte der Geldlehre. Stuttgart and Berlin 1925. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
MILLER, HARRY E., Banking Theories in the United States Before 1860. In: HARVARD ECONOMIC STUDIES, Vol. XXX, Harvard University Press. - Cambridge (Massachusetts), 1927. - 1972 Kelly reprint with bibliography & index 235pp, in PEACE PLANS No. 549. - I marked quite a few passages as of interest to me. -Good on the particular kind of private note issues that was classed in the U.S. as "free banking". - J.Z. 20.3.10. - "äusserst gut", according to Prof. Heinrich Rittershausen.) - Groseclose, Money & Man. - Selgin - JZL.
MILLER, HARRY E., Earlier Theories of Crises and Cycles in the United States. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS (February 1924), xxxviii, 294-329. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
MILLER, HUGH, Words of Warning to the People of Scotland. On Sir R. Peel's Scotch Currency Scheme. 1844. Edinburgh, John Johnstone. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MILLER, JOHN W., The Distribution of Wealth by Money, London, n.d., 154pp. (Meulen books, Goldsmith Collection)
MILLER, MARK S. & DREXLER, K. ERIC, Comparative Ecology: A Computational Perspective. 1988a. In The Ecology of Computation. Ed. B. A. Huberman. North-Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., pp.51-76. . - Fred E. Foldvary, “… The Credit Exchange Alternative for Market Coordination.”
MILLER, MARK S. & DREXLER, K. ERIC, Markets and Computation: Agoric Open Systems. 1988b. In The Ecology of Computation. Ed. B. A. Huberman. North-Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., pp.133-176. . - Fred E. Foldvary, “… The Credit Exchange Alternative for Market Coordination.”
MILLER, MICHAEL, E-gold. 1999, 2000, 2pp - www.e-gold.com/e-gold.asp?cid=107481 - in PEACE PLANS 1676, p.20. - A book on the remaining fallacies of the gold bugs is overdue! In their opposition to the paper money despotism of governments, they adopt the monetary authoritarianism and limitations of the old and "classical" , as well as legislated, "gold standard" as if it were the only rightful and possible one, although, so far, only within their voluntary payment communities. They are unaware of and uninterested in removing its self-limiting redemptionist flaws (redemption obligation by the issuers, upon demand) and of the soundness of retaining gold weight units merely as optional or contracted for value standards, optional means of payment and widely accepted value standards for accounting and clearing purposes. In that form any quantity of gold would suffice to achieve the exchange of any quantity of goods and services that people are able and willing to exchange. However, as volunteers in this sphere they are on the track to full monetary freedom - but by far not there yet! The own flawed ideas do hold us back much more so than external force does. You and your trading partners do not need to possess any gold to reckon, account and exchange in gold weight values! - There exists a long but largely unknown or ignored tradition on this. - Their method leaves them open to official robbery. - J.Z., 22.5.01.
MILLER, PERRY, The Transcendentalists: An Anthology. (ed.). Cambridge, Mass., 1950. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
MILLER, Philosophy of History. (Bohn's Ed.) - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MILLER, The Foreign Exchange Market. - Mills & Walker, Money, 1935-1952.
MILLER, W. I., Blood Taking and Peacemaking: Feud Laws and Society in Saga Iceland. (1990) Chicago: University of Chicago Press. - Dowd
MILLES, D. M., Bank of England and Treasury Notes 1694-1970. Newcastle upon Tyne 1970. - Albert Pick
MILLIKAN, MAX F., Income Stabilization for a Developing Democracy. (Editor) New Haven, 1953. . - Paul Einzig, How Money Is Managed. The Ends & Means of Monetary Policy.
MILLS, C. WRIGHT, The American Business Elite: A Collective Portrait. In” The Tasks of Economic History. [Supplement to JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC HISTORY, V (December 1945)] pp. 20-44. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
MILLS, DANIEL Q., Government, Labor and Inflation, Wage Stabilization in the United States. Chicago University Press, Chicago, 1975. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
MILLS, DANIEL Q., Some Lessons of Price Controls in 1971-73. BELL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, Vol. 6, Spring 1975, pp. 3-49. - (Very good review of the ineffectiveness of the Nixon controls and some useful theoretical comments on the nature and effect of price controls.)
MILLS, JOHN, On Credit Cycles and the Origin of Commercial Crises. Transactions of the Manchester Statistical Society, 1867-1868. pp. 6-40. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
MILLS, R. C. & BENHAM, F. C., Lectures on the Principles of Money, Banking, and Foreign Exchange and their Application to Australia. Published by the authors, Sydney, 1925, 135pp - The contents list did not encourage me to read this book. - JZL. - Also just listed as: “The Principles ….”
MILLS, R. C. & F. C. BENHAM, The Principles of Money, Banking, and Foreign Exchange and their Application to Australia, Sydney. A course of lectures. Angus & Robertson, 1925, indexed, 237pp. Lecture V deals with “The Creation of Credit”. Typically, legal tender is not mentioned in the index. - J.Z. - JZL.
MILLS, R. C. & WALKER, E. RONALD, Money. Angus & Robertson, Sydney, London, 1935. - GOLLIN, The Commonwealth Bank of A. - 3rd. ed., Angus & Robertson Ltd., Sydney, 1936, indexed and with bibliography, 319pp. - Thirteenth edition 1952, with recommendations for further reading and index: 319pp. - JZL.JZL.
MILLS, R. C., The Financial Relations of the Commonwealth and the States. ECONOMIC RECORD, Vol. IV, May 1928, pp.1-14. - GOLLIN, The Commonwealth Bank of A.
MILLS, RICHARD HORNER, The Principles of Currency and Banking. 2nd ed. London: Groombridge and Sons, 1857. - SMITH, VERA C.
MILLS, Statistical Methods. Ch. VI, on price index-numbers. - Mills & Walker, Money, 1935-1952.
MILNE, DAVID, On Circulating Credit: With Hints for Improving the Banking System of Britain, by a Scottish Banker. 1832. Edinburgh, William Tait. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MILROY, SAMUEL, Papers. Indiana State Historical Society, Indianapolis, Ind. - SHADE, G. W. (1972), Manuscripts.
MINCHINTON, W. E., Wage Regulation in Pre-Industrial England. (ed.) David & Charles, London, 1972. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
MINFORD, P., and associates, Is the Government's Strategy on Course? LLOYDS BANK REVIEW, 1981, and LIVERPOOL OCCASIONAL PAPERS No. 1, 1981. - Samuel Brittan, in Hobart Paper 90.
MINFORD, PATRICK, ROSE, HAROLD, ELTIS, WALTER, PERLMAN, MORRIS & BURTON, JOHN, Is Monetarism Enough? Essays in refining and reinforcing the monetary cure for Inflation, 1980, IEA Readings 24.
MINTS, LLOYD W., A History of Banking Theory in Great Britain and the United States. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1944, 1945. - Redlich + Klebaner. - “especially pp. 206-207. This is sometimes called the "real bills doctrine." - Klebaner - 2nd. impression, Chicago, 1948. (Coppetiers) - See also under “The History …”
MINTS, LLOYD W., Monetary Policy for a Competitive Society. 1950. New York: McGraw-Hill. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
MINTS, LLOYD W., The Elasticity of Bank Notes. 1930. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 38(4) (August). - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking. - I guess that he meant the elasticity of bank note circulation. - J.Z.
MINTS, LLOYD W., The History of Banking Theory in Great Britain and the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1945, 1947. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition. - DOWD, The State & the Monetary System. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking. (Title also given as starting with “History” and “A History”. - Take your pick. - J.Z. - Selgin.
MIRABEAU, Observations préliminaires sur le Rapport du Comité des Monnaies, et Mémoire sur la Constitution Monétaire. Paris, 1790. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MIRAMS, JAMES, A National Bank of Issue for Victoria. MELBOURNE REVIEW, Vol. III, 1878, pp.288-303. - GOLLIN, The Commonwealth Bank of A.
MIRON, J. A., The founding of the Fed and the destabilization of the post-1914 US economy. (1989) Chapter 10 of M. de Cecco and A. Giovannini (eds) A European Central Bank? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. - Dowd
MISES INSTITUTE, (1881-1973) From among its numerous libertarian online titles, listed on 77 pages, pages which I just downloaded, I also downloaded an extract on the money and banking titles, pages, of which it lists, by its count, 127 titles. (However, I found many titles listed twice to four times, many typos or wrong spelling and the list is not alphabetized. When copied into a file of my own, all those titles especially interesting for me, as monetary freedom titles and as LMP titles already digitized by others, I found that some “fields” remained in the copies, so that I could not sort my list with the WORD sort command. Instead of requiring 77 downloads, which is time consuming, they should all be offered in single alphabetized list or two, by author and title, in one or two downloads. Perhaps that will be done in the future. Anyhow, almost every libertarian will find some of his favorite titles offered there. A very good start. This list should be combined with all other such lists. - I manually alphabetized my extracts and included the free banking titles here. - Many of the other titles are also of some interest to panarchists. - J.Z., 23.2.10.
MISES INSTITUTE, Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve. - Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve - Mises Institute - Transcript of a film by the Mises Institute - Online at the Mises Institute.
MISES INSTITUTE, THE MISES DAILY of 4, March 10, received by me yesterday, offers the following audio files on the subject: 1.) Salmasius: High-Water Mark of Early-Modern Interest Theory - 2.) Mr. Libertarian, Murray N. Rothbard - 3.) My Battle Against the Fed - 4.) The Source and Workings of the Latest Crisis - 5.) Heckle and Jekyll: How Murray Rothbard Got the Fed's Story Right - My system, in its present form, could not cope with these downloads. But I would gladly include all such listings, too, or at least a reference where they can be found. - J.Z., 6.3.10.
MISES ORG, Films on Liberty and State. - Films on Liberty and State - Online at the Mises Institute.
MISES ORG, Foreign-Language Materials. - Foreign-Language Materials - Online at the Mises Institute.
MISES, LUDWIG von & SPIETHOFF, ARTHUR, Probleme der Wertlehre, Erster Theil. Verlag von Duncker & Humblot, München & Leipzig, 1931. Beiträge von V. Furlan, Friedrich von Gottle Ottlilienfeld, Wilhelm Kromphardt, Robert Liefmann, Ludwig Mises, Oskar Morgenstern, Franz Oppenheimer, Othmar Spann, Wilhelm Vleugels, Hans Zeisl, 296 S. - Photocopy from the 1953 library of U. v. Beckerath, who referred to S.149, in the essay by Prof. Dr. Franz Oppenheimer: Die ökonomische Theorie des Wertes. - JZL.
MISES, LUDWIG von, A Critique of Böhm-Bawerk’s Reasoning in Support of His Time Preference Theory. - "A Critique of Boehm-Bawerk's Reasoning in Support of His Time Preference Theory" - Ludwig von Mises - This is the critical analysis to which Mises refers in Human Action, 3rd ed. page 488, note 5 (Chicago: Regnery, 1966). It appeared in Nationalökonomie (Geneva, Switzerland: Editions Union, 1940), pp. 439-444. This excerpt has been translated from the German by Bettina Bien Greaves and edited by Percy L. Greaves, Jr.: Mises Made Easier (Dobbs Ferry: Free Market Books, 1974), pp. 150-157. - Online at the Mises Institute.
MISES, LUDWIG von, A Critique of Interventionism. - Critique of Interventionism, A - Ludwig von Mises - Kritik des Interventionismus: Untersuchungen zur Wirtschaftspolitik und Wirtschaftsideologie der Gegenwart. [Critique of Interventionism: Inquiries into Present Day Economic Policy and Ideology]. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1929, 1976. Revised English translation of the 1976 German new edition. Translated by Hans F. Sennholz. Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y.: Foundation for Economic Education, 1996. - Online at the Mises Institute. - Does he here also treat the interventionism of central banking and its monetary despotism and the kind of despotism and interventionism involved in any exclusive currency, even one of gold coins and gold certificates only? - J.Z., 24.2.10.
MISES, LUDWIG von, A Hundred Years of Marxian Socialism. - Online at the Mises Institute. It appeared in Richard M. Ebeling, ed., Money, Method, and the Market Process. Boston, MA: Kluwer Adademic Publishers, 1990, pp.215-232.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Bemerkungen über die ideologischen Wurzeln der Währungskatastrophe von 1923. In: Freundesgabe zum 12. Oktober 1959 für Albert Hahn (Frankfurt am Main: Fritz Knapp Verlag), pp.54-58.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Bureaucracy. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1944. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Business under German Inflation. In: THE COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL CHRONICLE. Vol. 163 (4470) p. 1. March 7, 1946.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Comments in a "Symposium on Keynes." In: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. Second Section, pp.9-10. September 11, 1959.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Complete Mises Bibliography. - Complete Mises Bibliography - Ludwig von Mises - The Mises Bibliography is a Mises.org creation, complete with links to existing online texts. - - Online at the Mises Institute.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Das österreichische Währungsproblem vor 30 Jahren und heute: ein Gedenkblatt, in NEUE FREIE PRESSE, March 17, 1922. p. 2.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Das Problem gesetzlicher Aufnahme der Barzahlungen in Österreich-Ungarn. 1909, in JAHRBUCH FUR GESETZGEBUNG, VERWALTUNG UND VOLKSWIRTSCHAFT (SCHMOLLERS JAHRBUCH). XXXIII (3): 985-1037.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Das vierte Privilegium der österreichisch-ungarischen Bank. 1912, in ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR VOLKSWIRTSCHAFT, SOZIALPOLITIK UND VERWALTUNG. XXI: 611-624.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Der Stand und die nächste Zukunft der Konjunkturforschung. In: Festschrift in honor of Arthur Spiethoff. (Munich, 1933), pp. 175-180. English translation in: Mises: On the Manipulation of Money …
MISES, LUDWIG von, Der Weg der österreichischen Finanzpolitik. In: WIRTSCHAFTLICHE NACHRICHTEN. 18 (1): 38-39. 1935.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Der Wiedereintritt Deutsch-Österreichs in das Deutsche Reich und die Währungsfrage. 1919, in Wirtschaftliche Verhältnisse in Deutsch-Österreichs. 158:147-171. Schriften des Vereins fur Sozialpolitik. Leipzig.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Die Abschaffung des Geldes in Russland." 1921, in NEUE FREIE PRESSE, November 17, 1920. p.9.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Die allgemeine Teuerung im Lichte der theoretischen Nationalökonomie. 1913. In: ARCHIV FÜR SOZIALWISSENSCHAFT UND SOZIALPOLITIK. XXXVII: 557-577.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Die alte und die neue Notenbank. In: ÖSTERREICHISCHE REVUE, December 25, 1922.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Die Ansprüche der Noteninhaber bei der Liquidation der Bank. 1921, in NEUE FREIE PRESSE, February 25 (p.9) and 26 (p.10), 1921.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Die bankpolitischen Lehren der Krisis. ALLGEMEINER TARIF-ANZEIGER. No. 31, pp.1000-1001. August 1, 1931.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Die geldtheoretische Seite des Stabilisierungsproblems. - München & Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, 1923. Published in conjunction with an essay by Franz Klein on the legal aspect of the stabilization problem in the series Schriften des Vereins für Sozialpolitik. 164:2. Die geldtheoretische Seite des Stabilisierungsproblems - Ludwig von Mises - English translation by Bettina Bien Greaves: in On the Manipulation of Money and Credit, 1978. - Online at the Mises Institute. - It seems that both, the essay and BBG’s translation are online at the Mises Institute.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Die Goldkernwährung. DEUTSCHE ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG, Februar 24, 1925. - Also in NEUES WIENER TAGBLATT. No.101, pp.19-20. April 12, 1925.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Die Goldwährung und ihre Gegner. NEUE FREIE PRESSE, December 25 (p. 24) and 30 (p. 11), 1931.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Die Krise und der Kapitalismus. NEUE FREIE PRESSE. October 17, 1931. p.13.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Die Lehre vom Gelde. FORSCHUNGEN UND FORTSCHRITTE, (Berlin) February. 1928.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Die psychologischen Wurzeln des Widerstandes gegen die national-ökonomische Theorie. - In: Mises & Spoiethoff, Probleme der Wertlehre.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Die Stellung des Geldes im Kreise der wirtschaftlichen Güter. - Die Wirtschaftstheorie der Gegenwart. (Festschrift in honor of Friedrich von Wieser.) Edited by Hans Mayer. Vienna: Julius Springer, 1932. Volume II, pp. 309-318.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Die Störungen im Wirtschaftsleben der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie während der Jahre 1912/1913. 1914, ARCHIV FUR SOZIALWISSENSCHAFT UND SOZIALPOLITIK. XXXIX: 174-186.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Die Ursachen der Weltwirtschaftskrise: Ein Vortrag. 1931, MITTEILUNGEN DES DEUTSCHEN HAUPTVERBANDES DER INDUSTRIE. XII(10/11). March 12 (pp.157-160) and 19 (pp. 171-174). Published as a booklet by J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen, 34 pp. English transl. in: Mises: On the Manipulation of Money …
MISES, LUDWIG von, Die Wiedereinführung des börsenmassigen Valutahandels. NEUE FREIE PRESSE, December 23, 1919.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Die wirtschaftspolitischen Motive der österreichischen Valutaregulierung. 1907, ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR VOLKSWIRTSCHAFT, SOZIALPOLITIK UND VERWALTUNG. XVL: 561-582.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Economic Freedom & Interventionism, An Anthology of Articles and Essays. Selected & Edited by Bettina Bien Greaves, 263pp, indexed, here a 1p announcement, in PEACE PLANS 1655, p.101. - The whole title was reproduced in PEACE PLANS 1480 with permission by Mrs. Greaves, the copyrights holder. - J.Z.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Einstellung der Notenvermehrung oder Devisenverordnungen: Bemerkungen zum vorstehenden Artikel des Finanzrates Dr. Franz Bartsch." 1919. MITTEILUNGEN DES VERBANDES ÖSTERREICHISCHER BANKEN UND BANKIERS. 2(5/6): 1-2. April 22, 1919.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Elastic Expectations' and the Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle. ECONOMICA. 23rd Year, New Series. X:251-252. August 1943. Comments on L. M. Lachmann's article, ECONOMICA, February 1943.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Entgegnung (auf W. Federns Entgegnung auf dem Artikel von Dr. v. Mises, 'Das vierte Privilegium der österreichisch-ungarischen Bank.')", 1912. ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR VOLKSWIRTSCHAFT, SOZIALPOLITIK UND VERWALTUNG. XXI: 753-756.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Epistemological Relativism in the Sciences of Human Action. In: Richard M. Ebeling, ed., Money, Method, and the Market Process. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990, pp.37-54. - Online at the Mises Institute.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Ernste Rückgange der Valuta. 1920. In: NEUE FREIE PRESSE, January 28, 1920. pp.1-2. - Unter Freiheit existieren „free exchange rates“ und zum Marktkurs, gibt es keine „Devisenknappheit“. Unter Freiheit kann man auch mit anderen Zahlungsmitteln als „Devisen“ zahlen. - Schlechte Gesetze werden schliesslich als selbstverständlich hingenommen und führen auch zu schlechten Denkgewohnheiten und Schriften. - J.Z., 17.5.10.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Finance and Banking in the Austrian Empire and the Republic of Austria. - "Finance and Banking in the Austrian Empire and the Republic of Austria" - 1921. - Encyclopedia Britannica, 12th ed. (supp. to 11th ed.), v. XXX, pp. 323-24, 348-49. - Online at the Mises Institute.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Finanz- und Währungspolitische Fragen in der Gegenwart. MITTEILUNGEN DES DEUTSCHEN HAUPTVERBANDES DER INDUSTRIE. (Teplitz). 5(12):201-209. March 20, 1924.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Geldentwertung und Staatshaushalt. NEUES WIENER TAGBLATT. October 5, 1919. pp.15-16.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Geldwertstabilisierung und Konjunkturpolitik. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1928. 84 pp. - Geldwertstabilisierung and Konjunkturpolitik. - Ludwig von Mises - Italian translation: La Stabilizzazione del Potere d`acquisto della Moneta e la Politica della Congiuntura. - Translated from the German by Jenny Griziotti Kretschmann. In Mercato Monetaria (Nuova Collana di Economisti, Stranieri e Italiani, Vol.8) Turin, 1935. pp.23-90. English translation by Bettina Bien Greaves: in On the Manipulation of Money and Credit, 1978. - Online at the Mises Institute. - - The German title given, uses “and” instead of the German “und” in the title. - J.Z.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Gold versus Paper. THE FREEMAN. 3(21):744-746. July 13, 1953. - Even against paper currencies, competitively issued, optional and with gold-accounting or gold clearing as their value standard, but no gold redemption promise? - A case of flawed or false alternatives. - J.Z., 20.4.10.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Grundsätzliches zur Frage der Geldwertstabilisierung. WELT WIRTSCHAFTSWOCHE (Vienna). April 1, 1934.
MISES, LUDWIG von; HABERLER, GOTTFRIED; ROTHBARD, MURRAY N. & HAYEK, FRIEDRICH A., The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and Other Essays. Center for Libertarian Studies, OCCASIONAL PAPER SERIES # 8, 1978, preface by Richard M. Ebeling, 45pp. - Contains: Mises: The “Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle, pages 1-6. - Haberler: Money and the Business Cycle, pages 7-20. - Rothbard: Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure, pages 21-34. - Hayek: Can We Still Avoid Inflation? Pages 35-44. - - As if we had avoided it up to then! - I see in this theory or hypothesis only one of over 150 and, certainly, not the best one of them all, but merely more plausible than some or many of the others. - The proper scientific approach would be to list, publish and discuss all of them, thoroughly, with all their pro and con. Has this been done? Not to my knowledge, which is, admittedly, still very incomplete, on this subject, too. - J.Z., 23.3.10. - As long as the exchange media are monopolized and the value standard, interest rates and the capital market and international exchanges are manipulated by government interventions, we should expect many crises to occur. Debtors will also be always in some difficulties as long as their creditors can legally and juridically demand that they pay in cash, rare metal coins or government monopoly paper currency with legal tender power. The best analogy for this insufficient supply may be a ball game, in which one ball has to pass between many people and then to expect that it will never be dropped by anyone and that everybody will get the ball often enough - to turn over whatever he has to offer in goods, services or labor. The right to offer one’s own exchange media or clearing certificates, or those of one’s own payment community, in one’s exchanges, and the right of free choice regarding value standards as well, is not considered by most “economists”. They base their “economic” thinking, premises and conclusions on such monopolies and thus, inevitably, as already the early Marx recognized and stated, had to overlook the inherent and natural laws of monetary circulation. - J.Z., 24.3.10. - JZL.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Human Action: A Treatise on Economics. 1949, William Hodge and Company Limited, London & New Haven: Yale University Press. 889 pp. indexed. - New revised edition, 1963, New Haven: Yale University Press. 907 pp. indexed. This second edition contains serious typographical errors. See the especially printed sheet of "Errata." - 1966: Third revised edition. Chicago: Henry Regnery Co. 907 pp. indexed. Type completely reset for this edition to correct flagrant typographical errors of the second edition. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition. ( pp. 398-478, 538-86, 780-803. Chicago: Regnery. 1966.) - The Scholar's Edition (Auburn, Al: The Mises Institute, 1998. Fourth edition copyright 1996 by Bettina B. Greaves (Irvington: Foundation for Economic Education, 1996). - Human Action - Ludwig von Mises - First Edition, Yale University Press, 1949. See also the fully interactive index. - Related: Methodology, Subjectivism, Price/Cost, Welfare, Competition, Entrepreneurship, Calculation, Capital/Interest, Money/Banking, Cycles, Wages, Mixed Economy, Econ. Methodology, Microeconomics, Market Structure, Welfare Economics, Macroeconomics, Prices/Cycles, Money, Monetary Policy, Core, Books, Law, The State, Austrian Method, Sociology Online Books - Online at the Mises Institute. - “Commanding single-volume magnum opus by the greatest Austrian economist. Origin of Austrian methodology. Presents a consistent view that prices are the result of differing subjective evaluations of competing alternatives. Hard plugging but highly rewarding.”
MISES, LUDWIG von, Inflation and Price Control. Irvington-on-Hudson, New York: The Foundation for Economic Education, 1970. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Inflation and Price Control: European Experiences with Price Control. THE COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL CHRONICLE. Vol. 162 (4448) p.1. December 20, 1945. Reprinted in Planning for Freedom (Libertarian Press, 1952, 1962 and 1974).
MISES, LUDWIG von, Inflation and You. THE AMERICAN MERCURY. LV(223):66-71. July 1942.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Inflation Must End in a Slump. NEW YORK JOURNAL AMERICAN, August 28, 1951. - I have expressed the opposite view in “The Soft Option”, in PEACE PLANS 19, which was, to my knowledge, never refuted by any Austrian economist. - What is impossible under monetary despotism is often possible under monetary freedom. - J.Z., 20.4.10.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Inflation und Geldknappheit: gegen eine weitere Verwendung der Notenpresse. in NEUE FREIE PRESSE. March 11, 1922. p.2. One should distinguish between the use of note printing presses by a monopoly issuer who has also been granted, by law, legal tender power (compulsory acceptance and a forced value) for his notes and the use of printing presses by competing issuers, all issuing only optional, i.e. refusable and discountable private currencies, all with as sound value standards as the exchangers will demand for their exchanges. Neither any form of money or any value standard will be imposed. Thus inflation is rendered impossible. At least Mises should have added: “under monetary despotism”! - Legal tender for the German Reichsmark had by then only existed for less than 12 years! - J.Z., 1.7.10.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Inflation: An Unworkable Fiscal Policy! in THE COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL CHRONICLE. 173(5006): 1. April 26, 1951. - Remarks at Conference on Economics of Mobilization (April 6-8, 1951), reprinted also in Defense, Controls and Inflation (Univ. of Chicago Press, 1952), pp.107-110, 115-116 and 331-334. - If it is really unworkable (which it would only be under full monetary freedom and financial freedom), then why does it happen so often and for so long? Because we still live under monetary and financial despotism and mere word-games do not end it. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Inflation: How Government Generates It and then Endeavors to Shift Responsibility. in NEW YORK WORLD TELEGRAM AND SUN, May 7, 1951.
MISES, LUDWIG von, La Réforme financiere en Autriche. 1910, in REVUE ÉCONOMIQUE INTERNATIONALE. 7(4):39-59.
MISES, LUDWIG von, La Théorie dite Autrichiene du Cycle Économique. December 1936. in BULLETIN PÉRIODIQUE (Vol. 35, No. 103) of the Société Beige d'Etudes et d'Expansion. pp.459-464.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Les Illusions du Protectionnisme et de l’Autarcie. - Les Illusions du Protectionnisme et de l`Autarcie - "Les Illusions du Protectionnisme et de l`Autarcie." Librairie de Médicis (Paris, 1938). - Spanish translation: "Las Illusiones del Proteccionismo y de la Autarquía." INVESTIGACIÓN ECONÓMICA. (Escuela Nacional de Economía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México). 2:1 (First Quarter, 1942).28-54. Reprinted in Money, Method, and the Market Process. "The Disintegration of the International Division of Labour."The World Crisis. by the Professors of the Graduate Institute of International Studies. London, New York and Toronto: Longmans, Green.(1938)245-74. - Online at the Mises Institute.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Lord Keynes and Say's Law. THE FREEMAN, 1(3): 83-85. October 30, 1950. Reprinted in Planning for Freedom (South Holland, Ill.: Libertarian Press, 1952, 1962 (64-71) and 1974) and in The Critics of Keynesian Economics, edited by Henry Hazlitt (Van Nostrand, 1960; Arlington House, 1977). - “Mises writes on p. 64: "Say's Law was in the first instance designed as a refutation of doctrines popularly held in the ages preceding the development of economics as a branch of human knowledge. It was not an integral part of the new science of economics as taught by Classical economists. - Egger, The Ills of Capitalism.
MISES, LUDWIG VON, Ludwig von Mises on Money and Inflation. Lectures from the 1960’s, taken down in shorthand by Bettina Bien Greaves and only recently transcribed by her and published by the Mises Institute, in a paper-back, 91pp, on sale now, according to news from the Mises Store, 2.4.10. - J.Z., 3.4.10.
MISES, LUDWIG VON, Ludwig von Mises, Money, and the Fall and Rise of Classical Liberalism in the 20th Century. 1982, by "Editor", OLL, 672 KB.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Memorandum on New Technical Arguments for Postponing Stabilization. pp.156-163, and "Memorandum on Exchange Stabilization and the Problem of Internal Planning." pp.187-190, in: The Improvement of Commercial Relations between Nations and the Problems of Monetary Stabilization. (Volume II of a 2-volume study). Paris: International Chamber of Commerce, Joint Committee of the Carnegie Endowment and the ICC, 1936.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Mises on Free Banking and Fractional Reserves. In: A Man of Principle Essays in Honor of Hans F. Sennholz, Grove City College Press, Grove City Pennsylvania, 1992. - Nataf
MISES, LUDWIG von, Mises’s Review of Keynes’s End of Laissez-Faire. - "Mises's Review of Keynes's End of Laissez-Faire" - Ludwig von Mises - This is Mises's 1927 work, a review of J. M. Keynes, - The End of Laissez-Faire, - Ideas on the Unification of Private and Social Economy (Munich and Leipzig: Duncker and Humblot, 1926), 40 pages, translated for the first time here (by Joseph Stromberg), and appearing exclusively on Mises.org. It originally appeared as Mises, "Das Ende des Laissez-Faire, Ideen zur Verbindung von Privat- und Gemeinwirtschaft". ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR DIE GESAMTE STAATSWISSENSCHAFT. 82(1927) 190-91. A review of a lecture given by John M. Keynes in Berlin. - Online at the Mises Institute.
MISES, LUDWIG VON, Mises’s Suggested Research Topics, 1950-1968. - Mises's Suggested Research Topics, 1950-1968 - Ludwig von Mises Bettina Bien Greaves - Edited and searchable version of Bettina-Bien Greaves's notes pertaining to possible research topics suggested by Ludwig von Mises at his New York seminars, 1950-1968. For the original scans of the notes in pdf click here. - Online at the Mises Institute.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Monetary Stabilization and Cyclical Policy. [1928]. In: On the Manipulation of Money and Credit, translated by Bettina Bien Greaves, edited by Percy L. Greaves, Jr., 1978. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Free Market Books. - White, Competition & Currency.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Monetary Theory and the Trade Cycle. London, Jonathan Cape, 1933. - Norman P. Barry.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Money, Method, and the Market Process. - Money, Method, and the Market Process - Ludwig von Mises - 21 essays on liberty, money, inflation and socialism, by the Great Austrian economist. Selected by Margit von Mises and edited with an introduction by Richard M. Ebeling. Auburn, Ala: The Ludwig von Mises Institute, Norwell, Mass.: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990. - www.mises.org/mmmp.asp - Online at the Mises Institute.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Nationalökonomie: Theorie des Handelns und Wirtschaftens. 1940, Geneva (Switzerland): Editions Union. 756 pp. indexed.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Neuere Schriften über Geld- und Bankwesen. 1908, in ZEITSCHRIFT FUR VOLKSWIRTSCHAFT, SOZIALPOLITIK UND VERWALTUNG. XVII: 660-674.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Observations on Professor Hayek’s Plan. - Observations on Professor Hayek’s Plan - Ludwig von Mises - Libertarian Papers, Vol. 1 (2009), - Article No 2
MISES, LUDWIG von, Omnipotent Government: The Rise of Total State and Total War. - Omnipotent Government: The Rise of Total State and Total War - Ludwig von Mises - 1944 Yale University Press (New Haven); 1969 Arlington House (New Rochelle, NY); Libertarian Press (Grove City, PN). - Online at the Mises Institute. - Does it also speak up against central banking, conscription, territorialism and compulsory taxation, four of its most powerful tools? - J.Z., 24.2.10.
MISES, LUDWIG von, On Current Monetary Problems. An interview by Percy L. Greaves, Jr. Lansing, Mich.: Constitutional Alliance, Inc., 1969. 30 pp. minibook.
MISES, LUDWIG von, On the International Monetary Problem. AMERICAN OPINION. X(2): 23-28. March 1967.
MISES, LUDWIG von, On the Manipulation of Money and Credit. With an Introduction and Epilogue by Percy L. Greaves, Jr., tr. by Bettina Bien Greaves, edited by Percy L. Greaves, Jr., and authorized by Mises. Free Market Books, Dobbs Ferry, New York, 1978, indexed, with bibliography of relevant Mises writings, 296pp. - JZL. - Online at the Mises Institute. - Republished as „Causes of the Economic Crisis“, Mises Institute, 2007. - White, Competition & Currency. - www.mises.org/manipulation/manipulation.asp - Manipulation of Money and Credit, On the - Ludwig von Mises - Online at the Mises Institute.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Or et Inflation. AUJOURD'HUI (Vol. 1, No. 4) February 15, 1938. pp.153-161.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Planning for Freedom and Other Essays and Addresses. South Holland, Ill., Libertarian Press, 1962. - Barry N. Siegel, Money in Crisis.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Review of Karl Helfferich's "Das Geld", 6th ed., 1923, in ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR VOLKSWIRTSCHAFT UND SOZIALPOLITIK. N.F. 4:160. 1925.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Review of T. E. Gregory's The Gold Standard and Its Future. (1934) in ECONOMICA. May 1935. pp.229-232.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Review of Walter Huth's Die Entwicklung der deutschen und französischen Grossbanken im Zusammenhange mit der Entwicklung der Nationalwirtschaft. (1918), 1920, in WELTWIRTSCHAFTLICHES ARCHIV. 15:128. July-April, 1919-1920.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Review of Wm. F. Spalding's Eastern Exchange, Currency and Finance. (3rd ed., 1920), in ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR VOLKSWIRTSCHAFT UND SOZIALPOLITIK. N. F. Vol. 2(1-3). pp.169-170.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Senior's Lectures on Monetary Problems. ECONOMIC JOURNAL. 1933, XLIII(171): 525-530. A review of Nassau W. Senior's lectures 3, 4 and 5 in the series of Reprints of Scarce Tracts in Economic and Political Science (London School of Economics and Political Science).
MISES, LUDWIG von, Should We Return to a Gold Standard? Page 43 in a Symposium, STUDIES IN BUSINESS ECONOMICS, No. 17. New York: National Industrial Conference Board, Inc., 1948. 52pp.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Socialism, Inflation and the Thrifty Householder. CHRISTIAN ECONOMICS. XII(19): 1-3. October 18, 1960.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis. Translated by J. Kahane. New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press, 1951. This edition is translated from the second German edition (1932) of Mises's Die Gemeinwirtschaft. (1922). - Barry N. Siegel, Money in Crisis. - Socialism, Jonathan Cape, London, 1972.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Stones into Bread, the Keynesian Miracle. PLAIN TALK. II(6): 21-27. March 1948. Reprinted in Planning for Freedom. (Libertarian Press, 1952, 1962 and 1974) and in The Critics of Keynesian Economics, edited by Henry Hazlitt (Van Nostrand, 1960; Arlington House, 1977).
MISES, LUDWIG VON, The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle. Pages 1-6 in: MISES, LUDWIG von, HABERLER, GOTTFRIED, ROTHBARD, MURRAY N. & HAYEK, FRIEDRICH A., The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and Other Essays, Center for Libertarian Studies, OCCASIONAL PAPER SERIES, # 8, 1978, preface by Richard M. Ebeling, 45pp. - "The 'Austrian' Theory of the Trade Cycle" - Ludwig von Mises, The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle, compiled by Richard M. Ebeling, 1996, Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, p.25-35. - This essay was originally published as "La Theorie dite Autrichienne de Cycle Économique," in the Bulletin of the Sociéte Belge d'Etudes et d'Expansion (1936): 459-64. It was translated from the French by David O'Mahoney and J. Huston McCulloch. - Related: Cycles, Prices/Cycles - Online at the Mises Institute.
MISES, LUDWIG VON, The Causes of the Economic Crisis, and Other Essays Before and After the Great Depression. - The Causes of the Economic Crisis, and Other Essays Before and After the Great Depression - Ludwig von Mises Auburn: Mises Institute, 2006 - Related: Capital/Interest, Money/Banking, Cycles, Books Online Books - Online at the Mises Institute.
MISES, LUDWIG VON, The Economics and Politics of My Job, Wages, Unemployment and Inflation. 4pp, in PEACE PLANS 1558, p.114. From: THE FREEMAN, of FEE.
MISES, LUDWIG von, The Foreign Exchange Policy of the Austro-Hungarian Bank. THE ECONOMIC JOURNAL. XIX: 201-211. June 1909.
MISES, LUDWIG von, The Gold Problem. THE FREEMAN, 15(6):3-8. June 1965. Reprinted in Free Market Economics: A Basic Reader (Bettina Bien Greaves, compiler. Foundation for Economic Education, 1975). - It takes wrongful and irrational legislation to turn the possession and use of gold into a problem! - J.Z., 1.7.10.
MISES, LUDWIG von, The Great German Inflation. in ECONOMICA. XH(36):227-234. May 1932. A review of Frank D. Graham's Exchange, Prices and Production in Hyperinflation: Germany, 1920-1923, (1930). - An inflation itself has no nationality but it has, everywhere, wrongful and harmful national territorial legislation as its causal factor. Without the legalized money issue monopoly and legal tender power for notes or coins issued under that monopoly, no one, even with the worst intentions, could cause an inflation. With these wrongful and irrational powers most governments will tend to inflate the currency thus entrusted to them and abuse these powers otherwise as well, in their monetary, currency and financial “policies”. - J.Z., 1.7.10.
MISES, LUDWIG von, The Plight of Business Forecasting. NATIONAL REVIEW. 1(20): 17-18. April 4, 1956. Reprinted in National Review Reader. (Bookmailer, 1957).
MISES, LUDWIG von, The Symptomatic Keynes. THE FREEMAN. 1(19); 604-605. June 18, 1951. A review of R. F. Harrod's The Life of John Maynard Keynes (1951).
MISES, LUDWIG von, The Theory of Money and Credit. (1912). (2nd ed., 1924). - Cape, 1934, English translation, by H. E. Batson, of Theorie des Geldes und der Umlaufsmittel.. - Groseclose, Money & Man. New edition, Jonathan Cape, London 1952, 1953 reprint of the English language edition (1934), enlarged with an essay by Mises on "Monetary Reconstruction." New Haven: Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn., 493 pp. indexed.1953. - Yale University, 1954. - New enlarged edn. Transl. H. E. Batson. FEE, Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, 1971. (JZL) - White, Competition & Currency. - 1980. 1981. transl. H. C. Batson. Indianapolis: Liberty Classics. - Theory of Money and Credit, The - Ludwig von Mises - Related: Money/Banking, Books Online Books - Online at the Mises Institute. - OLL, 1.8 MB. 1983, pp 38-49, www.econlib.org/library/Mises/msTContents.html - Also see the full PDF version, www.mises.org/books/tmc.pdf “Originally published in 1912, this work integrates microeconomics and monetary theory for the first time, viewing money as only a medium of exchange. Any attempt to artificially stimulate the economy with money will cause a crisis and then depression.” - Describes only a fragment of full monetary freedom as the best and only option. - J.Z., 14.2.10. - Only towards the end of his life did he consider extended monetary freedom options. - J.Z., 14.6.10. Bruce Bartlett comments: “… pp. 418-419. This book was written in 1913 and Mises used the word inflation to mean an increase in the quantity of money; see p. 240.” - What Mises should have said: An increase in legal tender or forced currency, beyond the quantity that people would have voluntarily accepted at par - in the absence of legal tender. (Ulrich von Beckerath’s definition.) My own IOUs, in money denominations or my own token money, “redeemable” e.g. in my libertarian microfiche, like all other optional and market-rated monies, cannot cause an inflation, regardless of how many I or they do print and manage to distribute. All prices marked in sound value standards would remain the same. German book dealers were the first in that “Great” Inflation, according to Ulrich von Beckerath, to mark out their titles in gold weight prices. In these prices they remained the same. Mises, the Great, was not observant enough and poor in judgment on that point. Some of his followers are still misled by him on this point. Every great man has also his faults, not to speak of little people, like myself. - J.Z., 25.2.10.
MISES, LUDWIG von, The Trade Cycle and Credit Expansion. April 24, 1946. A memorandum prepared for a committee of businessmen. - Partly reprinted in Mises, On the Manipulation of Money.
MISES, LUDWIG von, The Trade Cycle. THE FREEMAN. 1(26):828-829. September 24, 1951. A review of Alvin H. Hansen's Business Cycles and National Income (1951).
MISES, LUDWIG von, The Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science, an Essay on Method. D. Van Nostrand Company Inc, Princeton, New Jersey 1962. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Theorie des Geldes und der Umlaufsmittel. Vienna 1911, Leipzig 1912. - Theorie des geldes und der Umlaufsmittel - Ludwig von Mises - München und Leipzig: Verlag von Duncker & Humblot, 1912, 476 S. (Theory of Money and Credit [Fiduciary Media], first edition). Related: Money/Banking, Cycles, Books Online Books - Online at the Mises Institute.- It should be spelled “Geld”, as a noun, with a capital letter. The German publishing house is called a Verlag, not “Ferlag”. - J.Z.) - 1912: Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank. - 1924, 2nd ed., revised. Munich: Duncker & Humblot, 420 pp. - Mises, On the Manipulation of Money & Credit. - Auch die Geldtheorien haben ihre Glaubenssätze, Dogmen, Propheten und Gläubige und immer noch allzuviel Intoleranz. Jedem die Geldtheorie und die Geldpraxis seiner Träume, seines Glaubens, seiner eignen Wahl! - J.Z., 9.3.10. English translation: Ferry, N.Y., Free Market Books, 1978. (JZL) - From my point of view, Mises was then only partly in favor of monetary freedom, namely the kind of monetary freedom that he preferred. - J.Z., 17.5.10.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Theory and History. Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn. U.S.A., 1957. Jonathan Cape, London 1958. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies. - . (1985). Auburn: The Ludwig von Mises Institute. - Peter H. Canning.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Three short reviews of books on monetary theory by Andreas Walther, Otto Heyn and Paul Stiassny. ARCHIV FÜR SOZIALWISSENSCHAFT UND SOZIALPOLITIK. XXXV(l), July 1912. pp.241-242, 251-252 and 252-253.
MISES, LUDWIG VON, Treatment of „Irrationality“ in the Social Sciences. In: Richard M. Ebeling, ed., Money, Method, and the Market Process, Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990. Online at the Mises Institute.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Über Kriegskostendeckung und Kriegsanleihen. 1918. A lecture. Vienna: Phoebus, No.2. 14 pp.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Verstaatlichung des Kredits? 1929, in ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR NATIONALÖKONOMIE. I(3):430-439. - English translation by Louise Sommer in Essays in European Economic Thought (Princeton, N.J.: Van Nostrand, 1960). Another English translation by Hans Sennholz in Critique of Interventionism (New Rochelle, N.Y.: Arlington House, 1977).
MISES, LUDWIG von, Vollbeschäftigung und Währungspolitik. SCHWEIZER MONATSHEFTE. 36(10). January 1957. English translation, "Full Employment and Monetary Policy." NATIONAL REVIEW. III(25): 589-591. June 22, 1957.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Vom Weg der subjektivistischen Wertlehre. - In: Mises & Spiethoff, Probleme der Wertlehre.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Wages, Unemployment and Inflation. CHRISTIAN ECONOMICS, X: 1-3. March 4, 1958. Also in THE FREEMAN, May 1958 and September 1975. - Reprinted in Planning for Freedom. (Libertarian Press, 1962 and 1974), also in ESSAYS ON LIBERTY, Vol. V (Foundation for Economic Education, 1958) and in Free Market Economics: A Basic Reader (Bettina Bien Greaves, compiler. Foundation for Economic Education, 1975). - “Wages, Unemployment, and Inflation” FEE Timely Classic. - FEE IN BRIEF, 5.4.10. - Economics is neither Christian nor atheistic, it is just “economics”, when it is genuine rather than consisting of false pretences, false assumptions, prejudices, errors and dogmas, apart from a few self-evident observations. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Währung und Finanzen des Bundesstaates Österreich. DEUTSCHE WIRTSCHAFTSZEITUNG. XXV: 913-915, 1928.
MISES, LUDWIG von, We Must Control Credit. In a symposium on "Can an Economic Depression be Avoided?" in NEW YORK TIMES (SUNDAY MAGAZINE), pp.7 and 71-75. April 13, 1947. - A central banker might say the same, as if there were no freedom of contract, association and exchange in this sphere. - J.Z., 20.4.10.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Zahlungsbilanz und Devisenkurse. 1919. MITTEILUNGEN DES VERBANDES ÖSTERREICHISCHER BANKEN UND BANKIERS. 2(3/4): 39-46. English translation of excerpts in Mises, On the Manipulation of Money & Credit.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Zukunft des Dollar, Zukunft der Demokratie. in ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR DAS GESAMTE KREDITWESEN. 17(1): 14-15. January 1, 1964.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Zum Problem gesetzlicher Aufnahme der Barzahlungen in Österreich-Ungarn: Ein Schlusswort gegenüber Walther Federn. 1910, JAHRBUCH FÜR GESETZGEBUNG, VERWALTUNG UND VOLKSWIRTSCHAFT (SCHMOLLERS JAHRBUCH). XXXIV(3/4): 1877-1884.
MISES, LUDWIG von, Zur Klassifikation der Geldtheorien. ARCHIV FUER SOZIALWISSENSCHAFT. (E. Jaffé) Bd. 44, Heft 1. 1917. S.198-213. - Knapp. - Siegfried Schwenke arbeitet an einem neuen Werk dieser Art. Teilweise war es schon auf dem Internet und mag es immer noch sein, in seiner letzten Fassung. - J.Z., 9.3.10.
MISKIMIM, HARRY A., The Impact of Credit on Sixteenth Century English Industry. 1979, in Robert S. Lopez, ed. The Dawn of Modern Banking. New Haven: Yale University Press, pp.274-289. . - Fred E. Foldvary, “… The Credit Exchange Alternative for Market Coordination.” - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
MITCHELL, B. R., & DEANE, PHYLLIS, Abstract of British Historical Statistics. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1962. - Temin.
MITCHELL, BROADUS, Depression Decade. White Plains, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1975, 260. - Tyler Cowen, Why Keynesianism Triumphed or, Could so Many Keynesians Have Been Wrong?
MITCHELL, DANIEL J. B., Wage and Price Controls: Past and Future. PITTSBURGH BUSINESS REVIEW, Vol. 46, Winter 1976, pp. 5-11. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
MITCHELL, GEORGE W., Effects of Automation on the Structure and Functioning of Banking. AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, May 1966, p.159. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972.
MITCHELL, RALPH A. & SHAFER, NEIL, Standard Catalog of Depression Scrip of the United States: The 1930s Including Canada and Mexico. First edition, Iola, Wisconsin, Kraus Publications 1984. - Greco
MITCHELL, WESLEY CLAIR, A History of the Greenbacks, with Special Reference to the Economic Consequences of Their Issue: 1862-65. The Decennial Publications of the University of Chicago, 2nd ser., vol. 9 (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1903), 68-74 - Steven L. Green, July 86. - JZL, 577 pages, indexed, University of Chicago Press, 1903, 1968 - Timberlake.
MITCHELL, WESLEY CLAIR, Business Cycles. Berkeley, Univ. of California, 1913. - Smitley, Popular Financial Delusions, 1933. - Business Cycles and Their Causes. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1941), reprint of part III, pp. 127-128. The original appeared in 1913. - Klebaner
MITCHELL, WESLEY CLAIR, Gold, Prices, and Wages under the Greenback Standard. U.S. Congress, Joint Economic Committee Report.. Berkeley, Calif., 1908. - Carothers, Fractional Money. - Smith, Jerome F., The Coming Currency Collapse, 1980. - University of California Press, Berkeley, according to Peter Bernholz.
MITCHELL, WESLEY CLAIR, The Backward Art of Spending Money. Augustus M. Kelley Inc, New York 1950. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
MITCHIE, A. S., The History of Banking. 1892 edition. - According to this author GILBART, JAMES WILLIAMS, was never a clear-cut advocate of free banking.
MITCHISON, G. R., Banking. (Pamphlet: Socialist League) - G. D. H. Cole, under: “The Socialisation Of Banking.” - The results were even worse those of the socialization of postal services, railways and roads. - J.Z., 27.4.10.
MITJAVILE, HENRI, La Crise du Change en Espagne. Bordeaux, 1904.
MLYNARSKI, FELIKS, Credit and Peace. London, 1933, George Allen & Unwin. - “Explanation in simplest terms of credit expansion resulting in depressions with suggestions.” - Smitley, Popular Financial Delusions, 1933. - Inflations do no necessarily result in deflations. A currency can be stabilized at its depreciated value. Or the old value standard can be adopted again, while the depreciated paper currency is accepted only at the market rate against it. - J.Z., 5.4.10. - The genuine ideas and institutions that would promote, achieve and maintain peace, were never given enough “credit” in the minds of most people. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
MLYNARSKI, FELIKS, Gold and Central Banks. The Macmillan Company, New York, 1929. - Edwin W. Kemmerer, Gold and the Gold Standard.
MODEL-LOEB, Die grossen Berliner Effektenbanken. Jena 1896. - Siegfried Hirsch, Die Bank, 1923.
MODESTE, P., Le billet des Banques d'emission et la Fausse Monnaie. 1866. JOURNAL DES ECONOMISTS 3 (August). - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
MODIGLIANAI, FRANCO, Some Empirical Tests of Monetary Management and of Rules Versus Discretion. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 72 (June 1964): 211-245. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
MOGG, W. REES, The Reigning Error: The Crisis of World Inflation. Hamish Hamilton, London, 1974. An argument for a return to gold by the Editor of THE TIMES.” - Morgan, E. V. & A. D., Gold or Paper?
MOGGRIDGE, D. E., The Return to Gold. 1925. The Formulation of Economic Policy and its Critics. Cambridge University Press. London 1969. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
MOGGRIDGE, DONALD, The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes: Vol. XXV, Activities 1940-44: Shaping the Post-War World: The Clearing Union. (ed.) Macmillan/Cambridge University Press for the Royal Economic Society, 1980. - Bareau, The Disorder in World Money.
MOGGRIDGE, DONALD, The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes: Vol. XXVI, Activities 1941-46: Shaping the Post-War World: Bretton Woods and Reparations. (ed.) Macmillan / Cambridge University Press for the Royal Economic Society, 1980. - Bareau, The Disorder in World Money.
MOH HU, K., Warentauschgeschäfte: Handel ohne Geld? In: Finanzierung und Entwicklung. Dezember 1983. - Suhr & Godschalk
MOHAN, P, & COCKINGTON, J., The Misspent Youth of PVX 324435. (On the circulation of a tagged A$ 5 note, SMH, Aug.13, 1988, 6pp, in PEACE PLANS 810.
MOLFENTER, K., Goldwährungen und der Bankerott der Weltwirtschaft. S. 7-26, in: WISSENSCHAFTLICHE SCHRIFTENREIHE DER FZ. (FREIWIRTSCHAFTLICHEN ZEITUNG), Nr. 18, Verlag der FZ, Erfurt, 1932. - JZL. - Too many people claim that their beliefs, convictions, assumptions, theses, dogmas, false premises, conclusion, plans and proposals are „scientific“, while those of other would not be scientific. - J.Z., 1.7.10.
MOLL, BRUNO, Die modernen Geldtheorien und die Politik der Reichsbank. Stuttgart 1917. - Obst, Georg, Geld-, Bank- & Börsenwesen.
MOLL, BRUNO, Die modernen Geldtheorien und Währungssysteme. 2.Aufl. von: Die modernen Geldtheorien und die Politik der Reichsbank. (1917), Stuttgart, 1926. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
MOLL, BRUNO, Logik des Geldes. München und Leipzig, 1916; 104 S. - Knapp. - 2.Auflage, 1922. - BENDIXEN, Das Wesen des Geldes, 1922. - München und Leipzig, 1929. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank. - Can mere tools be logical or do such terms apply only to thinking beings? - J.Z., 1.7.10.
MÖLLER, HANS, Außenwirtschaftspolitik. DIE WIRTSCHAFTSWISSENSCHAFTEN, 35. Lfg., Wiesbaden, 1961. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
MÖLLER, HANS, Die westdeutsche Währungsreform. In: Währung und Wirtschaft, 1876 -1975, Fritz Knapp, Frankfurt am Main, 1976, p.433-483. - Dr. Hans F. Sennholz, The Second German Inflation… (1933-1948) The United States - 1970 until?
MOMMSEN, THEODOR, Römische Geschichte. 2. Band, Von der Schlacht by Pydna bis auf Sulla’s Tod. Vierte Auflage, Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlun, 1865, 470 S. - I marked just one passage on p.405 on tax foundation money, with legal tender power, which he called „Zeichengeld“: “Nach einer im ganzen Alterthum gemeinen, in ihrer höchsten Entwicklung in Karthago aufretenden (I, 506) Sitte, gab auch die die römische Regierung mit den guten silbernen Denaren zugleich kupferne mit Silber plattirte aus, welche gleich jenen genommen werden mussten und nichts waren als ein unserm Papiergeld analoges Zeichengeld mit Zwangscours und Fundirung auf die Staatskass, in sofern auch diese nicht befugt war die plattirten Stücke zurückzuweisen. Eine officielle Falschmünzerei war dies so wenig wie unsere Papiergeldfabrication, da man die Sache ganz offen betrieb.“ - If they had not been made legal tender in general circulation but only for the payment of taxes, with reckoning in silver value standards being continued, then they could not have been inflated and would have set a good example for all future governments on how to anticipate their current and near future tax claims and to make the payment of these taxes much easier for their victims. - Even now governments have still not learnt enough from numerous such wrongs and mistakes. - J.Z., 7.3.10. - JZL.
MOMMSEN, THEODORE, Histoire de la Monnaie Romaine. Translated by Louis C. P. Casimir, duc de Blacas. Paris, 1865, 1873. - Groseclose, Money & Man
MOMMSEN, THEODORE, History of Rome. English translation by Rev. Wm. P. Dickson. London, 1868. - Groseclose, Money & Man.
MONCADA, FRANCISCO de, Expedition contra Turcos y Griegos. Autores Españoles," tom. 21. 1849, &c. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MONETA, Informe sobra Moneta. Madrid, 1861. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MONETAIRE, Rapport de la Commission chargée d'etudier la Question de l'Etalon Monétaire. Paris, 1867. See: ENQUETE and MONETARY. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MONETAIRE, Rapport de la Commission chargée d'etudier la Question Monétaire. Fevr. 22, 1858. Documents relatifs a la Question Monetaire. Paris, 1858. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MONETAIRE, Report of the Royal Commission on International Coinage. London, 1868. Fol. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MONETARY AND ECONOMIC CONFERENCE, Draft Annotated Agenda. 1932, submitted by the Preparatory Commission of Experts, upon the instruction of the Council of the League of Nations. Allen & Unwin. - Sir Leo Chiozza, Product Money, 1933.
MONETARY COMMISSION OF 1898; Report of the Indianapolis Convention. University of Chicago Press, 1898. - Bogart, The Ec. Hist. of the U.S.
MONETARY COMMISSION OF THE INDIANAPOLIS CONVENTION, Final Report of, University of Chicago Press, 1898. - White, Horace, (1895ff.)
MONETARY COMMISSION, REPORT OF NATIONAL, 27 vols., Washington, 1910. - Bogart, The Ec. Hist. of the U.S. - Would a single person in the world have read all of these 27 volumes during the last century? - J.Z., 17.5.10.
MONETARY COMMISSION, U.S., A history of banking in all nations. Several writers. N.Y., 1896. Reproduced in Washington, 1910. - Recommended by Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, 8/78, p.39.
MONETARY COMMISSIONS, Conférence Monétaire de 1881. Paris, 1881. 2 vols. fol. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885. - Probably, no government conference on the problems caused by monetary despotism has ever recognized monetary despotism as the main causal factor for these problems or symptoms of monetary despotism. If there exists an exception to this rule, please, let me know. - J.Z., 31.5.50.
MONETARY COMMISSIONS, Proceedings of the International Monetary Conference at Paris, 1881. An English translation of the foregoing. Cincinnati, 1881. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MONETARY COMMISSIONS, Report of the Monetary Commission of the United States, 1876. Washington, 1877. 2vols. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MONETARY COMMISSIONS, Report of the Royal Commission on the Depreciation of Silver. London, 1876. Fol. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MONETARY COMMISSIONS, Report on the International Monetary Conference of Paris, 1878. Washington, 1879. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885
MONETARY FREEDOM BIBLIOGRAPHY, PRELIMINARY, August 1986, compiled by J.Zube, 56 pp, 48x, in PEACE PLANS 647. The larger one that I compiled in 1989/90, coming to ca. 124 pages, was still very imperfect, outdated and incomplete compared with this one. However, even this one is still very incomplete and flawed. Help is needed! It could and should be offered online, with an option for corrections, supplements, abstracts, comments and links to reviews and discussions. - J.Z., 17.5.10.
MONETARY FREEDOM LETTERS, ARTICLES, DRAFTS & SLOGANS, a compilation by John Zube, with contributions by Kinney, Beckerath, Zube, Swann, Turnbull, Hopman et all, 252pp, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 586/587. (For more such compilations see under ZUBE, John.)
MONETARY FREEDOM MICROFICHE in the sub-series in PEACE PLANS of LIBERTARIAN MICROFICHE PUBLISHING, e.g., PEACE PLANS 904-906, 911-913. Many to most have not yet been sorted out as such, from my list of PEACE PLANS issues by numbers. Moreover, many monetary freedom contributions are dispersed through other PEACE PLANS numbers. - At least I have now enclosed some of the list of libertarian digitized titles that is offered on www.panarchy.org/zube/list.index/html. However, I made nor seriously attempt as yet and may never get around to it, to extract many such titles from the tens of thousands of hints that are offered by Google when searching e.g. for “monetary freedom”, “free banking” and “financial freedom”. All advocates of freedom in production , enterprise, banking, financial institutions and freedom in exchange should, at least somewhat, contribute to this. - or they will certainly suffer the consequence of continued monetary despotism and its disastrous political, social, economic and political consequences. - J.Z., 31.5.10. - See also under PEACE PLANS.
MONETARY FREEDOM NETWORK, an embryonic beginning of a directory of correspondents & contributors to newsletters, old & new addresses, of people who were or are interested in monetary freedom: "On the Road to Monetary Freedom." Contains many outdated addresses at this stage, 14pp, 48x, in PEACE PLANS 647. - Help is needed to correct & update this directory listing. - All of the still relatively few people in favor of full monetary freedom should at least make it easy for themselves to get in touch with each other. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
MONETARY FREEDOM NETWORK, Berlin, letter by Siegfried Schwenke, 7 April 89, with some notes on discussions in the network, 5pp, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 905.
MONETARY FREEDOM NETWORK, RUNDBRIEF, Einführung und Inhaltsverzeichnis, Nr. 1-3, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 730 & 794, 1 S., 36x, in PEACE PLANS 736, RUNDBRIEFE 1-3, ed. by S. Schwenke & T. M., 1986/87, 55pp, in PEACE PLANS 741/742. RUNDBRIEF No. 4, 32 S., 1988, in PEACE PLANS 795. 1p leaflet of the Network in PEACE PLANS 791. Nr. 5, 32pp, April 89, in PEACE PLANS 906. German international network letter, written in German. The Network has reproduced essays by Rittershausen & Zander on monetary freedom in English and German, in brochures. Nr. 1-8 in JZL.
MONETARY FREEDOM SCHOLARS, Addresses from Cato Institute, 7th. annual monetary conference: Alternatives to Government Fiat Money, Feb. 89, 5pp, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 905.
MONETARY FREEDOM! NEWSLETTER - AND MICROFICHE, No.1, Nov. 86, 6pp, 36x, in PEACE PLANS 736, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 708 & 731. ( It took to Nov. 87 for the 2nd. issue to come out.) first 4 issues, Nov. 86 to Feb. 89, 24pp, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 867. Some initial notes, by John Zube, in pages 67, 139, 141, 144 in PEACE PLANS 913. Subscription to 4 issues WAS, $ 8 ord. mail, $ 10 airmail, entitles the subscriber to his choice of 8 monetary freedom or other microfiche offered by LMP. It reproduces the German Monetary Freedom Network Rundbrief - but only on microfiche. (Discontinued with issue 5!) All are now offered by me - digitized and free of charge as email attachments - until they are online or offered on disc. - J.Z., 13.2.10.
MONETARY FREEDOM, Some Google search results, voluminous but largely repetitive, indicating thus the usefulness of finally extracting and then combining all relevant articles and books and eliminating duplicate entries. In my first CD, folder D FB condensed, subfolder Google Monetary Freedom, 679 KBs.
MONETARY FREEDOM, THEORY & PRACTICE: See, especially: BECKERATH, U. v., RITTERSHAUSEN, HEINRICH, Prof., ZANDER, Dr. WALTER, Freedom Portal, Category: Money: www.butterbach.net/epinfo/instead.htm - www.reinventingmoney.com - http://buildfreedom.com/portal/category.php/47 - Ludwig von Mises Institute, Papers on Money and Banking - http://www.mises.org/StudyGuideDisplay.asp?SubjID=11, Money - Past, Present & Future - http://www.ex.ac.uk/~RDavies/arian/money.html - Transaction Net - http://www.transaction.net/money/community/
MONETARY NOTES, issued for many years by Walter E. Spahr, Economists' National Committee on Monetary Policy. - He was, however, only interested in metallic redemption currencies. I have a few odd copies of this publication but my interest in reproducing them is rather low. - J.Z.
MONEY REFORM, Money as Debt by Paul Grignon. Website: http://www.moneyasdebt.net/ & http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-9050474362583451279&q=%22money+as+debt%22&hl=en - Mentioned by Thomas Greco, but is this proposal voluntaristic or even libertarian? - Many use such terms as if it were terrible if money is based on any debt, making no distinction between real bills money issues for turnover credit and long term capital assets turned into "currency" notes. - J.Z., 21. 7. 07. - "Money as Debt " - a "must see" video Paul Grignon’s video production, Money as Debt, is the best presentation I’ve yet seen that explains in simple and straight forward language (with supporting animated visuals) the true nature of money and the dysfunctional and undemocratic nature of the global banking system. It is available on Google video and runs about 45 min. The main website is: http://www.moneyasdebt.net/ - April 26th, 2007 - Thomas H. Greco.” - Monetary despotism functions everywhere, legally, at the expense of its victims. Should democracy decide about central banking and free banking or free contracts, free experiments, free enterprise, free cooperators? - Imagine monetary theory and practices to be regulated by majority votes in a whole country or district! Would experienced, wise and well informed people prevail? - J.Z., 25.7.07. The political “representation” and “discussion” system, combined with the political party system, all on a territorial basis, does certainly not help the best ideas and practices in this sphere, either. Experimental freedom and voluntarism, down to individual consumer choice and free enterprise options, should certainly not be eliminated from this sphere, either. - Let good monies drive out the bad! - J.Z., 1.7.10.
MONEY REFORM, Money: Who creates it? Who controls it? Who profits? A film by Isaac Isitan. Les productions ISCA, Montreal, Quebec. http://www.lesproductionsisca.ca - Mentioned by Thomas Greco. - Are there sufficient monetary freedom insights in it? I have not seen it yet. - J.Z., 21.7.07.
MONEY REFORM, The Money Masters. http://www.themoneymasters.com/ - 1-888-the-plot - Mentioned by Thomas Greco. - A flawed concept. Free people are masters of their own currencies as well and altogether avoid the monies of monetary despotism as far as they can. - It is also obvious that even the central banks, with all their powers and monopoly and forced currency position are not really "masters" of the money they produce, exactly like a dictator or tyrant is not really a master of the obstructive and destructive forces he has unleashed. He is on one end of the “leash”. - J.Z., 21.7.07.
MONETARY REFORM FILES: http://wiki.uniteddiversity.com/monetary_reform/backlins - I downloaded this file in 2004 but could not reach it now. It referred to a number of links that might exist still, although not on that site any longer, today, or only on the web archive. It mentions e.g. http://home.btconnect.com/Theleme/NonBarterorNonBargain.htm - I did not mention the other links here because Greco’s is already mentioned and all the others were mentioned only under their above wiki.uniteddiversity.com site. - J.Z., 11.2.10. - MONEY REFORM, See: DEMEULENAERE, STEPHEN, COMMUNITY EXCHANGE SYSTEM, RIEGEL, GRECO, BECKERATH, ZANDER, RITTERSHAUSEN, ZUBE, MEULEN, RAMIN, BEST.
MONETARY STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1970. - Rockoff (1975).
MONETARY TIMES, Toronto, weekly. - Schuler
MONEY MATTERS, The Coalition for Sound Money, No. 18, May 1988. 4pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.709.
MONEY TREND, FI-9492 Eschen, Ftm. Liechtenstein 1979 (11. Jahrg.) - Albert Pick
MONEY, Sir LEO CHIOZZA, Product Money. Methuen, London, 1933, indexed, 172pp. - JZL. (He had something like Milhaud's goods warrants in mind. However, he wants official, centralized & exclusive certification of the producer's contribution and monetary equivalent. Thus the book amounts rather to a step towards central than free banking. His index indicates how little of the alternative money literature has been read by money reformers like L.C.M. - J.Z.)
MONEY, TRADE, AND ECONOMIC GROWTH, A Collection of Essays in Honor of J. H. Williams. New York: Macmillan, 1951. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking.
MONHOLLON, JIMMIE R., Instruments of the Money Market. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Virginia, 1970. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972. - The “money market” is only a market for the monies of monetary despotism, not a free market for the monies of monetary freedom. Thus using this term without qualification is another abuse of the English language. - J.Z., 15.4.10.
MONNOIES, Premier Rapport du Comité des Monnaies à l'Assemblée Nationale. Paris. Imp. de la Rep. 1790. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MONROE, A. E., Monetary Theory before Adam Smith. (Cambridge, Mass 1923) - “More closely concerned with the mercantilists' monetary views.” - Cottrell & Anderson, Money & Banking in England. - Warnings about certain titles are intentionally included in this bibliography. - J.Z.
MONROE, JAMES, The People, the Sovereigns. Cumberland, Virginia: James River Press, 1987. Originally published in 1867, Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. - Timberlake. - Were they, ever, as yet, in the monetary and financial sphere and when it comes to war and peace decisions? - J.Z., 1.7.10.
MONTANARI, GEMINIANO, Della Moneta, trattato mercantile etc. [Über das Geld, kaufmännische Abhandlung etc.] (1680-1687.) In: Scrittori Classici Italiani di Economia Politica. Parte Antica. Bd. III. Hrsg. von Custodi. Milano 1804. 34 164. (written about 1665) - Karl Marx). Milano, 1804. 8vo., pp.376. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MONTESQUIEU, BARON DE, [Charles de Secondat], The Spirit of Laws. 1750. - 2 vols. Rev. ed., New York, Colonial, 1899. - Cowen & Kroszner. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935. - “L’Esprit des lois.” - J.Z.
MOODY, JOHN, The Truth about the Trusts. New York, 1904.
MOON, JASPER, Freedom and Gold. 2p., from FREEDOM FIRST, Autumn 1965, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 905.
MOONEY, ROBERT S., Financial Interests of Baltimore. Baltimore, 1913. - Charles A. Hales, The Baltimore Clearing House.
MOORE, BASIL, Horizontalists and Verticalists. 1988. New York: Cambridge University Press. - T. Cowen & R. Kroszner, Nov. 90.
MOORE, CAROL, Alternative Trade Networks. Draft, 7/86, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 865.
MOORE, CAROL, DECENTRALIST DIRECTORY, 3rd. d., April 88, 17pp., 29x, in PEACE PLANS 865.
MOORE, CAROL, Finding Freedom in your Backyard. 8p., NOMOS, 5/6,1986, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 867. - I looked for it in vain in my backyard - with the exception of the grass and weeds, only rarely disturbed and cut down by my mower, to reduce the fire hazard. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
MOORE, CAROL, Trade Creates Money, How trade exchanges demonstrate the truth of libertarian theories of money. NOMOS, Spring 84, 5., 29x, in PEACE PLANS 865.
MOORE, JOHN H., To Promote Prosperity. (ed.) Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1984. - White, Competition & Currency.
MOORE, RODERICK, Money and How to Privatize It. - Money and How to Privatise It (pdf file). We should only try to privatize it for private payment communities and other communities of volunteers. That would greatly reduce the resistance to such reforms. - The most successful and the only rightful method of reforming others consists in reforming oneself or reforming the affairs of others only with their individual consent. - Mere territorial legality and jurisdiction or even territorial constitutionality cannot provide sufficient law, morality, individual human rights or justification for coercive interventionism. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
MOORE, RODERICK, Review, 2pp, of: SCHULER, KURT, Should Developing Countries Have Central Banks? Currency Quality and Monetary Systems in 155 Countries. IEA, 1996, 126pp, in PEACE PLANS 1708-1710, p.491. - - Privatization of money is mentioned only in passing: "However, this is too radical an idea to be politically possible today, and it will remain politically impossible for a few years yet." - As if we had to rely on its political realization rather than realizing it in a voluntaristic, private and cooperative monetary revolution at an opportune moment, before political forces could be rallied against it. - J.Z., 15.7.01.
MOORE, WALDO C., A New Variety of Moffat & Company Gold Bar. NUMISMATIST 45 Dec. 1932. - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
MOORE, WALDO C., A Review of the Money Conditions from the Discovery of Gold in California in 1849-1870." NUMISMATIST 24 (May, 1911). - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
MOORE, WALDO C., Norris, Grieg & Norris. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NUMISMATICS 37 (April, 1903). - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
MOORE, WALDO C., Pattern for Private Gold Coinage. NUMISMATIST 29 (October, 1916). - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
MORAN, CHARLES, Money, Currencies and Banking. New York, 1875. - Robert Carnaghan. - M. was one of the few who has seen rare metal cover & redemption to be superfluous. Free convertibility on a free gold market is good enough. Quoted in INNOVATOR, Jan. 67. - Free pricing in gold weight units and free payment, note issue or clearing reckoning in gold weight units, is quite possible and does clearly distinguish between the means of of payment and clearing and the value standard used in such actions. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
MORAN, CHARLES, Money. N.Y., 1863. -Robert Carnaghan.
MORAWETZ, VICTOR, The Banking & Currency Problem in the United States. 1909. 2nd ed. New York: North American Review Pub. Co. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
MORAWITZ, VICTOR, Über österreichiches Bankwesen. ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR VOLKSWIRTSCHAFT UND SOCIALPOLITIK, Band 16. - Jacob Kautsch, Handbuch des Bank- und des Börsenwesens, 3 Auflage, 1912. - MORAWETZ, VICTOR? - J.Z.
MOREHOUSE, WARD, Building Sustainable Communities. Tools and Concepts for Self-reliant Economic Change. (editor.) Contributors: C. GEORGE BENELLO, ROBERT SWANN, and Shann Turnbull. The Bootstrap Press, 1989, 200pp, with an 11pp. bibliography. - Here relevant titles: 1. TURNBULL, SHANN, Chapter 22: What Everyone Should Know about Banking and Money (Especially Bankers and Economists), pp. 137-145. - - 2. TURNBULL, SHANN, Chapter 23: Elements of Autonomous Banking, pp. 146-152, - - 3. TURNBULL, SHANN, Chapter 24: Creating a Community Currency, pp. 153-162, - - 4. SWANN, ROBERT, Building a Community Banking System, Chapter 25, pp. 163-167, - - 5.) BENELLO, C. GEORGE, Community Financing and Resource Optimization, pp. 168-174. - I see still some flawed assumptions, definitions and proposals in their monetary and finance reform ideas, arising out of their attitudes to free markets, free enterprise, interest, profit, corporations & free trade and their commitment to local communities, and self-sufficiency or autarchy. The main concern of the book is various land trusts and coops. However, they seem to favor freedom for self-help economic experiments, motivated by many dissatisfactions with present institutions. - J.Z., 4.3.10. - JZL.
MORELL, STEPHEN O., Exchange, Money, and the State: An Essay on the Limits of Government Involvement in Monetary Affairs." (typescript, Auburn University, 1983). - White, Competition & Currency.
MORGAN, DAVID R., Over-Taxation by Inflation. IEA, Hobart Paper 72, 1977, 16pp. - JZL. - Every taxation, even at minimal rates, is excessive, to the extent that it is involuntary for the victim of these tribute levies or official and legalized robberies. - No taxation or contribution is excessive when it is freely offered and paid only by all its volunteers, for the purposes that they happen to agree upon. - J.Z., 1.7.10.
MORGAN, E. VICTOR & MORGAN, ANN D., Gold or Paper? IEA HOBART PAPER 69, 1976, with Notes for Further Reading, 57pp. 2 copies. - JZL. - An Essay on Government's Attempt to Manage the Post-War Monetary System and the Case for and against Restoring a Link with Gold. - Bareau, The Disorder in World Money.
MORGAN, E. VICTOR, A History of Money. Penguin Books, Baltimore, Maryland, 1965. - Smith, Jerome F., The Coming Currency Collapse, 1980.
MORGAN, E. VICTOR, Monetary Policy for Stable Growth. IEA, HOBART PAPER 27, 1964, 2nd. ed., 1966, with short list for further reading, 60pp. - JZL. - 3rd Edition 1969. - Bareau, The Disorder in World Money.
MORGAN, E. VICTOR, Studies in British Financial Policy, 1914-25. London, 1952. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
MORGAN, E. VICTOR, The Theory and Practice of Central Banking, 1797-1913. Cambridge, The University Press, 1943. - Kelly reprint 1965, 252pp, indexed. 1965. London: Frank Cass. Reprint of 1943 ed. - indexed, 252pp, no bibliography. - So what has the author read or not read on the subject? - The index mentions some authors. - J.Z., 23.3.10. - JZL. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain. - Fetter, Development of British Monetary Orthodoxy 1797-1875. - Morgan brings all too little and superficial information only on the banking-principle vs. currency principle controversy. But then, whoever would have closely studied it would find it hard to remain a central banking advocate. - In order to clearly show the results of monetary despotism, I would like to see a special table compiled: It should clearly and shortly indicate all the inflations, deflations and stagflations that have happened under the money-issue monopoly or central banking system (essentially through its forced and exclusive currency), although this system was established and maintained under the assumption or pretence that it could and would prevent them and, later, through the mere belief, quite contrary to the facts, that it has done so. Perhaps it could be shortened to an indication, for each country, of how many of each of these crises did so far occur, since the establishment of central banking in it. - Perhaps the table should be offered under the heading: The Results of Central Banking or any more catching title. - Much of the required information may already be online and would only have to be pulled together in an orderly form. - J.Z., 6.4.10.
MORGAN, HUGH, interviewed by Prof. Lawrence W. Reed, 1988: WMC Chief Trashes Paper Money. 2p., THE OPTIMIST, Nov./Dec. 88, in PEACE PLANS 810. - One should not overlook that there were some soundly issued and accepted paper monies. All the wrongs and flaws of governmental money issues do not automatically characterize all such issues. - J.Z.
MORGENSTERN, Dr. OSKAR, Die drei Grundtypen derTheorie des subjektiven Wertes. - In: Mises & Spiethoff, Probleme der Wertlehre.
MORIN, FRANCOIS, Catalogue des Billets de Banque Beiges de 1900 a 1974, Boom 1974. - Albert Pick
MORING, H. E., Suggestions to Congress on the Finances of the United States. New York, 1869. - Carothers, Fractional Money.
MORISON, SAMUEL ELIOT & COMMAGER, HENRY STEELE, The Growth of the American Republic. 5th ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1962). - Temin.
MORISON, SAMUEL ELIOT, The Maritime History of Massachusetts, 1783-1860. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, Sentry Edition, 1961. - Temin.
MORLEY, JOHN On Compromise. 1898. London: Macmillan. [Viscount] - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking. - JZL. (Does it really contain anything on free banking? I liked the book but did not notice that. - J.Z.)
MOROSINI, ANDREA, Senatore, Storia della republica Veneziana, 1521 al 1615. Venezia, 1782-87. 5 vols. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MORRELL, STEPHEN O., In Search of a Monetary Order: An Open Discussion on Aspects of a Freely Competitive Monetary Arrangement. INSTITUTE SCHOLAR, Institute for Humane Studies, Menlo Park, California, 1(1980), No. 1. - Gerding - MORRELL, STEPHEN O., An Open Discussion on Aspects of a Freely Competitive Monetary Arrangement, 2pp, in PEACE PLANS 602. - Here, too, “order”, in accordance with one or the other system of order, is less important than freedom, i.e. sovereign choice of individual and their voluntary payment communities, when it comes to exchange media, clearing certificates, value standards, credit, banking and insurance arrangements, to all of which full freedom of contract, association and exchange should apply. We have had all too many “order” systems imposed upon us. Usually, they brought disorder rather than natural order and harmony, in this sphere as well. Monetary order is the result of monetary freedom and monetary rights being freely practised, of a free market in this sphere as well, not of any particular monetary or currency decrees from above, territorially applied. - J.Z., 1.7.10.
MORRIS, A. C. The Diary and Letters of Gouverneur Morris. (editor) New York, 1888. - Sumner, The Financier & the Finances of the Am. Rev.
MORRIS, C. N., Internal Improvements in Ohio, 1825-30. AMERICAN HISTORY ASSOCIATION PAPERS, Vol. III. - Reginald Charles McGrane, The Panic of 1837, 1924.
MORRIS, Gouverneur, Address to the Assembly of Pennsylvania on the Abolition of the Bank of North America. In: Jared Sparks's Life of Morris, iii, 335-365. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
MORRIS, J., Marx as a Monetary Theorist. 1907. SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 31:404-27. - Frank Vorhies
MORRIS, WILLIAM T., Analysis of Management Decisions. Rev. ed., Homewood: Irwin, 1964. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking.
MORSE, H. B., Currency in China. Shanghai, 1907, in: JNChBrRAS, vol. XXXVIII , 1907, 17. - Herbert Franke, Geld- & Wirtschaft in China unter der Mongolen-Herrschaft.
MORSE, H.B., The Guilds of China, 1933. 1p extract on a Chinese predecessor to Milhaud's purchasing certificates, in PEACE PLANS 810.
MORSE, JOHN T. Jr., American Statesman: Benjamin Franklin. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin&Co., 1889. - Leslie Snyder, Justice or Revolution.
MORTON, W. A., British Finance, 1930-40. Madison, 1943. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
MOSELEY, D. ALEXANDER, Abolish Legal Tender. THE FREEMAN, 2/99, 2pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.200.
MOSES M. STRONG, Papers. Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison, Wis. - SHADE, G. W. (1972), Manuscripts.
MOSES, BERNARD, Legal Tender Notes in California, 1892. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 7, October, 1-15. - Rolnick & Weber, Gresham’s Law or Gresham’s Fallacy? 1985.
MOSES, J., Illinois Historical and Statistical. Chicago, 1889, 2 Vols. - Reginald Charles McGrane, The Panic of 1837, 1924.
MOSS, LAWRENCE S., Mountifort Longfield: Ireland's First Professor of Political Economy. 1976. Ottawa, Ill., Green Hill. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MÖSSNER, K. E., Pfandbriefdarlehns- und Bardarlehnssystem innerhalb des bankmässig organisierten Bodenkredits. - BANKWISSENSCHAFT, Datum oder Ausgabe unleserlich, S.289-296. - JZL., photocopy. - Prof. Rittershausen included it in a manuscript collection mainly of his own essays. - J.Z.
MOTT, TRACY, A Post Keynesian Perspective on a 'Cashless Competitive Payments System.' 1989. " JOURNAL OF POST KEYNESIAN ECONOMICS, in press. - White, Competition & Currency.
MOTTRAM, R. H., A History of Financial Speculation. Boston, 1929, Little Brown & Co. - Smitley, Popular Financial Delusions, 1933. - London, 1929 - Groseclose, Money & Man.
MOULTON, HAROLD G. & SCHLOTTERBECK, KARL T., Should Price Control Be Retained?, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1945. - Pamphlet which examines the “need and value” of continuing controls after the war effort! - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation. - The title does already, wrongfully, assume that price control laws and bureaucratic application do really control prices, instead of merely pretending to do so, while committing much wrong and doing much harm. - J.Z., 19.3.10.
MOULTON, HAROLD G., Commercial Banking and Capital Formation. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 26 (1918), pp.644, 729. - Klebaner
MOULTON, HAROLD G., Principles of Money and Banking. Chicago, 1916. - Norman Angell, The Story of Money, 1934. - Groseclose, Money & Man.
MOXON, B. T., English practical banking. 14.Aufl. Manchester 1914. - Obst, Georg, Geld-, Bank- & Börsenwesen.
MUELBERGER, ARTHUR, Kapital und Zins. Die Polemik zwischen Bastiat und Proudhon. 1896 & Jena, 1968, PEACE PLANS 617. - Der letzte Brief von B. wurde von M. absichtlich ausgelassen. Eine vollständige Ausgabe ist erwünscht. Die von Bastiat selbst besorgte soll the beste sein. - J.Z.
MUELBERGER, ARTHUR, P. J. Proudhon, Leben und Werke. 1898, 1979, mit Nachwort der Mackay Gesellschaft, 254 S., PEACE PLANS 293.
MUELBERGER, ARTHUR, Weder Silber noch Gold. Ein Beitrag zur Währungsfrage, Wien 1896. (Was in John Henry Mackay's library. - J.Z.)
MUELLER, ANTONY P., The Misery of Central Banking. - May 2005 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute.
MUELLER, ANTONY, Monetary Policy in a Hayekian Supply Side Model. - (University of Caxias do Sul, Brazil) - Antony Mueller - 10/20/2005 0 - Mises Institute Working Papers - Online at the Mises Institute.
MUELLER, CHRISTIAN G., Observations on the Present Banking System. Frankfort, Kentucky, 1819. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
MUELLER, W. F., Industrial Concentration: An Important Inflationary Force? Paper presented at Columbia Law School Conference, March 1974, on Industrial Concentration: The Economic Issues. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
MUELLER, WILHELM, Die Frage der Barzahlung im Sichte der Knappschen Geldtheorie. Wien, 1908; 46 S. (“nach dem ungarischen Originale bearbeitet.” - Knapp.
MUHLEMAN, MAURICE L., Monetary and Banking Systems of the World. New York, 1895. - Revised edition, N. Y., 1897. - Bogart, The Ec. Hist. of the U.S. (1896. - Carothers, Fractional Money.)
MUHLEMAN, MAURICE L., Monetary and Banking Systems. New York, 1908.
MUHLEMAN, MAURICE L., Money of the United States. New York, 1894. - Carothers, Fractional Money.
MÜHLENFELS, A., Transfer. Betrachtungen über Technik und Grenzen der Reparationsübertragung. Jena, 1926. - Prof. H. Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
MULLEN, JOHN, Early Currency of the Oregon Country. WASHINGTON STATESMAN, November 29, 1862. Reprinted in THE QUARTERLY OF THE OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY 4 (September, 1903). - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
MÜLLER, ADAM, Elemente der Staatskunst. 1809. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MÜLLER, ALEX, Kommentar zum Gesetz zur Förderung der Stabilität und des Wachstums der Wirtschaft. (Hrsg.) Hannover: Verlag fur Literatur und Zeitgeschehen 1968. - Flamant. - Wieviele Gesetze gibt es unter den Millionen, die dieses Ziel jemals ganz erreicht haben, statt, meistens, nur das Gegenteil? - J.Z., 11.3.10.
MÜLLER, WILLI, Die Entwicklung des Zinsfußes in Deutschland, England und Nordamerika 1914-1926. Diss., Mainz, 1928. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
MULLIGAN, ROBERT F., An Empirical Examination of Austrian Business Cycle Theory. - Vol. 9 Num. 2 - Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics - Online at the Mises Institute.
MULLINEAUX, DONALD J., Competitive Monies and the Suffolk Bank System: A Contractual Perspective." 1987. SOUTHERN ECONOMIC JOURNAL 53, April, 884-98. - White, Competition & Currency. - JZL, photocopy, plus: Competitive Monies and the Suffolk Bank System: Reply.” In: COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 55, issue 1, JL 1988, UMI. - JZL, photocopy.
MULLINS, EUSTACE, The Federal Reserve Conspiracy. New Jersey, Christian Educational Association, 1954. - Antony C. Sutton, The War on Gold. - Something so openly privileged by the special laws of monetary despotism - is hardly the result of a “conspiracy”, unless one counts very well publicized actions and authorities as “conspiracies”. - J.Z., 14.4.10.
MULLINS, EUSTACE, The Secrets of the Federal Reserve. Bankers Research Institute, 1983. - Dr. James L. Green, Investments and Sound Money, in MM, undated. - Aren’t all of them published in and sanctioned by laws and regulations? - J.Z., 5.4.10.
MULLINS, EUSTACE, This Difficult Individual, Ezra Pound. Angriff Press, Hollywood, Cal., 1961, with footnotes and name index 388pp. - According to p.380 he wrote an introduction to “Money Pamphlets”, edited by Barbara Villars, Washington, D.C., Square Dollar Series. Against gold, profit, speculation, interest, “corporate State”, English Empire. Can one expect much clarity from a poet on money? - J.Z., 18.3.10. - JZL.
MUMEY, NOLIE, Clark, Gruber & Company A Pioneer Mint. Denver: Artcraft Press, 1950. - “A very good secondary source on Clark, Gruber & Co.” - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
MUMFORD, GLENN, Question Mark over Value of Bank Supervision. THE WEEKEND AUSTRALIAN FINANCIAL REVIEW, 1.4.-5.4.10, www.afr.com - “The Basel-based Bank of International Settlement’s best practices have been found wanting.” - Short article only on the World Bank’s Asli Demirgue-Kunt and the IMF’s Enrica Detragiache research with their negative findings. Free competition is a much better and quite natural regulator. - J.Z., .4.10. - JZL.
MUN, THOMAS, England’s Treasure by Foreign Trade. 1664. - Butchart, Money. - London, 1669. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
MUNDELL, ALEXANDER, A Comparative View of the Industrial Situation of Great Britain, from the Year 1775 to the Present Time; with an Examination of the Causes of Her Distress. 1832, London, Longmans. - White
MUNDELL, ALEXANDER, An Examination of the Evidence Taken before the Committee of Secrecy, on the Bank of England Charter. 1832b. London, Longmans. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MUNDELL, ALEXANDER, Four Letters Addressed to the Chairmen of the Agricultural Committees of Both Houses of Parliament, Showing the Operation of the Corn Laws, and of the Appreciation of Money. 1836. London, Longmans. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MUNDELL, ALEXANDER, Supplement to "An Examination of the Evidence Taken before the Committee of Secrecy, on the Bank of England Charter." 1832c. London, Longmans. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MUNDELL, ALEXANDER, The Danger of the Resolutions Relative to the Bank Charter, as Proposed by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Succinctly Pointed Out. 1833a. London, Longmans. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MUNDELL, ALEXANDER, The Influence of Interest and Prejudice upon Proceedings in Parliament Stated, and Illustrated by What Has Been Done in Matters Relative to Education - Religion - the Poor - the Corn Laws -Joint Stock Companies - the Bank of England and Banking Companies - and Taxes. 1825. London, John Murray. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain. - I would love to get a copy of -that. - J.Z.
MUNDELL, ALEXANDER, The Philosophy of Legislation: An Essay. 1834. London, Longmans. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MUNDELL, ALEXANDER, The Principle and Operation of Gold and Silver in Coin; of Paper in Currency; and of Gold and Silver in Buying and Selling; Stated in the Shape of Substantive Propositions. 1830. London, Longmans. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MUNDELL, ALEXANDER, The Principles Which Govern the Value of Paper Currency, with Reference to Banking Establishments, as Stated in the New Edinburgh Review for January, 1823; with Some Observations on Joint Stock Companies. 1823. Edinburgh, Waugh and Innes. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MUNDELL, ALEXANDER, The Reviewer of Publications on the Bank Charter, in the Last Number of the EDINBURGH REVIEW, Reviewed. 1833b. London, Longmans. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MUNDELL, ROBERT A., & SWOBODA, ALEXANDER K., Monetary Problems of the International Economy. (eds.) Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
MUNDELL, ROBERT A., A Theory of Optimum Currency Areas. AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 51, Sept. 61, pp.657-65. -For fixed exchange rates, according to skimming, i.e., another coercive money manipulator. - J.Z. - However, Pamela Brown, in Monetary Reform & Competition, does list that title. - J.Z., 17.5.10.
MUNDELL, ROBERT A., Foreword. In: Harry G. Johnson, Alexander K. Swoboda, eds., The Economics of Common Currencies. London, 1973, pp.11-12. - Cowen & Kroszner, The Evolution of Media of Account.
MUNDELL, ROBERT A., International Monetary Options. - CATO JOURNAL, Vol.3, No. 1, Spring 83: The Search for Stable Money. pp.189-210.. - JZL.
MUNN, CHARLES W., Review' of L. H. White Free Banking in Britain. (1985) BUSINESS HISTORY, 27, November, pp.341-3. - DOWD, The State & the Monetary System.
MUNN, CHARLES W., Scottish Banking History. - Scottish Banking History
MUNN, CHARLES W., The Development of Joint-Stock Banking in Scotland, 1910-1845. In: “Business, Banking and Urban History”, ed. Anthony Slaven and Derek H. Aldcroft. Edinburgh: John Donald.
MUNN, CHARLES W., The Origins of the Scottish Note Exchange. 1975. THREE BANKS REVIEW 107: 45-60. - Selgin, The Evolution of a Free Banking System.
MUNN, CHARLES W., The Scottish Provincial Banking Companies 1747-1864. John Donald Publishers, Edinburgh, 1981, 306 pp., with bibliography and index. - (JZL) - DOWD, The State & the Monetary System.
MUNN, GLEN G., Encyclopedia of Banking and Finance. New York, The Banker’s Publishing Co., 1924, 580pp. - JZL.
MUNRO, NEIL, The History of the Royal Bank of Scotland 1727-1927. Published by the Bank and printed by R. & R. Clark Ltd., Edinburgh, 1928. - James Douglas - MUNRO, NEIL, The Royal Bank of Scotland. 1928. Edinburgh, R. & R. Clark. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MUNTZ, KARL, Zur Geschichte und Theorie der Banknote, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Lehren der klassischen Nationaökonomie. Bern 1896. - Obst.
MÜNZEN REVUE, Basel, 1979 (11. Jahrg.) - Albert Pick
MUNZER, Dr. EGBERT, Die Vier Gesetzentwürfe. Berlin 1932, co-author, unnamed because of his high political position. He was close to Brüning, then Chancellor. See Zander. 24x, in PEACE PLANS 40.
MUNZER, Dr. EGBERT, Die Vier Gesetzentwürfe, eine Erwiderung auf Prof. M. Palyi's Kritik. In PEACE PLANS 428ff, S. 523, 534.
MUNZER, Dr. EGBERT, Kanadisches Geldwesen. In PEACE PLANS 428ff, S.1207.
MUNZER, Dr. EGBERT, Staatspapiergeld und "Das andere System." BANKWISSENSCHAFT, Heft 24 v. 20.3.1933, 9. Jahrgang, S.437-748, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 428ff, S.637. Erwiderung zu Prof. NEUMARK’S Stellungnahme.)
MUNZER, Dr. EGBERT, Staatspapiergeld. BANKWISSENSCHAFT, Heft 9 vom 5.8.1932, S. 259-272. In the collection of printed essays, edited by Rittershausen & in PEACE PLANS 428ff, S. 620. - Prof. Rittershausen vermerkete, dass Dr. Munzer später ein ord. Prof. in Kanada wurde.
MUNZER, Dr. EGBERT, Über Fragen Neumarks. in PEACE PLANS 428ff, S. 598. Munzer managed to flee from the Nazi regime to Canada and died there after a few years. - J.Z., 14.6.10.
MURAD, ANATOL, The Paradox of a Metal Standard. A Case History of Silver. Washington 1939. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
MURALT, ALEX von, Der Wörgler Versuch mit Schwundgeld. In: Klaus Schmitt (Hrsg.): Silvio Gesell - "Marx" der Anarchisten? 1989. - From: Holger Lemme Newsgroups: cl.wirtschaft.geld - Subject: Literatur-Liste, Date: 17 Apr 95 - Literatur zum Thema "Gerechtes Geld". (No my definition of it! - J.Z.) - MURALT, ALEXANDER von, Der Wörgler Versuch mit Schwundgeld, ANNALEN DER GEMEINWIRTSCHAFT, ed. von Edgard Milhaud, 10. Jahrg., Heft 1, Januar/Juli 1933, S. 295- 306, in PEACE PLANS 347/348.
MURALT, ALEXANDER von, La Monnaie à Valeur Decroissante, et L'Expérience de Woergl (Austriche). In: Organisation des Echanges et Creation de Travail, by Milhaud, Prof. Edgard, Receuil Sirey, Paris, 1934, PEACE PLANS. 314-325, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 744.
MURALT, ALEXANDER von, The Woergl Experiment with Depreciating Money. App. VII to Milhaud: Ending the Unemployment and Trade Crisis, Geneva, Switzerland, ANNALS OF COLLECTIVE ECONOMY, 1934. & Williams & Norgate, London, 1935. - 10pp. 1933, in PEACE PLANS 769. - A better evaluation of this experiment, pointing out its tax foundation aspects, can be found in the three monetary freedom books of Ulrich von Beckerath, which I reproduced in PEACE PLANS 9-11, under Wörgl: pages 140, 142ff, 164/6 & Gesell: p. 1, 32, 34, 59, 140, & in entries under Hoarding: pages: 22, 66ff, 73, 131ff, 172ff, 178, 193, 202, 260, 266, 279, 285 & other relevant entries. They are now in several languages at www.reinventingmoney.com - Once people are free to issue and accept alternative and competitively issued currencies and accounts then they are independent of the hoarders of any particular currency. Just like those, who sell their performances through tickets, would not be seriously troubled if the tickets were hoarded. The ticket holders would not attend and their tickets would become invalid, useful at most as collectors’ items. They could be readily replaced by new issues for new performances. Gesell’s system and proposals are based on the premise of monetary despotism. Without it his proposals are useless. The closest approach to his idea would be goods or service vouchers whose validity is time-limited. Afterwards they would be totally worthless, like expired airline tickets. - J.Z., 17.2.10. - The Wörgl Experiment with Depreciating Money. In Nr. 6 (1933) of the Austrian STÄNDISCHES LEBEN. Appendix VIII, pp.339-348.
MURPHY, JAMES CAVANAH, History of the Mahometan Empire in Spain. London, 1816. pp.350. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
MURPHY, ROBERT P., A (Qualified) Defence of Böhm-Bawerk’s “Third Cause” of Interest. - 7/28/2002 - Mises Institute Working Papers - Online at the Mises Institute.
MURPHY, ROBERT P., Interest and the Marginal Product of Capital. - Interest and the Marginal Product of Capital: Böhm-Bawerk versus Samuelson (Hillsdale College), 8/19/2004, Mises Institute Working Paper. - Online at the Mises Institute.
MURPHY, ROBERT P., Responding to Steele (Hillsdale College). - 1/20/2004 - Which paper of Steele? J.Z. Mises Institute Working Papers - Online at the Mises Institute.
MURPHY, ROBERT P., The Mystery of Central Banking. - September 2004, The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute.
MURPHY, ROBERT P., The Politicially Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal. - Spring 2009 - The Mises Review - Online at the Mises Institute.
MURPHY, ROBERT P., Trade Deficits and Fiat Currencies. MISES DAILY, 8.3.10., Trade Deficits and Fiat Currencies
MURRAY, ROBERT, Proposal for a National Bank. 1696. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935. - Ancient spleens, carried on for centuries! - J.Z., 29.3.10.
MURRAY, ROBERT, Proposal for More Easie Advancing to the Crown, etc. 1696.
MURRAY, ROBERT, Proposal for the Advancement of Trade. 1676. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
MUSCALUS, JOHN A., Paper Money of the 6 1/4 Cent and 12 1/2 Cent Denominations. - Schilke & Solomon, America’s Foreign Coins … with Legal Tender Status in the US 1793-1857.
MUSCALUS, JOHN S., Bibliography of Specific Banks. 1942. - Redlich.
MUSHET, ROBERT, An Attempt to Explain from Facts the Effect of the Issues of the Bank of England upon Its Own Interests, Public Credit, and Country Banks. 1826. London, Baldwin, Cradock & Joy. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
MUSSA, MICHAEL, The Welfare Cost of Inflation and the Role of Money as a Unit of Account." JOURNAL OF MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING 9 (May 1977): 276-286. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
MUSSARD, J., Geld. Roman der Währungen. Jean Christophe-Verlag Zürich 1938, 328 S. - Geschrieben von einem Etatisten, aber auf S. 61/62 erörtert er Geldfreiheit ein wenig. Will sie aber auch unter Staatskontrolle setzen! Auf S. 81 tritt er für Preiskontrolle ein! S.59: “Das Privileg der Notenbank soll nicht unantastbar sein, wenn das Volkswohl es erfordert.” S.69: “Eine auf die Arbeitskraft der Nation gegründete Währung verdient nicht weniger Vertrauen als eine Goldwährung.” So verurteilt er sich mit seinen eignen Worten und Vorchlägen. - J.Z., 10.4.10. - JZL.
MUSSFELD, Dr. jur. RICHARD, Das Bank- und Sparkassen-Lexikon. Undatiert, 192 S., plus 2., vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage, ebenfalls undatiert. Beide im Verlag für Rechts- und Wirtschaftsliteratur A.G., Berlin. - JZL.
MUSSFELD, Dr. jur. RICHARD, et al, Das Lexikon des Kaufmanns. Im Verlag Ullstein, Berlin, 1932, 455 S. - JZL.
MUSZYNSKI, M. & SCHWEIKERT, H., Le Papier-Monnaie du Maroc. Mai-sons-Alfort 1974. - Albert Pick
MUSZYNSKI, MAURICE, Les Billets de la Banque de France. Villiers 1975. - Albert Pick
MUTH, JOHN F., Rational Expectations and the Theory of Price Movements. ECONOMETRICA 29 (July 1961): 315-335. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
MUTHESIUS, VOLKMAR, Augenzeuge von drei Inflationen. Frankfurt/Main: Fritz Knapp Verlag 1973. - Flamant. - Offenbar genuegt es nicht davon nur Augenzeuge zu sein. Das waren Billionen von Menschen. Mann muss darüber auch genügend nachdenken, über wirkliche Ursachen und Vermeidungsmöglichkeiten. Has Muthesius das getan? - J.Z., 11.3.10.
MUTHESIUS, VOLKMAR, Inflation. 1958. - Rittershausen, Wirtschaft, 1960 Auflage.
MUTHESIUS, VOLKMAR, Moral des Geldes. 1956. - Rittershausen, Wirtschaft, 1960 Auflage. - Das Geld hat keine Moral. Nur diejenigen, die es haben oder nicht haben, die haben eine Moral, oder Moralitaet oder brauchen sie noch. Unmoralisch sind auch diejenigen, die anderen verbieten Geld auszugeben, das keinen Zwangskurs hat und, ebenfalls, z.B. diejenigen, die sich nicht um ihre monetären Rechte und Freiheiten bekümmern, denn die Folgen des monetären Despotismus sind oft schrecklich und erfordern, in Kriegen, Bürgerkriegen, Despotien und Revolutionen Dutzende von Millionen von Opfern. Im Verlaufe der Geschichte, wahrscheinlich, Billionen. - J.Z., 4.5.10.
MYER, JOHN N., Accounting for Non-Accountants. New York: New York University Press, 1957. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking.
MYERS, C. V., Energy, Money, and your Future. What is happening? Where are we going? What can you do to protect yourself? International Self-Counsel Press Ltd., Vancouver, Toronto, Seattle, 1980, 238pp. The book’s cover claims that he is one of America’s top financial analysts. - JZL.
MYERS, C. V., World Rollover. Falcon Press, Spokane, WA, 1985. - Dr. James L. Green, Investments and Sound Money, in MM, undated.
MYERS, G., History of Tammany Hall. New York, 1901. - Reginald Charles McGrane, The Panic of 1837, 1924.
MYERS, MARGARET B., The New York Money Market. Vol. I, Origins and Development. New York, 1931. - Groseclose, Money & Man. - The New York Money Market. New York, 1939. - Sobel, The Curbstone Brokers. . 2 vols. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1931). - Temin.
MYERS, MARGARET G., A Financial History of the United States. New York: Columbia University Press, 1970. - Woodford, Detroit & its Banks.
MYNTEX, Skandinaviens Mynt och Sedlar Katalog 1860-1968. Forsheda (Schweden) 1969. - Albert Pick
MYRDAL GUNNAR, Der Gleichgewichtsbegriff als Instrument der geldtheoretischen Analyse, in: Beiträge zur Geldtheorie. Wien 1933. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
MYRDAL, GUNNAR, The Political Element in the Development of Economic Theory. (Translated from Swedish.) London, 1953. . - Paul Einzig, How Money Is Managed. The Ends & Means of Monetary Policy.
NACK, JOHN, Ideal Money 2002. - Similar to Hayek’s ideas but independently arrived at. - ATLAS report.
NADLER, M., HELLER, S. & SHIPMAN, S. S., The Money Market and Its Institutions. New York: Ronald, 1955. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking.
NADLER, PAUL S., Checkless Society: Don't Wait Until It Comes to Face Up to It. AMERICAN BANKER, Oct. 26, 1966, p.12. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972. - Why do “reformers” always think that their reform will or should replace all other choices of free men? - J.Z., 15.4.10.
NADLER, PAUL S., Time Deposits and Debentures: The New Sources of Bank Funds. (C. J. DEVINE INSTITUTE OF FINANCE BULLETIN No. 30.) New York: New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration, 1964. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking.
NAEGELI, W., Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen. Diss., Zürich 1951. - Lautner, Der „WIR“ Verrechnungsverkehr, 1964.
NAGEL, PAUL, Geld und Boden. Systematische Darstellung einer krisenlosen, ausbeutungsfreien Wirtschaftsordnung. Indexiert, 261 S., 1928, Buchhaus der Schaffer, Frankfurt a.M. - Bern. - JZL One of the few Gesellians who favoured freedom of note issue, because he imagines that "Schwundgeld" would win out. Others I know of: Urjo Rey, Karl and Heinz Peter Neumann, all deceased by now. - Nagel, nach dieser Schrift zu urteilen, war einer der besten Gesellianer. Er befürwortete Emissionsfreiheit: S.149/50, Steuerfundation: S. 149 and war gegen den Annahmezwang: S. 149. - Darin ist erwähnt: FZ, FREIWIRTSCHAFTLICHE ZEITUNG. Eine wirtschaftspolitische Wochenschrift gegen Geld- und Bodenmonopol. Herausgeber Otto Lautenbach. “Paul Nagel ist ständiger Mitarbeiter.” Verlag Der F.Z., Halle (Saale), Mauerstr. 2. - J.Z. - JZL.
NAGEL, THOMAS, The Possibility of Altruism. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1970. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
NAGL, Dr. ERASMUS, Hammurabis Gesetze. S. 290-410, in: SOZIALE REVUE, Zeitschrift für die sozialen Fragen der Gegenwart, herausgegeben von Dr. Jos. Burg, 4. Jahrgang 1904, Essen. - Hammurabi was king of Babylon around 2200 BC. His laws attempted to introduce justice in many spheres, including monetary & barter trading. - JZL.
NA-GRIAMEL FEDERATION, Brief Summary of Constitution. 1976, 11 points, 48x, in PEACE PLANS 589/590.
NAHMER, NOELL V. D., RIXEN, ROBERT, UWE, JENS, Das Notgeld der Deutschen Reichsbahn und der Deutschen Reichspost. Berlin 1974.
NAKAMURA, L. I., Closing troubled financial institutions: what are the issues? (1990) FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF PHILADELPHIA BUSINESS REVIEW, May-June: 15-24. - Dowd
NARATH, B., Die Union von Südafrika und ihre Bevölkerung. - Max Franzke, Untergang der Welt-Goldwährung? 1931.
NARBETH, COLIN, Collect British Banknotes. London 1971. - Albert Pick
NARBETH, COLIN, Collecting Paper Money, A Beginners Guide. London, 1968. - Albert Pick
NASSE, ERWIN, Die Preussische Bank und die Ausdehnung ihres Geschäftskreises in Deutschland. Bonn: A. Marcus, 1866. - SMITH, VERA C.
NASSE, ERWIN, Über das englische Bankwesen im Jahre 1857. In ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR DIE GESAMTE STAATSWISSENSCHAFT, Bd. 15, 1959, S. 3-39. FB?
NASSE, ERWIN, Zur Banknoten- und Papiergeldfrage mit spez. Beziehung auf den preussischen Staat. ZEITSCHRIFT FUER DIE GESAMTE STAATSWISSENSCHAFT, Bd. 12, 1856, S. 637-708. FB?
NATAF, PHILIPPE C., An Inquiry into the Free Banking Movement in Nineteenth Century France, With Particular Emphasis on Charles Coquelin's Writings. (1987) Unpublished manuscript. - DOWD, The State & the Monetary System. - San Diego: William Lyon University. - Nataf
NATAF, PHILIPPE C., Before and after the Euro: strategies for free money. ISIL and LAB Conference, Berlin, August 26, 1998, by Philippe Nataf, Docteur ès Sciences Economiques (Ph. D), Habilité à Diriger des Recherches, Centre d'Etudes et de Formation à la Gestion l'Economie et la Comptabilité, Siege social: 75 rue Claude Bernard, 75005 Paris, Tel/Fax: 0143312769, Août 1998 - This essay, in English, contains a bibliography, which I copied here. to the extent that the titles are not already included. - Alas, his email address is not known to me. A comprehensive directory of all advocates of free banking should at least be made accessible to all such people. They could clearly express in it which kind of material they are not interested in. - He favors free choice of value standards and of monetary instruments. - J.Z., 10.2.10. - Also online at the Mises Institute - Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics - Vol. 5, No. 4. - Before and after the Euro: strategies for free money, 1998, 46 Kbs., with interesting bibliography, in my first CD, folder D FB condensed, subfolder liberté, freiheit ... file free-money.
NATAF, PHILIPPE C., Competitive Banking and the Cycle, 1850-1868. Paper presented at the History of Economics Society annual meeting. Pittsburgh, 1984, - Schuler, Selgin - 1983. (unpublished). - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking. - “Competitive Banking and the Cycle [in French Economic Thought] (1850-1868)” Unpublished ms., University of Paris, May 1984. - Lawrence H. White.
NATAF, PHILIPPE C., Free Banking: A Workable System. Paper presented at the 10th annual conference of the Committee for Monetary Research and Education, Harrima, N.Y., 14.3.1982. - Brown
NATAF, PHILIPPE C., Free Banking in France (1796-1803). P.123-136, in Dowd, K. (ed.), The Experience of Free Banking. London. Routledge . 1991. - Nataf
NATAF, PHILIPPE C., New England's depression-proof free banking system: the viewpoints of Henry Charles Carey and Charles Coquelin. Perspectives on the History of Economic Thought, Volume Nine. Edited by Robert F. Hébert. England. Edward Elgar. 1993. - Nataf
NATHAN, OTTO, The Nazi Economic System. (Durham, N. C: Duke University Press, 1944, p.216). - "Price control was the entering wedge and before long it became one of the basic instruments of total economic control. The entrepreneur continued to be the owner ... but the cost accounting system which was imposed upon him, in connection with price control, enabled the government to supervise and control minute aspects of the enterprise and every single move the entrepreneur made." - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
NATION, A History. New York, 1906. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
NATIONAL ALLIANCE FOR CONSTITUTIONAL MONEY, 2pp personal questionaire, 1988, in PEACE PLANS 791. - Money should not be regulated by a constitution, either, except to keep government out, as did e.g. the constitution of Na-Griamel. The U.S. Constitution was so unclear about it that the matter is still subject to constitutional arguments now and colossal and legalized abuses became thus the rule rather than the exception. - J.Z.
NATIONAL BOARD FOR PRICES & INCOMES, Productivity, Prices and Incomes for 1968 and 1969. (London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office). - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation. - This board was just one of the “fruits” of government-controlled “education”. - J.Z., 20.3.10.
NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COMPANY, Financial Terminology. Dayton, Ohio: National Cash Register Company, 1970. - Woodford, Detroit & its Banks.
NATIONAL COMMISSION ON FINANCIAL INSTITUTION REFORM, Recovery and Enforcement, Origins and Causes of the S&L Debacle: A Blueprint for Reform - Report to the President and Congress of the United States. Washington, D.C., July 1991. - George K. Kaufman.
NATIONAL EXECUTIVE SILVER COMMITTEE, Silver in the Fifty-first Congress. Washington: Gray, 1890. - Friedman, M., Money Mischief. - Silver, in the meaning of bribery money for politicians and of politicians, e.g. using their general tax victims’ tax funds to buy the votes of selected voting blocks, or, for the tax slaves, to use some of the money still left to them after taxes, to “buy” some exemptions from further taxation, at the current “black market price” or bribery rate, is common in Congress and in all other parliaments and in all relationships caused by compulsory taxation or coercive tribute levying. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL CONFERENCE BOARD (USA), Gold and World Monetary Problems. Macmillan, New York, 1965. - Bareau, The Disorder in World Money.
NATIONAL MUNICIPAL REVIEW, A Million Men Return to Barter! Self-help movement seen as a way out of unemployment relieve labyrinth for desperate municipalities. March 1933. Reproduced by Edgar Milhaud, in his “Fresh Work Fresh Markets. Appendix C, pp.262-267. - JZL.
NATIONALIST, THE, No.3, Law of Civilization and Decay. (Bound together with The American Anti-Socialist, Feb. 1912 ff, in Meulen books, Goldsmith Collection. Of FB interest? Central Banks are, naturally, State socialist institutions. - J.Z.)
NAYLOR, ROBIN THOMAS, The History of Canadian Business, 1867-1914.” 1975, Toronto. Schuler
NCN ALTERNATIVE MONEY SYSTEM TEAM, Alternative Money Systems. Links to articles, sites, mailing lists, n.d., 2pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.781. - Majordomo@wice.xs4all.nl
NCN MONEY TEAM, Mahordomo@wicevisrall.n. - See: ALTERNATIVE MONEY SYSTEMS. Typo? It should probably be: Majordomo. See the above entry. - J.Z.
NECKAR, Finances of France. Eng. trans. London, 1785. 3 vols. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
NEF, JOHN U., Prices and Industrial Capitalism in France and England, 1540-1640. ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW, May 1937, vol.vii, no.2. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
NEIHANS, JURG, Reserve Composition As a Source of Independence for National Monetary Policies. In: Aliber, Robert Z., ed. National Monetary Policies and the International Financial System. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974: 273-288. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
NEILL, CHARLES P., Daniel Raymond. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY STUDIES IN HISTORY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE, 15th Series, no. 6, 1897. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
NEISSER, Dr. HANS, Der McMillan-Bericht und die englische Währung. BANKWISSENSCHAFT, 8. Jahrgang, Heft 15, 5.11.31, S. 519-527. Prof. Heinrich Rittershausen had intended to include it in einer Ausgabe der eignen Aufsätze. - JZL., photocop.
NEISSER, Dr. HANS, Der Tauschwert des Geldes. Jena, 1928. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
NEISSER, Dr. HANS, Notenbankfreiheit?" WELTWIRTSCHAFTLICHES ARCHIV 32 (1930 II): 446-61. - SMITH, VERA C. - Prof. Rittershausen. - 16pp, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 658.
NELSON, AARON G. & MURRAY, WILLIAM G., Agricultural Finance. 5th ed., Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1967. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking.
NELSON, P., Coinage of William Wood. - Sanford J DURST, NUMISNATIC PUBLICATIONS, N.Y., 1981.
NELSON, S. A., The A.B.C. of Stock Speculation. (editor) (The Dow Theory), S. A. Nelson Pub. Co., N. Y., 1902. - Smitley, Popular Financial Delusions, 1933.
NEMITZ, MANFRED, Schleichende Inflation? (Hrsg.) Köln/Berlin: Kiepenheuer & Witsch 1965 (Information. 12). - Flamant. - Solche ‚Meinungen“ kopieren die meisten einfach gedankenlos. Als ob die blosse Behauptung eine solche Wirklichkeit schaffen oder die Wirklichkeit erklären könnte. Ich hoffe, dass dieser Autor das nicht getan hat. - J.Z., 10.3.10.
NESS, ROBERT G. VAN, Principles of Punched Card Data Processing. Rev. ed., Elmhurst: The Business Press, 1967. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking. - By now it has also been “punched-out” - by electronic processing. - J.Z., 4.4.10.
NESTOR, La Chronique de Nestor, &c, traduite en Français, par L. Paris. Paris, 1834. 2 vols. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
NESTOR, Russische Annalen, &c. [The Annalist]. Trans, into German by A. L. Schlözer. Göttingen, 1802-5. 4 vols. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
NESTOR, Thoughts on Paper Money. Reprinted in AMERICAN MUSEUM of 1787, pp. 38-43. "Nestor." - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
NETTELS, Prof. CURTIS P., The Emergence of a National Economy, 1775-1815. New York, 1962. - Sharp, James Roger: The Jacksonians versus the Banks. - It did not naturally “emerge” but is the product of territorially imposed legislation that always favors some at the expense of others - usually without the freely given individual consent of the victims. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
NETTELS, Prof. CURTIS P., The Money Supply of the American Colonies before 1720. Madison, Wisconsin, 1934. - Schilke & Solomon, America’s Foreign Coins … with Legal Tender Status in the US 1793-1857. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
NEU, IRENE, Louisiana Politics and the Bank Act of 1842. Unpublished paper read at the December, 1964, meeting of the American Historical Association. - Sharp, James Roger: The Jacksonians versus the Banks.
NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG, 25. Mai 1954, Nr. 1288. - Gisin (1955)
NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG, Privatisierung der Währungen? Prof. F. A. v. Hayeks unorthodoxer Vorstoss. Bericht über die Tagung der Mont-Pelerin Society in Amsterdam. - 21.4.1977, S. 11: Gerding
NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG, Finanzzentren der Welt. Zürich, 1959. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank. Month & day?
NEUFELD, E. P. The Financial System of Canada. Toronto: MacMillan Company of Canada, 1972. - Donald R. Wells. - NEUFIELD, EDWIN PETER? - J.Z.
NEUFELD, EDWIN PETER, The Financial System of Canada: Its Growth and Development, N.Y., St. Martin's Press, 1972 - Schuler - Toronto: MacMillan Company of Canada, 1972. - Donald R. Wells. . - NEUFIELD? - J.Z.
NEUFIELD, E. P., The Relative Growth of Commercial Banks. In Whittlesey, C. R., and Wilson, J. S. G., eds. Essays in Money and Banking in Honor of R. S. Sayers Oxford: Clarendon. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition. NEUFELD?
NEUFVILLE, FRANCOIS de, Duke of VILLEROY, Letters of Francois de Neufville, Duke of Villeroy. Paris, 1755. Paris, 1866. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
NEUMANN-HOFER, ADOLF, Depositengeschäfte und Depositenbanken. Theorie des Depositenbankwesens. Leipzig 1894. - Obst.
NEUMARK, F., Staatspapiergeld - ein 'anderes System'? BANKWISSENSCHAFT, Heft 17 vom 5.12.1932, S. 513-522, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 428ff, S.637.
NEUWIRTH, JOSEPH, Bankakt und Bankstreit in Österreich-Ungarn 1862-1873. Leipzig 1873. - Obst.
NEUWIRTH, JOSEPH, Die Österreichische Nationalbank und ihr Verhältnis zum Staate. Ein Beitrag zur Beurteilung der Bankfrage. Wien 1861. - Obst.
NEVILE, J. W. & STAMMER, D. W., Inflation and Unemployment. Selected Readings. (ed.) (On Australian economic policy.) Penguin Books, 1972, indexed, with bibliography, 245pp. It seems to take central banking for granted. But seeing that I bought it for only 10 cents two days ago, in a well kept copy, inflation has certainly not generally inflated the price of second-hand conventional “economics” books. I noticed nothing for free banking and against central banking in it. Or is the opinon of most potential readers in Australia, of most Australian “economists”, as low as mine is? It was worth 10 cents to me to be able to shortly browse in it - at home. WARNING: Monetary despotism isn’t criticized and monetary freedom is not seen as an attractive alternative to it - by these “economists”. - J.Z., 6.6.10.
NEVILLE, HOWARD R., The Detroit Banking Collapse of 1933." OCCASIONAL PAPER no. 2. Bureau of Business and Economic Research. College of Business and Public Service. Michigan State University, East Lansing, 1960. - Woodford, Detroit & its Banks.
NEVIN, E., The Mechanism of Cheap Money. Cardiff, 1955. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling. - Some forms of “cheap” money are the most rightful, most stable and most economical forms of money. Attacking as “cheap” and thus inferior, quite indiscriminately, all kinds paper monies, even those without an issue monopoly and without legal tender power and which are using a sound value standard, simply because they not covered by and redeemed in rare metal - is nothing but a cheap propaganda trick. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
NEVINS, ALLAN, History of the Bank of New York and Trust Company, 1784-1934. New York, 1934. - Schilke & Solomon, America’s Foreign Coins … with Legal Tender Status in the US 1793-1857.
NEVINS, ALLAN, Ordeal of the Union. 2 vols. New York, 1947. New York Constitutional Convention, 1821. Reports of the Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of 1821. Reported by Nathaniel H. Carter and William L. Stone. Albany, 1821. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
NEW ECONOMY, World Affairs in a Fresh Light. A sample of NEW ECONOMY, Winter, 1987, 28pp., ed. Christopher J. Budd, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 866. Introductory leaflets and sample copy of NEW ECONOMY, No. 11, are wholly reproduced there, although this time it contains only 2pp on monetary alternatives. Its editor is “into” lots of other "things", too. - In PEACE PLANS 906.
NEW ENGLAND ADVERTISING WEEK, State Street Bank Charts New Path in Marketing Bank Americard First Year. Nov. 16, 1967, pp.1, 4. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972.
NEW HAMPSHIRE BANK COMMISSIONERS, Annual Reports, 1844- . - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860. - Did such people ever admit to their ignorance and prejudices? Do they often enough become aware of them? - J.Z., 27.3.10.
NEW LIBERTARIAN ALLIANCE, Inflation and Depression. NLA Brochure # 2, 8pp, Norwalk, CA, n.d., in PEACE PLANS No. 1547, pp. 74-75.
NEW YORK CLEARING HOUSE ASSOCIATION, Report of the Special Committee. March 4, 1858. BANKERS' MAGAZINE (April, 1858), vol. xii. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
NEW YORK COMMITTEE OF BANK OFFICERS, Report on the Subject of Paying Interest on Current Deposits. - Report on the Subject of Paying Interest on Current Deposits, Presented to the Banks in New-York - W.H. Arthur 1858, 23
NEW YORK CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, Report of the Debates and Proceedings of the Convention for the Revision of the Constitution. Reported by W. G. Bishop and W. H. Attree. Albany, 1846. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960. - “Debates and Proceedings in the New York State Convention for the Revision of the Constitution.” Reported by S. Croswell and R. Sutton. Albany, 1846. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
NEW YORK HERALD TRIBUNE, 13 April 1933, sec.2, p.8, col.1; on gold clause jurisdiction. - Steven L. Green, July 86.
NEW YORK SUPERINTENDENT OF THE BANKING DEPARTMENT. Annual Reports. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
New Zealand GREEN$QUARTERLY, P.O. Box 21140 Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND (03) 661-992. - “GREEN$QUARTERLY provides a comprehensive assemblage of information collected from the various LETS systems operating in New Zealand (41 at last count). This source is a "must" for anyone wishing to keep up on LETS system developments and "mutual credit," in general. G$Q provides information about how actual operating systems have dealt with various problems and concerns. It also provides access to resource materials such as new software and a "Management Guide."
NEWCOMB, SIMON, Has the Standard Gold Dollar Appreciated? JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 1 (September 1893): 503-512. - Friedman, M., Money Mischief.
NEWCOMB, SIMON: A Critical Examination of our Financial Policy during the Southern Rebellion. New York, 1865. - White, Horace, (1895ff.)
NEWCOMB, SIMON, The ABC of Finance: or, the Money and Labor Questions Familiarly Explained to Common People in Short and Easy Lessons, 1877, OLL.
NEWCOMER, PHILIP W., The Illegality of Legal Tender. THE FREEMAN, 12/86, 7pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.202. - Liberty Haven digitized essay collection, 35 Kbs HTML, reproduced in my first CD, Folder D FB condensed, subfolder Legal Tender. (www.butterbach.net ) There is still no anthology and bibliography of all such writings against Legal Tender, although billions of human beings are wronged and harmed by it, every day. - J.Z., 11.7.04.
NEWLYN, W. T., The Supply of Money and Its Control. ECONOMIC JOURNAL 74 (June 1964) 327-346. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
NEWLYN, W. T., The Theory of Money. Oxford University Press, 1962. - Morgan, Monetary Policy for Stable Growth, 1964. - Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2nd ed., 1969, - Morgan, E. V. & A. D., Gold or Paper? - London: Oxford University Press, 1971. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
NEWMAN, C. E. T., The Spirit of Wharf House. Sydney, 1961. - HOLDER, Bank of NSW. - How can one expect any economic understanding from a guy who picks such a title for a book dealing with banking? - J.Z., 17.3.10.
NEWMAN, ERIC P. & DOTY, RICHARD C., Studies on Money In Early America. New York, 1976. (editors). - Alexander, Coin World, Cat. & Encyclopedia.
NEWMAN, ERIC P., Coinage for Colonial Virginia. ANS, New York, 1956. - Alexander, Coin World, Cat. & Encyclopedia.
NEWMAN, ERIC P., The Early Paper Money of America. Bicentennial edition. Whitman Publishing, (Western Publishing Co., Inc., - DOTY (1978). Racine, Wis., 2. Aufl., 1976. “Of the greatest value to all serious students of Colonial and early Independence era paper and metallic currency, a true perspective-bringer for those interested in both once-separated fields.” - Alexander, Coin World, Cat. & Encyclopedia. - Albert Pick - on issues from 1690 to 1789. - Weber, Charles E.
NEWMAN, SAMUEL P., Elements of Political Economy. New York, 1835. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
NEWMARCH, WILLIAM, An Attempt to Ascertain the Magnitude and Fluctuations of the Amount of Bills of Exchange (Inland and Foreign) in Circulation at one time in Great Britain ... 1828-1847. JOURNAL OF THE STATISTICAL SOCIETY, XIX, May 1851. - Coppetiers
NEWSLETTER FOR MONETARY FREEDOM, a failed attempt of LMP to combine a photocopied newsletter with the offer of monetary freedom microfiche. Only 5 issues appeared: 425 Kbs. in WORD, 124 Kbs. zipped. JZem
NEWSWEEK, When Money's Tight, Just Put It on the Cuff. Aug. 23, 1966, pp. 84-86. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972. - A perfect clearing system would make cash and barter attempts superfluous. But it would need a good value standard and should not be accessible or subjected to any compulsory taxation system. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
NEWTON, MAX, Stable Prices Point to New Gold Standard. July 88 clipping, in PEACE PLANS 787,
NEWTON, MAX, The Marvellous Miracle of the Disappearing Greenback. Dec. 88, 1p, in PEACE PLANS 818.
NEWTON, MAX, The Tough Money Scoffs at us Lousy Mug Punters. THE AUSTRALIAN, 25 April 89, 2pp, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 865. - Without any envy, this tough stand of big money toughs against governmental regulators and interventionists, does get my CHEERS! In their hands this capital is likely to produce more genuine goods and services than when it gets into the hands of politicians and bureaucrats. Between them, the small savers and investors could have even more clout - if only they realized this, organized and used it! - J.Z.
NEYMARCK, ALFRED, Du Renouvellement du Privilège de la Banque de France. Paris, 1885.
NEYMARCK, ALFRED, Finances Contemporaines. Paris, 1902.
NG, KENNETH, Free Banking Laws and Barriers to Entry in Banking, 1838-1860. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC HISTORY 48 (1988), 877-889. - Piepenbrink - Dowd(1988)
NICHOLS, DONALD A., Some Principles of Inflationary Finance." JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 82 (March-April 1974): 423-430. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition. - Do they deserve the term “principles”? - J.Z., 31.5.10.
NICHOLS, DOROTHY M., Two Faces of Debt, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. 1968. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972.
NICHOLS, ROY FRANKLIN, The Democratic Machine, 1850-54. COLUMBIA STUDIES IN HISTORY, ECONOMICS AND PUBLIC LAW, Vol. CXI, No. 1. New York, 1923. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960. - It is often rather undemocratic, at least towards all dissenting minorities and often even towards dissenting majorities. Kant pointed out that no country in which only one or a handful of people decide on as important questions as war or peace, is really a democray or republic. All too many other important and wrongful decisions are made by the leading politicians or their parties, without majority consent, without a general vote and without the individual and minority group secessionist option. - It, too, is all too often wrongfully used as a steam-roller over genuine individual rights and liberties, never as yet fully declared and recognized by even a single one of the officials. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
NICHOLS, THOMAS LOW, Forty Years of American Life. New York, 1937. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
NICHOLSON, ALAN, Australian Banknote Catalogue. Melbourne 1977. - Albert Pick
NICHOLSON, J. SHIELD, A Treatise on Money. Edinburgh and London: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1888, 1897, London, 1901. - 3d ed. London: Adam and Charles Black, 1895. - Friedman, M., Money Mischief. 1901. London, 1903. 6th ed. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
NICHOLSON, J. SHIELD, Money and Monetary Problems. - Sykes, Ernest, Banking and Currency, 9th ed., 1947.
NICHOLSON, J. SHIELD, Scotch Banking. 1893. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 1:487-502. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
NICKELL, S. J., The Effect of Unemployment and Related Benefits on the Duration of Unemployment. ECONOMIC JOURNAL, March 1979. - Samuel Brittan, in Hobart Paper 90.
NIEBUHR, M., Bankrevolution und Bankreform. Berlin, 1846. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
NIEBYL, KARL H., Studies in the Classical Theories of Money. New York, 1946. - Paul Einzig, How Money Is Managed. - Coppetiers
NIEHANS, JÜRG, Schuldentilgung und Kapitalmarkt. Basel, 1956. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
NIEHANS, JÜRG, The Appreciation of Sterling. Centre for Policy Studies, 1981. - Samuel Brittan, in Hobart Paper 90.
NIEHANS, JÜRG, The Theory of Money. (Baltimore, Md., Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978), 118, makes the point that money per se is not a unit of account because money is not a unit; money is rather "the good whose unit is used as the unit of account." Niehans calls money itself the "medium. - White, Competition & Currency. - Cowen & Kroszner. - The Swiss, Jewish and German School of Monetary Freedom does rather distinguish between “value carrier” and “value measure”. - I see in them clarifying terms. - J.Z., 13.7.10.
NIEHANS, JÜRG, Über die Wirkung der Zinspolitik auf die Güterpreise, in: Stabile Preise in wachsender Wirtschaft. Tübingen, 1960. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
NIHON SHIHEI ZUKAN, Zaigai Ginko. (in japanischer Sprache). - Albert Pick
NIKS' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, 1811-49. - Temin. - I doubt that it favored monetary freedom in every issue. We would be lucky if even one single issue had been dedicated to this topic. Seeing such vast bibliographical “hints”, one might as well mention whole libraries or magazine collections. - J.Z., 31.5.10. - However, there was at least one more detailed hint: “The Paper System." A series of eight contributions to NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER (1818), vol. xiv. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
NISKANEN, WILLIAM A., Jr., Bureaucracy and Representative Government. Chicago: Aldine & Atherton, 1971. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
NISKANEN, WILLIAM A., Jr., Bureaucracy: Servant or Master? London: Institute of Economic Affairs, 1973. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
NOBLE, NOAH, Papers. Indiana State Library, Indianapolis, Ind. - SHADE, G. W. (1972), Manuscripts.
NOCK, ALBERT JAY, Jefferson. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1926. - Leslie Snyder, Justice or Revolution.
NOCK, ALBERT JAY, Our Enemy, The State. New York: Free Life Editions, 1973. - Leslie Snyder, Justice or Revolution.
NOCK, ALBERT JAY, The Memoirs of a Superfluous Man. Chicago: Henry Regnery Co., A Gateway Edition, 1969. - Leslie Snyder, Justice or Revolution.
NOËL, OCTAVE, Les Banques d'Emission en Europe. (To be completed in 2 vols.). Paris, 1888.
NOELL v. d. NAHMER, ROBERT, Die Deckung des öffentlichen Bedarfs durch nicht-inflatorische Papiergeldausgabe. FINANZARCHIV, Neue Folge, 2. Bd., 194, 35 S., in PEACE PLANS 805. (Soll, angeblich, Rittershausen's Steuerfundations-Ideen diskutieren. Ich kann das aber nicht bestätigen. J.Z.)
NOELL v. d.NAHMER, ROBERT, Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Deckung des öffentlichen Bedarfs auf geldtheoretischer Grundlage. FINANZARCHIV, Neue Folge 1, vom 14.8.1934. (Bezieht sich, angeblich, auf Rittershausen, aber, wenn ich mich recht erinnere, ist wenigstens sein Name nicht erwähnt. - J.Z.)
NOGARO, BERTRAND, A Short Treatise on Money and Monetary Systems. (Translated from French.) London, 1949. - Paul Einzig, How Money Is Managed. The Ends & Means of Monetary Policy.
NOGARO, BERTRAND, Modern Monetary Systems. P. S. King & Son, London, 1927. - Norman Angell, The Story of Money, 1934. - The “modern” systems repeat all too many of the wrongs and mistakes of the older and even ancient systems. - J.Z., 13.4.10.
NOLTE, VINCENT, Fifty Years in Both Hemispheres. Phila., 1854. - “The beginning of our export trade in cotton.” - Smitley, Popular Financial Delusions, 1933.
NOONAN, LAWRENCE, Eternal Love. Essays on Liberty, FEE, vol. VII, 1960, pp.410-415. - JZL. A fictional story on free coinage. Raises the question: How many nudges in the direction of monetary freedom did Hayek get and need and how many did he ignore, until, finally, in 1975, he spoke up, clearly and loudly, in favour of monetary freedom? But then he is certainly not the only late riser and he did make up for a long silence. - J.Z.)
NORDHAUS, WILLIAM D, The Political Business Cycle. REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES 42 (April 1975): 169-90. - White, Competition & Currency.
NORFED, National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve Act and the Internal Revenue Code. Home Page, 1p, in PEACE PLANS 1629, p.40. - On a new legal currency backed by pure silver. - Is silver to become legal tender again? - J.Z.
NORFED, National Organization for the Repeal of the Federal Reserve Act and the Internal Revenue Code: The Liberty Dollar, 100% Backed, 100% Redeemable in Gold & Silver. 3pp, Tel.: 1-888-421-6181, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.615.
NORFED, NORFED Invites Your Support. 2pp, May 4, 2,000, in PEACE PLANS 1629, p.41.
NORMAN GASH, Peel. London: Longmans, 1976. “… a discussion of the corn law debate.” - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation. - If only the Free Trade advocates had, consistently, taken up monetary and financial freedom as well, as very important parts of Free Trade! They didn’t and thus were all too soon outnumbered again and outvoted by the “Protectionists”. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
NORMAN, GEORGE WARDE, A Letter to Charles Wood, Esq., M.P., &c. London, 1841. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
NORMAN, GEORGE WARDE, Remarks upon Some Prevalent Errors with Respect to Currency and Banking. (1837) Pelham Richardson. - DOWD, The State & the Monetary System. - 1838. London, Pelham Richardson. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
NORTH AMERICAN COIN AND CURRENCY, LTD., The Gathering Storm, a Research Study, 1982. - Dr. James L. Green, Investments and Sound Money, in MM, undated.
NORTH AMERICAN FUR TRADE CONFERENCE, Selected Papers. Aspects of the Fur Trade. 1965. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society, 1967. - Woodford, Detroit & its Banks. - Seeing that even various furs were used as “money” for a while, the fur traders should have stood up, long ago, for full monetary freedom. Alas, they, too, suffered from “tunnel vision”. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
NORTH, DOUGLASS C, A framework for analyzing the state in economic history. EXPLORATIONS IN ECONOMIC HISTORY, 1979, 16, 249-259.
NORTH, DOUGLASS C, Growth and Welfare in the American Past. (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1966). - Temin.
NORTH, DOUGLASS C, The United States Balance of Payments, 1790-1860. In: Trends in the American Economy in the Nineteenth Century. Studies in Income and Wealth. Vol. 24 (Princeton: Princeton University Press for the National Bureau of Economic Research, 1960). - Temin. - Douglas or Douglass? All the references that I saw had a double s at the end. - J.Z. - Under free trade, monetary freedom, use of sound value standards and floating exchange rates one does not have to worry about a “national” balance of payments. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
NORTH, DOUGLASS C., The Economic Growth of the United States, 1790-1860. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1961. - Sharp, James Roger: The Jacksonians versus the Banks.
NORTH, GARY, Fixed Exchange Rates & Monetary Crises. THE FREEMAN, March 72, 15pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.210. - 18pp, in PEACE PLANS 793.
NORTH, GARY, Gold's Dust. THE FREEMAN, 10/69, 7pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.225. - Nuggets and gold veins played a role, too and still do. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
NORTH, GARY, Greenback Dollars and Federal Sovereignty, 1861-1865. - Sennholz, Gold Is Money. - If Gold really is money, why then wasn’t it always and everywhere used as money, even by primitive tribes? For a long time copper and silver were much more used for this purpose, simply because more of them was could be obtained and it was cheaper and easier to coin into small coins, adapted to the low money prices under exclusive metal currencies. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
NORTH, GARY, How You Can Profit From the Coming Price Controls. American Bureau of Economic Research, Durham, North Carolina, 1978, with bibliography & index 226pp. - JZL. - Concerted efforts to end or prevent price controls would have been economically more profitable for the majority of people everywhere. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
NORTH, Sir DUDLEY, Discourses upon Trade. London, 1691. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
NORTON, A. B., Tippecanoe Songs of the Log Cabin Boys and Girls of 1840. Bound with A. B. NORTON, The Great Revolution of 1840. Mount Vernon, Ohio, 1888. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
NORTON, S. F., Ten Men of Money Island. 1895, with appendix by Henry Seymour. - British Library.
NORVELL vs. THE STATE, Supreme Court of Alabama, 1873/1874. On company store tokens, in PEACE PLANS 738.
NOTZKE, JOH., Das Bankgesetz und das Statut der Reichsbank. Berlin 1920. - Obst, Georg, Geld-, Bank- & Börsenwesen.
NOTZKE, JOH., Deutschlands Finanz- und Handelsgesetze im Krieg. Berlin 1918. - Obst, Georg, Geld-, Bank- & Börsenwesen. - They merely worsened and abused further the already existing despotic legislation on money, finance and State powers. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
NOUVION, Ge de, Charles Coquelin, sa vie et ses travaux. 1908, British Library.
NOYES, ALEXANDER D., The Banks and the Panic of 1893. POLITICAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY 9, March 1894, pp.12-30. - Donald R. Wells.
NOYES, ALEXANDER D., The Market Place: Reminiscences of a Financial Editor. (Boston: Little Brown, 1938), p.366. - Klebaner
NOYES, ALEXANDER DANA, History of the National-Bank Currency. National Monetary Commission. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1910, - White, Competition & Currency. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
NOYES, ALEXANDER DANA, Thirty Years of American Finance. N.Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1898. - Bogart, The Ec. Hist. of the U.S.
NOYES, EDWARD A., The Discount Banks of Maine, and The Savings Banks of Maine. In: Davis, William T., editor, The New England States. Vol. III, Boston, 1897. - Redlich
NOYES, JOHN H., History of American Socialisms. J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1870. - Bogart, The Ec. Hist. of the U.S. - Bogart, The Ec. Hist. of the U.S. - Like much other criticism of State Socialism this book by Noyes, probably, does not include legislated monetary despotism under “Socialism”. - J.Z., 15.3.10.
NOZICK, ROBERT, Anarchy, State, and Utopia. 1974. New York, Basic Books. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
NUEBLING, EUGEN, Hartgeld oder Papier? Eine Antwort auf G. F. Knapps Buch über die staatliche Theorie des Geldes. Ulm, 1907; 55 S. - Knapp.
NUGENT, WALTER T. K., Money and American Society 1865-1880. New York, The Free Press, 1968. - Antony C. Sutton, The War on Gold. - Friedman, M., Money Mischief.
NUGENT, WALTER T. K., The Money Question During Reconstruction. - Remini.
NUMISMATIST, Baker City, Oregon. In No. 46 (April, 1933). - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
NUMISMATIST, Bechtler Coinage." No. 25 (April, 1912). - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
NUMISMATIST, Gold Coins of Home Manufacture Circulate in Baker City. NUMISMATIST 21 (April, 1908). - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
NUMISMATIST, The Old Deseret Coinage. No. 25 (June, 1912). - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
NUNNS, ANNE A., Some Letters of Salmon P. Chase, 1848-1865." ed. AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW 34 (Apr. 1929): 536-55. - SHADE, G. W. (1972)
NURKSE, R., International Currency Experience. Geneva: League of Nations, 1944. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking. - That may also be an illustration of the old saying: “The more things change, the more they are the same!” - It applies, largely, to central banking as well. - J.Z., 4.4.10.
NUSSBAUM, ARTHUR, A History of the Dollar. New York, 1957. - Schilke & Solomon, America’s Foreign Coins … with Legal Tender Status in the US 1793-1857. - Columbia University Press, 1957. - Temin.
NUSSBAUM, ARTHUR, Das Geld in Theorie und Praxis des deutschen und ausländischen Rechts. Tübingen, 1925. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
NUSSBAUM, ARTHUR, Money in the Law. Chicago: The Foundation Press, Inc., 1939, 304-305. - A good general reference discussing gold clauses and their usage. It also contains a detailed treatment of the history of U.S. monetary law. The detailed documentation of the use of gold clauses in 1933 is given in the later notes. - On pp. 357-58 n. 5, he includes a list of legislation, beginning in 1931, in 24 different countries outlawing gold clauses. - Steven L. Green, Gresham’s Law, July 86. - When it comes to restricting the liberties of their subjects otherwise disagreeing governments are all too often in agreement and pass the same kind of monopolizing and despotic laws. - J.Z., 3.3.10. - Rather: Money without Law in the best sense - but under masses of despotic mere legislation. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
NUSSBAUM, ARTHUR, Money in the Law. National and International, Brooklyn, 1950. - Schilke & Solomon, America’s Foreign Coins … with Legal Tender Status in the US 1793-1857.
NUTTER, G. WARREN, Freedom in a Revolutionary Economy. In: The American Revolution: Three Views. American Brands Inc, New York 1975. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
NYBLEN, GORAN, The Problem of Summation in Economic Science. A Methodological Study with Applications to Interest Money and Cycles. C. W. K. Gleerup, Lund 1951. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
NYE, FRANK W., Knowledge is Power: The Life Story of Percy H. Johnston, Banker. (New York: Random House, 1956), p. 182. - “Two years earlier Idaho's Commissioner of Finance complained that in his state ‘there were too many banks and an insufficient number of real bankers.’" Idaho Department of Finance, Annual Report 1929, pp. 5-6. - Klebaner. - Perhaps it would be more truthful to say that bankers remain powerful through their own ignorance and that of their customers. Under full freedom they would be no more “powerful” than e.g. the producers of machine oils and ball bearings that reduce friction. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
NYE, RUSSEL B., George Bancroft, Brahmin Rebel. New York, 1944. - Sharp, James Roger: The Jacksonians versus the Banks.
NYS, ERNEST, Recherches sur I'Histoire de l’Économie Politique. Brussels and Paris, 1898.
NYS, ERNEST, Researches in the History of Economics. (Translated by N. F. and A. R. Dryhurst). London, 1899. - Groseclose, (1934).
O’BRIEN, ANTHONY, The Cyclical Sensitivity of Wages. AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, December 1985, 1124-32. - Supporting the Rothbard position (in: America’s Great Depression) - Lowell Gallaway & Richard Vedder, The Keynesian Performance.
O’DRISCOLL, GERALD P., Jr., Deposit Insurance in Theory and Practice. - Comment by William S. Haraf. - THE CATO JOURNAL, Winter 1988.
O’DRISCOLL, GERALD P., Jr., Deregulation and Monetary Reform. ECONOMIC REVIEW, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, July 1986, pp.19-31. - In my microfiched PEACE PLANS series. - JZL.
O’DRISCOLL, GERALD P., Jr., Money in a deregulated Financial System. FED. RESERVE BANK DALLAS ECONOMIC REVIEW, May 85, pp.1-12. - Cowen & Kroszner.
O’DRISCOLL, GERALD P., Jr., Subprime Monetary Policy. THE FREEMAN: Ideas on Liberty, November 2007 Via the Cato Institute Share on Facebook - December 16th, 2009 | Popular Articles, The State of Money | Read More - “Subprime Monetary Policy” - ATLAS news. - www.soundmoneyproject.org - All issues of THE FREEMAN are now online at the MISES Institute. - Alas, the URL’s do not always transfer alive when copying them - J.Z., 6.3.10.
O’ROURKE, FRANK, Instant Gold. William Morrow & Company, New York, 1964, 156pp. Also in pb, 1966, Four Square Edition, 125pp. - A humorous SF story with a libertarian flavor, about modern scientists producing gold artificially and very cheaply. - J.Z. - JZL.
OAKESHOTT, MICHAEL, On Human Conduct. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1975. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
OBERLIN, JEREMIAH JAMES, Attempts made in all ages to unite seas and rivers by means of Canals, under the title of Jungendorum Marium Fluminumque omnis aevi molimini. Strasburgh, 1775. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
OBERLIN, JEREMIAH JAMES, Value of Money among the Ancient Romans. Antiquarian, in the Miscellanea Argentoratensia of Strasburgh. 1770 to 1773. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
OBERTH, Prof. HERMANN, Ist eine Wirtschaftskrise vermeidbar? Ist Schwundgeld Schwindelgeld? 13 S., 1982, Uni-Verlag, Dr. Roth-Oberth, 8501 Feucht, Pfinzingstrasse 10 1. - Er hätte sich auf Weltraumforschung beschränken sollen, aber 88 Jahre alt wurde er noch ein Opfer der Ideen von Silvio Gesell. Ein Beispiel für den Barbarismus des Spezialistentums. - J.Z., 10.4.10. - JZL.
OBOJSKI, ROBERT, The Story of Clark, Gruber & Company. NUMISMATIC NEWS, August 5, 1963. - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
O'BRIEN, D. P. & J. R. McCulloch: A Study in Classical Economics. 1970. London, George Allen & Unwin. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
O'BRIEN, D. P., The Classical Economists. 1975. Oxford, Clarendon Press. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
OBST GEORG, & HINTNER, O., Geld-, Bank- und Börsenwesen. 34. Aufl. 1955. - Rittershausen, Wirtschaft, 1960 Auflage.
OBST, GEORG, Banken und Bankpolitik. Verlag von Carl Ernst Poeschel in Leipzig, 1909, mit Literaturverzeichnis 303 S. - JZL.
OBST, GEORG, Bankgesetz und Münzgesetz. Textausgabe mit Erläuterungen und Sachregister. Leipzig 1910. - Obst, Georg, Geld-, Bank- & Börsenwesen. - Warnte irgendeines dieser Vorkriegsbücher über die Folgen der Geldgesetzgebung? In der 1908 Bankenquete wurde der Zwangskurs befürworted - zur Kriegsfinanzierung - und dann durch ein 1909 Gesetz, gültig ab 1.1.10 eingeführt. Bei Kriegsbeginn, 1914 wurde dann auch die Geldeinlösung gesetzlich abgeschafft, nicht nur der freie Kurs gegen Gold. - J.Z., 27.3.10. - In all countries governments are now thus prepared to „finance“ their wars through inflation, possible only with legal tender and monopoly money. - J.Z., 13.7.10.
OBST, GEORG, Das Bankgeschäft. Band I: Verkehrstechnik und Betriebseinrichtungen. Band II: Bankpolitik. 4. Aufl., Stuttgart 1920. - Obst, Georg, Geld-, Bank- & Börsenwesen. - Bd.I, Verkehrstechnik und Betriebseinrichtungen, Leipzig 1914. - Lautner, Der „WIR“ Verrechnungsverkehr, 1964.
OBST, GEORG, Das Buch des Kaufmanns. - Siegfried Hirsch, Die Bank, 1923.
OBST, GEORG, Geld-, Bank- und Börsenwesen - Eine gemeinverständliche Darstellung. 1921, C. E. Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart, 16. Auflage, unveränderter Abdruck der 15. vollständig umgearbeiteten Auflage, mit Literaturübersicht & alphabetischem Sachregister, 427 S. Erste Auflage 1901. 5. Aufl. Leipzig 1908. - Im Register strich ich an: Toleranz: S. 41. Tresorscheine Preussens: S. 89. Zwangskurs bei Papiergeld: S.36, 89, bei Münzen: S. 48. Zinsscheine als Zahlungsmittel sind auf S. 92 erwähnt. - Sorgfältiges Lesen würde, wahrscheinlich, viel mehr von Interesse finden. Auf S. 288-291 berichtet er - für mich Unglaubliches, über das Ausmass der „Bankfreiheit“ in den USA, noch im Jahre 1920! und gibt dafür 8 Literaturhinweise: Gleichzeitig berichtet et aber auf S. 289: „Wohl nirgends sonst ist das Geld- und Bankwesen von der augenblicklichen Stimmung und Zusammensetzung des Parlaments in der Weise Abhängig gewesen, wie in dem ‚freien’ America.“ Die für mich unglaubliche Stelle auf S.: 288: „Während man in Deutschland, England, Frankreich usw. bestrebt war, das Notenbankwesen immer mehr zu zentralisieren und neue Noteninstitute nicht mehr zu konzessionieren, besteht in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika die entgegengesetzte Tendenz: Die Zahl der zur Notenausgabe berechtigten und diese Privileg auch ausübenden Banken ist von Jahr zu Jahr gestiegen und hat 1920 die Zahl von 8000 überschritten. Ihre Gesamtmittel beliefen sich Anfang 1920 auf 22.5 Milliarden $. - Nach der verhältnismässig kurzen Dauer der beiden Staatsbanken - der 1. und der 2. Bank der Vereinigten Staaten - war 1838 die Periode der sogenannten Bankfreiheit eingetreten. Jeder Bankier und jede beliebige Anzahl Personen, die sich zum Betriebe von Bankgeschäften vereinten, hatten das Recht, ohne Konzession oder Erfüllung irgendwelcher Formalitäten Noten auszugeben. Das New Yorker Freibankgesetz, das in einer Anzahl Staaten Eingang gefunden hatte, forderte nur (nur? J.Z.), dass die Noten durch Anleihen der Union oder eines Einzelstaates oder durch Obligationen, für welche durch eine Hypothek auf Grund und Boden Sicherung besteht, gedeckt sind (gedeckt? - J.Z.) und diese Werte beim ‚Finanzkontrolleur des Staates New York’ hinterlegt werden. - Aus diesem New Yorker Gesetz ging dann das Nationalbankgesetz VOM 25. Februar 1963 hervor, das sechsmal abgeändert worden ist. Kein Land der Erde hat soviel Änderungen in seinem Geld- und Bankwesen forgenommen, wie die Vereinigten Staaten. Wohl nirgends sonst ist das Geld- und Bankwesen von der augenblicklichen Stimmung und Zusammensetzung des Parlaments in der Weise abhängig gewesen, wie in dem ‚freien’ America.“ - JZL
OBST, GEORG, Kapitalanlage und Vermögensverwaltung. 3. Aufl. Stuttgart 1919.
OBST, GEORG, Notenbankwesen in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Leipzig 1903.
OBST, GEORG, Organisation des Zahlungsverkehrs. Leipzig 1901. - Obst, Georg, Geld-, Bank- & Börsenwesen.
OBST, GEORG, Plaudereien eines Bankdirektors (über Kapitalanlage). 2. Aufl. Leipzig 1920.
OBST, GEORG, Reichsbank. Artikel in Kürschners Lexikon des deutschen Rechts. - Obst. - Zu welchem Aussmass war es ein Lexikon des gesetzlich legitimisierten Unrechts? - J.Z., 14.3.10.
OBST, GEORG, Theorie und Praxis des Scheckverkehrs. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Depositen- und Abrechnungswesens. Leipzig 1899.
O'CALLAGHAN', GARY, Understanding Exchange Rate Agreements as the Exercise of Market Power. 2pp: in PEACE PLANS 1575/1575, p.205, from MARKET PROCESS.
O'DRISCOLL, GERALD P. Jr., & RIZZO, MARIO J., The Economics of Time and Ignorance. Oxford and New York, Basil Blackwell, 1985.
O'DRISCOLL, GERALD P. Jr., & SHENOY, SUDHA R., Inflation, Recession, and Stagflation. In The Foundations of Modern Austrian Economics, edited by Edwin G. Dolan, pp.185-211. Kansas City, Sheed & Ward, 1976. - Barry N. Siegel, Money in Crisis.
O'DRISCOLL, GERALD P. Jr., A Free-Market Money: Comment on Yeager. CATO JOURNAL 3 (Spring 1983): 327-33. - White, Competition & Currency.
O'DRISCOLL, GERALD P. Jr., Deposit Insurance in Theory and Practice. (1988) in C. England and T. Huertas (eds.), Ch.7. - DOWD, The State & the Monetary System.
O'DRISCOLL, GERALD P. Jr., Economics as a Coordination Problem: The Contributions of Friedrich A. Hayek. Kansas City, Sheed Andrews & McMeel, 1977. - Barry N. Siegel, Money in Crisis. - Overview of Hayek's contributions to economics including reviews of the 1930s' Hayek-Keynes and Hayek-Knight debates on money and capital.
O'DRISCOLL, GERALD P. Jr., Money in a Deregulated Financial System. 1985. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS, ECONOMIC REVIEW 11 (May 1985) 1-12. - Selgin, The Evolution of a Free Banking System. - The original statement of this view was by Carl Menger; see Gerald P. O'Driscoll, Jr., "Money: Menger's Evolutionary Theory," FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS RESEARCH PAPER no. 8508 (Dallas, December 1985). Also see Karl Brunner and Allan H. Meltzer, "The 'New Monetary Economics,' Fiscal Issues, and Unemployment," Carnegie- Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 23 (Autumn 1985): 1-4.
O'DRISCOLL, GERALD P. Jr., Money, Deregulation, and the Business Cycle. 1986. CATO JOURNAL 6, no. 2 (Fall): 587-605. - Fred E. Foldvary, “… The Credit Exchange Alternative for Market Coordination.” - Selgin. - JZL, photocopy.
O'DRISCOLL, GERALD P. Jr., Money: Menger's Evolutionary Theory. - FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS RESEARCH PAPER no. 8508 (Dallas, December 1985). - 1986. HISTORY OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 18 (Winter): 601-16. - Selgin, The Evolution of a Free Banking System. -
O'DRISCOLL, GERALD P. Jr., Rational Expectations, Politics, and Stagflation, in Time, Uncertainty, and Disequilibrium, ed. Mario J. Rizzo (Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1979), 153-76. - “For a guide through the policy-relevant aspects of the rational-expectations and political business cycle literatures, see Gerald P. O’Driscoll …” - White, Competition & Currency.
OECD (Bibliothèque), Bibliographie spécialisée analytique. L'inflation. I (32), 115 S., et II (33), 264 S., 1972. - Flamant. - I will not even try to extract and include as many titles here, too, assuming that it is online. But a hint to an as specialized bibliography may be useful to some. - I wonder how many - or how few - of them see the main factors in the issue monopoly and legal tender legislation. - I would like to see such a summary of as many titles. - J.Z., 11.3.10.
OECD REPORT BY THE SECRETARY GENERAL, Inflation: the Present Problem. December 1970, Annexes B, p. 88. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
OECD, ECONOMIC OUTLOOK, July and December, 1980, HMSO, 1981. - Samuel Brittan, in Hobart Paper 90.
OECD, Inflation. Le problème actuel. (1970). - Flamant.
OECD, Les politiques actuelles de lutte contre l'inflation. (1971). - Flamant.
OEEC, Das Problem der steigenden Preise. Bericht einer Gutachtergruppe. deutsche Ausgabe: Dokumente zur Sozialökonomie. Köln, 1961. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
OEKOBANK, DIE, Eine Bank für die Bewegung? 6 S., 36x, in PEACE PLANS 736. - So far, it aims, officially, only at being permitted to trade with monopoly money but some of its supporters would like to go beyond that. If it were to allocate its funds as un-businesslike and emotionally as it did movement funds in the one meeting of its supporters, which I attended, many years ago, then I would not expect the Ökobank to last for long. - The voted on expenditures just like politicians in parliament for budget items! - J.Z.
OESTERHELD, Die Legende vom Gold. Leipzig, Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag, 1943, mit kurzer Bibliographie 238 S. - Anmerkung von U. von Beckerath, auf einem Umschlag geschrieben, abgestempelt: 31.10.55: „Wertloses Buch. Wimmelt von geschichtlichen Irrtümern. - - S. 227. Dass die französische Kriegsentschädigung n i c h t in Gold gezahlt wurde (bezw. nur rd. 700 Mill. Francs) könnte der Verf. Wissen. (Will doch Historiker sein!). - S. 123: Von Steuerfundation weiss er nichts. - Weiss überhaupt von Volkswirtschaft n i c h t s.“ - JZL.
OFFE, CLAUS, HEINZE, ROLF G., Das Local Employment and Trading System. (LETS). 1990. - From: Holger Lemme - Newsgroups: cl.wirtschaft.geld - Subject: Literatur-Liste, Date: 17 Apr 95 - Literatur zum Thema "Gerechtes Geld". (No my definition of it! - J.Z.)
OFFE, CLAUS & HEINZE, ROLF G., Organisierte Eigenarbeit. Das Modell Kooperationsring. Frankfurt/Main, New York. 1990. - From: Holger Lemme - Newsgroups: cl.wirtschaft.geld - Subject: Literatur-Liste, Date: 17 Apr 95 - Literatur zum Thema "Gerechtes Geld". (No my definition of it! - J.Z.) - JZL.
OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRATION, DIVISION OF REVIEW, Report of the Committee on the Economic & Social Implications of the Company Store & Scrip System. - Hinton, Truck System, p.57. I would like a copy of the report. - J.Z.)
OFTINGER, K., Die ungelesen unterzeichnete Urkunde und verwandte Tatbestände. In: Festgabe für A. Simonius, S.263 ff., Basel 1955 (zit. Oftinger, Aequitas et bona fides). - Lautner, Der „WIR“ Verrechnungsverkehr, 1964.
OFTINGER, K., Kommentar zum Schweizerischen Zivilgesetzbuch. Bd. IV, Das Sachenrecht, Abt. 2c: Das Fahrnispfand, 2. Aufl., Zürich 1952 (zit. Oftinger, Komm.). - Lautner, Der „WIR“ Verrechnungsverkehr, 1964.
OHIO CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, 1850-51. Report of the Debates and Proceedings of the Convention for the Revision of the Constitution of the State of Ohio, 1850-1. 2 vols. Reported by J. V. Smith. Columbus, 1851. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
OHIO GOVERNORS' PAPERS, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus Ohio. - SHADE, G. W. (1972), Manuscripts.
OHLIN, B., Interregional and International Trade. Cambridge. 1957. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
OKUN, ARTHUR K., The Controlled Experiment of 1969. Appendix to Inflation, the Problems and Prospects Before Us. (Charles C. Moskowitz Lecture, 1970). - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
OLARENSHAW, GEORGE TOMS, The Taxless State... 1948, Trondon Cross, Okehampton, 26pp, copyrighted. (Meulen books, with 3 pamphlets inserted, Goldsmith Collection) (I would like a copy of this, after looking for it in vain for decades. However, it appears to be full of flaws: against "usury" and "debt currency" and identifies "communism with Zionism"! Regarding taxes it may simply advocate Georgism. - J.Z.)
OLDS, IRVING S., The Price of Price Controls. Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y., 1952. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
O'LEARY, JAMES J., Inflation and Monetary Policy. In: CONFERENCE BOARD ECONOMIC FORUM, Inflation in the United States: Causes and Consequences, New York, 1974. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
O'LEARY, JAMES J., The Dilemma of Government Economic Policy. Publication of United States Trust Company of New York, 1971. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972.
O'LEARY, PAUL M., The Coinage Legislation of 1834. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 45 (February 1937): 80-94. - Friedman, M., Money Mischief.
O'LEARY, PAUL M., The Scene of the Crime of 1873 Revisited: A Note. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 68 (August 1960): 388-92. - Friedman, M., Money Mischief.
OLIPHANT, LAURENCE, The Earl of Elgin's Mission to China and Japan in the years 1850. '57, '58, '59, London, 1859. 2 vols. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
OLIVECRONA, KARL, The Problem of the Monetary Unit. 1957. - K. Ryan, 1990.
OLIVER, M., A New Constitution for a New Country. Revised ed., Fine Arts Press, Reno, Nevada, 1968, 128 pages, in PEACE PLANS 209. JZL. A very radical and concise libertarian book, for monetary and financial freedom, e.g. pp. 19, 75/76, 95 & 113. The author appeared to be the moving spirit behind the Phoenix Foundation. Many of its ideas have later been expressed or developed in: Robert J. Dooren: A Blueprint for a New Nation. See there. - J.Z.
OLIVERA, J. H. G., The Square-Root Law of Precautionary Reserves. 1971. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 79(5) (September-October). - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
OLLERENSHAW, PHILIP, Banking in Nineteenth-Century Ireland: the Belfast Banks, 1825-1914. 1987, Manchester, Manchester University Press. - Dowd, Schuler. - If they had been really free banks, the "troubles" in Ireland would have been over - long ago. - Tolerance in the monetary and financial sphere and its successes, would have led to the same tolerance for whole economic, social and political systems, also on the basis of voluntarism and full exterritorial autonomy. - J.Z., 13.7.10.
OLMSTEAD, ROGER R., Private Issues of Gold in America. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NUMISMATICS 30 (October, 1895). - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
OLMSTEAD, ROGER R., Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity from 1856-1861. HUTCHINGS' CALIFORNIA MAGAZINE (July, 1962). An excellent description of how coins were made is contained in this work. - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
OMÄLIS, A., Wichtigste Masseinheit. 1 x 1 des Sozialmasses. Selbstverlag: Sào Bento do Sul, Santa Catrina - Brazil, 1958, 43 S. - Nach seiner kurzen Literaturliste zu urteilen - auch nur eine Art von Gesellianer. - J.Z. - JZL.
O'MALLEY, K., Pamphlets and leaflets, 1906-39. (Mitchell Library). - GOLLIN, The Commonwealth Bank of A.
OMAN, Sir CHARLES, The Coinage of England. Oxford, 1931. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
ONKEN, WERNER, Ein vergesseners Kapitel der Wirtschaftsgeschichte - Schwanenkirchen, Wörgl und andere Freigeldexperimente. In: ZEITSCHRIFT FUER SOZIALÖKONOMIE, (57/58?) 58/59, Folge, 20. Jg., May 1983, S. 3-20. - bzw. in: H. Creutz, D. Suhr, W. Onken: Wachstum bis zur Krise? 1986. - From: Holger Lemme - Newsgroups: cl.wirtschaft.geld - Subject: Literatur-Liste, Date: 17 Apr 95 - Literatur zum Thema "Gerechtes Geld". (No my definition of it! - J.Z.)
ONOH, J.K., Money and Banking in Africa. 1982, N.Y., Longman. - Schuler
OPDYKE, GEORGE, A Report on the Currency. By Friends of a Sound Currency. (chairman). New York, 1858. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
OPEN REVIEW, ed. by Arthur Kitson with Henry Meulen, coeditor. London, Frank Palmer, Red Lion Court, 1909-10. vol. 1, 460pp, vol. 2, 104pp. - Meulen books, Goldsmith Collection - Cowen & Kroszner.
OPIE, REDVERS, A Neglected English Economist: George Poulett Scrope. 1929. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 44 (November): 101-37. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
OPPENHEIM, SAMUEL, Die Natur des Geldes. Mainz, Victor Zabern, 1855. -I looked it up. It is not worth filming or scanning-in, in my opinion. - Warnings can be almost as helpful as recommendations. - J.Z.
OPPENHEIMER, PETER, The Case for Raising the Price of Gold. JOURNAL OF MONEY, CREDIT AND BANKING, vol. 1, 1969. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies. - Raising the paper price of gold does merely depreciate the paper money. - J.Z., 30.3.10.
OPPENHEIMER, Professor Dr. FRANZ, Die ökonomische Theorie des Wertes. - In: Mises & Spiethoff, Probleme der Wertlehre.
ORAGE, A. R., Political and Economic Writings. 1935. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
ORESME, NICHOLAS, The De Moneta of Nicholas Oresme and English Mint Documents. - The De Moneta of Nicholas Oresme and English Mint Documents - Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd, New York, 1956
ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC GO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (OECD), Towards Full Employment and Price Stability. (McGracken Report), HMSO, 1977. - Samuel Brittan, in Hobart Paper 90.
ORNUM, WILLIAM H. VAN, Money - Co-Operative Banking and Exchange. Showing an Easy, Practical and Permanent Relief from Financial Difficulties, and One Which Can Be Applied Immediately. Chicago, Charles H. Kerr & Co, 1892, 58 pp, with and addition of a 6 pp extract from his book: Why Government at All? 368pp., same publisher. The pamphlet was then priced 25 cents and the book, half leather, $ 1.50, paper edition 50 cents. - I reproduced the top title, with some notes by myself, in PEACE PLANS 496. - J.Z. - JZL.
ORR, DANIEL, & MELLON, W. G., Stochastic Reserve Losses and Expansion of Bank Credit. 1961. AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 51 (September): 614-23. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
ORSINGHER, ROGER, Banks of the World. Macmillan, London, Melbourne, Toronto, 1967, translated by D.S. Ault. This work was originally published under the title “Les Banques dans le Monde.” Payot, Paris, 1965. With index 299pp. - JZL.
ORTH, GODLOVE S., Letters, see: SCHAUINGER, J. HERMAN. - SHADE, G. W. (1972)
ORWELL, GEORGE, 1984. New York, Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1949. Paperback: The New American Library, New York, 1961. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972.
OSBORNE, DALE K., On the Theory of Laissez-Faire Payments Systems. Dallas, 1985. photocopy. - O’Driscoll, Jr.
OSBORNE, DALE K., Ten Approaches to the Definition of Money. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS ECONOMIC REVIEW (March 1984), p.1-23. The ten candidates are (1) tangible media of exchange, (2) liquid assets, (3) any routine means of payment, (4) means of potentially simultaneous payment, (5) means of final payment, (6) the set of liquid assets most highly correlated with national income, (7) a set of liquid assets exhibiting a stable demand function, (8) routinely circulating exchange media, (9) temporary abodes of purchasing power, and (10) non-debt assets with legally fixed interest yield. - White, Competition & Currency.
OSBORNE, DALE K., What Is Money Today? FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF DALLAS ECONOMIC REVIEW (January 1985), pp. 1-15. O’Driscoll, Jr. - p.3. Osborne ibid., 5, considers the case of the monopoly bank. - White, Competition & Currency.
OSER/SCHÖNENBEGER, Kommentar zum Schweizerischen Zivilgesetzbuch. Bd. V., Obligationenrecht, 1. Halbband: Art. 1-183, 2.Aufl., Zürich 1929, - 2.Teil: Art. 184-418, Zürich 1936 (2. Aufl.); 3.Teil: Art. 419-529, 2.Aufl., Zürich 1945. - Lautner, Der „WIR“ Verrechnungsverkehr, 1964.
OSTROY, JOSEPH M., & STARR, ROSS M., Money and the Decentralization of Exchange. ECONOMETRICA 42 (Nov. 1974): 1093-1113. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
OSTROY, JOSEPH M., The Informational Efficiency of Monetary Exchange.' 1973. AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 63, no. 4 (September): 597-610. - Fred E. Foldvary, “… The Credit Exchange Alternative for Market Coordination.” - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
OSTWALD, H., Sittengeschichte der Inflation. Berlin 1931. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies. - The coercion involved in legal tender and the issue monopoly has nothing to do with “Sitten” or “morality” but everything with wrongfulness and immorality. - J.Z., 30.3.10. - However, all monetary and financial crises do also affect the morals of people, driving some to suicide, some to prostitution or drink, others into drugs, into wasteful spending and ending savings during inflation etc. - They have certainly not yet driven most people to explore and try to realize all their genuine individual rights and liberties. The wars, civil wars, revolutions, despotisms and terrorism that they lead to, do also lead to all kinds of atrocities and mass murders. - J.Z., 13.7.10.
OTANI, ICHIRO, Some Empirical Evidence on the Determinants of Wage and Price Movements in Japan, 1950-1973: a Survey." INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND STAFF PAPERS, Vol. 22, July 1975. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
OTANI, YOSHITO, Untergang eines Mythos. Titel des Originals: GENDAISHINWA NO HOUKAI, 1970. Deutsche Fassung vom Autor unter Mitarbeit von G. Schickler, 1978, Gesima Vogel, Arrow Verlag Neu Ulm. Mit Literaturverzeichnis, in dem ich keine relevanten Titel fand, 321 S. - He was for a government monopoly regarding money: 129/30, a Gesellian and Georgist, without saying so. Opposed to interest and for compulsory circulation, favoring an abstract index-value standard. Opposed to all gold standards, for a user fee (Benutzingsgebühr) für Geld, a currency board and price level stabilization. A good collection of popular spleens on the subject. Some information on Brakteaten: 198ff. Hoffentlich gibt es bessere Schriften von Japanern über das Geld. - J.Z., 12.3.10. - JZL.
OTRESCHKOFF NARKIS TARASENKO, De l'Or et de 1'Argent, leur Origine, Quantité extradite. Paris, 1856. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
OTT, H., Das WIR-Geld.“ In SJZ 54, S. 145 ff. - Lautner, Der „WIR“ Verrechnungsverkehr, 1964.
OTTEL, F., Bankpolitik. Jena, 1937. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
ÖTTERLI, A., Die wechselähnliche Ordreanweisung. Diss., Zürich 1944. - Lautner, Der „WIR“ Verrechnungsverkeht, 1964.
OUDARD, GEORG, John Law: A Fantastic Financier 1671-1729. Translated from the French by G. C. E. Masse, Jonathan Cape, London, 1928, 380pp, - JZL. - Smitley, Popular Financial Delusions, 1933. (La Très Curieuse Vie de Law)
OUDARD, GEORGES, The Amazing Life of John Law. New York, Payson & Clarke, 1928. - Antony C. Sutton, The War on Gold. - (La Tres Curieuse Vie de Law), translation by G. E. C. Masse. New York, 1928. - Groseclose, Money & Man.) - Georges or George?
OUIDA, SEBESTYEN, IOU's. 192pp., April 1982, ATLANTIC MONTHLY PRESS, April 1982. BIP, $ 12.45. (FB or just legal study? J.Z.)
OUSPENSKY, P. D., New Model of the Universe: Principles of the Psychological Method in its Application to Problems in Science, Religion and Art. Knopf, 1931. - Smitley, Popular Financial Delusions, 1933.
OUTHWAITE, R. B., Inflation in Tudor and Early Stuart England. Macmillan, London, 1969. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
OVERSTONE, Lord, - (LLOYD, S. J.: LOYD, SAMUEL JONES - See also under that name.)
OVERSTONE, Lord, Tracts and other Publications on Metallic and Paper Currency. London, 1857, 1858. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling. - London, 1957 edition, V + 649pages, indexed, photocopy. - When I noticed that he stood up for central banking and 100% gold cover, I stopped reading it, many years ago. Now I browsed quickly through its 13 indexing pages and found nothing of interest to me from the monetary freedom standpoint. He was in favor of central banking and 100% metallic redemptionism and opposed free competition in the sphere. On the other hand, he was a defender of property rights, opposed to usury laws and for Free Trade. - A thick volume to express his monetary prejudices, again and again. - J.Z., 3.3.10. - JZL.
OVINGTON, JOHN, Persian and Indian Money. In: "A Voyage to Surat," by John Ovington. London, 1699, 1705. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
OWEN, HOMER L., The Money Changers. A small pamphlet, 1963, Owen Publishing.
OWEN, ROBERT DALE, founded a barter bank: “The Equitable Labour Exchange", in 1832, which issued "labour notes" as currency. Reference: Simon, H., Robert Owen, Jena, 1905.
OWEN, ROBERT DALE, Papers. Indiana State Historical Society, Indianapolis, Ind. - SHADE, G. W. (1972), Manuscripts.
OWEN, ROBERT DALE, see: SEARS, LOUIS MARTIN, Some Correspondence of Robert Dale Owen." Mississippi Valley Historical Review 10 (Dec. 1923): 306-24. - SHADE, G. W. (1972)
OWEN, ROBERT DALE, Threading My Way. (An Autobiography.) London, 1874. - Bogart, The Ec. Hist. of the U.S.
OZLETS, P.O. Box 1640 Armidale, NSW 2350, AUSTRALIA National publication for LETS in Australia and overseas.
PAARLBERG, DONALD, American Farm Policy. New York: Wiley, 1964. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking.
PACHAN, J. M., Historique de la Rente Française et des Valeurs du Trésor. Paris and Nancy, 1904.
PACIFIC COAST COIN EXCHANGE (3713 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach, Calif. 90807) also publishes information on ways to protect yourself against government economic policies. - Harry Browne.
PACIFIC INSTITUTE, Inflation or Deflation? 3pp. leaflet on 1981 conference, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 731. - Why either? Monetary freedom ideas may have been uttered there and are wanted, at least by me. - J.Z.
PAEDE, R., Das neutrale Geld, "Schleier oder ökonomisches Kraftfeld"?, Berlin. 1957. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
PAGE, EARLE, Truant Surgeon. (ed.) A. Mozley, Sydney, 1963. - GOLLIN, The Commonwealth Bank of A.
PAGE, S. A. S., The Currency of Invoicing in International Trade. - NATIONAL INSTITUT ECONOMIC REVIEW 81, 77-81. - Cowen & Kroszner, The Evolution of Media of Account.
PAGET, Sir JOHN R., Law of Banking. - Sykes, Ernest, Banking and Currency, 9th ed., 1947.
PAGET, Sir JOHN R., Paget on Banking. 1904. - Sykes, Ernest, Banking and Currency, 9th ed., 1947.
PAHL, R. E., Divisions of Labour. 1984. - From: Holger Lemme - Newsgroups: cl.wirtschaft.geld - Subject: Literatur-Liste, Date: 17 Apr 95 - Literatur zum Thema "Gerechtes Geld". (No my definition of it! - J.Z.)
PAINE, THOMAS, Agrarian Justice. 3pp. in PEACE PLANS 798.
PAINE, THOMAS, Dissertations on Government, the Affairs of the Bank, and Paper Currency. Philadelphia, 1786. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860. - Dissertations on Government, the Affairs of the Bank and Paper Money, (1786). London, 1817. - Redlich. - Of FB interest? All his writings are now supposed to be online. - J.Z.
PAINE, THOMAS, Rights of Man. 1791. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
PAINE, THOMAS, The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance. 1796, 30pp, in PEACE PLANS 798. (Paine not at his best! - J.Z.)
PAINE, WILLIS S., The Laws of the State of New York Relating to Banks, Banking ….” 7th Edition, New York, 1917. - Redlich
PAISH, FRANK WALTER, Causes of Changes in Gold Supply. 1950. In: The Post-War Financial Problem and Other Essays. London: Macmillan. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
PAISH, FRANK WALTER, Studies in an Inflationary Economy. Macmillan, 1962, especially Chapters 1 to 4, 7, 8 and 17. - Morgan, Monetary Policy for Stable Growth, 1964. - London, Macmillan, 1966. - Flamant. - The economy is not inflationary by its very nature. But with central banking and legal tender laws, usually abused by territorial governments, the economy and everyone in it becomes a victim to inflation, deflation and stagflation, sometimes in combination. - J.Z., 11.3.10.
PAISH, FRANK WALTER, The Limits of Incomes Policies. In: Policy for Incomes? HOBART PAPER 29, Second Edition, IEA, 1966. - Morgan, Monetary Policy for Stable Growth, 1964.
PAISH, PAISH, FRANK WALTER, The Economics of Rent Restriction. LLOYDS BANK REVIEW, April 1950. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
PALASEK, KAREN Y., Review. 3pp, of: WHITE, LAWRENCE H., Free Banking in Britain: Theory, Experience and Debate, 1800-1845, Cambridge, CUP, 1984, 171pp. In PEACE PLANS Nos. 1574/1575, p.90, from MARKET PROCESS. - I believe it was NEVER COMPLETELY free. At least it was restrained, if not legally, then by still prevailing popular prejudices on money, e.g. insistence upon at least fractional rare metal cover of issues and metallic redemption by the issuer, upon demand. That option amounts only to a fraction of the rightful and rational freedom and self-regulation options. - J.Z., 8.11.1999. - Essentially, voluntarism, tolerance towards the tolerant, freedom of association, free contracts, free secessionism, free trade, free pricing and sufficient publicity must be introduced in the sphere of exchange media, value standards, credit, finance, clearing, banking and other financial institutions as well as for all other goods, services, labor and institutions. No territorial constitutions laws or other rules should any longer be permitted to dominate them. - J.Z., 13.7.10.
PALGRAVE, R. H. INGLIS, Notes on Banking. Published as a book, and in STATISTICAL JOURNAL for March 1873, vol. XXVI p.106. Mentioned by Jevons, 1875, in Money and the Mechanism of Exchange, p.317.
PALGRAVE, Sir R. H. INGLIS, An Analysis of the Transactions of the Bank of England for the Years 1844-72. London, 1874. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
PALGRAVE, Sir R. H. INGLIS, Bank Rate and the Money Market in England, France, Germany, Holland, and Belgium, 1844 to 1900. London 1901. - Obst. - New York, 1903. - London, 1903. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
PALGRAVE, Sir R. H. INGLIS, Dictionary of Political Economy. 3 vols. London, 1894-1899. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860. - London, 1925. - Carothers, Fractional Money.
PALGRAVE, Sir R. H. INGLIS, Notes on Banking in Great Britain, etc. STATISTICAL JOURNAL, 1873. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
PALGRAVE, Sir R. H. INGLIS, The Bank Acts of 1844 and 1845 and the Bank Rate. London, 1892. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
PALGRAVE, Sir R. H. INGLIS, The Money Market. - Sykes, Ernest, Banking and Currency, 9th ed., 1947.
PALGRAVE, THE NEW PALGRAVE, A Dictionary of Economics. Vol. 4, edited by John Eatwell, Murray Milgate, and Peter Newman. New York: Stockton Press, and London: Macmillan, 1987. S.v. "Walker, Francis Amasa." - Friedman, M., Money Mischief.
PALLAIN, J., Les Changes Étrangers et les Prix. Paris, 1905.
PALLAS PETER SIMON, Reise durch Russland. Frankfurt, 1776. 3 vols. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
PALLAS PETER SIMON, Travels into Siberia and Tartary. Transl. into English. London, 1788. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
PALMER, FRIEND, The Old Bank of Michigan. MPHC, 30 (1906): 410-23. - Woodford, Detroit & its Banks.
PALMER, GEORGE THOMAS, A Collection of Letters From Lyman Trumbull to John M. Palmer, 1854-1858." (ed.) JOURNAL OF THE ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY 16 (Apr-July 1923): 20-41. - SHADE, G. W. (1972)
PALMER, J. HORSLEY, The Causes and Consequences of the Pressure upon the Money-Market. London: Pelham Richardson, 1837. - SMITH, VERA C.
PALMER, JOHN M., Papers. Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield, 111. - SHADE, G. W. (1972), Manuscripts.
PALMER, TOM G., Money, Trust, and the Law: Coercive Power or Spontaneous Order? n.d., 2pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.620.
PALYI, Dr. MELCHIOR, & QUITTNER, PAUL, Handwörterbuch des Bankwesens. Herausgegeber. Berlin: J. Springer, 1933. - SMITH, VERA C.
PALYI, Dr. MELCHIOR, A Lesson in French Inflation. New York, 1959. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
PALYI, Dr. MELCHIOR, An Inflation Primer. Chicago, 1961. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
PALYI, Dr. MELCHIOR, Das Dollar-Dilemma. München, 1955. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
PALYI, Dr. MELCHIOR, Der Streit um die Staatliche Theorie des Geldes. München & Leipzig, 1922. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank. - BENDIXEN, Das Wesen des Geldes, 1922. - 95 S., in PEACE PLANS 806.
PALYI, Dr. MELCHIOR, Die Quantitätstheorie. Handwörterbuch der. Staatswissenschaften, 4. Auflage, 6. Band. - Gisin (1955)
PALYI, Dr. MELCHIOR, Doppelwährung und Parallelwährung, im Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, 4. Aufl.
PALYI, Dr. MELCHIOR, Grundprobleme der staatlichen Geldtheorie. EUROPAEISCHE STAATS- UND WIRTSCHAFTSZEITUNG, 3. Aug. 1918. - Knapp.
PALYI, Dr. MELCHIOR, Liquidity. 1936. Minneapolis, Minnesota Bankers Association. - Selgin. CMRE MONOGRAPHS, No. 42 -- Prof. Heinrich Rittershausen corresponded much with him. These letters should be accessible in his papers at the University of Cologne. - J.Z., 2.3.10.
PALYI, Dr. MELCHIOR, Managed Money at the Crossroads. Notre Dames, 1958. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
PALYI, Dr. MELCHIOR, The Classical Gold Standard in Perspective. In: Büschgen, Hans E., Geld, Kapital & Kredit, C. E. Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart, 1968, p.40.
PALYI, Dr. MELCHIOR, The Inflation Primer. Chicago, Regnery, 1972. (Siegel.) (Prof. Heinrich Rittershausen had an extensive correspondence with him, now probably at the University of Koeln, which may have influenced P. in the monetary freedom direction, apart from his advocacy of a gold standard. - J.Z.)
PALYI, Dr. MELCHIOR, The Twilight of Gold, 1914-1936: Myths and Realities. Chicago, Regnery, 1972, 365pp, indexed. Foreword by Donald L. Kemmerer, 1972. - Antony C. Sutton, The War on Gold. - JZL. For redemptionist gold standard. Beyond that he seems to have no notion of monetary freedom, in spite of long contact with Prof. Heinrich Rittershausen. - J.Z.
PALYI, Dr. MELCHIOR, Ungelöste Fragen der Geldtheorie. In: Die Wirtschaftswissenschaft nach dem Kriege, Festgabe für Lujo Brentano, Bd.II. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
PALYI, Dr. MELCHIOR, Zur Frage der DM-Aufwertung. Gutachten, erstattet an das Institut für Bankwirtschaft und Bankrecht an der Universität Köln, Köln, 1960. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
PALYI, MELCHIOR, The Inflation Primer. Chicago, Regnery, 1972. - Barry N. Siegel, Money in Crisis.
PALYI, MELCHIOR, Währungen am Scheideweg. Lehren der europäischen Experimente. Frankfurt, 1960. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
PANDELS, C. A., L' Assainissement des monnaies européennes et la réparation de l’or dans le monde. Paris 1928. - Max Franzke, Untergang der Welt-Goldwährung? 1931.
PANICO, C., Marx's Analysis of the Relationship between the Rate of Interest and the Rate of Profits. 1980. CAMBRIDGE JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 4 (December): 363-78. - Frank Vorhies
PANTALEONI, Prof. MAFFEO, Pure Economics. Translated by T. Boston Bruce, London, MacMillan & Co9, 1898, original: Manuale di Economia Pura, 1989, indexed, with a long chapter on money, 311pp. - At least he got Gresham’s Law right, with regard to gold and silver coins, as depending upon their relative legal value, as opposed to their market value: Page 233. - Pages still uncut in parts. - J.Z. - JZL.
PAPER MONEY, Society of Paper Money Collectors. Anderson, S.C., U.S.A., 1979. (18. Jahrg.) - Albert Pick
PAPI, G. U., A Theory of Economic Development. WELTWIRTSCHAFTLICHES ARCHIV 1960, Heft 1. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
PAPI, G. U., On Some Factors Causing Inflation. In: Stabile Preise in wachsender Wirtschaft, Tübingen, 1960. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
PARCHMANN, Dr. A., Die Reichsbank, 1933. Widder-Verlag, Berlin, 159 S. - JZL.
PARDESSUS J. M., Table Chronologique des Ordonnances des Rois de France de la Troisieme Race jusqu'au règne de Louis XII. Inclusivement. Paris, 1847. (See: De LAURIÈRE and SECOUSSE.) - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
PARIS, ALEXANDER P., The Coming Credit Collapse. New York: Arlington House Publishers, 1974. - Antony C. Sutton, The War on Gold. - Arlington House Publishers, Westport, Conn., 1980. - Smith, Jerome F., The Coming Currency Collapse, 1980.
PARIS, J. D., Monetary Policies of the United States, 1932-1938. New York: Columbia University Press, 1938. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking. - Friedman, M., Money Mischief. - Are the USA really “united”? Are any of its States?Are any of the other territorial States in the world? Or is that merely the false image their power addicts try to give of them? - Feuds are carried on even within nuclear families. - J.Z., 4.4.10.
PARKER, C. S., Sir Robert Peel from his Private Papers. London, 1899. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
PARKER, E. H., Paper money. CHINA REVIEW, XV, 252. - Herbert Franke, Geld- & Wirtschaft in China unter der Mongolen-Herrschaft.
PARKER, LOYD L., The Gold Report, Gold vs. Dollars, Debts and Socialists. 1962 pamphlet.
PARKIN, CHARLES, The Moral Basis of Burke's Political Thought. Cambridge University Press 1956. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
PARKIN, J. M., & ZIS, G., Inflation in the World Economy. (eds.) Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1975. - Morgan, E. V. & A. D., Gold or Paper?
PARKIN, MICHAEL, Wage and Price Controls: The Lessons From Britain." In: WALKER. MICHAEL, The Illusion of Wage and Price Control. (ed.) Vancouver, Canada: The Fraser Institute, 1976. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
PARKIN, RAY, The Sword and the Blossom. 1968, 1970, Pacific Books, 266pp. Another POW story. At the end, according to p.260, they were given some canteen-money. This is still some wide-spread practice, e.g. when flights are delayed. Here: “They were given a pay book each with a credit of £6 5s. 0d. In it, and £1 in canteen coupons. British aircraft carriers were being made ready for them, but bad weather had already delayed them four days.” - Small scale practical examples of monetary freedom, even practised by government authorities, are still numerous. But most people are unwilling to learn from them, as unwilling as they are to learn e.g. from the very rich history of token money and emergency money issues, well represented by the works of coin and note collectors and written for them. - J.Z., 9.3.10. - JZL.
PARKS, LAWRENCE M., Money and Inflation. THE FREEMAN, April 94, 2pp. “As industrial processes and productivity improve, prices should decrease. In fact, the increasing productivity of the 1980’s contributed to the lower rate of price inflation.” - page 208.
PARKS, LAWRENCE M., to ZUBE, JOHN, 6.1.2000, 1p, in PEACE PLANS 1613, Feb. 2000, p.100. - & 9. 1. 2000, 1p, in PEACE PLANS 1613, Feb. 2000, p.105. Regarding “FAME” see: http://www.FAME.org
PARKS, LAWRENCE M., What Does Mr. Greenspan Really Think? Commentary on Alan Greenspan’s Speech at the Catholic University Leuven. Leuven, Belgium, January 14, 1997 - annotations by Lawrence Parks. A primer about how our monetary system works to transfer wealth from poorer people (ordinary taxpayers) to richer people (bankers and Wall Street firms). Lawrence Parks is the Executive Director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Monetary Education (FAME).In my first CD, folder D FB condensed, file FedWatchNr_1 Parkson Greenspan, 322 Kbs.
PARKS, LAWRENCE M., What the President Should Know about our Monetary System. 12. 9. 1999, 8pp, in PEACE PLANS 1613, Feb. 2000, p.111. JZL. I have also the digitized file, which brings 17 references. LPARKS@FAME.ORG, www.fame.org - “Join the Fight for Honest Monetary Weights and Measures.”
PARKS, RICHARD W., Inflation and Relative Price Variability. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 86 (February 1978): 79-95. - Gerald P. O’Driscoll, Jr., July 86.
PARNELL, Sir HENRY BROOKE, Observations on Paper Money, Banking, and Overtrading. 1827, London, James Ridgeway. - Selgin.
PARNELL, Sir HENRY BROOKE, A Plain Statement of the Power of the Bank of England and of the Use It Has Made of It; with a Refutation of the Objections Made to the Scotch System of Banking; and a Reply to the "Historical Sketch of the Bank of England." 1833, 2nd ed. London, James Ridgway. - Smith, Vera C.
PARNELL, Sir HENRY BROOKE, Financial Reform. London, 1832. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
PARNELL, Sir HENRY BROOKE, HANSARD, 1826, XIV, cols. 391-3. - Criticized the Bank of England's "exclusive and mischievous privilege." See also HANSARD 1824, X, cols. 232-3, in which he moved for an investigation. - White, 62.
PARNELL, Sir HENRY BROOKE, Observations on Paper Money, Banking, and Overtrading. (Sir) 1827. London: James Ridgeway. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking. … which explain the Scotch System of Banking. - 2nd edition, London, 1829. - Redlich - Smith, Vera C. - “Overtrading” is one of the numerous absurd notions in this sphere. Who is to decide, whether there is a reality to that myth? One should ask the traders involved in each trade, whether they believed that they had really traded too much. - Their opinion, based by facts, would be, usually, that they had not yet traded enough, as much as they wished to and were themselves able to. Moreover, by definition, any free trade, between free people, in rightful commodities or services, does not do wrong or harm anyone. - That applies to competing monies, clearing certificates, clearing accounts and value standards as well. - J.Z., 5.5.10.
PARNELL, Sir HENRY BROOKE, pushed free banking principles within the Political Economy Club, founded 1821 to promote free trade. - Higgs, Henry, ed., POLITICAL ECONOMY CLUB, vol. 6, London, Macmillan, 1921, pp.27, 28. - White. - If only he had been much more successful there and then! - J.Z., 13.7.10.
PARNELL, Sir HENRY BROOKE, Sir Henry Parnell Papers (principally on banking situation in 1820's). In possession of Lord Congleton. - Fetter, Development of British Monetary Orthodoxy 1797-1875.
PARNELL, Sir HENRY BROOKE, State of the Currency in Ireland. London, 1804. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
PARRINGTON, VERNON LOUIS, Main Currents in American Thought. 3 vols. in 1. New York [c. 1930]. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
PARSONS, BURKE A., British Trade Cycles and American Bank Credit: Some Aspects of Economic Fluctuations in the United States 1815-1840." (Ph.D. diss., University of Texas, 1958), p.340.
PARSONS, FRANCIS, A History of Banking in Connecticut. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1935. - Rockoff (1975).
PARSONS, LAURENCE, EARLY OF ROSSE, Observations on the Present State of the Currency of England. 1811. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
PARSONS, TALCOTT, Economics and Society. 1956. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
PARSONS, TALCOTT, Social Theory and Modern Sociology. 1967. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
PARSONS, TALCOTT, Theories of Society. 1961. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
PARTON, JAMES, Life of Andrew Jackson. 3 vols. New York, 1860. - Sharp, James Roger: The Jacksonians versus the Banks. - Boston [1887-88]. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960. (3 vols., New York, 1961). - Remini.
PASOUR, E.C., Jr., Your Money - Your Choice. THE FREEMAN, 10/93, 4pp, in PEACE PLANS 1759/1760, p.372. - Although we own it or possess it temporarily and may have rightly earned it, it isn't "our" money in every sense, since we have neither issued it nor were we free to refuse or discount it in favor of something better. Governments do also restrict our choices with that part of their governmental money which they do not directly or indirectly confiscate from us. This situation is not properly described as “free choice”. - J.Z.
PASVOLSKY, LEO, Current Monetary Issues. Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1933. - Edwin W. Kemmerer, Gold and the Gold Standard.
PATCHIN, SYDNEY A., The Development of Banking in Minnesota." MINNESOTA HISTORICAL BULLETIN, II, August, 1917, 111-168. - Rockoff (1975).
PATERSON, ISABEL, The God of the Machine. Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1968. - Leslie Snyder, Justice or Revolution.
PATINKIN, DONALD, Financial Intermediaries and the Logical Structure of Monetary Theory, a Review Article. AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 51, March 1969, 95-116. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
PATINKIN, DONALD, Money, Interest, and Prices. An Integration of Monetary and Value Theory. New York, 1957. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank. - 2nd ed., New York: Harper and Row, 1965. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition. - 2nd. edn., 1966. - Morgan, E. V. & A. D., Gold or Paper?
PATINKIN, DON, Price Flexibility and Full Employment. AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 38 (1948): 543-64. - Reprinted in Friedrich A. Lutz and Lloyd W. Mints, eds., Readings in Monetary Theory. Homewood, 111.: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1951, 252-83. - Egger, The Ills of Capitalism.
PATINKIN, DON, Studies in Monetary Economics. New York: Harper & Row, 1972. - Barry N. Siegel, Money in Crisis.
PATMAN, WRIGHT, Money Facts. U.S. Congress - Wright Patman - Money Facts - Greco
PATON, H. J., The Moral Law or Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals. Third Edition, Hutchinson, London 1956. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies. It is also a fundamental defence of monetary and financial freedom and rights, but without specifying them, as a Kantian like Ulrich von Beckerath, 1882-1969, did. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
PATTERSON, E. M., The Theories Advanced in Explanation of Economic Crises. ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE, 1915, pp. 133-147. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
PATTERSON, HARLAN R., What Spells Success for Bank Charge Plans? BANKING, February 1964, pp.53, 98. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972.
PATTERSON, R. H., Banking and Currency. 1866. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
PATTERSON, R. H., Economy of Capital. 1865. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
PATTERSON, R. H., Science of Finance. 1868. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
PATTERSON, R. H., The Economy of Capital. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1865. - Smith, Vera C.
PATWARDHAN, APPA, Chalanashuddhi or Nature Forging Towards Sarvodaya. Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad-14, 1967, The Navajivan Trust, 167 pages. A Gesellian, mentioning only some other Gesellian texts and still favoring monetary despotism. “Time ordained that imperishable coin money yield place to short-lived notes. …” Opposed also to interest. The first few pages raised already so many questions and objections in me that I never managed to read the whole book. - J.Z., 10.3.10. - JZL.
PAUCTON, A. J. P., Metrologie. Paris, 1780. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
PAUL, ELLEN FRANKEL, Moral Revolution and Economic Science: The Demise of Laissez-Faire in Nineteenth-Century British Political Economy. 1979. Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain. - Morality itself, the laissez faire principle, like individual rights and liberties, common sense, rights and liberties, mathematics, science, philosophy, knowledge, ideas, never really die - except in all too many flawed heads, where they never were rooted deep enough. - J.Z., 31.5.10. - No natural law dies. Those that apply to human beings, who are also part of nature, e.g., those for their economic interrelationships, do not die, either. - J.Z., 13.7.10.
PAUL, JAMES C. N., Rift in the Democracy. New York, 1961. - Sharp, James Roger: The Jacksonians versus the Banks.
PAUL, RON & LEHRMANN, LEWIS, The Case for Gold. Cato Institute, Washington, 1982, indexed, 229pp. - JZL. - White, Competition & Currency. - Not everything speaks for gold. If you wanted to buy a house or a business or a large factory or company and wanted to pay cash for it, in gold coins or in bullion, you would have a) a transportation problem and b) a security problem. - Like any element or chemical product or tool, it is good for some things and not so good for other things. - J.Z., 13.7.10.
PAUL, RON, Congressman Ron Paul on the FED Monopoly Over Money. - Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk - A weekly Column. The Federal Reserve Monopoly over Money, April 9, 2007: Recently I had the opportunity to question Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke when he appeared before the congressional Joint Economic committee. The topic that morning was the state of the American economy, and many of my colleagues raised questions about how the Fed might better “regulate” things to ease fears of an economic downturn. The tenor of my colleagues’ questions suggested that Mr. Bernanke’s job is nothing less than to run the U.S. economy, like some kind of Soviet central planner. Certainly it’s true that Mr. Bernanke can drastically affect the economy at the drop of a hat, simply by making decisions about the money supply and interest rates. But why do members of Congress assume this is good? Why do we accept without objection that a small group of people on the Federal Reserve Board wields so much power over our economic well-being? Is centralized, monopoly control over our money even compatible with a supposedly free-market economy? - Read the full article…. Posted in The Political Money System - April 11th, 2007 by Thomas H. Greco
PAUL, RON, End the Fed. Fall 09 best seller, according to TIME, June 7, 2010. - It quotes him as saying: “Ideas are the only things that count, and politicians are, for the most part, pretty much irrelevant.” - I hold that all politics should merely be confined to its voluntary victims. They do deserve the “treatments” it would provide them with. - J.Z., 1.6.10. - All systems, all ideologies, all religions etc. should be confined, as much as is humanly possible, to their volunteers and not forced upon any peaceful and tolerant people, who would rather like to do their own things. That applies to any money-, credit-, clearing, value standard and banking system as well. After all, we do have already over 200 different national currencies and that they are territorial, national and governmental currencies is not their best but their worst feature - as their record has shown again and again. - J.Z., 13.7.10.
PAUL, RON, Five Myths about the Gold Standard. 4pp: 16 & 23/24. In: PEACE PLANS Nos. 1572 & 1573. From: COMMON SENSE, The Newsletter of THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY OF FLORIDA, later sub-headed: The Newsletter for libertarians and other friends of liberty, 482pp, incomplete, 1-241. - All the different gold standards should be clearly distinguished, just like e.g., all the different kinds of libertarianism, anarchism, statism and forms of socialism should be. - J.Z., 13.7.10.
PAUL, RON, Freedom Under Siege. The U.S. Constitution After 200 years. The Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, Lake Jackson, Texas, 1987, 157pp. - Chapter 4 deals with money and gold, on pages 99 to 146. Siege is spelled Seige in the title cover and inside cover sheet! Among others of his books mentioned are: “The Case for Gold” and “Gold, Peace, and Prosperity”. - Publications are available from FREE, P.O. Box 1776, Lake Jackson, Texas 77 566. - JZL. - Freedom Under Siege - Gold, Peace, and Prosperity - Lake Jackson, TX: FREE, 1981. Related: Money/Banking, Books Online Books - Related: Mixed Economy, Books, Philosophy, The State Online Books - Online at the Mises Institute.
PAUL, RON, Gold, Peace, and Prosperity. - Gold, Peace, and Prosperity Lake Jackson, TX: FREE, 1981 Related: Money/Banking, Books, Ron PaulPAUL, RON, INVESTMENT LETTER, 2pp leaflet only, posted 1984, in PEACE PLANS 791.
PAUL, RON, Monetary Policy. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, June 6, 1984, in PEACE PLANS 586/587.
PAUL, RON, On R 7874: "To repeal the privilege of banks to create money." 9pp, with comment by J.Z., 29x, in PEACE PLANS 484. - This social credit notion has even penetrated into some libertarian heads. - J.Z.
PAUL, RON, Pillars of Prosperity. - Pillars of Prosperity: Free Markets, Honest Money, Private Property - Mises Institute, 2007 Related: Books Online Books - Online at the Mises Institute.
PAUL, RON, The Case for Gold. - Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1982. Cato Institute 1982. Related: Money/Banking, Books Online Books - Money, Monetary Policy, Cycle History, Books, Ron Paul (07) Online at the Mises Institute.
PAUL, RON, The Coming World Central Bank. - October 1988 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute.
PAUL, RON, The Revolution: A Manifesto. - Summer 2008 - The Mises Review - Online at the Mises Institute.
PAULUS, J. D., Experience with Wage and Price Controls in the United States. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Paper presented at the eleventh meeting of Economists of Central Banks of the American Continent, Quito, Ecuador, November 1974. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
PAYN, Prof. MARSHALL, How to Understand Economics in one Hour. In MM, a special bonus issue of the MILLIONAIRE’S MANUAL, undated, a digest size magazine, published quarterly, in this case 128pp, of which this article is on pages 70-108. It starts with a Foreward instead of a Foreword. - JZL. - I still think that all economics primers should be collected and published together, on a disc, thoroughly indexed and with many comments on all of them, in order to finally produce an ideal one or optimal one for different kinds of people at different education levels. For it should be obvious that economic education is still sorely lacking in most people and that it is insufficiently taught in schools and universities, producing almost as many disagreements as exist in religion, philosophy and psychology - on diets, health and diseases, exercise, arts, literature. - J.Z., 17.3.10.
PAYS, BRUNO, Libérer la monnaie. Les contributions monétaires de Mises, Rueff, et Hayek. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1991. - Nataf
PAYSYS GMBH, LET-Systeme und Kooperationsringe. (Hrsg.) Frankfurt/Main. Januar 1995. PaySys GmbH, Im Uhrig 7, 60433 Frankfurt/Main, Tel. (069) 52 36 90, Fax (069) 52 10 90. - From: Holger Lemme - Newsgroups: cl.wirtschaft.geld - Subject: Literatur-Liste, Date: 17 Apr 95 - Literatur zum Thema "Gerechtes Geld". (No my definition of it! - J.Z.)
PEABODY, A. P., The Financial Crisis. NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW (January, 1858), lxxxvi, 164-191. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
PEACE PLANS - A pamphlet series, since 1964, contains first duplicated, then offset, then, from 1978 -2002, published, mostly only on microfiche, many monetary freedom titles, partly listed here, but not completely. LIBERTARIAN MICROFICHE PUBLISHING published in this series also all material of the RESEARCH CENTRE FOR MONETARY AND FINANCIAL FREEDOM, same address. - 1779 issues appeared to 2002. I doubt that I will be able or willing to add more to them. - J.Z., 7.2.10. - Maybe, I should here include the contents lists of all my monetary freedom PEACE PLANS issues? - At least some of them are listed online at www.butterbach.net. - J.Z., 14.7.10.
PEACE PLANS 1-20, 1964-1977, was available on my first primitive CD, together which much other libertarian material: - These and a few others have been digitized by me. All issues, Nos. 1- 1779, are still available on microfiche, US $ 1 each - no cheques! Minimum order 10 LMP fiche. Otherwise the price is $ 2 each, cash: - These and some other issues are also on a CD of mine that Christian Butterbach put onto his website: www.butterbach.net. - J.Z., 31.5.10. Some other issues of this series are listed on www.panarchy.org, in the listing of libertarian titles that are offered in one or the other electronic form. - J.Z., 13.7.10.
PEACE PLANS 4, 54 pp, 129 Kbs, Individual Rights Draft & Panarchy;
PEACE PLANS 8, 89 pp, 440 Kbs,
PEACE PLANS 9, 106 pp, 531 Kbs, first of 3 monetary freedom books by U. v. Beckerath, 1882-1969,
PEACE PLANS 10, 100 pp, 512 Kbs, second of 3 monetary freedom books by U. v. Bth.,
PEACE PLANS 11, 113 pp, 609 Kbs: the third of these 3 classical free banking books, listed by title elsewhere in this list, - total 322 pp, index for these 3 books, with some other FB essays, by Dr. Walter Zander & myself. - These “classical” monetary freedom books by Ulrich von Beckerath are now online as www.reinventingmoney.com - together with many other such titles. - J.Z., 13.7.10.
PEACE PLANS 13, 91 pp, 529 Kbs. (Liberation at Work, Capitalist Prisons, Tax Strike),
PEACE PLANS 14, 90 pp, 482 Kbs, (Education, Voluntary Taxation, Free Migration, Panarchism),
PEACE PLANS 16-18 (later only on PP 16 & 17), 264 pp, 1,197 Kbs. (John Zube: An ABC Against Nuclear War) On: www.butterbach.net
PEACE PLANS 19 A, Stop the X00 Million Legal Tender Crime, by John Zube, 1976, 48pp, on microfiche & digitized, JZem.
PEACE PLANS 19 B., The Soft Option: Monetary Freedom to Stop Inflation without Causing Unemployment, by John Zube, September 1976, 16pp, also offered on microfiche and digitized. - JZem.
PEACE PLANS 19 C, 1,051 Kbs, 44 + pages (John Zube: Let Freedom Pay Its Way. 2nd and enlarged ed.) PP 19 c, with supplements, 3rd. edition, 131 pages, 1.135 RTF and 312 Kbs. zipped. On financing a libertarian party to victory by wholesale expropriation of the politicians and bureaucrats, in advance, giving each of their victims his share in the public assets, in form of a secured promise, for his vote for a libertarian party merely as a liquidator of the governments public property. Afterwards, the remaining statists could still do their things with their shares, for and to themselves, among themselves, exterritorially autonomously, while the freedom lovers would not attempt to rule them but could then, finally, do their own things for themselves, utilizing their shares in their ways, among themselves, also under full exterritorially autonomy for their volunteers. The territorial State would become expropriated as a first step towards its abolition as an imposition upon all dissenters. But its wanted institutions could remain or become reestablished, but only at the expense and risk of its remaining volunteers. In some States, like e.g. Australia, taken as an example, this could turn ordinary voters into almost instantly into millionaires in capital assets. The Welfare State mentality could thus become rapidly destroyed and the path opened up for all kinds of self-help actions and institutions, in a quite tolerant and thereby tolerable way - even for the remaining statists. - J.Z., 1.1.06.
PEACE PLANS No 41, 428 Kbs. RTF in 4 files: Berlin Program, J.Z., on financing defence, J.Z., circulation charts, Bth on German School, Ri on unemployment & exchange media. 2.06 Mbs. in WORD, 609 Kbs. zipped. JZem
PEACE PLANS 394: Rittershausen: Two books: Am Tage nach dem Zusammenbruch. & Das andere System. 1948, & 3 essays: Die Valorisierung. Kreditwirtschaftliche Forderungen. Modellverwendung. 2.06 Kbs, 609 Kbs. zipped in total. They are already at www.reinventingmoney.com
PEACE PLANS No 429, Beckerath Writings, early ones, 55 items from the second microfiche reproducing his writings in a large batch of microfiche, 127 pages, 997 Kbs., RTF, 556 Kbs zipped. JZem
PEACE PLANS No. 430, Early writings on money, currency, value standards, clearing, by Ulrich von Beckerath and his circle, 1925-1931, in German, 2048 Kbs, 731 Kbs zipped. JZem
PEACE PLANS 445: ZUBE, JOHN, Free Banking vs Monetary Despotism or: Let Good Money Drive Out the Bad, 60’s, rev. 1985, 2003, 66 pp, in 4 files, previously in PEACE PLANS 545. + ZUBE, JOHN, How to Replace Unemployment & Underemployment by Full Employment and Over-Employment - to the Extent that this is Wanted, 1974, 10 pages, with later corrections. JZem (The other pages of this PP issue may not have been digitized as yet.)
PEACE PLANS 564. It contains 34 short contributions on the LETSystem and the discussion of the Spooner-Tucker Doctrine, by Rothbard, People of WAY OUT, the magazine of the School of Living, and my belated 20pp contribution of 9.6.85: Some Preliminary Notes by J.Z. to Murray N. Rothbard’s article: “The Spooner-Tucker Doctrine, from the Point of Vie of an Economist.” - Alas, he wasn’t much of an economist or scientist. - But he deserved better criticism than he got. - J.Z., 6.6.10.
PEACE PLANS 589 & 590, An Anthology of PRIVATE HUMAN RIGHTS DRAFTS, as opposed to governmental bills of rights, ca. 6.5 MB in Word, 1,78 MB in Zip Genius, available from me in 9 files. JZem - Contains some formulations of monetary rights and liberties.
PEACE PLANS 815, Towards Monetary Freedom. 16 Contributions, mostly recent ones, by E. N. White, Hazlitt, Schueller, Dowd, J. Zube, K. Zube, William M. Gouge, 1833, Lindsay M. Keasbey, 1895, Elmer A Fike, Cowen & Crozner, et al. - I haven’t even got around to fully list all my own PEACE PLANS compilations on this subject! - Does anyone “mind his own business” perfectly? - J.Z., 12.7.10.
PEACE PLANS 827, John Zube, discussion of Real Bills Doctrine, mainly with Kevin Dowd, 911 Kbs. in WORD, 273 Kbs. zipped. JZem
PEACEFUL REVOLUTIONIST, THE, 1833, publ. by Josiah Warren.
PEACOCK, A. T., Built-in-Flexibility and Economic Growth. In: Stabile Preise in wachsender Wirtschaft, Tübingen, 1960. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
PEARCE, Dr. HENRY GEORGE, & ZUBE, JOHN, Summary of a Discussion on the Development of India through Monetary Freedom, 1985, written by Dr. Pearce, 2pp only, but making significant points, 48x, in PEACE PLANS 740. I could not have expressed it better than Dr. Pearce did, here. In my first CD, folder D FB condensed, in file FB floppy 1, combined files. JZem
PEARCE, Dr. HENRY GEORGE, Coinage - A Prerogative of Governments: But Why? in "GOOD GOVERMENT", October 1965, 1p, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 731.
PEARCE, Dr. HENRY GEORGE, Value, Normal and Morbid. Sydney. Publisher: THE STANDARD, Sydney, 1946, Printer: Robert Dey, Son & Co., 272pp. - 29x, in PEACE PLANS 631. - He was a monetary freedom advocate, follower of Henry George but also of Frederic Bastiat. - I had many discussions with him and he once summed up my position on monetary freedom and economic development much better than I could have. - For many years he taught a course on economics at the Aquinas Academy in Sydney, which, alas, to my knowledge, has not appeared fully in print or online. To my knowledge, a Dr. Boland, one of his former pupils, has the full manuscript. - J.Z., 7.3.10. - JZL.
PEARSON, GAIL, Principal Financial Assets in the U.S. In: DISCUSSION PAPER SERIES, no. 187, April 1971, Harvard Institute of Economic Research. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
PEARSON, GAIL, The Role of Money in Economic Growth. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, vol. 86, 1972. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
PEASE, EDWARD R., Gold and State Banking. A Study in the Economics of Monopoly. Fabian Society, London, 1912, 19pp. (Meulen books. Goldsmith Collection)
PEASE, THEODORE C., A Frontier State, 1818-48. Springfield, 1918. - Reginald Charles McGrane, The Panic of 1837, 1924. - Vol. II of The Centennial History of Illinois. Springfield, Ill., 1918. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960. - McGrane, The Panic of 1837.
PECK, C. WILSON, English Copper. Tin and Bronze Coins in the British Museum. 1558-1958. Trustees of the British Museum, London, 1960. - Alexander, Coin World, Cat. & Encyclopedia.
PECKHAM, HOWARD H., Pontiac and the Indian Uprising. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1947. - Woodford, Detroit & its Banks.
PECQUET, G. M., The Tug-of-war over Southern Banks during the Civil War: a Property Rights Approach. (1990) Washington, D.C.: A paper presented to the Durell Foundation conference 'Money and Banking: the American Experience', May. - Dowd
PEDDIE, J. TAYLOR, The Invariable Standard and Measure of Value. P. S. King & Son, London, 1928. - Norman Angell, The Story of Money, 1934.
PEDEN, J. R., Property rights in Irish Celtic law. (1977) JOURNAL OF LIBERTARIAN STUDIES 1 (2): 81-95. - Dowd
PEDERSEN, J., A Chapter of the History of Monetary Theory and Policy. In: Stabile Preise in wachsender Wirtschaft, Tübingen, 1960. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
PEEL REPORT, The Australian Crisis of 1893. (PEEL REPORT), 1893.
PEEL, D. A., Some Implications of Alternative Monetary Rules. INDIAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL 27 (July-Sept. 1979): 81-94. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
PEEL, ROBERT, Speeches in the House of Commons, May 6th and 20th, 1844, on the Renewal of the Bank Charter and the State of the Law Respecting Currency and Banking. 1844. With notes by John Zube. In PEACE PLANS 565. - (One should also listen to the enemy. - J.Z.)
PEEL, Sir ROBERT, Sir Robert Peel Papers. British Museum. - Fetter, Development of British Monetary Orthodoxy 1797-1875.
PEEL, Sir ROBERT, Speech of May 6, 1844. in HANSARD PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES, 3d ser., vol. 74 (London: T. C. HANSARD, 1844), col. 742. - White, Competition & Currency.
PEEL, Sir ROBERT, The Speeches of the Late Right Honourable Sir Robert Peel. 1853. London, George Routledge. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
PEISKER, ALBERT, Das Berliner Notgeld 1914-1924. Berlin 1972. - Albert Pick
PELHAM, Earl of, Earl of Pelham Papers (principally on Irish monetary situation in 1797). British Museum. - Fetter, Development of British Monetary Orthodoxy 1797-1875.
PELL, C. E., Riddle of Unemployment and its Solution. With bibliography, 1922. (For Free Banking?) - Promises, promises, like in political speeches and advertisements for medicines. - J.Z., 13.7.10.
PELTZMAN, S., Capital investment in commercial banking and its relationship to portfolio regulation. (1971) JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 78: 1-26. - Dowd
PENCAVEL, J. H., The Distributional and Efficiency Aspects of Trade Unionism in Britain. BRITISH JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, 1977. - Samuel Brittan, in Hobart Paper 90.
PENDER, H., OTTO, G. & HARPER, I. R., Free Banking in Australia. (1989) mimeo, Canberra: Australian National University and Melbourne: University of Melbourne. - Dowd
PENNINGTON, JAMES, A Letter to Kirkman Finlay, Esq., on the Importation of Foreign Corn, and the Value of the Precious Metals in Different Countries; to Which are Added Observations on Money, and the Foreign Exchange. 1840. London: Simpkin and Marshall. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
PENNINGTON, JAMES, James Pennington Letters. University of Chicago Library. - Fetter, Development of British Monetary Orthodoxy 1797-1875.
PEPPER, CHARLES M., Report on Trade Conditions in Cuba. Washington, 1906.
PEPPER, GORTON T. & WOOD, GEOFFREY E., Too Much Money …? An analysis of the machinery of monetary expansion and its control. IEA, Hobart Paper 68, 1976, with a short list for further reading, 58pp. - JZL.
PEPYS, SAMUEL, Diary. Wheatley's edition. London, 1904. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
PERCEVAL, SPENCER, Spencer Perceval Papers. In possession of Mr. David Holland; in possession of Mr. Dudley Perceval, on deposit at National Register of Archives. - Fetter, Development of British Monetary Orthodoxy 1797-1875.
PEREIRE, ISAAC, La Banque de France et l'Organisation du Crédit en France. Paris: P. Dupont, 1864. - SMITH, VERA C.
PERINA, UDO, Kursbuch Geld. Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag. Frankfurt/Main 1990. - Geld allgemein: - From: Holger Lemme - Newsgroups: cl.wirtschaft.geld - Subject: Literatur-Liste, Date: 17 Apr 95 - Literatur zum Thema "Gerechtes Geld". (No my definition of it! - J.Z.) - Markiert als: „Geld Allgemein“. Es mag daher näher an der Wirklichkeit liegen, selbst wenn es nur Zentralbankgeld betrachtet, als die Ideen und Meiningen allzuvieler „Geld-reformer.” - Their writings are often only good enough to produce recycled paper from. - J.Z., 4.3.10. - I haven’t seen their literature list. It may be extensive regarding all kinds of money reformers, including those, who might be called „crackpots“ or ‘money cranks” by some. However, would many of their proposals be worse than the monetary practices of governments? - J.Z., 13.7.10.
PERKINS, JAMES BRECK, France under the Regency. New York, 1892. - Groseclose, Money & Man.
PERKINS, RICHARD & ERNESTINE, Precondition for Peace and Prosperity: Rational Anarchy. Phibbs Printing World, St. Thomas, Ontario, 1971, 155pp. (For free banking pp.134ff. - JZL.
PERLMAN, MORRIS, The Roles of Money in an Economy and the Optimum Quantity of Money." ECONOMICA 38 (Aug. 1981): 233-252. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
PERON-MAGNAN, J., Inflation et répartition des revenus salariaux. Sirey, 1964. - Flamant.
PERRETT, JANINE, Born among feminist fervour, the women's bank grows up. N.Y., 1988, 2pp, in PEACE PLANS 787. - Are there any monetary freedom advocates among them, as there are among the German supporters of the Ökobank?
PERRIN, JOHN, What Is Wrong with Our Banking and Currency System?" 1911. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 19(10) (December1811), 856-65. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking. - Wells & Scruggs.
PERROUX, F., Entwurf einer Theorie der dominierenden Wirtschaft. ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR NATIONALÖKONOMIE, XIII.Bd., 1.Heft, 1950. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
PERRY, LEWIS, see Krimerman.
PERRY, Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to China and Japan, in 1852-4, under Commodore Perry. Washington, 1856. (See:HAWKS.) - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
PERSONAL RIGHTS ASSOCIATION, Monetary Reform Proposals. 44pp, in PEACE PLANS 561. (See Meulen)
PERSONAL RIGHTS ASSOCIATION, Notice of a meeting, 19 May 1979. 1p, in PEACE PLANS 803.
PESEK, BORIS P., & SAVING, THOMAS R., The Foundations of Money and Banking. New York: Macmillan, 1968. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
PESEK, BORIS P., Comment. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 76 (Aug. 1968 supplement): 885-892. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
PESEK, BORIS P., Money, Wealth and Economic Theory. New York: Macmillan, 1970. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
PESEK, BORIS P., Optimal Monetary Growth: Comment. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 76 (July-Aug. 1968): 885-892. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
PESSEN, EDWARD, Did Labor Support Jackson? The Boston Story, POLITICAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY, LXIV, (June 1949), 262-74. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
PESSEN, EDWARD, Jacksonian America: Society, Personality, and Politics. Homewood, Ill., 1969. - Sharp, James Roger: The Jacksonians versus the Banks.
PESSEN, EDWARD, The Workingmen's Movement of the Jacksonian Era. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY HISTORICAL REVIEW, XLIII (December, 1956), 428-43. - Sharp, James Roger: The Jacksonians versus the Banks. - Even in our time most of them are still statists. Was it different in that period? - J.Z., 26.3.10.
PETA, Our Money. Compiled by PETA, 245pp, indexed. Printed for the Tape Association by The Burleigh Press, Lewin’s Mead, Briston, 1944, 1946, 1948. - JZL.
PETER, GRACE, A Taxpayer Survey of the Grace Commission Report. Green Hill Publishers, 1984. - Dr. James L. Green, Investments and Sound Money, in MM, undated.
PETER, HANS, Probleme der Volkswirtschaft. Eine allgemeinverständliche Einführung. Frankfurt/Main: Europäische Verlagsanstalt 1959. - Flamant. - Eine FREIE Volkswirtschaft schafft keine Probleme. Die werden immer nur vom Staat gewaltsam eingeführt, und sei es auch nur durch sein despotisches „Erziehungssystem“. - Wieviel „allgemeinverständliche“ volkswirtschaftliche Schriften gibt es bisher, die wirklich nur Wahrheiten darstellen, statt allzuviele populäre Irrtümer, die auch unter den Gelehrten vorwiegen, ebenso, fast, wie unter den Gelehrten der verschiedenen Religionen? - Ich würde gern eine Sammlunge solcher „primers“ veröffentlicht sehen, insbesondere auf dem Internet oder auf einer Platte. - J.Z., 11.3.10.
PETERS, R. S., The Concept of Motivation. Studies in Philosophical Psychology. Edited by R. F. Holland, Second Edition, Lowe & Brydone 1960. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
PETERSON, MERRILL D., Thomas Jefferson and the New Nation. New York, Oxford University Press, 1970.
PETERSON, ROBERT A., Lessons in Liberty: Hong Kong, "Crown Jewel" of Capitalism. THE FREEMAN, 1/90, 9pp. - PEACE PLANS 1759/1760, p.194. - We should not forget that it had turned back millions of refugees to political and economic despotism. It was not free enough to be able to accept them and to multiply its own example! If it had been, it would soon have spread its liberty over all of China and all of the rest of the world. Hong Kong "colonies" would have been welcomed, with open arms, as economic power houses, almost everywhere. And the lack of space in the original Hong Kong would have led to the faster development of ocean freedom: artificial land, floating islands, living on ships (not only sampans), under the sea, in zeppelins, possibly in space stations, L56 colonies etc. It was, so to speak, only a half-way house and as such successful but not good enough to serve as an example for the liberation of the World. The same could be said for West-Berlin, from which I had to flee in 1959 to preserve my freedom of expression. - Just SOME freedom is not good enough in confrontations with totalitarianism and other forms of restrictionism. - It has to be as much freedom as different people want for themselves: To each the government or free society of his or her dreams! - PIOT, J.Z., 19.5.02. - Full monetary and financial freedom, for all who do want it for themselves, would just be one aspect of this general liberty and choice. - J.Z., 28.2.10.
PETERSON, WILLLIAM H., In Defense of Millionaires. THE FREEMAN, Feb. 81, pp. 94-96. - The only way that territorial governments have for turning everyone into “millionaires” is via their inflated and forced currency. In PEACE PLANS 19c I offered a plan how, in countries like Australia, everyone could become a genuine millionaire, in capital assets, through the expropriation of all governmental assets, at every level of governments and transferring their titles to the citizens, to be used by them as they please, whether they are libertarians, for instance, or still unreformed State socialists. Another way for everyone to have a chance to become a millionaire, at least in his own age and based on nothing more than relatively low contributions to a sound old age insurance system, that would not be subjected to taxes, inflation and confiscation or interest rate and investment limitations but be free to invest all contributions productively, at the highest attainable interest rates, as just shares in the additional productivity achievable through sound and selective investments. Ulrich von Beckerath showed on a single page, how e.g. a 15 % interest rate could then make anyone after 40 years of labor and contributions, a millionaire in capital assets. Those believing in zero interest rates should, naturally, be free to arrange for their old age security otherwise. - How many other ways are there, for almost everyone to become a millionaire, who follows them rationally? I do not know. But I know of one other way: An ideas archive, starting with a libertarian one, that would anticipate and promote future developments, including e.g. the irrigation of desert areas or their utilization for energy production and even far-out possibilities, like anticipating contact with alien civilizations and their accumulated knowledge. So far only a fraction of the knowledge, ideas and talents that humans have produced and recorded - somewhere - have been sufficiently publicized and utilized. Insofar, humans are, largely, aliens to themselves and waste their greatest potential source for riches for everyone, namely, good ideas and talents. Show business people can amuse and entertain us - but they make us rather poorer than richer, financially. And yet, they get almost all of the standard publicity. - J.Z., 9.6.10. - Including the showmen- politicians, the modern demagogues and successful and legalized confidence tricksters. - J.Z., 14.7.10.
PETERSON, WILLLIAM H., Inflation, Soviet Style. 1945. THE FREEMAN, April 85, pp. 207-208. - “The currency was occupation marks - lots of it. Soviet plates were supplied by the U.S. Treasury Department, according to STARS AND STRIPES, the Soviet occupation forces were suddenly given months and months of back pay - in occupation currency. Russian officers frequently carried satchels of it. Russian enlisted men often had bagfuls. Prices zoomed.”…”In the end, some $250 million worth of Soviet occupation currency, according to estimates, had been converted into dollars - with the bill of course being picked up by the American taxpayer. Who else?” - In other words, this part of the “liberation” meant that the Nazi’s paper money inflation was continued. Also numerous of their laws and market restrictions, until the currency reform in 1948 repealed at least some of them, like rationing, price-, wage- and rent-controls, compulsory delivery quotas. No one was held responsible for this, to my knowledge, except, naturally, the victims of every inflation. Nor were the Soviets the only occupation forces that issued “occupation Marks” with legal tender power in Germany. - With regard to money the “democracies” are despotisms, too. And here they followed the Marx & Engels communist party line, proclaimed by them in 1848, in their Communist Manifesto, as a means to assure the victory of communism. When it comes to taxation and decisions on war and peace, armament and disarmament, and international trading, they are despotisms as well. They also take e.g. their State-socialist postal services for granted, even if they are otherwise explicitly “anti-communistic”. Democracies and republics of supposedly free countries do have nationalized and collectivized all too much else. According to the latest NSW scandals on their huge subsidies of mere sports events, often even exceeding their own budget estimates, they seem to believe that they were elected to organize and finance sports events and in the process, provide in this sphere many scandal news, as they do in others. - Governments and their tax victims subsidize even the arts! - By interfering with education, they tend to spread and keep up mis-education. At least now the Internet offers a few alternative self-education and teaching options. - J.Z., 8.6.10.
PETERSSON, KERSTIN, Nebenwährung als Sozialvertrag: Kanadische Erfahrungen mit dem "Local Employment and Trading System" (LETS). Aus: Rolf G. Heinze, Claus Offe (Hrsg.): Formen der Eigenarbeit. Theorie, Empirie, Vorschlaege. 1990. - From: Holger Lemme - Newsgroups: cl.wirtschaft.geld - Subject: Literatur-Liste, Date: 17 Apr 95 - Literatur zum Thema "Gerechtes Geld". (No my definition of it! - I favor all monies and clearing certificates and accounts of full monetary freedom, including those, which bear market rates of interest upon investment. - J.Z.)
PETITOT, C. B. et MOÙMERQUE, L. J. N., Collection Complète des Mémoires relatifs à l'histoire de France, depuis le règne de Philippe Auguste, jusqu' à la paix de Paris, 1763. Paris, 1821-9. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
PETTERSON, JAN SOMMERFELT, Index on Liberty. May/June 1986, 12pp, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 675.
PETTY, BRUCE, Petty’s Money Book, A Handy Guide to Supply and Demand. Fontana Collins, 1983,188 pages, by my own manual pagination. - Bruce Petty was born 1929 and is a famous Australian cartoonist and humorist. The book was sent to me by my eldest, in 1985, for x-mas, with some of his comments. As a young doctor he had not time and energy left e.g. for money studies and this situation prevails still. In this he is far from being alone. Earning money and paying one’s debts occupy most of people’s time and energy. Alas, most of Petty’s drawings and comments did not appeal to me and confirmed my view that images mostly do not clarify ideas on money and value standards but, rather, express errors and prejudices on them. - J.Z., 7.3.10. - JZL.
PETTY, Sir WILLIAM, Abhandlung über Steuern und Abgaben. Kap.4, in Diehl & Mombert, Wert und Preis I, 1912, S. 43.
PETTY, Sir WILLIAM, Die politische Anatomie von Irland. Kap.9, in Diehl & Mombert, Wert und Preis I, 1912, S.47.
PETTY, Sir WILLIAM, Political Anatomy of Ireland. 1691. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
PETTY, SIR WILLIAM, Quantulumcumque Concerning Money. 1662. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
PETTY, Sir WILLIAM, The Economic Writings of Sir William Petty. C. Hull’s edition of his collected works. (1899). - Cottrell & Anderson, Money & Banking in England.
PETTY, Sir WILLIAM, Treatise of Taxes. 1662. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
PETTY, Sir WILLIAM, Verbum Sapienti. 1664. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
PEUCER, GASPARD, Les Noms des Monnaies, des Poids, et Mesures, par Feucer, mathematicien. Franckfort, 1614. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
PEUCHET, JACQUES, Statistique Elémentaire. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
PEUCHET, JACQUES, Statistique générale de la France. Paris, 1803. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
PFANZAGL, J., Die axiomatischen Grundlagen einer allgemeinen Theorie des Messens. Würzburg, 1959. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
PFLUG, G., Mahomedan Coins. St. Petersburg, 1816. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
PHELPS ROWN, E. H., Guidelines for Growth and for Incomes in the United Kingdom. in SHULTZ, G. P. & ALIBER, R. Z., editors, Guidelines, Informal Controls, and the Market Place. University of Chicago Press, 1966, p.154.. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
PHELPS, CLYDE W., Retail Credit Fundamentals. 4th ed., St. Louis: International Consumer Credit Association, 1963. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking. - The issue of shop-foundation currencies, in form of goods-warrants and purchasing vouchers, all in monetary denominations, would be an essential factor of successful and steady marketing and could do very much to prevent deflations and inflations by the samples it would set for competitive and stable currencies, reckoning in sound value standards. Retailers associations and shopping centers might become the main activists bringing about a sudden and successful monetary freedom revolution, in their own interest, stopping inflation and mass unemployment and preventing most further bankruptcies, very fast, especially when timed properly, just before another general election and when a crisis has already reached a great degree, with hundreds of thousands to millions of victims. - J.Z., 3.5.10.
PHELPS, E. S., et al., Microeconomic Foundations of Employment and Inflation Theory. New York: W. W. Norton, 1970. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
PHELPS, E. S., Inflation in the theory of public finance. (1973) SWEDISH JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, 75, pp.67-82. - DOWD, The State & the Monetary System.
PHELPS, E. S., Phillips Curves, Expectations of Inflation and Optimal Unemployment of Time. ECONOMICA, August 1967. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
PHILBIN, JAMES P., Austrian Perspecctive on Some Leading Jacksonian Monetary Theorists. - Vol. 10 Num. 1 - Journal of Libertarian Studies - Online at the Mises Institute.
PHILIP M. CRANE, The Economic Stabilization Act. Congressman, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, December 9, 1971. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
PHILIP, A. J., Rations, Rationing and Food Control. Book World, London, 1918. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
PHILIPPOVICH, EUGEN von, Die Bank von England im Dienste der Finanzverwaltung des Staates. Wien 1885. . - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
PHILIPS, C. A., MCMANUS, T. F. & NELSON, R. W., Banking and the Business Cycle. New York: Arno Press, 1972. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
PHILLIPS, A. W., The Relationship between Unemployment and the Rate of Change of Money Wages in the UK, 1861-1957. ECONOMICA, 1958, pp. 783-791; reprinted in Inflation (ed. Ball and Doyle), Penguin, 1969. - Samuel Brittan, in Hobart Paper 90. (ECONOMICA (November 1958): 283-99. - Lowell Gallaway & Richard Vedder, The Keynesian Performance. Also: - Richard E. Wagner, Politics, Central Banking, and Economic Order.)
PHILLIPS, CHESTER A., Bank Credit: A Study of the Principles and Factors Underlying Advances Made by Banks to Borrowers. - Bank Credit: A Study of the Principles and Factors Underlying Advances Made by Banks To Borrowers - NY: MacMillan Company, 1931. Related: Money/Banking, Cycles, Prices/Cycles, Money, Monetary Policy, Books Online Books - Online at the Mises Institute.
PHILLIPS, CHESTER A.; MCMANUS, T. F. & NELSON, R. W., Banking and the Business Cycle: A Study of the Great Depression in the United States. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1937, Arno Press Reprint, n.d., The Right Wing Individualist Tradition in America. . - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking. Banking and the Business Cycle - Print on demand - Related: Cycles, Books Online Books - Online at the Mises Institute.
PHILLIPS, CHESTER ARTHUR, Bank Credit. 1920. New York: Macmillan. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
PHILLIPS, EDMUND, A Letter on the Bank of England Charter. 1861. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
PHILLIPS, EDMUND, A Plea for the Reform of the British Currency and Bank of England Charter. London: Whittaker, 1861. - SMITH, VERA C.
PHILLIPS, HELEN, J. M. Keynes - Vision and Technique. Stanford Honors Essays in Humanities, no. 1 Stanford University Press, 1952. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies. - An honors essay on a dishonorable vision and technique! - Alas, our supposed experts and representatives took them serious, for decades! - J.Z., 30.3.10.
PHILLIPS, HENRY, Jr., Continental Paper Money. 1865. 1972, Augustus M. Kelly, Clifton. - Peter Bernholz.
PHILLIPS, HENRY, Jr., Historical Sketch of the Paper Money Issued by Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1862. - Carothers, Fractional Money,
PHILLIPS, HENRY, Jr., Historical Sketches of American Paper Currency (Continental Paper Money). Roxbury Press, 2 vols., 1866. - Smitley, Popular Financial Delusions, 1933.
PHILLIPS, HENRY, Jr., Historical Sketches of the Paper Money of the American Colonies. Roxbury, 1865. - Carothers, Fractional Money.
PHILLIPS, M., A History of Banks, Bankers and Banking in Northumberland, Durham and North Yorkshire. (1894). - Cottrell & Anderson, Money & Banking in England.
PHILLIPS, U. B., Georgia and States Rights, in AMER. HIST. ASSOC. REP., Vol. I. - McGrane, The Panic of 1837.
PHILLIPS, U. B., A Southern Whig in Turner Essays. New York, 1910. - McGrane, The Panic of 1837.
PHILLIPS, U. B., Transportation in the Eastern Cotton Belt to 1860. New York, 1908. - McGrane, The Panic of 1837.
PHILLIPS, WENDELL, mentioned as a currency reformer by Rudolf Rocker, Pioneers of American Freedom, p.159.
PHILLIPS, WILLARD, A Manual of Political Economy. Boston, 1828. See also article in NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW (September, 1819), ix, 217-231. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
PHILIPPS, CHESTER A., Bank Credit: A Study of the Principles and Factors Underlying Advances Made by Banks to Borrowers. - Bank Credit: A Study of the Principles and Factors Underlying Advances Made by Banks To Borrowers - NY: MacMillan Company, 1931 - Related: Money/Banking, Cycles, Prices/Cycles, Money, Monetary Policy, Books, Chester A. Phillips
PHILIPPS, CHESTER A., Banking and the Business Cycle. - Banking and the Business Cycle - with T.F. McManus and R.W. Nelson. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1937. Print on demand - Related: Cycles, Prices/Cycles, Money, Monetary Policy, Macro Policy, Books, Chester A. Phillips
PHIPSON, CECIL BALFOUR, The True Cause of the Commercial Difficulties of Great Britain. 1917. George Allen & Unwin, Ltd. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
PIATT, ANDREW, A., Substitutes for Cash in the Panic of 1907. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS VO. xxii (1907/08). (August): 497-596. (516?) - Selgin, The Evolution of a Free Banking System. -
PICK, ALBERT & RICHTER, RUDOLF, Österreich, Banknoten und Staatspapiergeld ab 1759. Berlin 1972.
PICK, ALBERT & SIEMSEN, CARL, Das Lagergeld der Konzentrations- und D.P.-Lager 1933-1945. München 1976.
PICK, ALBERT & SIEMSEN, CARL, Notgeld Zweiter Weltkrieg. München 1979.
PICK, ALBERT, Standard Catalog of World Paper Money. 1986, Iola, Wis., Krause Publications. - Schuler
PICK, ALBERT, Altes Papiergeld. Dortmund 1980.
PICK, ALBERT, Briefmarkengeld. Braunschweig 1970
PICK, ALBERT, Deutsche Länder- und Privatbanknoten, Geldscheine der Landesregierungen, Provinzialverwaltungen und Bezirksregierungen, 1872-1948. Berlin 1975.
PICK, ALBERT, Papiergeld Lexikon. München 1978.
PICK, ALBERT, Papiergeld Sammeln. München 1971.
PICK, ALBERT, Papiergeld. Ein Brevier für Sammler. 1967, Klinkl Falken Verlag, Niederhausen/Ts., 1980, 116 S., Falken Verlag. (JZL) - It has an interesting bibliography on emergency money issues etc., designed for collectors but containing many examples of interest to the advocate of monetary freedom. Reminding me of the old saying that nothing is more unknown than the history of yesterday. - It brings examples of emergency monies, „Lagergeld“, railway money, tax foundation money and has a long bibliography, S.107 to 116, with titles extracted by me for the FB bibliography. In his rich bibliography he mentions: “Von den zahlreichen numismatischen Zeitschriften sollen hier nur solche erwähnt werden, die sich häufiger mit Papiergeld beschäftigen, so dass ein Abonnement sich eventuell fur einen Papiergeldsammler lohnen würde.“ - It seems to me that the note and coin collectors have been much more busy, from their point of view, to collect information about monetary experiments, than those have been, who have theorized and written books about money. Anyhow, they do offer a wealth of information waiting for further exploration and surveys. - J.Z., 7.3.10. - JZL.
PICK, ALBERT, Papiergeldkatalog Europas seit 1900. 2. Aufl., München 1970.
PICK, ALBERT, Standard Catalog of World Paper Money. 2d ed. Iola, Wisconsin: Krause Publications, 1977. - DOTY (1978). 3. Aufl., U.S.A. und München 1980. - Also: 1986. - Schuler.
PICK, FRANZ, Pick's Currency Year Book. New York, annual editions. - Groseclose, Money & Man. - At least since 1975, according to Antony C. Sutton, The War on Gold.
PICK, MONIKA, Der Notgeld-Kompass. Schwabach 1975. - Albert Pick.
PICK, MONIKA, Der Notgeld-Mufti. Schwabach 1975. - Albert Pick
PICKELL, BARRY, & ABOUCHAR, ROGER, Look Before You Leap into Credit Card Field. AMERICAN BANKER, June 6, 1966, p.16. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972. - Credit-card users, too, are, presently, still and ultimately dependent upon their supply with the monopoly money of the central bank. - J.Z., 31.5.10. - All they do really need is a sound and agree-upon value standard and a good personal credit rating. - The latter is often implied in the granting of these cards. -105 years ago, my father, Kurt H. Zube, was born on this day. Later he said proudly: On the day of the storming of the Bastille! - J.Z., 14.7.10.
PICON-SALAS, MARIANO, et al, Venezuela Independente 1810-1960. 1962. Caracas, Fundacion Eugenia Mendoza. Schuler.
PIEPENBRINK, JERED, Regulated vs. Free Banking Systems. 14pp, 2009 - Online at ATLAS Institute.
PIERSON, GEORGE, Tocqueville and Beaumont in America. New York, 1938. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
PIERSON, N. G., Principles of Economics. Translated by A. A. Wotzel, pp. 454-461. London, 1902. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
PIGORS, PAUL & MYERS, CHARLES A., Personnel Administration. 5th ed., New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking. - Should people be administered or become, as far as possible, members of self-management teams? - J.Z., 4.4.10.
PIGOU, A. C., Is Unemployment Inevitable? London, Macmillan & Co., 1924. - Sennholz.
PIGOU, A. C., The Veil of Money. London, 1949. . - Paul Einzig, How Money Is Managed. The Ends & Means of Monetary Policy.
PIGOU, Prof. A. C., The Theory Of Unemployment. 1933. London. - MacMillan adv. in Meulen, Free Banking, 1934. - Frank Cass and Co. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
PILLA, DANIEL J., Should We Cancel the National Debt? THE FREEMAN, Nov. 95, p.684-688. - T.F. comment: “The consequences of repudiation.” - Let those, who are against it, secede, together with their share in the remaining real national assets. Investments in tax slaves were never morally or economically justified. If they statists want to continue their kind of “public finance” at their own risk and expense, let them. It would be a self-inflicted penalty for them, well deserved. - See PEACE PLANS 19 c. - J.Z., 9.6.10.
PIPER, H. BEAM, Space Viking, Ace SF books, NY., 1963, 1983, p.73: “The trade-tokens, stamped of colored plastic, were introduced, and a store was set up where they could be exchanged for Sword-World items. After a while, it dawned on the locals that the tokens could also be used for trading among themselves; … “ - P.69: “Those who wish to stay will be issued rations, furnished with clothing and bedding and so on as they need it, and paid wages. We’ll work out some kind of a pay-token system and set up a commissary where they can buy things.” - Alas, in most SF the money question is by-passed. - J.Z., 26.2.10. - JZL.
PIPER, WILLIAM F., U.S. Bank in London Looks Across the Atlantic. THE GUARDIAN, (Banking Supplement), ) June 2, 1969. - Woodford, Detroit & its Banks.
PIPES, GEORGE A., Early Currency of the Oregon Country. NUMISMATIST 52 (November, 1940). - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
PITKIN, T., Statistical Review of the Commerce of the United States. New Haven, 1835. - McGrane, The Panic of 1837.
PITKIN, TIMOTHY, Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States of America. 2d ed. (New Haven: Durrie & Peck, 1835), p. 433. - Klebaner
PITKIN, WALTER B., The Consumer: His Nature and His Changing Habits. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1932. - Smitley, Popular Financial Delusions, 1933. - The consumer’s consumption depends, largely, on his supply of exchange media. So do his jobs and other earnings opportunities. - J.Z., 31.5.10.
PITT, W. H., Currency Debasement and the Academic. A 1p Georgist leaflet, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 631.
PLAMENATZ, JOHN, Karl Marx's Philosophy of Man. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1975. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies. - Does it deserve the term “philosophy” when it takes only economic factors into consideration, and in economics only its communist dogmas? - J.Z., 30.3.10.
PLANT, RICHARD J., Arabic Coins and How to Read Them. London: B. A. Seaby, Ltd., 1973. - DOTY (1978).
PLATBARZDIS, A., Sveriges Första Banksedlar Stockholms Bancos Sedelutgivning 1661-1668. Stockholm 1960. - Albert Pick
PLATBARZDIS, A., Sveriges Sedlar. Bd. I: Stockholms Banco-Sveriges Riksbank 1661-1961. Lund 1963. - Albert Pick
PLATBARZDIS, A., Sveriges Sedlar. Bd. II: Statliga och Enskilda Institutioners och Foretags sant Privatpersoners Sedlar 1620-1934. Lund 1964. - Albert Pick
PLATBARZDIS, A., Sveriges Sedlar. Bd. III: De Enskilda Bankernas Sedlar 1831-1902. Lund 1965. - Albert Pick
PLATT, JAMES, Money. 1880. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
PLEHN, CARL C., The San Francisco Clearing House Certificates of 1907-1908. Berkeley, Cal., 1909.
PLENGE, J., Von der Diskontpolitik zur Herrschaft über den Geldmarkt. Berlin, 1913. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank. - Als ob das legalisierted Notenemissionsmonopol Nichts mit dieser Herrschaft zu tun hätte! - J.Z., 30.3.10.
PLINY, Natural History, XXXIII. - Groseclose, Money & Man.
PLUCER-SARNA, N., Die Konzentration im schweizerischen Bankwesen. Zürich, 1911. - Jacob Kautsch, Handbuch des Bank- und des Börsenwesens, 3 Auflage, 1912. - Should one be surprised that it happens - under the domination of central banking and the suppression of freedom for note issue among other banks and potential issuing centers? - J.Z., 31.5.10.
PLUMPTRE, A. F. W., The Arguments for Central Banking in the British Dominions. 1938. In: H. A. Innes, ed., Essays in Political Economy in Honour of E. J. Urwick. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking. - It is not the number of arguments that is decisive or how many people hold them - but, rather, their validity. - However, after all the wrongs and damages that central banking systems have done, all the errors, myths, prejudices, dogmas, assertions, false pretensions, assumptions and conclusions on the subject should be systematically collected and confronted with their best refutations, in a special electronic handbook, to counter this avalanche of monetary despotism, with its uncounted volumes, writers, readers, victims and victimizers. - J.Z., 27.4.10.
PLUTARCH, Solon, Theseus. - Groseclose, (1934).
PODMORE, F., Robert Owen, 2 vols. London, 1906. - Bogart, The Ec. Hist. of the U.S.
POHL, MANFRED, Einführung in die Deutsche Bankengeschichte. Die Entwicklung des gesamten deutschen Kreditwesens. 1976, mit Bibliographie & Register 154 S., Fritz Knapp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Ph. Möhring & Prof. Heinrich Rittershausen, Taschenbücher für Geld, Bank und Börse, Band 79. - JZL.
POINDEXTER, CARL J., Some Misconceptions of Banking and Interest Theory. 1946. SOUTHERN ECONOMIC JOURNAL 13(2) (October), 132-145. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking. - Selgin calls him J. Carl Poindexter - in The Analytical Framework of the Real-Bills Doctrine.
POIROT, PAUL L., Bad Money Drives Out Good. THE FREEMAN, 11/71, 3pp, in PEACE PLANS 1766-1768, May 2002, p.148. - At least in the text he states that this requires "legal tender". He might have added: Also an issue monopoly. - Moreover, he should have added that without legal tender and under monetary freedom for issue and clearing, bad money is driven out, either being outright refused or so greatly discounted, so that its issue is no longer useful to the issuer but becomes rather a burden, for he would still have to accept it at par with its nominal value, like any other of his IOUs. - J.Z., 21.5.02. - All the correct and the incorrect views of Gresham’s Law should be combined and confronted. Digitally this could be cheaply done. - J.Z., 14.7.10.
POIROT, PAUL L., Legal Tender: Sellers Beware. THE FREEMAN, 1/72, 9pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.232. 9pp, in PEACE PLANS 804.
POIROT, PAUL L., Money and the Market. THE FREEMAN, Aug. 69, 6pp, in PEACE PLANS 804,.
POIROT, PAUL L., Mud Pies for Sale. THE FREEMAN, Dec. 74, 3pp, in PEACE PLANS 804.
POIROT, PAUL L., Social Inflation. THE FREEMAN, Nov. 72, 2pp, in PEACE PLANS 804. - Is any inflation ever “social”? - J.Z.
POIROT, PAUL L., Spend Now, Pay Later. THE FREEMAN, 5/69, 2pp, in PEACE PLANS 1766-1768, May 2002, p.159/ - Buy now, pay later - would be more accurate. Spending already implies paying. Neither government spending nor paying with inflated forced currency is genuine "spending". In one case, it is "paying" with loot and in the other case a kind of requisitioning certificate is involved, that is partly tax-funded and partly a mere pretence of being a full payment, with no refusal or discounting permitted. P. does not recognize tax-foundation, as Adam Smith did, in one largely forgotten passage. But he does oppose government securities - while not clearly attacking them as investments in tax slaves and demanding voluntary taxation and voluntary State membership instead. - Even as prominent laissez faire advocates do often still have their "mixed economy" notions, tied to their concept of "limited" but still territorial and thus coercive, monopolistic and wrongful governments. - J.Z., 21.5.02, 28.2.10.
POIROT, PAUL L., The Market OR The Welfare State. THE FREEMAN, Oct. 73, 4pp, in PEACE PLANS 804. (JZL. Good on legal tender and Gresham's Law.)
POIROT, PAUL L., The Message of Depression. THE FREEMAN, Apr. 75, 4pp, in PEACE PLANS 804. (JZL. Opposed to monetary despotism, especially legal tender. - J.Z.)
POLAK, N., Grundzüge der Finanzierung mit Rücksicht auf die Kreditdauer. Berlin, 19816. - Friedrich Leitner, Finanzierung der Unternehmungen, 1927.
POLAKOFF, MURRAY E., Federal Reserve Discount Policy and Its Critics. 1963. In: Deane Carson, ed., Banking and Monetary Studies. Homewood, Ill. Richard D. Irwin. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
POLANYI, MICHAEL, The Logic of Liberty. London: University of Chicago Press, 1951. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
POLITICAL ECONOMY CLUB, vol. 6. [Higgs, Henry, éd.] London: Macmillan, 1921. - SMITH, VERA C.
POLIZEISTRAFGESETZ FÜR DEN KANTON BASEL-STADT vom 23. September 1872 mit den erfolgten Abänderungen. - Gisin (1955)
POLLARD, HARRY, Does "Gold" Really Matter? 2000, 1p, in PEACE PLANS 1668 & 1669, May 2001, p.203.
POLLARD, HARRY, Money as a Measure of Value. 2000, 3pp, in PEACE PLANS 1668 & 1669, May 2001, p.200. - Confusion should not be offered as enlightenment. - However, how much can one say on such a topic on merely 3 pages? Moreover, it may not be his best text on the subject. - J.Z.
POLLOCK, F. & MAITLAND, F. W., The History of English Law before the Time of Edward I. - J. D. Unwin, Hopousia, 1940.
POLLOCK, LANSING, The Freedom Principle. Prometheus Books, Buffalo, N.Y., 14215, 1981, 130pp. Favors a degree of monetary freedom: p.70. - J.Z. - JZL.
POLO, MARCO, Travels. ca. 1300. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
POLYBIUS, BOOK VIII. - Groseclose, Money & Man.
POMERANTZ, SIDNEY, New York: An American City, 1783-1803. New York, 1938. - Sobel, The Curbstone Brokers.
POMMIER, LOUIS, La Banque de France et l'État depuis sa Création jusqu'à Nos Jours. Paris, 1904. - Compare the following entry: La Banque de France et l'Etat au 19. siècle. Paris 1904. - Obst. - Perhaps too many bibliography compilers quote only from their flawed memory? - Alas, my own memory also leaves very much to be desired. - J.Z.
PONDEXTER, J. C., See the same titles under POINDEXTER!.
PONGRACIC, IVAN, Inflation: One Man’s Survey. - June 1997 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute.
POOL, WILLIAM, Rational Expectations in the Macro Model. BROOKINGS PAPERS ON ECONOMIC ACTIVITY 2 (1976): 463-505. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
POOLE S. L., Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British Museum. London, 1880. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
POOLE S. L., Coins and Medals. editor, London, 1885. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
POOLE S. L., Coins of the Eastern Khaleefehs in the British Museum. London, 1875. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
POOLE, WILLIAM, Monetary Control and the Political Business Cycle. CATO JOURNAL 5 (Winter 1986): 685-99. - White, Competition & Currency. Also in: In Dorn & Schwartz, 1983ff.
POOLEY, W. V., A Settlement of Illinois, 1830-50. Madison, 1908. - McGrane, The Panic of 1837.
POOR, HENRY V., History of the Railroads and Canals of the United States. New York, 1860. - McGrane, The Panic of 1837.
POOR, HENRY V., Money and Its Laws: Embracing a History of Monetary Theories and a History of the Currencies of the United States. New York and London, 1877. - London: C. Kegan Paul & Co., - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition. - 663pp, with 34 pp of contents listing and notes by J. Zube, in PEACE PLANS 540/541.
POOR, HENRY V., Sketch of the Rise and Progress of Internal Improvements. New York, 1881. - Reginald Charles McGrane, The Panic of 1837, 1924.
POOR, HENRY V., The Money Question. 1898, 457pp, with free banking notes by Greenberg, Harman, Hoffman, King, Pierre & J. Zube, in PEACE PLANS 558.
POPE LEO XIII, Encyclical. The Workers' Charter. A translation of Pope Leo XIII's Encyclical. (Catholic Social Guild, Oxford.) - J. D. Unwin, Hopousia, 1940.
POPE, D., Bankers and Banking Business, 1860-1914.' (1987) WORKING PAPERS IN ECONOMIC HISTORY 85, Canberra: Australian National University.
POPE, D., Did Australian Trading Banks benefit from Scale Economies and Branch Networks during the Nineteenth Century? (1988) WORKING PAPER 111, Canberra: Australian National University.
POPE, D., Free Banking in Australia before World War I. (1989) unpublished MS, Canberra: Australian National University. - Dowd
POPKIN, John S. Ormsby: Physician and Minter. NUMISMATIST 71 (February, 1958). - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
POPP, Dr. EDWARD E. Popp, Money, Bona Fide or Non-Bona Fide. 1970, 60 pp, supplied by "Maniac". Previously available from the Wisconsin Education Fund, PO Box 321, Port Washington Wisconsin, 53074, in my first CD, folder D FB condensed, sub-folder FBPoppfiles from Maniac, 449 Kbs. maniac@micro-mania.net
POPPER, KARL R., Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1972. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
POPPER, KARL R., The Logic of Scientific Discovery. London. Hutchinson Press, 1972. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
POPPER, KARL R., The Open Society and Its Enemies. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., 1966. - Smith, Jerome F., The Coming Currency Collapse, 1980.
POPPER, KARL R., The Poverty of Historicism. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1957. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
POPPLE, CHARLES S., Development of Two Bank Groups in the Central Northwest. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1944. - Klebaner
POQUETTE, R. W., Bank Credit Cards Gain Popularity. MID-CONTINENT BANKER, August 1966, pp.54-56. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972.
PORGES, REHMER & SCHACH, Banken-Organisation. Leipzig 1911. - Obst, Georg, Geld-, Bank- & Börsenwesen. - Obst, Georg, Geld-, Bank- & Börsenwesen.
PORTEOUS, JOHN, Coins in History. 1968. - Joe Cribb (1986). - New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1969. - DOTY (1978).
PORTER, R. C. A model of bank portfolio selection. (1961) YALE ECONOMIC ESSAYS 1: 323-59. - Dowd
PORTER, R. T., The West from the Census of 1880. Chicago, 1882. - McGrane, The Panic of 1837.
PORTUS, Australia - an Economic Interpretation. - Silverman, H. A., The Substance of Economics.
POSCHINGER, HEINRICH von, Bankwesen und Bankpolitik in Preussen. 3 vols. Berlin: J. Springer, 1878-79. - SMITH, VERA C.
POSTAN, M. H., The Medieval Economy and Society. Weidenfeld, London, 1972. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
POSTAN, M. M., & TITOW, J., Heriots and Prices on Winchester Manors. ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW. 2nd series, vol. xi, no. 3, 1939. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
POSTAN, M. M., The Rise of a Money Economy.' ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW. 1944, vol. xiv. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
POSTAN, M.M., The Fifteenth Century. ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW. 1939 (May), vol. ix, no. 2. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
POSTLETHWAIT, Commercial Dictionary. London, 1766. 2 vols., fol. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
POSTLETHWAYT, MALACHI, Dictionary of Trade and Commerce. London, 1751. - Bogart, The Ec. Hist. of the U.S.
POSTLEWAITE, ANDREW, & VIVES, XAVIER, Bank runs as an equilibrium phenomenon. (1987) JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY vol. 95, No. 3, June, 485-91. - Schuler + Dowd. - I have still to see the first academic study of “shop runs” with shop currency that has, for one reason or the other, got a temporary discount against its nominal gold value, although it is still accepted at par at well stocked shops. Long outdated money models preoccupy not only public opinion but also all too many academic minds - even after several hundred years. - While runs on banks that promised rare metal redemption for their notes have often revealed how unsound this promise was, when based upon fractional metallic reserves only and thus led to economic crises, at best they kept an equilibrium between their metal stock and their notes. That equilibrium was very unstable whenever they exceeded their metal cover and had not arranged for another and strong enough reflux of or demand for their notes, to keep them at par with their nominal value. One can speak of an equilibrium between banknotes and consumer goods and services only when the providers of these goods and services are also free to try to issue their notes and only they are under obligation to accept them at any time at par with their nominal value from anyone. - The goods or services that governments offer are almost always somewhat inferior and doubtful. Nevertheless, they have become the only bank note issuers, with their central banks. Only the power of tax departments and the need for at least some kind of money, until perfect clearing is established, gives this kind of wrongful and even despotic money some purchasing power, a usually slowly to fast depreciating one, with a paper or rubber-band “value standard”. - J.Z., 18.5.10. - The very fact that instant gold or other cash redemption is promised for deposited funds - that are, as a rule, largely invested on some terms or the other (otherwise no interest payments could be promised for them but only safe-keeping), is an inbuilt disequilibrium factor and leads to runs. For instance, investors of fixed deposits don’t make runs on their banks. In case of panics, under the conditions that are making runs possible, even large “reserves” can often be quite insufficient. - Acceptance of the doubted notes at par by all the bank’s debtors is economically much more sound and sensible to preserve the value of competitively issued notes, which are subject to voluntary acceptance and market-rating in general circulation, and also subject to outright refusals to accept any notes one has not obliged oneself to accept. - The (supposedly necessary) gold- or silver-coin redemption (really only a spleen if applied to all kinds of banknotes with other and better foundations) has been wrongly applied to the government’s paper money as well. - To the extent that taxation can be considered rightful, for its voluntary supporters, government paper money can only be rightfully and quite economically (without burdening the taxpayers first, by forcing them to contribute to a government’s or a central bank’s rare metal reserve, cover and redemption fund) redeemed in receipts for its taxes or voluntary membership contributions to it. - If the issuers of banknotes in form of local currencies are, largely, local suppliers of wanted consumer goods and services, then their readiness to accept their own notes is all the “redemption”, guaranty, cover, or “reserve” that is needed to keep their notes, mostly, at par - in their sphere. - The first discount, in general local circulation, will inform issuers and potential acceptors on what they ought to do. It indicates the limits to which such notes can be freely issued and will be accepted. - J.Z., 22.6.10. - The discount they get against other exchange media and value standards in e.g. gold- and silver markets and foreign exchange markets, merely serve to bring them back, relatively soon, to the issuers, to be redeemed in what they have to offer. Naturally, only under freely floating exchange rates and when governmental central banks do not consider “foreign exchange” to be a good cover or reserve for their own paper currencies, thus keeping vast quantities of exchange media wrongfully and harmfully out of circulation. Under monetary freedom such hoarding would not matter. New and sound issues could easily be made. There would also, mostly, be a limited period for the validity of its banknotes. Government notes pretend to have an eternal life but, in practice, they usually end ingloriously, a few years or decades later - and on their road down to extinction they are usually almost constantly depreciated. - J.Z., 14.7.10.
POTTER, A., Political Economy, its Objects, Uses, and Principles. N.Y., Harper & Brothers, 1840, 318pp. - Good e.g. on exchange by clearing: pages 90/91. - JZL.
POTTER, DAVID M., People of Plenty; Economic Abundance and the American Character. Chicago, 1954. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
POTTER, E. R. & RIDER, S. S., Some Account of the Bills of Credit, or Paper Money of Rhode Island. R. I. Historical Tract, 1st Series, no. 8. - Providence, 1880. - Carothers, Fractional Money. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860. - POTTER, S. R., & RIDER, S. S., Some Account of the Bills of Credit of Rhode Island. Providence, 1880. - Carothers - Since Rhode Island had once one note-issuing bank per 2000 people, as Beckerath reported, this report might be interesting. J.Z.
POTTER, J., Atlantic Economy, 1815-60: The U. S. A. and the Industrial Revolution in Britain. In: L. S. Pressnell (ed.), Studies in the Industrial Revolution (London: University of London Press, 1960). - Temin.
POTTER, WILLIAM, Humble Proposals, etc. 1651. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
POTTER, WILLIAM, Key of Wealth. 1650. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
POULETT, G. CROPE, Principles of Political Economy. 1833. Kelly reprint 1969, 457pp. LFB stated: “An exposition of economic theory from a perspective of ‘natural rights’ with an argument for free banking.” Favored a “tabular standard”, but also a central bank as a “service” institution for free banking. Perhaps he meant merely a common clearing house for them. - I do not know whether he wanted to impose his tabular standard or make it optional. - J.Z., 10.4.10. - JZL.
POUND, EZRA, Social Credit: An Impact. 1935. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935. - There is nothing social about it and it is no genuine credit, either. - J.Z., 30.3.10. - But it is still a popular movement and it should be utilized to spread genuine enlightenment about money. - J.Z., 14.7.10. - The first electronic argument mapping on it might spread enlightenment on this subject rapidly and might lead to many volunteers from this movement joining the monetary and financial freedom movement. - J.Z., 14.7.10.
POUND, EZRA, The ABC of Economics. Peter Russell, The Pound Press, London, 1953. First edition: 1933, 74 pp. - He appears here as a follower of Major C. H. Douglas, founder of the various Social Credit schools. - JZL. - See also: HAYMAN, C. DAVID. - EDWARDS, JOHN HAMILTON & VASSE, WILLIAM W. - MULLINS, EUSTACE. - J.Z.
POUNDS, N. G. J., An Economic History of Medieval Europe. Longman, London, 1974. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
POWELL, BENJAMIN, Explaining Japan’s Recession. - Vol. 5 Num. 2 - Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics - Online at the Mises Institute.
POWELL, ELLIS T., The Evolution of the Money Market, 1383-1915. London, 1915; reprinted New York, 1966, 1967. - Cottrell & Anderson, Money & Banking in England. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling. - Smitley, Popular Financial Delusions, 1933. - 1966, New York, Augustus M. Kelley. (Reprint of 1915 ed.) - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain. - 1385-1915. 1966. Fairfield, N.J.: A.M. Kelley. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
POWELL, J. ENOCH, Floating Exchange Rates. THE FREEMAN, 7/69, 8pp, in PEACE PLANS 1761-1763, p.76. - I wish that bibliographers and publishers would always give the full name of the authors. - Without it one can never be sure about the author. Even if initials and full Christian names are given - they are often duplicated all over the world as well. Then country or city or town of the author should be mentioned, or their birthday. J.Z.
POWELL, J. ENOCH, Exchange Rates and Liquidity. IEA, OCCASIONAL PAPER 18, 1967. - Morgan, E. V. & A. D., Gold or Paper?
POWELL, T. E., The Democratie Party of Ohio. Columbus, 1913. - McGrane, The Panic of 1837.
POWNALL, THOMAS, Administration of the British Colonies. 5th ed., 1774. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
PRACTISING LAW INSTITUTE, Credit Cards: Legal and Business Problems. New York, N. Y. 1970. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972. - Most people still fail to distinguish between genuine law and mere legislation. - J.Z., 15.4.10.
PRADEAU, ALBERTO, Numismatic History of Mexico. Los Angeles, 1938. - Schilke & Solomon, America’s Foreign Coins … with Legal Tender Status in the US 1793-1857.
PRAGER, JONAS, Fundamentals of Money, Banking and Financial Institutions. 1892, New York, Harper & Row, 1882. - Rolnick & Weber, Gresham’s Law or Gresham’s Fallacy? 1985 & Winter 1896.
PRAGER, MAX, Die Reichsbankidee in den Vereinigten Staaten. Berlin 1903. - Obst. - Verdient sie den Namen einer Idee oder nur den einer Dummheit, Unwissenheit oder Gemeinheit? - J.Z., 14.3.10.
PRAGER, MAX, Die Währungs- und Bankreform in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Berlin 1900. - Obst.
PRATHER, CHARLES L., Money and Banking. 6th ed., Homewood, Ill., Richard D. Irwin, 1957. - Sennholz.
PRATHER, W. C., Credit Cards - A Prelude to the Cashless Society. In” "Consumer Credit: A Symposium," BOSTON COLLEGE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL LAW REVIEW, Vol. 8, Spring 1967, p. 387. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972. - Compared with quite free banking this was just another trivial change. - Telegraphic money orders were possible long before. - J.Z., 15.4.10.
PRATT, EDWARD, Money in its Relation to the State. MELBOURNE REVIEW, Vol. IV, 1879, pp.77-85. - GOLLIN, The Commonwealth Bank of A.
PRATT, JULIUS H., A Private Mint for California. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NUMISMATICS 32 (January, 1898). - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
PRATT, JULIUS H., Private Issues of Gold Coins in the United States. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NUMISMATICS 26 (October, 1891). - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
PRATT, JULIUS H., To California by Panama in '49. CENTURY MAGAZINE (December, 1890). - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
PRATT, SERENO, New York's Financial Institutions. THE INDEPENDENT, 22 Dec. 1904, p.1435. - Klebaner
PRATT, SERENO, The Work of Wall Street. New York 1906. - Obst, Georg, Geld-, Bank- & Börsenwesen.
PREDÖHI, A., Aussenwirtschaft, Weltwirtschaft, Handelspolitik und Währungspolitik, 2. Aufl. - Rittershausen, Wirtschaft, 1960 Auflage.
PREISER, E., Der Begriff des Preisniveaus und das Problem der Kaufkraftstabilisierung. JAHRBÜCHER FÜR NATIONALÖKONOMIE UND STATISTIK, Bd. 158, 1943. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
PREISER, E., Economic Growth. Fetish or Necessity?. ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR DIE GESAMMTE STAATSWISSENSCHAFT, 1967. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies. - „Staatswissenschaft“ ist, wahrscheinlich, der unwissenschaftlichste Teil der Sozialwissenschaften. - J.Z., 30.3.10.
PREISER, ERICH, Nationalökonomie heute. Eine Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre. 10. Aufl., München: Beck 1971 (Beck'sche Schwarze Reihe. Bd. 5). -Flamant. - Es gibt einzelne Wirtschaftler und Gruppen von Wirtschaftlern. Aber eine „Nationaloekonomie“ ist immer nur ein schlechtes Phantasiegebilde, eines das, ebenso wie die vielen falschen Religionen, den „Führern“ allzuviele Möglichkeiten zu Missbräuchen bietet. „Macro-economics“ hat mit wirklicher Wirtschaft und Wirtschaftswissenschaft nichts anderes zu tun als zu unrechtmässigen und falschen Einmischungen zu führen. - Auch das „Volk“ ist meistens nur ein Phantasiegebilde. Die meisten von uns sind Mischlinge oder Bastarde, und schon dadurch besser, genetisch, als die „reinen“, auch wenn wir noch viele falsche Meinungen und Ideen im Kopfe haben. Wenn sie vorgeben, „Volksvertreter“ zu sein, dann können Machtsüchtige Macht über alle Einwohner eines Landes erhalten und sie aufrechterhalten, allzu oft und für allzu lange Zeit. - J.Z., 11.3.10.
PREISGKE, FRIEDRICH, Die Stellung der Banken im Wirtschaftsleben des alten Ägyptens" [The Place of Banks in the Economic Life of Old Egypt]. 1912. Bank-Archiv. August 15, 11, 353-357. - T. Cowen & R. Kroszner, Nov. 90.
PRESCOTT, WM. H., Conquest of Mexico. London, 1878. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
PRESCOTT, WM. H., Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. London, 1882. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
PRESHAW, G. O., Banking Under Difficulties; or Life on the Goldfields. Melbourne, 1888. - HOLDER, Bank of NSW. (He put the name in brackets. - J.Z.)
PRESIDENTIAL TASK FORCE ON PROJECT ECONOMIC JUSTICE, High Road to Justice: Guidebook for the Presidential Task Force on Project Economic Justice. 1985, Washington, Government Printing Office. - Selgin. - Like “social justice”, “economic justice” has little to do with justice, social science and economics but a lot to do with ideological and flawed assumptions, observations and conclusions. - Only politicians and bureaucrats can make money, power and capital by the use and abuse of such terms. - J.Z., 13.6.10.
PRESSNELL, L. S., Country Banking in the Industrial Revolution. (Oxford 1956, Clarendon Press.) - “is compulsory reading, after which the student is well equipped to tackle some of the large number of the histories of individual banks. These exist for a considerable number of banks and cover the main regions of the English economy but too many consist of a mixture of anecdote and biography to be really useful.” - Cottrell & Anderson, Money & Banking in England. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain. - In the first part, on origins, he describes numerous token money and note issues and extensive bill clearings by private industrialists and businessmen, who gradually specialized on banking. They were mainly mining and metallurgical firms. On page 153 he mentions "the widespread use of private notes for small everyday payments." - J.Z.
PRESSNELL, L. S., Gold reserves, banking reserves and the Baring crisis of 1890. (1968), in C. R. Whittlesey and J. S. G. Wilson (eds) Essays in Money and Banking, Oxford: Clarendon. - Schuler, Dowd,
PRESSNELL, L. S., Public Monies and the Development of English Banking. ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW, 1953, 2nd series, vol. V, no.3. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
PRESSNELL, L. S., Studies in the Industrial Revolution. Edited by Pressnell and presented to T. S. Ashton, University of London, The Athlone Press, 1960, indexed and with bibliography of academic writings of T.S. Ashton, 350pp. In the contribution by JOSLIN, D. M., London Bankers in Wartime 1739-84, pp. 156-177, on page 161 a case of shop foundation is mentioned. - JZL.
PRESSNELL, L. S., The Rate of Interest in the Eighteenth Century. pages 178-214 in: PRESSNELL, L. S., Studies in the Industrial Revolution, edited by Pressnell and presented to T. S. Ashton, University of London, The Athlone Press, 1960, indexed and with bibliography of Academic Writings of T. S. Ashton, 350pp. - JZL.
PRESTON, HOWARD H., History of Banking in Iowa. (Iowa City: State Historical Society of Iowa, 1922), pp. 59-60. “On the eve of the Civil War, bonds of Southern states were the backing for two thirds of the notes of Illinois banks, and an even greater proportion of Wisconsin's free banks. Missouri state bonds were selling at 80 percent of par in July, 1860; by December they were at 61 percent. All but 17 of Illinois' 104 banks were insolvent by the summer of 1861. See William Gerald Shade, Banks or No Banks. The Money Issue in Western Politics 1832-1865 (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1972), pp. 205-206.” - Klebaner. - The wrong, abuse and spleen of thus or with gold or silver coins or bullion “backing” or “guarantying” or “covering” currency issues has, alas, still not been extinguished. - The fact that on a free capital market capital certificates, rare metal coins and bullion can be freely exchanged for all kinds of currencies, should not misled anyone into assuming that capital assets form a good basis for currency issues. Such “currency” issues are, by their nature, good only for claiming a corresponding number of capital certificates from such banks and not, under voluntary acceptance and free market rating for them and free competition with other exchange media, claims or rights or certificates that anyone else would have to supply anything for them, e.g. consumer goods and services. Those offering ready for sale and wanted consumer goods and services are, themselves, much more suitable issuers, for banknotes with sufficient and inherent “shop foundation”, provided the local shop owners organize themselves sufficiently for such issues, to make them acceptable as a local currency, not necessarily an exclusive one. - Alas, both kinds of valuables are all too often and carelessly called “money” or “capital”, as if there were no very important distinctions between them. Such people often became “bankers” and thus, naturally, had, at least now and then, their “liquidity” difficulties. Moreover, they multiplied these by investing short-term deposits for medium and long terms, instead of merely e.g. in short-term turnover credits, disregarding the risks involved in distant due dates. (*) They could have easily overcome them by a rational use of “fixed deposits”, getting their timing and sums right. However, they wanted to pretend that the money they had invested could, at any time, be claimed from them in cash! The bankers may have thought they were clever, because often and for too long they did get away with such simple tricks . - (*) Turnover credits, should, anyhow, not be granted with any savings, but rather with self-liquidating turnover-credits granted with fresh banknotes, temporarily replacing the short term credits involved, which used to be expressed in genuine or real commercial bills, under sound value reckoning, or equivalent short-term debt certificates or accounts. - This was the most important and soundest “banking principle” - The banknotes were then temporary replacements of the real bills, in suitable money denominations, so to speak, in a process of “cutting up” these bills into hand segments. The quantity of such issues disappeared with the repayment of the short-term “real bills” as opposed to fraudulent “financial bills”. Good bankers knew the difference between them. - J.Z., 5.3.10. - Essentially, only a clearing process was involved, for a short period, not a capital investment and for this it had is “clearing certificates”, the banknotes issued for the turnover business process, operating between producers, wholesalers, retailers, employers and employees, again and again, in the short-term, for all the goods and services needed for daily survival. Gold coins are not needed for it and their delivery should not be promised in this process but merely gold weigh values. This was the soundest of the “banking principles and practices” as opposed to the “currency principle and practice.” Even the Reichsbank did largely apply it in its statutes, - although not always in its practice. It, too, participated in the whole mythology, rituals, dogmas, wrong assumptions and conclusions of central banking. - J.Z., 13.7.10.
PRIBRAM, KARL, Conflicting Patterns of Thought. Washington D.C. 1949. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
PRIBRAM, KARL, Die Entstehung der individualistischen Sozialphilosophie. Leipzig 1912. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
PRICE, BONAMY, Currency and Banking. New York, 1876. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages
PRICE, BONAMY, Practical Political Economy. 1878. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
PRICE, BONAMY, The Principles of Currency. Oxford: J. Parker, 1869. - SMITH, VERA C. - N.Y., 1875. - Favors the banking principle. I have seen only a few pages of this book, photocopied by someone else, and they did not impress me much. - J.Z.
PRICE, M., Coins: an Illustrated Survey. (ed.) 1980. - Joe Cribb (1986).
PRIDE, J. M., Notes on some London Price-Currents, 1667-1715. ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW, 2nd series, vol. vii, no. 2, 1954. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
PRIDMORE, Major F., Modern Coins and Notes of Cyprus. o. O. 1974. - Albert Pick
PRILL, H. W., Über die Problematik der internationalen währungspolitischen Kooperation. In: VOLKSWIRTSCHAFTLICHE SCHRIFTEN, Heft 49, 1960. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
PRIMACK, MARTIN, Land Clearing Under Nineteenth-Century Techniques. Some Preliminary Calculations. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC HISTORY, XXII (December, 1962), 484-97. - Temin.
PRIMM, JAMES NEAL, Economic Policy in the Development of a Western State. Missouri, 1820-1860. Cambridge, Mass., 1954. - Sharp, James Roger: The Jacksonians versus the Banks.
PRINCETON UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS, INTERNATIONAL FINANCE SECTION, International Monetary Arrangements: The Problem of Choice. 1964. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking. - It is mostly rather lack of choice that causes problems. As long as there is too little choice there will remain many problems, in this sphere as well. - J.Z., 4.4.10. - Once there is too much choice - for an individual to examine every offer - then, habitually, we do ignore these offers. At least city people do this ever day for thousands of advertisements. - Too many and too inconvenient exchange media and value standards will also be largely ignored or refused, in favor of any that are considered to be a local currency and they will be widely enough used as such. - J.Z., 18.5.10, 31.5.10.
PRION, WILLI, Das deutsche Wechseldiskontgeschäft. Berlin 1907. - Diehl & Mombert, Vom Gelde. - Leipzig, 1907. - Löchtermann
PRION, WILLI, Die Preisbildung an der Wertpapierbörse. Leipgig 1910. - Obst, Georg, Geld-, Bank- & Börsenwesen.
PRION, WILLI, Inflation und Geldentwertung. Berlin 1919. - Obst, Georg, Geld-, Bank- & Börsenwesen.
PRION, WILLI, Kreditpolitik. Berlin, 1926. - Friedrich Leitner, Finanzierung der Unternehmungen, 1927.
PRIVATE COIN COLLECTOR, June 1983 sample, 2pp, 48x, in PEACE PLANS 739.
PROBYN, I. C., Indian Coinage and Currency. London, 1897.
PROCHNOW, H. V. & Foulde, R. A., Practical Bank Credit. 2nd rev. ed., New York: Harper, 1963. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking.
PROCHNOW, H. V. & PROCHNOW, H. V. Jr., The Changing World of Banking. (eds.) 1974. - K. Ryan, 1990.
PROCHNOW, H. V., American Financial Institutions. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1951. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking.
PROEBST, SIGMUND, Die Grundlagen unseres Depositen- und Scheckwesens. Jena 1908. - Obst.
PROGRESS, N.S.W. PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD JOURNAL, August 1963, brings on pages 16 to 20 an article, author not mentioned, headed: “New Coins for Old”, which on pages 18 & 19 also mentions token money. - JZL.
PROLLIUS, MICHAEL von, & POLLEIT, THORSDEN, wrote and got published a new book on free banking, according to an email received 12.6.10. MvP@prollius.de - http://www.amazon.de/Geldreform-schlechten-Staatsgeld-guten-Marktgeld/dp/3939562203/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1276181353&sr=1-2 - und zur Finanzkrise auch auf http://www.forum-ordnungspolitik.de/ One of the all too many titles that I have not yet got around to check out and never may get around to read in the rest of my life. - J.Z., 14.7.10.
PROST, Dr. GERHARD, Die Deutsche Bundesbank im Spannungsbereich anderer unabhängiger Organe und Institutionen. In: Büschgen, Hans E., Geld, Kapital & Kredit, C. E. Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart, 1968, p.110. - No central bank of any government is really independent of its laws and policies. - J.Z., 13.4.10.
PROTOKOLL ANARCHISMUS - AG, Unsere Sackgasse: die Geldtheorie. 1p, in PEACE PLANS 906.
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, Banque d'Echange, with "Bank du Peuple". 1868, in PEACE PLANS 292, with comments by Ulrich von Beckerath.
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, Bekenntnisse eines Revolutionärs (von 1848). Leipzig 1850, Laub'sche, Berlin, 1923, PEACE PLANS 421.
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, Briefe über Kapital und Zins. Herausgegeben von Arthur Muelberger, 1896, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 617. (Die letzte Antwort von F. B. wurde hier von A. M. ausgelassen. - J.Z.)
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, Correspondence. In French, Paris, 1875, 14 volumes. Correspondence - Is it sufficiently indexed or supplied on a disc, with a search engine, so that one does not have to wade through 14 volumes? - Moreover, is it translated already, at least into English? J.Z., 14.7.10.
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, Das Recht auf Arbeit, das Eigentumsrecht und die Lösung der sozialen Frage. Leipzig, 1849.
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, De la célébration du dimanche. (1840 - dt.1850) - GRÜNES LAND, Inflation und Arbeitslosigkeit sind Betrug mit Falschgeld, 1974. - (Gesellians! - J.Z.)
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, Die Soziale Revolution. Bremen, 2. Aufl, 1871.
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, Die Volksbank. Eingeleitet, übersetzt und erläutert von Ludwig Bamberger, Frankfurt, 1849, in Karl Diehl und Paul Mombert, Herausgeber, Ausgewählte Lesestücke zum Studium der politischen Ökonomie, 11. Band, Sozialismus, Kommunismus, Anarchismus, Karlsruhe, Braunsche Hofbuchdruckerei und Verlag, 1920, S. 242-274. (Kopie dieses Aufsatzes und des beigefügten von Kropotkin über Anarchismus, in JZL. - J.Z. - Proudhon’s Artikel, mit Anmerkungen vom Verlag MONTE VERITA, 52 S., 29x, in PEACE PLANS 732.
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, General Idea of the Revolution in the 19th Century. 1851, (Translated from the French by John Beverly Robinson). London, 1923; reprinted, New York, 1969. - James J. Martin, Men Against the State. - 300pp, Freedom Press, London, when? - PEACE PLANS No. 216.
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, Gratuite du Credit. Paris, 1850.
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, Home page for Proudhon. Has extensive links and articles: http://flag.blackened.net/
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, Interest and Principal: Debate with Bastiat. (1849) Parts One, Two, Three, and Four
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, Kapital & Zins, Briefwechsel mit Bastiat, herausgeben v. A. Mülberger, unter Auslassung des letzten Briefes von Bastiat, 1896, PEACE PLANS 617.
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, Letter exchange with Bastiat, über Kapital and Interest, in French, in Bastiat's works, PEACE PLANS 660-665.
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, LIBERTY LABYRINTH points out all the Proudhon texts that are now online! http://libertarian-labyrinth.blogspot.com/2007/07/proudhon-at-google-books.html - Hint by BM 7/07.
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, Organisation du Credit ... in PEACE PLANS 292.
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, Oue est-ce que la proprieté? (1840 - dt.1844) - GRÜNES LAND, Inflation und Arbeitslosigkeit sind Betrug mit Falschgeld, 1974. - (Gesellians! - J.Z.)
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, Philosophie des Elends." (1846) - GRÜNES LAND, Inflation und Arbeitslosigkeit sind Betrug mit Falschgeld, 1974. - (Gesellians! - J.Z.)
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, Property Is Theft. 1876. - Annotated, Meulen book, with card to Meulen, Goldsmith Collection. Steal that book and card to turn them into reprivatized property again! Shared with the world public through scanning it. To that extent, this property might be established by theft! - The librarians of this and other libraries do make access to this material all too difficult! - I doubt that this was Meulen’s intention but it was the result of one of his actions, to donate his books to a library where he had found much information. - His books belong to the world, not to any particular library! - The same applies to any great idea and proposal that others have made so far, to improve out lot, largely by freeing us and proclaiming and realizing all our rights. - J.Z., 14.7.10.)
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, Proudhon and his Bank of the People. By Charles A Dana, 1850. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, Proudhon's Solution of the Social Problem. 1927 Collection, New York: Vanguard Press. - Fred E. Foldvary, “… The Credit Exchange Alternative for Market Coordination.”
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, Society de l'Exposition Perpetuelle. - Rec. by Fluerscheim in Clue to the Economic Labyrinth, 418/9.
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, Solution du Problem Social. N.Y., Vanguard Press, 1927, in PEACE PLANS 292 - (I saw two references that Proudhon’s writings are still not completely published, in spite of the microfiche, disc, scanning, blog and website options now in existence - and consider this to be scandal for the freedom movement and the libraries that have access to this material. - J.Z., 9.2.10.)
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, System of economical contradictions; or, Philosophy of misery. Trans from the French by Benjamin R. Tucker, v. 1. N. Y.. 469pp., Humboldt. - Tandy, Voluntary Socialism.
PROUDHON, PIERRE-JOSEPH, Works. Published only in French, 1867-1876. - Copy in Freiburg University. According to recent note in Freedom Press, only ca. 50% of Proudhon's writings were ever published, even in French, "because" there are so many of them! How many centuries will it take most anarchists and libertarians to see the need for microfiche publications, or digital ones, online or on discs, or available via email attachments, at least for serious researchers? A reprint that costs several hundred or even several thousand dollars would only help researchers in large libraries. - J.Z. - I microfiched a French collected works edition on only 6 microfiche. No one seemed interested in my publication in this format. - J.Z., 14.7.10.
PRYNNE, W., An Exact Abridgement of the Records in the Tower. London, 1657. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
PUBLIC DOCUMENTS: U.S. COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, REPORT, 1876. - U.S. Congress, House Document 79, 25th Congress, 2nd Session (1838). - - - House Document 227, 25th Congress, 3rd Session (1839).- - - House Document 172, 26th Congress, 1st Session (1840). - - - House Document 111, 26th Congress, 2nd Session (1841).- - - House Document 226, 29th Congress, 1st Session (1846). - - - House Document 120, 29th Congress, 2nd Session (1847). - - - House Document 77, 30th Congress, 1st Session (1848). - - - House Document 68, 31st Congress, 1st Session (1850). - - - House Document 122, 32nd Congress, 1st Session (1852). - - - House Document 66, 32nd Congress, 2nd Session (1853). - - - House Document 102, 33rd Congress, 1st Session (1854). - - - House Document 82, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session (1855). - - - House Document 102, 34th Congress, 1st Session (1856), - - - House Document 87, 34th Congress, 3rd Session (1857). - - - Congress, House Document 107, 35th Congress, 1st Session (1858). - - - House Document 112, 35th Congress, 2nd Session (1859), - - - House Document 49, 36th Congress, 1st Session (1860). - - - House Document 77, 36th Congress, 2nd Session (1861). - - - House Document 25, 37th Congress, 3rd Session (1862). - Rockoff (1975).
PUBLICOLA, Letter to Mr. Gallatin, etc. New York, 1815. "Publicola" [Ferris Pell?]. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
PUBLIUS, Further Remarks. New York, 1841. "Publius" - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
PUBLIUS, Remarks on the Currency of the United States. New York, 1840. "Publius" [Ogden, James De Peyster?] - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
PUBLIUS, The Crisis and the Remedy. New York, 1842. "Publius" - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
PUCKETT, RICHARD H. & VROMAN, SUSAN B., Rules Versus Discretion: A Simulation Study. JOURNAL OF FINANCE 28 (Sept. 1973): 853-865. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
PUGSLEY, CORNELIUS A., Emergency Circulation. 1902, in PEACE PLANS 745.
PUGSLEY, JOHN A., Common Sense Economics. The Common Sense Press, Inc., Costa Mesa, California, 1976. - Smith, Jerome F., The Coming Currency Collapse, 1980.
PUGSLEY, JOHN A., The Alpha Strategy. The Common Sense Press, Inc., Costa Mesa, California, 1980. - Smith, Jerome F., The Coming Currency Collapse, 1980.
PULLEN, ROBERT W. & O'CONNELL, FREDERICK D., Supplement to Bank Credit Card and Related Plans. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, December 1966. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972.
PULLEN, ROBERT W., Bank Credit Card and Related Plans. NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS REVIEW, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, December 1966. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972.
PUTNAM, Encyclopaedia of Dates. New York, 1860. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
PUTNAM, OLIVER, Tracts on Sundry Topics of Political Economy. Boston, 1834. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
PUVIANI, A., Die Illusionen in der öffentlichen Finanzwirtschaft. Berlin, 1960. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
PYLARINOS, P. G., Greek Paper Money 1828-1976. o. O. 1978. - Albert Pick
PYLE, D. H. Capital regulation and deposit insurance. JOURNAL OF BANKING AND FINANCE 10: 189-201. - Dowd (1986)
QUAIFE, MILO M. & GLAZER, SIDNEY, Michigan. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1948. - Woodford, Detroit & its Banks.
QUAIFE, MILO M., The Attainment of Statehood. (ed.) Madison: State Historical Society, 1928. - SHADE, G. W. (1972)
QUAIFE, MILO M., The Constitution of 1846. (ed.) Madison: State Historical Society, 1919. - SHADE, G. W. (1972)
QUAIFE, MILO M., The Movement for Statehood, 1845-46. (ed.) Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1918. - SHADE, G. W. (1972) - By now we need a movement against territorial statehood! - J.Z., 14.7.10.
QUAIFE, MILO M., The Story of Mariners Church. MICHIGAN HISTORY, 29 (1945): 31-43. - Woodford, Detroit & its Banks.
QUAIFE, MILO M., The Struggle Over Ratification, 1846-1847. ed.. Madison: State Historical Society, 1920. - SHADE, G. W. (1972)
QUARMBY, ERNEST, Banknotes Banking in The Isle of Man 1788-1970. London 1971. - Albert Pick
QUIGGEN, A. HINGSTON, A Survey of Primitive Money, the Beginning of Currency. Methuen, London, 1949, 1963, indexed, 344pp, illustrated. (Seen at Freiburg, VoWiSem. Does not appear worth filming to me. - J.Z.) - However, it is mentioned by Selgin, The Evolution of a Free Banking System and by: Paul Einzig, How Money Is Managed. The Ends & Means of Monetary Policy. Primitive man was at least free to invent and use his own kind of money, however primitive it might still have been. - J.Z., 1.6.10.
QUIJANO, ALONSO, Revolution of the Bourgeoisie, from FRAGMENTS, July 1966, on 4 basic rights, favors monetary freedom, 48x, in PEACE PLANS 589/590.
QUILL, CHARLES [JAMES WADELL ALEXANDER], The Working Man. Philadelphia, 1839.
QUIN, MICHAEL L., The Trade of Banking in England: Embracing the Substance of the Evidence Taken before the Secret Committee of the House of Commons. 1833. London, Butterworth. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
QUINN, P., Restoration of Economic Equilibrium. THE ECONOMIC RECORD, Vol. 6, Nov. 1930, pp. 170-187. - HOLDER, Bank of NSW.
QUINN, P., The Australian Bank of Commerce Limited and the City Bank of Sydney. THE ETRUSCAN, Vol. 7, No. 3, Dec. 1957, pp. 2-7. - HOLDER, Bk of NSW.
QUINTERO-RAMOS, ANGEL M., A History of Money and Banking in Argentina. 1965, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, University of Puerto Rico. - Schuler.
RACEY, DICK, Grow Your Own Dollars. 2pp from NEW INTERNATIONALIST, May 87, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 905. - Rather, issue your own and better dollars, based on whatever you have to offer in wanted goods, services or labor, using a better value standard than the governmental paper dollar does. - J.Z., 18.5.10.
RACEY, R.A., 1.) An Idea for the Times: The Function of Money. Extract only, 2pp, - 2.) to Mark Kinney, 16 Dec. 86, 1p, 3.) Barter in British Columbia (on LETS), 29x, in PEACE PLANS 741.
RAD, RECHNUNGS-AUSGLEICHS-DIENST, Anfrage von Johannes Schumann, Antwort von Nick Wahl. 1983, 9pp, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 742. (Compare KUVOG.)
RADCLIFFE COMMITTEE, Report of the Committee on the Working of the Monetary System. (Radcliffe Committee), Cmnd. 827, HMSO, 1959. - Morgan, Monetary Policy for Stable Growth, 1964. - The Radcliffe Report on the Working of the Monetary System, Cmnd. 827, Stationery Office, London, 1959. - Timothy Green, The World of Gold Today.
RADER, RANDALL R., Remonetizing Gold, Again. THE FREEMAN, 9/80, 8pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.235. - Only among volunteers! - J.Z., 28.2.10.
RADFORD, R. A., Money in a Prisoner-of-War Camp. In: Prager, Jonas, (ed.) Monetary Economics: Controversies in Theory and Policy. New York: Random House, 1971: 6-8. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
RADICAL REVIEW, THE, New Bedford, Mass., 1877-1878. - James J. Martin, Men Against the State.
RAE, G., The Country Banker. London, 1885. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
RAE, JOHN B., The American Automobile. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965. - Woodford, Detroit & its Banks. - That industry was not only made dependent upon American taxation, protectionism, exchange media and value standard policy but also upon the privileges granted to its trade unions. In between them, such anti-capitalist forces managed almost to destroy whatever existed of American free enterprise capitalism - and then they blamed the result on what they called “capitalism”! - Add to this the factor that large corporations, that had been successful for decades, tend to be wasteful and insufficiently innovative. It took them a long time to finally produce cars that used less petrol. - Their overseas competitors were much more flexible and innovative. But almost all of them still continued - and still do - with the largely counter-productive system of the - employer-employee relationship. - It is not just a matter of the system of monetary despotism that all of them, all over the world, are still subjected to. - J.Z., 2.7.10.
RAE, JOHN, The New Principles of Political Economy. Boston, 1834. Reprinted by C. W. Mixter under title, The Sociological Theory of Capital, New York, 1905. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860
RAE, JOHN, The Sociological Theory of Capital. New York, 1905. - A reprint by C. W. Mixter of The New Principles of Political Economy. Boston, 1834. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
RAEDER, OLE MUNCH, America in the Forties. Translated and edited by Gunnar J. Malmin. Norwegian-American Historical Association: Travel and Description Series, Vol. III, Minneapolis, 1929. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
RAFFALOVICH, A, Le marché financier. Paris. 1909. - Obst, Georg, Geld-, Bank- & Börsenwesen.
RAFFALOVICH, A., Les Méthodes Employées par les États au XIXe Siècle pour Revenir à la Bonne Monnaie. Paris, 1900.
RAFINESQUE, CONSTANTINE SAMUEL, Safe Banking, Including the Principles of Wealth. Philadelphia, 1837. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
RAGAZ, J., Genossenschaftsidee. Handbuch der Schweizer Volkswirtschaft, I. Teil. - Gisin (1955) - Self-management, as far as it is rightful, tolerant, possible and economic, in all spheres! Full monetary and financial freedom are mere applications of that general idea. - J.Z., 1.6.10.
RAGUET, CONDY, A Treatise on Currency and Banking. - A Treatise on Currency and Banking - London, 1839. - Philadelphia: Grigg and Elliot, 1840 (2nd edition). - Augustus M. Kelley, New York, 1967 -Related: Money/Banking, Books Online Books - Online at the Mises Institute. - New York, Kelley reprint, 1967, 323pp. - Barry N. Siegel, Money in Crisis. - Held that even note-issuing banks need capital, opposed to small notes and for free banking only upon metallic redemption. - But shows some understanding on p.92/93 of the operation of the Real Bills Doctrine, in which certain sound and sort term papers are discounted in the Banks own notes and, ultimately, paid for in these banknotes, which, thereupon, liked tickets, should disappear from circulation, to be replaced by new “ticket-money”. A gold coin redemption fund or reserve for such note issues is entirely superfluous and quite wasted upon them. Such sound commercial bills or their equivalents should not be discounted with the government’s forced and exclusive currency, either. - J.Z., 14.7.10. - JZL.
RAGUET, CONDY, An Inquiry into the Causes of the Present State of the Circulating Medium of the United States. Philadelphia, 1815. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
RAGUET, CONDY, RAGUET'S FINANCIAL REGISTER OF THE UNITED STATES, Philadelphia, 1837-1838. - Carothers, Fractional Money. - RAGUET, CONDY, THE FINANCIAL REGISTER OF THE UNITED STALES (July, 1837-December, 1838). Philadelphia, 1838. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
RAGUET, CONDY, THE EXAMINER and JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. (August, 1833-July, 1835). Philadelphia. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
RAGUET, CONDY, THE FREE TRADE ADVOCATE and JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY. Philadelphia, 1829. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
RAIFFEISEN, FRIEDRICH WILHELM, Die Darlehnskassen-Vereine. 7. Auflage, unveränderter Nachdruck der 5. Auflage von 1887, Verlag der Raiffeisendruckerei G.M.B.H., Neuwied am Rhein, 1931, indexed, 280 S. - A former owner provided a few dates on his life on the inside back cover. Raiffeisen lived from 1818 to 1888 and promoted self-help savings and investment banks in a particular form of coops, which had a considerable influence on the development of the German economy. - That is my impression. I know all too little about them. - However, lending only in the sometimes depreciated and sometimes scarce monopoly money provided by others, e.g. central note-issuing banks, should be distinguished from providing and attracting loan funds e.g. in form of fixed deposits, all paid in the own and self-issued money notes and clearing certificates, using also a self-selected sound value standard. - Most of the coop savings and loan banks and their customers still suffer under the misgovernment that is, inevitably, associated with central note-issuing banks. -J.Z., 1.6.10. - JZL.
RAISER, L., Das Recht der allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen. Hamburg 1935, (zit. Raiser,...). - Lautner, Der „WIR“ Verrechnungsverkehr, 1964.
RAISER, L., Das Rektapapier.“ In: ZHR 101, S. 13 ff. (zit. Raiser, ZHR). - Lautner, Der „WIR“ Verrechnungsverkehr. 1964.
RAIT, ROBERT S., The History of the Union Bank of Scotland. 1939. Glasgow, John Smith. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain. - John Smith & Son (Glasgow) Ltd., 1930. - On the UNION BANK OF SCOTLAND, LTD. - James Douglas
RAITHBY, JOHN, Law and Principle of Money. (Barrister at Law.) London, 1811. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
RAJ, K. N., Plural Note Issue System: A Case Study. 1954, INDIAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, vol. 2, no. 1, July. - Schuler.
RAMBAUD, JOSEPH, Histoire des Doctrines Économiques. Paris et Lyon, 1899.
RAMIN, Dr. GUSTAV, 8 Punkte zur Lage: On the Present Situation. 1931, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 544. (Not signed, only ascribed to R. - J.Z.)
RAMIN, Dr. GUSTAV, Absatznot - Zahlungsmittelnot. WIRTSCHAFTS-BERICHT, Deutsche Festmark Bank, Berlin, 22.1.1932, 7 S., reproduced in PEACE PLANS.
RAMIN, Dr. GUSTAV, Bargeldlose Lohnzahlung: Non-Cash Wage Payments. 1931, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 544, & in PEACE PLANS 741/742. - Originally in: DEUTSCHE BERGWERKS ZEITUNG, 30.9.1931 und WIRTSCHAFTS-BERICHT DER DEUTSCHEN FESTMARK BANK, 31.12.1931.
RAMIN, Dr. GUSTAV, Das Sparprogramm der "Deutschland" - Deutschland Versicherungs A.G. Berlin, 24.1.1924. 29x, in PEACE PLANS 428ff.
RAMIN, Dr. GUSTAV, Der Sturm auf Dr. Luther. WIRTSCHAFTS-BERICHT, 15.2.1932. 29x, 2 s., in PEACE PLANS 428ff.
RAMIN, Dr. GUSTAV, Die Despotie der Reichtsbank. 28.7.31. 3 S. in PEACE PLANS.
RAMIN, Dr. GUSTAV, Die Hamsternoten. WIRTSCHAFTS-BERICHT, 15.2.32, ½ S., reproduced, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 428ff.
RAMIN, Dr. GUSTAV, Die Vier Gesetzentwürfe. 1932. Co-author, see Zander. - 29x, in PEACE PLANS 428ff.
RAMIN, Dr. GUSTAV, Die Wirtschaftskrisis von 1907-1908. WIRTSCHAFTS-BERICHT, 15.2.32 2 S. (Most of his papers, to the extent that I have them, were reproduced on microfiche in the U. v. Beckerath papers, PEACE PLANS 428ff. J.Z.)
RAMJOIE, PETER, Die Abstempelung der deutschen Geldscheine in Ost-Belgien 1944/45. Berlin 1973. - Albert Pick
RAMIN, Dr. GUSTAV, Entwurf vom 25.2.32, über 1.Bare Zahlungsmittel, 2. Unbare Zahlungsmittel, 3. Verbesserungsvorschläge, 4. Verrechnungsbank - bargeldlose Lohnzahlung - Fata Morgana, 5.) Pflicht des Unternehmers, nicht nur Käufer zu suchen, sondern auch den Käufer zahlungsfähig zu machen. 1 S., in PEACE PLANS of Beckerath Papers. Zum Teil wurde dieser Entwurf in dem von Dr. Ramin vom März 1932 ausgeführt. - Er könnte auch ein Entwurf von U. von Beckerath sein. 1 S.
RAMIN, Dr. GUSTAV, Entwurf vom März 1932. Pages 329-336 in PEACE PLANS. (Probably in Beckerath Papers.) With notes by J.Z., 5.1.83, which I started with the remark: “Für mich ist dieser Entwurf einer der besten kurzen Darstellungen von Grundsätzen der Geldfreiheit. ...“
RAMIN, Dr. GUSTAV, Notiz über das Emissionsmonopol. 1.8.31, 1 S., in PEACE PLANS. (Das Original hat keine Überschrift. - J.Z.)
RAMON, GABRIEL, Histoire de la Banque de France. Paris: Bernard Grasset, 1929. - SMITH, VERA C.
RAMPELL, CATHERINE, Lax Oversight Caused Crisis, Bernanke Says. THE NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 4, 2010, p.A1. - Michael Cohen.
RAMSAY, DAVID, History of the American Revolution." 1789, Vol. II, pp.134-35. - Norman Angell, The Story of Money, 1934.
RAND, AYN, Atlas Shrugged. New York: Random House, 1957. - Leslie Snyder, Justice or Revolution. - Smith, Jerome F., The Coming Currency Collapse, 1980.
RAND, AYN, Ayn Rand on Money. - Ayn Rand on Money An extended quotation from page 387 of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, the American philosopher. - http://catalog.com/james/money - www.aynrand.org - Roy Davies
RAND, AYN, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal. New York, The New American Library, various dates. - Leslie Snyder, Justice or Revolution. - Alas, it is largely unknown as an ideal even to those, who are, usually, called “capitalists”. They tend to know more about lobbying and tax loopholes, under present conditions, than about the principles and practices of free enterprise or laissez-faire capitalism. Some of them even try to partly replace profit-seeking and investing profits productively by making large charitable contributions, out of collective guilt notions about being rich while others are relatively poor. - Ideologically they are, largely, statists rather than free market capitalists. Thus they reduce poverty less than they would as sound investors, sufficiently informed about all freedom options. - They are also part of the territorial statist system that prevents most people from becoming well-off through their own productive efforts. - J.Z., 2.7.10.
RAND, AYN, The Fountainhead. Bobbs Merrill, New York, 1947. - Smith, Jerome F., The Coming Currency Collapse, 1980. - I gladly leave it to Randians to list all her relevant writings. Alas, to my knowledge, she remained a “gold-bug” and unaware of the large monetary freedom options that go beyond gold coins and redeemable gold certificates. - J.Z., 14.7.10.
RAND, BENJAMIN, Selections Illustrating Economic History since the Seven Years' War. Cambridge, 1888. 4th ed., enlarged, N. Y., 1903. - Bogart, The Ec. Hist. of the U.S. - FB?
RANDALL, LAURA, A Comparative Economic History of Latin America 1500-1914. 1977, v. 3: Brazil; v. 4: Peru. Ann Arbor: University Microfilm International. - Schuler
RANDNITZ, JOSEF, Das Österreichische Staatspapiergeld und die Privilegierte Notenbank. 1. Teil, 1762-1820. Wien, 1917, ca. 250pp. - In Vowi. Sem., Freiburg. Skim-reading showed me that it is good on legal tender. Also on tax foundation money? - J.Z.)
RANKE, LEOPOLD, The Ottoman and Spanish Empires in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Translated from the German by W. R. Kelly. London, 1843, pp.96. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
RANKIN, BAYARD, The History of Probability and the Changing Concept of the Individual. JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF IDEAS, vol. 27, 1966. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
RANLETT, JOHN G., Money and Banking. (New York, 1965). - Remini.
RANSON, GREG, Greg Ransom's Friedrich Hayek Scholars’ Page. - Friedrich Hayek Scholars' Page
RANTALA, LAURI, Money Without the State. From FREE LIFE, 1/4, 1p, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 731.
RANTOUL, ROBERT, Jr., Memoirs, Speeches, and Writings of Robert Rantoul, Jr. Edited by Luther Hamilton. Boston, 1854. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
RASCHKE, MARIE, Die Entwicklung der Frauenbank - ihre Ziele und Zwecke. 1914, 5pp, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 731. Compare: MAMA. - Most of the money for consumer spending is, probably, not earned by women but spent by women. Have they, from all the money in their hands, apart from that spent by them according to their own needs, and that of their families, but also according to their personal fashion preference and tastes, spent much of it or thought much on it, in the interests of all women, all children, all men? Usually, they live longer than men and inherit their estates. That tends to make them the larger holders of capital - of the two main sexes. I read recently a statistics reporting that they buy, in the “civilized” or somewhat “developed” countries about 4 pairs of shoes a year. Then a quarter of these is worn by them just once! - Have the still few leading women in corporations and in parliaments and governments really provided a better performance, in the average, than men? I know that there are e.g. many other good professionals e.g. writers among them. But has, e.g. their love of peace led anywhere to peace as yet? Have they tried, anywhere, or at any time, to secede from the territorial systems imposed by men? Have they at least realized all the quite basic and obvious liberties in all countries as yet? - How many of them have shown a serious interest in monetary and financial freedom? - Even less than men, in most cases, I suppose. - While one ten-year old girl achieved, recently, a divorce from a forced marriage in Yemen, in which she was severely abused, there were protests by traditional women there ( themselves victims of the old marriage laws, which made such abuses possible) against new legislation that would require a minimum age of 17 years for marriages! - Wherever and whenever there are limited employment opportunities for women, have they opposed the monetary, financial and licensing restrictions involved? - Or at least shown interest in them? - The monies of monetary freedom should be allowed to chase after the labor and service abilities and willingness of women to sell them, for sound and competing moneies. That would greatly help to improve their situation and that of their families. - J.Z., 18.5.10.
RASHID, SALIM, Portfolio Management of the Free Banks of Illinois: An Examination of Historical Allegations. - Vol. 9 Num. 1 - Review of Austrian Economics - Too many note-issuing banks, apparently, did not know where to draw the line for their banknote issues, using even private and public “securities” as cover for their banknotes. They were even allowed or forced by governments to do so for governmental “securities” - while still being forced to redeem their notes in gold upon demand. During this long practice the genuine cover, amounting only to a short-term clearing process, of sound commercial bills (real bills doctrine) or equivalent private papers, was all too much neglected, and the metallic redemption efforts were often insufficient. Those promised metallic redemption were, naturally, not satisfied with being offered private or public securities, of the medium or long-term type, instead. The instant or very near future “readiness-to-accept-“ or “clearing foundation” was all too much neglected. Note issues and capital investment activities were not kept sufficiently apart. The ongoing economic crisis also indicates that, in spite of or because of all the government legislation, regulations, controls, inspections etc., the same kind of abuses are still largely continued. E.g. the medium- or long-term investment of short-term funds, while still promising immediate or short-term withdrawal options. There exists still quackery or witch-doctor “medicine” in banking. The legislators, directors, “experts”, judges and regulators involved in such scams deserve rather penalties than high salaries and pensions. Is the situation any better in territorial politics, religion, defence and education? - J.Z., 14.7.10.
RASHID, SALIM, Rothbard on Money: A Critical Textual Exegesis. - Vol. 3 Num. 3 - Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics - Online at the Mises Institute. - On this subject Rothbard was, unfortunately, all too much a dogmatist and has confused the issues further, rather than clarifying them. - J.Z., 21.2.10. - I, too, am an admirer of Rothbards on many other topics. - J.Z., 14.7.10.
RASIN, ALOIS, Financial Policy of Czechoslovakia During the First Year of its History. New York: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Division of Economics and History, Economic and Social History of the World War, 1923. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
RASMUSEN, ERIC, Mutual Banks and Stock Banks. 1988. JOURNAL OF LAW AND ECONOMICS 31, no. 2 (October): 395-422. . - Fred E. Foldvary, “… The Credit Exchange Alternative for Market Coordination.”
RATCHFORD, B. U., American State Debts. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 1941. - Rockoff (1975).
RAU, Dr. KARL HEINRICH, Grundsätze der Volkswirtschaftslehre. II. Abteilung. - Jacob Kautsch, Handbuch des Bank- und des Börsenwesens, 3 Auflage, 1912.
RAUNER, ROBERT M., Samuel Bailey and the Classical Theory of Value. 1961. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
RAWLS, JOHN, A Theory of Justice. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition. - Clarendon Press, Oxford 1971. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
RAWLS, JOHN, Justice as Fairness. PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW, 1958. Reprinted in Philosophy, Politics and Society, Second Series, eds. Peter Laslett and W. G. Runciman. Blackwell, Oxford 1969. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
RAWSKI, THOMAS G., Economic Growth in Prewar China. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989. - Friedman, M., Money Mischief.
RAWSON, WILLIAM SHERARD, Entry, Exit and Structural Evolution of Markets: A Case Study of Georgia Banking, 1900 to 1964." Ph.D. Diss., Duke University, 1967, pp.178-180. - “As recently as mid-1963 there were 55 private banks operating in Georgia; 22 of these had been organized since 1949. A 1966 law ordered the incorporation of all private banks by the start of 1968.” - See Charles S. Tippetts, State Banks and the Federal Reserve System. New York: Van Nostrand, 1929, p.2. - Klebaner. Progress in this sphere will not come through the existing laws or further laws and regulations in this sphere but through the repeal of all of them, as one of the last and most dangerous remnants of feudalism, absolute monarchism and other forms of despotism. - J.Z., 14.7.10.
RAYMOND, DANIEL, Elements of Political Economy. 2 vols., 2d ed. Baltimore, 1823. - Apparently Thoughts on Political Economy was considered the first edition of this work. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
RAYMOND, DANIEL, NEILL, CHARLES P., DANIEL RAYMOND, JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY STUDIES IN HISTORY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE, 15th Series, no. 6, 1897. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860. - Titles? Authors? - J.Z.
RAYMOND, DANIEL, Thoughts on Political Economy. Baltimore, 1820. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
RAYMOND, WAYTE, Coin Topics. - Schilke & Solomon, America’s Foreign Coins … with Legal Tender Status in the US 1793-1857.
RAYMOND, WAYTE, Coins of the World 19th Century. - Schilke & Solomon, America’s Foreign Coins … with Legal Tender Status in the US 1793-1857.
RAYMOND, WAYTE, Coins of the World 20th Century. - Schilke & Solomon, America’s Foreign Coins … with Legal Tender Status in the US 1793-1857.
RAYMOND, WAYTE, Private Gold Coins Struck in the United States, 1830-1861. New York: By the Author, 1931. - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
RAYMOND, WAYTE, Spanish American Gold Coins, 1936. - Schilke & Solomon, America’s Foreign Coins … with Legal Tender Status in the US 1793-1857.
RAYMOND, WAYTE, Standard Catalogue of United States Coins. 19 editions, Wayte Raymond Inc., 1934-1957. “The last widely distributed basic guide to include full spectrum of coins, tokens and patterns until Scott-Taxay, 1971.” - Alexander, Coin World, Cat. & Encyclopedia.
RAYMOND, WAYTE, The Coin Collector's Journal. - Schilke & Solomon, America’s Foreign Coins … with Legal Tender Status in the US 1793-1857.
RAYMOND, WAYTE, The Coins of Mexico, Silver and Copper. Introd. Alberto Pradeau, 1940. - Schilke & Solomon, America’s Foreign Coins … with Legal Tender Status in the US 1793-1857.
RAYMOND, WAYTE, The Coins of South America, Silver and Copper. 1942. - Schilke & Solomon, America’s Foreign Coins … with Legal Tender Status in the US 1793-1857.
RAYMOND, WAYTE, The Gold Coins of North and South America, 1937. - Schilke & Solomon, America’s Foreign Coins … with Legal Tender Status in the US 1793-1857.
RAYMOND, WAYTE, The Silver Dollars of North and South America, 1939. - Schilke & Solomon, America’s Foreign Coins … with Legal Tender Status in the US 1793-1857.
RAYMOND, WAYTE, The Silver Ecus of France. Intro. Shepard Pond, 1940. - Schilke & Solomon, America’s Foreign Coins … with Legal Tender Status in the US 1793-1857.
READ, CONYERS, Profits on the Recoinage of 1560-1. ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW, Apr. 1936, vol. vi, no. 2. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
READ, LEONARD E., Economics for the Teachable. FEE, ESSAYS ON LIBERTY, Vol. VII, PEACE PLANS. 83&91
READ, LEONARD E., Government - An Ideal Concept. FEE, especially pp 66 & 80 ff. - 1954, 24x, 150pp, PEACE PLANS 232. - He was satisfied with pointing out the right and the opportunity but did not provide detailed monetary freedom plans or projects. - J.Z.
READ, LEONARD E., High Time to Awake. NOTES from FEE, Jan 1970. 3 pages, on inflation. It pictures a 100 Million Reichsmark note. I microfiched it somewhere in PEACE PLANS and annotated manually: “With legal tender confined to itself, for taxes measured in stable value units and without an issue-monopoly and without the privilege to demand payment of taxes only in its paper money, the government couldn’t overspend and would not want to. - J.Z., 16.8.91. I should have added, that we should also be freed from compulsory taxes and forced investment in governmental “securities” (as investments in tax slaves), also from outright confiscations of the property of peaceful citizens, in form of e.g. nationalization, eminent domain claims, forfeiture laws or by other methods. John Law is still slandered in this article, although he was not the one who recommended and legalized legal tender power for his paper money. - J.Z., 2.3.10. - JZL.
READ, LEONARD E., How to Stop Inflation. THE FREEMAN, Nov. 73, 6pp, in PEACE PLANS 804.
READ, LEONARD E., Those Things Called Money. THE FREEMAN, Jan. 75, 4pp, in PEACE PLANS 804.
REAGAN, JOHN H., In U.S., Congress, Senate, Congressional Record, 51st Cong., 1st sess., 1890, 21, pt. 3:2830. - Friedman, M., Money Mischief.
RECORD OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, 1860-1865, no publisher, page numbers, no dateof publication.! - SHADE, G. W. (1972)
REDDAWAY, The Russian Financial System. - Mills & Walker, Money, 1935-1952. - Probably describing only the Marxist and Soviet one. And this is continued, to a large extent, in the supposedly “liberated” Russia and in the “free” West. - J.Z., 27.3.10.
REDELMEIER, W., The Gold Standard, The MacLean Publishing Co., Ltd., Toronto, 1941. - Edwin W. Kemmerer, Gold and the Gold Standard.
REDISH, ANGELA, The Evolution of the Gold Standard in England. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC HISTORY 50 (December 1990): 789-805. - Friedman, M., Money Mischief. - It has still not evolved to its optimum, as a value standard only, used in all kinds of exchange media, clearing certificates and clearing accounts. - J.Z., 14.7.10.
REDLICH, FRITZ, & CHRISTMAN, WEBSTER M., Early Checks and an Example of their Use. BUSINESS HISTORY REVIEW, XLI (Autumn, 1967), 285-302. - Temin.
REDLICH, FRITZ, History of American Economy Banking: Men and Ideas. 1968. Reprint of 1951 edition. $ 64.00. ISBN 0-384-50070-6. Johnson Reprint in 1984. Mentioned in Xerox list of BIP. - Is it the same as the following title: “The Molding …”? - J.Z.
REDLICH, FRITZ, The Molding of American Banking: Men and Ideas. 2 vols. New York, Hafner, 1947. - Second impression, Hafner Publishing Co., Inc. New York, 1951, 1968. (This reprint contains a new introduction updating part I, published in 1947, and part II, published 1951. - Klebaner ) First volume, with bibliography, 334pp. - Photocopy only. I noted in it, on 12.10.03: The US type of “free banking” was mainly based on “asset currencies”. I.e., capital securities were to serve as guaranties upon the failure of a bank to redeem its notes in gold or silver. Sound issue and reflux principles and practices for banknotes as turnover credit-notes, in money denominations, temporarily replacing real bills, were rarely recognized, and applied. Metallic redemptionism prevailed. But the bibliography contains some titles that sound interesting. - The bibliography goes, in fine print, from pages 305 to 334. I extracted only a few titles that, to me, seemed clear or at least promising. -. I have not got the second volume. According to Hummel, it also appeared at Hafner, in 1951. - J.Z. - JZL. Vol. II, Part 1: History of American Business Leaders. New York, 1947
REED, EDWARD W., Commercial Bank Management. New York: Harper, 1963. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking. - As if xyz different forms of management or self-management were not possible, in this sphere as well. And this not only in their power and incentive schemes for their higher positions but also for their lowliest members. - One shoe size does not fit all. Uniformity is not even quite true for elastic socks. E.g., they can be so tight that they reduce blood circulation. - Only gradually are more healthy socks offered. The tightness of many underpants for males has also been accused of reducing their fertility by preventing the natural cooling of these parts. - A close fit can be unfit for some purposes. - Many of the early US self-help bank were “unprofessionally” run by local people but they knew each other and managed them often well enough, even without sufficient “gold cover”, or government debt certificates, which most experts and laws deemed necessary or tried to impose. They were at least dimly aware that much of their mutual trading could be paid for or settled simply by clearing. Theoretically, they could have done all this with their own individually issued IOUs or scrip. - J.Z., 4.4.10.
REED, HAROLD L., Federal Reserve Policy 1921-1930. New York, 1930. - Groseclose, Money & Man.
REED, LAWRENCE W., Hyperinflation Threatens Brazil. THE FREEMAN, 1/88, 4pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.254. - He fails to point out legal tender & the issue monopoly as the main factors. - J.Z.
REED, LAWRENCE W., James U. Blanchard III: Champion of Liberty and Sound Money. THE FREEMAN, 8/99, 2pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.258.
REED, LAWRENCE W., Review, of SHAPIRO, MAX, The Penniless Billionaires. Times Books, 3 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016, 308 pages, in THE FREEMAN, Aug. 81, pp.509, 512, as a history of inflation and its catastrophic consequences. - He quotes Keynes: “Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose … “ - John Maynard Keynes, in “The Economic Consequences of the Peace”. 1920. - Marx and Engels were very well aware of that. This was their reason to demand the essential preconditions for inflation, namely a centralized issue monopoly for banknotes and legal tender power for these notes, in their 1848 Communist Manifesto and the comments to it. As communists they hoped to benefit from the resulting chaos. The supposedly anti-communist Western and other governments still practise this criminal system - to get or keep themselves in power, with the votes of their victims! - J.Z.
REED, LAWRENCE W., The Origin, Nature and History of Money. An Evening at FEE with Lawrence W. Reed. Lawrence W. Reed is President of the Foundation for Economic Education, Saturday, August 7, 2010. 6:15 p.m.:Reception - Light Refreshments: 7:30 p.m. Social Hour - Dessert: 9:00 p.m. - INVITATION ONLY. Please register online or email events@fee.org - Contact Carl Oberg (914) 591-7230. View it in a browser -Hint received by email. For those, who can’t attend, like me, I do suppose that his talk will soon after be online as well, hopefully with a discussion, too. Or an online discussion will follow. - By now FEE was lucky to have had quite a number of presidents that were advocating monetary freedom, including its founder, Leonard E. Read. - It might be one of the best organizations to mobilize support for a monetary freedom handbook, of the kind that Klaus Falke has in mind, in databank format. - J.Z., 15.7.10.
REED, LAWRENCE W., The Silver Panic. THE FREEMAN, 6/78, 11pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.243.
REED, LAWRENCE, W., Toward Radical Monetary Reform. THE FREEMAN, April 82, pp.239-242. - “Who can honestly survey the wreckage and pronounce of the monetary authorities, ‘This is a job well done’?” - He quotes Karl Menger, “Principles of Economics”, of 1871:”Money is not an invention of the state. It is not the product of a legislative act. Even the sanction of political authority is not necessary for its existence.” - Alas, the only money presently permitted is exactly that, the bad money of territorial States. - Among Reed’s conclusions, on page 241: “Inflation Involves Government Control over Money.” - “The essential task of true monetary reform, then, is to find a ay to divorce money from politics and make it as much a product of the market as possible.” - (p. 241) - J.Z., 9.6.10.
REED, LAWRENCE, W., Where Have All the Monetary Cranks Gone? THE FREEMAN, 23.2.10. - With blog entries. THE FREEMAN now seems to throw up all its articles for online discussion. I learnt only recently that all its issues from 1950 to 1999 are now also online, with the Mises Institute! - J.Z., 23.2.10. - I still believe that there are now more monetary cranks than ever, among the monetary reformers. What is still worse is that most of the monetary reformers are still intolerant and wish to see only their kind of reform realized, i.e. imposed upon dissenters. That includes most of the gold-redemptionists. - J.Z., 18.5.10.
REED, Sir EDWARD J., Japan: its History, Traditions, and Religions. London, 1880. 2 vols. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
REENTS, THEODOR, Die geistigen Grundlagen der Freiwirtschaft. Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe der FZ. (Freiwirtschaftlichen Zeitung), Nr. 22, Verlag der FZ, Erfurt, 1932, 49 S., mit Bücherliste. - JZL. - Mostly errors, prejudices and wrong assumptions are involved, as far as monetary options are concerned. - J.Z., 2.7.10. - At least they are not the ones who deny the possibility of a deflation or currency famine. Only their solution for it is flawed, as well as their solution to prevent inflations. - J.Z., 14.7.10.
REES, A., Wage and Price Policies. In: CONFERENCE BOARD ECONOMIC FORUM, Inflation in the United States: Causes and Consequences. New York, 1974. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
REES, J. F., Economic History. (1936.) - J. D. Unwin, Hopousia, 1940.
REESE, JOHN D, Gold Warning ... Financial Disaster Ahead. 1962, DeJaris Press, a small pamphlet.
REES-MOGG, WILLIAM, Democracy and the Value of Money. The theory of money from Locke to Keynes. 1977. IEA OCCASIONAL PAPER 53. - Bareau, The Disorder in World Money. - 32pp. According to the summary, he adopted the Milton Friedman’s view of a steady increase of the money supply from a centre, merely a variation of the view of Keynes. - J.Z., 4.4.10. - JZL.
REES-MOGG, WILLIAM, The Reigning Error. London: Hamilton Publishers, 1974. - Antony C. Sutton, The War on Gold. - There are all too many reigning errors! - J.Z., 14.7.10.
REEVE, JOSEPH E., Monetary Reform Movements. Washington, D. C: American Council on Public Affairs, 1943. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
REEVES, GEORGE, Monetary Heresy: A History of Several Errors. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
RÉGIMENT DU CONSEIL SUPÉRIEUR DE QUÉBEC, Canadian Archives, Collection Moreau St. Mery, VIII, Pt. 2, 30 mars 1701, pp. 211-214. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
REICH, CHARLES A., The Greening of America: The Coming of a New Consciousness and the Rebirth of a Future. New York: Random House, 1970. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972. - The large and vague generalizations already involved in the title did deter me from doing more than quickly browse through this title. Does he really offer some monetary freedom ideas? - Several digitized abstracts and reviews should be linked to each entry in this bibliography as well. - J.Z., 2.7.10. - By now also the existing discussion blogs. Ideally digitized “argument maps” as well. - J.Z., 14.7.10.
REICHERT, RUDOLPH E., As I Remember It - The Bank Holiday. WASHTENAW IMPRESSIONS, 14 (1959): 13-16. - Woodford, Detroit & its Banks.
REICHERT, WILLIAM O., Partisans of Freedom, A Study of American Anarchism. Bowling Green University Popular Press, Bowling Green, Ohio, 1976, 602pp, indexed and with bibliography, 602pp, in PEACE PLANS 357/358. - Excellent, with regard to monetary freedom references as well. - J.Z.
REICHSBANK, Verhandlungen der Plenarversammlung des Deutschen Handelstages vom 14. März 1898. Mit Einleitung von Karl Helfferich. Stuttgart 1898. - Obst.
REICHSBANK-ENQUETE, BERICHT DER -, Berlin 1909. - Obst. - Die Finanzierung des nächsten Krieges durch die Notenbank, mit Hilfe des Zwangskurses und des Notenemissionsmonopols, war schon damals als fast selbstverständlich angesehen und durch ein 1909 Gesetz, das am 1.1.1910 in Kraft trat, erreicht. - J.Z., 14.3.10.
REID, J. M., The History of the Clydesdale Bank, by Glasgow: Blackie & Son Ltd. 1938. - James Douglas. (byGlasgow? or Published in Glasgow? - J.Z.)
REID, WILLIAM, An Inquiry into the Causes of the Present Distress: With an Attempt to Explain the Theory of National Wealth. 1833. Edinburgh: William Tait. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
REID, WILLIAM, The Life and Adventures of the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street; Containing an Account of Her Numerous Intrigues with Various Eminent Statesmen, of Past and Present Times, Written by Herself. 1832. London, Relfe and Unwin. [Reid, William] - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain. - That old lady is illiterate, sexless, bodiless and incapable in many other ways, except in the fantasies and wrongful ambitions of those, who are abusing this institution and continue to impose it upon a whole country and its population! - J.Z., 1.6.10.
REINERS, Dr. Ludwig, Die Wirkliche Wirtschaft. 4. erneuerte & ergänzte Auflage, Verlag C. H. Beck, München, 1930, 304pp. He recommends: Adolf Weber, Allgemeine Volkswirtschaftslehre, Gustav Cassel, Theoretische Nationalökonomie, Werner Sombart, Das Wirtschaftsleben im Zeichen des Hochkapitalismus und Ernst Wagemann, Konjunkturlehre. I found some of his observations interesting from the free banking point of view but he was certainly not a monetary freedom advocate. At the end, and for 1933, was announced a second volume, providing a contents list. I have never seen that volume. - J.Z., 7.3.10. - JZL.
REINERS, Dr. LUDWIG, Wie kam es zur Geldkrise im Juli 1931? Das neuest Kapital der „Wirklichen Wirtschaft“. C.H. Becksche Verlagsbuchhandlung, München 1931, 29 S. - JZL.
REINFELD, FRED, The History of Civil War Money. Sterling, New York, 1959. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation. - Also listed as: The Story of Civil War Money.
REINFELD, FRED, The Story of Civil War Money. New York: Sterling Publishing Company, 1959. p.52. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation. - Also listed as: The History of Civil War Money!
REINFELD, FRED, The Story of Paper Money. New York, Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 1957. - Greco.
REINHARDT, R., Besprechung von Ulmers „Recht der Wertpapiere“. In ARCHIV FÜR DIE ZIVILISTISCHE PRAXIS 147, S.63f. - Lautner, Der „WIR“ Verrechnungsverkehr, 1964.
REINVENTING MONEY, Thomas H. Greco's site. http://reinventingmoney.com/ - Possibly the site with the best monetary freedom writings. - It even reproduces rare German writings of this kind! - J.Z., 16. 8. 06. See also the numerous entries under GRECO.
REISMAN, Dr. GEORGE, Capitalism: A Treatise on Economics, Ottawa, Illinois, Jameson Books. - Online at Mises Institute. Mentioned twice in a row. Padding the list? - Well, I have, probably, not yet eliminated all my own double entries, either. - J.Z.
REISMAN, Dr. GEORGE, Freedom Is Slavery: Laissez-Faire Capitalism Is Government Intervention: A Critique of Keving Carson’s Studies in Mutualist Political Economy. - Vol. 20 Num.1 - Journal of Libertarian Studies - Online at the Mises Institute.
REISMAN, Dr. GEORGE, Real Social Security Reform. - May 2005 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute.
REISMAN, Dr. GEORGE, Report to the Congress of the Commission on the Role of Gold in the Domestic and International Monetary Systems. Washington, D.C., March 1982, II, pp.476-477. According to Rothbard, similarly sweeping plan to his own.
REISMAN, Dr. GEORGE, The Goal of Monetary Reform. - Vol. 3 Num. 3 - Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics - Online at the Mises Institute.
REISMAN, Dr. GEORGE, Wage Earner Against the Estate Tax. - "Wage Earner Against the Estate Tax" - Mises Institute Daily Article, February 14, 2001. Related: Taxation - Online at the Mises Institute.
REISSIG, JOSE, Bonds That Brought a Boom. NEW ECONOMICS (London, England), #20, Winter 1991.
REISTAD, DALE L., Credit Cards - Stepping Stones to the Checkless Society?" COMPUTERS AND AUTOMATION, January 1967, p.26. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972.
REITHINGER, A., Die internationale Währungssituation. Ihre Schwächen und die Vorschläge zu ihrer Lösung. Berlin - München, 1961. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
REIZENSTEIN, M., Economic History of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. JOHNS HOPKINS STUDIES. Vol. XV. - McGrane, The Panic of 1837.
REMICK, JEROME, and others, The Guide Book and Catalogue of British Commonwealth Coins, 1649-1971. 3d ed. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Regency Coin and Stamp Co., Ltd., 1971.
REMINI, ROBERT V., Andrew Jackson. (New York, 1966). - Remini.
REMINI, ROBERT V., Andrew Jackson and the Bank War, A Study in the Growth of Presidential Power. New York, W. W. Norton & Co. Inc., 1967, indexed, with bibliography, 192pp. - Temin. - JZL.
RENTZSCH, H., Handwörterbuch der Volkswirtschaftslehre. 1866, 1148 S. - (Sehr gut, lt. Beckerath.) 2nd edition at Freiburg Univ., articles on Geld & Bank copied for JZL. Whole edition wanted by J.Z. - By now all such reference works should be offered on a single CD or DVD! - J.Z., 14.7.10.
REPARATIONEN: Das Memorandum des Reparationsagenten (in englischer und deutscher Sprache) und die Antwort der Reichsregierung in der amtlichen Fassung. Beide von 1927. Verlag von Reimar Hobbing in Berlin, 62 S. - JZL.
REPORT OF 1785. A Statement of the Accounts of the United States during the Administration of the Superintendent of Finance, from February 20, 1781, to November 1, 1784. Philadelphia, 1785. - Sumner, The Financier & the Finances of the Am. Rev.
REPORT OF 1790. Statements of the Receipts and Expenditures of Public Moneys during the Administration of the Finances by Robert Morris, Esquire, late Superintendent, with other Extracts and Accounts from the Public Records made out by the Register of the Treasury [Joseph Nourse] by Direction of the Committee of the House of Representatives, appointed by an Order of the House on the 19th of March, 1790, upon the Memorial of the late Superintendent of Finance. This Report is reprinted in the BANKERS' MAGAZINE, vol. xiv. p.577. - Sumner, The Financier & the Finances of the Am. Rev.
REPORT OF THE COMMISSION APPOINTED TO INQUIRE INTO THE INDIAN CURRENCY. Washington, 1893. Sen. Misc. Doc. 23, 53d Congress, 1st Sess.
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND INDUSTRY (Cmd. 3897, 1931). - R. C. Mills & E. R. Walker, Money.
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE COMPANY STORE AND SCRIP SYSTEM, Office of the National Recovery Administration, Division of Review. - Quoted by Hinton, Truck System, p.57.
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE RENT ACTS, Cmnd. 4609, H.M.S.O. London, 1971. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE TO REVIEW THE FUNCTIONING OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS ('Wilson Committee'), Cmnd. 7937, HMSO, 1980. - Samuel Brittan, in Hobart Paper 90.
REPORT OF THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON INDIAN CURRENCY AND FINANCE, Cmd. 2687. H.M. Stationery Office, 1926. - Norman Angell, The Story of Money, 1934.
REPORT ON BANK-ACTS, 14. Juli 1857. 204. - MARX.
REPORTS BY THE LORDS COMMITTEES APPOINTED A SECRET COMMITTEE TO ENQUIRE INTO THE STATE OF THE BANK OF ENGLAND, with respect to the Expediency of the Resumption of Cash Payments. PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS 1819 (291), vol. III. - SMITH, VERA C. - Who would have the time, energy and interest to wade through all the official reports? My listing here is still very incomplete. I ignored hints to many of them. - J.Z., 1.6.10.
REPUBLICAN STUDY COMMITTEE, U.S. House of Representatives, 50 ways to Fight Inflation. Washington, D.C., 1975. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation. - I doubt that the few correct ways are listed among them. - J.Z., 20.3.10.
RESEARCH CENTRE FOR MONETARY AND FINANCIAL FREEDOM, 1.) Discussion Paper No. 7, 1952, 1977, by Ulrich von Beckerath and John Zube, summarizing the German School on Money, 8pp, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 732. - - 2.) 1984/85 literature list, 8pp, with earlier 2p listing and preliminary bibliography and address list, 48x, in PEACE PLANS 647, - - 1980 leaflet, 2pp, in PEACE PLANS 793. - - A new list of free banking publications, up to PEACE PLANS 758, can be found in PEACE PLANS 765. - All its publications appeared in the PEACE PLANS series, up to issue No. 1779, in 2002, published by LIBERTARIAN MICROFICHE PUBLISHING and, apart from its short and merely photocopied newsletter (put out in only 5 copies, and a few texts already digitized, by me or others) appear only on microfiche. Whoever wants to, can get photocopy prints made through a reader printer machine. LMP and the "Centre", my other hat. I do not offer this service - simply because I have my hands full with other jobs. Has anyone else, a single person, “published” more on this subject, in any medium? - J.Z., 18.5.10. www.butterbach.net/lmp
RESEARCH CENTRE FOR MONETARY & FINANCIAL FREEDOM, Literature List 1989, for monetary freedom titles within PEACE PLANS 1-867, 44 pages, 188 Kbs. RTF. The later monetary freedom titles, in PEACE PLANS 868 TO 1779 are not yet separately listed. LMP and its other hat: RCFM&FM, offer most of these titles ONLY on microfiche, so far. In my first CD, folder D FB condensed, file FB LMP titles to PP 867.
RESERVE BANK OF AUSTRALLIA, Letter to David Zube, 4 Sept. 84, 1p, 48x, in PEACE PLANS 740. - Some of its staff, apparently, do not know the laws of monetary despotism and imagine that we live in a quite free country. The openly communist totalitarians, too, believed or pretended that they offered full freedom, justice, peace and prosperity! - J.Z, 15.2.10.
RESNECK, SAMUEL, Social History of an American Depression, 1837-1843. AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW (July, 1935), XL, 662-687. - Remini.
RESNECK, SAMUEL, The Depression of 1819-22, A Social History. AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW (October, 1933), XXXIX 28- 47. - Remini.
REUSS, K., Die schweizerische Gewerbehilfe in der Kriegskrisenzeit. Diss., Freiburg i. Ue. 1946. - Lautner, Der „WIR“ Verrechnungsverkehr, 1964.
REVIEW OF AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS, 2nd. vol., by The Mises Institute, Fall 87. 1p announcement. Contains several free banking articles, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 866.
REY, URJO, Geldanarchie. (Monetary Anarchy.) 1931, Effizienz Verlag, Leipzig, gemeinsam mit dem Verlag Radikaler Geist, Berlin-Wendenschloss. (Kurt Helmut Zube = K. H. Z. Solneman.) - JZL., 64pp, 24x, PEACE PLANS 282. - For free note issue, although a follower of Silvio Gesell. - J.Z. - Maybe a special honors roll, review or anthology should be compiled about those few other Gesellians, who upheld the monetary freedom options. Gesell himself never did so, to my knowledge. But, e.g. Heinz Peter Neumann, Paul Nagel and Karl Walker did and Christian Butterbach and Uwe Timm still do. - But the latter two can no longer be classed as Gesellians. J.Z., 18.5.10.
REYNER, I., On the Crises of 1837 and 1857. In "UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA STUDIES," Vol. V. - Reginald Charles McGrane, The Panic of 1837, 1924.
REYNOLDS, ALAN, A History Lesson on Inflation. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO WORLD REPORT, July 1976. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
REYNOLDS, ALAN, Gold and Economic Boom: Five Case Studies, 1792-1926. Chapter 10, 20pp, in: SIEGEL, BARRY N., Money in Crisis, editor, 1984.
REYNOLDS, ALAN, The Case Against Wage and Price Control. NATIONAL REVIEW, September 24, 1971. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
REYNOLDS, ALAN, Why Gold? Pages 211-232, with comment by Roger W. Garrison, pp.233-238. - CATO JOURNAL, Vol.3, No. 1, Spring 83, The Search for Stable Money. - JZL. - Such a question does not make more sense, by itself, than e.g.: Why water? Why sand? Why iron? - J.Z.
REYNOLDS, MORGAN O., Explaining Wage Rigidity, 1929-1931. Mimeograph, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (January 1988). Supporting the Rothbard position (in: America’s Great Depression). - Lowell Gallaway & Richard Vedder, The Keynesian Performance.
REYNOLDS, QUENTIN, Officially Dead, The Story of Commander C. D. Smith. Cassell & Co, London etc., 1946. - One of many literary works that mention private credit and clearing facilities in Asia, here in Shanghai: “If there was anything I wanted from the outside I could have it. If I had no money, I could sign chits. You seldom paid for anything in Shanghai - you signed chits and settled monthly. This system still continue during the first few weeks of the war.” - Page 31. - C. D. Smith was already a prisoner then. - Usually their salaries or other regular incomes were anticipated in this way. An efficient clearing system must have existed. - I favor the collection, ordering & at least electronic publishing of all such evidence. - J.Z. - These chits of their own served individuals like cheques and credit cards do no. But they had to be backed by an income earning account, to which some official money was regularly credited. - J.Z., 14.7.10. - JZL.
REZNECK, SAMUEL, Social History of an American Depression, 1837-1843. AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW, XL (July, 1935), 662-87. - Sharp, James Roger: The Jacksonians versus the Banks.
RHOADS, DAVID E., How to Survive a Spastic Economy. 174 pages, advertised in a small brochure by him, 1979, then JD Press, P.O. Box 22674, San Diego, CA 97122. Apparently favoring the remaining financial freedom options.
RHOADS, DAVID E., The FED Did It! (Money and Banking Explained). 1979, San Diego, including a reprint from THE FINANCIAL PLANNER, June 1979: “Super-Inflation and the Money-Debt Supply”, by the same author, 39pp, plus a 3p. note on recent changes in the money-supply definitions, from St. Louis FED Reports. - I believe I have microfiched it, somewhere in my PEACE PLANS series. - J.Z. - JZL.
RHODES, JAMES FORD, History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850. 7 vols. New York, 1893-1906.
RIBI, H., Von der Übertragung der Wertpapiere. Diss., Zürich 1958. - Lautner, Der „WIR“ Verrechnungsverkehr, 1964.
RICARDO, DAVID, (1772-1823)
RICARDO, DAVID, Der hohe Preis der Edelmetalle. [The high Price of Bullion.] Auszug in: Diehl & Mombert, Vom Gelde S.62.
RICARDO, DAVID, Grundsätze der politischen Ökonomie. Kap.1, Vom Werte: S.51. - Kap. 20, Wert und Reichtum, ihre verschiedenen Eigentümlichkeiten. In Diehl & Mombert, Wert und Preis I, 1912, S.88. - Kap. 30, Über den Einfluss von Angebot und Nachfrage auf den Preis, in Diehl & Mombert, Wert und Preis I, 1912, S.100.
RICARDO, DAVID, Letters to Malthus. (ed. Bonar) Oxford, 1887. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
RICARDO, DAVID, Minutes of Evidence Taken before the Lords Committee Appointed a Secret Committee to Enquire into the State of the Bank of England, with Reference to the Expediency of the Resumption of Cash Payments at the Period Now Fixed by Law, March 24, 1819. - Reprinted in The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, vol. 5: Speeches and Evidence, edited by Piero Sraffa. Cambridge: University Press (for the Royal Economic Society), 1952. - Friedman, M., Money Mischief.
RICARDO, DAVID, On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. 1817, edited by E. C. K. Gonner. London, 1891. - Bogart, The Ec. Hist. of the U.S. - Later published as: vol. 1 of The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, ed. Piero Sraffa [Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1951]. - “The issue is actually an old one in the history of economics, one that was disposed of effectively by David Ricardo in the early 19th century. He examined whether there could be any "invariable standard" or "invariable measure" of value (He concluded that "of such a measure it is impossible to be possessed" (p. 43). The reasons he gave against a commodity standard's being an invariable measure of value apply also to the unit of account proposed by Greenfield and Yeager. Indeed, at the end of their article, they evidence awareness of some of the problems. See Greenfield and Yeager, "A Laissez-Faire Approach," 313-14. On this issue, see Gerald P. O'Driscoll, Jr., "Money, Deregulation and the Business Cycle," Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Research Paper no. 8601 (Dallas, January 1986), 14-16. - Greenfield and Yeager correctly observe that "our existing system is far from the pure product of ... evolution" ("A Laissez-Faire Approach," 303). To justify their proposal within their own laissez-faire framework, however, they need to demonstrate that the major features of the existing monetary system reflect policy intervention. As argued in the text above, some variability in the value of money is an inherent feature of money. The search for an invariant measure of value is a quixotic quest. - Gerald P. O’Driscoll, Jr., July 86. - I doubt that he had many good ideas on monetary freedom. Even Marx had some sensible ideas on the subject. (However, he did not apply them rightfully.) Ricardo may have had some on financial freedom, seeing that he speculated so successfully on the stock market that from the age of 25, according to one story, he could dedicate himself to studies and writing. But then these decades should have born more fruit. - J.Z., 15.3.10. Two days ago I bought the Pelican Books 1971 pocketbook edition for only 10 cents, in an almost as new copy. This seems to indicate that there is very little demand for economics books now, perhaps just like there is little for printed large encyclopedias, since the Internet or CDs offer them free or much more cheaply. Page 349 of this indexed edition: “… it is not necessary that paper money should be payable in specie to secure its value; it is only necessary that its quantity should be regulated according to the value of the metal which is declared to be the standard.” Page 420: Gold and silver … on the whole, the least inconvenient standard for money.” - J.Z., 6.6.10.
RICARDO, DAVID, Pamphlets and Papers, 1815-1823. Vol. 4 of: “The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo”, ed. Pierro Sraffa (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1951), 65-66. - White, Competition & Currency.
RICARDO, DAVID, Plan for the Establishment of a National Bank. London, 1824. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
RICARDO, DAVID, Proposal for an Economical and Secure Currency; with Observations on the Profits of the Bank of England. [Vorschlag fur ein sparsames und sicheres Umlaufsmittel, mit Betrachtungen über die Gewinne der Bank von England.] (1816.) 2. Ausg. London 1816. 186. - MARX. - Reprinted in The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, vol. 4: Pamphlets and Papers, 1815-1823, edited by Piero Sraffa. Cambridge: University Press (for the Royal Economic Society), 1951. - Friedman, M., Money Mischief. - In McCulloch, John R., ed. The Works of David Ricardo. 2nd edition. London, 1852. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition. - RICARDO, DAVID, Proposals for an Economical and Secure Currency, (1817) London. - Dowd
RICARDO, DAVID, Reply to Mr. Bosanquet's Practical Observations on the Report of the Bullion Committee." [Antwort auf Herrn Bosanquets praktische Betrachtungen über den Bericht des Bullion-Komitees.] 1811. 185 190. - MARX. - Reply to Mr. Bosanquet's Observations. London, 1811. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
RICARDO, DAVID, see Sraffa, Piero.
RICARDO, DAVID, The High Price of Bullion A Proof of the Depreciation of Bank Notes. London, 1810. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling. - 4th ed., corrected. London: John Murray, 1811. Reprinted in The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, vol. 3: Pamphlets and Papers, 1809-1811, edited by Piero Sraffa. Cambridge: University Press (for the Royal Economic Society), 1951. - Friedman, M., Money Mischief.
RICARDO, DAVID, The Works. [published 1846] - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935. - RICARDO, DAVID, The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1951-55, vol. II, pp. 302-452; vol. IX, pp. 9-27. - Thomas Sowell, Say’s Law. - The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo. vol. 4, Pamphlets and Papers, 1815-1823. 1951. Ed. by Piero Sraffa. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
RICARDO, R. D., The Early History of Banking in England. 1929, London, P.S. King and Son. Dowd
RICARDO, SAMSON, A National Bank the Remedy for the Evils Attendant upon our Present System of Paper Currency. 1838. London, Pelham Richardson. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain. - This kind of self-delusion or of statist and nationalist deception persists even today! - J.Z., 6.4.10.
RICARDO, SAMSON, Observations on the Recent Pamphlet of J. Horsley Palmer, Esq., on the Causes and Consequences of the Pressure on the Money Market, etc. 1837. London, Charles Knight. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
RICE, MARK, Dealing Without Dollars: Toward a Barter Community. 6pp, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 865.
RICH, GEORG, The Cross of Gold: Money and the Canadian Business Cycle 1867-1913. 1988, Ottawa, Carleton UP. - Schuler. - It wasn't "the cross of gold" but the "cross of the creditors' right to demand gold rather than gold value clearing! - J.Z. - Most debtors would still be able to pay in gold-value assignments to their own goods, labor and services but not in gold coins, since most of their buyers, clients or customers do not pay them thus, either. - Thus neither debtors nor creditors are sufficiently served by the right of creditors to demand payment in gold. - Once advocates of the traditional “gold-standard” recognize that point, then they will have much more success with their propaganda. Only sufficiently enlightened people can sufficiently enlighten others. Even then it will be an uphill battle as long as the advocated ideas and practices are new to most. - J.Z., 23.6.10.
RICH, HILDEBRAND, Die Theorie des Geldes. Jena 1883. - Diehl & Mombert, Vom Gelde.
RICH, HILDEBRAND, Über das Wesen des Geldes. Jena 1914. - Diehl & Mombert, Vom Gelde.
RICHARDS, DANIEL J., Unanticipated Money and the Political Business Cycle. JOURNAL OF MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING 18 (November 1986): 447-57, - White, Competition & Currency.
RICHARDS, R. D., The Bank of England and the South Sea Co. ECONOMIC HISTORY, Jan. 1932. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
RICHARDS, R. D. The Early History of Banking in England. 1929. - SMITH, VERA C. - New York, Augustus M. Kelley,1966. - Seligin & White.
RICHARDS, R. D., The "Stop of the Exchequer", ECONOMIC HISTORY, vol.ii, Jan. 1930. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
RICHARDS, R. D., The Early History of Banking in England. 1929, 1958, 1965. London: P. S. King, 319pp, indexed, with bibliography, Frank Cass, London, P. S. King & Son Ltd., 36x, in PEACE PLANS 717. 36x reduced. - Carnaghan - Dowd. - 1965. New York: Augustus M. Kelley. - Selgin, The Evolution of a Free Banking System. - New York, 1965. - Selgin. - Not exactly a free banking book but it offers historical material of interest to free banking advocates. - J.Z
RICHARDS, R. D., The First Fifty Years of the Bank of England. In: J. G. van Dillen (Ed). History of the Principal Public Banks. (The Hague 1934) - Cottrell & Anderson, Money & Banking in England.
RICHARDS, VERN C., The Credit Card Mania. WESTERN BANKER, October 1966, p.318. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972.
RICHARDSON, DENNIS W., The Emerging Era of Electronic Money: Some Implications For Monetary Policy. JOURNAL OF BANK RESEARCH 3 (Winter 1973): 261-264. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
RICHARDSON, JAMES D., A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1908. Several vols. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860. - 1789-1897. (ed.). Vols. II, III, Washington, D.C., 1896. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960. - A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents comp., 10 vols. Washington, D.C.: By Authority of Congress, 1900. - SHADE, G. W. (1972)
RICHARDSON, W. C, Some Financial Expedients of Henry VIII. ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW, 2nd series, vol. VII, no.1, 1954. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
RICHEBAECHER, KURT, Public Debts, Capital Formation, and Declining Economic Growth. CMRE MONOGRAPHS, No. 31 - $3.00, in 1990.
RICHEBOURG, MACÉ de, Essai sur la qualité des Monnaies étrangéres, et sur leurs differens rapports avec les monnaies de France. Paris, 1764. Fol. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
RICHMAN, SHELDON, Euro is a No-Go. 1/99, FFF Op-Eds, 1p, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.625. - One can legislate anything into “positive” “law” - but that does not make it work rightfully or well, if at all. - J.Z., 28.2.10.
RICHMAN, SHELDON, It's an Economy, not a Machine. THE FREEMAN, 9/98, 3pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.261.
RICHMAN, SHELDON, The Goal Is Freedom: Financial Regulation and the “Money Power”. - FEE IN BRIEF, 30.4.10. Online at FEE.
RICHMOND, B., The Western Australian Bank. THE ETRUSCAN, Vol. 6, No. 3, Dec. 1956, pp. 2-6. - HOLDER, Bk of NSW.
RICHMOND, JOHN W., Rhode Island Repudiation, or the History of the Revolutionary Debt of Rhode Island. Providence, 1855. - White, Horace, (1895ff.)
RICHTER, RUDOLF, 1989, Money. (Springer-Verlag, New York).
RICKENBACHER, W. R., The Case for Gold - The Case for Silver. 1972. Rickenbacker?
RICKENBACKER, WILLIAM F., Death of the Dollar. New York, Dell Publishing Company, Inc., 1968, 1970. - Antony C. Sutton, The War on Gold. - Barry N. Siegel, Money in Crisis.
RICKENBACKER, WILLIAM F., The Case for Gold. The Case for Silver. Constitutional Alliance, Lansing, MI., 1970. A mini-book, 58pp. - JZL.
RICKENBACKER, WILLIAM F., The Twelve-Year Sentence. Open Court Publishing Company, 1974. - Smith, Jerome F., The Coming Currency Collapse, 1980. - Is there anything on money and finance in it? Private educational institutions could issue their own education service vouchers, in money denominations, pay their expenses with them and accept them for their services, once they are no longer subsidized out of tax funds. - J.Z., 4.4.10. - Personal upbringing and education costs could also be covered through personal loans, based on one’s future earnings. - That would also arouse interest in achieving education much faster and more cheaply.- J.Z., 14.7.10.
RICKENBACKER, WILLIAM F., Wooden Nickels, or the Decline and Fall of Silver Coins. Arlington House, New Rochelle, N.Y.: 1966. 191pp. - JZL. On recent rash of token money. - W. - Token money can be sound money - unless it is issued by a government or by its central bank or mint, as monopoly money with legal tender power. - J.Z., 1.6.10.
RIDDELL, J. L., Monograph of the Dollar. 1945. - Don Taxay, 1976.
RIDGEWAY, Sir WILLIAM, The Origin of Currency and Weight Standards. Cambridge University Press, London, 1892. - Norman Angell, The Story of Money, 1934. - Selgin, The Evolution of a Free Banking System. - Cowen & Kroszner, The Evolution of Media of Account.
RIDGLEY, WILLIAM B., Gold Reserve National Bank Notes. 1903. Reproduced in PEACE PLANS 745.
RIEBESELL, P., Die Kreditschöpfung durch Notgeld. WIRTCHAFTSDIENST, 18. Jg., Heft 39 vom 29.9.1933, S. 1333-1335. ("...wird von der Reichsregierung abgelehnt und das mit Recht..." - No good at all! - J.Z.)
RIEDNER, W., Die Widerstände gegen staatliche Preismaßnahmen. Diss. Mannheim, 1952. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
RIEFLER, WINFIELD, Money Rates and Money Markets in the United States. 1930. New York: Harper & Bros. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
RIEGEL, E. C., - www.reinventingmoney.com offers at least 7 of his titles online and a URL to the Riegel website.
RIEGEL, E. C., Abundance through Money Control. Excerpts from "Private Enterprise Money", Valun Institute, N.Y., undated, 104pp. Reproduced in PEACE PLANS No. 544. -Actually, the general, territorial and governmental control of money ought to be abolished and replaced by the private and voluntary controls of issuers, acceptors, publishers and free traders of items that serve as value standards or as exchange media. Real controls, in self-management, private or free market, contractual or competitive controls rather than governmental controls! - J.Z., 15.2.10. - JZL.
RIEGEL, E. C., Approaching Monetary Crisis, A, World Revolution Is In Progress. A leaflet of the Valun Institute for Monetary Research, n.d., 4pp, 48x, in PEACE PLANS 645.
RIEGEL, E. C., Dollar Doomsday. 24x, PEACE PLANS 79.
RIEGEL, E. C., Essays on the Separation of Money and the State. The Heather Foundation, San Pedro, California, 1976, 24x, in PEACE PLANS 77/78. The Heather Foundation, Box 4, Waterford, VA 22190, 1978.
RIEGEL, E. C., Flight From Inflation: The Monetary Alternative. The Heather Foundation, Box 48, San Pedro, CA 90733,1978. - Box 4, Waterford, VA 22190, 1978. - Box 180, Tonopah, NV 89049, 1978. - www.reinventingmoney.com - PEACE PLANS 83/84. (PP 83/84 contains a chapter headed “Manarchy”, 5 pp.).
RIEGEL, E. C., Private Enterprise Money: A Non-Political Money System. New York: Harbinger House, 1944. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition. Contents list, 1p, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.618. - Full text: www.mind-trek.com/ - Also in PEACE PLANS 80-82. (I have myself listed it sometimes as Free Enterprise Money” or found it listed as such. - J.Z. Private Enterprise Money. New York: Harbinger House, 1944. - Private Enterprise Money is out of print but is online through our website, http://www.ReinventingMoney.com.
RIEGEL, E. C., The Meaning of Money. 1935.
RIEGEL, E. C., The New Approach to Freedom. Valun Institute, N.Y., undated, some time after 1948, 48 pp. The Heather Foundation, Box 180, Tonopah, NV 89049, 1976. - San Pedro, Cal., 1976, www.reinventingmoney.com - PEACE PLANS 77/78. The new issue contains also his following essays: Design Requirements for a Personal Enterprise System, The Money Pact, Ignorance of Money, The Right-Wing Socialists, Beclouded Revolution, Warfare, The Naturalness of Competition, The Essential Capitalism, Democracy Realized. The fiche edition also contains THE VALUNIST, Nos. 1&2, 1947, 1948 and a pamphlet: The Valun System. - JZL. “The New Approach to Freedom” is one of the best short introductions to monetary freedom. - I noted in it: “This booklet took till 1967 to reach me. As unorganized is the world of ideas still.” J.Z.
RIEGEL, E. C., Valun Mutual Money Plan. - VALUN MUTUAL MONEY PLAN - Introduction, Comment, and Critique by Thomas H. Greco, Jr. - June 9, 2003
RIEGEL, E. C., Will Valuns be Hoardable? 2pp, dated 10.6.42, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.654.
RIEGEL, ROBERT E., Young America, 1830-40. Norman, Okla., 1949. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
RIEGER, M., Zur Finanz- und Agrargeschichte der Ming-Dynastie (1368-1643). In: S, XII, 130, 235. - Herbert Franke, Geld- & Wirtschaft in China unter der Mongolen-Herrschaft.
RIESMAN, DAVID; DENNEY, REUEL & GLAZER, NATHAN, The Lonely Crowd; A Study of the Changing American Character. New Haven, 1950. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960. - The monopoly money of central banks does, certainly, not connect all buyers and sellers sufficiently and soundly. - Does Riesman express any opinion on monetary and financial freedom? - J.Z., 1.6.10.
RIESSER, J., Die deutschen Grossbanken und ihre Konzentration. 3. Auflage, Jena, 1910. - Jacob Kautsch, Handbuch des Bank- und des Börsenwesens, 3 Auflage, 1912. 4. Aufl. Jena 1912. - Obst, Georg, Geld-, Bank- & Börsenwesen. - Darüber wird oft geschrieben als ob es eine unvermeidliche Entwicklung sei, ganz unabhängig von den gesetzlichen Beschränkungen des Wettbewerbs auf diesem Gebiet. - J.Z., 15.4.10.
RIESSER, J., The German Great Banks. 1911. Tr. by Morris Jacobson. U.S. National Monetary Commission. 61st Congress, 2nd Session, Senate doc. no. 593. Repr. N.Y., Arno Press, 1977. - Schuler. They are not as great as they could be - as note-issuing free banks. - J.Z., 1.6.10. - But then the large ones among them would have to be able to stand the competition from many local issuing centers. - J.Z., 23.6.10.
RIESSER, J., Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der deutschen Grossbanken mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Konzentrationsbestrebungen. 2. Aufl. Jena 1906. - Obst.
RIESTERER, BERTHOLD P., Karl Lowith's View of History. A Critical Appraisal of Historicism. Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
RIETER, HEINZ, Die gegenwärtige Inflationstheorie und ihre Ansätze im Werk von Thomas Tooke. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter S Co. 1971. - Flamant. - Falsche Ideen erstrecken sich oft über Jahrhunderte. Es wird ihnen von den richtigen nicht genügend Konkurrenz gemacht, dadurch das die richtigen genügend zusammengestellt und zugängig gemacht werden, mit modernen Mitteln. - J.Z., 11.3.10.
RIKER, DOROTHY & ROBERTSON, NELLIE ARMSTRONG, The John Tipton Papers. eds. 3 vols. Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Bureau, 1942. - SHADE, G. W. (1972)
RIKER, DOROTHY & THORNBROUGH, GAYLE, Indiana Election Returns 1816-1851. comps. Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Bureau, 1960. - SHADE, G. W. (1972)
RIKER, DOROTHY & THORNBROUGH, GAYLE, Messages and Papers Relating to the Administration of Noah Noble. (eds.) Governor of Indiana, 1831-1837. Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Bureau, 1958. - SHADE, G. W. (1972)
RIKER, DOROTHY, Messages and Papers Relating to the Administration of David Wallace, Governor of Indiana, 1837-1840. (ed.) Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Bureau, 1963. - SHADE, G. W. (1972)
RILEY, B. B., The Law Relating to Bills of Exchange in Australia, being the Bills of Exchange Act 1909-1958. (Commonwealth) With Annotations, second edition, The Law Book Co. of Australia, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, 1964, indexed, 307pp. - JZL.
RILEY, THOMAS A., New England Anarchism in Germany. NEW ENGLAND QUARTERLY, XVIII (March, 1945), 25-38. - James J. Martin, Men Against the State.
RINGER, FRITZ K., The German Inflation of 1923. London/New York, Oxford University Press, 1969. - Antony C. Sutton, The War on Gold. - Barry N. Siegel, Money in Crisis. - It was one from 1914 to 1923. - J.Z.
RINGLER, DONALD P., Private Mint Strikes Coins, Ingots. NUMISMATIC SCRAPBOOK MAGAZINE, (November, 1973). - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
RIPLEY, WILLIAM ZEBINA, Financial History of Virginia, 1609-1776. STUDIES IN HISTORY, ECONOMICS AND PUBLIC LAW, vol. 4, no. 1, edited by the University Faculty of Political Science of Columbia College. New York, 1893. - Groseclose, (1934).
RIPS, RAE E., Detroit in its World Setting: A 250-Year Chronology, 1701-1951. (ed.) Detroit: Detroit Public Library, 1953. - Woodford, Detroit & its Banks.
RIST, CHARLES, Essais sur quelques problèmes économiques et monétaires. Paris, 1933. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
RIST, CHARLES, Geschichte der Geld- und Kredittheorien von John Law bis heute. 414 S., Bern, 1947. - Gisin (1955)
RIST, CHARLES, Histoire des Doctrines relatives au Crédit et à la Monnaie depuis John Law jusqu'à nos jours. Paris, 1938. Coppetiers
RIST, CHARLES, History of Monetary and Credit Theory from John Law to the Present Day. Transl. Jane Degras, N.Y., 1966 Kelley reprint of 1940 ed. Indexed, 442pp, JZL. Photocopy only. - Selgin. - History of Monetary and Credit Theory - Related: Books Online Books - Online at the Mises Institute. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
RIST, CHARLES, La déflation en pratique. Paris, 1927. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
RIST, CHARLES, The Triumpf of Gold. Translated from the French and with an introduction by Philip Cortney. Wisdom Library, a division of Philosophical Library, N.Y., 1961, indexed, 258 pp. - JZL. - The Triumph of Gold - Related: Books Online Books - Online at the Mises
RITENOUR, SHAWN, Keynes the Great? - November 1998 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute.
RITENOUR, SHAWN, The Stimulus Does Not Work. - July 2009 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute. - Those, who are forced to pay for it, through direct and indirect taxes, as well as through the inflation tax, or for further public debts, (which are “investments” in tax slaves) are, certainly, not “stimulated” thereby. Alas, not even into sufficient opposition against the political confidence tricksters and “experts” involved. - After their multiple suffering from economic crises and “governmental counter-measures” the victims do still not insist upon their right to secede from the State and to engage in the kind of monetary and financial freedom alternatives that they would prefer for themselves. - Most people have still to become monetarily and financially emancipated. - They fall, unthinkingly, for mere words, like “stimulus”. - J.Z., 18.5.10.
RITTER, L. S., Money and Economic Activity. 3rd ed., Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1967. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking.
RITTER, LAWRENCE S. & SILBER, WILLIAM L., Money. Basic Books, Inc., New York, N. Y. 1970. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972.
RITTER, LAWRENCE S.. The Political Arithmetic of Reordered National Priorities, The Morgan Guaranty Survey. New York, N. Y., July 1971, p.3. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. Heinrich, (1898-1984.) - Biography - on www.reinventingmoney.com
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Abwertung und Sparkapital. ( Seen at Freiburg, VoWiSem?)
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Abwertung und Wirtschaftsethik. 5.10.1949.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Am Tage nach dem Zusammenbruch. 77 S., Stilke, Berlin, 1931, Feb. 1932, PEACE PLANS 394. 616 Kbs in WORD, 186 Kbs. zipped. - It may already be on www.reinventingmoney.com - as well. Otherwise: JZem.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Arbeitsbeschaffung durch Kreditausweitung? Vortrag, Jan. 1933.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Arbeitslosigkeit und Kapitalbildung, zugleich ein bankpolitisches Programm zur Bekämpfung der Wirtschaftskrise. Gustav Fischer, Jena, 1930, 164 S, PEACE PLANS 393. at www.reinventingmoney.com
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Arbeitslosigkeit, Umsatzkredit und Zahlungsmittelversorgung. www.reinventingmoney.com
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Arbeitsplan zur Gründung eines Instittes zur Förderung des Spar- und Kreditwesens in den Islamischen Ländern. - JZL.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Ausgleichskassen. DIE BANK, 26.Jg., Heft 13, vom 29.3.1933, S. 454-459. - JZL, photocopy.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Ausgleichskassen? BANKWISSENSCHAFT, Heft 19, v.5.1.1933, S. 577-585. - JZL., photocopy.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Auswahl u. Sicherung langfristiger Industriekredite. BANKWISSENSCHAFT, 20.8.30, Heft 10, July 1930, 347-360.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Banknoten, Geldumlauf und Devisenfrage.1936, in PEACE PLANS 312.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Bankpolitik, Eine Untersuchung des Grenzgebiets zwischen Kredittheorie, Preistheorie und Wirtschaftspolitik.Fritz Knapp Verlag, Frankfurt a.M., 1956, 224 S. - This is not an explicit free banking book. The author's real views on this subject can only be found in some paragraphs and "between the lines" and in a few hints and notes, e.g. pp.207, 211. It is good in discussing grass roots economic happenings and basic terms, also relating them to modern and fashionable terms and anticipates some of the findings of his monetary theory. Often just one or two lines can give much food for thought. - J.Z.15.8.86. He never got around to write the handbook on monetary freedom that he intended to write. Perhaps he was kept too busy as an academic lecturer and administrator. How many of his students understood and accepted his monetary freedom views? - JZL.) - ROBERT L. GREENFIELD & LELAND B. YEAGER, 1983. - One of the few cases in which modern advocates of free banking mention at least one of his titles. Not that in this or several other of his titles he could quite freely and openly express his views on this subject. - J.Z., 4.3.10. - MS WORD is, sometimes as unstable as a government currency. For instance, it keeps jumping back into other and previously used formats! - J.Z., 15.2.10.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Bankwesen. 2 Stunden Vortrag, 8-13.12.1958. (JZL.)
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Beschäftigungsgrad, Preispolitik und Kapitalbildung. (Manuscript copied. - J.Z.)
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Buchhaltungs-Entwurf einer Waren-Währungs-Bank.Berlin, 2.2.1923, 39pp, JZL, in a grayish photocopy from carbon copy. Would need transcription for legibility. I began it once but never got around to finish it. Anyhow, later he did take a stand in several articles against index currencies, once he had gone back to those, who had provided the price information for them and found out how inaccurate this input often was. - J.Z. 6.6.10.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Correspondence with MEULEN, HENRY, 1950-1973. As far as on hand, partly in English, partly in German, 20 pp, in PEACE PLANS 798. - J.Z.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. Heinrich, Briefwechsel, hauptsächlich mit U. von Beckerath, soweit ich sie erhalten konnte, nach Jahren geordnet, viele und grossen Akten. J.Z.,
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Correspondence with Ulrich von Beckerath & some others, mostly in German, to the extent that it was accessible to me and dealing with monetary questions, can be found in PEACE PLANS 428ff. Many of his writings, not under publishers' restrictions and provided they are or come into my possession, will also be scanned-in by me, if and when I get around to it. If I consider them to be important and still, largely, unknown, I intend to ignore copyrights restrictions for them. I see no excuse for publisher to not reprint them or offer them at least on microfilm, disc or online. - Especially since by now multiple experiences have demonstrated that such cheap or free (for downloading) text offers can and often do increase the sale of the printed editions. - (See Chris Anderson: FREE or The Future of a Radical Price. - Online.) So what is holding the conventional publishers back from going as far with this alternative publishing as is possible and also profitable for them? - Just because their fathers and grandfathers did not have or did not use these options? - The disastrous consequence of this inactivity of theirs is - that much of the scientific literature is still inaccessible to all too many people, most of the time, in most countries. - J.Z., 18.5.10. - JZem.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Das Andere System. 2. Fassung, 1948, weitgehend umgeschrieben und mit vielen späteren Anmerkungen, bisher ungedruckt, in PEACE PLANS 394.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Das andere System, ein Wirtschafts- und Finanzvorschlag in vier Gesetzentwuerfen. 1. Auflage, 1932, Stilke, Berlin, 135 S, 24x, in PEACE PLANS 315. at www.reinventingmoney.com - His book-length commentary to the Four Law Drafts. Diese Auflage fiel fast ganz einer Bücherverbrennung durch die Nazis zum Opfer, mehr zufällig als absichtlich. Jeder Büchertransportwagen wurde zu dieser Zeit einfach zu den Verbrennungsstellen geleitet und argumentieren konnte man mit diesen Nazi "Führernaturen" nicht. (Einer ihrer Slogans war: „Wir argumentieren nicht! Wir haben Gummiknüppel!“) Eine 2. und verbesserte Ausgabe sollte noch kurz vor der 1948 Waehrungsreform herauskommen, das gelang aber nicht. Daher wurde sie nur, sehr verspaetet, auf Mikrofiche in PEACE PLANS 394 veröffentlicht und ist daher noch immer in Deutschland fast ganz unbekannt - und, natürlich, auch noch nicht übersetzt worden. - The 1948 update of this book, also in German, from the manuscript, was previously only published on microfiche in the PEACE PLANS series and has later also been digitized by me. - J.Z.)
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Das Bienenvolk der Sparer. DER TAGESSPIEGEL, 22.1.1949. - Actually written by his second wife, as she assured me. - But it was more acceptable to this newspaper under his name. Moreover, Rittershausen and his family were then dependent on his journalistic work. - Mrs. Rittershausen often worked as his personal secretary, too, and soaked up his ideas in the process. When I visited them, after he had already a largely incapacitating stroke, she called me a “greenhorn” on the subject, I think with some justification, so I did not object or feel offended. Anyhow, she was very hospitable to myself and my youngest, for a few days, but, wrongly believed that I would be a suitable handyman for some plumbing work that was needed, without the necessary tools, spare parts and skills! - Australians are not all “pioneering” types! - Bibliographies are rather dry to browse through and thus I believe that some personal tit-bits are of some interest, at least to some. Thus I mention that she told me, too, that Ulrich von Beckerath had never forgiven Rittershausen his separation and divorce from his first wife. Also, that B. had once managed to take his father to court. I do not know what that was all about. He had certainly no follower among his family, not even with his brother Erich, also an economist, who toed in this respect the usual government line. - E. Duewal, Antiquarian in Berlin, has probably still correspondence between these brothers and other letters, that I did not get around to photocopy. - J.Z., 15.2.10.)
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Das Für- und Wider einer Kreditausweitung. FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEIN ZEITUNG, 5.2.33.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Das Hypothekenjahr 1932. BANKWISSENSCHAFT. Datum? S. 296-305.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Das Irrlicht der Ausgleichskassen.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Das Rechtsproblem: Abwertung und Sparkapital. MANNHEIMER MORGEN, 11.10.1949.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Denkschrift über Massnahmen zur Vorbereitung der Konversion durch Schaffung von Nachfrage nach Festverzinslichen und Verflüssigung des Geldmarktes. (Manuscript copied. JZL.)
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Der Bluff der Freiwirtschaftsleute.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Der Neubau des Deutschen Kreditsystems. Stilke, Berlin 1932, 184 S. Mit Anmerkungen von U. v. Beckerath & J.Z. in PEACE PLANS 315. in www.reinventingmoney.com
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Der ungeklärte Geldmengenbegriff als Gegenstand gemeinsamer statistischer und theoretischer Bemühungen, in Statistik. - Festgabe fuer Albert Hesse, Nürmberg, 1952.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die ältere deutsche Gesetzgebung zum Staatspapiergeld mit Steuerfundation, 1806-1837. Unveröffentlicht, 1945, 62 Seiten. - Contains the old legal texts only, without comments. They were transcribed by Rittershausen or his secretary, as "Bergungsgut" [Material to be saved], when it seemed that all German libraries were destined to be destroyed as well. - I transcribed the imperfect duplicate copy into 29 pages, filmed at 29x, in PEACE PLANS 641. - J.Z.) 408 Kbs. in WORD, 109 Kbs. zipped. - JZem
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die Arbeitslosigkeit als Problem des Umsatzkredits und der Zahlungsmittelversorgung. 1934, ANNALEN DER GEMEINWIRTSCHAFT, 1934, 10. Jahrgang. PEACE PLANS 41 & in 347/348 - It has also been reproduced as a brochure, in English and German, by the Monetary Freedom Network Berlin, München, 1987. - J.Z.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die Aufbringung der Reparationen. Diss. Frankfurt am Main. 1922, 160pp - JZL., photocopy only. He referred to it in his „Zentralnotenbank“.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die Bankenenqueten von 1908 und 1933 u.d. Entwicklungs des bargeldlosen Zahlungsverkehrs. ZAHLUNGSVERKEHR UND BANKBETRIEB, Oct. 1933.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die Beibehaltung der Naturaltilgung bei der Pfandbriefhypothek. manuscript, 1934. - Copied. JZL.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die beiden Formen der Indexwährung. BANKWISSENSCHAFT, Heft 8, vom 20.7.1933, S.233-243. - JZL., photocopy.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die Berliner Währung und das Greshamsche Gesetz. DER TAGESSPIEGEL, 16.9.1948. - This article was very disappointing to me. - He was then forced to write for the newspapers, to make a living. Thus he had, probably, to make many concessions to public opinion and to the prejudices of the editors. - J.Z.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die Einführung des Bausparprinzips by den Hypothekenbanken als Mittel zur Hebung des Pfandbriefabsatzes. BANKWISSENSCHAFT. Heft w, 20.4.30, 7. Jahrgang, S. 61-66. Periodical name cut off in my photocopy. - J.Z.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die Feinde des Sparers oder Der Sparer in der Mühle der Wirtschaftspolitik unserer Zeit. (manuscript copied, J.Z.). - Die Feinde des Sparers. SPARKASSE, Fr./M., 4. Jg., Heft 21, S. 282/3, 30.10.50.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die Finanzierung der Arbeitsbeschaffung. Vortrag, in der H.V. des Reichsverbandes industrieller Bauunternehmungen, am 19.10.32, Berlin. - DEUTSCHE BAUZEITUNG, 21.6.33, 40 S. - BANKWISSENSCHAFT, Heft 11, 10. Jahrgang, v. 5.9.33, S.332-339. - JZL, phototopy.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die Goldfrage zwischen Technik, Wirtschaft und Monopol. ca. 1937, 22 S., in PEACE PLANS 802.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die Indexwährung unmöglich. Essen, 29.7.1933. - I have also a photocopy of: Dr. Wilh. Hasenack, Privatdozent der Betriebswirtschaftslehre and der Technischen Hochschule Berlin, which Rittershausen wanted to include in a collection mainly of his own essays, because it criticizes Rittershausen’s ideas. This article is entitled: “Die Technik einer Indexwährung auf Goldbasis. Zur Durchführbarkeit der amerikanischen Währungsutopie.“ - BANKWISSENSCHAFT, Heft 12, 10. Jahrgang. Datum unleserlich auf meiner Kopie. S. 353-367. - JZL.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die künftige Gleichgewichstlage am Zinsmarkt. KÖLNISCHE ZEITUNG, 28.2.34. (copied, J.Z.)
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die kurzfristigen Finanzdispositionen: Liquidität, Bewegungsbilanz, Finanzplanung, Kredit, Zahlungsverkehr und Aussenhandelsfinanzierung. Handbuch der Wirtschaftswissenschaft, 1958.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die kurzfristigen Finanzdispositionen und die Finanzplanung der Unternehmung. In: Handbuch der Wirtschaftswissenschaften. 1958. - Rittershausen, Wirtschaft, 1960 Auflage.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die Notwendigkeit der Schaffung einers Konversationspfandbriefes von besonderer Ausstattung unter Änderung des Hypothekengesetzes. - Manuskript, 28.3.33, an U. von Beckerath gesandt, 15 S. - JZL, photocopy.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die organische Zinssenkung im Rahmen der Arbeitsbeschaffung. BANKWISSENSCHAFT, Heft 16, 20.11.1933, S. 491-499. - JZL.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die Reform der Mündelsicherheitsbestimmungen und der Industrielle Anlagekredit; zugleich ein Beitrag zum Erwerbslosenproblem. Fischer, Jena, 1929, 90 S., in PEACE PLANS 532. - Vielleicht immer noch die beste Kritik der Zwangsanlagen in Staatspapieren. - J.Z., 18.5.10. www.reinventingmoney.com
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die Schaffung der ersten modernen Hypothekenpfandbriefe durch Felix Hecht und das Mündelsicherheitsproblem. BANKWISSENSCHAFT, Heft 17., 5.12.34, 8. Jahrgang, S.601-606. - JZL., photocopy.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die Unbrauchbarkeit der Indexziffern für Währungszwecke. TECHNIK UND WIRTSCHAFT, September 1933.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die Valorisierung des Goldes als Währungs- und Aussenhandelsproblem. PEACE PLANS 394. in www.reinventingmoney.com
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die Vereinigung von Geldtheorie und Preistheorie. In: Wirtschaftstheorie und Wirtschaftspolitik. Festgabe fuer Adolf Weber, herausgegeben von Alfred Kruse, Berlin, 1951, S. 229-238.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die Vier Gesetzentwürfe. VOLKSRECHT, 1.4.1933.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die wichtigsten Wirtschaftsdaten. (Entnommen WIRTSCHAFT UND STATISTIK.) 8.4.1931- 17.12.32. - Wahrscheinlich von Ri. Für U. v. Beckerath bestimmt. 3 S., photocopy in JZL.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die Zentralnotenbank, Ein Handbuch ihrer Instrumente, ihrer Politik, ihrer Theorie. Frankfurt/M., Fritz Knapp Verlag, 1962, 820 S. - Mit Literaturverzeichnis & Sachregister, 820 S. - JZL - Nicht nur eine Kritik oder gar ein Vorschlag zu ihrer Abschaffung, sondern, hauptsächlich, ein Versuch, sie besser zu verstehen und zu leiten, so lange sie noch besteht. - J.Z. - Für ein Buch das die Abschaffung dieser Institution gefordert and begründet hätte, konnte er damals keinen Verleger in Deutschland finden. Er musste für seinen damaligen Markt schreiben. - J.Z., 18.5.10.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Die Zukunft der Notendeckung durch Handelswechsel. 1945, 36 S., in PEACE PLANS 300.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Dilemma der Weichwährungspolitik. VOLKSWIRT, 11.10.58, 21S. (Copied, J.Z.)
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Ehrlichkeit als Staatsprinzip. SPARKKASSE, Frankfurt/M, 4.Jg., Heft 10/11, S. 132. - Der Territorialstaat zwingt die meisten Politiker mehr oder weniger zum Lügen, um an die Macht kommen zu können und sie für sich zu erhalten. Als Grundprinzip passt die Ehrlichkeit viel besser zu Gemeinschaften von Freiwilligen die exterritorial autonom sind. - J.Z., 1.6.10
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Ein Katalog von Sofortmassnahmen zur Erzeugung von Nachfrage nach festverzinslichen Werten und zur Verflüssigung des Geldmarktes zwecks Vorbereitung einer Konversion. BANKARCHIV, 15.6.1933. (Due securities, interest coupons etc. used as means of payment or clearing, as often as possible. - J.Z.)
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Ergänzung der Kabinettsvorlage über das Staatspapiergeld. Manuskript, Kabinettssitzung, 31.5.33. (Copied, J.Z.)
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Erst Arbeit, dann Kapital. DEUTSCHER VOLKSWIRT, 11.8.1933.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Four Law Drafts to Fight Deflation, Prevent Inflation and Lower the Interest Rate. Together with the German text and with comments by Dr. Walter Zander and Dr. Best, in collaboration with Ulrich von Beckerath, Dr. Walter Zander, Dr. Gustav Ramin, Dr. Walter Unger, Dr. Munzer, Dr. Hans Meis, 1932, in PEACE PLANS 40, in English and German.(See also Rittershausen's book-length treatment of these proposals in: Das andere System, 1. & 2. Auflage. - Die zweite Auflage dieses Buches wurde nur als Manuscript von mir verfilmt. - J.Z.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Geld Theory. Unfinished manuscript by Prof. H. Rittershausen. In German. When I prepared a digitized edition of it from files of 5 consecutive versions of it, I noticed that I seem to have lost or mislaid or never received, through the mail, from Germany, the photocopy of the last typed transcript of part of the 5th and last version, ca. 80pp, which, in spite of being incomplete, will, in my opinion, one day be considered a classic essay on the subject of means of exchange as means of clearing. - J.Z. It is at least partly reproduced, perhaps even with some English translation segments, on www.reinventingmoney.com . Geldtheorie, monetary theory, an incomplete reconstruction attempt of an unfinished work in German, from incomplete photocopies of drafts of it, with comments by John Zube, edited by T.M., in German, on www.reinventingmoney.com This work stresses the clearing nature of all kinds of money - probably more so than any other book. - J.Z.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Geld, Kapital und Kredit. Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von H.R., herausgegeben von H. E. Bueschgen, Stuttgart, Poeschel Verlag, 480pp, 1968, Brit.Libr., JZL. (Seems to contain nothing on free banking! - J.Z.)
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Geld-. Bank- und Börsenwesen. Eine Taschenbuchreihe, 1962, herausgegeben von Prof. H.R. - It is rather unlikely that he could „smuggle-in“ many monetary freedom ideas there. - J.Z.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Geldwesen und Wirtschaftskrise. TECHNIK U. WIRTSCHAFT, Oct. 32.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Giro & Geldmenge. Vor-Entwurf. 22.11.44. (Copied, J.Z.)
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Grundsätze und Erfahrungen zur kommenden deutschen Rentenkonversion. BANKWISSENSCHAFT, Nr. 24 vom 20.3.1933. S.750-758. - JZL., photocopy.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Gutachten über die Hypothekenbanken. FRANKFURTER ZEITUNG, 24.7.34. (copied, J.Z.)
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Haben Wir Kapitalmangel? DER VOLKSWIRT, 24.6.49, (copied, J.Z.)
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Hintergründe des Notenbankausweises. Manuscript, 29.4.49, printed in DER TAGESSPIEGEL, some days later. (copied. - J.Z.)
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Hypothekenwesen, I-III. BANKWISSENSCHAFT, Heft 12, 20.9.1930, BANKWISSENSCHAFT, Heft 4, vom 20. 5. 1931, Heft 8 v. 20.7.1931. - JZL., photocopy.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Inflation, Hortung und wertbeständige Rechnung. 1942, in PEACE PLANS 312.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Inflationsbekämpfung wirksam aufgeräumt. MANNHEIMER MORGEN, 30.3.51.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Internationale Handels- und Devisenpolitik. Frankfurt/M., 1952? 1953? Knapp, 450 S., 2. erweiterte Auflage, Knapp, Frankfurt/M., 1955, 528 S. (JZL. Free banking ideas can be found only "between the lines". J.Z.)
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Internationale Währungsreform. RHEINISCHER MERKUR, 14.8.1948.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Ist die schleichende Inflation unser Schicksal? Manuscript, 1965. Copied. JZL.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Ist Inflation nur bei Zwangskurs möglich? BANKWISSENSCHAFT, Heft 13/14 vom 15.10.1933, under pseudonym: Friedrich Bühring.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Kredit und Börse als Motoren der Konkurrenz an den Warenmärkten. - (Manuscript copied. - JZL.)
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Kreditexpansion oder Kreditergänzung. BANKWISSENSCHAFT, Heft 13, vom 5.10.1931, S. 433-442. - JZL., photocopy.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Kreditgewährung der Banken an die Industrie in Deutschland, Frankreich, England und Amerika. BANKWISSENSCHAFT, Heft 13/14, 20.10.1930. s. 441-451. - JZL., photocopy.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Kreditpolitik und Arbeitslosigkeit. Manuscript.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Kreditwirtschaftliche Forderungen an eine kommende nationale Bau- u. Arbeitsbeschaffungspolitik. Vortrag gehalten im Jan. 1933, Berlin 1933, 16 S., in PEACE PLANS 394.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Kriegsfinanzierung, ein Beitrag zur Wehrwirtschaft. 2. Auflage, manuscript.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Le Chômage, Problème de Crédit Commercial et d'Approvisionnement en Moyens de Paiement. In: Organisation des Echanges et Création de Travail, pp. 154-214, ed. by E. Milhaud, Recueil Sirey, Paris, 1934. 76pp. (Brit. Lib.) (JZL) - 29x, in PEACE PLANS 744.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Legitimationsübertragung oder fiduziarische Eigentumsübertragung? (Aus der Rechtsprechung.) BANKWISSENSCHAFT, Heft? Datum? S.. 467-469. - JZL, photocopy.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Lehren der englischen Konversion von 1931. - BANKWISSENSCHAFT. Datum? S. 306-309. Anon ???ym geschrieben von Ri., under them Namen: Friedrich Bühring, Berlin. - JZL., photocopy.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, L'inflation dangereuse des Depôts, La congelation des Crédits et les engagements excessive des Banques. (manuscript copied, J.Z.)
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Mitherausgeber von Veröffentlichungen, Bank und Börsenseminar, von 1956 bis Nr. XIV.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Modellverwendung bei währungspolitischen Aussagen. In PEACE PLANS 394.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Mündelsicherheitsbestimmungen und industrieller Anlagekredit. in www.reinventingmoney.com - See: „Die Reform der Mündelsicherheitsbestimmungen ...
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Mutual Marketing as a Remedy for Unemployment. THE INSURANCE AND FINANCE REVIEW, vol. 1, Calcutta, India, 1930, 2. August-Heft. (Free banking interest? J.Z.)
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Neugestaltung des Bankwesens. (ca. 1933 - 1939) (Unter Nazi Zensur geschrieben und daher mit entsprechenden eingeschobenen Bemerkungen! - J.Z. ) 9pp, in PEACE PLANS 798. (Er und Ulrich von Beckerath gehörten zur deutschen Widerstandsbewegung gegen das Hitler regime. Sie waren aber geneigt immer so zu schreiben, dass ein Zensor über Schulter schauen und über ihre wirklichen Meinungen getäuscht werden konnte. Nach einer Mitteilung von Ulrich von Beckerath brachte eine Schüler von Rittershausen seine und Beckerath’s Akten beim „Volksgerichtshof“ zu verschwinden. So überlebten sie den Massenmord der dem fehlgeschlagenen Aufstand vom 20.7.1944 folgte. - J.Z., 14.7.10.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Paro Forzoso Y Capital. Traduccion directa del Aleman y Revision por Rafael Luengo Tapia y Nicolas Floristan, Editorial Labor, S.A., Barcelona, Madrid, Buenos Aires, 1935, with index 291 pp. (Spanish translation of his German work: "Arbeitslosigkeit und Kapitalbildung." (Unemployment and the Formation of Capital.), which was reproduced in PEACE PLANS 393. Since the German original has only 150 comparable pages, this edition was much enlarged and the enlarged German manuscript was, apparently, not published at all and I did not see it in Rittershausen's papers, so it might be lost, if it is not still preserved somewhere in Spain. I have only an imperfect photocopy of the Spanish edition in my library and had intended to film it. However, I would much prefer to film a good copy, IF I could obtain it somehow. - J.Z. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank. - I would not even attempt, now, to digitize a Spanish text, especially from a flawed photocopy. - J.Z., 1.6.10.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Plein emploi et commerce extérieur. In: Economie appliquée, ARCHIVES DE L'INSTITUT DE SCIENCE ECONOMIQUES APPLIQUÉE, Juli-September 1951. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Steueranrechnungsscheine. "BANK", 7.9.1932.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Streit über Reichsbank, Ankurbelung der Wirtschaft und Wagemann-Plan. - Rittershausen papers. - JZL?
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Taschenbuch für Geld, Bank und Börse. 1962, herausgegeben von Rittershausen.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, The Evolution of Central Banking. - The Evolution of Central Banking - on www.reinventingmoney.com - An article that was so far still unknown and is still unread by me! - J.Z., 18.2.10.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, The Revalorisation of Gold - A Problem of Exchange and International Trade. - www.reinventingmoney.com
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Unemployment as a Problem of Turnover Credits and the Supply of Means of Payment. Written 1934, 47 pp, 1934, 51pp, in PEACE PLANS 769. In: Ending the Unemployment and Trade Crisis, ed. by E. Milhaud, 1935, Williams & Norgate, London, 1935, 24x, in PEACE PLANS 41. A defence of the "Banking School" or "Real Bills Doctrine" against the Inflationists, the Deflationists and the "Currency School", with a fundamental discussion of "Free Banking" principles and practices, first published in Jan/July 1934 in the "ANNALEN DER GEMEINWIRTSCHAFT." (ANNALS OF COOPERATIVE ECONOMY.), edited by Prof. Edgard Milhaud, 10th. year, vol. 1, entitled: "Zahlungsverkehr, Einkaufsscheine und Arbeitsbeschaffung.” S. 153-207. (Payment Transactions, Purchasing Certificates and the Provision of Employment.) The first English issue appeared as part of the same essay collection but under the heading: "Ending the Unemployment and Trade Crisis", William and Norgate Ltd., London, 1935, pp. 137 - 187. Translator of this essay was G. Spiller, London. This translation is by John Zube and was made in continuous comparison with Spiller's translation in an attempt to improve upon it. An ideal translation is still to come. Some notes by John Zube are added in brackets. Here from PEACE PLANS 41/1-47, March 1979, in Dec. 02 scanned. Also available in 235 KBs RTF on www.reinventingmoney.com - It was also reprinted by the Monetary Freedom Network, München, Berlin, in a brochure. - JZL.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Veröffentlichungen des Bank- und Börsenseminars der Universität Köln. 1956, Herausgeber: Rittershausen.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Vollbeschäftigung und Außenhandelspolitik. In: Verhandlungen auf der Tagung des Vereins für Sozialpolitik in Bad Pyrmont, 1950. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Vollzahlung der Versicherungsaktien? BANKWISSENSCHAFT. Datum unleserlich, S. 525-528. - JZL, photocopy.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Vor Krisenbekämpfungsmassnahmen in Westdeutschland. NEUE ZUERCHER ZEITUNG, 27.5.1949.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Was Ist eine Indexwährung?
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Wege der deutschen Wirtschaftspolitik. Artikel in EUROPÄISCHE REVUE, Nov. 1931.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Wirtschaft. Bd. 8 des Fischer Lexikons, Frankfurt Main, 1958, 370 S. ( Mehrere spätere Auflagen kamen, mit der von 1976 auf eine Gesamtauflage von 320,000.) Fischer Bücherei, 1958, 1960, mit Register & Bibliographie, 364 S., ein Teil von „Das Fischer Lexikon“. - JZL.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Zins und Steuer. manuscript.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Zinssenkung und Arbeitsbeschaffung. WIRTSCHAFTSDIENST, 8.9.1933.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Zinssenkung, Realkredit und Hausbesitz. 1934 manuscript, 22pp.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Zu seinen Schriften siehe auch: NOELL V. D. NAHMER, ROBERT RIXEN, JENS-UWE, Das Notgeld der Deutschen Reichsbahn und der Deutschen Reichspost, Berlin 1974.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Zur Ausgabe von Pfandbriefen seitens der Bausparkassen. MITTEILUNGSBLATT DES ARBEITSAUSSCHUSSES, 11.9.34. (copied, J.Z.) - Zu diesem Thema wollte er auch in der Sammlung seiner Aufsätze einschliessen: Dr. W. Wohlrabe, Direktor der Dredner Handelsbank, Dresden, „Rückzahlung in bar oder in Pfandbriefen?“, BANKWISSENCHAFT, Heft 13, 30.9.33, S. 375-380, weil dieser Aufsatz seinen Standpunkt unterstützte. - Ebenfalls: „Naturaltilgung von Hypothekendarlehn?“ Ein Schlusswort von K. E. M.(MÖSSNER), BANKWISSENSCHAFT, 10. Jahrgang, 15.10.35(?) (unleserlich), S. 401-405. - JZL., photocopy.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Zur Finanzierung der Arbeitsbechaffung. Vortrag, Reichtsverband Industrieller Bauunternehmungen, e.V., nach einer Anzeige in BANKWISSENSCHAFT, Heft 9, vom 5.8.32. - BANKWISSENSCHAFT, Datum? S. 18-44. - Photocopy, JZL.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Zur Indexwährung. BANKWISSENSCHAFT, Jg. 10, 1933c, Heft 7, 5.7.1933, S.193-200. - JZL., photocopy.
RITTERSHAUSEN, Prof. HEINRICH, Zwangswirtschaft auf dem Kapitalmarkt? Die Reform der Mündelsicherheitsbestimmungen und die Zukunft des industriellen Anlagekredits. BANKWISSENSCHAFT, Heft 20, 6. Jahrgang, S. 801-811. ca. 1938. JZL, photocopy
RITZ, DEAN Defying Corporations, Defining Democracy: A Book of History and Strategy. (ed.), New York: Apex Press, 2001. - A book from the Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy (POCLAD). - We should only oppose any government-granted privileges to any corporations. - J.Z. 17.2.10. - Unless privileges are realized only within communities of volunteers. They should be free to practise any kind of privileges, subsidies, monopolies and prohibitions - always at their own risk and expense, if they are ignorant, prejudiced or foolish enough to wish to do so. - J.Z., 14.7.10.
RIVIÈRE, FRANÇIUS JOACHIM HENRI Le MERCIER de la, L’Ordre Naturel et Essentiel des Sociétés Politiques. London, Jean Nourse, 1767, vol. II, ch. 32,34,37. - “The Physiocratic versions of ideas later developed as Say’s Law and equilibrium income theory.” - Thomas Sowell, Say’s Law. - An equilibrium between goods production and their sale can only result when the production and acceptance of exchange media, value standards, clearing, trade, transport, pricing and credit methods are also free. An unfree market is a chained or crippled market. - J.Z. 5.4.10.
RIXEN, Dr. JENS-UWE: Das Notgeld der Deutschen Reichsbahn und der Deutschen Reichspost. Berlin 1974. - Albert Pick
ROBB, THOMAS BRUCE, The Guaranty of Bank Deposits. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, The Riverside Press Cambridge, 1921, with 3 pages of bibliography & 2 pages of index 225 pp. Since it is a rather specialized question, I have not included this bibliography in the general FB bibliography, just like I did not include one on liquidity. But they might serve as special additions to the general bibliography. - J.Z., 9.3.10. - JZL. - (ROBB, THOMAS R., The Guaranty of Bank Deposits. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1921. - Clifford F. Thies & Daniel A. Gerlowski.)
ROBBINS, JOHN W., The Case Against Indexation. MONETARY TRACT, Number 16. Connecticut: Committee for Monetary Research and Education, Inc., July 1976. - Antony C. Sutton, The War on Gold. - Free choice of value standards as a genuine, basic individual right and liberty! - J.Z., 14.4.10.
ROBBINS, JOHN W., to The Coalition for Sound Money. THE VOLUNTARYIST, June 88, 1/2p, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 911.
ROBBINS, LIONEL, Autobiography of an Economist. London: St. Martin's Press, 1971. - 154-5. - Other economists (generally the older generation), such as Jacob Viner, Frank Knight, and Joseph Schumpeter, remained unenamored of Keynes. None of these figures, however, recommended a laissez-faire approach to the Great Depression. - Tyler Cowen, Why Keynesianism Triumphed or, Could so Many Keynesians Have Been Wrong?
ROBBINS, LIONEL, La Grande Dépression. Préface de Jacques Rueff. Paris. Payot. 1935. - Nataf
ROBBINS, LIONEL, Robert Torrens and the Evolution of Classical Economics. 1958. London, Macmillan. - White, L. H., Free Banking in Britain.
ROBBINS, LIONEL, The Great Depression. Macmillan, 1934. - Tyler Cowen, Why Keynesianism Triumphed … Plainview, N.Y., Books for Libraries, 1934. - Barry N. Siegel, Money in Crisis. - London, 1934. - Paul Einzig, How Money Is Managed. - Great Depression, The - Freeport, RI: Books for Libraries Press, 1971, pp. 30-54. - Related: Cycles, History - Online at the Mises Institute. - “applies Hayek's theory to the world slump.” - R. C. Mills & E. R. Walker, Money. - 2nd impression. - , according to MacMillan adv. in Meulen, Free Banking, 1934. - First impression when? - J.Z.)
ROBERTS, ELLIS H., New York: The Planting and Growth of the Empire State. 2 vols. Boston and New York, 1887.
ROBERTS, LEWES, Merchants Map of Commerce. 1677. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
ROBERTS, LEWES, Treasure of Trafficke. 1641. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
ROBERTS, PAUL CRAIG & STEPHENSON, MATTHEW A., Marx's Theory of Exchange Alienation and Crisis. Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University 1973. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies. - At most many “theories” and “philosophies” deserve the term “hypotheses”, if not merely “dogmas” or “false assumptions”, since they are contrary to much experience. - J.Z., 30.3.10.
ROBERTS, PAUL CRAIG, Alienation and the Soviet Economy. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
ROBERTS, R.D., 17th Century Tokens of Wales. 1895.
ROBERTSON, D. H., Alternative Theories of the Rate of Interest: Three Rejoinders. Part 2, ECONOMIC JOURNAL 47, no. 187 (September 1937): 431. - Egger, The Ills of Capitalism. - Those, who speak or write about the presumed or real ills of what they call “capitalism” are, usually, blind to the real wrongs, irrationalities and harm done by State Socialism, any other kind of territorial statism and blind also towards or disinterested in the voluntary and tolerant options of voluntary or cooperative socialism, just as they remain unaware of genuine laissez-faire and free enterprise capitalism for all or many, rather than merely for a relatively few. - The life-time working capital of any intelligent and productive worker or employee, judged merely by the total of his life-time earnings, in relatively free and developed countries, is also considerable. Nevertheless, these earners do not think and act as capitalists with their labor, even when they earned several million dollars during their life’s work, but, rather, try to exploit it as coercive monopolists, e.g. via what trade unionists call “industrial actions”, which are, really, anti-industrial actions, in all too many cases, not only during their strike periods. - J.Z., 18.5.10.
ROBERTSON, D. H., Mr. Keynes and the Rate of Interest. Essays in Monetary Theory. London: P. S. King, Ltd., 1940, reprinted in Fellner and Haley, 425. - Egger, The Ills of Capitalism.
ROBERTSON, H. M., Aspects of the Rise of Economic Individualism. (Cambridge, 1932.) - J. D. Unwin, Hopousia, 1940.
ROBERTSON, J. A., Louisiana under Spain, France, and the United States. Cleveland, 1911. - Carothers, Fractional Money.
ROBERTSON, J. M., The Economics of Progress. 1918. Only a 4pp extract on free banking was microfiched by me in PEACE PLANS 791. - J.Z.
ROBERTSON, JAMES R. The Social Evolution of Oregon. THE QUARTERLY OF THE OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY 3 (March, 1902). - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
ROBERTSON, ROSS M., History of the American Economy. 3rd ed. [New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973], 188n)."Under this law any person or group had a right to start a bank. Under the old rule, the privilege of starting a bank had to be granted by special legislative act." -Footnote 1 by Driscoll to page 19: “In the United States the first free-banking system was created in New York in 1838.(1) But even banks in free-banking states were subject to branching restrictions and restrictions on the assets they could purchase… The Scottish system came much closer to being an “unregulated” banking system. Both systems were characterized by the absence of any central bank of issue.” - Gerald P. O’Driscoll, Jr., July 86, Deregulation and Monetary Reform.
ROBERTSON, ROSS M., The Comptroller and Bank Supervision. Washington: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, 1968. - Klebaner
ROBERTSON, Sir DENNIS H., Banking Policy and the Price Level. 1926. London: P. S. King & Son. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking. - London, 1932. . - Paul Einzig, How Money Is Managed. The Ends & Means of Monetary Policy.
ROBERTSON, Sir DENNIS H., Britain in the World Economy. London, 1954. - Paul Einzig, How Money Is Managed. The Ends & Means of Monetary Policy.
ROBERTSON, SIR DENNIS H., Das Geld. 2. Aufl., Wien, 1935. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
ROBERTSON, Sir DENNIS H., Essays in Monetary Theory. London, 1940. - Paul Einzig, How Money Is Managed. The Ends & Means of Monetary Policy. - 3rd. ed., London, 1948. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank. - 1964. 4th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Reprint of 1957 ed.) - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
ROBERTSON, Sir DENNIS H., Lectures on Economic Principles. Staples Press, 1963, especially Part II, Chapters IV to VI, Part III and Annexe. - Morgan, Monetary Policy for Stable Growth, 1964.
ROBINSON, Sir DENNIS H., Money. Cambridge Economic Handbooks, Nisbet & Co., Cambridge University Press, 1922, revised 1924, 1926, 1927, revised 1928, reprinted 1932, 1935, 1937, 1940, 1941, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, revised and supplemented 1948, 228pp. - JZL. - His “ideal” on page 222 of the 1948 edition: “And if we are to pass finally into a world in which the causal influence exerted by the so-called monetary authorities on the quantities and the value of money is limited to registering and implementing the decisions of the trade unions about the rate of money wages, there will surely be international as well as internal strains to be encountered.” - As if handing over all the rights and liberties involved and their practices from one set of blockheads to another set of numbskulls, were able to provide a real solution for all the problems caused by monetary despotism. His “ideal” explains to me why this book was so popular! - With such friends, who needs enemies? - J.Z., 1.6.10.
ROBERTSON, Sir DENNIS H., Utility and All That and Other Essays. London, 1952. - Paul Einzig, How Money Is Managed. The Ends & Means of Monetary Policy.
ROBERTSON, Stocks and Shares. - Silverman, H. A., The Substance of Economics.
ROBERTSON, Wm., History of Charles V. London, 1882. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
ROBEY, R. The Monetary Problem - Final Report of the Royal Commission to Inquire into the Relative Values of the Precious Metals. (Editor) Presented to Parliament 1888. New York, 1936. - Paul Einzig, How Money Is Managed. The Ends & Means of Monetary Policy.
ROBEY, RALPH W., Purchasing Power: An Introduction to Qualitative Credit Control Based on the Theories of Stephen Al Colwell. New York, Prentice-Hall, 1938. - Cowen & Kroszner. - Selgin.
ROBINSON, E. C., A Text Book of Political Economy. London, The Normal Press. The book is quite abnormal in not providing a date of publication. Judging by appearance, probably before 1900. With index 263 pages. No bibliography. A kind of tutorial book but with some interesting entries on money. It mentions the Bank Act of 1844 and a statistic of 1857. On page 12 a 1874 title is mentioned. That narrows down its age - a bit. - J.Z. - JZL.
ROBINSON, GEORGE BUCHAN, Monetary Mischief. New York, Morningside Heights, Columbia University Press 1935, indexed, 188pp. - While critical of the FED and its inflationary “policy”, he seems to know and care little about its complete opposite, namely full monetary freedom. His index shows nothing on Free Banking, Gresham’s Law, Legal Tender, Tax Foundation, Clearinghouse Certificates. At least he mentions the Curb Exchange on p.114. But then he was a broker. - J.Z., 18.3.10. - JZL.
ROBINSON, JAMES HARVEY, Mind in the Making: The Relation of Intelligence to Social Reform. Harper & Brothers, 1921. - Smitley, Popular Financial Delusions, 1933.
ROBINSON, JOAN, Collected Economic Papers. Basil Blackwell, Oxford 1965. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
ROBINSON, JOAN, Critique of Capitalism and the Mixed Economy. From: Joan Robinson, Economics: An Awkward Corner. George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., London 1966. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972. - Did she really understand under “capitalism” something else than a “mixed economy”? - Or is ir was she an outright State Socialist? - J.Z., 15.4.10.
ROBINSON, JOAN, The Economics Of Imperfect Competition. - MacMillan adv. in Meulen, Free Banking, 1934. - Did she deal with the lack of sufficient competition in the supply of exchange media, clearing facilities, value standards and credit? - J.Z., 30.3.10.
ROBINSON, JOAN, The Rate of Interest and Other Essays. London, 1952. - Paul Einzig, How Money Is Managed. The Ends & Means of Monetary Policy.
ROBINSON, JOAN, What has become of the Keynesian Revolution? In: Robinson, After Keynes. (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1973), 3; cited in Coddington, 1962. - Egger, The Ills of Capitalism.
ROBINSON, JOHN BEVERLEY, Proudhon's "General Idea of Revolution..." translated by JBR.
ROBINSON, JOHN BEVERLEY, Rebuilding the World: An Outline of the Principles of Anarchism. Ann Arbor, 1917, 32pp. - James J. Martin, Men Against the State. - Among Meulen books, Goldsmith Collection
ROBINSON, JOHN BEVERLEY, The Economics of Liberty. 1916, Minneapolis, Herman Kuehn. - James J. Martin, Men Against the State. Micro-filmed in PEACE PLANS 346 from the Modern Publishers, Indore, reprint. - Among Meulen’s books, in Goldsmith Collection
ROBINSON, ROLAND I., Money and Capital Markets. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking.
ROBINSON, ROLAND I., The Management of Bank Funds. 2nd ed., New York: McGraw-Hill, 1962. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking.
ROBY, H. J., Roman Law, in Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. II, chap, iii, London, 1926. - Groseclose, Money & Man.
ROCCAS, MASSIMO, International Bimetallism Revisited. Paper presented at the Second Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 1987. - Friedman, M., Money Mischief.
ROCKER, RUDOLF, Pioneers of American Freedom. Tr. by Arthur E. Briggs, Rocker Publications Committee, Los Angeles, 1949, 215pp, indexed, with extensive bibliography, PEACE PLANS 270. - Contains many hints to monetary freedom pioneers. - JZL.
ROCKOFF, HUGH, American Free Banking Before the Civil War: A Re-Examination. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC HISTORY, 32 (March 1972), pp.417-420. - Rummel
ROCKOFF, HUGH, Money, Prices and Banks in the Jacksonian Era. in Robert W. Fogel and Stanley Engerman, eds., Reinterpretation of American Economic History (New York: Harper and Row, 1971) - Klebaner - Money, Pricing and Banks in the Jacksonian Era - according to Hummel.
ROCKOFF, HUGH, Some Evidence on the Real Price of Gold, Its Costs of Production, and Commodity Prices. In: A Retrospective on the Classical Gold Standard, 1821-1931. (eds.) Michael D. Bordo and Anna J. Schwartz (Chicago: University of Chicago Press for the National Bureau of Economic Research, 1984), 613-49, esp. 619-20. - White, Competition & Currency. - Gold weight prices will be very different when gold weight units are not only generally applied to measure prices with but are also an exclusive exchange medium, together with 100% covered and redeemable gold certificates, to pay such prices with. When gold coins lose the exclusive exchange media status then the resulting emergency sales prices or deflationary prices will tend to disappear. I am not so sure whether gold weight unit prices will also change once free choice of value standards will be realized. However, if any change should result, I doubt that it will be as large. Gold weight unit prices will then, probably, run. Largely, in parallel, taking the exchange rate into consideration, with sound or sound enough value standards also expressing the prices of goods, services and labor. Naturally, other factors, operating relatively slowly, do also affect prices: E.g.: 1.) Current gold production, although small in relation to the accumulated gold stock. 2.) The increased population and the increased total of good, services and labor offered in the market. - J.Z., 14.7.10.
ROCKOFF, HUGH, The Free Banking Era, a Re-Examination. 1972 dissertation. University of Chicago, revised for Arno Press, A New York Times Co., New York, 1975 edition, 141pp, with 5pp of bibliography and 2 pages of dissertation titles by Arno Press. - JZL.
ROCKOFF, HUGH, The Free Banking Era: a Reexamination. (1974) JOURNAL OF MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING, 6, (May 1974) pp.141-67. - DOWD, The State & the Monetary System. - pages 141-67, Feb. 1974, 27pp, in PEACE PLANS 804. - Arno Press, New York. - Milton Friedman, Has Government Any Role in Money?
ROCKOFF, HUGH, The 'Wizard of Oz' as a Monetary Allegory. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 98 (August 1990): 739-60. - Friedman, M., Money Mischief.
ROCKOFF, HUGH, Varieties of banking and regional economic development in the United States, 1840-60. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC HISTORY 35: 160-77. (March 1975). - Rothbard - Hummel. - LMP wants a copy.) (1975b) -
ROCKOFF, HUGH, Walter Bagehot and the Theory of Central Banking. In: F. CAPIE and G. E. WOOD (eds) Financial Crises and the World Banking System, London: Macmillan. (1986) - Dowd, The State & the Monetary System.
ROCKWELL LLEWELLYN H., Jr. & BRADLEY, Government vs. Sound Money. 1988, interview, "THE FREE MARKET", 2pp, in PEACE PLANS 791.
ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr. & TUCKER, JEFFREY A., Black Monday and the Australian Theory of the Business Cycle. 1p memo only, in PEACE PLANS 847 & 850.
ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., A Winning Choice. WORLDNETDAILY, 14 Oct. 99, 2pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.486. - On gold standard & Robert Mundell www.WorldNetDaily.com
ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., Banks on the Dole. - November 1995 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute. 11/95, 2pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.484. - www.LewRockwell.com -
ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., Deflation: Hurrah! - August 2003 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute. - Has he ever experienced a severe deflation, with massive involuntary unemployment and people, in desperation, resorting to primitive barter again? While quite a few, unable to pay their debts, are committing suicide? Claims for life insurance do then also go up, which seems to indicate that some people see no better way to take care of their family than by taking removing themselves, hopefully with the appearance of an accidental death, so that their families can claim their life insurance sum. Goldbugs can arrive at such wrongful and irrational conclusions, based on flawed assumptions! - J.Z., 20.2.10. - Is this “Hurrah!” any better than any “Hurrahs” in wars between territorial governments? J.Z., 18.5.10. - I did not hear any hurrahs in West Berlin, in the fifties, when a third of the employees, and also ca. 20,000 professionals, were unemployed.
ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., Gold and Government. - December 1998 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute. - www.LewRockwell.com , 2pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.598.
ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., Gold, Now More Than Ever. - September 2004, - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute. - Yes, but only as an optional value standard for all kinds of exchange media and clearing certificates. In this way gold can mediate many more free exchanges in a quite sound way than it ever could under more or less strictly enforced gold redemptionism. Only the issuers themselves would have to “redeem” their notes and clearing certificates or account credits, at their nominal gold weight values, doing this with their goods and services, also priced out in gold weight values. No run on these values is to be expected then, except during special sales, ending, apart from the crowding involved, in mutual satisfaction. - J.Z., 18.5.10.
ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., It’s the 1930s All Over Again. - July 2007 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute. - At least this time without Soviet or Nazi rule - but still with their kind of “monetary policy”. - J.Z., 22.2.10. - It is not getting any more rightful or economical by being applied in democracies or republics. - J.Z., 14.7.10.
ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., Mad Fed Disease. - May 1996 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute.
ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., Money and Our Future. - February 2009 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute.
ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., Myth of the Replacement Tax. - "Myth of the Replacement Tax" - The Free Market, Volume 19, Number 6, June 2001. Related: Taxation - Online at the Mises Institute.
ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., Sound Money: Gold or Denationalization? 1987, 1p, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 735.
ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., The Gold Standard: An Austrian Perspective. (ed.) 1985. Lexington, Mass., Lexington Books. - White, Competition & Currency.
ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., The Gold Standard: Perspectives in the Austrian School. - The Gold Standard: Perspectives in the Austrian School - - With an introduction by LHR, Auburn, Alabama. The Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1992. Related: Money/Banking, Cycles, - Books Online Books - Online at the Mises Institute.
ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., The Inflationist Dream. - September 2003 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute.
ROCKWELL, LLEWELLYN H., Jr., Unplug the Money Machine. - February 1995 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute. - Rather, plug in your own money machine - for optional, discountable, competing, refusable and market rated monies of your own, using one or the other value standard preferred by yourself and your customers! - Only the central banks’ note printing presses for their kind of forced and exclusive (legal tender) currency, in each territorial nation State, should become unplugged or abolished together with the mostly vast and quite wrongful territorial monopolies. The legalization of the monopoly and coercive powers of central note-issuing banks should be ended or simply ignored in a peaceful but radical monetary revolution. Or via individual and minority group secessionism, even secessions by the majorities in some cases, from any government that no longer represents a majority, not to speak of being non-representative of too many minorities or granting some of them some injust and undeserved privileges. - J.Z., 18.5.10.
RODBERTUS, CARL, Die Forderungen der arbeitenden Klassen. 1839, 27pp, with hint towards his monetary reform scheme, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 731. - RODBERTUS, according to Ulrich von Beckerath, had also the notion of "Arbeitsgeld" or "labour notes". - J.Z.
RODBERTUS, Zur Erkenntnis unserer staatswirtschaftlichen Zustände. 1842, I, II, V. (Titel und S.1-62 & S.135-175) - In: DIEHL & MOMBERT, 5.Band, Wert & Preis II, S.1. 1920, Karlsruhe i.B., G. Braunsche Hofbuchdruckerei und Verlag.
RODERICK, DAVID M., The Great Coin Confusion." WEST WAYS, May, 1956. - Kagin, Private Gold Coins & Patterns.
RODEWALD, SANDRA, Wettbewerb in der Geldemission. Die Auswirkungen von Nichtdiskriminierung auf die konjunkturelle Stabilität eines Free Banking-Systems. http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/ASIN/3830021186/carlosbuchtip/302-9397210-5693631?dev-t=1FWK68NZ3H8D2H1VC802%26camp=2025%26link_code=xm2 - Gebundene Ausgabe - 280 Seiten - Kovac, J, Erscheinungsdatum: Mai 1975, Auflage: 1, ISBN: 3830021186 Rezensionen, Kurzbeschreibung: Die Frage der konjunkturellen Stabilität wird zwischen den Befürwortern und Gegnern einer wettbewerblichen Geldordnung kontrovers diskutiert. Die Befürworter gehen davon aus, dass insbesondere der Clearingmechanismus (das Gesetz der negativen Clearingsalden) Überemissionen verhindern kann und das Geldangebot nachfrageelastisch reagieren läßt. Voraussetzung hierfür ist u. a., dass die Geldnachfrager Präferenzen bezüglich der Banknoten der verschiedenen Emittenten bilden, also diskriminieren. - - In der Literatur finden sich verschieden konstruierte Zahlenbeispiele zur Demonstration des Versagens des Clearingmechanismus. Implizit wurde bei allen Zahlenbeispielen die Diskriminierungsannahme aufgehoben. In dieser Arbeit werden die verschiedenen Aspekte dieser Zahlenbeispiele aufgegriffen und in einem mehrperiodigen Clearingmodell vereint. Ziel war, die Auswirkungen einer Überemission auf die Marktanteile, die Höhe und Zusammensetzung der Notenrückflüsse in den Bankensektor sowie Höhe und Vorzeichen der Clearingsalden in den verschiedenen Überemissionsfolgephasen zu systematisieren und die Wirkungszusammenhänge zu verdeutlichen. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass sich zwar auch bei Nichtdiskriminierung negative Clearingsalden für die überemittierende Bank ergeben können und sie sich somit einer Illiquiditätsgefahr aussetzt, diese aber wesentlich geringer ist als bei Diskriminierung. Der Clearingmechanismus kann seine (präventive) Wirkung somit nicht voll entfalten. - - Insofern galt es des Weiteren zu untersuchen, durch welches wettbewerbliche Umfeld Diskriminierung gefördert wird. Grundproblem der Qualitätsbestimmung des Geldes ist die asymmetrische Informationsverteilung zwischen Geldanbieter und -nachfrager. Garantien, Markennamen und Lizenzen stellen Maßnahmen gegen diese Unsicherheit dar, die jedoch auch einen Einfluß auf die Präferenzenbildung ausüben. Positiv zu bewerten sind grundsätzlich alle Ausgestaltungen, die in der Lage sind, den Wirtschaftssubjekten die Qualitätseinschätzung zu erleichtern, indem z. B. die Suchkosten verringert werden, ohne dabei die Qualität der Banknoten bzw. der Emittenten zu egalisieren.
RODKEY, R. G., Sound Policies for Bank Management. New York, 1944. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
RODKEY, ROBERT G., Legal Reserves in American Banking. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press, 1934. - Klebaner - Book edition? - J.Z. - With such a title, like most authors, he probably did not care about a sufficient short-term debt, clearing, reflux or readiness to accept or shop foundation that would exert, immediately or soon such a strong demand for the notes of a particular issuer that it could and would keep them at par with their nominal value, although there might be no other “reserves” than merely some cash on hand to provide some change options. - But then he is certainly not alone in his stress on “cover”, “reserves” and capital securities, long and medium term ones, as a supposed “backing” for note issues. - J.Z., 1.6.10.
RODKEY, ROBERT G., Legal Reserves in American Banking. 1934. MICHIGAN BUSINESS STUDIES 6(5). - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking. Periodical article? - If page numbers were given, that would be clarified. - J.Z.
RODKEY, ROBERT G., State Bank Failures in Michigan. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Bureau of Business Research, 1935. - Woodford, Detroit & its Banks.
RODKEY, ROBERT G., The Banking Process. 1928. New York: Macmillan. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
RODRIGUEZ, EDUARDO HUARTE, Dr., 19 Oct. 87, to ZUBE, JOHN, with reply, 5 Nov. 87, 4pp, 48x, in PEACE PLANS 740.
ROELOFS, W. P., Dr., Correspondence with M., T. & ZUBE, JOHN, on monetary freedom, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 735.
ROGERS, CARL R., Freedom to Learn. 1969, www.panarchy.org/rogers/learning.html
ROGERS, JAMES E. THOROLD, (Prof. James E. Thorold Rogers.)
ROGERS, JAMES E. THOROLD, A History of Agriculture and Prices in England. Oxford, 1866-1902. - London. 4 vols. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
ROGERS, JAMES E. THOROLD, Industrial & Commercial History of England. N. Y., 1892. - Bogart, The Ec. Hist. of the U.S.
ROGERS, JAMES E. THOROLD, Manual of Political Economy. 1868. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
ROGERS, JAMES E. THOROLD, Six Centuries of Work and Wages. N. Y., 1884. - Bogart, The Ec. Hist. of the U.S. - London, 1903. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
ROGERS, JAMES E. THOROLD, The Economic Interpretation of History. N. Y., 1888. - Bogart, The Ec. Hist. of the U.S. - T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1888. - "We know that there were countries far advanced in civilization which had no coins. There were none in Egypt, in Assyria, in Babylonia, in the old Phoenician colonies; … and yet it appears, from recent research, that Babylonia had an elaborate system of banking, and all the machinery of transferring balances from one account to another." … “The private orations of the great Greek pleaders are full of information as to the existence of bankers in the Greek cities, and of the circulation of bills of exchange between such bankers as were in correspondence with each other, and had understandings, as to the negotiations of such instruments.” pp.184, 206. - Norman Angell, The Story of Money, 1934. - Groseclose, Money & Man.
ROGERS, JAMES E. THOROLD, The First Nine Years of the Bank of England. Oxford and New York, 1887. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling. - See also under THOROLD ROGERS, J. E.
ROGERS, JAMES E. THOROLD, The Shell Book. 1951. - K. Ryan, 1990.
ROGERS, JAMES HARVEY, Inflation in France. New York, 1929. - Groseclose, Money & Man. - Oxford 1887. - Obst.
ROLFE SIDNEY E. & BURTLE, JAMES, The Great Wheel. The World Monetary System. (New York: Quadrangle/The New York Times Book Co., 1973) - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation. - ROLFE, S. E. & BARTLE, JAMES, The Great Wheel. 1974. - K. Ryan, 1990. - Bartle or Burtle? One may be a scanning mistake not discovered. - J.Z.
ROLL, ERICH, About Money. London, Faber & Faber Ltd., 1934, indexed, 254pp. Typically, it has not entry in the index on free banking, legal tender, Scottish Banking, monetary freedom. However, he was a Mises follower (p.40) and brings a short entry on fiduciary issues: 51/52. Thus I merely browsed in it very shortly. Maybe others have also found something worthwhile in it. - J.Z., 7.3.10. - JZL.
ROLL, Money and Keynes: A Treatise on Money. vol. i. - Mills & Walker, Money, 1935-1952.
ROLNICK, ARTHUR J. & WEBER, WARREN E., Banking Instability and Regulation in the U.S. Free Banking Era. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, QUARTERLY REVIEW, Summer 1985, pp 2-9. - Selgin + Dowd.
ROLNICK, ARTHUR J. & WEBER, WARREN E., Explaining the Demand for Free Bank Notes.'. JOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS 21: 47-71 (1988) - Dowd - There will be a need for them and ready local acceptance only to the extent that there is still an insufficient supply of useful exchange media. That will be indicated by the fact that local issuers can still issue them at par with their nominal value. The saturation point is reached when alternative notes become refused or accepted only with a discount. The only required “monetary policy” is then and thus in everybody’s hands, just as their supply with food and drinks usually is. Both, force-feeding and starvation-“policies” should be avoided in this sphere as well, as offences against genuine individual rights and liberties. - J.Z., 23.6.10.
ROLNICK, ARTHUR J. & WEBER, WARREN E., Free Banking, Wildcat Banking and Shin Plasters. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS QUARTERLY REVIEW 6, Fall 1982: 10-19. Mentioned by Timberlake in his essay on scrip issues. - Also quoted by Donald R. Wells. - White, Competition & Currency.
ROLNICK, ARTHUR J. & WEBER, WARREN E., Gresham's Law or Gresham's Fallacy?" JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 94 (February 1986): 185-99. - Friedman, M., Money Mischief. - Also in: p.17 to 24, of QUARTERLY REVIEW, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Vol. 10, No. 1, Winter 1986. -photocopy only. - JZL. - There is some debate about whether silver coins strongly dominated gold coins in circulation between 1792 and 1834 and whether gold coins were strongly dominant between 1834 and 1860. This article argues for the less conventional view that Gresham's Law is not strictly applicable to these time periods.
ROLNICK, ARTHUR J. & WEBER, WARREN E., Inherent Instability in Banking: The Free Banking Experience. CATO JOURNAL 5(3) (Winter 1986): 877-90. - “However, many states allowed a broad range of collateral in addition to home state bonds.” - White, Competition & Currency. - I wonder how much or how little of their note-issue business was soundly based on the RBD rather than rare metal redemption or capital “securities”. - J.Z., 20.3.10. . - There is an inherent instability only in the latter kind of “free” banking. - J.Z., 21.3.10. - For instance, the quantity of rare metal coins actually circulating, for wage payments, normal consumer purchases etc., is greatly fluctuating e.g. as a result of wars, civil wars and revolutions. Sound paper money issues are much more flexible if properly based upon the goods and services available, with all of them priced out in sound value standards. - J.Z., 1.6.10.
ROLNICK, ARTHUR J. & WEBER, WARREN E., New Evidence on the Free Banking Era. AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 73 (5) (December 1983): 1080-91. - Kevin Dowd, Automatic Stabilizing Mechanisms under Free Banking, 1988. - - New Evidence on Laissez-Faire Banking, Am Ec. Rev. 73(5) 1080-91, Dec. 1983, - Selgin + Dowd. - One essay with two titles? - J.Z.
ROLNICK, ARTHUR J. & WEBER, WARREN E., on US "free banking" experience (links to pdf or ps files)ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., America's Great Depression, is on www.mises.org/rothbard/agd/contents.asp A pdf issue is also available. Related: Cycles, Macro, Consumption, Prices/Cycles, Monetary Policy, Macro Policy, Cycle History, Books, History, Murray N. Rothbard (07)
ROLNICK, ARTHUR J. & WEBER, WARREN E., The Causes of Free Bank Failures: A Detailed Examination. JOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS 14 (November 1984): 267-91. - White, Competition & Currency. - The main cause was that they simply were not genuinely free and competing note-issuing banks but held to wrongful and irrational governmental legislation for the details of their issues. - J.Z., 18.5.10.
ROMA, C. MORATO, De la Monnaie. Lisbonne, 1861. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
ROMER, CHRISTINA D. The Prewar Business Cycle Reconsidered: New Estimates of Gross National Product, 1869-1908. JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY 97 (February 1989): 1-37. - has shown that nineteenth-century output was considerably less volatile than had previously been believed in her "The Prewar Business Cycle Reconsidered: … However, - correcting the data as Romer suggests accounts for only two-thirds of the apparently greater instability of the gold standard period. - Tyler Cowen, Why Keynesianism Triumphed or, Could so Many Keynesians Have Been Wrong?
ROMER, CHRISTINA D., Is the stabilization of the postwar economy a figment of the data? (1986) AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 76, pp. 314-34. - DOWD, The State & the Monetary System.
RONALDSON, JAMES, Banks and a Paper Currency: their Effects upon Society. By a Friend of the People. Philadelphia, 1832. [Ronaldson, James.] - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
RØNNING, BJØRN, R., Norges Mynter og Pengesedler etter 1874. Oslo 1972. Norwegen. - Albert Pick
ROOKE, JOHN, Inquiry into the Principles of National Wealth. Edinburgh, 1824. - Scott Sumner, The Forerunners of “New Monetary Economics” Proposals to Stabilize the Unit of Account.
ROOSA, ROBERT V., Federal Reserve Operations in the Money and Government Securities Markets. New York: Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1956. - Spero & Davids, Money & Banking. - Rittershausen, Wirtschaft, 1960 Auflage. - Cases of: “Operation successful, patient dead!”? - J.Z., 4.4.10.
ROOSA, ROBERT V., The Revival of Monetary Policy. In: THE REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, Februar 1951, S.32 ff. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
ROOSEVELT, FRANKLIN D., Address of President Roosevelt by radio. March 12, 1933. Delivered from the President's Study in the White House at 10 P.M. - Note by Larry Parks of FAME. - How a supposed Great Leader and Protector of the People and the Constitution and the Rights of the People, simply did away with very important economic rights of the people. Nevertheless, with the consent of his victims, and in spite of many other wrongful and irrational decisions, he remained in power to his death. - When I went to the Post Office, this morning, not knowing it is a public holiday, getting anyhow a 20 minute exercise walk done, I passed a neighbor, polishing his car and thereupon noted down: “If only people polished their ideas as well they do their cars, this world would be a much better place.” - When I made this remark to him, neither meant nor taken as a personal insult, he agreed with me, on the spot. Which is a rather rare occurrence for me, since I severely disagree with most people on so many subjects. - J.Z., 14.6.10.
ROOSEVELT, THEODORE, Gouverneur Morris. Boston, 1898. - Carothers, Fractional Money.
ROOSEVELT, THEODORE, Thomas Hart Benton. American Statesmen series. Boston, 1899. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960. - Or: BENTON, THOMAS HART, Theodor Roosevelt? - J.Z.
ROOT, L. CARROLL, Canadian Bank-Note Currency. 1894. SOUND CURRENCY 2(2) (December). - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
ROOT, L. CARROLL, New York Bank Currency, Safety Fund vs. Bond Security. SOUND CURRENCY, vol. 2(5), Feb. (1895) - Dowd + Schuler + Selgin. - Almost the complete set of SOUND CURRENCY, 1-24, is available on microfilm, in roll-film. I got a copy of that a few years ago. But my rapid browsing through it did not reveal to me other articles, valuable to me, like the one by John DeWitt Warner: The Currency Famine of 1893. Perhaps only the “gold bugs” and advocates of monetizing government or private bonds will find some more articles there of interest to them. If anyone finds any general monetary freedom title there, please, let me know. - Ulrich von Beckerath tried, for most of his life, to get the complete set. All he could get were the volumes of 1895 & 1896. - The bankers, as a group, have certainly not spent much of their profits on getting and keeping the literature on free banking in print or available in other media. Nor have the universities, the economists or the general victims of monetary despotism. The situation is almost as bad as the tolerance of slavery, serfdom and territorialism - for all too many centuries. - As far as I know, the “free banking” of the US type, under government legislation, was merely turning governmental medium and long term debt certificates and, possibly, also some private capital assets into “currency”, in total ignorance of the genuine banking principle and its requirement: A short term reflux of the notes, based upon short term and sound commercial debt certificates, represents goods already produced, already sold, at least to wholesalers, and on the road to the retailers and then to the final consumers, purchasing them with the banknotes so issued and thus enabling the debtors of the bank to repay their short-term debts to it. Thus the goods and the money side is kept in balance. Gold weight units, as standards of value, if adopted as such, would only have to be used for this purpose and not accumulated as cover and used as a redemption fund by the issuers, upon demand by the note holders. Properly streaming back banknotes (banknotes with sufficient reflux to the issuers or sufficicient readiness too accept foundation) would be all used for debt repayments (directly or via accounts) and none would be left for redemption demands. However, the promised redemption induced, at least sometimes, some note-holders, to demand it and that led then to difficulties for notes that were only clearing certificates (to grant and repay short-term turn-over credits). Ignorance on that subject that prevails even today among the vast majority of bankers and economists, not to speak of journalists and other writers. - Insistence on metallic redemption, instead of in consumer goods or consumer services or use in clearing or debt payments with banknotes, did not improve the situation but made it unstable, when the note issue and the demand for redemption in this cover exceeded the metallic cover. When the circulation of the notes was confined to the volume of this cover, then no more goods, services and labor could be turned over, with cash, than was possible with such an exclusive currency. Clearing was not fully developed then and is not even fully developed now. It, too, does not, essentially, need any cover or redemption but merely sound value reckoning for its turnovers, based upon the cancellation of mutual debts. Even here competition should prevail, i.e. free choice of value standards for the people involved in trading, buying and selling. - Neither an exclusive exchange medium nor an exclusive value standard should be imposed nor any kind of monoply banking. - J.Z., 8.2.10.
ROOVER, RAYMOND de, Business, Banking, and Economic Thought in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Edited by Julius Kirshner. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956, 1974. chap. 5. - White, Competition & Currency. - 1974. - Barry N. Siegel, Money in Crisis. - 1976. - L. H. White.
ROOVER, RAYMOND de, Gresham on Foreign Exchange. Cambridge, Mass., 1949. - Paul Einzig, How Money Is Managed. The Ends & Means of Monetary Policy. . - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
ROOVER, RAYMOND de, Money, Banking and Credit in Mediaeval Bruges. 1948. Cambridge, MA: The Mediaeval Academy of America. . - Fred E. Foldvary, “… The Credit Exchange Alternative for Market Coordination.”
ROOVER, RAYMOND de, New Interpretations of the History of Banking. 1974. In Julius Kirshner, ed., Business, Banking and Economic Thought in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking.
ROPER, DON & GIRTON, LANCE, Theory and Implication of Currency Substitution. JMCB, Feb. 81, 19pp, in PEACE PLANS 806.
ROPES, J. S., Currency, Banking and Credit. BANKERS' MAGAZINE (1859), xiv, 161-176, 272-279. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
ROPES, J. S., The Financial Crisis. THE NEW ENGLANDER (1857), vol. xv. - Miller, Harry E., Banking Theories in the US before 1860.
RÖPKE, WILHELM, A Humane Economy. Henry Regnery Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1971. - Smith, Jerome F., The Coming Currency Collapse, 1980.
RÖPKE, WILHELM, Crises and Cycles. - Crises and Cycles - London: William Hodge, 1936 Related: Cycles, Books Online Books : Cycles, Prices/Cycles, Money, Books, Wilhelm Roepke Online at the Mises Institute.
RÖPKE, WILHELM, Geld und Aussenhandel. 1947. - Rittershausen, Wirtschaft, 1960 Auflage.
RÖPKE, WILHELM, International Order and Economic Integration. - International Order and Economic Integration D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1959. Related: Money/Banking, Monetary Policy, Int'l Econ., Int'l Business, Cycle History, Gov't History, Books, The State, Wilhelm Roepke
RÖPKE, WILHELM, Internationale Ordnung - heute. Zürich - Stuttgart, 1954. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
RÖPKE, WILHELM, Wege zur Konvertibilität. In: Volkswirtschaftliche Studien für das Schweizerische Institut für Auslandsforschung. Erlenbach - Zürich. 1954. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
ROSCH, CARL, Kreditinflation und Währungskrisen. - Rec. by Bth?
ROSCHER, WILHELM, Nationalökonomik des Gewerbfleisses und Handels. 8. Aufl., bearbeitet von Wilhelm Stieda, Stuttgart u. Berlin, Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger, 1917, Par.161. (Roscher was not a free banking advocate but, as usual, rather objective in his reporting. - J.Z. JZL)
ROSCHER, WILHELM, System der Volkswirtschaft. Band III, Nationalökonomik des Handels- und Gewerbefleisses, 7. Auflage, Stuttgart 1899. - Jacob Kautsch, Handbuch des Bank- und des Börsenwesens, 3 Auflage, 1912.
ROSCHER, WILLIAM, Principles of Political Economy. Translated by John J. Lalor. 2 vols. Chicago, 1882. (WILHELM! - Texts should be translated, not names! - J.Z.)
ROSE, JOHN, Speech of Hon. John Rose before the House of Commons, May 14, 1869. Montreal, Hunter, Rose and Co., 1969. - Schuler
ROSE, KLAUS, Bemerkungen zur Theorie der Kosteninflation. JAHRBUCH FUR SOZIALWISSENSCHAFTEN, Bd. 12, 1961. - Flamant. - Als ob die mehr als eine schlechte Ausrede sein würde. - Natürlich stecken auch inflationierte Kosten-Preise in den durch eine Inflation künstlich aufgeblasenen Verkaufspreisen, alle in einem schlechten, erzwungenen und dann noch sehr schlecht verwalteten „Wertmass“ ausgedrückt. Aber sie, als Teilursachen der monetären Inflation anzusehen, statt als ihre Auswirkungen, ist ganz verfehlt. - Noch ein Beispiel dafür, dass es bisher wirkliche „Sozialwissenschaften“ nur unzureichend gibt. - J.Z., 11.3.10.
ROSE, P. S., Bank Attitudes Toward the Federal Reserve System: Survey Results. JOURNAL OF BANK RESEARCH 8 (Summer 1977): 77-84. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
ROSELAND SHOPPING CENTRE, Payment of claimed wage increases to builder’s laborers, shortly before Christmas, in form of gift vouchers, before this huge building was finished and the expected cash flow finally achieved. The gift vouchers were accepted like ready cash in all other branches of Grace Bros chain stores in Sydney, NSW, Australia. Wrongful legislation was broken or ignored - but no lawful laws. The threatened strike was thus averted. All were satisfied. Details of the case were hushed up. Thus prosecution was avoided. No one was punished - as they could have been due to the penal legislation upholding the Reserve Bank’s monopoly. The shopping centre was finished in time. A financial crisis for this large firm was avoided. 1964, 4pp, in PEACE PLANS 913. - If only other shopping centres had learnt enough of this example so that, between them, during the next deflationary or inflationary crisis and shortly before an election they could rationally and rightfully act in concert, thus ending the crisis and also reducing the risk of prosecution to close to zero. For then the politicians, fearing loss of votes, would not dare to prosecute them but would, rather, be inclined to legalize such self-help steps. Shopping centres could thus end inflations immediately, for all participants and also unemployment, within days. The stocks of goods and the service capacity in peace time, in the stores (apart from revolutionary and war times or during civil wars, severe price and trading controls, and during natural catastrophes), are vast - in somewhat developed countries - and could be turned into monetary demand for productive labor, via short term loans to potential employees or coops, within hours, at the speed of instant printing. But errors, prejudices, wrong assumptions and false conclusions among employers, employees, trade unionists and “monetary experts” would first have to be overcome. It Australia it would help that “shop currencies”, granted in consumer credits, have already a tradition of decades. With this kind of shop currency the purchasing habits of consumers could be anticipated, somewhat like formerly the sound commercial bills or “real bills” were, under the best version of the “banking principle”, as opposed to the “currency principle” which insisted on metallic redemption rather than redemption in wanted consumer goods and services, also priced out e.g. in rare metal weight units. (In the discounting of the sound commercial bills under the RBD [Real Bills Doctrine] for goods sold from factories etc. to the wholesalers, their final sale through the retailers and thus the payments for them to the retailers, with the notes issued in the process, was also anticipated. As well as the payments of the retailers to the wholesalers and of the wholesalers to the producers.) The legal prohibitionism in this sphere, amounting to monetary despotism, has even worse results than the laws of the Prohibition had for alcoholic drinks and other drugs and the protectionist prohibitions in external trading. It is quite wrongful and absurd to monopolize exchange media and value standards and force all too many exchanges, which cannot be done or are not yet done via clearing or non-cash transactions, through this compulsory “wringer”. - I look forward to the first monetary freedom revolution, the sooner the better. But all preconditions for its ought to be fulfilled, e.g. by providing all required reference works in at least electronic form and also a sufficient number of sound primers. A comprehensive handbook on the subject is still amiss. Klaus Falke is working towards it in form of a data bank. - Klaus.Falke@Absatzring.com - I am working towards it in form of an alphabetized encyclopedia, of which a long but still very incomplete beginnings is offered on www.butterbach.net/freebank.htm - Neither of us can finish these jobs quite on our own. HELP!!!! - HELP!!!! - J.Z., 15.7.10.
ROSEMAN, HERBERT C, to ZUBE, JOHN, 21 Jan. 67, 1p, & 13 April 67, 2pp, in PEACE PLANS 913.
ROSEMAN, HERBERT C., The Economics of Scarcity vs. Economics of Liberty. In: "A WAY OUT", July-August 1966, 2pp from WAY OUT, August to July 1966 and in THE INDIAN LIBERTARIAN, April 15, 1967, and 1 May 67, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 911.
ROSEN, ERWIN, Teufel Geld. Erinnerungen und Eindrücke. 1920, Rösl & Cie, München, 278 S., Geschichten aus der frühen Inflationszeit der grossen Inflation von 1914-1923. -Most people rather blame „money“ instead of their own ignorance, errors, prejudices, flawed ideas and corresponding practices in this sphere. - J.Z., 23.3.10. - JZL.
ROSENBERG, HARRY, Die Banknoten des Deutschen Reiches ab 1871. 5. Aufl., Münster 1979. - Albert Pick
ROSENBOHM, ELIMAR, Die Kreditschöpfungstheorie ist eine Theorienschöpfung. Zum neuen Buch: "Geld und Boden", von Prof. Werner Zimmermann, 1967, 2pp, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 742. Compare CREUTZ vs. BLANKERTZ, letters, the paper by TAYLOR, DAVID, and the CREUTZ vs. SUHR exchange. - J.Z. - Es handelt sich auch hier meist nicht einmal um auf Tatsachen gestützte Theorien sondern um blosse Hypothesen, Vorurteile, Dogmen, Irrtümer, falsche Voraussetzungen und viele Fehlschlüsse, die mehr oder weniger populär sind, auch unter Akademikern, und die allzuviele Tatsachen und gesunde Prinzipien einfach ignorieren. Wirkliche Sozialwissenschaften gibt es nur in einigen Schulen, die eine Minderheit in den Universitäten und in der Fachliteratur darstellen. - J.Z., 18.5.10.
ROSENN, KEITH S., Law and Inflation. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1982. 148-50. - Steven L. Green, July 86.
ROSENTHAL, ALBERT J., The Federal Role in Protecting Our Environment. HARVARD LAW SCHOOL BULLETIN, Vol. 22, No. 2, December 1970, pp.14-19. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972. - By rights it’s zero! Apart from its costs and negative effects. By legislation it pretends to be almost omnipotent. -Territorial governments are inherent failures, in this as in all other respects. They cannot even run a postal service cheaply and efficiently. But most lawyers would not recognize this. - J.Z., 15.4.10.
ROSENTHAL, BERNHARD, Zur Bankfrage. Wien 1896. - Die „Bankfrage“ wird erst durch gesetzlich sanktionierte Einmischungen geschaffen. - J.Z., 14.3.10.
ROSS, ERNEST G., Let's Liberate Money. THE FREEMAN, 1/85, pp. 34-39. - 5pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.263. - Let us liberate ourselves from the money system imposed upon us by our governments and let us develop or apply our own money-, clearing- and credit-system in self-help and development and experimental steps among volunteers only. No more prohibitions, prosecutions and penalties for self-responsible, rightful and rational actions in this sphere! - J.Z., 18.5.10.
ROSS, ERNEST G., Letter from the Paper Planet. THE FREEMAN, 10/83, 7pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.268. - Paper money does not have to be monopolized and should never be given legal tender power. If it cannot circulate, at least locally without legal tender power then it should not be issued at all. Let a quite free market operate - especially in this sphere. Nor does any soundly issued money, rapidly streaming back to the issuer and his debtors, need gold-redemption by the issuer to enable it to reckon in gold weight units and to stand at par with them, at least in its local circulation sphere. - One should not blame the paper or printing for the legalized wrongs committed with them. - J.Z., 28.2.10, 18.5.10.
ROSS, ERNIE, The Impossible Task of the FED. THE FREEMAN, 2/81, 6pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.275. - And yet public opinion, largely caused by governmentally controlled “education”, which I rather call “miseducation”, holds, that for central banks everything is possible, that they are, so to speak, like a supposedly existing and loving God, all-knowing and all-mighty and doing whatever it best for us, rather than for themselves and the politicians who established and maintain them. - The faith in them is like the religious piety, immune to daily observable facts. As Ulrich von Beckerath expressed it, the “authorities” of the central banks are merely the high priests of the still all too popular religion on money. - J.Z., 9.6.10. “Bailing Out Banks Subsidizes Bad Investments.” … “The Fed is an economic tyranny - a democratically created, legally empowered tyranny over the nation’s money supply.” … “… the creation and perpetuation of the Federal Reserve System is the most gripping, insidious economic tyranny yet accepted.” … “Yet, most of today’s established market economists tacitly support this tyranny.” … “There is in the long run only one answer to the problem of managing the monetary economy: It should be privatized, with privately coined and printed currency, privately controlled credit systems and private insurance of monetary deposits.” … “… without its own monetary machinery, the government will find the financing of redistributive and vote-buying schemes considerably more difficult.”
ROSS, JOHN, Federal and State Banks and Currency Reform. Melbourne, 1901. - GOLLIN, The Commonwealth Bank of A.
ROSS, VICTOR, History of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Vol. 1. 1920,. (Vol. 2, 1922), Toronto, OUP. - Schuler
ROSSITER, CLINTON, Conservatism in America. New York, 1955. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
ROSSY/REIMANN, Bundesgesetz über die Banken und Sparkassen vom 8. November 1934 mit Vollziehungsverordnung vom 26. Februar 1935 und Verordnung des Bundesgerichts betreffend das Nachlaßverfahren von Banken; Textausgabe mit Einleitungen, Erläuterungen und Sachregister. Zürich 1935. - Lautner, Der „WIR“ Verrechnungsverkehr, 1964.
ROSTOVTSEFF, M., The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire. Oxford University Press, 1957. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation. - Named ROSTOVTZEFF, M., in another reference to the same text.- J.Z.
ROSWAG, C., La Question Monétaire. Paris, 1874. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
ROSWAG, C., Les Métaux Précieux. Paris, 1865. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., (Prof.) (1926-1995)
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., A Genuine Gold Dollar. - July 2004, The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., A Gold Standard for Russia? 1p. in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.811.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., A History of Money and Banking in the United States: The Colonial Era to World War II. Auburn, Mises Institute. Online at the Mises Institute. - The Mises Review - Winter 2002. www.mises.org/rothbard/historyofmoney.pdf
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Alan Greenspan: A Minority Report. THE FREE MARKET, V/8, August 87, 1p , in PEACE PLANS 1629, p.32.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Americas Great Depression. D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., Princeton, N.J., 1963. - Los Angeles. Nash Publishing. 1972. - Nataf - Kansas City, MO: Sheed and Ward, 1975, - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition. - Richardson & Snyder, Inc., 1975. - Auburn, Mises Institute, 2000. - “Claims that the Great Depression was not caused by a government failure to maintain the money supply but by the over-creation of money in the previous decade. Then a series of calamitous microeconomic regulations prevented the economy from adjusting to the lower prices.” - Geddes. - - America's Great Depression - Kansas City: Sheed and Ward, 1975, Related: Cycles, Books, History Online Books - Online at the Mises Institute. - JZL. 1963 ed. He is opposed to the Banking School, based on a primitive notion of the Quantity Theory and, typically for all too many economy books, it has not entry on Legal Tender in its index. - The coin, notes and token collectors are at least prepared to face the realities. He condemns all “scrip” issues whole sale, without making any distinctions. How biased can even a great scholar like him become? - Milton Friedman did at least recant some of his earlier dogmatism in this sphere. Did Rothbard ever do this? - J.Z., 14.6.10.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Anatomy of the State. - Anatomy of the State - Related: Mixed Economy, Books, The State Online Books - Online at the Mises Institute.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Another Round in the Gold Debate. REASON, 4/86, 1p, reviewing: Hans Sennholz : Money and Freedom, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 742.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Aurophobia: or, Free Banking on What Standard? - (1992a) A Review of Gold, Greenbacks, and the Constitution, - by Richard H. Timberlake - Vol. 6 Num. 1 - Review of Austrian Economics - Online at the Mises Institute. - ? THE REVIEW OF AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS, 6 (1), 97-108. - Peter H. Canning.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Austrian Definitions of the Supply of Money." In: New Directions in Austrian Economics. Ed. by Louis M. Spadaro (Kansas City: Sheed Andrews & McMeel, 1978), 143-56. - White, Competition & Currency.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Bank Crisis! - March 1991 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Banking and the Federal Reserve. 2 audio tapes, 2 hours, Sale at LFB $14.95.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Conceived in Liberty. New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House, Volumes I and II, 1975, Volume III, 1976. - Leslie Snyder, Justice or Revolution.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Deflation, Free or Compulsory. - April 1991 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure. Pages 21-34, in: MISES, LUDWIG von, HABERLER, GOTTFRIED, ROTHBARD, MURRAY N. & HAYEK, FRIEDRICH A., The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and Other Essays, Center for Libertarian Studies, OCCASIONAL PAPER SERIES, # 8, 1978, preface by Richard M. Ebeling, 45pp. - Mises Institute 2009; - Economics Depressions: Their Cause and Cure - originally published as a mini-book in 1969 by the Constitutional Alliance of Lansing, Michigan. (JZL.) - - Also in: Murray N. Rothbard, The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle, compiled by Richard M. Ebeling, 1996, Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn. - Related: Cycles, Prices/Cycles Online Books - "Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure"
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., First Step Back to Gold. - November 1986 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute. - Alas, he never took the step forward to free gold weight value clearing and gold weight value pricing, away from gold weight redemptionism by the issuers. In other words, he wanted to confine all our exchanges to those which would be possible under the kind of gold standard that he considered to be ideal, but that had never in all of history managed to replace all of the clumsy, time and energy wasting barter transactions by monetary exchanges, a system that artificially created the “cursed hunger for gold”. Any debtor able to pay with his notes and clearing certificates or account transfers the gold weight values required, would not only liberate himself but also his creditor from the hang-ups involved in the old kind of metallic cover and redemptionism. There is no limit to the number of free exchanges that can be mediated by using gold coins or their 100% covered and redeemable certificates only as value standards but not as exclusive means of exchange. - J.Z., 18.5.10.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto. The Macmillan Company, New York, 1973. - For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto - Mises Institute, 2006. Related: Mixed Economy, Interdisciplinary, Books, Political Philosophy, Anarchy Online Books - revised edition, 1978, London and New York: Collier-Macmillan. - Dowd - JZL)
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Foreword to The Theory of Money and Credit by Mises. - Foreword to The Theory of Money and Credit by Mises - Indianapolis, IN: LibertyFund, 1981, pp.13-16. Related: Money/Banking, Cycles, Economists, Market Structure, Cycle History, Comparative Systems, Core, Books Online Books
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Fractional Reserve Banking. THE FREEMAN, 10/95, 5pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.280.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Gold Socialism or Dollar Socialism? 2pp: 150. In: PEACE PLANS Nos. 1572 & 1573. From: COMMON SENSE, The Newsletter of THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY OF FLORIDA, later sub-headed: The Newsletter for libertarians and other friends of liberty, 482pp, incomplete, 1-241 - April 1987 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute. - Both can form an exclusive and forced currency. But both can also peacefully co-exist with all other monetary freedom options - when confined to their volunteers. More they cannot rightfully demand. - J.Z., 28.2.10. - Why either of the two choices he offers in the title? Neither! - J.Z., 20.2.10. - Except for their volunteers! - J.Z., 18.5.10.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Gold vs. Fluctuating Fiat Exchange Rates. - Sennholz, Gold Is Money.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Hayek's Denationalized Money. THE LIBERTARIAN FORUM, XV,5-6, August 1981-January 1982, p. 9.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., History of Money and Banking in the United States: The Colonial Era to World War II. - History of Money and Banking in the United States: The Colonial Era to World War II - Auburn: Mises Institute, 2002. - Purchase - Related: Money/Banking, Econ. History, Books, History Online Books
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., How Government Destroys Our Money. Audio tape, 59 minutes, LFB.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Inflation and the Business Cycle: The Collapse of the Keynesian Paradigm." In: For a New Liberty. New York: Collier Macmillan, 1978: 171-193. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Keynesianism Redux. - January 1989 - The Free Market
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Ludwig von Mises and the Paradigm for Our Age. - Online at the Mises Institute. From MODERN AGE, Fall 1971, pp. 370-19. Appearing also in “The Logic of Action One: ..., 1997, pp. 195-210.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Man, Economy and State: A Treatise on Economic Principles. (Vol. I & II) Princeton, N. J.: D. Van Nostrand, 1962. - 1970, Los Angeles: Nash Publishing Company. - “More than just a simplification of Mises' Human Action. Adds diagrams and shows where Mises ideas fit with the usual economic approach. Particularly insightful with discussions of monopoly, interest and money.” - Man, Economy, and State, with Power and Market - Auburn, Ala.: Mises Institute, 2001, 2004 (1962, 1970). Related: Methodology, Subjectivism, Price/Cost, Welfare, Competition, Entrepreneurship, Calculation, Capital/Interest, Money/Banking, Cycles, Wages, Mixed Economy, Core, Books, Property, Law, Anarchy, The State, Austrian Method Online Books http://mises.org/books/mespm.pdf
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Money Inflation and Price Inflation. - The Free Market - September 1986.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Money, The State and Modern Mercantilism." MODERN AGE (Summer 1963): 279-289. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Nine Myths About the Crash. - January 1988 - The Free Market - There are, probably, 900 or even 9000 myths about economic crises. All of them should be systematically tackled and confronted with their best refutations, so that they can no longer be easily incorporated and expressed in governmental “policies”. - J.Z., 18.5.10.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Power and Market - Government and the Economy. Institute for Humane Studies, Inc., Menlo Park, California, 1970. - Kansas City: Sheed Andrews and McMeel, 1970. Also reattached to Man, Economy, and State (Mises Institute, 2004). - To use the terminology of Murray N. Rothbard, Power and Market … complete individual sovereignty in the market requires the absence of triangular intervention. - White, Competition & Currency. - Pages 59-60: “… private coinage, where Rothbard points out that only competitive private coinage can be presumed to give consumers the denominations of coins they want. - White, Competition & Currency. - Power and Market: Government and the Economy - Related: Mixed Economy, Books, Property, Law, Anarchy, The State Online Books
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Praxeology: The Methodology of Austrian Economics. Online at the Mises Institute. It had appeared in Murray N. Rothbard, The Logic of Action One: Method, Money, and the Australian School. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 1997, pp. (52?)58-77. Also in Edwin Dolan, ed., The Foundations of Modern Austrian Economics. Kansas City, Sheed and Ward, 1976, pp.19-39. (If I do correctly interpret the odd form of listing such titles on the MI website. - J.Z.)
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Reviews, a) Palyi, Melchior: The Twilight of Gold, 1914-1936: Myths & Realities. b) Rueff, Jacques, The Monetary Sin of the West, 1p, 2 reviews, BOOKS FOR LIBERTARIANS, May 1973, in PEACE PLANS 803.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Rothbard Bibliography. - Rothbard Bibliography - A huge listing of all published works, from 1949 to the present. Related: Overview - Online at the Mises Institute. - What about the still unpublished ones, if any? - J.Z., 1.6.10.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Science, Technology, and Government. - "Science, Technology, and Government" - (Once again the list leaves unclear whether this is part of the following. - J.Z.) "Ona'ah" - Walter Block - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ECONOMICS, Vol. 29 No. 9, 2002, pp. 722-729.- Related: Capital/Interest, pre-1925 Economic Thought, Money, Cultural Economics - Online at the Mises Institute.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Taking Money Back. - Taking Money Back - THE FREEMAN, September 95, pp. 540-543. - Related: Money/Banking, Money, Monetary Policy, Books Online Books - Sep. 95, 3pp, in PEACE PLANS 1629, p.35. www.mises.org/rothbard/moneyback.asp
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Austrian Definitions of the Supply of Money. - "Austrian Definitions of the Supply of Money" - New Directions in Austrian Economics.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Austrian Theory of Money. - "Austrian Theory of Money, The" - The Foundations of Modern Austrian Economics, Edwin G. Dolan, ed., Kansas City: Sheed and Ward, 1976, pp. 160-184. - Andrews & McMeel, 1978. See also in The Logic of Action One: Method, Money, and the Austrian School (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 1997), pp. 297-320. Related: Overview, Money/Banking, Money, Monetary Policy, Cycle History
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Case Against the Fed. - The Case Against the Fed - Ludwig Von Mises Institute, 1994 - The Case Against the Fed - Mises Institute, 2008 - Related: Books Online Books - Online at the Mises Institute.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Case For a 100 Percent Gold Dollar. In Yeager, Leland B., ed. In Search of a Monetary Constitution. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1962: 94-136. - Reprinted: Alexandria, Va., Libertarian Review Press, 1974. Barry N. Siegel, Money in Crisis. Pages 113-20. - The Gold Standard: An Austrian Perspective. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath, 1985, pp. 1-17; - Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1991, 1994. - The Gold Standard: Perspectives in the Austrian School. Edited with an Introduction by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. Copyright © 1992. - The Ludwig von Mises Institute. Auburn, Ala. P. 116-130; Reprinted in The Logic of Action One: Method, Money, and the Austrian School. Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1997, pp. 364-383 - PDF edition of this article. - Related: Money/Banking, Money, Monetary Policy, Cycle History - (1992b). The Case for a Genuine Gold Dollar. In L. Rockwell (Ed.) The Gold Standard: Perspectives in the Austrian School. Auburn: The Ludwig von Mises Institute. - Peter H. Canning. - “Rothbard argues that a demand deposit should be treated in law as a warehouse receipt or bailment. But why should the law prohibit contracts that by mutual agreement do not treat demand deposits as bailments?” - White, Competition & Currency. - Freedom of contract between depositors and banks. Depositors expecting interest payments for their deposits, rather than safe-keeping fees, should, naturally expect that their deposits will be productively invested and should subscribe to corresponding terms, for such investments cannot, usually, be instantly recalled. - J.Z., 19.5.10. - Cowen & Kroszner, The Evolution of Media of Account, refer to this book of Rothbard, pp. 94-136. - Any clearing certificates or clearing accounts, need merely an agreed-upon value standard and need not redeem their certificates and accounts in it. - J.Z., 10.6.10.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Ethics of Liberty. (1998) New York: New York University Press. - Peter H. Canning.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Federal Reserve as a Cartelization Device: The Early Years, 1913-1930. 67pp, Chapter 4 of: SIEGEL, BARRY N., Money in Crisis, editor, 1984. (Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1984), p.107, pp. 89-136, according to www.reinventingmoney.com - "The Federal Reserve as a Cartelization Device" - Related: Money/Banking, Books
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Gasoline Tax. - "The Gasoline Tax" - Making Economic Sense, Mises Institute, 1985, pp. 209-210. Related: Taxation
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Interest Rate Question. - February 1988 - The Free Market
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Mantle of Science. Online at the Mises Institute. Form: SCHOECK, HELMUT and WIGGINS, JAMES W., The Logic of Action One: Method, Money, and The Austrian School, Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar, 1997, pp.3-23.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Money Supply. A quote from his WHAT HAS GOVERNMENT DONE TO OUR MONEY?, THE FREEMAN, Oct. 74, with a somewhat belated reply by J. Zube, 1p, in PEACE PLANS 804. (IS IT "our" money or a money the government has imposed upon us? - J.Z.)
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Mysterious Fed. THE FREE MARKET, IX/10, Oct. 91, 2pp, in PEACE PLANS 1629, p.33. - October 1991 - The Free Market
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Mystery of Banking. - Mystery of Banking, The - New York: Richardson and Snyder, Dutton, 1983, (297pp, indexed, JZL.) Related: Money/Banking, Books Online Books - Online at the Mises Institute. -www.mises.org/mysteryofbanking/mysteryofbanking.pdf - Seems to be just an expansion of his criticism of central banking and of his 100% gold dollar alternative. The banking school seems to be only shortly mentioned, in ch.X. - - Since MNR insisted upon 100% cover and redemption, this saved him a lot of reading and thinking on the supposed “mystery” and made him ignore all the other sound free banking options, which he rejected out of hand, without sufficient knowledge and appreciation of them, as, supposedly, inherently “fraudulent”. In other words, free banking remained a mystery to him and yet he dared to write a book with that title! - Even many of the great libertarian thinkers did not manage to cure themselves of their remaining monetary errors, prejudices, false assumptions and conclusions. - J.Z., 16.3.10. - Reviewed, shortly, by Brian Summers, THE FREEMAN, Jan. 84, p. 61/62.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Myth of Free Banking in Scotland. (1987) THE REVIEW OF AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS, 2(1), pp.229-45. - DOWD, The State & the Monetary System. - Vol. 2 Num. 1 - (1987, or 1988?, pp 229-45, Lexington, Mass., Lexington Books. - Dowd, Schuler) - Review of Austrian Economics - Online at the Mises Institute. - JZL, photocopy. - Alas, Rothbard was not bad as a myth spreader himself, in this sphere. - J.Z., 11.6.10.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Myth of Neutral Taxation. - "The Myth of Neutral Taxation" - "The Cato Journal", Fall, 1981, pp. 519-564; The Logic of Action Two (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 1997, pp. 56-108. Related: Competition, Mixed Economy, Production, Market Structure, Welfare Economics, Collectives, Finance, Government, Taxation, Public Goods, Government Spending, National Budget, Law & Economics, Basic Law, Regulation, Firm Strategy, Nonprofits, Industrial Policy, Business Econ., Accounting, Capitalism, Other Systems, Comparative Systems, Taxation - Online at the Mises Institute.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Origins of the Federal Reserve. - Vol. 2 Num. 3 - Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics - Online at the Mises Institute.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Other Side of the Coin: Free Banking in Chile. - Vol. 10 Num. 2 - Austrian Economics Newsletter - Online at the Mises Institute.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Panic of 1819: Reaction and Policies. New York, Columbia University Press, Studies in the Social Sciences, 605, 1962. - Mises Institute 2007. www.mises.org/rothbard/panic1819.pdf - Panic of 1819: Reactions and Policies, The - Related: Cycles, Econ. History, Books, History Online Books
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Political Thought of Etienne de la Boétie. - "The Political Thought of Étienne de la Boétie" - Montreal, Canada: Black Rose Books, 1975, pp.9-38. (This online edition includes full text of book). - HTML available here. - Related: Welfare, Mixed Economy, Schools of Thought, pre-1925 Economic Thought, Economists, Heterodox, Government, Taxation, Fiscal Policies, Public Goods, Government Spending, Law & Economics, Basic Law, Legal System, Capitalism, Socialist Transition, Other Systems - Online at the Mises Institute.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Present State of Austrian Economics. Working Paper from the Ludwig von Mises Institute, November 1992. Reprinted in The Logic of Action One: Method, Money, and the Austrian School, Glos, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1997, pp.111-172. Reprinted in Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, Vol. 6, No.1 (March 1995), pp. 43-89.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Recession Explained. - January 1992 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Single Tax: Economic and Moral Implications and A Reply to Georgist Criticisms. - "Single Tax: Economic and Moral Implications, The" - (1997), (pdf) in Murray Rothbard The Logic of Action Two, UK: Edward Elgar, pp.294-305 (310?), 1957 (1999). Related: Mixed Economy, Public Economics, Government, Taxation, Fiscal Policies, Public Goods, Government Spending, National Budget, Local Government, Health Education and Welfare, Health, Education, Welfare, Other Systems, Comparative Systems, Taxation - Online at the Mises Institute.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Solution. 5pp, offering limited monetary freedom notions, THE FREEMAN, 11/95, in PEACE PLANS 1629, p.27. T. F. commented: Returning money to the market economy. - A forced and exclusive gold coin and certificate currency would in some respects be an improvement and in others a disaster. Free choice of value standards and freedom of note issue and clearing must not be limited by prohibitions imposed the fans of the classical gold standard. However, they should be free to practise it, and nothing else among themselves. For them it might actually suffice but it would, obviously, not be cheap to do so. Full monetary freedom sees in competitively minted gold coins and 100% covered and redeemable gold certificates only two of numerous other options, including gold-accounting and gold-clearing. - J.Z., 17. 8. 00.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Spooner-Tucker Doctrine: An Economist’s View. - Vol. 20 Num. 1 - Journal of Libertarian Studies - Here he wrote as a dogmatist rather than as a scientific economist! - Nevertheless, I am generally a fan of his, in spite of such aberrations. - See: ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Spooner-Tucker Doctrine, from the Point o View of an Economist", comment in Jan./Feb. 1966 issue of "A WAY OUT", 1965. With various replies in PEACE PLANS 564. - Precisely in his views on money he was not much of an economist, apart from condemning central banking. As the supposedly one and only sound and honest alternative he advocated only the 100% covered and redeemable gold dollar and considered any deviation from this to be dishonest, uneconomic and dangerous. - How can such a great mind get stuck on such a spleen for decades? Well, in this he certainly does not stand alone. - J.Z., 9.2.10. (Recently, I finally digitized my all too belated reply to Rothbard charges there, together with his original statement. - J.Z., 15.7.10.)
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The Trouble with Keynes. - April 2007 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., The World Currency Crisis. - February 1986 - The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Timberlake on the Austrian Theory of Money: A Comment. - THE REVIEW OF AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS, issue? Date? pp. 179-187. - With “Reply to Comment by Murray N. Rothbard.” Pages 189-193. - JZL, photocopy.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., To The Gold Commission. THE LIBERTARIAN FORUM, XVI, 3, April 1982. - I wish I had possessed and thus could have microfilmed the whole set of his magazine. Some years ago, University Microfilms had filmed some 1972 issues and declared: "Additional years upon sufficient demand." Perhaps to probably, the Mises Institute has, by now, put all of them online. - J.Z.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., Toward a Reconstruction of Utility and Welfare Economics. (1997c) In: The Logic of Action One: Method, Money and the Austrian School (p. 211-255). London, Edward Elgar.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., War, Peace, and the State. - "War, Peace, and the State" - The Standard, April 1963, pp. 2-5; 15-16, and Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature and Other Essays, R.A. Child, Jr., Ed., Washington: LIBERTARIAN REVIEW PRESS, 1974; 2nd edition, Auburn, Alabama: Mises Institute, 2000, pp. 115-132. See also the - full pdf edition. - Related: Mixed Economy, Interdisciplinary, Government History, Political Philosophy, The State - Online at the Mises Institute. - While the article is VERY good e.g. on territorialism and the threat of nuclear war - did he see here the connection of both to monetary despotism, as opposed to full monetary freedom? - J.Z., 24.2.10.
ROTHBARD, MURRAY N., What Has Government Done to Our Money? Pine Tree Press, Colorado Springs, Studies in Human Action, Vol. III, No.1, Winter 63, 1964, Pine Tree Press, 1964-1965, 49pp. - Novato, Calif. - 2nd. ed., revised, 1974, Libertarian Publishers, 1978. 7th. printing, 1980, Liberty Printing, Sunny Vale, Calif. 62pp. - Libertarian Publishers. 1985. - Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1990. - www.mises.org/money.asp - “Short pamphlet argues that government fails in monetary policy for the same reason it fails with other interferences in the economy.” - Nataf - What Has Government Done to Our Money? - Related: Money/Banking, Core, Books Online Book - The government’s money is not OUR money! The government has outlawed our monies and imposed its own, a wrongful and irrational action with numerous wrongful and harmful consequences. - J.Z., 20.2.10. - Apparently, Rothbard remained unaware of one good definition by L. Ron Hubbard, “Economics Communication”, April 66: “Money is simply a symbol that people are confident can be converted into goods.” A critical edition of Rothbard’s brochure may still have to be written or published. - J.Z., 18.3.10. - JZL.
ROTHSCHILDS, L., TASCHENBUCH FÜR KAUFLEUTE. Ein Lehr- und Nachschlagebuch der gesamten Handelswissenschaften in allgemeinverstäendlicher Darstellung. In Verbindung mit zahlreichen Dozenten, Professoren etc. herausgegeben von Dr. Christian Eckert, 59. vollständig neubearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, 1922, G. A. Gloeckner, Verlagsbuchhandlung in Leipzig, indexiert, 1232 S. - Ein Taschenbuch fuer Kaufleute? - Sie müssten grosse Taschen haben, denn dieser Wälzer ist 17.5 x 26.5 x 8 cm gross. - J.Z., 11.4.10. - JZL.
ROTSTEIN, A., The Second Economy and the Social Welfare System. 1985. - From: Holger Lemme - Newsgroups: cl.wirtschaft.geld - Subject: Literatur-Liste, Date: 17 Apr 95 - Literatur zum Thema "Gerechtes Geld". (No my definition of it! - J.Z.)
ROTWEAIN, E., David Hume: Writings on Economics. (Ed). (Edinburgh 1955). - “The Standard work on the economics of Hume.” - “Hume's monetary theory is developed in the three essays 'Of Money', 'Of Interest', and 'Of the Balance of Trade', all in the 'Political Discourses'. - Cottrell & Anderson, Money & Banking in England. - “Rotwein”? - J.Z.
ROUCH, What the Crisis did for the Central Bank. ECONOMIC RECORD SUPPLEMENT, March, 1935 & or 1936. - Mills & Walker, Money, 1935-1952.
ROUND TABLE, Articles on nationalization of Banking in Australia. December 1949 and March 1950. - Mills & Walker, Money, 1935-1952.
ROURKE, CONSTANCE, American Humor: A Study of National Character. Anchor Books. New York, 1953. - MEYERS, MARVIN, The Jacksonian Persuasion, 1960.
ROWBOTHAM, MICHAEL, Goodbye America: Globalisation, Debt and the Dollar Empire. Oxfordshire, UK: Jon Carpenter Publishing 2000. - www.reinventingmoney.com
ROWBOTHAM, MICHAEL, The Grip of Death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery and Destructive Economics. Oxfordshire, UK: Jon Carpenter Publishing, 1998. - www.reinventingmoney.com - Unless debts are imposed, “debt-slavery” is an absurd concept. So is the notion of “destructive economics”. Economic actions are constructive, creative, profitable actions, benefiting all the participants. Both creditors and debtors are wronged and harmed when debtors are not allowed to pay back the full e.g. gold weight value of their debts in some form or purchasing vouchers or clearing certificates, based upon their readiness to supply wanted goods or services. Any debts taken up to be used productively should, in the average, enable the debtor to repay them, with interest to the creditors and profits to themselves. They do not take them up with the intention of becoming slaves to the creditors. However, under the money issue monopoly and in monetary economimcs the debtors may become very dependent upon the supply of exchange media, which is usually insufficient, in deflationary periods, when they have to sell their goods, services and labor for such monopoly money at emergency sales prices. Some desperate debtors, desperate for means of payment, even killed themselves, to put life insurance money into the hands of their dependents. On the other hand, during inflations of the monopoly money, debtors can legally, although not lawfully and morally, “repay” their debts with this depreciated but forced currency money - at its nominal, not its market value, thereby cheating their creditors. Employers can then pay their debts to workers and other employees in depreciated money. Wage and salary increases often limp behind the inflation rate. - Opponents of interest should, naturally, be free to allocated credits and pay debts as they please, within their own communities of volunteers, without the utilizing the price allocation options that interest payments do provide. They are likely to be less successful than those communities which use the “prices” of interest rates for their economic activities. - J.Z., 19.5.10.
ROWE, FRED, HOUSE OF ONYX 126, November 1989. - Fred E. Foldvary, “… The Credit Exchange Alternative for Market Coordination.”
ROWE, JOHN J., Money and Banks in Cincinnati Before the Civil War." BULLETIN OF THE HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO (July 1948), VI, 74-84. - Remini.
ROWE, Sir THOMAS, Speech against Brass Money. London, 1642. Fol. - See: ROE. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885. - Even money made out of aluminum can be sound money. - Its value and utility need not exist in the material it is made out of but must exist in the rights it helps to transfer. - J.Z., 1.6.10.
ROWEN, HOBART, Canada's Wage-Price Controls Achieve a Modest Success. THE WASHINGTON POST, May 26, 1976, p.A14. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
ROWLEY, C. K., Liberalism and Collective Choice. National Westminster Bank Quarterly Review, 1979. - Norman P. Barry, Austrian Economists on Money and Society. Which quarter?
ROYAL COMMISSION ON BANKING AND CURRENCY IN CANADA, Report of the Royal Commission on Banking and Currency in Canada. Ottawa: J. O. Patenaude, 1933. - SMITH, VERA C.
ROYAL COMMISSION ON MONETARY AND BANKING SYSTEMS, Replies by A. C. Davidson, General Manager, to Questionnaire to Trading Banks (Evidence). [Sydney], 1936. - HOLDER, Bk of NSW. - HOLDER, Bk of NSW.
ROYAL COMMISSION ON MONETARY AND BANKING SYSTEMS, Replies by T. Hytten, Economic Adviser, to Questionnaire to Economists. [Sydney], 1936. - HOLDER, Bk of NSW.
ROYAL COMMISSION ON MONETARY AND BANKING SYSTEMS, Memoranda supplied by A. C. Davidson, General Manager, and T. Hytten, Economic Adviser, [Sydney], 1936. - HOLDER, Bk of NSW.
ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME AND WEALTH (Diamond Commission) Report No. 1, Initial Report, 1975; Report No. 2, Income from Companies, 1975; Report No. 3, Higher Incomes from Employment, 1976. HMSO London: - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, Monetary Policy and the Depression. London, 1933. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling. - Oxford, 1933. - Paul Einzig, How Money Is Managed. The Ends & Means of Monetary Policy.
ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, The Future of Monetary Policy. Oxford, 1935. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
ROYAL INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, The International Gold Problem. London: Oxford Press, 1931. - Antony C. Sutton, The War on Gold. - Oxford, 1931, according to Paul Einzig - Gold, under full freedom, is never a problem. - J.Z., 25.3.10. - The “problem” is not caused by gold, no more so than e.g. antisemitism is caused by Jews. The wrong ideas that people have in their heads and their actions, based upon them, do cause problem. Gold is an innocent metal, just like Jews, in general, are, innocent - apart from the relatively few criminals, which they, too, do have among them - perhaps less than most ethnic, racial and religious or ideological communities. - J.Z., 14.4.10. - But the right of note holders to demand redemption in gold coins, and, generally, the supposed right of creditors to demand payment in metallic gold, not in values measured by gold weight units, has often caused great problems. - J.Z., 27.4.10.
ROYALL, W. C., History of Virginia Banks Prior to the Civil War. New York, 1907. - Sharp, James Roger: The Jacksonians versus the Banks.
ROYALL, WILLIAM L., Andrew Jackson and the Bank of the United States. (New York, 1880). - Remini.
ROYLE, EDWARD, Radicals, Secularists, and Republicans: Popular Free Thought in Britain, 1865-1913. Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1980. - Cowen & Kroszner.
ROZEFF, MICHAEL S., How the Power to Tax Destroys. - How the Power to Tax Destroys
ROZEFF, MICHAEL S., Liberty, Ethics, and 100% Reserve Banking. Feb. 2010. - www.butterbach.net - Best article on this subject that I know of. - J.Z., 23.2.10.
ROZEFF, MICHAEL S., Michael S. Rozeff LRC Archives: Michael S. Rozeff LRC Archives - There are many monetary freedom, financial freedom and panarchist articles among his hundreds of excellent essays that are online. To my knowledge these types of articles have not yet been extracted and separately listed. - I wish that he would get around to do this - before I do. - J.Z., 22.5/10.
ROZWENC, EDWIN C, Ideology and Power in the Age of Jackson. (ed.) Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, Anchor Books, 1964. - SHADE, G. W. (1972)
RUBIN, PAUL, The Theory of the Firm and the Structure of the Franchise Contract. - JOURNAL OF LAW AND ECONOMICS, April 1979, 223-33. - Mullineaux
RUBNER, ALEX, The Economy of Israel. (New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1960) p.57. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
RUBY, Dr. JOSEF, Die Badische Bank 1870-1908. Ein Beitrag zur Notenbankfrage in Deutschland. Karlsruhe i.B., Braunsche Hofbuchdruckerei & Verlag, 1911, 115 S. - JZL., but only in an imperfect photocopy. Written when of the 33 note-issuing banks of 1875 only 4 were left. - I did not microfiche it in PEACE PLANS. It just provides the example of a private note-issuing bank, rightly complaining about chicanery of the Reichsbank and always insisting on metallic redemption. - Ulrich von Beckerath pointed out that even under their remaining self-chosen or imposed restrictions, the area where they were active, were among the most prosperous in Germany. - J.Z. - JZL.
RUDIN, RONALD, Banking en français: The French Banks of Quebec 1835-1925. 1985, Toronto, UTP. - Schuler
RUDING, R., Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain and its Dependencies. 3rd ed. London, 1840. - Feavearyear, The Pound Sterling.
RUEDIGER, HELMUT, Diskussionsbrief über Proudhon und den Syndicalismus. 1949, 4 S. Diskussionsprotokoll über diesen Brief, von Urta, mit 2 S. Gedanken zu Rüdigers Brief, in PEACE PLANS 906.
RUEFF, JACQUES & HIRSCH, FRED, The Role and the Rule of Gold: an Argument. International Finance Section, Princeton University 1965. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies. - Gold is merely a largely inert metal, not an entity. As such it cannot play a role, far less rule. - J.Z., 30.3.10.
RUEFF, JACQUES, Balance of Payments. Proposals for the resolution of the most pressing world problem of our time. Macmillan, New York 1967. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies. - Antony C. Sutton, The War on Gold. - Perhaps only the ignorance and stupidity in “balance of trade” and “balance of payment” fears is a genuine problem. - J.Z., 30.3.10. - Under free trade, floating exchange rates, monetary and financial freedom, this presumed “problem” tends to solve itself, automatically and relatively fast. - According to Ulrich von Beckerath and common knowledge, statistics do not “catch” all the actual monetary transfers. Even now the taxers and financial regulators have difficulties to catch all those they consider to the “offenders”. Smuggling has never stopped completely, however strictly “protectionism” was applied. - One can safely leave the balancing of the payment transctions to the traders, acting not only bilaterally but multilaterally. However, it is not safe to leave it to the law-makers, politicians and bureaucrats. - J.Z., 15.7.10.
RUEFF, JACQUES, Influences Regulating the Amount of Currency and the Institutional Problem of Money." 1953. ECONOMIA INTERNAZIONALE 6. - Selgin, The Theory of Free Banking. - Money is not a person and as such has no institutional problems. But people have some problems with some of the monetary institutions they established, based on insufficient knowledge, principles and techniques and, all too often, with too much legalized compulsion and too little business and economic sense or in their attempts to gain and retain monopolies, privileges and subsidies. - J.Z., 15.7.10.
RUEFF, JACQUES, L'ãge de l'inflation. Payot, 1963. - Flamant. - To counter the usual errors, prejudices, false assumptions and conclusions, I would rather call it an age of central banking and legal tender laws, with all their economic consequences, not only inflation, deflation and stagflation, but also their political and social as well as military consequences. - J.Z., 11.3.10.
RUEFF, JACQUES, Le Péché Monétaire de l'Occident. Paris. Librairie Plon. 1971. - Nataf
RUEFF, JACQUES, Les Variations du Chômage en Angleterre. REVUE POLITIQUE ET PARLEMENTAIRE, Paris, 1925. - Samuel Brittan, in Hobart Paper 90.
RUEFF, JACQUES, The Age of Inflation. Tr. A. H. Meeus and F. G. Clarke, Chicago: Henry Regnery Co., 1964. - www.reinventiongmoney.com
RUEFF, JACQUES, The Monetary Sin of the West. - Translation of Le Péché Monétaire de I'Occident. Librairie Plon 1971, - The Monetary Sin of the West - NY: The MacMillan Co., 1972. Related: Money/Banking, Money, Monetary Policy, Books Online Book - The Monetary Sin of the West Money/Banking, Money, Monetary Policy, Books, Jacques Rueff
RUEFF, JACQUES, The Worldwide Inflation and Its Causes. MONETARY TRACT, Number 8. Connecticut: Committee for Monetary Research and Education, Inc., March, 1975. - Antony C. Sutton, The War on Gold.
RUEFF, JACQUES, Vers une „économie fine". In: Stabile Preise in wachsender Wirtschaft, Tübingen, 1960. - Rittershausen, Die Zentralnotenbank.
RUEFF, JACQUES, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution. New York: Arlington House, 1974. - Antony C. Sutton, The War on Gold.
RUEHE, FRITZ, Das Geldwesen Spaniens seit dem Jahre 1772. 304 S. Heft XXX, 1912. ABHANDLUNGEN, herausgegeben von Knapp, Strassburg, Verlag von Karl Truebner.
RUFENER, LOUIS A., Money and Banking. Cambridge, Mass., 1936. - Charles A. Hales, The Baltimore Clearing House.
RUFF, HOWARD J., Survive & Win in the Inflationary Eighties. Warner Books, New York, 1982, with bibliography & index 395pp. - JZL.
RUFF, HOWARD, J. Howard Ruff From A to Z. A Timeless Moneymaking Odyssey through the First Four Years of America’s Leading Financial Advisory Service. Target Publishers, 1980, with index: 773pp. - JZL.
RUFFIN, CHARLES A., BANK REFORMER, Nos. 1-6 (Sept.4, 1841-Feb.5, 1842). - Redlich. FB?
RUFFIN, EDMUND, FARMER'S REGISTER 10. 30 April 1842, p.181: The editor's war against banking and currency extravagances lost this outstanding agricultural journal many of its subscribers, forcing it to suspend publication in its tenth year. See Avery Craven, Edmund Ruffin, Southerner: A Study in Secession (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1932), pp. 61ff. - Klebaner. - The term “extravagances” may have been justified here, or may have been merely name-calling by people adhering to certain popular dogmas. - Each such hint should be carefully examined by those able and willing to do so. Ruffin may have been an advocate of sound and free banking or of unsound and unfree banking. - J.Z., 5.3.10.
RUHLAND, Prof. Dr. G., Die Ergebnisse der Bank-Enquete nach agrarischer Auffassung. 1909. 16 S. Verlag von PUTTKAMMER & MÜHLBRECHT, Berlin. - Fritz Schumann, Die Privatnotenbanken, 1909.
RUM CURRENCY, in Australia's early days, adv. in THE READER'S DIGEST, Nov. 1952, 1p, in PEACE PLANS 806.
RUNDBRIEF DER AG SPAK - TAK-AOE, Sommerseminar 1987. Nur Zusammenfassungen und Auszüge, von Gerhard & Burghard Flieger. 6 S., in RUNDBRIEF, MONETARY FREEDOM NETWORK, Nr. 5, in PEACE PLANS 906.
RUNGE, H., Haushaltsfinanzierung durch Notendruck. 70 S., Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften, 360, Duncker & Humblot, 1986. What is meant is probably only GOVERNMENT budget finance = deficit financing. - J.Z.
RUSCONI, Le Comte CHARLES, Question Monétaire. Paris, 1878. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
RUSHDOONEY, ROUSAS JOHN, God, The Devil and Legal Tender. CHALCEDON REPORT, Sep. 81, P.O. Box 156, Vallecito, Calif. 95 251, , in PEACE PLANS 1629, p.44. - 1p, 29x, in PEACE PLANS 731. - SMITH, WINSTON, 9 Sep. 00, pointed out that RUSHDOONEY, R., "God, The Devil and Legal Tender" is available free from: Hagadin@yahoo.com - winsmith@postnet.com - Mostly I do no longer bother to read Smith's messages because of his leanings towards Social Credit notions. - J.Z. The Rushdooney article is only 1p, microfiched in PP 731 & 1247. In PEACE PLANS 18, NEW edition, p.181.
RUSHDOONY, ROUSAS JOHN, Hard Money and Society in the Bible. - Sennholz, Gold Is Money.
RUSHDOONY, ROUSAS, JOHN, Politics of Guilt and Pity. Thoburn Press, Fairfax, Virginia, 1978, copyrighted 1970, indexed, 372 pages, with the whole chapter III, pages 200-262 dedicated to “The Politics of Money”. - JZL. - Thorburn?
RUSKIN, JOHN, Munera Pulveris. George Allen, 1862 - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935. - Sir Leo Chiozza, Product Money, 1933.
RUSKIN, JOHN, The Political Economy of Art. 1857. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … English Tradition 1640-1935.
RUSKIN, JOHN, Unto this Last. 1862, George Allen.. - Butchart, Money, Selected Passages … & Sir Leo Chiozza, Product Money.
RUSSELL L. POST & CHARLES H. WILLARD, The Power of Congress to Nullify Gold Clauses. HARVARD LAW REVIEW 46 (June 1933): 1225 n. 1. - An example of a typical gold clause. - Steven L. Green, July 86. - What about our right, liberty and power to nullify wrongful laws by territorial legislators, imposed upon all too many dissenters? We ought to become free to secede from them and to live, together with like-minded volunteers, under full exterritorial autonomy and personal laws, even if we reside and work dozens to thousands of miles apart from some other members. All those who would then, within their own communities of volunteers, outlaw all value-preserving clauses, would have to suffer the consequences. They would no longer have the constitutional and legal “right” to impose their wrongs, opinions, plans, regulations etc. upon peaceful dissenters, free to do their own things for or to themselves. - J.Z., 19.5.10.
RUSSELL, CHARLES T., & DOUGHERTY, D., We're in the Charge Card Business - Should You Be? Based on presentations at the regional meetings of the Bank Public Relations and Marketing Association in Columbus, Ohio, April 5, and in Montreal, Canada, April 22, 1966. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972.
RUSSELL, CHARLES T., Should You Be in the Charge Card Business?" MID-WESTERN BANKER, October 1966, pp. 24-26. - Robert Henrickson, The Cashless Society, 1972.
RUSSELL, Dr., History of Modern Europe. London, 1810. 7v. 8v. - DEL MAR, M. E., Money and Civilization, 1885.
RUSSELL, HENRY B., International Monetary Conferences: Their Purpose, Character and Results. Harper Bros, London and New York 1898. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
RUST, ALVIN M., Mormon and Utah Coins and Currency. Rust Rare Coin Co., 1984. “Masterful work on issues of Utah and the Mormons, unhappily includes some subsequently identified forgeries by accused maker of fake historical documents.” - Alexander, Coin World, Cat. & Encyclopedia.
RUWART, DR., Ask Dr. Ruwart column. - On of her replies is short enough so that I can quote it here complete. More of this column can be found at the same source. Ask Dr. Ruwart: Question: "How will Libertarian government deal with the tremendous hold the international bankers have upon the world political/economic system?" - My short answer: "Bankers are powerful because they have a monopoly on creation of a country's money supply and because they are not held personally liable if their bank becomes insolvent. Libertarian governments would not give bankers these advantages.” - "In the early 1800s, Scotland had a banking system similar to what a libertarian country might have. Banks each had their own currency, backed by gold. They collectively operated a clearinghouse so that each customer could use their bank notes freely. If a bank started 'over-inflating,' it was 'punished' by the clearinghouse, which refused to take the inflated money at face value. - "Since owners were personally liable for depositors' funds, banks rarely inflated dangerously anyway. When an occasional bank went under, the depositors were reimbursed by other banks seeking their business. - "International bankers could not maintain their stranglehold under such a system." - For more detail, see Chapter 9 of my book, "Healing Our World" or query further. - - Question: "I was wondering what the libertarian stance is with regards to the Federal Reserve. On one hand, it is an institution that is somewhat independent of the government (like a private business) and it generates profits from check collection that go to the Treasury and lower taxes. It also seems to have prevented another great depression. On the other hand, it is a regulator that forces banks to follow certain procedures. Are there aspects of the Fed that libertarians would change, would they propose an alternative, or do they like it? Thank you very much." - - My short answer: "The Federal Reserve is a private institution that has been given a monopoly on the money supply by our government. The member banks of the Federal Reserve are corporations, who enjoy limited liability due to government decree. - - "The Federal Reserve actually contributed to the Great Depression, because it permitted banks to reduce reserves. The devastating inflation that results from expanding the money supply, which the Federal Reserve was designed to do, outweighs any positive benefit derived from check collection. - -"In a libertarian society, an institution like the Federal Reserve would lose its monopoly status and its members would lose their limited liability. The Fed would have great incentive to lower its expansion of the money supply as a result. This new, libertarian, Federal Reserve would be more like a clearinghouse for member banks, than an instrument for economic control. For that reason, many libertarians believe that the Federal Reserve, as we know it, would not exist in a libertarian society." - - (For more detail, see Chapter 9 in my book, Healing Our World.) - Copyright © 1999, Advocates for Self-Government, Last Modified, Fri Apr 30, 1999. - (At least an early edition of her book is also online! - But many people rather read a short statement than a whole bookl. - J.Z.)
RUWART, Dr., Ask Dr. Ruwart, On Bankers and Fed. 1p, 1999, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.482.
RUWART, Dr., Ask Dr. Ruwart, On Gold Standard. 1999, 2pp, in PEACE PLANS 1745-1748, March 02, p.479.
RYAN, DANIEL, Skaking Off the Keynesian Mentality. - July 2001 The Free Market - Online at the Mises Institute.
RYAN, FRANKLIN W., Usury and Usury Laws. New York, 1924. - Groseclose, (1934).RYAN, FRANKLIN W., Usury and Usury Laws. New York, 1924. - Groseclose, Money & Man.
RYAN, K., Barter Monies Primer: Alternative Media of Exchange. A Concise Study of Commodities Used in Lieu of Currencies. 1992 edition, indexed, & with a 1p. bibliography, and some interesting historical charts, 12pp. - JZL.
RYDENFELT, SVEN, Rent Controls Thirty Years On. Verdict on Rent Control. London, Institute of Economic Affairs, 1972. See also a Canadian version of this valuable work entitled Rent Control-A Popular Paradox (Vancouver, British Columbia: The Fraser Institute, 1975. - SCHUETTINGER & BUTLER, 40 Centuries … How not to fight inflation.
RYLE, GILBERT, Dilemmas. The Tarner Lectures 1953. Cambridge University Press 1954. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
RYLE, GILBERT, The Concept of Mind. Hutchinson's University Library, London 1949. - FRANKEL, S. HERBERT, Money: Two Philosophies.
RYMES, T. K., Money, Efficiency, and Knowledge. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 12 (Nov. 1979): 575-589. - Pamela Brown, Monetary Reform & Competition.