Friedrich Engels
Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) was an industrialist and a social critic, the closest friend and collaborator of Karl Marx.
(1844-1891) Against the state [English]
(1844-1891) Contro lo stato [Italiano]
(1848-1888) On Free Trade [English]
(1872) Dell'autorità [Italiano]
(1872) On authority [English]
(1880) The historical dynamics of the capitalist society [English]
La dinamica storica della società capitalista [Italiano]
(1884) The Origin of Family, Private Property
and State [English]
(1884) L'origine della famiglia, della proprietà
privata e dello stato [Italiano]
External links
Wikipedia : Friedrich Engels [English]
Wikipedia : Friedrich Engels [Italiano]
Marx and Engels Internet Archive
Project Gutenberg : Friedrich Engels