John Zube


Quotes, Notes, Comments & Slogans
for Individual Liberty & Rights
against Popular Statist Errors & Prejudices

Index - P5

(2013 - 2014)



POLITICS: in politics the guns are usually not visible. They’re there, but hidden (as a rule). Politics more often involves a subtle threat of force, less often the use of force. In non-political coercion the coercer does not have legitimacy, the victim does not give his sanction, and the force is not hidden or subtle, but blatantly out front. – Of course, this opens up a Pandora’s box of borderline cases and narrow distinctions.” – Jim Stumm, THE CONNECTION, Jan. 83, p.106. – I deny that in territorial politics the individual sanction is always given by individuals and minorities, either under threats or even without them. Often it is not even provided by the majority. – Under exterritorial and voluntaristic politics it would be quite different. – Unanimity would tend to prevail because dissenters could freely opt out. – JZ, 27.3.08, 1.1.14.

POLITICS: In politics we have an art.” - John Morley, On Compromise, p.229 & 235. - To the extent that territorial politics is not based on hard and fast rules and clear knowledge of sound facts and techniques, on basic rights and liberties, it is a mere art or craft (rather, an unethical practice! - JZ, 8.9.04. A crafty and criminal activity with victims. - JZ, 4.2.11.). Indeed, it is not yet a science. Only one half and this the worst part, the territorial part, is studied and applied. The better part, the voluntary and exterritorial autonomy part is still largely outlawed and also ignored, even by most of those, who consider themselves to be political scientists. Moreover, modern territorial politics, like modern art, is rather muddled, confused and confusing and to a large extent it is even intended to be so. Otherwise, politicians could hardly look as well after themselves under the pretence of looking after us. To the extent that it is basically monopolistic, coercive, interventionist and hierarchical, i.e. despotic, it does not deserve the name of an art. Why should the whole population of a territory be forced to follow for some years only the art school, dogma or ruling model among the temporarily ruling politicians, when all dissenting "art groups" could freely practise their diverse schools of the art of politics among themselves, exterritorially and autonomously, under personal laws? - JZ, 12.6.92, 7.1.93, 4.2.11. - Do we really one model only, country-wide enforced over its whole population? If it is so good, why does it have to be territorially enforced? - JZ, 20.2.08. – If it is not good enough, it should certainly not be territorially enforced. - Territorial politics is, rather, a coercive muddle or at best a compromise between groups, movements and parties with diverse and often opposite aims and purposes. Territorialism does enforce a kind of stagnation or greatly slowed-down development, due to the monopolism, centralism and coercion involved, which does not permit free experimentation by dissenters in the territorial spheres monopolized by it, essentially those of political, economic and social systems. Exterritorialism, based on individual secessionism and personal law, can get us rapidly out of this state of affairs, with full freedom not only for the political con artists but also for all kinds of reformers, revolutionaries and liberators, all to do their own things for or to themselves, with full self-responsibility for incompetents. – JZ, 12.6.92, 20.2.08, 4.2.11, 1.1.14. - A complete exhibition of this present territorialist, centralized, monopolized and coercive “art” activity would show its all too many wrongful and irrational aspects, even its terrorist ones, which would fill the visitor with disgust and also shame for having tolerated it for so long. – JZ, 9.4.08, 4.2.11. - TERRITORIAL POLITICS: TO WHAT EXTENT IS IT AN ART OR RATHER ARTLESS? PANARCHISM,

POLITICS: In politics, absurdity is not a handicap." - Napoleon Bonaparte – TERRITORIALISM, ABSURDITIES, IRRATIONALITY, IMMORALITY

POLITICS: In politics, as opposed to reality, everything is zero-sum.” – P. J. O’Rourke, “Peace Kills”, 2004, Grove/Atlantic, Inc, then Picador, ISBN 0 330 42125 5, p.41. - That applies mainly to territorial politics and hardly, if at all, to communities of like-minded volunteers, who are only exterritorially autonomous. They do, largely, agree with each other and thus are disinclined to exploit or fight each other. – JZ, 25.3.09. – If they do, they can have self-chosen arbitrators. – JZ, 1.1.14. - PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM

POLITICS: In politics, the illusion of majority support is substituted for science.” – Thomas G. Dorrity, 4/72. – Even the majorities have their factions and so does every political party. – JZ, 1.1.14. – MAJORITIES, FACTIONS, LEADERSHIP STRUGGLES

POLITICS: In politics, the truth is strictly optional and that also seems to be true in parts of the media." - Thomas Sowell – Truths are, mostly not even an option, or even unknown, while errors, prejudices and lies are almost obligatory, if politicians want to stay in power, in spite of remaining ignorant of genuine solutions, which would, anyhow, in most cases, require their absence. – JZ, 3.9.12. – TRUTHS, MASS MEDIA, POLITICIANS, PROBLEMS & SOLUTIONS, POPULAR ERRORS & PREJUDICES

POLITICS: In politics, there are few skills more richly rewarded than the ability to misstate issues in a way that will sound plausible and attractive.” —Thomas Sowell – POLITICIANS, SLOGANS, PROPAGANDA, MISLEADING PEOPLE

POLITICS: In public life, instead of modesty, incorruptibility, and honesty, shamelessness, bribery and rapacity hold sway. (“Ad rem publicam … pro pudore, pro abstentia, pro virtue, audacia, largito, avarita vigebant”.) – Sallust, Catiline, Sec. 3. - TERRITORIALISM & ITS POWER STRUGGLES

POLITICS: In short, both political parties have used the government to corrupt the electorate; either on a discriminatory basis or on a broad general basis.” – Robert LeFevre, The Power of Congress. - PARTIES, GOVERNMENT, ELECTORATE, VOTING, CORRUPTION, BRIBING PEOPLE WITH MONEY EXTORTED FROM THEM BY TAX TRIBUTES OR WITH “FREE GIFTS” & AID OR HELP – FROM THE SAME WRONGFUL SOURCE. ALL TOO MANY TURNED INTO PIGS FEEDINT ON A COMMON TROUGH – & ALSO FORCED TO FILL IT.

POLITICS: In spite of their ever-growing power, political institutions are impotent to deal with the consequences of their own policies; indeed, these policies merely result in new problems.” – Roy Childs, Liberty Against Power. – Territorialism has no cure for the wrongful and harmful results of territorialism. – JZ, 1.1.14.

POLITICS: In territorial politics and its parties there are no and cannot be any sound alternatives – because it precludes individual free choices for all dissenting individuals and minorities. – JZ, 27.2.89, 3.4.89, 21.2.08. - PANARCHISM, PARTIES, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: In that conflict, affecting all the supreme issues of life, neither you nor I, if we are on different sides, can afford to be beaten. Think carefully what this conflict and what the possession of unlimited power in plainest matter of fact means. If I win, I can deal with you and yours as I please; you are my creature, my subject for experiment, my plastic material, to which I shall give any shape that I please; if you win, you in the same way can deal with me and mine, just as you please; I am your political plaything, “your chattel, your anything”. Ought we to wonder that, with so vast a stake flung down on the table, even good men forget and disregard all the restraints of their higher nature, and in the excitement of the great game become utterly unscrupulous? There are grim stories of men who have staked body and soul in the madness of their play; are we after all so much unlike them – we gamesters of the political table – staking all rights, all liberties, and the very ownership of ourselves?” – Auberon Herbert, in Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.402. – TERRITORIALISM VS. SELF-OWNERSHIP, SELF-DETERMINATION, SELF-GOVERNMENT, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, POLITICIANS, POWER STRUGGLES, PARTIES, LEADERSHIP, PEOPLE AS PROPERTY, INSTEAD OF VOLUNTARISM, FREE CHOICE, COMPETITION, FREEDOM OF CONTRACT & ASSOCIATION & EXPERIMENTATION IN EVERY SPHERE.

POLITICS: In the American political system, you're only allowed to have real ideas if it's absolutely guaranteed that you can't win an election.” - P. J. O'Rourke, in "Parliament of Whores." - ELECTIONS, CAMPAIGNS, CANDIDATES, IDEAS

POLITICS: in the days when economic progress was made and when, as the phrase had it, there were no politics in business. - Sir Ernest Benn, Honest Doubt, p.148. – What remains of economic progress is largely only the parts that are due to science and technology, not to economic freedom, which is all too much legally and juridically restricted. – Alas, full laissez-faire – laissez-passer economics were never anywhere fully realized as yet. (*) Thus nobody really knows how much it could achieve and in how short at time. Every past so-called “economic wonders” would be small compared with it. That is the only thing that one could safely predict. - JZ, 18.2.08. - (*) That would have meant e.g. full monetary freedom and voluntary taxation. – JZ, 9.4.08. – Far less was full free enterprise and competition and consumer sovereignty and individual sovereignty every introduced in the sphere of the “business” or “enterprise” of territorial politics, with its monopolism, coercion and compulsory collectivism. – JZ, 1.1.14. - BUSINESS, PROGRESS, SEPARATION OF THE ECONOMY FROM THE STATE

POLITICS: In the first conception political activity by the sovereign authority of the King, Nation, State, Society or Class dominates and directs the whole life of humanity. In the second conception, which repudiates all notion of sovereignty, political activity is strictly limited to removing certain obstacles to the free play of all other activities. – This view has never prevailed among the rulers of the world, too much interested in the success of the first. …” - S. Hutchinson Harris, in The Doctrine of Personal Right, p.377, on the League pour l’Ordre Naturel, established by Follin. (I am still looking for most writings of Follin, a long-term friend of Ulrich von Beckerath, and their correspondence. – JZ, 1.1.14.)

POLITICS: In the last decade, politics has gone from the age of “Camelot”, when all things were possible, to the age of “Watergate”, when all things are suspect.” – William Hungate. – Wasn’t territorial politics always as immoral, coercive and fraudulent, deceptive and misleading as it is today? – JZ, 23.2.08. – TERRITORIALISM, POWER

POLITICS: In the political marketplace, success depends upon keeping happy the greatest number of significant, well-connected citizens at the expense of the greatest number of the insignificant and unconnected...” – “reason, 8/76, p. 47. - It is a genuine market place only once individuals can choose for themselves the political, economic and social system that they do prefer for themselves, leaving to all other their choices for themselves. Personal laws and exterritorial autonomy for volunteers! No territorial monopolies any longer for anyone! – JZ, 6.5.08. – MARKET CHOICES, FREE MARKETS, IN EVERY SPHERE, NOT ONLY IN ECONOMICS, VOLUNTARISM, FREEDOM CONTRACT, ASSOCIATION, EXPERIMENTATION & CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY VS. TERRITORIALISM, COERCIVE COLLECTIVISM IN ANY SPHERE, COMPETING GOVERNANCE

POLITICS: In vain we drew the picture of the nobler, happier, safer life of the nation, when men of all conditions voluntarily combined to undertake the great services, class cooperating with class, each bound to the other by new ties of friendship and kindliness, with all its different groups learning to discover their own special wants, to follow their own methods, and make their own experiments. In that way only, as we urged, could we replace the present dangerous and mischief-making strife with blessed fruitful peace, create a happier, better, nobler spirit amongst us all, destroy the old traffic and bargaining of the political market, destroy the fatal belief that one class might rightly prey upon another class, and that all property finally belonged to those who could collect the greater number of votes at the polls.” - Herbert Auberon, Mr. Spencer and the Great Machine, p.71. (Underlining by me. – JZ) - PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, TOLERANCE, COMPETITION, COEXISTENCE, VOTING, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, DEMOCRACY, VOLUNTARISM

POLITICS: individual people are politically impotent.” – Earl Foley, LIBERTY, Summer 1974. – Yes, in territorial politics. But as consumers on a free market for consumer goods and services they are already largely sovereign. – JZ, 2.11.76. - Should they not also become sovereign consumers towards any of the various political, social and economic systems? – JZ, 6.3.08. – Q., PANARCHISM

POLITICS: Internal politics is diplomacy against the own people.” – Graff (“Innenpolitik ist Diplomatie gegen das eigene Volk.”) - Added by a lot of coercive and wrongful legislation and police actions. - Politicians do not own the people. They only act as if they did. – Internal security goes much beyond diplomatic means, especially in police States. – Politicians do certainly not rely on diplomacy alone, i.e., on recognition of the individual and voluntary group sovereignties that “their” citizens by rights possess and should be free to practise, e.g. by individual secessionism. – Hitler’s and Stalin’s “internal affairs” policies went very much beyond diplomatic actions towards many millions of their victims. – Or are extermination camps and forced labor concentration camps means of diplomacy? It would be much more correct to speak of open to covered civil wars against the people they have territorially subjected to themselves. - JZ, 23.2.08. - DIPLOMACY, PEOPLE, LAWS,  POLICE STATES, DICTATORSHIPS, INTERNAL AFFAIRS, CAPTIVE NATIONS, TOTALITARIANISM, POLITICIANS

POLITICS: Internal politics is the art of bringing different opinions under one hat, which is no helmet.”- Hans Henny Jahnn. ( Jahn? Johann? – JZ ) – (“Innenpolitik ist die Kunst, verschiedene Meinungen unter einen Hut zu bringen, der kein Helm ist.“) – To me it is rather an attempt to replace all hats, caps, beanies and uncovered tops of heads with one safety helmet, one size fits all and enforcing its wear even while trying to sleep and relieving oneself on the toilet. – JZ, 5.7.92. – Already by speaking of a single hat one misconceives the existence of the whole population of a territory. So far, nobody could build a dome so large that it could cover a whole territorial population, with the exception of some tiny miniature States. Anyhow, what rightful and reasonable purpose could and would that serve? Even parliaments are often already over-sized. The helmet image comes, probably, from the crown or armor of crowned heads of absolute kings, who tried to dominate a whole country, regardless of the great diversity of its population and the diversity of its ideas, opinions, aims and purposes. It also shows up the very absurdity of territorialism. Nor is there really an art involved, unless one means the art of lies and deception and of wrongful propaganda and that of legalized or illegal coercion. - JZ, 23.2.08.

POLITICS: It doesn't seem to me that people who are serious about freedom can indulge themselves too much longer in the fantasy that freedom can be advanced through politics without the risk of doing themselves substantial hurt. Politics are the dynamic of government, government is theft and slavery, and we can achieve freedom through political action like we can achieve celibacy through rape.” - Victor Milan, ISIL LIBERTY QUOTE LIBRARY 03. - TERRITORIAL POLITICS AS OPPOSED TO THE EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR VOLUNTARY COMMUNITIES THAT PANARCHISM WOULD PROVIDE. FREEDOM, LIBERTY & RIGHTS

POLITICS: It has been remarked that economic man goes to the market to save exertion, whereas political man goes to Parliament to save exertion (the obtaining of special concessions and privileges).” – Geoff Forster, July 82, in PROGRESS, Sep. 82. – Rather, to save himself doing something laborious and productive. – JZ, 1.1.14.

POLITICS: It has got to the stage where everyone is now involved in politics to get rich by using the government to steal from his neighbor.” – Judith Forbes, in EXPRESS. – For each of the beneficiaries of territorial and legalized statism it rather amounts to indirect theft of a tiny money amount – but from each of all the people living in a country, even if it were only one cent or less every year. Add to this the inflation losses, those through involuntary unemployment and those through other sales that could and would have been achieved under full freedom. – JZ, 1.1.14. GETTING RICH SCHEMES, MUTUAL PLUNDER BUND, TAXATION, WELFARE STATE

POLITICS: It has nothing to do with political parties, referendum, legislation or any of the other trappings of the political establishment that now threatens to overwhelm our freedom.” – René Baxter, FREEDOM TODAY, 9/75. – FREEDOM, PARTIES, LAWS

POLITICS: it is a characteristic of political systems that they tend to mask their power and true style under some kind of smoke screen, some kind of symbolic or mythical legerdemain, some kind of verbal deceit. – … the doctrine, the professed beliefs, are nothing but elaborate charades.” - George H. Douglas, THE FREEMAN, 12/1974.

POLITICS: It is a process of perennial betrayal.” – Richard Cummings, Proposition 14, p.42. – Alas, all too much with the statist and territorialist sanction of the victims. – JZ, 1.1.14.

POLITICS: It is different when government meddles. Signals between producers and consumers are garbled or deliberately distorted. Political considerations interfere with economic facts of life. The concern becomes: “What will Congress or the President decide?” Not: “What do the customers want?” – Earl W. McMunn, THE FREEMAN, 3/1978.

POLITICS: It is fundamentally inconsistent to suppose that real choices can be made politically, that society can be politicized, and that there can be general accord on actions taken.” – Clarence B. Carson, in THE FREEMAN, 3/78, p.153. – Society is destroyed, not established, aided or protected by territorial politics. – JZ, 31.7.92. – FREE CHOICE, AGREEMENT, CONSENT, HARMONY, TERRITORIALISM, CENTRALIZED POWER OVER A WHOLE POPULATION, STATISIM, DOMINATION, AUTHORITARIANISM VS. INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR MINORITIES

POLITICS: It is not the nature of politics that the best men should be elected. The best men do not want to govern their fellowmen, and, anyhow, there are not enough of them to fill the offices. – George E. Macdonald, quoted in Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.527. – Neither should the best men waste their lives in attempts to benevolently dominate a whole population. The should only be free to try to set the best possible examples for others to follow if they want to, can or dare. –JZ, 1.1.14. – POLITICIANS, LEADERSHIP BY EXAMPLE RATHER THAN COMMANDS OR LAWS

POLITICS: It is pleasant to have command, observes Sancho Panza, even over a flock of sheep, and that is why the politicians raise their banners. It is, moreover, the same thing for the sheep whatever the banner. If it is democracy, then the nine knaves will become members of parliament; if fascism, they will become party leaders; if communism, commissars. Nothing will be different, except the name. The fools will still be still fools, the knaves still leaders, the results still exploitation.” – T. H. White, The Book of Merlyn, p.116. – All territorialism amounts to infringements of individual rights and liberties, exploitation, even oppression and mass murders and threats with nuclear genocide.– Just look at the total of direct and indirect taxes you are forced to pay during your life and the enormous number of laws you are supposed to know and obey. Even your body cavities are no longer safe from official inspectors, in searches which they seem to be perverse enough to enjoy under the pretense of looking for prohibited drugs. – JZ, 27.7.92, 1.1.14.

POLITICS: it is very doubtful that in our society politics involves anything more noble than playing favorites, serving special interests, and entirely neglecting what could reasonably be constructed as the public interest.” - Tibor Machan, Liberty and Culture, p.109. – This has nothing to do with any genuine society, which is very much characterized by voluntarism and free exchange but very much with addition to statist and territorial power and its abuse. What they claim to be in the interest of the public is usually very much against the rightful interests of individuals, minorities and even the temporary majority. – JZ, 1.1.14. - PUBLIC INTEREST, SPECIAL INTERESTS, FAVORITISM, POWER ADDICTION & ABUSE

POLITICS: It was in friendly voluntary cooperating (*) as free men and women, for all public wants and services; in taking each other’s hands, in sharing our efforts; it was by destroying the belief in power, the belief in “pooling” property and faculties, the belief in the false right of some men to hold other men in subjection, and to use them as their material; …” - Herbert Auberon, Mr. Spencer and the Great Machine, p.71. - (*) Or in peaceful and tolerant coexistence of various societies and communities of volunteers, none with a territorial monopoly. – JZ, 4.3.08. – USING & ABUSING PEACEFUL PEOPLE AS IF THEY WERE GOVERNMENTAL PROPERTY

POLITICS: it was politics at the highest level.” – “Politics doesn’t have a high level,…” - Peter F. Hamilton, Judas Unchained, 2005, McMillan, p.37. – Territorial politics that is. – In panarchies, among their volunteers, politics can be practised at any level – or omitted altogether, always only among like-minded volunteers, while leaving all other such communities of volunteers alone, free to to do their own things among their followers. – JZ, 25.3.09. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE, INDIVIDUAL CHOICES VS. TERRITORIAL IMPOSITIONS

POLITICS: It’s outrageous that there are not more women in politics.” – I rather find it outrageous that any women are in politics. By their nature they are designed to nourish life and not to exploit it or destroy it. Moreover, I find it outrageous that anyone would wish to get into or to remain in territorial “politics as usual”, seeing especially that it is nowadays even “armed” with ABC mass murder devices, in effect directed not against guilty and aggressive governments but, rather, their primary victims, their own subjects. To an all too great an extent Nazi thinking and measures, including those of collective responsibility, have also been adopted by “democracies”. It is only a question of the percentage to which all territorial governments have become Nazi or totalitarian governments. They have certainly territorialism and taxation in common with them, monetary despotism, often conscription, at least in war time, the decision-making monopoly on war and peace, armament and disarmament and international treaties, the police and military forces monopoly, the postal monopoly, State security forces or secret services, welfare statism, financial controls, “protectionism”, controls of the movement of people across borders, extensive government propaganda, beginning in government-controlled schools. Their leaders are all power addicts and as such unlikely to abdicate. – Even Australia has now its concentration camps – for illegal immigrants. - You add you own examples. – JZ, 26.8.93, 19.2.08, 1.1.14. –  DEMOCRACY, GOVERNMENTS, WOMEN’S LIBERATION, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Just as the power to tax is the power to destroy, the power to redistribute the wealth is the power of politics.” – John R. Rarick, FREEDOM, Summer 75. – Subsidies are also a means to destroy: E.g., how many private libraries are open to the public? Welfare handouts often destroy the will to become self-supporting. – JZ, 5.3.08. – They spread not only involuntary unemployment and inflation but also idleness among the poor. – The “War against Poverty” does also create poverty or permanent “welfare” cases or parasites. Governments can have as much poverty as they are willing to subsidize. By the way, they do thus buy votes for themselves, while creating more and more dependent people. - JZ, 1.1.14. - TAXATION, SUBSIDIES REDISTRIBUTIONISM, WELFARE STATE

POLITICS: Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you.” - Pericles (430 B.C.) – Our interest in territorial politics should be confined to finding out how to get rid of it. This requires first of all that we get interested in its alternative: exterritorialist politics, for communities and societies as well as governance systems of volunteers only, all under personal laws. The territorialist impositions should become dissolved into this kind of individual and group contracts. That is the essential meaning of the old saying: From status to contract. – JZ, 11.1.08. - INTEREST IN POLITICS, EXTERRITORIALISM VS. TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, APATHY, POLYARCHISM, FROM STATUS TO CONTRACT, FROM DISGUST WITH TERRITORIAL POLITICS TO INTEREST IN & SATISFACTION FROM VOLUNTARISM & PERSONAL LAW OR EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY& SECESSIONISM

POLITICS: Kill territorial politics before it kills you. – JZ, 6.2.79, 4.3.08.

POLITICS: Kingsley Martin, of the New Statesman, wrote to Aldous taking him to task no doubt about his politics or lack of them. Aldous replied. “… I don’t know where you got information about Gerald and myself being about to start a community; it doesn’t happen to be true. I don’t know nearly enough about many things to be able to embark on such a venture. … This doesn’t diminish my interest in such ventures; for I become more and more firmly convinced that it is completely pointless to work in the field of politics … first, because one can’t achieve anything unless one is in a key position, and, second, because even if one were in a key position, all one could achieve would be, at the best, a deflection of evil into slightly different channels…” - (Underlined by me, JZ) … Religious people who think they can go into politics and transform the world always end by going into politics and being transformed by the world. (e.g. the Jesuits, Père Joseph, the Oxford Group.) Religion can have no politics except the creation of small-scale societies of chosen individuals outside and on the margin of the essentially unviable large-scale societies …” – Sybille Bedford, Aldous Huxley, I, p.376. - Under panarchism the individual could make a difference, since then he could freely attract and associate with like-minded people, under full exterritorial autonomy i.e. personal law, in order to practise, among themselves, whatever changes and reforms they like for themselves. – Their successful experiments would, at least in the long run, also affect outsiders, in the whole country and even in the whole world, just like e.g. new inventions or computer innovations or fashions or musical preferences or scientific discoveries tend to spread. – JZ, 19.2.08. – By now e.g. mobile phones are very slowly frying the brains of billions of people already. They don’t hurt and are useful, so they must be quite harmless is the almost general opinion even among those, who use leaking microwave ovens for their cooking. – It took decades before the harm caused by excessive X-ray examination became widely recognized. Many people still do not take enough precautions not to get burned from the nuclear reactor that is about 150 million miles away, our sun, which is the only nuclear reactor, which we do really need and can afford to have. - JZ, 1.1.14. -  RELIGION, VOLUNTARY COMMUNITIES, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, TOLERANCE, FREEDOM OF ACTION, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PERSONAL LAWS VS. TERRITORIALISM & ITS POWER-GAMES & WARFARE STATES

POLITICS: know that Higher Intelligence is not the least interested in politics. … - Dr. T. Leary, quoted by Robert Anton Wilson in COSMIC TRIGGER, p.166. – It is the lowest human types that do become addicted to territorial power over others instead of merely freedom to run their own affairs undisturbed. – JZ, 1.1.14.

POLITICS: Let us forget politics and go to work.” – S. L. Jamison, 12.13.72. – Is it quite safe or safe enough yet - to ignore all the laws that have been passed for political “reasons”, e.g. the tax laws and the laws of monetary despotism? – Even quite the obviously wrongful postal monopoly has been politically and wrongfully upheld for a long time. – JZ, 11.4.08, 1.1.14.

POLITICS: Let's get government and parties out of politics! - JZ, 76. - Reduce both to voluntary followers and exterritorial autonomy and they will have to put up or shut up. - JZ, 5.11.02.

POLITICS: Let’s get out of the political hot water!” – From a Liberty Amendment Committee advertisement. – One by one or group by group, through individual and group secessionism and through peacefully coexisting and competing personal law associations, all of them exterritorially autonomous to do their own things at their own risk and expense. Who could rightfully ask for more or should, by individual rights and liberties, ask for less? – JZ, 1.1.14. – INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, VOLUNTARISM, SELF-OWNERSHIP, GENUINE SELF-GOVERNMENT, SELF-DETERMINATION, SELF-ENLIGHTENMENT, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, ALL SELF-HELP OPTIONS, INCLUDING FULL MONETARY & FINANCIAL FREEDOM, VS. TERRITORIALISM, ITS WRONGFUL AUTHORITARIANISM, SERFDOM, FEUDALISM, MASS MURDERS & GENOCIDE PREPARATIONS, NWT

POLITICS: Liberty is not a means to a higher political end. It is itself the highest political end. – J. E. E. Dalberg (Lord Acton), Lectures on Modern History, 1906.


POLITICS: Lies have always been political currency.” – Alex Comfort, Authority and Delinquency, p.51. - BUREAUCRACY, POLITICIANS, LIES, SECRECY

POLITICS: Lies, frauds, extortions, robberies and murder – at every level, all too often and sometimes at a massive scale. But the biggest ones occur right at the top. – Isn’t it high time that we did something about these criminals and the territorialist system that produces them and keeps them in power? - JZ, 28.7.06, 25.10.07. - TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Limit the role of politics.” – QUADRANT, June 75.

POLITICS: Look not to the politicians; look to yourselves.” – Richard Cobden (1804-1865).

POLITICS: Lord Bryce says “some one has well said that politics has in democracies become a branch of the science and art of advertisement”; …” - S. Hutchinson Harris, The Doctrine of Personal Right, p.247. – I would rather say: the largest instance of the art of fraudulent and irresponsible advertising. – JZ, 3.7.92, 1.1.14.

POLITICS: Many a man goes into politics with a fine future and comes out with a terrible past.” – “YORK TRADE COMPOSITOR” – Do the best and the good men really go into politics or rather the worst and the inferior ones? – JZ, 1.1.14. – POLITICIANS, CANDIDATES, POWER ADDICTS UNDER TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Men who have greatness within them don't go in for politics. –Albert CamusThat rule, too, might become reversed under exterritorial autonomy politics for volunteers only. Then we then might get, rather soon, new and better kinds of “founding fathers”. – JZ, 3.4.12. – POLITICIANS & GREAT MEN, PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW

POLITICS: Morality, economics, science and technology try to save us while politics tries to waste us. The former release creative energies while territorial politics destroys or wastes them. – JZ, 11.11.78, 5.3.08.

POLITICS: More and more the other function of political power is losing the cover of constructive purpose it formerly had. (*) It is becoming a railway run not for the community but to amuse amateur and unskilled locomotive drivers, who obstruct its useful functions (*) by their antics and stage accidents to make life more interesting. Projects are held up because they cannot be exploited for personal prestige or dramatized to produce crises. The science of the world is obliged to run on priorities dictated by the emotional needs of its leaders, with or without the additional considerations of ideology and private profit.” – Alex Comfort, “Authority and Delinquency. A Study in the Psychology of Power”, 1950, 1970, p.122, a book largely on the delinquency of authority. – Alas, kept out of print & off the Web for all too long. – Limited government? As long as they are still territorial, i.e. monopoly governments, they are by far not limited enough (*) Did governments really have a constructive purpose before, like railways had and have? This kind of propaganda lie led e.g. to feudalistic serfdom and absolute monarchs and their abuses. Today’s power abuses are not so brash but much more numerous and much better camouflaged and advertised as public services, conscription as a “national service”, taxation as a Welfare State activity, monopolization of health services as a genuine service to the sick: “Obamacare”. - JZ, 15.5.06, 1.1.14. - TERRITORIALISM, POWER, POLITICIANS AS POWER-ADDICTS,

POLITICS: More of the same is just not good enough. – JZ, 24.3.07. – Especially as far as territorial politics is concerned. It must become totally abolished before it blows all of us up. – JZ, 25.7.07. – NUCLEAR WAR THREAT

POLITICS: Morse placed very little trust in the ballot box as a method of attaining social justice. If we seek a practical reform for the evils of society (*), he maintained, we are more likely to find it in the abandonment of (**) politics itself than in the processes of government. “Political affairs are at best but a remedy for an evil; a remedy to check the ravages of evil; but utterly impotent to effect a cure.” – Reichert, Partisans of Freedom, p.59, on Sidney M. Morse. – Territorial politics is itself the very disease and its many symptoms, which it vainly attempts to cure. – JZ, 5.3.08. -  (*) the territorial State! – (**) territorial – JZ, 5.3.08.

POLITICS: Most troubles in the world are caused by men with grey to white hair and outdated or wrongful but still popular ideas and prejudices but, nevertheless, or because of this, in command positions in territorial States. – JZ, 25.3.93, 19.2.08. – TERRITORIALISM, PREJUDICES, REPRESENTATIVES, LEADERSHIP, GENERATION GAP, OLD MEN DECIDING ON THE LIVES & SURVIVAL OF THE YOUNG.

POLITICS: My friend, ... you’re being emotional. There is no escape from (territorialist – JZ ) political intrigue. This that you suddenly despise is the human environment. (*) The environment of human passion, human ambition. There never has been, and never will be any other climate for you to operate in. (**) A man succeeds or fails to the extent that he can understand and control the unrelenting drives of others of his kind. (***) If he tries to abandon intrigue the tide will wash over him and his plans as if they never existed! (****) Beware.” – A.E. von Vogt, The Wizard of Linn, p.49. - All based on the mythology of rule or be ruled territorially. Politics is relatively harmless when practised only among volunteers of a similar or the same persuation. At most their system can harm only them. – JZ, 13.10.78. – But it will be unlikely to grow very much unless it can already point out some real successes. – JZ, 5.3.08. Most of the statist or communist utopias do fail rather soon, when they can operate only at the expense and risk of their volunteers. - JZ. 1.1.14. - - (*) The statist territorial environment imposed upon human societies of volunteers! – (**) Panarchism, Polyarchism! Competing governance!  (***) I.e., of like-minded volunteers, not territorially captured herds! – (****) Among like-minded volunteers he does not have to intrigue and deceive or engage in power games. - JZ, 5.3.08. - INTRIGUES, EMOTIONALISM, SUCCESS, DRIVES, FACTION STRIFE, TERRITORIALISM,

POLITICS: My other complaint is that no one tells us what happens to all those graduates of all those university politics departments. Are politics departments like those awful creative writings schools in the USA which keep dozens of academics on salaries writers will never earn, while producing no writers?” – Geoffrey Dutton, in SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 18.8.73. - The creative writing schools are relatively harmless. But the political science departments – produce politicians! – JZ, 5.3.08. - POLITICAL “SCIENCE”? POLITICIANS

POLITICS: Nearly two hundred years ago a man sought to respond to the argument of Edmund Burke’s “Reflections on the Revolution in France.” He did so in the form of a lengthy and elegantly written treatise on political philosophy, and he endeavored to provide a comprehensive case for liberty by building on a brilliant foundation; the right of independent, private judgment. “The universal exercise of private judgment is a doctrine so unspeakably beautiful”, he wrote, “that the true politician will certainly feel infinite reluctance in admitting the idea of interfering with it.” – When these words were first penned, progress was considered by everyone to be synonymous with the triumph of liberty. Indeed, politics was “the science of liberty”. – R. A. Childs Jr., on William Godwin, Enquiry Concerning Political Justice. – Politics must again become the study and practice of liberty – for nothing else is moral and works. – JZ, 10/76. And to do so, it must consider all the individual sovereignty, individual secessionism and exterritorial autonomy options for communities of volunteers as well and as much more rightful and rational, peace-, freedom- and progress-promoting than a politics confined to territorial domination over involuntary subjects. – JZ, 6.3.08. - THE RIGHT OF INDEPENDENT PRIVATE JUDGMENT, LIBERTY, PROGRESS, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, SELF-OWNERSHIP, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, INDIVIDUAL HUMAN RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, WILLIAM GODWIN, R. A. CHILDS, ANARCHISM, STUDY OF LIBERTY, JUSTICE & PEACE, PROGRESS, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, MORALITY, ETHICS,

POLITICS: Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied." - Otto von Bismarck – DENIALS, SECRECY VS. PUBLICITY, JOKES,

POLITICS: Never used to pay any attention to international politics. Now I study politics the way I used to study rats in mazes. Everybody tells me the same thing – ‘Looks hopeless.’ – ‘Nothing short of a miracle…’ I began. – ‘Believe in magic?’ he asked sharply.” – Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., The Report on the Barnhouse Effect, p.45, in R. Heinlein, editor, Tomorrow the Stars. – I believe in the “magic” of just and free human relationships. – JZ, 20.12.1984. – In international as well as in internal relationships this requires panarchism or consistent voluntarism, consistent libertarianism and consistent anarchism or exterritorial autonomy, or freedom of action or freedom to experiment - for all communities of volunteers. – JZ, 9.1.99, 20.9.04, 1.1.14. – TERRITORIAL POLITICS AS A MAZE, AN ART, A SWAMP OR AS A WRONG MODEL? EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR VOLUNTEERS, FREE MARKETS IN EVERY SPHERE, ITS INVISIBLE HAND, SOMETHING LIKE A MIRACLE IN ITS EFFECTS. PANARCHISM COULD DO SOMETHING SIMILAR IN POLITICS & FOR SOCIAL & ECONOMIC SYSTEMS. INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES FOR EVERYONE EVEN IF MANY OF THEM WILL NEVER USE THEM ALL.

POLITICS: No individual, whoever he may be, can escape the immediate consequences of ignorance in (*) politics, as he can in art, music, journalism. There is no way to avoid the pains which bad political action inflicts. For ignorant political action encompasses all – one’s life and the sustenance of life which is the fruit of one’s own labor, one’s freedom to choose who one shall live his own life.” – Leonard E. Read, Elements of Libertarian Leadership, p.107. – With the exterritorial autonomy or personal law politics of volunteers we do get experimental freedom and self-responsibility for all and an end to territorial domination of peaceful people and dissenters, tolerance and justice for all tolerant people. It has only very limited scope for power-addicts: only among voluntary victims and co-believers. – (*) territorial – JZ, 1.1.14.

POLITICS: no man who has freed his mind can take either his theology or his politics in a lump from others, …” - Auberon Herbert, in Mack edition, p.85. – Perhaps all these interrelationships can be graphically shown, with panarchism, polyarchism etc. in the center ball, vs. all their opposites pointed out in the next layer around it and in the next layer indicating the likely results of that change. – JZ, 1.1.14. Classification Schemes. - THINKUNG & ACTING FOR ONESELF, SELF-RESPONSIBLY, IN EVERY SPHERE, SELF-OWNERSHIP, SELF-GOVERNANCE, TERRITORIALISM, PERSONAL LAW VS. IMPOSED LEGISLATION, CONSTITUTIONALISM, DEMOCRACY, WELFARE STATE, STATISM, AUTONOMY, INDIVIDUALISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, ENLIGHTENMENT

POLITICS: No matter who wins, we lose.” – The Last International, quoted in DANDELION, Sum. 79. – True for territorial politics. Under voluntarism, secessionism, personal law choices, competing governance, panarchism, polyarchism etc. we do get win-win situations for all but criminals and aggressors. Each society, governance system or community can then come as close to its ideal as it is possible to come for human beings free to experiment with their beliefs, ideas and convictions, from all forms of anarchism for the diversity of anarchists to all forms of governmentalism for the diversity of statists, always, however, without a territorial monopoly for any group. They would sort themselves out as they do already to a large extent in the sphere of religions and in private activities, as consumers and producers, hobbyists, sportsmen etc. in the still largely free spheres of our private lives. – JZ, 2.1.14. - PARTIES, VOTING, ELECTIONS, GOVERNMENT

POLITICS: No people ever yet grew rich by politics, but it is peace, industry and freedom that bring trade and wealth.” – Dudley North, A Discourse Upon Trade. – Territorial politics tends to impoverish most people and gives criminals and special interest groups the chance to enrich themselves at the expense and risk of the rest of the people, often the majority. These criminals and exploiters are largely created and maintained by territorialism and quite insufficiently resisted by it. It creates power abusers and does not deter or punish them sufficiently. – JZ, 2.1.14. - WEALTH, RICHES, PROSPERITY, WARFARE STATES, WAR AGAINST DRUGS & AGAINST THE POOR UNDER THE COVER OF THE WELFARE STATE, MINIMUM WAGES, THE DESPOTISM OF CENTRAL BANKING, ITS MANY CRISES, TAXATION, REGULATIONS, A FLOOD OF “POSITIVE” LEGISLATION, MONOPOLISM, PROTECTIONISM, GOVERNMENTAL EDUCATION

POLITICS: no social good can come out of politics.” - Frank Chodorov, One Is a Crowd, p.6. – This is true mainly only for territorial politics. There is also such a thing as “office politics” and the politics within any voluntary association. People will not always agree or be agreeable. Some fisticuffs might result or even some brawls between drunken crowds, but, hardly, wars or civil wars. On a voluntary basis and when sober people usually separate their own affairs from those of others and so avoid clashes. – JZ, 17.3.09, 2.1.14. – VOLUNTARISM VS.TERRITORIALISM.

POLITICS: Nobody but a blockhead supposes politics to be pure. There is no reasonable doubt that “improper means and influences to aid or suppress legislation” entered into the election of every member of the present legislature, and have heretofore entered into the election of every member of every other legislature that has ever sat under our State Constitution. And now this (second) branch of this Order purports to authorize this Committee to inquire what “means and influences” of this kind have at any time”, since the foundation of the government, been brought to bear on legislation!” - Lysander Spooner, Works II, Senate, p.324. – TERRITORIAL POWER POLITICS

POLITICS: Not political chaos but the present kind of political order is the problem. And this is closely tied a) to claims for exclusive territorial domination and b) to notions of collective responsibility and punishment. – JZ, 5.4.95. - CHAOS, LAW & ORDER, DISORDER, POWER, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, COMPULSORY SUBORDINATION VS. VOLUNTARISM, COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY

POLITICS: Nothing is politically right which is morally wrong.” – Thomas Jefferson. – Nothing is politically right which is morally wrong.” - Attributed to Daniel O'Connell. - Wendell Phillips, speech on the 100th anniversary of O'Connell's birth, August 6, 1875, Speeches, Lectures, and Letters, 2d series, p. 398 (1891). Unverified. - Compare Kant on this in his Eternal Peace, 1795. - The German “Realpolitik” teaches otherwise. What would be left of politics, once all of its immoral features, monopolistic, coercive, secretive and collectivist measures, policies, programs and institutions are quite abolished? All its standing armies, its imposed legislation, its legally imposed monopolies, its taxes, its decision-making monopoly on war and peace, etc? – JZ, 13.2.08. – And this simply through voluntarism, individual and group secessionism, personal law, competition and experimental freedom in every sphere, complete freedom of association, consumer sovereignty and free enterprise in every sphere, full freedom of contract, through individual sovereignty or self-ownership, leading to genuine self-government, self-control, self-determination, with everyone “becoming the smith of his own fate”. Territorial politics cannot be rightful enough and often it is all too wrong. – JZ, 2.1.14. - Q., MORALITY: RIGHT & WRONG, WARFARE STATES, TERRITORIALISM, FROM LIMITED GOVERNMENTS TO TOTALITARIAN ONES

POLITICS: Nothing is so admirable in politics as a short memory.” – John Kenneth Galbraith. - One might likewise say that nothing is so despicable in politicians and among voters as their all too short-term memory and short terms views for the future. - JZ, 23.11.06. - POLITICIANS & VOTERS, SHORT TERM VIEWS,

POLITICS: Now the conclusion is inescapable that the political method is wrong.” - Sir Ernest Benn, Honest Doubt, p.205. – Only the territorial monopoly methods. The voluntary methods are still O.K. or tolerable – among like-minded people and tolerable in others, who are, likewise, just doing their own things at the own risk and expense. – JZ, 2.1.14. -  POLITICAL METHOD, TERRITORIAL POLITICS

POLITICS: Now, I want to give you the definition of politics, because politics is the thing that makes the government work. Politics is a method – some call it a science – some call it an art. It’s neither one nor the other. It’s a methodology. Politics is “the method employed in power structures by means of which a monopoly of coercion can be obtained and maintained.” That’s power. Now that means that the government I’m talking about is a group of people who sell retributive justice to the inhabitants of a limited geographic area through the method of getting and keeping a monopoly of coercion. That’s what I am talking about. And that’s what we can do without in the interest of law and order.” – Robert LeFevre, Good Government, p.14. – POWER POLITICS, REALPOLITIK, TERRITORIALISM, POWER, STATE, STATISM, MONOPOLIES, WARFARE STATES, AUTHORITARIANISM TO TOTALITARIANISM, LAW & ORDER, GOVERNMENTALLY CAUSED CRISES, MASS UNEMPLOYMENT, INFLATION, EXPROPRIATIN & POVERTY, OFFICIAL TERRORISM, PRIVATE TERRORISM IN DESPERATE & UNDER-INFORMED RESISTANCE ATTEMPTS, COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY NOTIONS & PRACTICES, POLICE STATES, DICTATORSHIPS, TYRANNIES

POLITICS: Nowadays everything is turned into a political affair. That’s why we have to get rid of politics. – JZ, 3.11.76. – I meant, naturally, only territorial politics, not that of communities of volunteers. – JZ, 5.3.08.

POLITICS: Nowhere are prejudices more mistaken for truth, passion for reason, and invective for documentation than in politics. That is a realm, peopled only by villains or heroes, in which everything is black or white and gray is a forbidden color.” – John Mason Brown, Through These Men, 1952, 1956. – Are there really any “whites” in it or only blacks and grays? – JZ, 27.3.08. - PREJUDICES, TRUTH

POLITICS: Of all perverted industries, that of accumulating force, whether in great bodies of soldiers or great bodies of electors, is the most wasteful and disastrous, not only because, as we have seen, the effort to obtain the possession of force is in itself an immense consumption of energy that should go for other things; not only because, so long as men are intent upon becoming the holders of power, they are blind to the true remedies; not only because systems founded on force are fatal to the two conditions of difference and competition; apart from which unfitness can never be changed into fitness; not only because all fixed laws of moral right and wrong disappear in the presence of force; not only because the world can find no response or security as long as all the great matters of life are left in suspense, to be shaped and reshaped by those who have climbed yesterday or today to power; but because, so long as we live under force, compelling and compelled, so long the affections and sympathies for men – all that is lovely in human nature – must remain sealed from breaking into universal blossom, like the plants of the earth remain sealed so long as winter is with them.” - Auberon Herbert, A Politician in Sight of Heaven. – FORCE, POWER-GAMES, WARFARE STATES, COERCION, MILITARY FORCE, VOTING FORCE, MAJORITIES, DEMOCRACY, PARLIAMENTS, LAWS, DESPOTISM, COMPULSION, COERCIVE COLLECTIVISM, TERITORIALISM

POLITICS: Of two evils, choose neither. – C. H. Spurgeon, 1834-1892. – A. Andrews Quotations, p.21. – EVILS, CHOICE, PARTIES, VOTING

POLITICS: Offices are as acceptable here as elsewhere, and whenever a man casts a longing eye on them, a rottenness begins in his conduct.” – Thomas Jefferson (1799) - POLITICIANS, CORRUPTION, POWER, PUBLIC OFFICES, OFFICE HOLDERS

POLITICS: On the average, most politicians, if they had stayed out of politics, would probably be earning nearly as much as they are now. But if there were no politics, everyone’s income would be much higher. The abolition of government, although it might lower the relative income of those who now are, or would have become politicians, would substantially raise their absolute income.” – David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p.210. – Wealth from power and monopolies would be diminished, while wealth from productive labor, investments and innovation would be multiplied. – JZ, 2.4.13. - GOVERNMENT, ANARCHISM, STANDARD OF LIVING, FREE ECONOMY

POLITICS: Once politics become a tug-of-war for shares in the income pie, decent government is impossible." - Friedrich A. Hayek. - Should tax revenues or returns from tribute levies be named an "income"? If so, then the loot from every robbery or theft should also be called an income. - JZ, 2.4.11. – Most unearned incomes could and should be replaced by earned ones those for instance from gifts or inheritances excepted. – No more tribute levies or legalized monopolies. - JZ, 2.4.13. -  PARTIES, TAXATION, BUDGETS, GOVERNMENT

POLITICS: One cannot realize truths politically. Politics and truth contradict each other. – Wilhelm Reich, Menschen im Staat,S.66. - („Man kann Wahrheiten nicht politisch umsetzen. Politik und Wahrheit widersprechen einander.“)

POLITICS: One cannot think only in the low level of political calculation. It’s necessary to think also of what is noble, and what is honorable – not only what is profitable.” – Solzhenitsyn, Words of Warning to the Western World, p.26. – The first practice is all too common. One should also think of what is quite moral, rational, reasonable, useful, beneficial, independent, a self-help method and exterritorially quite tolerable if practised only among its volunteers. The terms “noble” and “honorable” are a bit dated and too vague terms of aristocrats, trying to cover their feudalism with merely obedience work and serfdom status for their victims. Let each vote, with his dollars, for his kind of laws, courts, judges, bureaucrats, constitutions, institutions, protective-, insurance-, credit-, monetary- and clearing-services, his own kind of competing and voluntary governance system, free society or community of volunteers. All would profit or benefit, at least in the long run, under such “panarchism” or “polyarchism”. Only monopoly profits would tend to disappear, unless they would continue to be made possible among some volunteers, as a result of their beliefs. That applies not only to “sky pilots”. Territorial politics is, ethically, unsupportable, with regard to all the dissenters in the whole population of a territory. It makes only sub-ethical actions possible at least towards these dissenters. They are still wrongfully dominated, exploited, directed and controlled rather than liberated to do their own things among themselves. Majorities should, naturally, also always be free to do their own things for or to themselves, but not to the various peaceful minorities and dissenters. Panarchism or polyarchism amounts to a high-level ethics or morality in the sphere of political, economic and social systems, even if, in many respects some of them might be considered, by outsiders, as being still to be backwards, primitive, inhumane or barbaric. They would only have voluntary victims. Just like gambling halls have and drug dispensing clinics or dangerous sports. Naturally, defectors from such flawed societies should be welcomed with open arms by societies and communities without such flaws. Full employment for all new members would not be a problem, since those experiments, which would introduce it, based on full monetary and financial freedom, would probably spread faster than any others. Panarchistic institutions and relationships do already work extensively in many spheres of our lives, everywhere peace- and progress-promoting, or simply self-eliminating defective people, like incurable addicts or “adventurers” risking their lives unnecessarily. These examples and the practices of religious tolerance and private diversity have merely to be extended into the sphere or political, economic and social systems, presently still territorially monopolized by States. This job is urgent, since it would also eliminate targets and motives as well as financial support options for mass extermination devices. – Sozhenitsyn did not have much to offer to us, since he came from a system with insufficient freedom of expression and information. – He is still indoctrinated with anti-profit notions. But as a warning voice against any form of totalitarianism he provided a very valuable service – from his own experience and contacts e.g. with many inmates of Soviet concentration camps. - JZ, 1.7.92, 19.2.08. - Let each vote with his dollars for his personal law system, courts, judges, bureaucrats, constitutions and governments. All would profit, in the long run and often in the short run, under panarchism. (E.g. by rapidly abolishing the State interventions or monetary despotism that causes inflations, mass unemployment and crowds of refugees.) Only monopoly profits would disappear, unless true believers are prepared to fund them themselves. Territorial politics is ethically very low-level politics. Exterritorial politics is ethically a high level politics - and it makes even the highest developments possible, of free societies, all constituted only of volunteers, who remain free to secede from them and to try still better associations. - JZ 1.7.92, 15.1.93,, 2.1.14. - Obviously, even this famous opponent of the Soviets had deeply imbibed their anti-profit propaganda. Should the Soviets have been praised for running almost all their "enterprises", except their exploitation of millions of forced laborers, and also of all their "free" laborers, and of their captive nations, at a loss to themselves? Naturally, profits from slavery, serfdom or forced labor are not warranted, unless the forced labor is that of criminals with victims, i.e. those, who infringed the individual rights and liberties of others significantly and, nevertheless, wish to claim all these rights and liberties for themselves, although they do not respet them in others. Winston Churchill once said: The real crime consists in causing losses. So, am I a criminal by running a microfiche hobby enterprise, in which I have considerable financial losses - apart from non-financial gains?– My LMP – Libertarian Microfiche Publishing experiment ended in 2012 with PEACE PLANS issue No. 1779. - JZ, 10.12.03, 2.4.13. - PROFITS & LOSSES

POLITICS: One king and his court were as a rule less costly and oppressive than are millions of politicians, bureaucrats, lawyers and their laws. – JZ, 21.1.04. – Did any king ever get around to pass as many wrongful laws as our democratic “representatives” did? – Did they impose as many and as high taxes? – JZ, 26.10.07. - TERRITORIALISM, DEMOCRACY, MONARCHISM, ABSOLUTISM, LAWS, POLITICIANS, BUREAUCRATS, LAWYERS, KINGS, EMPERORS, PRINCES, TAXATION, Q.

POLITICS: One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." - Plato. - Not only the politicians are corrupted by the territorial power and "voting" system. The voters are, as well. - JZ, 20. 5. 06. - PARTICIPATION RULERS, GOVERNMENTS, VOTING, CORRUPTION

POLITICS: One should not conduct any kind of politics. One should get out of the way of the State as far and whenever possible. One should try to escape the impertinent interferences of power, as far as is possible.” – John Henry Mackay, Abrechnung, S.161. („Man treibe keine wie immer geartete Politik. Man gehe dem Staat aus dem Wege, so meilenweit wie nur moeglich, and wo immer nur moeglich. Man suche sich den frechen Eingriffen der Gewalt nach Moeglichkeit zu entziehen.“) – SECESSIONISM, OPTING OUT, DOING THE OWN THINGS, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW, GENUINE SELF-GOVERNANCE, SELF-HELP, SELF-OWNERSHIP, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, PERSONAL LAW, VOLUNTARISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM & COMPETITION IN EVERY SPHERE, PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE OF XYZ SOCIETIES AND COMMUNITIES

POLITICS: Only package deals and long-rolling compromises are offered in territorial politics, so that not voter gets only what he wants but a lot of unwanted things, laws and institutions as well, and also the extra tax burdens for them. Moreover, all these deals and compromises or policies are not collective bargains. Everybody has to buy, via taxation, many things he does not want and those he does want as monopoly prices. No market- and individual choice or consumer and enterprise sovereignty in this sphere. No one is quite free to pay only for his own way - in every respect. – Only under panarchism or polyarchism or full experimental freedom and freedom of action or exterritorial autonomy and personal law can everyone get what he is able and willing to pay for - in the spheres of political, economic and social systems as well. - JZ, 12/72, 4.3.08.

POLITICS: Our democracy is but a name. We vote? What does that mean? It means that we choose between two bodies of real, though not avowed, autocrats. We choose between Tweedledum and Tweedledee.” – Helen Keller. And Tweedledummer, as someone added. - JZ – POLITICAL CHOICES UNDER TERRITORIALISM, TWO PARTY SYSTEM, DEMOCRATS & REPUBLICANS, VOTING, ITS FUTILITY & ALL TOO LIMITED OPTIONS, AS COMPARED WITH THE ALMOST UNLIMITED TERRITORIAL POWER OF STATES TO DO WRONG & HARM & THAT OF PERSONAL LAW SOCIETIES TO DO THE RIGHT THINGS THROUGH & AMONG THEIR MEMBERS

POLITICS: Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear - kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor -- with the cry of grave national emergency ... Always there has been some terrible evil to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it by furnishing the exorbitant sums demanded. Yet, in retrospect, these disasters seem never to have happened, seem never to have been quite real." - Douglas MacArthur, General, 1957. – However, wasn’t this war hero prepared to use nuclear “weapons” in the Korean war and, sensibly, recalled because of this? – JZ, 5.1.08. And were not empires like that of Stalin, Hitler and Mao coercively established? – JZ, 7.1.08. – FEAR, POWER, MONOPOLIES, COERCION & TERRITORIALISM, ZAP, VOLUNTARISM, FREEDOM OF CHOICE & CONTRACT, COMPETITION & ASSOCIATION IN EVERY SPHERE, SECESSIONISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, SELF-HELP, SELF-GOVERNANCE, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, DEFENCE, PROTECTION, MILITIA, WARFARE STATES

POLITICS: Our ideal, as Libertarians, is the voluntary sector of social life, the sector of the free creation and exchange of goods and ideas. Politics, however, is the sector of exchange (*) and force. As far as we’re concerned, politics is something to be gotten out of the way as soon as possible, so that all of us can get back to the serious business of living.” – Ed Clark, in LIBERTARIAN REVIEW, quoted in ON LIBERTY, Feb. 80. - (*) ? expropriation? – JZ

POLITICS: our modern cacistocracy has strayed from the Greek ideal of politics as rational persuasion of those capable of it to the hegemony of the base and ignorant by the base and ignorant …” - John Wilkinson, The Civilization of the Dialogue, p.159, , in: The Dissenting Academy, ed. by Theodor Roszak, Pelican. - That would not be so bad, since the politicians and the statist voters do deserve each other. However, via territorialism, majoritarianism, party systems and parliamentary representation the base and ignorant do also rule over those who are neither base nor ignorant. - JZ, 26.1.02. – CACISTOCRACY, TERRITORIALISM VS. PANARCHISM & GENUINE SELF-GOVERNMENT, DEMOCRACY, REPUBLICANISM, VOTING

POLITICS: Our political efforts aimed at mopping up the consequences of economic mistakes head us in the direction of the Total State. – Edmund E. Opitz, THE FREEMAN, 7/73, p. 400. – The economic difficulties are mostly those of the fundamental mistakes consisting in prior political interventions with a free economy. E.g. monetary and financial despotism. – JZ, 6.3.08. – TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, SEPARATION OF THE ECONOMY FROM THE STATE, ALSO OF POLITICS & SOCIAL SYSTEMS FROM TERRITORIAL STATISM

POLITICS: our very existence has come to depend on politics … there must be something wrong, unnatural or unusual, … A realization which should seriously worry us, make us reflect and concentrate in an attempt to find a way out of this new bondage.” - Kevork Ajemian, The Fallacy of Modern Politics, Books International, PO Box 6096, McLean, Virginia 22106, 1986, Tel. (703) 821-8900, p.1171? 171? – TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, SECESSIONISM, COMPETITION & EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM IN EVERY SPHERE, PANARCHISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, SELF-OWNERSHIP, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW, POLYARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY

POLITICS: Out of such a senseless and wrong arrangement as territorial politics no sense CAN be made. – JZ, 22.11.90. – Contradicting already the very title of Arthur Sanders: Making Sense of Politics, 1990. – PANARCHISM, TERRITORIALISM, MONOPOLISM, STATISM

POLITICS: Palace politics, and all that excreta.” – Edmund Cooper, Kronk, p.41. COURT INTRIGUES, UNDER MONARCHISM, TERRITORIALISM, POWER POLITICS, MONOPOLISM

POLITICS: Panarchism amounts to control of the “political weather” for individuals. It gives them the choice of the “political weather” or climate, ideologies, faiths, constitutions, laws, jurisdiction and institutions, under which they prefer to live, regardless of the political preferences of others, who do not think or feel like they do. – JZ, 27.1.05. - PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, INDIVIDUALISM, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, CHOICE & WEATHER CONTROL

POLITICS: Panarchism would so change institutions and principles that all collective political decision-making (apart from that already taking place among volunteers only) would become individualized, consumer- and producer- oriented, contractual and market-like decision making, on the old principle of justice: "to each his own". - JZ 19.7.87, 2.4.89. – COMPETITION, FREE CHOICE, FREEDOM OF CONTRACT & ASSOCIATION AS WELL AS SECESSIONISM, I.E. VOLUNTARISM IN EVERY SPHERE, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE

POLITICS: Party politics is like wars, civil wars, violent revolutions, and conquests and dictatorships in not being worth the wrongs, pains, deaths, destruction and impoverishment that they cause. – JZ, 24.1.95. All parties should be confined to ruling only exterritorially over their own volunteers. – JZ, 27.3.08. – EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM IN ALL SPHERES, VOLUNTARISM

POLITICS: Personally, I do not subscribe to its politics. Save when it advocates liberty openly and unashamed.” - H. L. Mencken, The Nation, in Prejudices, Fifth Series, p.262. – Does it ever? – JZ, 2.4.13. - & LIBERTY, ALL INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

POLITICS: Peter’s Evaluation Principle: Either superincompetence or supercompetence may be offensive to the establishment.” - Dr. Laurence J. Peter, Why Things Go Wrong or The Peter Principle Revisited, George Allen & Unwin, 1991, p.38. – Then, as a further corollary from the Peter Principle it follows that the mediocre ones will be promoted to the level of their incompetence. – JZ, n.d. – STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, HIERARCHIES, ESTABLISHMENTS, MEDIOCRITY & INCOMPETENCE OF TERRITORIAL LEADERSHIP

POLITICS: Plead then, if you like, on behalf of such a system all the expediencies of the moment, all the conveniences that belong to power, all the pressing things you desire to do through its machinery; plead objects of patriotism, plead objects of philanthropy; yet are you right for the sake of those things, excellent as they may be in themselves, to acquiesce in that which – when stripped bare to its real, its lowest terms, is – the words are not too harsh – the turning of one part of the nation into those who own their slaves, and the other part into the slaves who are owned? - You may say, as a friend of mine says, “I feel neither like a slave-owner, nor like a slave”, but his feelings, however admirable in themselves, do not alter the system, in which he consents to take part, of trying to obtain control over his fellow men; and, if he fails, in acquiescing in their control over himself. He may never wish or mean to exercise unfairly the power in which he believes, should it fall into his hands; but can he answer for himself in the great conflict; can he answer for his allies, for the great crowd, in which he will count for such a minute factional part, for what they will do, or where they will go? …” - Herbert Auberon, Mr. Spencer and the Great Machine, p.55. – TERRITORIALISM, GOVERNMENT, STATES, STATISM, PEOPLE AS PROPERTY, DEMOCRACY, VOTING, SELF-OWNERSHIP, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, VOTING, DEMOCRACY

POLITICS: political action drives out economic action, …” - Sir Ernest Benn, Honest Doubt, p. 158. – One might consider this as another application of Gresham’s law: The inferior but compulsory means drives out the superior but voluntary means. – JZ, 18.2.08. – But this requires here the kind of “legal tender” or forced currency and monopolism that is involved in territorialism. Under free market rating and among competing currencies or competing panarchies the better systems tend to drive out the inferior ones. (The ones whose actions or experiments are at par with their ideals. - JZ, 4.2.11.) The more successful - because more free economic systems of communities of volunteers - would tend to replace the unfree and thus inferior ones. Quality and prices charged would come to matter. – JZ, 17.3.09. - ECONOMICS, GRESHAM’S LAW FOR MONEY & PANARCHIES, POLYARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, SECESSIONISM, PERSONAL LAW, COMPETITION & FREEDOM OF CONTRACT & ASSOCIATION IN EVERY SPHERE

POLITICS: Political action is the highest responsibility (*) of a citizen.” – John F. Kennedy, campaign remarks, Pan Clancy Dinner, Astor Hotel, New York City, Oct. 20, 1960. – (*) I would rather call it, regarding all territorial politics, the highest irresponsibility. – JZ, 10.85, 27.3.08. – TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, MONOPOLISM

POLITICS: Political actions speak louder against all territorial politics than its political phrases speak for it.” – JZ, 14.9.91. - TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: political activity is abstract activity, negative activity, it does nothing, it only stops other people doing things.” – Ernest Benn, Honest Doubt, 101. – Obviously, it cannot abolish war [it rather causes it] or ordinary crimes with victims [it commits, legally, many official crimes] and it is unable to stop e.g. alcohol, tobacco and other drug consumption, end poverty, inflation, involuntary mass unemployment, terrorism [rather, largely, causing all of them]. So why do so many people still remain statists, believing in territorial governments and political parties and their politicians and bureaucrats and governmental institution? Where is their record of successes? – JZ, 18.2.08. – Q., LAWS, REGUATIONS, CONTROLS, PERMITS, INTERVENTIONISM, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, MONOPOLISM

POLITICS: Political advertising ought to be stopped. It’s the only really dishonest kind of advertising that’s left. It’s totally dishonest. – David Ogilvy in  – & ADVERTISING, PROPAGANDA, POLITICAL LIES

POLITICS: Political alternatives will not be sufficiently and scientifically studied until all exterritorial and voluntary alternatives to it are examined as well. – JZ, 25.7.89, 27.3.08. – PANARCHISM, POLITICAL SCIENCE, POLYARCHISM

POLITICS: Political and territorial decision-making is wrong, risky, costly, dumb and disfranchises all its subjects to a very large extent. – JZ, 5.10.92, 19.2.08. – DEMOCRACY, LAWS, PARLIAMENTS, RULERS, ADMINISTRATIONS, VOTING, ELECTIONS

POLITICS: political calculation: the benefits are always exaggerated; while the costs are always underestimated, and paid by others.” - Butler Shaffer, The Wizards of Ozymandias, chapter 85. – Alas, e.g. progressive taxation is being continued because the poor do wrongly assume that all or most of this burden is carried only by the rich. Even if that were the case: Via charges for goods and services to the poor, the investors in mass production for the masses would recover this tax burden from the poor and those only moderately well off. However, ordinary workingmen can also and easily get into progressively higher income taxation rates. – Alas, even more innocents are even murdered, privately, the unborn, by their own parents, with medial help. (Sometimes as now in Israel, with governmental subsidies! – JZ, 2.1.14.) (Under full economic freedom this would become rather rare. Also once all people become aware of all individual rights and liberties. – JZ, 17.3.09.) Only in Red China is this done largely upon government commands and legislation. – JZ, 1.1.08, 9.3.09. – (The number of these quite innocent victims of the Communist Chinese Revolution does by now probably far exceed the ca. 32 to 64 million adult people murdered by it. – JZ, 17.3.09.) - WELFARE STATE, PROGRESSIVE TAXATION, WELFARE STATE

POLITICS: Political capitals usually represent only capital and popular errors and prejudices in politics, economics and in “social engineering”. – JZ, 30.7.98, 27.3.08. – CAPITALS, LONDON, PARIS, WASHINGTON, BERLIN, ETC., POWER CENTRALIZATION, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM

POLITICS: Political decision-making inevitably gets everybody into various messes which individual and voluntary group decision-making tends to greatly reduce if not altogether avoid. And if voluntary communities create messes as well, as at least some will, (e.g. the Pilgrim Fathers or founders, with their initial communist policies. A large percentage of them even died in the first 3 years as a result!) then only the voluntary participants will have to suffer under them. – JZ, 23.11.87, 22.2.08. – PANARCHISM, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES, WARFARE STATES, TERRITORIALISM.

POLITICS: Political decision-making means, for its victims, living and dying by proxy, largely for the benefit of others, the political leaders. – JZ, 21.12.92, 19.2.08. – I am not satisfied with this formulation myself. Can you improve it or replace it by something better? – JZ, 19.2.2008. LEADERSHIP, PARTIES, POLITICIANS, PRESIDENTS, RULERS, TERRITORIALISM, VOTING, DEMOCRACY, STATISM

POLITICS: Political decisions are usually the worst. – JZ, 22.9.91.

POLITICS: Political economy, by definition, mixes politics with economics and is thus wrongful and harmful. – JZ, 9.12.73, 4.3.08. – ECONOMICS, TOO, TO BE SEPARATED FROM THE TERRITORIAL STATE.

POLITICS: Political economy: two words that should be divorced – on grounds of incompatibility. - THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, quoted in READER’S DIGEST, 8/80. – ECONOMICS, SEPARATION OF POLITICS & ECONOMICS, POLITICAL ECONOMY

POLITICS: Political elections do not choose leaders of society. Rather, they are an exercise in which group of people choose individuals who will assist them in looting other groups of individuals. - William Anderson in  – VOTING, LEADERSHIP, PLUNDER-BUNDS & ELECTIONS UNDER TERRITORIALISM PARTIES, RE-DISTRIBUTION, TAXATION, WELFARE STATE, GOVERNMENT SPENDING, DEMOCRACY, ENFORCED COLLECTIVISM

POLITICS: Political emancipation meant the emancipation of bourgeois society from politics, …” - Karl Marx, A World without Jews, p.31. – Everybody should try to emancipate himself from territorial politics towards the politics of his own free individual choice. – JZ, 11.3.09. - EMANCIPATION, SOCIETY, VOLUNTARISM, INDIVIDUALISM, FREE CHOICE, PANARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW

POLITICS: Political freedom means the absence of coercion of a man by his fellow men.” - Milton Friedman. - All territorial States coerce their dissenters. To that extent they and we do not have political freedom. Their political freedom is confined to those who either agree with their government or who are content to submit to it in spite of their disagreements, upon the faint hope that one day it may be their turn to oppress or annoy others with their own ideals, ignoring theirs. - JZ, 22.8.02, 9.3.09, 4.2.11. - POLITICAL FREEDOM, STATES, TERRITORIALISM, DEMOCRACIES, COERCION, STATISM

POLITICS: political image has no connection at all with political reality.” – Robert Anton Wilson, Right Where You Are Sitting Now, p.135.

POLITICS: Political impossibilities are something that only a wealthy country can afford to have. – Sir Dennis Robertson, quoted in QUADRANT, June 75, p. 22. – If only the wrongs and absurdities as well as the impoverishment through territorial statism and its anti-economics were really impossible to start and maintain. – JZ, 2.4.13.

POLITICS: Political justice is a contradiction in terms. - JZ, 73. – Just like military justice, military music and religiously motivated “justice” systems, still chopping off people’s heads and hands or stoning them to death for “offences” by their religious standards, without giving their victims a chance to opt out from under such systems. – JZ, 2.1.14. – INTOLERANCE, RELIGIOUS, IDEOLOGICAL, TERRITORIAL, WARFARE STATES, MILITARISM, JUSTICE, COMPETING JURIDICAL SYSTEMS

POLITICS: Political language – and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists – is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give the appearance of solidity to pure wind.” – George Orwell, “Politics and the English Language”, Shooting an Elephant, 1950. – Another version: “Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” – George Orwell. – LANGUAGE, PROPAGANDA, DOUBLE-TALK, POLITICIANS, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Political language is largely a defence of the undefensible.” – Neil Potsman, Crazy Talk, Stupid Talk, p.59. – To Orwell, the language of politics ceased to serve any reasonable and human purpose. – Neil Postman, ibid, p.60. – “indefensible” says my spell checker. – JZ

POLITICS: Political leaders mislead more often than not, especially while they represent only the territorial, coercive, collectivist, centralistic and monopolistic model of politics. – JZ, 25.8.98. - LEADERSHIP, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: political life is a “dog eat dog” contest for votes and taxes and power. – Admiral Ben Moreell, Log I, p.170. – TERRITORIALISM, POWER GAMES, STATISM, WARFARE STATES, WELFARE STATES, TAXATION

POLITICS: Political life, as conducted today, means a moral and mental death via territorial politics and all its wrongful impositions. – JZ, 23.5.87, 27.3.08. – TERRITORIALISM, SUBJECTS RATHER THAN FREE MEN

POLITICS: political power is a worm-eaten institution. It has retained its form, but the universal respect, which gave it worth has disappeared. It is nothing but an external scaffolding, the edifice itself has ceased to exist.” – Elisee Reclus, Evolution and Revolution. – Did it ever and anywhere earn universal respect? – JZ, 2.1.14. – Q.

POLITICS: Political processes seem to encourage bad ideas.” – Lanny Friedlander, in an early reason article: “The gang that couldn’t shoot straight.” – True for territorial politics but is it true for the voluntary and exterritorial politics of panarchies? – JZ, 11.4.08.

POLITICS: political superstition is a much greater threat to life than religious superstition.” – Frederick Mann, Longevity Report 41, Oct. 93. – RELIGION, TERRITORIALISM, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT

POLITICS: Political superstition is, essentially, a belief in slavery.” – Frederick Mann, Longevity Report 41, Oct. 93. – Compare Herbert Spencer: “Slavery hasn’t been abolished; it has been nationalized.” - & SLAVERY, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Political systems are as imperfect and corrupt as the men who devise them. – Morris West, Proteus, p.59. – Or who run them and who uncritically and unresistingly submit to them. All territorial ones are basically wrong (as far as their dissenters are concerned) and make for imperfections and corruption. But those for volunteers under personal law only are quite different institutions, comparable to scientific experiments. Since they are not territorially enforced, i.e., have no “legal tender” power, the inferior ones can be freely rejected by anyone – as far as their own affairs are concerned. Thus the properly understood Gresham’s Law would apply here as well: The good means, institutions, laws and systems, those that correspond to the aspirations of voluntary members or autonomous communities, will tend to drive out the bad ones, from which their disappointed members will tend to secede in droves, until they finally disappear or remain only as small and harmless sects of fanatical true believers. – JZ, 30.6.92, 19.2.08, 2.1.14. - PANARCHISM, TERRITORIALISM.

POLITICS: Politically motivated lies are even worse then the others. – And territorialism seems to require many political lies and false pretences. - JZ, 25.12.97, 13.2.08. They do wrong and harm many more people. – JZ, 2.1.14. – TERRITORIALISM VS. VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, LIES, DISHONESTY

POLITICS: politically profitable courses of action conflict at so many points with what is economically efficient.” – Patrick M. Boarman, Money, Employment and the Political Process, p.9. - ECONOMICS, VOTING, EFFICIENCY, PERSONAL LAW, TERRITORIALISM VS. PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE, VOLUNTARISM

POLITICS: Politicians are not only mixed up with organized crime. Territorial politics is organized crime, the largest one of all. – JZ, 11.2.87, 4.3.08, 2.1.14. – ORGANIZED CRIME, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM

POLITICS: Politicians pretend to be leaders. Voters pretend to cast decisive votes, all under delusions of self-government and representation. All legislators and politicians pretend to possess real knowledge of public affairs, problems and of solutions to these problems – and be it only by delegating their solution to appointed or elected officials (statism). They do so even though most of the remaining problems, apart from natural catastrophes and the ravages of time, ill health, accidents, aging and death, are really caused by wrongful laws and bureaucratic interventions. – JZ, 14.3.07, 25.10.07. - AS USUAL, DEMOCRACY, LEADERSHIP, POLITICIANS, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS, PRESIDENTS, RULERS, PEOPLE, VOTING, REPRESENTATION, COMMITTEES, PARLIAMENTARISM, POLITICIANS, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, SECESSIONISM, PEOPLE AS PROPERTY

POLITICS: Politicoholism: An epidemic of national concern. – Sy Leon, None of the Above, p.163. – TERRITORIALISM IS ITS LARGELY UNCHECKED PREMISE.

POLITICS: Politics - the curse of civilization.” - E. C. Tubb, The Coming Event, p.6. – It is, rather, the major part of the remaining barbarism, with its monopolism, domination and coercion. – JZ, 9.3.09. – CIVILIZATION OR CONTINUED BARBARISM VIA TERRITORIAL POLITICS?

POLITICS: Politics … is counterproductive wherever it exists.” – Michael E. Coughlin, DANDELION, Winter 78, p.22. – Exterritorial politics can be both, productive or counter-productive – according to the various choices of its volunteers. – JZ, 11.4.08.

POLITICS: Politics … is mainly a question of who gets how much graft out of what.” - H. Beam Piper, Last Enemy, ASTOUNDING SF, August 1950, p.21. – GRAFT, CORRUPTION

POLITICS: Politics … is seen less as a delinquent activity of power-drunk individuals – the stereotype, which appeals to the revolutionary when he is out of office – than as an activity which is unprofitable in itself, since its presuppositions contradict its purposes. Almost all its remedies aggravate the type of behaviour they profess to eliminate.” – Alex Comfort, “Authority and Delinquency. A Study in the Psychology of Power”, 1950, 1970, p.96, a book largely on the delinquency of authority. – Alas, kept out of print and off the Web for all too long. - JZ, 15.5.06. – Such withholding of important works from the public should automatically end its copyrights claims. – JZ, 2.1.14. - TERRITORIAL POLITICS

POLITICS: Politics always fails, as you can see from history if you are willing to look.” – Pyrrho, THE CONNECTION 109, p.9, 6 March 82. – Alas, Pyrrho had, at least by then, not explored the history of exterritorial autonomy politics, personal law, voluntary communities and their future potential. – JZ, 27.3.08. - EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR VOLUNTEERS VS. TERRITORIAL DOMINATION OF WHOLE POPULATIONS.

POLITICS: Politics amounts to the abdication or renunciation of individual responsibilities, duties, liberties and basic individual rights, by all too many human beings, simply in order to establish and maintain a big territorial, destructive, prohibitive, oppressive and all too often even bloodthirsty “great” machine. – Thus it amounts to a modern Moloch Cult or other religion with human sacrifices, no matter how benevolent it pretends to be. – Typically, almost all territorial government are now armed with conventional mass murder devices, and some even with nuclear, biological and chemical ones. - JZ, 22.6.92, 27.3.08. – STATISM, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, TOTALITARIANISM, DICTATORSHIPS, UNITY, NATIONALITY OR UNIFORMITY SPLEEN VS. INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, HUMAN SACRIFICES, WARFARE STATES, NWT, ANTI-PEOPLE “WEAPONS”, MASS MURDER DEVICES IN THE HANDS OF “DEMOCRATIC” REPRESENTATIVES, AS IGNORANT OF GENUINE DEFENCE & LIBERATION ALTERNATIVES, MILITIA

POLITICS: Politics and confusion go hand in hand.” – Dr. David Cunningham, 2.7.75. – When e.g. two to a hundred different parties lay equal claim to the same territory and all its population and resources, a muddle must result. – JZ, 11.4.08. – TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, POWER STRUGGLES

POLITICS: politics and finance do not go together.” – Ernest Benn, Honest Doubt, p.37. – That is correct for territorial States. But exterritorially autonomous communities of volunteers could have exactly the kind of taxation, contribution or finance system, whicht their volunteers prefer for themselves. Thus they would tend not to exploit and victimize anybody and could be as economically and business-like as they want to be. If not, they could only blame themselves for their own losses. Such losses would be as enlightening for the rest of the people as well, as are the examples set by those, who are very successful with their communities and ways of financing them. – JZ, 18.2.08. – FINANCE, TAXATION, VOLUNTARY VS. COMPULSORY MEMBERSHIP & SUBJECTION, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, COMPETITITION, ASSOCIATIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, SECESSIONISM & CONTRACTARIANISM IN EVERY SPHERE, PERSONAL LAW, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM

POLITICS: Politics and politicians are the root of all evil.” – Quoted by Filthy Pierre, THE CONNECTION 115, p.104. – While territorial politics has caused many evils, it certainly hasn’t caused all evils, although it could also be accused of having prevented many people from doing away with some evils. Who could rightly accuse them of having caused e.g. all colds and stomach aches or all marital troubles? Or all private crimes with victims? – JZ, 22.2.08. 


POLITICS: Politics as usual means major crimes with victims, as usual. – JZ, 20.3.03, 21.10.07.

POLITICS: Politics as usual: too many laws, too much government.” – Title of a leaflet by SLL.

POLITICS: Politics becomes the art of power, and freedom the antithesis of politics.” – Benjamin R. Barber, disapprovingly, in Superman and Common Men, p.40.

POLITICS: Politics bores me. Anti-politics excites me. - JZ, 78. - I consider the anti- politics of non-territorially autonomous communities of volunteers, next to a comprehensive declaration of all genuine individual rights and liberties and of ideal militias for their protection, to be the most effective means to fight any conventional politics of territorial domination, including the democratic and republican forms. - JZ, 4.2.11.

POLITICS: Politics brings out the worse in people every time.” – L. Neil Smith, The Probability Broach, p. 197. – True for territorial States. False for panarchies and polyarchies, i.e. communities and societies of volunteers under their own personal law, all exterritorially quite autonomous. – The voluntary communities, in the long run, would bring out the best in men and women and even in children. - JZ, 27.3.08.

POLITICS: Politics can now attract only the most limited of men.” - Cornuelle, Demanaging America, p.143. – LEADERSHIP, POLITICIANS, REPRESENTATIVES, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS, POLITICAL SCIENTISTS UNDER TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Politics consists of prohibiting us from choosing our (*) relationships.” - Christian Michel. LIBERALIA. - (*) public relationships. Present politics still leaves many private relationships largely untouched. But C. M. is, largely correct for territorial politics, while it is largely untrue for exterritorial politics of societies of volunteers. - JZ, 8.9.04, 4.2.11. - CHOICE, SOCIETY, COMMUNITY, RELATIONSHIPS, AUTONOMY, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW COMMUNITIES, COMPETING GOVERNANCE SYSTEMS

POLITICS: Politics creates new problems rather than solving old and persistent problems. – JZ, 1.8.91. – Territorial politics that is. Exterritorial politics for volunteers means experimental freedom and with it progress and genuine solutions. – JZ, 17.3.09. – TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PROGRESS, SOLUTIONS

POLITICS: Politics deals in compromise, averaging differences, deception, exaggerating problems that are best left to individuals, the promising Utopia in exchange for power, and outmaneuvering opposition.” – Thomas G. Dorrity, M.D., Memphis, Tenn., 4/72. – Under panarchism people can sufficiently sort themselves out to tackle, on their own and among themselves only, unobstructed by others, the realization of their own ideals or dreams, as far as possible and the overcoming of the remaining difficulties they have in these attempts. No political campaign and election victory is required for them. By themselves and at their own risk and expense, they can go right ahead, with free enterprise, consumer sovereignty and full freedom of association, contract and experimentation, which is quite natural for somewhat rational human beings. – JZ, 17.3.09, 2.1.14.


POLITICS: politics denies the rational nature of man. Ultimately, it means that politics is just another form of residual magic in our culture – a belief that somehow things come from nothing; that things may be given to some without taking them form others; that all the tools of man’s survival are his by accident or divine right and not by pure and simple inventiveness and work.” – Karl Hess, Death of Politics, p.17. – MAN, RATIONALITY, WORK, INVENTIVENESS, WELFARE STATE, DEMOCRACY, REPRESENTATION, TAXATION, GOVERNMENT BUDGET & SPENDING

POLITICS: Politics destroys character.“ – Bernhard Brigl, Prospekt, ueber die TAEGLICHE RUNDSCHAU, 1881. (“Politik verdirbt den Character.”) – Among those engaged in it not much character can be lost any more, in most cases. – JZ, 21.7.81. – CHARACTER, ETHICS, MORALITY, PRINCIPLE, KNOWLEDGE OF & APPRECIATION OF ALL INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

POLITICS: Politics does devour men. A laissez-faire world would liberate men. And it is in that sort of liberation that the most profound revolution of all may be just beginning to stir. It will not happen overnight, just as the lamps of rationalism were not quickly lighted and have not yet burned brightly. But it will happen – because it must happen. Man can survive in an inclement universe only through the use of his mind. His thumbs, his nails, his muscles and his mysticism will not be enough to keep him alive without it.” - Karl Hess, Death of Politics. – LAISSEZ FAIRE, FREE ENTERPRISE & CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, FREE MARKET CONDITIONS IN EVERY SPHERE, EVEN FOR STATIST VOLUNTEERS, DOING THEIR THINGS – BUT WITHOUT A TERRITORIAL MONOPOLY CLAIM

POLITICS: Politics dos not run on altruism or pious intentions. Politics runs on power.” – David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p.58. – ALTRUISM, GOOD INTENTIONS, POWER

POLITICS: Politics equals organized and powerful ignorance, prejudices and special interests. – JZ, 23.10.92. - TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Politics has become (unless it always was) the game of the impossible: It struggles but cannot achieve peace, security and wealth. Instead, it threatens all three. It must be discarded - or mankind will be its victim. -JZ – Territorial politics aims at things that territorial politics cannot provide but, rather, prevents. – JZ, 17.3.09, 2.1.14. – EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM FOR VOLUNTEERS VS. TERRITORIAL MONOPOLISM

POLITICS: politics has become known as the art of human deception.” - Kevork Ajemian, The Fallacy of Modern Politics, Books International, PO Box 6096, McLean, Virginia 22106, 1986, Tel. (703) 821-8900, p.31. - & DECEPTION, DENIALS, SECRECY, PROPAGANDA

POLITICS: Politics has been retarded for hundreds of years by the intolerance and despotism of territorialism, even in its most democratic and republican forms. – JZ, 28.12.93. – For there are always some peaceful dissenters who are overruled by it. – JZ, 15.2.08. - TERRITORIALISM & DEMOCRACY, MAJORITY DESPOTISM VS. VOLUNTARISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, SECESSIONISM, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, COMPETITION, VOLUNTARISM, FREEDOM OF CONTRACT & ASSOCIATION IN EVERY SPHERE

POLITICS: Politics has degenerated into an auction to spend public money.” - Sir Ernest Benn, Honest Doubt, p.44. - Whoever promises to spend most gets most of the votes. Thus taxpayers – and most people pay at least indirect taxes, provide what Ayn Rand called “the sanction of the victim”. – JZ, 18.2.08. – VOTING, DEMOCRACY, GOVERNMENT SPENDING, TAXATION, HAND-OUTS, BRIBING VOTERS WITH THEIR OWN MONEY, WELFARE STATES, GOVERNMENT BUDGETS

POLITICS: Politics has succeeded economics as the means for deciding who gets what, how and how much. We are in the ridiculous position of condemning political bribery at the same time we condone and perpetuate it as our very system of government. We are supposed to worry when a politician golfs with some businessmen or spends a weekend with nonpolitical friends. But we accept it as natural and normal when he appears before a farm, labor or businessmen’s group and brazenly propounds the favors he will grant them!” – Joan Marie Leonard, THE FREEMAN, Feb. 77, p. 73. – ECONOMICS, BRIBERY, CORRUPTION, WELFARE ALSO FOR THE RICH, DISTRIBUTIONISM, TRANSFER STATE, PROPERTY & FREE EXCHANGE RIGHTS IGNORED, POLITICIANS

POLITICS: Politics in a democracy was to Mencken, vastly amusing, a huge circus, run by stupid rules and manipulated by frauds. “There’s no grander show on earth than American democracy,” he said. “How can one keep from laughing when one contemplates what takes place here every four years on the national scale and every two or three years on the local level?” - H. L. Mencken, in Charles Angoff, H. L. Mencken, a portrait from memory, p.126 – DEMOCRACY, POLITICIANS


POLITICS: Politics is 'normal mammalian behaviour' as Timothy Leary says: struggles over territory and resources.” - R. A. Wilson, Right Where You Are Sitting Now, 92. - Robert Ardrey has not made out a sufficient case for "The Territorial Imperative". The evils of politics apply largely only to territorial politics, not to its exterritorial and voluntaristic alternatives of diverse and tolerant panarchies. Freedom means exterritorial autonomy for volunteers, not territorial domination over compulsory members. Ardrey had to admit that, e.g., not even all apes are territorially motivated animals. - JZ 26.7.92, 8.1.93. - But, presently, the human apes are, largely, territorially domesticated animals, not because of inborn instincts but because of inherited and indoctrinated ideas and opinions which they are mentally too lazy to closely examine and then shed. - JZ, 9.12.03, 20.9.04. – TERRITORIALISM VS. THE EXTERRITORIAL IMPERATIVE, VOLUNTARISM, SECESSIONISM, CONTRACTARIANISM, ASSOCIATIONISM


POLITICS: Politics is a blood sport.” – Aneurin Bevan, quoted by Jennie Lee, My Life with Nye. – At worst it means a full-scale war, civil war or bloody revolution. At best it only achieves armistice periods, with some political violence and terrorism. – JZ, 22.6.92, 28.3.08. – WAR, PEACE, BLOODSHED, VIOLENCE, WARFARE STATE

POLITICS: Politics is a clash of interests masquerading as a clash of principles.” – Anonymous - Territorialism makes interests clash, rather than tolerating and harmonizing them, as the experimental freedom of exterritorial autonomy politics would, for all members of voluntary communities, each doing only its own things to or for the members: panarchism. - Today did I read in THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD of December 21-13, 2007, p.13, that the Russian leader Vladimir Putin may have accumulated in secret funds more than U.S. $ 46 billion, which would make him Russia’s and Europe’s richest man. – All quite honestly earned? – Or: Who says, that crime does not pay? - JZ, 3.1.07. - VESTED INTERESTS, LOBBIES, TERRITORIALISM, PRINCIPLES, PEACEFUL COEXISTENS UNDER PERSONAL LAW CHOICES, INDIVIDUALIZAITON OF “PUBLIC” PROBLEMS

POLITICS: politics is a contest to determine who shall control the people; not a choice made by the people. - HAIL, 1:4:1, April 67, published by Charles R. Wiles. - Far less a choice made by each individual for himself or herself. – JZ, 28.3.08. – VOLUNTARY GOVERNMENTS & SOCIETIES BY INDIVIDUAL CHOICE, PEACEFULLY COMPETING, PANARCHISM, SELF-CONTROL VS. EXTERNAL & IMPOSED CONTROLS, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Politics is a continuation of war (to turn Clausewitz on his head).”-  Diogenes of Panarchia, THE CONNECTION 85, p.34. – WAR

POLITICS: Politics is a field where the choice lies constantly between two blunders.” – John Morley, M.P. – Free choice among all kinds of governments, societies and communities for the individual! All of them to be confined to the affairs of their volunteers but in that they are to be exterritorially autonomous. None of them should retain any territorial monopoly or privilege. – JZ, 11.3.09. – PANARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW, POLYARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE, TO EACH HIS OWN, THE ESSENCE OF JUSTICE & LIBERTY. THE BASIC REQUIREMENT FOR PEACE.

POLITICS: Politics is a kind of purification ritual. Most folks think it’s wrong to envy, to lie, to steal, or to kill. It’ s just not neighbourly – unless they can get a politician to do the dirty work for them. Yea, politics allows everyone, even the best among us, to envy, to lie, to steal, and even to kill occasionally. And we can all still feel good about it.” - Ken Schoolland, The Adventure of Jonathan Gullible, Leap Publishing, Cape Town, with Commentaries by Ken Schoolland and Janette Eldridge, 1981ff, 2004 ed., p.118. - & POLITICIANS, VOTING, WELFARE STATE, TAXATION, DEMOCRACY, TERRITORIALISM, MUTUAL PLUNDER BUND

POLITICS: Politics is a murderous business at any time, and on occasion the drapings fall askew, letting you have a look at the real ugliness squirming around underneath.” – L. Neil Smith, The Wardove, p.142. – When it does not murder people, it destroys wealth, reduces incomes, causes inflations, depressions and mass unemployment, represses individual rights and liberties and supports popular myths, errors and prejudices rather than spreading enlightenment. – JZ, 28.3.08. - TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: politics is a nauseating power grab.” – Samuel Edward Konkin III, LIBERTARIAN REVIEW, March-April 76. - TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Politics is a rat race and only the biggest rats win the race. – JZ, n.d.

POLITICS: Politics is a strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.” – Ambrose Bierce. - Territorialist politicians and voters do not take genuine principles serious enough but merely adopt, all too uncritically, numerous flawed slogans, prejudices and myths and then try to put these quite uncritically into practice, a practice territorially forced upon all people living in a territory. Well, territorial politicians exempt themselves sometimes from their services, e.g. the social insurance services these patricians prescribed for their plebes as good enough for them. Nor do they always obey themselves the laws they prescribed for others. - JZ, 26. 11. 06. - VESTED INTERESTS, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Politics is a trick. Government is a swindle. - JZ, no date, rewording: Spooner, 2nd. Letter to Thomas Bayard: “If, in all this alleged transfer of rights, from the people to the governments, there has been no ‘trick’ and not ‘swindle’, it is because the whole transaction has been a simple, open, naked, undisguised usurpation and robbery.” - GOVERNMENT

POLITICS: politics is a war waged with ballots instead of bullets; but a war all the same. – LEFEVRE’S JOURNAL, Fall 77. - TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Politics is all a masquerade.” - R. A. Wilson, Masks of the Illuminati, p.7.

POLITICS: Politics is arbitrary, cruel and unscientific. – Thomas G. Dorrity, M.D., Memphis, Tenn., 4/72.

POLITICS: Politics is becoming obsolete. – Cornuelle, Demanaging America, p.143.

POLITICS: Politics is Bullshit!” – Robert Redford, 1972, “The Candidate”. – But not as good a fertilizer. – JZ, 17.2.82.

POLITICS: Politics is by definition the art of compelling men to do what they are not inclined to do, or to refrain from doing what they want to do. It is the business of restraint. In a primitive society, as in our frontier life, the use of restraint was entrusted to the individual; he carried a gun to secure his life and his property. In organized society, this duty is undertaken (*) by government, and insofar as it does protect life and property (**) its use of force is justified. But, when government undertakes the use of its monopoly of coercion for other purposes, it becomes a transgressor.” (***) - Frank Chodorov, Out of Step, p.71. - (*) Pretended to be undertaken! – (**) How often is that actually the case? – (***) As a territorial monopolist it already is an aggressor. - JZ, 4.3.08. – TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, AUTHORITARIANISM, AGGRESSION, PROTECTION

POLITICS: Politics is death.” – Bliss Wagoner, in James Blish; They Shall Have Stars, p.141. – Territorial politics is often deadly for many – would be more accurate. – JZ, 17.3.09. - After thousands of years of wrongful and brutal politics we are still among the survivors. - JZ, 4.2.11. – DEMOCIDE WEBPAGES BY PROF. RUDOLF RUMMEL

POLITICS: Politics is friction. – Frank Chodorov, Fugitive Essays, p.123. – Panarchism is the grease that avoids most friction between very diverse communities of volunteers, all only doing their own things for or to themselves. – JZ, 4.3.08. – FREEDOM, CONTRACTARIANISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PERSONAL LAW, SECESSIONISM, PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE, TOLERANCE, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR VOLUNTEERS, PANARCHISM

POLITICS: Politics is good for the career of politicians and bad for everyone else. The same might be said about religion and its officials. – JZ, 12.11.81, 5.3.08. – Both promise paradise and deliver only their kind of hells. – JZ, 2.1.14. – STATISM, WELFARE STATE, MAJORITY DESPOTISM, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Politics is ignorance in action. – JZ, 12.7.92. – At least this does almost generally apply to territorial politics. – JZ, 23.2.08. – TERRITORIALISM INSTEAD OF VOLUNTARISM

POLITICS: politics is just not a cost-effective approach (unless one goes into it cynically, to secure private benefits to oneself.) – Filthy Pierre, THE CONNECTION 133 p. 20. - TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Politics is largely governed by sententious platitudes which are devoid of truth.” – Bertrand Russell, An Outline of Intellectual Rubbish, ed. by Haldemann - Julius, p.16.  – ABSENCE OF QUITE RIGHTFUL WAR- & PEACE AIMS, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Politics is like a pond: the scum rises to the top.” - The Last International, quoted in DANDELION, Sum. 79. – Don’t forget about the dirt – accumulating at the bottom. – JZ, 5.3.08, 2.1.14.

POLITICS: Politics is no place for a rebel. … Politics are for conformists, and crooks, and time-servers.” – Eric Lambert, Glory Thrown In, p.16. - & REBELS, POLITICIANS, REPRESENTATIVES, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS

POLITICS: Politics is not like football; in politics, it is possible for both sides to lose.” – Prof. Galambos. – Just like in wars, where the losses of the finally victorious defender can be enormous – when one fights without mobilizing all genuine individual rights and liberties on the own site while respecting them even in the victims of territorialism on the other side. – JZ, 17.3.09, 2.1.14. – TERRITORIALISM, DEFENCE, LIBERATION, RIGHTFUL WAR- & PEACE AIMS, GOVERNMENTS IN EXILE

POLITICS: Politics is not the art of the impossible. It consists in choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable.” – John Kenneth Galbraith. - Galbraith’s territorial politics and State socialist economics would leave us only these two options. Exterritorial autonomy leaves all options open for volunteers. – JZ, 27.3.08. – DIS, EXTERRITORIALISM, & EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM OR PANARCHISM VS. TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Politics is not the task of a Christian.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer, No Rusty Swords. – Territorial politics is not a rightful, moral or ethical, rational and useful activity for anyone! – JZ, 28.3.08. - TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Politics is nothing else than the tactics of power; it lives only through the division of powers and by the struggle for power.” – Proudhon, quoted in LERNZIEL Anarchie Nr. 4. („Die Politik ist nichts Andres als die Taktik der Willkuer; sie lebt nur von der Teilung der Gewalten und vom Streit um die Macht.“) – As usual, its territorial foundation is ignored. Thus what would happen without it and its compulsory membership and subjugation is not explored. And this merely territorial politics is, nevertheless, still considered to be a science or an art! – It is like an “artistic” landscape picture without perspective. – JZ, 5.3.08. – It is merely the wrongful, irrational and harmful side of politics and thus the opposite of scientific politics. – JZ, 2.1.14. – POWER, TERRITORIALISM VS. EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW, ALTERNATIVE OR PARALLEL INSTITUTIONS

POLITICS: Politics is now almost as conservative, reactionary, despotic, coercive, intolerant and territorial as religion once was – almost everywhere. In some countries it still is. To speed up progress in this sphere, one has to do what was done in religion, technology, science, the arts: Give innovators their chance to experiment, under full exterritorial autonomy, at their own cost and risk. Allow all secular non-conformists and dissident his own “church”, or “sect” or community of volunteers or experimental association. In short, we need tolerance in the economic, political and social system spheres, starting with the freedom to opt out or secede from all territorial institutions, laws, nations or States. – JZ, 8.6.82, 4.3.08, 4.2.11. – TOLERANCE, RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM IN ALL SPHERES – FOR VOLUNTEERS, ASSOCIATIONISM, CONTRACTARIANISM, PERSONAL LAW

POLITICS: Politics is of the machine age, obsolete.” – Buckminster Fuller. – Panarchistic or polyarchic (voluntary, competitive and tolerant exterritorial politics, allowing peaceful coexistence for all kinds of political, economic and social systems) would only gradually, and individual by individual secessionist, make obsolete only any not sufficiently satisfactory system and finally eliminate it. But at the same time, it would allow successful utopias or experiments to be started and develop to maturity and to spread, person by person, gradually all over the world. – There are other things and relationships than those of machines and technologies. We have to get rid only of the territorial, monopolistic, centralized, coercive and collectivistic “great” “machines” of national, ideological and religious States. All voluntary organizations will continue as long as they can and want to – but only for their voluntary members and at their risk and expense, just like churches and sects or hobby, sports and arts societies. – JZ, 4.3.08. – Moreover, he wrote as if tools and machines were already obsolete! – JZ, 11.4.08.

POLITICS: Politics is our cross!” („Unser Kreuz ist die Politik!“) – JZ, 27.12.83. Free after Pius X: „Unsere Politik ist das Kreuz.“ – This is all too true - but only for territorial politics. - JZ, 4.2.11.

POLITICS: Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary.” - Robert Louis Stevenson, 1850-1894, "Yoshida-Torajiro," Familiar Studies of Men and Books, p.175, (1902). - Cleverness and skill in gaining and retaining power is necessary to succeed in politics but consumer satisfaction for all kinds of sovereign consumers of political services is not provided by or obtainable through territorial politics. - Let each voter become enfranchised to select the politician or politicians or the political system he wants for himself, to either somewhat serve or even exploit and oppress or terrorize HIM, until he wakes up to himself and secedes and chooses better and more productive societies or communities. - JZ, 24.11.02, 9.3.09. - PROFESSIONS, EXPERTS, POLITICIANS, RULERS, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS, GOVERNMENT BY “EXPERTS”, PANARCHISM, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, VOLUNTARISM, FREE EXTERRITORIAL COMPETITION BETWEEN DIVERSE POLITICAL, ECONOMIC & SOCIAL SYSTEMS POLITICIANS, PROFESSIONALS, FULL FRANCHISE INDIVIDUAL CHOICE, EXPERESSING INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, SELF-OWNERSHIP, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY & INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY VS. TERRITORIAL “EQUAL” VOTING RIGHTS

POLITICS: Politics is Police Power.” – FREE ENTERPRISE MAGAZINE, 1973.

POLITICS: Politics is professional meddling in almost complete ignorance and carelessness about its wrongful and harmful effects – for almost all except these wrongful meddlers. – JZ 5.10.79. – The voluntarism, individual choice, secessionism, personal law, experimental freedom and exterritorial autonomy of competing governance systems, panarchies & polyarchies has only rightful and enlightening results and can bring rapid progress already to the first few practicing them. – JZ, 2.1.14. – TERRITORIALISM REPLACED BY EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR VOLUNTEERS

POLITICS: Politics is spending your life planning other people's lives. - Thomas Jacobson - Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online. – Like central planning under territorialism. Under exterritorial autonomy or personal law choices you are free to plan and achieve your own aims or at least to try to do so, under optimal conditions, together with a few or many like-minded people. It gives everyone a sporting chance. – JZ, 2.1.14. – VOLUNTARISM, COMPETITION, CHOICE, PROGRESS UNDER COMPETING GOVERNANCE OR PERSONAL LAW

POLITICS: Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.” – Ronald Reagan, 1911, at a conference in Los Angeles, 2 March 1977. – While both are corrupting, prostitution has at least the moral advantage over territorial politics that it is, mostly, conducted only among volunteers, unless territorial politics as usual does even permit sexual slavery. – JZ, 10.9.07. - & PROSTITUTION

POLITICS: Politics is that sphere which is left to it by the economy.” – Hildebrandt, in a New Year’s direct program, 1969, on the occasion of the SPD taking over the government. – (JZ tr. of: “Politik ist der Spielraum, den die Wirtschaft ihr laesst.”) – That neatly sums up the wrong view which the State socialists have of politics and the economy, the market, laissez faire capitalism, free trade etc. In reality economics is now merely the limited sphere and all too limited economy that the government, in its own interest, has still left to the private economy. Who, otherwise, could pay it taxes? Certainly not the loss-making government firms. – It also shows quite clearly that the State socialists want to get full power over the economy into their own hands. – Nevertheless, most voters, although still employed in private enterprises, voted them into power, once again. They are ignorant or disinterested in the fact which my father pointed out in the middle seventies, in his Manifesto for Freedom and Peace (*), that the German small savers, in bank deposits alone, had then enough funds to buy up the controlling interest in all the share companies of Germany six times over. What makes them believe that all these companies would be better run by politicians and bureaucrats? - JZ, n.d. & 24.2.08. - As trade unionists and State socialists they showed, naturally, no interest in such self-help and self-liberation or businesslike and market-like opportunities and still don’t. – JZ, 2.1.14. - (*) -  ECONOMICS, PUBLIC ECONOMY VS. PRIVATE ECONOMY, STATE SOCIALISM

POLITICS: Politics is the “art” of gang-banging. – The history of politics has been a history of political gang-banging. - JZ, 4.4.75. – Whole territorial mobs, represented by territorial politicians, legally victimizing individuals and weaker mobs. – JZ, 4.3.08. – MAJORITY DESPOTISM, VOTING, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM

POLITICS: Politics is the abdication of choice. – Pyrrho, quoted in THE CONNECTION 110 of 6.3.83, p. 86. – Under territorial politics it is not really an abdication of individual choice, since territorialism never grants full individual choice. It is granted and can be assured only under full exterritorial autonomy for volunteers under personal laws, in all their diversity, all peacefully coexisting in the same country, like different religions, sports or various hobby clubs or a multitude or private and cooperative enterprises, partnerships and businesses, with none of them holding or claiming or granted any territorial monopoly, excepting, naturally, their private or cooperative real estate. – JZ, 27.3.08. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNMENTS & SOCIETIES, CHOICE VOLUNTARISM,

POLITICS: Politics is the art of giving and accepting great disservices under the pretence that they are rightful and necessary services. – JZ, 20.6.85, 27.3.08. - This does not express the monopolism and coercion involved. Under panarchism its free entrepreneurs would sell their political, social and economic system services only to voluntary customers, just like barbers, doctors and plumbers serve only volunteers under agreed-upon terms. - JZ, 4.2.11. – Under panarchism or polyarchism everyone has his own free choice of political “doctors” and insurance, credit, clearing, monetary and financial system. – JZ, 2.1.14. - TERRITORIALISM, WELFARE STATE, WARFARE STATE, CONSUMER & ENTERPRISE SOVEREIGNTY, SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW, PANARCHISM

POLITICS: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.” – Groucho Marx – Not to forget that territorial politics causes most political, economic and social troubles in the first place. – Politicians are the worst trouble-makers. - JZ, 8.3.09. - Its major aspect is the CAUSING of artificial troubles! – JZ, 9.3.09. - & POLITICIANS, TERRITORIALISM, JOKES

POLITICS: Politics is the art of making blunders appear as being in the public interest. – JZ, 14.11.78. – Territorialism assures many blunders – by trying to conscript dissenters and non-conformists and all kinds of mutually antagonistic minorities into one uniform territorial system. Even its “majority” consists of several diverse factions. It’s like trying to “unify” sports, hobbies, crafts, arts, fashions, reading, music, life styles etc. – JZ, 5.2.08. – PUBLIC INTEREST, COMMON INTEREST, PUBLIC GOOD, NATIONAL AIMS, DIVERSITY, INTOLERANCE, TERRITORIALISM VS. INDIVIDUAL CHOICE, LIBERTIES & RIGHTS, UNITY & UNIFORMITY SPLEEN, TERRITORIALISM, LEGALISM

POLITICS: Politics is the art of making civilization work.” – Louis L’Amour, Education of a Wandering Man, 189. – Territorial politics is rather the art of making civilization go astray. – JZ, 31.3.04. - & CIVILIZATION, TERRITORIALISM, WARFARE STATE, WELFARE STATES IMPOVERISHING THE POOR, GOVERNMENTAL SOCIAL SECURITY INCREASING SOCIAL INSECURITY

POLITICS: Politics is the art of making further trouble under the pretence of ending troubles it had previously caused. – JZ, 17.6. 92, in comment to Groucho Max’s remark: “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.”

POLITICS: Politics is the art of obtaining money from the rich and votes from the poor on the pretext of protecting each from the other.” – Anonymous - LIES & FALSE PRETENCES OF POLITICIANS, RICH, POOR

POLITICS: Politics is the art of preventing people from occupying themselves with their own and real responsibilities. – Paul Valéry. – Territorial politics, that is. Exterritorial autonomy politics, under personal laws, for all groups of volunteers, would permit all kinds of different peoples, individually and freely associated, to do exactly that for themselves. When will “political science” finally recognize that fact? – JZ, 27.3.08. - Another translation: Politics is the art or preventing people from taking part in affairs which properly concern them. – Paul Valéry, Tel quel, 1943. – The French poet & critic, quoted by: John Naisbitt, Global Paradox, p.55. - Correct for territorial politics. Not applicable to the panarchies of various voluntary communities. – JZ, 27.3.08. - At least we should work towards the situation where we get consumer sovereignty towards all the kind of political, economic and social system services various politicians, parties, factions, faiths and ideologies do offer. – Also the free enterprise right to try to establish them. - JZ, n.d. - Still another version: “Politics is the art to prevent people from dealing with what are really their own affairs.” – Paul Valéry. – For the individual citizens even what is called internal politics amounts to foreigners and foreign affairs interfering with his private and business affairs. – JZ, 18.2.08. – Still another version: “Politics is the art to prevent people from taking care of that which concerns them.” – Paul Valéry. (JZ tr. of the German version: “Politik ist die Kunst, die Leute daran zu hindern, sich um das zu kuemmern, was sie angeht.”) - POLITICS VS. THE PEOPLE, COMMAND ECONOMY, AUTHORITARIANISM, DICTOCRACY, PLANNING, PERSONAL LAW, PANARCHISM, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, EXTERRITORIALITY, MONOPOLIZING DECISIONS WHICH SHOULD BE THE CONCERN OF ALL, TERRITORIALISM & ITS MONOPOLIES, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, SELF-HELP, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY IN EVERY SPHERE

POLITICS: Politics is the art of the possible.” (*) Quite true – which is why only second-rate minds go into it. Genius likes to challenge the impossible. (**) – Arthur C. Clarke, 3001. The Final Odyssey, HarperCollins Publishers, 1979, p.88/89. - (*) One should rather speak of the limited possibilities that exist under territorial politics. The politics of exterritorially autonomous communities opens up many more options, almost flawless ones and many flawed ones, but all only for volunteers and at their expense and risk. Thus it avoids rather than provokes resistance and clashes. While under territorial politics quite moral, free and rational actions are rarely possible, under exterritorial politics they can be realized among sufficiently moral, free and rational people, almost immediately, already among the first few of them. Territorial politics attempts the impossible, namely to satisfy all the people in a territory. Insofar it is the “art” of the impossible. - (**) Only what is widely believed to be impossible, not what is really impossible, is challenged by a genius. Thereby he opens up formerly unknown possibilities and options for almost everyone who desires them for himself. Moreover, territorial politics is not really an art but an unprincipled mess, made by practical men with insufficient knowledge, ideas, interest and abilities and no appreciation of true principles, individual rights and liberties, who are also power-addicts and thus inclined to use force rather than reason and morality. In it the scum gets to the top, even in democracies, as Hayek pointed out in The Road to Serfdom. – JZ, 28.9.07, 2.1.14. - TERRITORIAL VS. EXTERRITORIAL POLITICS, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, VOLUNTARISM, PROGRESS

POLITICS: Politics is the business of getting power and privilege without possessing merit.  A politician is anyone who asks individuals to surrender part of their liberty -- their power and privilege - to State, Masses, Mankind, Planet Earth, or whatever.  This state, those masses, that mankind, and the planet will then be run by ... politicians." - P. J. O'Rourke – POWER, MERIT, PRIVILEGE

POLITICS: Politics is the conduct of public affairs for private advantage.” - Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary, quoted in GOOD GOVERNMENT, 2/79.

POLITICS: Politics is the continuance of war or civil war with other than military means and weapons. – JZ, 5.12.92, 19.2.08. - TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each from the other.” – Oscar Ameringer. – Since it involves taxation, xyz monopolies and wars, it is not so gentle as this remark suggests. – JZ, 9.3.09. - VOTING, PROTECTION, JOKES

POLITICS: Politics is the kind of action that is guided by power and the possibility of coercion.” – Jaspers. - (JZ tr. of: “Politik ist das Handeln, das orientiert ist an der Macht und an der Moeglichkeit der Gewalt.“) – The politicians of exterritorially autonomous communities of volunteers will either satisfy their consumers, clients or insured - or lose them, just like any businessman or firm or insurance company would. If they tried to use force against them then they might not survive for long, or not at liberty, anyhow. – JZ, 24.2.08.

POLITICS: Politics is the means by which the will of the few becomes the will of the many.” – Howard Koch. - Rather: the obedience or temporary compliance of the many for some time, while dissatisfaction, disgust and horror finally build up into a tidal wave. Moral politics would allow even the will of the many different groups of the few, and, naturally, also the will of the majority, to become the determining factor for their own lives, actions, systems and institutions, without interfering with those of others. - Exterritorial and voluntary as well as competitive politics vs. territorial and coercive monopoly politics! By now the difference should have become clear in most heads, if the territorial model had not taken almost exclusive possession of most heads, for all too long, largely via a statist-run or controlled mis-education system, whose statist propaganda ideas, errors, myths, fallacies, prejudices and dogmas do are still dominate the mass media and the teachings at universities. - Instance, the popular mix-up of anarchy with chaos. - JZ, 24. 11. 06, 6.2.11. – TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, EDUCATION

POLITICS: Politics is the means by which we coercively manipulate groups of people “for their own good” – without ever completely understanding what is “their own good”. – Lysander, in THE DAILY CALIFORNIAN, 17.10.66.

POLITICS: Politics is the method employed in power structures by means of which a monopoly of coercion can be attained and maintained.” – Robert LeFevre. – Usually much against the public interest, the interest of the subjects, taxpayers, conscripts, peace lovers etc. – JZ, 22.2.08. COERCION, MONOPOLIES, POWER, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Politics is the modern version of “panem et circenses.” – JZ, 10.11.78. – The bread & circus performances for the plebeians of the Roman Empire – to keep them satisfied and quiet. –  It neither liberates or enlightens.  - JZ, 2.1.14. - WELFARE STATE

POLITICS: Politics is the only trade in which nothing succeeds like failure.” – Sir Ernest Benn, This Soft Age, p.121. – The failures of territorial politics get subsidized or get a privilege or even a monopoly. The successes that are still possible under territorial politics get heavily taxed and regulated. – All this under all kinds of false pretences. - JZ, 17.3.09. – SUBSIDIES, BAILOUTS

POLITICS: Politics is the only trade where money can be made by eating one’s own words.” - Sir Ernest Benn, Murmurings, I/106. - POLITICIANS, PROMISES, BROKEN PROMISES, CORRUPTION, BRIBERY, LOBBIES, SPECIAL INTERESTS

POLITICS: Politics is the opiate of the people.” – Quoted in THE CONNECTION 141, p.69. – Only territorial politics has this effect. Exterritorial politics would rather act like a healthy stimulant. – JZ 27.3.08. - Individual secessionism, combined with exterritorial autonomy choice would come to wake most people up to their individual rights and liberty options. Then, as sovereign consumers, they could not only choose between the ordinary consumer goods and services offers but also between whole political, economic and social systems, which are so far monopolized and imposed by territorial governments. - JZ, 6.2.11.

POLITICS: Politics is the pursuit of religion by other means.” – John Freeman, QUADRANT, 1/78. Like under the Roman Empire, it creates its own supreme “gods” and demands their worship or at least tax tributes to them and their secular systems. – JZ, 4.3.08. - STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, RELIGION

POLITICS: Politics is the science of how who gets what, when and why.” – Sidney Hillman, 1887-1946. – Andrews Quotations, p.355. – The preceding general robberies should be indicated. – JZ, 17.3.09. - Also the centralized, monopolized, collectivist and coercive territorial decision-making that is involved. - JZ, 6.2.11. – And the suppression of secession, rightful self-help steps, armed and organized resistance against despotic or authoritarian territorial governments and effective opposition to them from competing governance systems, societies and communities of volunteers, all without territorial monopoly claims. – JZ, 2.1.14.

POLITICS: Politics is the science of public crime.” – JZ, 1.8.74. – Under the pretence that it would be in the public or common interest. – JZ, 4.3.08.

POLITICS: Politics is the substitution of individual preferences by collectivist slogans.” – Lothar Schmidt. – (JZ tr. of: “Politik ist die Substitution individueller Praeferenzen durch kollektiv Parolen.”) - Alas, these slogans fill not only the territorialist propaganda and are embraced by "public opinion" but are territorially and coercively realized, as far as possible, upon whole populations including at least many small minority groups of involuntary victims, who are thus prevented from setting better examples by their actions, personal law and institutions. - JZ, 6.2.11, 2.1.14.

POLITICS: Politics is the systematization of helplessness. (perplexity?)”. – Source unknown. (JZ tr. of: “Politik ist die Systematisierung der Ratlosigkeit.”) – Those who are without a real program or solutions, the vast majority, are territorially imposing their quack "cures" upon those, so far all too few, who would rather help themselves with their own and worthwhile programs for their own affairs. Ask any politician or any of the majority of voters about what they think would cause e.g. unemployment, inflation, war, poverty, prosperity and racism and what they believe to be human rights and you get merely an almost endless reiteration of popular errors, myths, dogmas, prejudices, false assumptions and conclusions, resulting in the usual problems of territorial politics. - JZ, 6.2.11. - PROGRAM – OR LACK OF ONE. STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, MONOPOLISM, COMPULSION, LEGISLATION, PLANNING, CONTROLS, REGULATIONS

POLITICS: Politics is too important to be left to politicians.” – Ronald Reagan, p.87, in “Sincerely, Ronald Reagan”, a collection of his letters, compiled by his secretary Helene von Damm, 1976. – Only under panarchism or polyarchism would the political choices and active or passive involvement of every citizen be quite up to his own decision-making, his own personal choices for himself and for like-minded followers. Only under it would there be all the diverse organizational forms for the great diversity of human ideals, interests and abilities. They would no longer be coercively and territorially unified, equalized or forced to conform to a single territorial model, that preferred by the current territorial legislators and rulers. – JZ, 16.9.07, 6.2.11. - & POLITICIANS, PANARCHISM & POLYARCHISM

POLITICS: Politics is war by other means.” – JZ, 3.1.83. - Compare Clausewitz: “War is the continuation of politics by other means.” - TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.” – Mao Tse-Tung, Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, 1966, p.5. - Mao managed to make his politics, revolution, civil war and rule even more bloody than his wars! – JZ, 27.3.08.

POLITICS: Politics makes strange bed-fellows.” - Charles Dudley Warner, My Summer in a Garden, 15th week, p.131 (1871). - Yes, of professional politicians, pretending to act in the interest of the public, while they pursue only their own interests, and of voters, taxpayers and other victims, who believe that politicians are acting in the public interest while the rights, liberties and properties of citizens are voted away by their "representatives". - To each only the politicians he voted for. That is the punishment he deserves. - JZ, 13.10.02, 9.3.09. - ALLIANCES, COALITIONS, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY

POLITICS: Politics means getting elected.” – From the film: Space. – Territorial politics means nothing else than that and trying to stay, by any means, in territorial power! – “Right or wrong, my territorial power politics must prevail!” – their actions seem to say. - JZ, 22.7.89.

POLITICS: Politics must again become the study and practice of liberty - for no other kind of politics is moral and works for all. - JZ, 76. – Was it ever, so far? – JZ, 22.4.08. - EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY VS. TERRITORIAL SOVEREIGNTY, VOLUNTARISM VS. COMPULSION

POLITICS: Politics must be the battle of principles … the principle of liberty against the principle of force. – Auberon Herbert – in - & FORCE, PRINCIPLES & LIBERTY, EXTERRITORIALISM VS. TERRITORIALISM, VOLUNTARISM VS. COMPULSION, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

POLITICS: Politics of Fear.” – L.A. Rollins, Lucifer’s Lexicon. – And of legalized threats and wrongful penalties. – JZ, 17.3.09. – Extreme instance: nuclear strength “policy” of almost instantly realizable mass-murder threats. - JZ, 6.2.11, 2.1.14. - TERRITORIALISM, OFFICIAL TERROR IN INTERNAL & EXTERNAL POLICIES, POLITICS OF FEAR

POLITICS: Politics offers nothing better than ways of temporarily juggling these gigantic forces. … juggling until everything breaks down or blows up.” – Robert Sheckley, Journey of Joenes, p.87. - POWER, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Politics offers yesterday’s answers to today’s problems.” – Marshall McLuhan. – And its answers to yesterday’s problems were not even proper answers to them. – Territorialism has simply no answers to the problems it produces. - JZ, 23.2.08, 6.2.11, 2.1.14. – TERRITORIALISM BRINGS PROBLEMS, NOT CURES

POLITICS: Politics operates on the assumption that people can vote or legislate problems away rather than looking for causes and allowing others to do so, allowing experiments and alternative medicines or cures to be found or developed and applied by those, who trust them – until they are, finally, used widely by all who have come to trust them by observing successful experiments of volunteers with them. – JZ, 30.6.80, 6.2.11, 2.1.14. – TERRITORIALISM, LAWS, VOTING, MAJORITIES, DEMOCRACY, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PANARCHISM

POLITICS: Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage.” - President Dwight D. Eisenhower, address recorded for the Republican Lincoln Day dinners, January 28, 1954. - Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1954, p. 219. - What individual rights and liberties has territorial politics ever effectively protected in the long run? - JZ, 13.10.02. - Territorial politics takes the wrong and inefficient road to protect some rights and liberties. It rather infringes many such rights in many ways. - JZ, 26. 11. 06. – Participation in an officially organized crime syndicate does not protect one’s individual rights and liberties. – Taxation is robbery and most laws are despotic. - JZ, 9.3.09. – I know of no territorial State that has clearly and explicitly recognized all genuine individual rights and liberties. – Do you? - JZ, 17.3.09. However, territorial politics is the common enemy of all decent people. – JZ, 16.1.13. - CITIZENSHIP, INDIVIDIUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, IDEAL MILITIA, PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, A CIVIC DUTY?

POLITICS: Politics should be confined to individually consenting adults.” – JZ, 10.8.99. – Just like any form of sex, capitalism or socialism. – JZ, 14.2.08. – As it is, it permits the equivalent of e.g. gang rapes, kidnapping and of bank robberies – “authorized” by collectivist territorial majority voting. – JZ, 17.3.09, 2.1.14.

POLITICS: Politics should be neither an instrument of business “power” nor should business be an instrument of government power. Both, politics and economics should be separated – at least as well as the State and the Churches are already in most countries by now. – JZ, 23.10.78, 5.3.08, 2.1.14. - BUSINESS, RELIGION, CHURCHES, STATE SEPARATED FROM ECONOMICS, SEPARATE DEVELOPMENTS, SOCIETIES, COMMUNITIES, GOVERNANCE SYSTEMS FOR VOLUNTEERS, TOLERANCE FOR DIVERSITY INSTEAD OF COUNTRY-WIDE OR STATE-WIDE ENFORCED UNIFORMITY

POLITICS: politics should be seen not as the art of guiding the use of legitimized force, but as the art of promoting and synthesizing difference.” – Silvert, Man’s Power, p.162.

POLITICS: Politics survives because of widely-accepted contradictions.” – Joseph DeJan, The Freedom Adventure, p.10. – Panarchies would be very diverse but not self-contradictory for long because of their inbuilt secession and schism option for individual dissenters. - JZ, 27.3.08, 6.2.11. - PREJUDICES, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, PUBLIC OPINION, SECESSIONISM FOR & FREE COMPETITION BY DISSENTERS UNDER THEIR OWN PERSONAL LAW

POLITICS: politics threatens the very existence of men.” - Kevork Ajemian, The Fallacy of Modern Politics, Books International, PO Box 6096, McLean, Virginia 22106, 1986, Tel. (703) 821-8900, p.31. – More specifically, it is the inherently territorial, i.e., centralistic, collectivistic, coercive politics as usual, which leads to the threat of a general nuclear holocaust. – JZ, 7.10.07, .6.2.11. - TERRITORIALISM, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT

POLITICS: Politics throughout time, has been an institutionalized denial of man’s ability to survive through the exclusive employment of all his own powers for his own welfare. All politics throughout time, has existed solely through the resources that it has been able to plunder from the creative and productive people, whom it has, in the name of many causes and moralities, denied the exclusive employment of all their own powers for their own welfare.” – Karl Hess, The Death of Politics, PLAYBOY, March 69.

POLITICS: politics was synonymous with hypocrisy, compromise and duplicity. – Richard Aellen, Crux, Sphere Books Limited, 1991, p.129. - At least territorial politics is inherently totalitarian, even totalitarian. – Exterritorial politics of communities and societies of volunteers only and under personal law, i.e. without a territorial monopoly, is quite another matter. In it diverse people simply manage their own business in whichever common way they do prefer for themselves. – JZ, 26.2.12.

POLITICS: Politics was the only trade in which nothing succeeded like failure. The besetting sin of the politician was the urge to be doing something, whereas in public affairs nineteen times out of twenty the wise, kind and helpful course was to do nothing. - A minimum wage with statutory hours was far more pleasant than the consumer’s nasty way of demanding value for money. - The last political refinement was better still, for if the consumer declined to pay our wages we simply added them to his taxes. - Moreover, while wage slavery had gone, consumer slavery had not yet found its Wilberforce. …” - Deryck Abel, Ernest Benn, Counsel for Liberty, 1960, on Benn’s views, p.84. - In spite of all its failures and in spite of the absence of any genuine successes, territorial politics goes on and on, based on taxes, compulsory membership or subordination and xyz legalized monopolies. - Panarchies can continue, prosper and spread only through obvious successes of their experiments among volunteers, under personal laws or exterritorial autonomy. – JZ, 23.6.92, 6.2.11. – That individual right and liberty has still to be introduced everywhere. – JZ, 2.1.14.

POLITICS: Politics will re-emerge as the engine of individualism.” - John Naisbitt, Global Paradox, p.56. – Individualism and voluntarism will be the new engine of a rightful kind of exterritorial autonomy politics. – JZ, 31.7.03. – Only in the form of voluntary collaboration in exterritorially autonomous communities of like-minded people: panarchies or polyarchies, applying, to themselves, personal laws rather than territorial ones. – JZ, 16.9.07, 17.3.09. - & INDIVIDUALISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE, VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY COMMUNITIES

POLITICS: Politics would be more responsive to consumer demand for it - if taxation were voluntary rather than compulsory. That politicians do not really want to serve the voters but, rather, to defraud and mislead them, is proven by their advocacy of compulsory taxation as supposedly rightful, natural and necessary. – JZ, 26.4.95, 27.3.08. – POLITICIANS, VOLUNTARY TAXATION

POLITICS: Politics, as a practice, whatever its professions, had always been the systematic organization of hatreds; …” - Henry Brooks Adams, The Education of Henry Adams, 1907. - Tolerance and peaceful coexistence through voluntarism & panarchism. – Hatreds through territorialism, mutual tolerance through panarchism! - JZ, n.d. & 6.2.11. - HATE, ENVY, POWER ADDICTION, ENEMIES, TOLERANCE FOR ALL TOLERANT PEOPLE, INTOLERANCE ONLY TOWARDS ALL INTOLERANT ONES

POLITICS: Politics, as hopeful men practise it in the world, consists mainly of the delusion that a change in form is a change in substance.” – H. L. Mencken, Prejudices: Fourth Series, 1924, p.13. – Selected Prejudices, p.194. - I do hold that a change from coercive, monopolistic, collectivist and centralistic territorial politics to the voluntary, competitive, individualistic and decentralized politics of exterritorially autonomous societies, communities, States or governments, all without any territorial monopoly, would, indeed, be a very significant change in form and in substance. – Unfortunately, what is now considered as “political science”, the wrongful and harmful side of it, has not yet recognized that fact, while the rightful side, the only scientific and natural half of it, representing the better characteristics in the nature of man, not his worst features, has not yet been turned into a comprehensive political science, which would totally condemn territorial politics. - JZ, 27.3.08, 2.1.14. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY VS. TERRITORIALISM.

POLITICS: Politics, in Rogers’ opinion, was, like smoking or drinking or any other human vice – something to be given up by an act of individual will. That men do not do so, he urged, stands as testimony to the fact that their fundamental motives are defective. At basis, Rogers held, the politicianis but a man driver, a human teamster. His business is to control men by the whip and the goad.” How, then, can we place any trust in his leadership when moral issues are at stake as they are in the problem of abolition? Not until we give up all reliance upon political machinery can we realistically look forward to an era of social harmony. …” - Reichert, Partisans of Freedom, p.39/40, on N. P. Rogers, 1849. - POLITICS, A VICE OR POWER ADDICTION, TERRITORIALISM, POWER MADNESS, STATISM

POLITICS: Politics, it has been said, is the art of compromise. But compromise is not the object of politics; it is only a method. The end of politics is to gain and maintain control over the instruments of power over people. Politics is, then, the art of the struggle for power, any kind of (territorial! – JZ) power, but above all the power residing in (territorial – JZ) government. …” - Clarence B. Carson, in THE FREEMAN, July 78, p.19: The United States: The Concentration of Power. - Compromise is also mostly only needed in territorial politics, not in communities of volunteers that are exterritorially autonomous. – JZ, 28.3.08. – POWER, CONCENTRATION & CENTRALIZATION OF IT, THROUGH TERRITORIALISM, INTO ALL TOO FEW HANDS, THOSE OF SOME OF THE WORST PEOPLE

POLITICS: Politics, like other crimes, has been the career of many a bad man. – JZ 24.6.91. - Under the voluntarism and exterritorial competition of panarchism the careers of bad politicians would be limited to rule over their volunteers and since they usually lack any worthwhile program, they would soon lose many to all of their voluntary victims as well. They would rather secede from him and join one of the successful experiments all around them. - Who will remain loyal to a barber who always gives him only a bad haircut? - Who will remain subject to a tyrant or a fool when secession and better systems are an option for him? - JZ, 6.2.11.

POLITICS: Politics, n. pl. A means of livelihood affected by the more degraded portion of our criminal classes.” – Ambrose Bierce, The Enlarged Devil’s Dictionary, p.248. - POLITICIANS

POLITICS: Politics, now I ask you, is that a job for a nice boy? – From a radio advertisement, 10.10.75.

POLITICS: Politics, to the extent that it is publicized, is conducted largely on the basis of election results, which are largely determined by mere slogans, appealing to the lowest common denominators. The rest is largely covered-up, because it stinks even more. – JZ, 6.10.99. - POLITICIANS, ELECTIONS, VOTING, PUBLICITY, GOVERNMENT

POLITICS: Politics, to what extent is it an art or rather artless? "In politics we have an art." – said John Morley, On Compromise, p.229. - To the extent that territorial politics is not based on hard and fast rules and clear knowledge of sound facts and techniques, it is a mere art or, rather, a crafty craft, like safe-cracking, not a science, indeed. Modern territorial politics, like modern art, is rather muddled, confused and confusing and to a large extent it is even intended to be so. Otherwise, politicians could hardly look as well after themselves under the pretence of looking after us. To the extent that it is basically monopolistic, coercive, interventionist and hierarchical, i.e. despotic, it does not deserve the name of an art. And why should the whole population of a territory be forced to follow for some years only the art school of the temporarily ruling politicians, when all dissenting "art groups" could freely practise their diverse schools of the art of politics among themselves, exterritorially and autonomously, under personal law? – JZ, 12.6.92, 7.1.93. – TERRITORIAL POLITICS, AN ART? PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE & PERSONAL LAW CORRESPOND MUCH BETTER TO HUMAN NATURE & DIVERSITY

POLITICS: Politics: the general condition of human relations involving involuntary relationships and those relationships involving the use of force or fraud.” – Philip E. Jacobson, THE CONNECTION, 106 p.29. – True for territorial politics, untrue for the exterritorial “politics” of voluntary communities. – JZ, 27.3.08. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM

POLITICS: Politics: The Source of all Evil.” - Kevork Ajemian, The Fallacy of Modern Politics, Books International, PO Box 6096, McLean, Virginia 22106, 1986, Tel. (703) 821-8900, p.172, heading of chapter 9. - I would rather reword this to: Territorial politics: The source of most to almost all evil. – JZ, 04, 2.1.14. – Not that territorialist revolutionary liberation attempts are sufficiently better. – JZ, 7.10.07, 2.1.14. – TERRITORIAL POLITICS THE SOURCE OF ALL EVIL

POLITICS: Politics' is made up of two words, 'poli,' which is Greek for 'many,' and 'tics,' which are blood-sucking insects.” - Gore Vidal. – The difference for us between the two kinds of blood-suckers and parasites is - that we are still free to kill the blood-sucking insects and to take effective precautions to keep them out of our homes and off our bodies and that, altogether, they usually do not cost us as much. – JZ, 4.1.08. - - Another version: “The word politics is derived from the words "poly" meaning many and "ticks" meaning blood sucking parasites.” – Anonymous. – Other versions: POLITICS: Politics: 'Poli' a Latin word meaning 'many,' and 'tics' meaning 'bloodsucking creatures.' " - Tommy Smothers - - Politics’ comes from the Greek ‘poly’ meaning ‘many’ and ‘ticks’, which are blood-sucking parasites." - Andre Marrou and Rep. Davy Crockett - & POLITICIANS& PARASITES, BLOODSUCKERS, JOKES

POLITICS: Polities is a battlefield on which the result, that what one achieves, lies always far below that which one wanted to achieve.” – Tocqueville. – It is far easier, cheaper and faster to buy or to freely produce what one wants on a free market. – JZ, 24.2.08, 17.3.09.

POLITICS: Politricks.” – Term used in FREEDOM TODAY, Dec. 77, when discussing the “Social Security” system of the U.S.

POLITICS: Power and authority, as substitutes for performance and rational thought, are the specters that haunt the world today. They are the ghosts of awed and superstitious yesterdays. And politics is their familiar politics, throughout time, has been an institutionalized denial of man’s ability to survive through the exclusive employment of all his own powers for his own welfare.” - Karl Hess, Death of Politics, p.11. – I would rather have said: through the full use of his individual rights and liberties. – JZ, 2.1.14.

POLITICS: Practical politics consists in ignoring facts.” - Henry Brooks Adams, The Education of Henry Adams, 1907, ed. Ernest Samuels, chapter 24, p.373 (1973). Originally published in 1906. (“Praktische Politik besteht im Nichtbeachten der Tatsachen.”) He was the son of Charles Francis Adams, the grandson of John Quincy Adams, and the great-grandson of John Adams.That is, largely, true of the wrongful politics of territorialism but not of the politics of free individuals, who know, appreciate and apply their individual rights and liberties, i.e. the facts of the natural laws for human beings, as at last somewhat moral and rational beings.– JZ, 18.6.13, 2.1.14.

POLITICS: Practical politics’ means selfish ends promoted by base means.” – Rutherford Hayes, quoted in C. Bingham, Men and Affairs, p.28. – Territorialism makes that possible, personal law, exterritorial autonomy and voluntarism, completion, experimentation, freedom of contract and association in this sphere do not. – JZ, 2.1.14.

POLITICS: Prisoners at Silverwater work release centre debated in the affirmative against a team of students from Sydney University the subject: “Crime does not pay … more than politics.” The prisoners won. – THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 2.(7.?) 8.75. Probably in Column 8, first page.

POLITICS: Probably no statesman was ever more concerned with moral considerations than Gladstone; he said, however, that “if you want to succeed in politics you must keep your conscience well under control.” – C. Bingham, Men and Affairs, p.42. - MORALITY, CONSCIENCE

POLITICS: Problems tackled only by territorial political authorities or by other authoritarians, remain usually not only unresolved but tend to become enlarged. – JZ, 21.11.92. – By coincidence: Today I received an email from the Mises Institute, containing an article by By Murray N. Rothbard , Posted on 2/18/2008. This article is excerpted from Conceived in Liberty, Volume IV, chapters 8 and 41. Washington Transforms the Army. It shows how much the authoritarian and aristocratic Washington became an obstacle to the rapid success of the American Revolution. – JZ, 19.2.08.

POLITICS: Professor Milton Friedman comments on the inverse of Smith’s economic “invisible hand”: The invisible hand in politics is as potent a force for harm as the invisible hand in economics is for good. In politics, men who intend only to promote the public interest, as they conceive it, are “led by an invisible hand to promote an end that was no part of their intention”. They become front-men for special interests they would never knowingly serve. They end up sacrificing the public interest to the special interest, the interest of consumers to that of producers, the interests of the masses, who never go to college, to that of those who attend college, the interest of the poor working-class saddled with employment taxes to that of the middle class who get disproportionate benefits from social security, and so on down the line.” – THE FREEMAN, 8/78, p.503. – INVISIBLE HAND IN POLITICS HAS NEGATIVE RESULTS, TERRITORIALISM & ITS UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES, SPECIAL INTERESTS, LOBBIES, REGULATIONS LARGELY BY THOSE BEING REGULATED

POLITICS: progress … is impossible in the framework of any political power-structure, whether of the right or the left. These structures always exert their pressure on society to ensure that it remains the same or, if this is impossible, even more the same, i.e. repressive.” – Robin Cook, A State of Denmark, p.57. – Some progress in the sciences, in technology, in the arts, in literature, does go on even under territorialism. But it does not go as far and fast as it could and would under freedom. – JZ, 17.3.09, 2.1.14. - POWER, PROGRESS, TERRITORIALISM VS. FULL EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM FOR VOLUNTEERS

POLITICS: Public life is the paradise of voluble windbags.” – G. B. Shaw. – A. Andrews Quotations, p.183. – POLITICIANS, STATESMEN, PRESIDENTS, PREMIERS, PRIME MINISTERS, ETC.

POLITICS: public reason has become convinced that politics is powerless to improve the lot of the masses; that the notions of power and authority are being replaced in people’s minds, as in the course of history, by the notions of labor and exchange.” – S. Edwards, Proudhon, p.91. – PUBLIC OPINION, AUTHORITY, ENLIGHTENMENT, POWER, FREE EXCHANGE, FREE LABOR, FREE ENTERPRISE, REFORMS, POVERTY, WELFARE STATE

POLITICS: Pull freedom out of the political mire.” – FREEDOM MAGAZINE, Spring 74. – Pull it out of the quagmire of territorial politics onto the firm ground of exterritorial autonomy and personal law for communities of volunteers. That would minimize obstacles, friction and clashes, for each would get what he or she wants – as far as humanly possible, with the own system, method and organization, at the own risk and expense. No more involuntary victims or human sacrifices! – JZ, 17.3.09. - FREEDOM

POLITICS: Question territorial politics and the various faiths just like you would question magic, witchcraft, prejudices, dogmas, astrology and any other popular fads and superstitions, rather than merely interviewing politicians, priests and magicians, as if they really had something to offer to us. – JZ, 23.5.91, 28.3.08, 6.2.11, 2.1.14. - TERRITORIALISM,

POLITICS: REALITY No.3: In order to collect enough votes to get elected, a candidate must, to put it politely, make unrealistic and contradictory promises to a wide variety of special interests throughout the citizenry. To put it not so politely, it is virtually impossible to get elected to public office without lying. You might say that it is a mandatory condition built into The System; it is the only way the politician can appeal to the Expediency Factor in most voters. - REALITY NO. 4: Once elected, a politician must violate Natural Law, i.e., he must commit aggression against both voters and nonvoters in an effort to make good on at least some campaign promises. Virtually all political action involves violating the rights of various members of society, whether such action entails redistribution-of-the-wealth programs, government intervention to help certain businesses, favors for special-interest groups, or enactment of victimless crime laws to satisfy the moral judgments of certain individuals.” - R. J. Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, p.56/57. - That applies largely only to territorial politics. In exterritorially autonomous communities of volunteers a very large degree of unanimity on its politics will prevail and permit openness and frankness, avoiding party strife – Dissenters would secede and join or establish other such communities. - JZ, 4.3.08. – PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, VOLUNTARISM, SECESSIONISM, NATURAL LAW, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, VS. LIES, PROMISES, SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS, LOBBIES, TERRITORIALISM, EXPEDIENCY, VOTE GATHERING, REDISTRIBUTION SCHEMES, TAXATION, HANDOUTS, WELFARE STATE, INTERVENTIONISM

POLITICS: Reason devoted to politics fights for its own dethronement.” – Benjamin R. Tucker, Catalogue, p.102. – Unless it introduces individual secessionism, personal laws and exterritorial autonomy for volunteers. – JZ, 29.4.91. - PANARCHISM, PARTIES, REASON

POLITICS: Reduce all politics to free competition and free choice between political “churches” and rationalist, atheist, humanist and free thought as well as anarchist to conservative associations. To each his own choice, as long as he can stand it.” – JZ, 17.12.93, 15.2.08. - GOVERNMENTS, COMPETITION, CHOICE, PANARCHISM

POLITICS: Republicans place great emphasis upon private property, and so do I. But I still wouldn’t care to advance the concept of a free market and private property by using political methods. So I have some very serious questions about Republican politics.” - Robert LeFevre, Lift Her Up, Tenderly, p.184. – Especially since there is hardly a great difference between the e.g. the tax burdens the Republicans impose and that of the Democrats and their welfare statism. – JZ, 5.3.08. – As has already been pointed out for other two-party systems as well, they are really only one party – with two factions. – JZ, 2.1.14. - PROPERTY, REPUBLICANS

POLITICS: Robert Owen … was more or less the father of the modern commune. He scorned politics, thinking them a sham, a means of hoodwinking the people into the false belief that they were free and in control of their government.” – Mack Reynolds, Commune 2000 A.D., p.93.

POLITICS: Rule or attempts to rule by force, deception and fraud, practised by ignorant, conceited and prejudiced people and incompletely supported by the votes of those who are as ignorant, conceited and prejudiced or even more so. – JZ, 10.7.87, 28.3.08. – VOTING, IGNORANCE, PREJUDICES, POPULAR ERRORS, PUBLIC OPINION

POLITICS: Saint-Simon had little interest in politics and government. Politics, he considered only as a means by which lawyers and metaphysicians rose to places of power.” – J. Salwyn Schapiro, Movements of Social Dissent in Modern Europe, p.22. – LAWYERS, IDEOLOGUES, POWER, TERRITORIALISM, GOVERNMENT

POLITICS: Science Is Politics By Other Means, …” - Kim Stanley Robinson, Blue Mars, p.447. - & SCIENCE

POLITICS: She was a generous person, a wise person in many ways, but she was politically blind. She could work for a firm producing nerve gas – and she would still feel quite happy and satisfied that she was helping, just so long as she was allowed to remember the birthdays of the other staff and bring them little thoughtful presents when they were down.” – Chris Beckett, The Welfare Man, p.348 of The Best of InterZone, ed. David Pringle. – Most people are still blind regarding the nature of territorial politics and its exterritorial alternative. – JZ, 11.3.09. - POLITICAL & MORAL BLINDNESS, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, NWT

POLITICS: Show me any mischief produced by the madness or wickedness of theologians, and I will show you an hundred resulting from the ambition and villainy of conquerors and statesmen. Show me an absurdity in religion, and I will undertake to show you an hundred for one in political laws and institutions. … Is not the same reason available in theology and in politics? If the laws of nature are the laws of God, is it consistent with the divine wisdom to prescribe rules to us, and leave the enforcement of them to the folly of human institutions? Will you follow truth but to a certain point?” – Edmund Burke, quoted in SPRADING, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.72. – Territorialism is the worst feature of both, religion and politics. – JZ, 5.3.08. - RELIGION, THEOLOGIANS, FANATICS, IGNORANCE IN ACTION, POLITICIANS, STATESMEN, INTOLERANCE

POLITICS: Since (*) politics has become nothing but a means of acquiring control over people, it seems an improper; even more, an impotent means to use in eliminating controls over the people. – HAIL, 1:4:1, April 67, published by Charles R. Wiles. – (*) territorial! – JZ - CONTROL, TERRITORIALISM, IMPOSED HIERARCHIES, COERCION, COMPULSION

POLITICS: since honesty and politics are contradictory terms …” - Frank Chodorov, Out of Step, p.175.

POLITICS: Since there abound as many opinions as individuals, "tot homines, tot senses", one can see what confusion is graced with the good name of politics. The freedom of some denies the rights of others, and vice-versa. The wisest and best of governments never functions with the full and free consent of all its subjects. There are parties, either victorious or defeated; there are majorities and minorities in perpetual struggle, and the more confused their notions are, the more passionately they hold to their ideals. Some oppress in the name of right, the others revolt for the sake of liberty, to become oppressors in turn, as the case may be.” – P. E. de Puydt, Panarchy, 1860, in PEACE PLANS 4. – GOVERNMENT, PARTIES, CONSENT, MAJORITIES, MINORITIES, PASSIONS, OPPRESSION, LIBERATION, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: So long as we are duped ... and … continue to seek political salvation … so long must we continue to be the … vassals of a proud, arrogant, speak-making few.” – William Lovett, 1836. – PREJUDICES, ENLIGHTENMENT, EDUCATION, SELF-THINKING, PRIVATE JUDGMENT, SUBORDINATION, EXPERTS, AUTHORITIES, TERRITORIALISM, POLITICIANS, LEADERSHIP, PRESIDENTS, MODERN SERFDOM, ARISTOCRACY

POLITICS: So perfectly notorious is all this, that some very sensible persons suppose it to be hardly possible for a man even to touch politics anywhere (by way of participating in them) without being defiled. And, if such persons ever take part in them, they do so only on the principle of choosing the least between two or more enormous evils.” - Lysander Spooner, Works II, Senate, p.324. - TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Some day we will supercede politics by education.” – Henry Demarest Lloyd. – Some day we will supercede territorial politics by sufficient enlightenment. – JZ, 27.3.08. – ENLIGHTENMENT VS. TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Some insomniacs take this or that potion. Our favorite soporific is the announcement by some official that this or that department will be run without regard to politics.” – Franklin P. Adams, Nods and Becks, 1944.

POLITICS: Still politics is extolled. We are told more people should get more and more involved, in it so it will work better. If this is so, we should all avoid drowning by jumping into a whirlpool.” – Joan Marie Leonard, “Whatever Happened to Self-Government?” THE FREEMAN, Feb. 1977, p.75. - Individuals should only get involved in their own kind of individually self-chosen politics, under personal law and full exterritorial autonomy, among like-minded volunteers. Then all the evils of territorialist coercion and monopolism would more and more disappear – because then they could only be furthermore practised among volunteers – who would be surrounded by and live intermixed with the people of the more successful communities, who choose more liberties and rights for themselves and possibly even all. – JZ, 9.12.07,  2.1.14. - AS USUAL VS. EXTERRITORIALIST VOLUNTARY POLITICS OR PANARCHISM OR POLYARCHISM

POLITICS: Stop playing a sacrificial animal or pawn in the territorial power games of politicians and bureaucrats and their “great” leaders and “prophets”. – No more human sacrifices for their territorial systems. No more tributes to them. Full experimental freedom for all communities and societies, even governments of volunteers for their own kinds of “games”, always at the own risk and expense. Full freedom also for the remaining Welfare State adherents to do their things to themselves, as their own risk and expense, undisturbed by us. – But no community is to enjoy or tolerate any territorial monopoly any longer. – We have to get rid of these targets for mass extermination devices and opportunities for mis-rule. - JZ, 20.1.98, 27.3.08.

POLITICS: Territorial “… politics is comparable to gang rape …” – Taylor Radford ascribed the quoted words to Phil Jacobson, in THE CONNECTION 109, 22.1.83, p.90. – Minorities and individuals have certainly not sufficient self-determination and self-government under territorial rule. – JZ, 27.3.08.

POLITICS: Territorial law making for the whole population of a country amounts to organized and legalized irresponsibility. For proof compare how most laws compare with some of the better declarations of individual rights and liberties. – JZ, 27.3.08. – LAWS, LEGISLATION, PARLIAMENTS, POLICIES, POLITICIANS, DEMOCRACY, REPRESENTATION, LEGISLATORS

POLITICS: Territorial politicians have “kidnapped” all of us and hold us to ransom, in territory-wide national security prisons. - Unfortunately, they did and do this still with the consent of all too many of us. – JZ, 19.9.99, 14.2.08. - TERRITORIALISM & KIDNAPING OR HOSTAGE TAKING, COMPULSORY TAXATION OR TRIBUTE GATHERING, BLACKMAILING

POLITICS: Territorial politics – a “disease of perception and attention”. – JZ, 11.1.93. – PANARCHISM, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Territorial politics – the road to disasters, even with the best intentions. – JZ, 15.6.92.

POLITICS: Territorial politics amounts to coercive, centralistic, collectivistic, monopolistic and fraudulent quackery in political, economic and social systems. – JZ, 28.3.89, 27.3.08.

POLITICS: Territorial politics amounts to organized and legalized parasitism. – JZ, 3.10.88, 27.3.08.

POLITICS: Territorial politics amounts to systematized monopolies, prohibitions, favoritism, exploitation, oppression, extortion etc., under all kinds of false pretences and excuses. – JZ, 7.10.88, 27.3.08.

POLITICS: Territorial politics amounts to the organized, dishonest, monopolistic, over-priced political and bureaucratic mismanagement of public affairs. – JZ, 10.8.99, 14.2.08. - TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Territorial politics amounts to the prevention or destruction of many of liberty’s rightful opportunities for all too many people. – JZ, 24.1.95, 27.3.08.

POLITICS: Territorial politics and politicians render you helpless, poor and dependent, in most cases. – They extinguish producer and consumer sovereignty in some of the most important spheres and greatly diminish them in most others. – JZ, 19.11.93. - POLITICIANS, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Territorial politics and the kind of territorial statism it leads to, largely prevent the sufficiently informed and intelligent public discussion of almost any political, economic and social issue - even among the libertarian advocates of limited governments and all kinds of anarchists. – This in spite of the fact that its opposite, exterritorial autonomy for volunteers, would provide full experimental freedom for all kinds of communities to do their own things for or to themselves. – The realities of territorialism blind or blinder people towards its rightful and tolerant alternative. - JZ, 12.5.94, 16.2.08. – LIMITED GOVERNMENTS, LIBERTARIANS, ANARCHISTS, PUBLIC OPINION, ENLIGHTENMENT, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY

POLITICS: Territorial politics as usual amounts merely to systematically organized mismanagement of what has been wrongly called “public affairs” or the “common interest” and this for the benefit of politicians, their sponsors and favorites. – JZ, 10.11.97, 27.3.08.

POLITICS: Territorial politics can get you into troubles but not out of troubles – unless making a career as a territorial politician is your aim. – JZ, 25.1.97.

POLITICS: Territorial politics continues only out of ignorance, popular errors prejudices and myths on all sides, among voters, politicians, bureaucrats, leaders, law-makers, political scientists, judges, policemen, taxpayers and other subjects and “beneficiaries” of this whole unholy mess. – JZ, 26.7.91, 28.3.08.

POLITICS: Territorial politics deprives individuals of free choice in most important matters. – JZ, 3.4.91, 27.3.08.

POLITICS: Territorial politics gets us nowhere fast. It threatens even our very survival, not only the other basic rights. – JZ, 25.1.97. - TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Territorial politics has become less and less believable as a rightful means to any rightful end. – JZ, 25.1.97. - TERRITORIALISM, ENDS & MEANS, PANARCHISM

POLITICS: Territorial politics is a hindrance not a promoter of progress – almost in every sphere. – JZ, 25.11.93. – Can you think of many exceptions to this rule? I for one cannot. – JZ, 15.2.08. - TERRITORIAL & PROGRESS

POLITICS: Territorial politics is a losing game for all but its politicians and their favorites and their secret allies and supporters. – JZ, 9.11.97, 27.3.08.

POLITICS: Territorial politics is a mental aberration and a moral abomination. – JZ, 6.4.98.

POLITICS: Territorial politics is a slippery slide towards the destruction of all individual rights and liberties, all self-responsibility, all private property, under the false pretence of serving the greater good, the public good, the common good, the national interest of all. – JZ, 10.11.97, 27.3.08. – TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, COLLECTIVISM, STATE SOCIALISM

POLITICS: Territorial politics is an all too torturous, bloody and expensive circus performance. – JZ, 26.7.96, 27.3.08. – Thus it provides rather entertainment in this form and atrocious images of wars, civil wars bloody revolutions but it does not increase the production of break and other consumer goods and services but rather diminishes them, in spite of it Welfare State pretences, and “great leaps forward”. It rather increases the body count, shortages, exploitation through tax tribute levies and avalanches of laws, ca. 40,000 of them in the USA alone, in 2013, according to a Facebook notice. And yet most people are still so stuck in their statist and territorialist non-thinking that they imagine this condition to be rightful, rational and unavoidable or even desirable. – JZ, 3.1.14. – TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, APATHY, SUBMISSIVENESS, IGNORANCE, PREJUDICES

POLITICS: Territorial politics is based on coercion, deception, delusions or compromises. Panarchies, being voluntaristic and exterritorially autonomous, allow all individuals and their free grouping their own individual choices in all public affairs. - JZ, 19.11.92, 4.1.93, 20.9.04. – TERRITORIALISM VS. PANARCHISM ETC.

POLITICS: Territorial politics is based on monopolies, on coercion or compromises. Panarchies, being voluntaristic and exterritorially autonomous, allow all individuals and their free grouping their own choices. - JZ 19.11.92, 4.1.93. - Under territorial politics politicians do their own things with their subjects and the property and earnings of their subjects. Under territorial politics there are no longer subjects but only free citizens, or sovereign customers and contractors, who have chosen the institutions, rules, services and agents which they do prefer for themselves, leaving all others free to do their own things to or for themselves. - JZ, 20.9.04. – TERRITORIALISM VS. PANARCHISM

POLITICS: Territorial politics is good only for territorial politicians and their favorites. But it has also many drawbacks even for them. – Even these they have not yet sufficiently recognized. Otherwise, at least some of them, would become panarchists. - JZ, 22.12.89, 27.3.08.

POLITICS: Territorial politics is inherently and unavoidably immoral and unsound while freedom in economics and the panarchistic free choice for individuals of their governments or societies and even of whole alternative economic systems, however flawed they may still be, is inherently and necessarily moral and sound. – JZ, 26.11.92, 19.2.08, 9.4.08, 3.1.14.

POLITICS: Territorial politics is just the continuation of war with other means. - JZ, 77, 9.4.08. - Its coercion is mainly applied by majority voting instead of by the bigger battalions. - JZ, 5.11.02.

POLITICS: Territorial politics is legalized and ritualized civil war, mostly conducted without the direct used of large armed forces. – JZ, 23.9.91, 30.3.08. – In a police State, especially a totalitarian one, ruling largely through terror, the police force could even be relatively small. – JZ, 3.1.14.

POLITICS: Territorial politics is not a game to be played but a wrongful imposition to be resisted at every level. – JZ, 28.11.93. - TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Territorial politics is not a rightful procedure. – JZ, 25.1.97, 13.2.08.

POLITICS: Territorial politics is not my game. I would rather abstain from it, totally, if were free to do so, from all its supposed benefits and also from all its certain burdens, dangers and restrictions of individual human rights and liberties. – JZ, 21.5.91, 28.3.08.

POLITICS: Territorial politics is not really an ideal but, rather, a disaster. It is based on dreams. Politicians and voters live and act under illusions. Politicians make promises they can’t fulfill, voters have expectations that cannot be realized, even with the best of will. All their well-meaning actions are based upon wrong premises and delusionary “solutions”, often achieving only the opposite of what they aimed at, generally to ever increasing problems and nightmares. – JZ, 3.7.93.

POLITICS: Territorial politics is not representative for all or even most of its subjects. At most it represents a temporary and fluctuating majority, or a coalition of various minority groups, which is not really united and in practice consists only of deceived or deceiving minorities, while a small minority is ruling and misleading, itself and the rest. – JZ, 30.7.98, 273.08. - REPRESENTATION

POLITICS: Territorial politics is not the answer but the problem. – JZ, 25.1.96. - TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Territorial politics is not the art of the possible but the pretence that territorial politics can do what only the voluntarism and experimental freedom of exterritorially autonomous communities under personal laws can hope to achieve, relatively soon and with certainty, already among the first volunteers, if it has a correct program, just like any progress in the natural sciences and in technology. – JZ, 30.7.98, 27.3.08. – PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Territorial politics is organized and enforced passivity - for most citizens. - JZ, 78. – It is also the excessive activity and power of a few for their own benefit and at the expense of the majority. – Since these few are only human, too and their day has also only 24 hours, much what is actually happening escapes them, most of what should actually happen, rightfully and freely, escapes them even more. Of all that, which does come to their attention, they can deal, somewhat effectively, as far as a centralized power can, only with a fraction. – But they can effectively resist secession and self-help efforts, which threaten their territorial monopoly and power base, often for years to decades, at a great costs in lives, rights, liberties and productivity. - JZ, 5.11.02, 3.1.14.

POLITICS: Territorial politics is organized irresponsibility, to a large extent, for those on top of the power pyramid, those at the bottom and also for those in-between. – JZ, 22.6.82, 28.3.08. – Hitler’s propaganda slogan is typical for this: “Fuehrer, befiel! Wir folgen Dir!” – (Leader, command! We follow you!)

POLITICS: Territorial politics is possible only when men are not free. - JZ, 76, 9.4.08.

POLITICS: Territorial politics is the art of pretending to act for all, while, in reality, favoring some at the expense and risk of all others. – JZ, 8.2.88, 3.1.14.

POLITICS: Territorial politics is the art of pretending to be able to do the wrongful and irrational – rightfully and rationally. - JZ, 5.11.02, 3.1.14.

POLITICS: Territorial politics is the art of successfully pretending to be able to do the impossible. - JZ, 73.

POLITICS: Territorial politics is the largest and long lasting conspiracy of the few against the many. Alas, also with all too many granting it the consent of the victims. – JZ, 22.2.08. – All politics, particularly territorial politics, being a conspiracy against individual rights and public welfare, I cannot give my consent to any of its factions and candidates. – JZ, 11.7.87. – TERRITORIALISM VS. PANARCHISM & VOLUNTARISM, CONSPIRACIES, PARTIES, FACTIONS, LEADERSHIP, GOVERNMENTS, PRIME MINISTERS, PRESIDENTS

POLITICS: Territorial politics is the major inherited “sin” which all of us ought to cast off. – JZ, 24.1.95.

POLITICS: Territorial politics is the modern way to reintroduce or even exceed the dark and barbaric ages. – JZ, 24.1.95, 27.3.08.

POLITICS: Territorial politics is the most obscene human activity. - JZ, 73. - OBSCENITY

POLITICS: Territorial politics is the penalty for not adopting individual sovereignty and individual secessionism, individual rights, individual liberties and individual responsibilities - but handing them over to politicians and bureaucrats, to grant or refuse and to ration out a few or the lot, and all too limited ones, furthermore, mere claims rather than individual rights and liberties, but declared to be the “civil rights and liberties” of all of their subjects. – JZ, 6.4.93, 19.2.08, 3.1.14.

POLITICS: Territorial politics is the top sucker game in which the general public is fooled and exploited. – JZ, 23.8.93.

POLITICS: Territorial politics is the worst crime. Even politicians are largely its victims, not merely its beneficiaries. – JZ, 23.5.91, 28.08.

POLITICS: Territorial politics is the worst mistake for territorially shared responsibility is, in practice, none at all. – JZ, 9.11.97, 27.3.08. – COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY, VOTING, REPRESENTATION, RESPONSIBILITY, INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Territorial politics keeps liars, cheats, brutes and mass murderers in power. – JZ, 25.6.92, 22.3.08.

POLITICS: Territorial politics makes its “economic” system not more productive but, rather, counter-productive. – JZ, 25.8.98, 27.3.08. – PLANNING, CENTRALIZATION, COMMAND ECONOMY, INTERVENTIONISM, PRICE CONTROL, RENT CONTROL, WAGE CONTROL, MINIMUM WAGES

POLITICS: Territorial politics makes no sense. It is a torturous, extortionist and distorting system rather than one that educates, liberates and provides for self-responsible growth and maturity. – JZ, 25.8.98, 27.3.08.

POLITICS: Territorial politics means ignorance in action, misinformation, mismanagement, misconceived and misdirected experiments at the risk and expense of the dissenting many, rather than experimental freedom for all, always only at the own expense and risk. – JZ, 30.7.98, 27.3.08.

POLITICS: Territorial politics means mainly wrongful options for a few  and wrongful but legalized orders for all others. It disfranchises most people even under its general franchise, and this on some of the most important affairs of their own lives. (*) Exterritorial autonomy for volunteers means rightful and tolerant, liberating and enlightening options for all. -(*) E.g. taxation and conscription. - JZ, 6.6.92, 10.12.03, 3.1.14.

POLITICS: Territorial politics means mainly wrongful options for a few and no or all too limited options for the many. Exterritorial autonomy for communities of volunteers means rightful options for all. – JZ, 6.6.72, 20.2.08. – PANARCHISM

POLITICS: Territorial politics means: Everything is up for grabs: “A mutual plunderbund” as Bastiat called it. – JZ, 11.8.93.

POLITICS: Territorial politics neither teaches its victims nor its victimizers enough. It certainly keeps silent on the voluntaristic and exterritorial autonomy alternatives to it. – JZ, 4.10.98, 27.3.08.

POLITICS: Territorial politics pretends to be able to achieve what is, by its very nature, impossible for it to achieve. – JZ, 30.7.98. It is the practice of “might makes right”, which may make legal sense but does not make moral or ethical sense. It forever conflicts with individual rights and liberties and agrees at most with “civil rights”, which have very little in common with genuine individual rights and liberties, if anything at all. – JZ, 3.1.14.

POLITICS: Territorial politics prevents rather than assures solutions. Even when solutions are already known to some people they do not, as a rule, reach the political decision-makers or are accepted by them if they do. – JZ, 25.8.98.

POLITICS: Territorial politics produces politicians, bureaucrats, taxes, waste, corruption, wars, revolutions, civil wars and terrorism – and nothing else that is worthwhile. – JZ, 23.12.93.


POLITICS: Territorial politics, apart from obstruction and destruction, is all false pretence. – JZ, 29.5.91.

POLITICS: Territorial politics, no matter how you juggle the details and terms, it remains, essentially, a game of looting and suppression, with the loot going largely to the looters, suppressors and their voluntary supporters. - JZ, 9.9.98, 27.3.08.

POLITICS: Territorial politics: The art of getting away even with mass murder. – JZ, 9.1.95, 27.3.08.

POLITICS: Territorial power, monopolies, prohibitions, coercion, corruption and exploitation are the normal, not the extraordinary “business” of the “enterprise” or racket of territorial politics. The important difference, compared to private crimes with involuntary victims, lies only in its legalized status. Otherwise, these official crimes with victims, would be clearly seen as what they are. They would also be widely recognized for what they are once individuals and dissenting minorities are freed to opt out of all territorial systems and, likewise, free to re-associate only voluntarily, in their own kind of communities and societies, under full exterritorial autonomy and personal law. As such they could freely engage in all kinds of political, economic and social experiments, always only at their own risk and expense, so that experience and enlightenment would grow fast and lead them to rapid progress. Even a small group could then set a shiny and attractive example for all others - if its ideas and practices are rightful and efficient. At least in some of them progress might occur then as fast as it occurred in the computer industries during the last few decades. – Until certain truths have been widely enough realized, they can hardly be repeated too often in different wordings. Compare the efforts of Christian preachers during the last almost 2000 years. – Should we blame them for repetitiveness or rather for the remaining flaws in their ideas and thinking? - JZ, 25.6.83, 27.3.08, 6.2.11.

POLITICS: Territorial States or governments deprive individuals of much of what they consider to be their means and options for their own happiness, merely in order to provide to others, not selected by these individuals, whatever politicians and bureaucrats think would contribute to their happiness, after the politicians and bureaucrats have first deducted their enormous brokerage fees, a lion’s share, from the loot or tribute revenue gathered from involuntary taxpayers, for the happiness of these “administrators” of officially and legally stolen monies. These stolen funds are also abused to territorially impose all kinds of disservices and prohibitions of free and rightful actions, under the pretence that this would be rightful and good for us. The greatest protection racket of all is involved, with constitutional, legal and juridical sanctions. It is also one approved by statist scholars and publicists. – JZ, 27.6.87, 27.3.08, 6.2.11, 3.1.14.

POLITICS: Territorial, monopolistic, compulsory and collectivistic majoritarian decision-making is so wrongful and irrational, really an absurdity - that it should be altogether done away with. Power and authority should become individualized and voluntarized and contractualized as free enterprises and businesses, competing with each other for sovereign customers and voluntary members and investors. Under territorially imposed “unity” this cannot be done but under exterritorial autonomy and personal laws it can be. To each his own alternative political, economic and social system and organization – burdens, obligations and benefits – unless they want merely to exist as free individual producers, exchangers and consumers in a market economy established by the free marketeers or as free entrepreneurs or co-operators working in and for a free market, in their specialty. Then they might hire or subscribe to any competitively offered “governmental” or “public” service” only to the extent that they do want them. To each his own! No more imposed leaders, ideologies and systems. Full individual consumer sovereignty towards all of them. – JZ, 21.2.08, 3.1.14. – PANARCHISM, TERRITORIALISM, POWER ABUSES

POLITICS: Territorialist politics has high-jacked all of us! – We are all hostages now, threatened with extermination by ABC mass murder devices in the hands of the most powerful criminals ever. - JZ, 9.4.08. – NUCLEAR WAR THREAT

POLITICS: That every activity of the government will result in some groups being rewarded and other groups being, in effect, punished, is true by the nature of state action. If everyone benefited from a particular activity there would be no need for coercion to bring it about. Such natural action and reaction is the essence of all private, voluntary relationships taking place outside the sphere of government. Professor Milton Friedman eloquently describes this arbitrary favoritism inherent in political solutions:A (*) political system finds it very difficult to satisfy the needs of minority groups. It’s very hard to set up a political arrangement under which, if 51 percent of the people vote one way and 49 percent vote the other way, the 51 percent will get what they want and the 49 percent will get what they want. Rather, the 49 percent will also get what the 51 percent want. (**) - In a market system, if 51 percent of the people vote, say, to buy American cars and 49 percent vote to buy foreign cars and the government lets their votes be effective and doesn’t impose tariffs, 51 percent will get American cars and 49 percent will get foreign cars. In a market system, if 40 percent of the people vote that they want to send their children to integrated schools and 60 percent vote that they want to send their children to segregated schools, 40 percent will be able to do what they want and 60 percent will be able to do what they want. It’s precisely because the market system is a system of proportional representation that it protects the interests of minorities. – ‘There’s No Such Thing as a Free Lunch’”. – (***). - (*) territorial – (**) Or they will get nothing but will have to pay taxes for what the 51 percent want! – JZ, 31.7.92. – However, even M. F. has not advocated a free market for whole political, economic and social systems, all only for volunteers and without any territorial monopoly. - (***) Sorry, but I did not note down who did here quote M. F. as extensively. – JZ, n.d. & 28.3.08. - FAVORITISM, MARKETS, MAJORITY, MINORITIES

POLITICS: That the political point of view should end completely when war begins is only conceivable in contests, which are wars of life and death from pure hatred. As wars are in reality, they are … only the expression or manifestation of policy itself. The subordination of the political point of view to the military would be contrary to common sense, for policy has declared the war; it is the intelligent (? Decisive? – JZ ) faculty, war only the instrument., and not the reverse. The subordination of the military point of view to the political is, therefore, the only thing which is possible.” – Karl von Clausewitz. - In his book “Armament and History” (1946), Major-General J. F. C. Fuller argued that whereas Clausewitz proclaimed that war was a continuation of policy, this had now been reversed into policy becoming a continuation of war. – C. Bingham, Men & Affairs, p. 333. - WAR, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM

POLITICS: That which has ruined more good men than women, liquor and horses put together. – Saying reported by Harry Golden.

POLITICS: That which is morally wrong can never be made politically right.” – Quoted by Dr. You Chan Chang. – MORALITY, ETHICS

POLITICS: The ‘Outs’ are attacking and the ‘Ins’ are defending. All the ‘Outs” have to do is promise what they would do if they got in. But the “Ins’ have to promise what they would do, and then explain why they haven’t already done it.” – Will Rogers. - JOKES

POLITICS: The “art” of misdirection. – JZ, 10.7.91.

POLITICS: the age-old individualist criticism of government entry into business, namely that politics talks louder to government than economics.” – Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, 4/75. – Only free businesses and enterprises can be run economically. – JZ, 3.1.14. - ECONOMICS, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: The aim of every political association is the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.” - France (Official and semi-official) Declarations of the Rights of Man and Citizen, National Assembly (1789), Art. 2. - Rather, the legal suppression or individual rights and liberties, for the benefit of ruling politicians. Their aspirations are unnatural, indefensible, secret and unmentionable, if they want to achieve the objectives of all their lies, cheating and corrupt actions. - JZ, - & HUMAN RIGHTS

POLITICS: The aim should not be to change voters or politicians or political ideals and methods but simply to change territorial to exterritorial, coercive to voluntary politics, compulsory State membership into voluntary State membership, monopolistic politics into exterritorially competitive politics, collectivist impositions into individual choices, national sovereignties into individual sovereignty and exterritorial minority autonomy, geographical secessions into individual secessionism, intolerance into tolerance, the suppression of free experimentation into freedom to experiment, uniform laws for all into personal and freely chosen personal laws. All these seemingly miraculous transformations are easily possible through the framework of panarchism, which allows panarchies or the government or non-governmental society of one's dreams or choice to each and everyone, all at the same time and in the same territory. - JZ 18.4.92, 13.1.93. - People ought to become politically (and with regard to economic and social systems) as free as they are already regarding their religions (in most countries already) and as consumers, hobbyists, artists, sportsmen, home builders, gardeners, tourists and entertainment seekers, music lovers, dancers, collectors etc. Only the "public sphere" of their lives has to become de-monopolized or privatized and subjected to individual consumer sovereignty and choice. - JZ, 20.9.04. – POLITICS, THE ART OF THE POSSIBLE OR THE PRETENCE OF OMNIPOTENCE?

POLITICS: The American state did not begin with conquest (*); the Indians had no property that could be lifted and, being hunters by profession, they were too intractable to be enslaved. (*) But the colonists were themselves the products of an exploitative economy, had become inured to it in their respective homelands, had imported and incorporated it in their new organization. Many of them came to their new land bearing the yoke of bondage. All had come from institutional environment that had emerged from conquest; they knew nothing else, and when they set up institutions of their own they simply transplanted these environments. They brought the predatory state with them. - Any profitable inquiry into the character of the American state must therefore take into account the distinction between making a living by production and gaining a living by predation; that is, between economics and politics. - Frank Chodorov, Fugitive Essays, p.92. (“Natural Rights and Unnatural Wrongs.”) - (*) Conquest of land was involved. – Some Red Indian tribes had at least the beginnings of agriculture, e.g. corn was planted and harvested. – Only rarely was any land properly bought from them – and treaties were more often broken by the Whites than by the Red Indians. - JZ, 4.3.08. -

POLITICS: The appeals of all parties during this period have been fundamentally identical. They all amount to this: “What are your troubles? Vote for us and we will find somebody else to pay for putting them right.” – Sir Ernest Benn, in Deryck Abel: Ernest Benn, p.71. – PARTIES, CANDADATES, PROMISES, VOTING, ELECTIONS

POLITICS: The application of collective action to seize and/or exercise the coercive power of the State.” – Sal Paradise, THE CONNECTION 123, p.67. – Like most people, he, too, considered only territorial politics. – JZ, 27.3.08. - “While this probably describes 99.9% of political activity in the world today, it is not necessarily always true: for example, if I lobby for the repeal of an oppressive law, in what way am I attempting to seize or exercise coercive power?” - Dan Tobias, THE CONNECTION, 124, p.87. - It is also oppressive to deprive people of an oppressive law that could be applied only to those who prefer it and that they want for themselves. Thus any law repeal should only apply to dissenters wanting it and to their share of the tax burden of administering the law upon all. Consequently, the regulatory bodies and methods still wanted by some, would in future have to be paid for by those only, who asked for them and want them maintained. Instead of uniform laws applying to all and secret votes, we would have laws applying to those who want them and open votes that would bind only the voters. Then more and more would the general and compulsory collectives for all be replaced by special-deal associations for those who want them. - JZ, 27 Sep. 89, 10.10.89. – Must there be one law for all? The rules for bridge-, chess-, soccer- and tennis-players are certainly not the same. – JZ, 3.1.14. - When decisions by volunteers apply only to these volunteers then, among them, there is obviously no need any longer for secret voting. The present secret voting already indicates that thus many wrongful decisions are made, under territorialism, with its monopoly and legalized coercion, over the lives of dissenting others and that the victims of these decisions would tend to retaliate if such votes were publicly made and voters could be held individually responsible for such votes. - JZ, 20.9.04, 13.1.14. – VOTING, SECRET OR PUBLIC? COERCION, FREEDOM FOR FREEDOM LOVERS ONLY - TO THE EXTENT THAT THEY DESIRE IT FOR THEMSELVES, COMPETITION & VOLUNTARISM, TERRITORIALISM VS. EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM. LAWS, OPPRESSION, DISSENTERS, REGULATIONS, DIVERSITY VS. UNIFORMITY

POLITICS: The art of appearing candid and completely open while concealing as much as possible. – Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse Dune, p.165. - Compare their opposition to WIKILEAKS. - JZ, 6.2.11. – TERRITORIALISM, SECRECY UNDER THE PRETENCE OF OPENNESS

POLITICS: The art of collectively organized and imposed political, economic and social impotence on most of the population. – Between all of them they can only offer more and greater problems but no fundamental solutions. They all subscribe to territorialism and oppose many to most of the important individual rights and liberties that would provide self-help and experimental freedom options. - Under territorialism it creates the largest and least productive and most counter-productive committee, more interested in faction fighting and leadership struggles than in any rightful and rational reforms. - JZ, 29.5.92, 20.2.08, 6.2.11. – TERRITORIALISM, PARLIAMENT, CONGRESS, POLITICAL PARTIES & FACTIONS

POLITICS: The art of the possible to get away with. The 1960’s saw the emergence of the New Politics, which differed from the Old Politics to about the same extent that the New Nixon differed from the Old Nixon. – L.A. Rollins, Lucifer’s Lexicon.

POLITICS: The arts and sciences have always been international. … It’s only our damned politics that remain nationalistic. To our sorrow.” – Robert Anton Wilson, Schroedinger’s Cat III, p.80. – Not that they are nationalistic, ideological or religious is wrongful and harmful, but that they demand a territorial monopoly for themselves. – JZ, 4.3.08. – NATIONALISM, INTERNATIONALISM, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY

POLITICS: The attempt to justify a role for the state by ignoring economics in favor of mystical worship of the nation, community, civil society.” – J. C. Lester. – STATISM, POLITICAL SCIENCE, GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM, LEADERSHHIP, CONTROL, LEGISLATION, PARLIAMENTARISM

POLITICS: The authoritarian (instead of “authoritative”) allocation of values for a whole territorial “community”. – JZ, n.d., a change from a conventional definition.

POLITICS: The basis of our political system is the right of the people to make and to alter their constitution of government.” – George Washington, Farewell Address, Sept. 17, 1796. – He, too, left “the people” undefined or simply assumed that only territorial populations could form a “people”. As a territorially imposed system, the USA republic or democracy amounts also to the prohibition for individuals and minorities to achieve the same for themselves. The negro slaves and expropriated and driven out Red Indians were extreme examples. Even the “white” women were not fully emancipated by the American Revolution and the Civil War. Alas, Washington, too, did not say “farewell!” to territorialism and its inherent despotism. – The bill of rights amendments to the US Constitution are even today still all too flawed and incomplete. - JZ, 17.10.85. – “THE PEOPLE”, RATHER THAN THE POPULATION, TO COVER UP THE GREAT VARIETY OF THE LATTER, PANARCHISM, CONSTITUTIONALISM, LIBERATION, INDIVIDUAL & GROUP SECESSIONISM.

POLITICS: the black hole of politics.” - Richard Rider, in Mingardi interview. - I would confine this remark to TERRITORIAL politics. But then most people do not know as yet of the other and rightful possibility of diverse panarchies of volunteers, all under personal laws only. - JZ, 31.1.02, 9.3.09. - WELFARE STATE, GOVERNMENT SPENDING, BUDGET, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW, THE EXTERRITORIAL IMPERATIVE VS. “THE TERRITORIAL IMPERATIVE”

POLITICS: the business of make-believe, or politics, if you like the old name. …” - Will Rogers – The full section includes: “I am reading about a Texan who has invented a serum called Scopolamine, a thing that when injected into you will make you tell the truth, at least for a while, anyway. - If it could be brought into general use it would, no doubt, be a big aid to humanity. But it will never be, for already the politicians are up in arms against it. It would ruin the very foundation on which our political government is run. If you ever injected truth into politics, you would have no politics.” - JOKES

POLITICS: The conduct of public affairs to private advantage.” – Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary, 1906.

POLITICS: The connection between humbug and politics is too long established to be challenged.” – Ronald Bell, MP for Beaconsfield, House of Commons, 5. Dec. 1979. – So what was he doing there? – JZ, 28.3.08.

POLITICS: The contest between a few to determine the norms according to which all should live.” –Ron Kritzfeld. – (“Das Ringen weniger um Normen, nach denen alle leben sollen.”) - Territorial politics does not permit all people to live in every respect in accordance with their own principles, conscience and beliefs. Instead, they are forced to abide by those of the politicians and bureaucrats and those of their fellow countrymen, which are, very often, inferior and, sometimes, downright immoral or stupid ones. – JZ, 24.2.08, 3.1.14. – TERRITORIALISM, MAJORITY DESPOTISM, VOTING, LAWS

POLITICS: the divorce of money and politics is the ideal at which to aim.” – Sir Ernest Benn, Honest Doubt, p.37. – “ … call for an eternal divorce between politics and finance.” – Sir Ernest Benn, ibid, p. 41. – Alas, while he stood up for degrees of financial freedom, he failed to stand up for full monetary freedom, which would also mean voluntary taxation and contribution schemes in every sphere, full monetary freedom and individual and group secessionism. – Everything good comes only rarely together. – JZ, 19.2.08. – However, he was and remains one of the great pro-freedom writers. – JZ, 3.1.14. - FINANCIAL FREEDOM, SIR ERNEST BENN

POLITICS: The economy can be forced to support politics. Politics cannot support but only obstruct the economy. Only a truly free economy would not support territorial politics but would merely allow all people to do their preferred and different things for or to themselves, as a matter of free individual choice and exterritorial autonomy. It would do away with territorial power politics and coercively obtained "public revenues". (Economically the public services are merely services, either wanted or unwanted ones. – JZ, 3.1.14.) Even if compulsory dues were retained within panarchies, then, due to their voluntary membership, they would amount merely to a form of voluntary taxation or contribution schemes. - JZ, 22.6.91, 14.1.93. - I believe that already Proudhon spoke of “dissolving the State in the economy.”- JZ, 11.12.03. – What would remain then of it? Nothing but freely competing societies and communities of volunteers, none of them with a territorial monopoly and thus relatively peaceful and tolerant. A ruler or political leader would then no longer be a feudal lord but an entrepreneur depending on finding, satisfying and keeping his customers or clients, under panarchism, polyarchism, multi-archism, voluntarism or whatever you want to call it. – JZ, 17.3.09. 6.2.11, 3.1.14. - & ECONOMICS, LAISSEZ FAIRE, COMPETITION, FREEDOM OF CONTRACT, EXPERIMENTATION, ENTERPRISE, ASSOCIATION & EXCHANGE, IN SHORT: VOLUNTARISIM IN EVERY SPHERE

POLITICS: The end move in politics is always to pick up a gun.” – R. Buckminster Fuller, in  – Also the end-move in all exterritorial politics against territorial politics, unless individual secessionism and exterritorial autonomy for voluntary communities is maintained. All basic rights and liberties are associated with the right to enforce them. Only wide-spread ignorance of and wide-spread disinterest for many genuine individual rights and liberties has so far preserved territorial politicians in power. – So far there exists no armed force in the world dedicated only to uphold all individual rights and liberties. There does not even exist a complete declaration of all these rights and liberties, or at least not a sufficiently known and recognized one, nor, it seems, a sufficient interest in trying to provide one. That is understandable for territorial rulers but hardly for anarchists and libertarians of any kind. - JZ, 23.2.08, 3.1.14. – MILITIA, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, TERRITORIALISM, VIOLENCE, COERCION, GUNS, WAR, POLICE STATE, INTEREST IN THE OWN AFFAIRS, ANARCHISTS, LIBERTARIANS

POLITICS: The expansion of government to its present scale has politicalized virtually all economic life. The wages being paid most workers today are political wages, reflecting political pressures rather than anything that might be considered the normal working of supply and demand. The prices farmers receive are political prices. The profits business is earning are political profits. The savings people hold have become political savings, since their real value is subject to abrupt depreciation by political decisions.” – Samuel Lubell, in The Free Man’s Almanac, Aug. 2. – “WAGE POLICY” INSTEAD OF FREE MARKET WAGES, REALLY EARNED, WAGE CONTROLS, PRICE CONTROLS, CONTROLLED INSTEAD OF FREE MARKETS IN EVERY SPHERE, PROFITS, EARNINGS, INCOME “POLICIES”, SAVINGS, INFLATION, DEVALUATIONS, DEFLATIONS, STAGFLATIONS, GOVERNMENT-MADE & LEGALLY CAUSED CRISES

POLITICS: The expediencies of politics plus the frailties of political leaders rule out the possibility of using the political method of putting principles into law.” - Frank Chodorov, Out of Step, p.108. – LAW, EXPEDIENCE, PRINCIPLES, LEADERSHIP, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM

POLITICS: The fact is that the political mind is sui generis and operates along lines that are indigenous to the business of (territorial! – JZ) politics. Just as there is a criminal mind so there is a political mind; neither is normal and, therefore, both must be considered pathological. Whether or not the political mentality is congenital or is acquired, an occupational hazard, is difficult to say, even as it is difficult to prove that criminality is inherent in the criminal make-up.” – Frank Chodorov, Out of Step, p.102. – CRIMINALITY, POLITICAL MENTALITY, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: The fantastic domination of everyone by political know-it-alls, that is, those who know not how to run their own lives but “know” how to run the lives of the entire citizenry.” – Leonard E. Read, The Path of Duty, p.106. – The ruling ignorance and prejudices of the leadership as well as the misled masses. – JZ, 3.1.14. - POLITICIANS, LEADERSHIP, MASSES, PEOPLE AS PROPERTY, VOTIING, IGNORANCE, PREJUDICES, TERRITORIALISM, “SELF-GOVERNMENT”

POLITICS: The first lesson of economics is scarcity: There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.” - Thomas Sowell. - ISIL LIBERTY QUOTE LIBRARY 03. - The economics of freedom can provide relative abundance for productive people while the anti-economics of politics can only provide shortages and poverty. - JZ, 23.11.02. - Only under full freedom can the relative economic scarcity be turned into a relative abundance for everybody, by fully utilizing natural resources, manpower, ideas and intelligence, science and technology and all economic freedom options. Only under fully free competition for all alternative political systems can all people get the governments or societies of their own choice and dreams – for themselves and likeminded people only and this at their own expense and risk. – Let all utopias become practised – but only among their followers. Then few would survive for long, by being successful, but all could learn much from these experiments. The best would gradually drive out the worst, via better informed individual choices, while exterritorially, under personal laws and for volunteers, all of them could peacefully coexist. – JZ, 8.1.08, 9.3.09, 7.2.11. - ECONOMICS & SCARCITY, PANARCHISM

POLITICS: The first rule of politics: Lie! – JZ, 17.11.82. – For if you told them the truth about yourself, your motives and intentions - then not enough people would vote for you. – JZ, 4.3.08. – VOTING, LIES, FALSE PRETENSES, MERE PROMISES

POLITICS: The fundamental difference between the political market and the economic market is that in the political market there is very little relation between what you vote for (*) and what you get. In the economic market you get what you vote for.” (**) – Milton Friedman, 1975. - (*), what you pay for – (**) and pay for. - But once a fully free market is introduced also for political, economic and social systems, then this difference will largely disappear. - JZ, 4.3.08, 7.2.11. – VOTING, MARKET, CHOICE, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, PANARCHISM, LAISSEZ FARE IN POLITICS AS WELL AS IN ECONOMICS – FOR THOSE, WHO WANT IT FOR THEMSELVES – OR PREFER ANY OTHER KIND OF SYSTEM FOR THEMSELVES, AT THEIR OWN RISK & EXPENSE, POLYARCHISM,

POLITICS: The future messes are predictable to the extent that coercion, monopolies and centralized territorial powers continue to intervene with individual rights and liberties. To the extent that individual rights and liberties become realized, the future becomes somewhat predictable, too. It would then and certainly be a much better one than our past and present. - JZ, 26.11.93, 22.4.08, 7.2.11. – Even the under-educated consumers are mostly able to see and prefer bargains for themselves. – Bargain-priced goods in the shops do usually not last very long. They find their customers or the customers find them. – JZ, 3.1.14. - FUTURISM, PREDICTIONS, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

POLITICS: the great state lottery of British politics.” – B. R. Rogge: Adam Smith, LIBERTARIAN REVIEW, No. 76. – Like in any lottery there are only very few great winners in them. In balance all are losers. – JZ, 3.1.14.

POLITICS: the great unsolved problem of politics: how to keep the bastards from grinding you down.” – Damon Knight, Rule Golden, p.1. – He, too, had not yet explored the panarchistic, voluntaristic, exterritorial and personal law alternative to territorial politics. – JZ, 11.4.08.

POLITICS: The highway to injustice. - JZ, 17.8.91. - Territorial politics that is. The exterritorial politics of volunteer communities and societies is the high road to justice for all volunteers and their societies, communities and governance systems. – JZ, 28.3.08, 3.1.14. - Under voluntarism and exterritorial autonomy or personal law they can freely and individually sort themselves out, so that each can do the own things: Any degree of liberty for freedom lovers and any degree of statism for the statists. - JZ, 7.2.11. – Compare how peacefully people can sort themselves out when it comes to religions, sports, ordinary consumer purchases, hobbies, crafts, entertainment, tourism, fashions, reading, movies, concerts, arts and xyz other still private and largely free individual activities and preferences. – Possibly for most people politics, economics and social systems are the least interesting parts for their lives. Whatever exists in this sphere for them they do take for granted or as unavoidable or even necessary. Humans are, sometimes, all too adaptable and morally or ethically still all too under-developed, just like most other mammals are. - JZ, 3.1.14.

POLITICS: The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.” – Robert A. Heinlein – MAN, PEOPLE, HUMAN BEINGS, THE STATISM OF THE CONTROLLERS &. THE STATISM OF THE CONTROLLED

POLITICS: the impossibility of any lasting political solution, no matter who might control the state …” – G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p. 230. – As a limited government supporter R. qualifies this statement. He did not explore the alternative to territorial domination of a whole population, namely, full exterritorial autonomy for all kinds of  communities of volunteers and this although, as a pious Christian, he must be aware of the precedent of religious liberty or religious tolerance. Too many split minds around! – with the unchecked premise: “Politics is quite another matter!” - Well, it took hundreds of years before they recognized religious tolerance. – For some it may take as long before they grasp the rightfulness and rationality of exterritorial autonomy for all but criminals with victims and aggressors. - JZ, 6.3.08.

POLITICS: The intensity of political passions is directly proportional to their distance from the true source of the problem.” – Allan C. Brownfeld, THE FREEMAN, 2/74. – The “distance” lies mainly in their mentality, in reality they are, e.g., victims of policies which produce for them and all around them, mass unemployment, inflation, stagflation, wars, civil wars, tyranny, pollution, radiation, ignorance, popular errors and prejudices, poverty, all too slow progress and enlightenment. – JZ, 3.1.14.

POLITICS: The major political success is not to win an election but to move the political spectrum in your direction. – J. J., Ray, 12.2.78. – Why not let everybody win? How? “To each the government or non-governmental society of his or her choice!” – To each the color or shade of the spectrum that he or she prefers, not only in fashions and arts. – JZ, 3.1.14. - PANARCHISM, PARTIES, SUCCESS, VICTORY,  TERRITORIALISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY.

POLITICS: The medieval theory of politics restrained the State in the interest of the moral law of the Church, and of the individual. Laws are made for the public good, and, for the public good, they may be suspended. The public good is not to be considered, if it is purchased at the expense of an individual. – Lord Acton, Lectures on Modern History, p.86. - Underlining by me. – JZ – PUBLIC GOOD, LAWS, INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY, MORALITY, STATE.

POLITICS: The moment for great measures has come. The evil is at its height. It covers the face of the earth. Chaos, under the name of politics, reigns there throughout too many centuries. Let everyone return once more to order, and reassume its just place.” – Ernest Belfort Bax, in the anthology “Against the Grain”, edited by Giffin/Smith, p.74. – His just place? Was that ever the case? - There are different concepts and methods of justice. Let each choose the system he prefers for his affairs. - JZ, 7.2.11, 7.2.11. - ORDER, CHAOS, SECESSIONISM, JUSTICE, COMPETING JUSTICE SYSTEMS AS WELL, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY VS. TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: The monopoly for the highest degree of confidence-trickery, robbery, compulsion, fraud and corruption – over a whole territory and its population. – JZ, 17.12.93, 15.2.08, 17.3.09. - The alternative of voluntary, competing and exterritorial autonomy for each of the diverse groups has either still to be explored or is still to be sufficiently publicized - as a way out for all peaceful, tolerant and productive people, whatever their ideology may motivate them regarding their own affairs. - JZ, 7.2.11, 3.1.14. - TERRITORIAL POLITICS

POLITICS: The monstrously expensive tragicomedy we are daily forced to view, suffer under and pay for. – JZ, 17.6.92, 17.3.09.

POLITICS: The more it changes, the more it’s the same thing.” - (“Plus ça change, plus c’est la meme chose.”) – Alphonse Karr, Les Guêpes; Les Femmes, Jan., 1849. (Edition Levy, vol. vi, p. 304.) - Not true for and after the change to exterritorial politics – voluntary, self-chosen and confined to exterritorial autonomy with individual rights and liberties determining their own country-wide or international policies. – JZ, 4.3.08. – CHANGE

POLITICS: the more the people are concerned with the administration the more benighted the state and the clans.” – Lao Tzu, 57, in Medhurst edition p.126. – Fools step in where the wise abstain. – JZ, 3.1.14. - ADMINISTRATION, VOTING, GOVERNMENT, PEOPLE, STATE, PLANNING, PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY

POLITICS: The more you read and observe about this Politics thing, you got to admit that each party is worse than the other. The one that's out always looks the best.” – Will Rogers, 1879-1935, The Illiterate Digest, 1924. – Is something else to be expected under territorial politics, which permits the winning party to rule over the affairs of the other parties and their followers? – JZ, 10.9.07. - All have so far subscribed to the worst political hypothesis or dogma, that of territorialism. To that extent they are all the same, regardless of which one is temporarily the same. The differ only in secondary and tertiary aspects, which they pretend would be the most important ones. - JZ, 7.2.11. - & PARTIES- , JOKES

POLITICS: The Nixon Political Principle: If two wrongs don’t make right – try three.” – L. J. Peter, The Peter Plan, p.81. – Was he really a worse politician than most of the others were and are? – It seems that the current territorial ruler often to always arouses the greatest hatred. - JZ, 5.3.08, 17.3.09. - Under panarchism even the worst ruler or political system is at least temporarily bearable for his or its supporters, for they volunteered for it. Once they experience it - then many to most would and could simply secede from it. - JZ, 7.2.11. - VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIALISM & SECESSIONISM VS. TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: The one justifiable purpose of political institutions is to ensure the unhindered development of the individual.” - Albert Einstein. - Precisely that is the one thing, which they can least of all do in any of the spheres that are monopolized by territorial statism! The rightful, tolerant, voluntary and peaceful alternative of individual and group secessionism, combined with exterritorial autonomy for volunteers, was rejected by Einstein when he was approached about it in the 1930's. He remained a dogmatic territorialist and even upheld the principle of collective responsibility of subjects for the actions of their governments, by recommending the building of the nuclear bomb. He was a good example of the general ignorance and barbarism of the specialists. That he was, in general terms, for "peace" does not save him from this accusation. - JZ, 29.1.02, 7.2.11. - INDIVIDUALISM, STATES, STATISM, GOVERNMENTS, SOCIETIES, INSTITUTIONS, TERRITORIALISM, SECESSIONISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, SELF-OWNERSHIP VS. TERRITORIALISM, EINSTEIN

POLITICS: The only bad weather, climate and environment that I do really dislike is that provided by territorial and, therefore, unjust and coercive politics. – JZ, 30.10.94, 27.3.08.  – TERRITORIALISM & ITS DEGREES OF SECULAR “HELLS” ON EARTH FOR ALL HUMAN BEINGS

POLITICS: The only industry, which is not depressed, is the trade of politics. The politicians is always finding solutions for problems, reminding me of the schoolboy who with unusual political insight wrote in his examination paper: ‘A problem is a figure which you do things with which are absurd and then you prove it’.” – Ernest Benn, Speech, 27.1.31, in Deryck Abel, Ernest Benn. Counsel for Liberty, 1960, on Benn’s views, p.155. – Most of the wrongs and absurdities of territorial politics are still taken for granted by most people, although most of them suffer daily under them or their consequences. – JZ, 3.1.14.

POLITICS: The only thing to do was turn your back on the politics of politicians, …” - Oriana Fallaci, A Man, p.403. – Turn your back only on territorial politics and explore the politics of exterritorial autonomy and personal law alternatives for communities, societies and competing governments of volunteers only. That approach promises successes comparable to the introduction of the experimental method in science and technology, while all its failures will be limited to their volunteers. – JZ, 4.3.08. – Alas, while this solution is desirable and practicable – it is still outlawed and all too widely even unappreciated. – If enough people loved it, like e.g. many people love drugs, smuggling and tax evasion … - JZ, 11.4.08. – Experimental freedom in all spheres is not impossible but merely outlawed. However, I do draw the line at experiments with e.g. nuclear mass murder devices. –JZ, 3.1.14.

POLITICS: The paradise of voluble windbags.” - G. B. Shaw – They produce the opposite of paradises for the masses of their victims. – JZ, 3.1.14.

POLITICS: The penalty good men pay for not being interested in politics is to be governed by men worse than themselves.” – G. B. Shaw. – “Abstain from beans!” – Abstain from politics! – Abstain from territorial politics. – JZ, 4.3.08.

POLITICS: the perpetual triumph of those who command, who promise, who frighten.” - Oriana Fallaci, A Man, p.14. – Rather, the perpetual disasters caused by those who territorially command, promise and frighten. - JZ, 16.9.82. – TERRITORIALISM, LAWS

POLITICS: The political choice is no choice. – J.Z, 11.12.87. - The territorialist choices are quite insufficient and often produce more wrongs and harm than they prevent. – JZ, 22.2.08. – VOTING, PARTIES, LAWS, STATES, GOVERNMENTS, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, REPRESENTATIVES, ELECTIONS

POLITICS: the political condition is a condition merely of fact, not a condition of right.” - William Archibald Dunning, A History of Political Theories, Recent Times, p.112. That is well expressed by the German term for territorial power politics: “Realpolitik”. – JZ, n.d. - Strongly believed-in false ideas are real, as ideas, but that does not make them right or correct. The territorial establishments are indeed facts of our reality but this does make them neither right nor rational, no more so than any of the religious hierarchies were and are. - We have to start thinking and acting beyond them, if we wish mankind to survive, for now our territorial masters are armed with mass murder devices, i.e., anti-people "weapons" and are insane enough to keep them in readiness for their ultimate "use" by them - against us. It hardly matters whether we are mass-murderously extinguished by our own insane territorial rulers or their equivalents on the other side of the borders. They do rightly fear each other but do not aim their weapons at each other but, rather, at the victimized peoples. - For tyrannicide there are dozens of suitable weapons. All tyrannical and authoritarian regimes, i.e. all territorial ones, must become replaced by systems chosen by volunteers for themselves, none of them with any territorial monopoly. - JZ, 7.2.11, 3.1.14. - NWT, TERRITORIALIM, RIGHTS, MORALITY, ETHICS,

POLITICS: the political market (*) – a market characterized by customers who do not buy, producers who do not sell and owners who do not control.” – Laissez Faire Books, catalogue May 92 p. 10. – (*) Territorial politics constitutes rather the opposite of a market, since it monopolized important activities in whole territories. Only the so far outlawed exterritorial politics of voluntary communities, societies and governments, all without any territorial monopoly, all under personal laws and institutions only and all of them permitting individual and group secession, thus upholding their status as volunteers, would constitute a genuine market for wanted political services. One might as well call any other monopolist a “free marketeer” – JZ, 28.3.08. – MARKET, FREE MARKETS IN EVERY SPHERE WOULD END THE ATROCITIES, OPPRESSION & EXPLOITATION OF TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: The political mechanism rests on coercion: so long as politicians enjoy unlimited power, a fleeting majority (or even a winning minority like Mr. Wilson’s in 1974) can over-ride personal preferences and enforce the private whims of the ruling clique.” – Ralph Harris, in Dr. Rhodes Boyson, editor, 1985, p.14. - TERRITORIALISM, MAJORITY RULE? ELECTIONS, DEMOCRACY

POLITICS: The political method is something that is basically erosive of one’s personal morality, rather than an attack on one’s ideology. I think we should not be so enthusiastic about politics.” – Mike Dunn, OPTION, 6/78. - Any territorial regime more or less constitutionally, legally and to different degrees suppresses and exploits those not agreeing with its ideology or party platform. They operate like criminal gangs fighting for "their" turf, but on a much larger scale and without their Warfare State activities being outlawed or even sufficiently criticized. - JZ, 7.2.11. - MORALITY, CORRUPTION, TERRITORIALISM,

POLITICS: the political method of solving economic problems is always the wrong one. …” - Ernest Benn, Honest Doubt, p.37. – ECONOMICS, GOVERNMENTS, POLITICIANS, PUBLIC SPENDING, PROBLEMS, SOLUTIONS, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: The political principle has always been the use of the ‘big stick’ in human relations.” – Bronislaw Malinowski, Freedom and Civilization, p.259. - TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: The political process is indeed an immoral process.” – Anthony C. Sutton, What Is Libertarianism? p.17. – MORALITY, IMMORALITY, RIGHTS, LIBERTIES, MAJORITIES, VOTING, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: The political sphere is viewed by the average man as a realm of magic and miracles, a worldview identical to medieval man’s. While with his mouth, he may deride magic, in the heart he believes in miracles. - So he continuously elects men who proclaim the faith in miracles. Or worse yet, he elects men who actually believe in miracles.” – K. Browning, LIBERTARIAN CONNECTION, 8.11.75. – VOTING, FAITH, MIRACLES, MAGIC, PREJUDICES, STATISM, RELIGION, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: The political spirit is the great force in throwing love of truth and accurate reasoning into a secondary place. The evil does not stop there.” – John Morley, On Compromise, p.136/37.

POLITICS: the political-economic cycle: Congressmen get elected and re-elected by buying votes and by bribing election officials, for which they get the money by selling their vote in Congress to special interests, which get the money from government favors. (Any resemblance to persons living or dead is their own fault.)” – SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 7/77. – Somewhat edited by me. – JZ, 3.1.14.

POLITICS: The power of territorial politics, like that of compulsory taxation, and monetary despotism, is not a creative but a destructive and preventative force, a power against any genuine, fast and voluntary progressive and self-liberation attempt. – JZ, 22.2.98, 27.3.08.

POLITICS: The principles of true politics are those of morality enlarged; and neither do nor ever will admit of any other.” – Edmund Burke, quoted in C. Bingham, Men and Affairs, p.41. – Has any politician, any territorial government, any of their victims, even any of the anarchist and libertarian ever recognized all individual rights and liberties, which were, one by one, already recognized at least by some people, somewhere, at some time? – JZ, 3.1.14. - MORALITY, PRINCIPLES, RECOGNITION OF ALL INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

POLITICS: The process of dispensing of the property, earnings, liberties, rights and even lives of individuals without so much as asking them for their individual permission or consent. This moral requirement is replaced by majoritarian “free voting” and a “representative” farce. – JZ, 29.11.92, 19.2.08. – TERRITORIALISM, VOTING, REPRESENTATION, CONSENT

POLITICS: The profession of politics consists in fooling the public.” – Laurance Labadie, Selected Essays, p.33. – PUBLIC, DISINFORMATION, LIES, PREJUDICES, FALSE PRETENCES, CONFIDENCE TRICKSTERS, POLITICIANS, PEOPLE

POLITICS: The progress of freedom depends more upon the maintenance of peace, the spread of commerce, and the diffusion of education, than upon the labours of cabinets and foreign offices.” - Frederic Bastiat – PEACE, PROGRESS, FREEDOM, FREE TRADE, EDUCATION, POLITICIANS, GOVERNMENTS

POLITICS: the real failing, the rabid insistence that great political power could somehow benefit the lives of men, still remained to plague French society.” – G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.80.

POLITICS: The relations of gangsters with government and enforcement in the United States show that this exchange with the environment operates in both directions. (*) Interaction between gangsterism and politics were also occasionally noticeable in the rise of the Nazi party and in resistance movements, such as the Maquisards and the I.R.A. Protection of well-organized gangs by law officers, their intrusion into local and national elections, and even their enlistment into presidential or party campaign machines, …” - ALEX COMFORT, “Authority and Delinquency. A Study in the Psychology of Power”, 1950, 1970, p.58, a book largely on the delinquency of authority. – Alas, kept out of print and off the Web for all too long. - JZ, 15.5.06. - (*) Especially during “Prohibition” and in the “war against drugs”. – JZ, 15.9.07. – Politicians are, usually, the most successful criminals. They are clever and powerful enough even to legalize most of their crimes. – JZ, 11.3.09. - & GANGSTERS, CRIMINALS, POLITICIANS, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: The sentiment that party government is a matter for sharps, and politics a “dirty business”, long acclimatized in France, is now becoming equally evident in Britain;…” - Alex Comfort, “Authority and Delinquency. A Study in the Psychology of Power”, 1950, 1970, p.41. –- JZ, 15.5.06. - GOVERNMENTS, LEGISLATORS, & PARTIES

POLITICS: The soul of the high-minded man is one thing; and the great game of politics is another thing. You are now part of a machine with a purpose of its own – not the purpose of serving the fixed and supreme principles – the great game laughs at all things that stand before and above itself, and brushes them scornfully aside, but the purpose of securing victory … When once we have taken our place in the great game, all choice as regards ourselves is at an end. We must win; and we must do the things which mean winning, even if those things are not very beautiful in themselves.” – Auberon Herbert, Mr. Spencer and the Great Machine, p.267, in Mack edition: p.24. - PARTIES, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, VOTING, “REALPOLITIK”

POLITICS: The Terror of Ideological Politics, is merely the title of a book that I have seen mentioned. It was written by Marian J. Morton (Mortes?), 1972. Often the title alone indicates already the wrong mindset of the author. The real terror is the result not just of any of the different ideologies but that of the territorial ideology which all of them have in common. Religious ideologies were terrorizing, too, while and wherever they were territorially imposed upon dissenters. They lost their terrorizing characteristics as soon as they became merely exterritorially autonomous for voluntary members. - JZ, 22.11.90, 14.1.93. - Alas, we still have all too many people in the world who are intolerant even in their religion and, correspondingly, we still have some religious wars and terrorist acts - quite apart from the "religion" of territorial and statist nationalism and its official and unofficial terrorist actions. - JZ, 20.9.04, 9.4.08. - TERRITORIALISM, INTOLERANCE & IDEOLOGY, STATISM, RELIGIOUS LIBERTY & TOLERANCE AS EXAMPLE FOR PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE

POLITICS: The theocracies of antiquity were political states. The totalitarian states of today are the realizations of quasi-religious theories. Politics is the pursuit of religion by other means. It was that shrewd observer Junius who noted as early as 1769 that the fanatics, who made the Wars of Religion possible, had merely changed their occupation. “There is a holy mistaken zeal in politics as well as in religion. …” – John Freeman, The Tyranny of Politics, QUADRANT, 6/78. – FAITH, RELIGION, FANATICISM, INTOLERANCE, BELIEF, IDEOLOGIES, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM – Underlining by me. – JZ

POLITICS: the truth hurts, especially in politics.” – Judge Ben Linsey on Will Rogers, in Donald Day: Will Rogers, p.233.

POLITICS: The way to solve problems is to make it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing.” – Milton Friedman in Australia 1975, p.66. – Why not simply allow all the diverse groups, movements, parties and peoples to do their own things for or to themselves, at their own risk and expense? – Exterritorial autonomy for communities of volunteers! – Free enterprise and consumer sovereignty in that sphere as well. - Even the worst politicians, parties and platforms do have some followers. Let them have for themselves what they prefer for themselves. They would deserve each other. However, neither the worst nor the best have the right to rule territorially over peaceful dissenters who just want to do their own things among themselves. - The road to mutual tolerance requires exterritorial autonomy for all desiring it for their own affairs. - JZ, n.d. & 7.2.11. - PANARCHISM, TOLERANCE, PERSONAL LAW, SECESSIONISMM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM FOR ALL, ASSOCIATIONISM, CONTRACTARIANISM, VOLUNTARISM, FREE ENTERPRISE & FREE EXCHANGE IN EVERY SPHERE

POLITICS: The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” - H. L. Mencken, "Women as Outlaws," A Mencken Chrestomathy, p. 29 (1949). This essay was first published in THE SMART SET, December 1921. – Another version: The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed - and thus clamorous to be led to safety - by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." - The threats posed by competing territorial politicians are not imaginary. The own politicians and those in other countries are our own worst enemies and also those of the population they do territorially dominate. They can only save themselves from their internal victims by asserting that they could protect the victims from other internal and external politicians. But these other internal and external politicians could, usually, assert just the same about these "saviors" and “protectors”. – Let individuals freely choose their own “saviors” and protectors, at their own risk and expense! - JZ, 13.10.02, 9.3.09, 3.1.14. – The threats posed by ANY territorial government are not imagined. – JZ, 3.9.12. – SECURITY, DEFENCE, WAR, AUTHORITARIANISM, DESPOTISM, MAJORITARIANISM, DEMOCRACY – PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, SECESSIONISM, FEAR, THREATS, DANGERS, ALARMS, INHERENT IN TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: The whole art of politics consists in directing rationally the irrationalities of men.” - Reinhold Niebuhr. - This statement is attributed to him in his obituary in THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 2, 1971, p.45. Unverified. - It is rather the wrongful and irrational misdirecting and ruling of the present territorial States, their attacks on the genuine individual rights and liberties of their subjects, under the pretence of protecting them, the territorial monopoly suppression of all rightful, rational and voluntaristic alternatives to the exclusive, coercive and territorial rule over non-consenting victims. Competing governments and societies would have only voluntary members and victims. They would be educational for them and for outside observers. Most people never learned enough from territorial politics, least of all most of its political "scientists", its politicians and its voters and from “public opinion”. - JZ, 13.10.02, 7.2.11, 3.1.14. – PANARCHISM VS. TERRITORIALISM, EDUCATION, ENLIGHTENMENT, TERRITORIAL STATISM

POLITICS: The whole art of politics lies, I should say, in a judicious combination of conservatism and reformism.” – Maurice Cranston, Political dialogues, p.180. – Rather, in the injudicious, coercive and monopolistic and centralistic combination of various opposites existing in the population of a whole territory. – JZ, 4.3.08. – SEPARATISM – ACCORDING TO INDIVIDUAL CHOICE, EXTERRITORIAL ONLY, FREE CHOICE OF GOVERNMENTS & SOCIETIES FOR INDIVIDUALS, PANARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW

POLITICS: The whole synopsis of our politics lies in the two verses by Buerger: “you have beaten us long enough. One will beat you in return, scoundrel!Reason and justice have nothing else to do with it. – J. G. Seume, Apokrypen. („Die ganze Synopse unserer Politik liegt in den zwei Versen von Buerger: “Du hast uns lange genug geknufft; // Man wird dich wieder knuffen, Schuft.“Weiter hat Vernunft und Gerechtigkeit nichts damit zu tun. – J. G. Seume, Apokryphen.) – True for the despotism of territorial politics, not for the voluntarism of panarchism or polyarchism. – JZ, 27.3.08.

POLITICS: The word politics is derived from the words "poly" meaning many and "ticks" meaning blood sucking parasites.” – Anonymous - JOKES

POLITICS: The world has changed, scientifically for the better, but politically for the worse.” – Harry Schultz, in a book review.

POLITICS: The worship of power or the skill of doing wrong under the pretence of doing good, not only to consenting victims but also to dissenting ones. – This kind of territorial power is to be clearly distinguished from exterritorial autonomy powers granted only by volunteers to a community, society or government. - JZ, 8.5.92, 28.3.08. – EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY FOR VOLUNTEERS OR PERSONAL LAW VS. TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: There are as many lies in it as are in marriages.” (Da wird so viel gelogen wie in der Ehe.) – Two old women talking to each other in a bus, No. 53, 31.10.84. - & LIES, MARRIAGES, JOKES

POLITICS: There are two major dangers, which confront us. The first is that our economy may collapse; the second that our political administration may not.” – A. B. Mc Fall. – JOKES, ECONOMICS

POLITICS: There is an invisible hand in politics that operates in the opposite direction to the invisible hand in the market. In politics, individuals who seek to promote only the public good are led by an invisible hand to promote special interests that it was no part of their intention to promote.” – Milton Friedman, Government vs. The People from An Economist’s Protest. – Correct only for territorial politics. Exterritorial politics of volunteers would tend to be business-like. – JZ, 9.4.08. - INVISIBLE HAND, SPECIAL INTERESTS, LOBBIES, PRIVILEGES, MONOPOLIES, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM

POLITICS: There is no more independence in politics than there is in jail.” – Will Rogers; N.Y. TIMES MAGAZINE, Sep. 8, 1946. – George Seldes, The Great Quotations. – Whole countries and their populations turned, quite legally, into prisons and their inmates. – JZ, 3.1.14. – PEOPLE AS PROPERTY, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, GOVERNMENTALISM

POLITICS: There is no such thing as non-violent politics. The entire purpose of all political action is to obtain a legalized use of force to be placed in the hands of the few who are then to do as they please in creating the kind of society they want.” – Robert LeFevre, OUTLOOK, 10/72. – TERRITORIALISM, LEGALIZED FORCE & MONOPOLIES

POLITICS: There is no territorial cure for any of the problems of territorial politics. Territorial politics, like the territorial application of “medicines” to all inhabitants amounts to the worst kind of quackery, often even a deadly one. – There were about 200 million victims of this method during the last century. See Prof. Rudolf Rummel’s extensive website on this. – JZ, 24.6.91, Let all either try to cure themselves or choose their own doctors, medicines and treatments. - JZ, 20.2.08. - TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, DEMOCIDE, MASS MURDERS

POLITICS: There is nothing benign about territorial politics. – JZ, 5.1.91. Not even in democratic but still territorial welfare States. Far less in the more obvious dictatorial and Warfare States. – JZ, 16.2.08, 7.2.11. – BENEVOLENCE, STATISM, PATERNALISM, WELFARE STATES, TERRITORIALISM, DICTATORSHIPS, TOTALITARIANISM, MAJORITY DESPOTISM, DEMOCRACY – ARMED WITH NUCLEAR ANTI-PEOPLE “WEAPONS”

POLITICS: There is nothing so bad that politics cannot make it worse.” - Thomas Sowell, ISIL LIBERTY QUOTE LIBRARY 03. – I would expect less wrongs and harm and more rightful and beneficial behavior from exterritorial politics, laws and institutions. Likeminded people are less likely to wrong and harm each other in their own communities. Once they are really free in that respect, they will tend to become more tolerant towards the volunteers of other communities. – JZ, 7.1.08. – There is nothing so bad that the free choices for individuals and groups under Panarchism or Polyarchism or exterritorial autonomy for volunteers - could not make better. – JZ, 8.1.08, 7.2.11. – PANARCHISM VS. TERRITORIAL POLITICS, MAXIMIZATION OF SELF-HELP OPTIONS, POLITICS MAKES MATTERS WORSE, JOKE, TERRITORIALISM, LEGISLATION, STATISM, GOVERNMENTALISM, REFORMS, LAWS, INTERVENTIONISM

POLITICS: There is nothing that territorial politics can assure except continued immaturity, ignorance, irresponsibility, dishonesty, prejudices, strife, corruption, exploitation, intolerance and repression – JZ, 25.8.98, 27.3.08.

POLITICS: There is only one political sin and that is independence. The one political virtue is saying what people want to hear.” – Dr. Thomas Szasz, quoted in LIBERTARIAN REVIEW, Jan./Feb. 78, p. 33. – The fist sentence merely represents the stand of territorial rulers against independence for their various dissenting victims. The second states the inherent unprincipled and self-interest stand of those aiming at or maintaining territorial rule. It is hardly a virtue or moral or ethical principle. Hopefully he was only joking or satirical and did not mean this. – JZ, 3.1.14.

POLITICS: There is only one purpose for a (*) political action. That purpose is to make decisions for groups of people. I think that each individual (**) should make its own decision. (***) – Lyle Miller, NEW LIBERTARIAN WEEKLY, 81, July 10, 77. – The rightful strength of voluntary associations lies in pooled and alike decisions and actions of individuals. – (*) territorial – (**) and each group of volunteers – (***) If it wants to! –JZ, 21.4.89, 20.9.04, 28.3.08. – EXTERRITORIALISM VS. TERRITORIALISM, VOLUNTARISM VS. COERCION, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & CHOICES

POLITICS: There is too much politics in politics.” – Steve Couling, 24.9.76. – There is too much politics. Full stop. – JZ, 24.9.76. – There is too much territorial politics. And this while the exterritorial, rightful, freedom-promoting and voluntaristic alternative is not even publicly discussed, not even among most “political scientists”. – JZ, 5.3.08.

POLITICS: These elections do not really mean that the public gets together at some sort of a town meeting and chooses a certain system or a certain group of politicians. As you know, what actually happens is, first, most of the eligible people don’t even vote; and, second, they are getting a package deal, a very narrow choice between two parties, which are more or less indistinguishable in their policies and image and cannot be counted upon to honor their promises. Nobody sues a president or a congressman for fraud if he violates his campaign promises – it’s considered part of the game. It’s called campaign oratory, which nobody pays attention to.” – Murray N. Rothbard, in PENTHOUSE interview, 10/76. – VOTING, FRAUD, ELECTIONS, CAMPAIGNS, ORGANIZED & LEGALLY ENFORCED IRRESPONSIBILITY FOR NUMEROUS WRONGFUL ACTIONS, MANY TO MOST OF THEM LEGALIZED

POLITICS: Thing is, it's all show biz, is all, politics is nothing more than show biz with no class, and these high-powered vips are men just like me, only a little dumber.” - Norman Spinrad, Bug Jack Barron, p.234. - & POLITICIANS

POLITICS: This country has gotten where it is in spite of politics, not by the aid of it. – Will Rogers, Autobiography, p.298, 1935. – But it has got into all its messes through territorial politics. – JZ, 3.9.12. – STATISM, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: This is not to deny that poor people get some benefit from some government programs. Everyone gets some benefit from some government programs. The political system is itself a sort of marketplace. Anyone with something to bid – votes, money, labor – can get a special favor, but the favor comes at the expense of someone else. Elsewhere I argue that, on net, very nearly everyone loses. Whether that is the case for everyone or not, it surely is the case for the poor, who bring less to the bidding than anyone else.” – David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p.31. – The poor and the other subsidized people bring much to politicians in the form of many extra votes, most of them under-informed and full of popular errors and prejudices, which can be skillfully exploited by politicians. – The territorial government market is an odd kind of “market”, one with only one territorial monopoly supplier for its goods and services. – So why should one call it a “market”? – It is certainly not a free and quite competitive market. - JZ, 6.3.08. - MARKET SERVICES INSTEADY OF TERRITORIALLY & LEGALLY IMPOSED MONOPOLIES! VOLUNTARY TAXATION INSTEADY OF IMPOSED TRIBUTES. WELFARE STATE

POLITICS: This might be politics, but it is the liberty and dignity of human beings which is being traded.” – “John Galt”, in ON LIBERTY, 12/79, p.1.

POLITICS: Those among us who deny the existence of a political science, and believe that ethics cannot be made to include politics, …” – Lord Acton, Lectures on Modern History, p.170. – Acton was right only regarding the “political science” of territorial politics, i.e. excluding the exterritorial political options that all peaceful dissenters should be quite free to enjoy. He was wrong on the political science of exterritorially autonomous communities of volunteers, doing their own things only for or to themselves, just like religious bodies under full religious freedom and tolerance, not bound to any territory. - ETHICS, MORALITY, TERRITORIALISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, PANARCHISM

POLITICS: Those unable to manage their own affairs properly go into law or politics, where they then pretend to be able to efficiently manage the affairs of all others. – JZ, 25.3.93. – Politics has become such an act that actors have become successful in it. (Reagan & Schwarzenegger.) – JZ, 25.3.93. - & LAWYERS

POLITICS: Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber.” - Plato (427-347 B.C.) Unless they were smart enough to see to it that they could opt out from under territorial politics. – JZ, 8.8.08. – Well, that freedom has still to be taught and fought for. It is certainly not yet a ready option for all in all spheres, especially not those still constitutionally, legally, juridically and with military and police forces monopolized by territorial governments. – JZ, 17.3.09. - SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM

POLITICS: Those who attack the rationale of the game, and not the players, are its most formidable adversaries.” – James J. Martin - AS USUAL, POLITICIANS, TERRITORIALISM, GOVERNMENT, CAUSAL RATHER THAN PERSONAL THINKING

POLITICS: Those who choose not to become involved in politics, therefore should not complain when they are inconvenienced, taxed, exploited, or oppressed by their own government. It is the price they must pay for the comfort of apathy.” - SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 1/80. - Territorial politics can make its victims all too apathetic. We need thoughts and actions for exterritorial rather than territorial politics. - JZ, 7.2.11. – APATHY, LACK OF PERSONAL INTEREST IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS UNDER TERRITORIALISM – FOR MOST VOTERS, REDUCED TO AN INSIGNIFICANT VOTE EVERY FEW YEARS, WITH NO VOTING POWER ON THE OWN AFFAIRS & A MINIATURE VOTING “POWER” ON THE AFFAIRS OF THE WHOLE POPULATION.

POLITICS: Those who have no interest in politics forever will be ruled by those who do.” - SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 1/80. - Unless they adopt exterritorial politics for themselves. - JZ, 7.2.11.

POLITICS: Those, that are in, are trying to stay in and those that are out, are trying to get in, and that’s about all there is to the game.” – Will Rogers. - JOKES - With voluntarism, including exterritorial secessionism, a new, rightful and rational game could begin for all of us, whatever our ideal may be for our own affairs. - JZ, 7.2.11.

POLITICS: Thou shalt not engage in politics.” – Leonard E. Read, The Romance of Reality, p.139. - Not in territorial politics, anyhow. It is not only a zero-sum but even a negative sum game, just like gambling and betting. - JZ, 7.2.11.

POLITICS: Though it is in the power of human institutions to make everybody poor, they cannot make everybody rich.” – William of Nassau, the Elder, Journal. - Rich by what standards? By the standards of some of the still extremely underdeveloped countries we are already extremely well off. So much so that the term “affluence” was coined. And this in spite of the fact that we are still operating under huge tax burdens and xyz other anti-economic and imposed restrictions. How rich the average worker could become, as a quite free wage or salary earner, cooperator, partner, investor and through rightful and rational old age insurance, upon retirement, we do not know yet for sure. Only a fraction of all the enrichment possibilities have been tried as yet or even fully discussed and published. But reckoned in machine and energy horsepower, each of us has already dozens to hundreds of “iron slaves” at his disposal, not to speak of robots and automated production units, which could be endlessly multiplied. Who knows the limits of full liberty? The whole universe is a treasure chest and so far we seem to be the only claimant. – JZ, 21.2.08. – We certainly cannot tax each other into riches but we can make each other so free that each of us could produce riches for himself during his lifetime, by his own informed and rightful productive actions. - Let us institutionalize experimental freedom in the social sciences also as a method to enrich ourselves. It worked in religion, science and technology. - Voluntary poverty should, naturally, always be an option, too. - JZ, 7.2.11. - RICHES, WEALTH, POVERTY, TOOLS, MACHINERY, AUTOMATION, ROBOTS, ECONOMIC FREEDOM, , GOVERNMENTS, STATES, WELFARE STATE, 

POLITICS: Three things: 1) Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it wrong, and applying unsuitable remedies.” – Stephen Beeley, in LEFEVRE’S JOURNAL, Fall 75. - TERRITORIALISM VS. VOLUNTARISM & EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, VOLUNTARISM, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY & FREE ENTERPRISE IN EVERY SPHERE.

POLITICS: Thus, then, on the night of the tenth of May, at the outset of this mighty battle, I acquired the chief power in the State, which henceforth I wielded in ever-growing measure for five years and three months of world war, at the end of which time, all our enemies having surrendered unconditionally or being about to do so, I was immediately dismissed by the British electorate from all further conduct of their affairs.” - Winston Churchill, The Gathering Storm (vol. 1 of The Second World War), pp. 666-67 (1948). However, he was prime minister again, 1951-1955. - We should remember that e.g., by his indiscriminate air raids, his refusal to negotiate with the German opposition, by the way his government treated prisoners of war, and by his refusal to proclaim and realize just war aims, he was also a war criminal, not just a powerful and temporarily popular conductor of a war. - He, too, managed to mix up the Hitler regime and its crimes with the various groups that are wrongly called "the" German people, just like the second President Bush seems to be unable to distinguish between Saddam Hussein and Iraq or Bagdad, so that he rather makes war against the latter than strike exclusively against the first. - To that extent all present politicians and political scientists are powerful and dangerous muddle-heads and may still lead us into a general holocaust. - JZ, 13.10.02. – DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLY, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT, RULERS, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS

POLITICS: To be successful in politics a few special terms (words) suffice. (*) Nobody needs a professional training for this. Primarily it requires merely rhetoric.” - Uwe Timm, Gesammelte Schriften, S.170. - (*) False or misleading ones. – JZ, 14.9.07. - POLITICIANS

POLITICS: To begin with the negative – the inability of the political arm to solve our problems – the theme is sounded by a couple of political theorists who had plenty of practical grounding in public affairs (Thomas Jefferson, Woodrow Wilson), by historians (Clarence Carson is an example), and by economists (Murray Rothbard and others). – Jefferson and Wilson did not always practise what they preached, but what they preached was good.” – John Chamberlain, THE FREEMAN, 12/74.

POLITICS: To err is human – to blame others is politics.” – Quoted by Colin Clark in QUADRANT, June 75. - Source not given. – BLAME GAME

POLITICS: To expand on Nisbet’s thoughts, let me say that I believe that all the things called “political” are really “economic” in nature and things “political” do not exist.” – Chameleon”, THE CONNECTION 127, p.5. – As if e.g. anti-economic and politically established legalized monopolies did not exist. At most one could define territorial politics as a “science” of anti-economics, under the pretence of being “national economy” economics. Or as the ideology and practice of a territorial and “national economy”, as if it were the creation of genuine economics rather than of anti-economic and coercive as well foolish, ignorant and prejudiced political interventionism with genuine free market economics, which knows no political territorial borders. – JZ, 27.3.08. - TERRITORIALISM, FRONTIERS, BORDERS

POLITICS: To indulge in politics is to wash one’s hands in dung.” – Proudhon, quoted in George Woodcock, Proudhon, p.180.

POLITICS: To put political power in the hands of men embittered and degraded by poverty is to tie firebrands to foxes and turn them loose amid the standing corn.” - Henry George (1839-1897), Progress and Poverty (1879), Bk. VI, ch. X. - POWER & THE POOR

POLITICS: Two things I have despised and hated in my life, like nothing else in the world – politics and literature. – Merely mentioning their names makes me ill. A clean-cut human being could or should have nothing to do with them. – Politics is the fight for the power of the day. Literature is the fight for the success of the day.” – John Henry Mackay, Abrechnung, p.16. – However, he wrote poetry and stories, too, not only his three anarchist books, including this one. – JZ, 3.1.14.

POLITICS: Under institutions of public property, property is held (the use of things is controlled) by political institutions and that property is used to achieve the ends of those political institutions. Since the function of politics is to reduce the diversity of individual ends to a set of “common ends” (the ends of the majority, the dictator, the party in power, or whatever person or group is in effective control of the political institutions), public property imposes those “common ends” on the individual. “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask rather what you can do for your country.” Ask not; in other words, how you can pursue what you believe is good, but how you can pursue what the government tells you is good.” – David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p.6. - PRIVATE VS. PUBLIC PROPERTY, PRIVATE AIMS VS. PUBLIC AIMS, STATISM, NATIONALISM, TERRITORIALISM, COERCIVE COLLECTIVISM, STATE SOCIALISM

POLITICS: Unfortunately, King followed the First Rule of Politics: When in doubt, legislate.” - George Getz, LP press secretary, quoted by Dagny. - & LEGISLATION, LAWS

POLITICS: Unlike the world of free-markets, in political government when some individuals win, other individuals lose." (Robert Klassen) – quoted by Luca Fusari - John Zube: That, too, is true only for territorial politics, not for the personal law communities of volunteers, under full exterritorial autonomy. If their members are intelligent enough, then they can be as productive, creative and innovative in their self-selected spheres as the best productive cooperatives are - when it comes to offering the usual consumer products and services. – Facebook, 10.3.12. – TERRITORIAL & FREE MARKETS EXTERRITORIALISM, VOLUNTARISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & PERSONAL LAW VS. TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: Unlike the world of free-markets, in political government when some individuals win, other individuals lose.” – Robert Klassen, 10.3.02. - What is true for territorial politics and governments is not necessarily true for exterritorial ones, which ARE market-like persuasion efforts, market institutions and market actions by and for volunteers. Reduce all territorial governments to self-responsible and self-governing communities and societies of volunteers, all doing their favorite things for or to themselves only. In other words, let us have a real free market for governmental services, full consumer sovereignty for them and government businesses of all kinds, in real free enterprise attempts, in accordance with their preferred forms organizations and models for themselves, i.e. with their own personal law, personal constitutions, particular principles, aims and methods. Variety is the spice of life, here, too. - JZ, 25. 11. 06. - Quoted by Luca Fusari - John Zube: That, too, is true only for territorial politics, not for the personal law communities of volunteers, under full exterritorial autonomy. If their members are intelligent enough then they can be as productive, creative and innovative in their self-selected spheres as the best productive cooperatives are when it comes to offering the usual consumer products and services. – Facebook, 10.3.12. – TERRITORIAL & FREE MARKETS, VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIALISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & PERSONAL LAW VS. TERRITORIALISM, GOVERNMENTS VS. PANARCHIES FOR VOLUNTEERS

POLITICS: Vain hope, to make people happy by (*) politics!” – Thomas Carlyle, Journal, Oct. 10, 1831. - (*) territorial - JZ

POLITICS: Violence and (*) political solutions have only created more problems.” – PROTOS, Nov. 70. - (*) territorial - JZ - VIOLENCE

POLITICS: Vox populi, vox dei. – “What?” – “It’s a Latin phrase. The voice of the people is the voice of God.” – “Is that a religion?” – No. It’s politics. But politics and religion are very close together. They spring from the same toot. Those in charge of a religion set down a number of laws or canons or church rules. You are supposed to refrain from doing certain things. If you disobey, the religious person says, God will punish you in the hereafter. - In politics, the same thing is done. A list of prohibitions is prepared. But it’s much more. There is also a growing list of positive commandments, things you are compelled to do. But unlike the religious person, the politician says that if you disobey what he tells you to do, he will punish you here and now. - In a sense, political governments spring from the doubt that men have of the practical carrying out of God’s anger. So they don’t trust God to provide the punishment they want to inflict on others. Government punishes here and now.” – Robert LeFevre, Lift Her Up, Tenderly. - GOVERNMENTS, RELIGION, GOD, PEOPLE, PUNISHMENT, DEMOCRACY, VOTING, LAWS

POLITICS: War is nothing more than the continuation of state policy by other means.” - Karl von Clausewitz, 1780-1831. – And territorial politics is nothing else than the continuance of wrongful wars by other means. – JZ, 8.3.09. - WAR, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: We are still stuck in the mud or swamp of territorial politics and mostly do not even see and ponder the exterritorial alternative to it. - JZ, n.d. & 20.9.04. - TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: We do not favor corruption to eliminate competition or to partly restore it but quite free competition to eliminate corruption. – JZ, n.d. & 27.3.08.

POLITICS: We find that at present the human race is divided politically into one wise man, nine knaves, and ninety fools out of every hundred. That is, by an optimistic observer. The nine knaves assemble themselves under the banner of the most knavish among them, and become ‘politicians’: the wise man stands out, because he knows himself to be hopelessly outnumbered, and devotes himself to poetry, mathematics or philosophy; while the ninety fools plod off behind the banners of the nine villains, according to fancy, into the labyrinths of chicanery, malice and warfare.” – T. H. White, The Book of Merlyn, p.38/39. – LEADERSHIP, KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM, POLITICIANS, PARTIES, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: We have abandoned progress and taken to politics; …” - Sir Ernest Benn, Modern Government, p.154. – Most people are still taken in by the fallacies of territorial politics and thereby progress is largely prevented. – Progress under exterritorial autonomy options for volunteers would tend to be fast, in some panarchies and also in the average - but not forced upon anyone. Alas, Benn did not discuss this alternative. – JZ, 27.3.08. - PROGRESS

POLITICS: We have to face the fact that all governments, even our own, are politically motivated, and therefore, not to be trusted.” - P. M. Ferguson, The Darkling Plain, ANALOG, Nov. 85, p.163. A different kind of relationship will come to exist between leaders and followers of communities of volunteers that are only exterritorially autonomous and from which anyone could freely secede, unless he had committed a serious offence against one of the other members or a member of another community. – JZ, 9.3.09. - TRUST, GOVERNMENTS, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: We may refer to Bertrand Russell’s remark, that politics means obtaining money from the rich (*) and votes from the workers, under the pretence of protecting them from each other.” – Otto von Habsburg, The Social Order of Tomorrow, p.100. - (*) Much more, altogether, from the poor and those with low to medium incomes! – JZ, 30.6.92, 21.2.08.

POLITICS: We should not expect rational economic decisions to come from the territorial political process. It's neither informed nor motivated nor designed for this nor capable of such decisions. - JZ, 76. - Nor would genuine economists, professionals or entrepreneurs pursue such a career. - JZ, 5.11.02, 7.2.11. - As a class of students the whole population is much too large for an optimal learning experience. Also as the employees of a single territorial employer. Especially when teaching and other enterprises are also territorially monopolized. Leaders like teachers and doctors, should only lead, guide and advise volunteers and the followers should be individually quite free in the choice of a leader, teacher or doctor. Then dozens to hundreds of diverse groups of leaders etc. and followers could quite peacefully coexist, under personal laws and full exterritorial autonomy for all of them, and compete in the same country, continent or even world-wide. - What service could we expect if e.g. plumbing were also territorially monopolized? It its already expensive and slow enough under compulsory licensing. Or if there were only one building society for a whole country and this a governmental and bureaucratic one? Why should we expect any rightful and competitively priced service from any monopoly supplier for a whole territory? We have, possibly, lost count of how many territorial monopolies governments have already been established. I do not know of any that works better than e.g. the Post Office or the Central Bank. - JZ, 7.2.11.

POLITICS: We witness politicians brazenly reversing themselves on issues when they deem it politically expedient, without so much as an acknowledgment of their broken promises. How many times have we heard a politician accuse the press or his opponents of “dirty politics” (Is there any other kind?) if they expose his chameleon-like antics in disregarding his previous commitments? How long would a businessman remain bondable if he so irresponsibly disregarded his trusts?” – Sy Leon, None of the Above, p.159.

POLITICS: What is boils down to is a lack of imagination and overwhelming conceit.” – Robert Heinlein, Beyond the Horizon, p.104. – That is ambiguously expressed. Overwhelming conceit is not lacking but it is accompanied the lack of imagination, or of sound ideas, knowledge and experience. – Our politicians are over-confident in believing that their territorial tax and hand-out schemes are rightful and effective. - Their territorial "solutions" are merely pretended and imagined ones. - JZ, 18.2.08, 7.2.11.

POLITICS: What is implicit in every political system is that the powers of the state will be used to coerce others to behave as those in power want them to, even as to matters of purely personal conduct. Politicized people are like dogs that have never become housebroken, making messes for others to clean up. Those who respect the inviolability of others – which represents the essence of liberty – will content themselves with conducting their lives according to their interests and values, without trespassing on the lives of others.” - Butler Shaffer, The Wizards of Ozymandias, chapter 53. - TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: What is to be found, according to Professor Crunden, is the assumption that the worthwhile things in life cannot be obtained by political means. … In an essay entitled “Anarchist’s Progress”, Albert Jay Nock, discussing the tendency of government power to grow and individual freedom to diminish, writes that ”The general upshot of my observations, however, was to show me that whether in the hands of Liberal or Conservatives, Republican or Democrat, and whether under nominal constitutionalism, republicanism or autocracy, the mechanism of the (*) State would work freely and naturally in but one direction, namely: against the welfare of the people.” – This was written in 1928. – Allan C. Brownfeld on Robert M. Crunden, editor of “The Superfluous Men: Conservative Critics of American Culture 1900-1945”, in THE FREEMAN, July 77, p.447. - (*) The mechanism and characteristics as well as the consequences of the territorial State are, largely, the opposite of the mechanism, characteristics and consequences of the non-territorial State (voluntary government, competing governments and societies, panarchies, polyarchies etc. under panarchism.). - JZ, 7.2.11. – TERRITORIALISM, WELFARE STATE, STATISM

POLITICS: What political leader or agency ever produced anything that truly advanced the well-being of humanity?” - Butler Shaffer, The Wizards of Ozymandias, chapter 55. – Q., LEADERSHIP, GOVERNMENT, STATES, DEPARTMENTS, TERRITORIALISM, PROGRESS

POLITICS: When (territorial- JZ) politics are used to allocate resources, the resources all end up being allocated to politics." – P. J. O’Rourke - Then they largely tend to be allocated to territorial politics. - In panarchies they are allocated only in accordance to the wishes of their voluntary members, who remain free to secede from them and free to allocate much or little to their community, their political, social or economic experiment, utopia or intentional community. - JZ, 7.2.11. - & RESOURCE ALLOCATION, JOKES, BUDGET, GOVERNMENT SPENDING, VOLUNTARISM, TERRITORIALISM, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES

POLITICS: When I came here from Soviet Russia, I was interested in politics for only one reason – to reach the day when I would not have to be interested in politicsI am interested in politics only in order to secure and protect freedom.” – Ayn Rand, in PLAYBOY interview. Alas, the believed unquestioningly in the monopoly of a territorial State, i.e. an only otherwise limited government, arguing against competing governance. At least she stood for complete economic freedom, except when it comes to money, where she was still bitten by the “gold-bug”, like most other libertarians. She did not see in gold cover and gold redemptionism just one good and competing value standard. She imagined that gold coins and gold certificate could also serve well enough as exclusive means of payment. She did not envision freely competing political, economic and social systems, all only for their volunteers. – In their strict adherence to her beliefs, most “Objectivists” are, what she called mere “second-handers”, i.e. followers rather than self-thinkers. – JZ, 4.1.14. – AYN RAND, OBJECTIVISM, LIMITED GOVERNMENT, TOTALITARIANISM, GOLD STANDARDS

POLITICS: When politics are used to allocate resources, the resources all end up being allocated to politics." - P. J. O'Rourke – People’s earnings and property should never be treated as governmental resources. – JZ, 3.9.12. – SELF-OWNERSHIP, PEOPLE AS PROPERTY, TAXATION, BUDGET, GOVERNMENT SPENDING

POLITICS: When territorial politics gets big and, supposedly, important, it tends to get very expensive and uneconomical. - JZ, 77, 7.2.11.

POLITICS: Wherever politics intrudes upon economic life, political success is readily attained by saying what people like to hear rather than what is demonstrably true. Instead of safeguarding truth and honesty, the state then tends to become a major source of insincerity and mendacity.” – Hans F. Sennholz. - Under panarchism this situation would be rapidly changed for the better, at least for the majority of somewhat sensible and moral people. Only the rest would then suffer under their own remaining mistakes and errors. - JZ, 26. 11. 06. - Such practices are, inevitably, connected with territorialist statism.– In the panarchies of volunteers the leaders do not have to lie to their followers, for they do, largely, share the same views – errors and myths - and have the same interests, just like they do in competing churches and sects or competing sports clubs. – JZ, 7.1.08. - AS USUAL, UNDER STATISM & TERRITORIALISM, VS. ECONOMICS, POLITICIANS, MISLEADING THE PEOPLE

POLITICS: while most of today’s government functions can be invalidated on moral grounds, it nevertheless is important to understand the economic consequences of government actions. For if one understands why policies are economically disastrous, in addition to being immoral in concept, it becomes clear to him why a political system based on the expedient actions of 220 million people (*) is a prescription for national suicide.” - R. J. Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, p.71. – (*) About 350 million people by now. – Whoever believes that he could rightfully and rationally rule millions of people, without their individual consent or choice, does suffer from the God complex and is especially dangerous if he also has his fingers on nuclear “weapons” buttons. - JZ, 4.1.14. – NWT, TERRITORIALISM

POLITICS: While the term “dirty politics” has always been popular, Safire points out wryly, no antonym like “clean politics’ has ever found a place in the language.” – NEWSWEEK, 24.6.68.

POLITICS: Whilst the lower level of public debate is reached during election campaigns, its motives and arguments are at least somewhat checked by publicity. Once the somewhat clever (in their own interests) fools and conmen are elected by the other fools, prejudiced and ignorant people, almost always making up the majority, they can, usually quite safely, ignore their promises and make all kind of treacherous deals, for which they are only in exceptional cases publicly and efficiently exposed and held responsible. Even then the level of political debates rises only very slightly. – Once every reform idea can be freely tried among its supporters, then the public debate of such reforms might become very much improved. – So far mere declarations of faith are still predominant in the social “sciences”. - JZ, 4.9.87, 22.2.08, 4.1.14.

POLITICS: Who can and will invent a deodorant or even a pesticide against territorial politics? – When its statism becomes confined to exterritorial autonomy, i.e. Personal law for its volunteers, then it becomes self-extinguishing, at least in the long run, simply because it runs out of voluntary victims. Its followers come to realize, however belatedly, the rightfulness and benefits of other systems being practised all around them. – Experimental freedom can be very enlightening, in every sphere. - JZ, 11.9.75, 4.3.08, 4.1.14. – VOLUNTARISM, SECESSIONISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE, SOCIETIES & COMMUNITIES VS. TERRITORIALISM & ITS WRONGFUL & IRRATIONAL POWER GAMES

POLITICS: Who Gets What, When, HOW? – Title of a Book by Harold D. Lasswell. – The theft of the means for this platform for centralized decision-making is presupposed. – JZ, n.d. – Compare: Politics is the science on who, how, what, when and why anybody gets it. – Hillmann. (“Politik ist die Wissenschaft davon, wie, wer, was, wann und warum bekommt.“) – TERRITORIALISM, MONOPOLISM, STATISM, COMPULSION, TAX TRIBUTES & GOVERNMENT SPENDING

POLITICS: Whoever declaims not to care about politics has already taken sides with the rulers in power.” – Dagobert D. Runes, Treasury of Thought, p.107. – POWER, TERRITORIALISM, LACK OF INTEREST IN THE OWN MAJOR AFFAIRS, DISINTEREST, APATHY UNDER DANGEROUS CONDITIONS

POLITICS: Why say that politics is not religion? The basic principle of all territorial politics is the same as that of the Nazis: One people, one empire, one leader. – JZ, 23.7.77. – The “exterritorial imperative” leads to another kind of politics, one which deserves a better name. – JZ, 17.11.78. - POLITICS, TERRITORIAL, AN INTOLERANT RELIGION, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, EXTERRITORIAL IMPERATIVE


POLITICS: Will men continue to submit to rule by politics, which has always meant the power of some men over other men, or are we ready to go it alone socially, in communities of voluntarism, in a world more economic and cultural than political, just as so many now are prepared to go it alone metaphysically in a world more of reason than religion?” – Karl Hess, Death of Politics, p.7. – PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, POWER, RULE, GOVERNMENTS, REASON, RELIGION, KARL HESS

POLITICS: Without panarchism you remain the political football and tax slave of politicians and bureaucrats and other “great” territorialist misleaders. – JZ, n.d. - PANARCHISM, POLITICS AS USUAL, POLITICIANS, BUREAUCRATS, LEADERSHIP, PRESIDENTS

POLITICS: Work is pushing matter around. Politics is pushing people around.” - Thomas Szasz, Heresies, p. 74. - Territorial politics pushes people around. Under the exterritoriality and voluntarism of panarchism individuals select their own team to work towards whatever ideal they have in common. - J.Z, 7.2.11. - VOLUNTARISM

POLITICS: Yes! But only among those still believing in it!” – JZ, in Pan AZ. – With the exception of territorial politics over involuntary victims. It amounts to tyranny and must be ended. - Only the politics of and among volunteers is tolerable for them - and for all outsiders, who are not subjected to it but are free to make their own choices for their own lives. - JZ, 7.2.11. - POLITICS AS USUAL? SECESSIONISM, PERSONAL LAW, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY

POLITICS: Yet the incontrovertible fact of history is that politics is purely an expense, a drain on the market place, and cannot by anything else.” - Frank Chodorov, One Is A Crowd, p.67. – It, too, could be competitively supplied to voluntary customers only. However, this would require its confinement to volunteers under exterritorial autonomy and personal law. - What he says is true only for territorial politics, which is nothing more than the wrongful and irrational half of a complete political science. – JZ, 14.2.08, 7.2.11, 4.1.14.

POLITICS: You can’t adopt politics as a profession and remain honest.” – Louis McHenry Howe, F. D. Roosevelt’s secretary. Speech, Columbia University School of Journalism, 17.1.1933. – You cannot adopt politics as a profession and remain honest.” – Ambrose Bierce - True for territorially imposed politics, untrue for individually chosen political and other systems among volunteers. - JZ, 7.2.11, 4.1.14. - LIES, HONESTY, TRUTH, POLITICIANS

POLITICS: You cannot make a crab walk straight.” – Aristophanes, The Peace, I, 1083. – TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, POLITICIANS

POLITICS: You have to have a sense of humor if you follow politics. Otherwise, the sheer fraudulence of it all will get you down." - Thomas Sowell

POLITICS: you will not, I think, quarrel very seriously with me if I say that between Mr. Spencer’s mind and the mind of the politician there lies the deepest of all gulfs; and that there is no region of human thought which is so disorderly, so confused, so lawless, so little under the rule of the great principles, as the region of political thought. It must be so, because that disorder and confusion are the inevitable consequences and penalty of the strife for power. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot devote yourself to the winning of power, and remain faithful to the great principles.” – Herbert Auberon, Mr. Spencer and the Great Machine, p.47. – How I wish that Herbert Auberon had fully explored and described the exterritorialist and voluntary alternatives to territorial politics as usual. I do not even know whether he has properly reviewed Spencer’s chapter 19 in “Social Statics”: “The Right to Ignore the State”. – JZ, 11.4.08. – PRINCIPLES, POWER-MADNESS, POWER-ADDICTION, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM

POLL TAX: Help to turn all taxes into poll taxes, direct or head-taxes – in order to maximize resistance against compulsory taxation. – JZ, 20.1.94, 15.2.08, 4.1.14.

POLLS: Pollster: One who measures what the public thinks about something it doesn’t think about.” – L.A. Rollins, Lucifer’s Lexicon. – OPINION POLLS, POPULAR ERRORS & PREJUDICES, FALSE ASSUMPTIONS & CONCLUSIONS

POLLS: The ignorant and prejudiced asking and summing up the ignorant and prejudiced about their ignorance and prejudices.” – How many truths can be discovered and will be published in this way? - JZ, 8.12.92, 4.1.14. – PUBLIC OPINON, OPINIION POLLS, TRUTHS

POLLUTION: A complete scientific solution to pollution may be just around the corner, but don’t count on it. Unless polluters can be made to pay the full price of their actions, we will never see an end to the problem. Our stinking society can no longer let its conscience be its guide.” – Angus Black: A New Radical’s Guide to Economic Reality, p.96. – RELIANCE MERELY ON CONSCIENCE OR HOLDING PEOPLE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR WRONGFUL ACTIONS

POLLUTION: Approximately 80 % of our air pollution stems from hydrocarbons released by vegetation, so let’s not go overboard in setting and enforcing tough emission standards for man-made sources.” – Ronald Reagan, “SIERRA”, 10 Sep. 1980; “Killer Trees” in Mark Green and Gail MacColl, editors, Reagan’s Reign of Error, 1987. – Is that one of Reagan’s errors? What is released when vegetation rots away, as it eventually does, unless it is rapidly burnt? – Mainly CO2, I believe. – But on hot days, in Australia, Eucalyptus trees, in large patches, have been known to release so much of their oils into the air, that when a spark strikes the air around them, it catches fire, almost explosively, i.e. very shortly, and thereby tends to extinguish flames and sparks and saves these trees. – These oils are certainly also hydrocarbons. – Nor should we forget about the Methane belched or farted by farm and other animals. - JZ, 10.10.07. – CO2 is much more our benefactor than our enemy. – JZ, 4.1.14.

POLLUTION: But rather than rely on governmental regulation and an army of bureaucrats, let us rely on the safeguards of contract and the jurisdiction by courts of law. And let us seek to reduce the sphere of public property which is the principal source of environmental pollution.” – Hans F. Sennholz, THE FREEMAN, 5/76, p. 292.

POLLUTION: Ensure that property rights include the right to develop one’s own land, but not the right to harm others by polluting the air, contaminating the water or causing an intolerable level of noise. Jeopardizing or causing harm to another’s life or property would be illegal in a free society.” – THE INCREDIBLE BREADMACHINE, p.150.

POLLUTION: Even the most ardent environmentalist doesn’t want to stop pollution. … he wants the right amount. …” - Milton Friedman, THE FREEMAN, 12/75.

POLLUTION: For pollution, the best solution has been pointed out by economist Murray Rothbard, among others. No programs, no bureaus, no tax dollars are required; all that is needed is that the courts recognize that all polluters must bear full liability for any and all harm caused by their pollution products. Once this principle is firmly established in law, companies will find it in their interest to spend large sums of money installing pollution-control equipment, rather than being constantly involved in lawsuits and paying out damages to thousands of people. The cost of pollution control, of course, would ultimately be borne by the consumers of the firms’ products, i.e., by those who choose to associate with the firm, rather than being passed on to innocent third parties in the form of pollution …” - Robert Poole Jr., in “Outside Looking In”, p.25. – When I came to Berrima back in 1960, cement dust from the nearby cement works was very visible on the ground for miles around. That problem has been technically solved for decades by now, while cement production has, probably, been much increased. – But e.g. careless production and dumping of unwanted radioactive materials into the air, oceans and burial grounds goes on an on, privately and officially – and by now all of us live in an increasingly thick “soup” of xyz artificial radiations from many sources, all of them officially declared to be harmless or insignificant. - JZ, 4.1.14.

POLLUTION: Have you noticed? Someone is polluting our freedom.” – Lion Enterprises, reason, 6/73. - FREEDOM

POLLUTION: He looked at the killer smog around him and asked himself another riddle, ‘Since nobody wants air pollution, why does air pollution keep increasing?’ – Wilson/Shea, Illuminatus I, p.308. – I read only recently that catalytic converters in cars, installed to reduce their air pollution, do actually produce millions of super-fine particles per cubic centimeter of air. What these will do to our health, in the long run, is still unknown. – JZ, 6.3.08. - QUESTIONS

POLLUTION: How much of all the pollution-health hazards that we are suffering under comes from the great variety of pesticides in agriculture and various food additives and the xyz chemicals used in households and for personal care like insect repellents, anti-odorants and perfumes? – Even newly bought clothing contains usually the warning that it should be washed before it is being used! - JZ, 6.3.08. – I recently read that we are now exposed to ca. 30,000 different artificial chemicals at work, in agriculture, industry, our foods and in households. What will be their long-term effect upon us? – JZ, 4.1.14. – Q.

POLLUTION: In the same way that it has itself violated B’s property rights, the state has permitted, in one form or another, to one degree or another, the A’s of the world to trespass on B’s property through air pollution, noise, etc.” – B. R. Rogge, THE FREEMAN, 3/75.

POLLUTION: Laissez-faire consistently applied is anti-pollution, for it holds that everyone must leave everyone else alone. Polluters do not leave people alone. They are criminals, destroying people’s health and property without their consent, and as such are liable for damages in a libertarian society.” – Libertarian Yearbook 1972, p.15.

POLLUTION: Mortal man pollutes the planet because he won’t be around to suffer the consequences.” – Carl Spann, an immortalist activist, quoted by Robert Anton Wilson, in Cosmic Trigger, p.121. - IMMORTALITY

POLLUTION: Much of the property affected by pollution lacks a specific owner, e.g. crown land, rivers and the sea. Anything that belongs to all belongs to none and becomes a refuse tip.” – Progress Party Platform, 5.6.2.

POLLUTION: Politicians are the worst polluters. Instances: the flood of taxes, laws, regulations and bureaucrats with which they do pollute the world, society, our lives and our individual rights and liberties. - JZ, 75, 5.11.02, 4.1.14.

POLLUTION: Politicians pollute politics.” – D.Z., n.d. – Only when individuals are free to sort themselves out into the various political, economic and social systems that they do prefer for themselves, will we get any kind of pure politics, of whatever variety is wanted by and only for such communities of volunteers. – JZ, 5.3.08, 4.1.14. - EXTERRITORIALISM VS. TERRITORIALISM, VOLUNTARISM VS. COMPULSION, COMPETITION VS. MONOPOLISM

POLLUTION: Pollution a typical collective problem; the victims are also the offenders. Pollution is a social menace. Should be inhibited, rather than practiced and encouraged by government. Real problem is to limit government to proper defensive role.” – Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign, XIII. – Pollution is but a sampling of the problems into which we have collectivized ourselves. – Ibid, chapter 1. – COLLECTIVISM VS. PROPERTY RIGHTS, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITIES

POLLUTION: Pollution and overuse of resources stem directly from the failure of government to defend private property. If property rights were to be defended adequately, we would find that here, as in other areas of our economy and society, private enterprise and modern technology would come not as a curse to mankind but as its salvation." - Murray Rothbard – Better defences of individual rights and liberties are required than any territorial government is able and willing to supply. – JZ, 4.1.14. – PROPERTY, PROTECTION, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, MILITIA

POLLUTION: Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we’ve been ignorant of their value.” – Buckminster Fuller. – Mining and refining ores is nothing but recovering wanted materials from the wastes that that nature has produced. – It can be done in a polluting but also in a non-polluting way. – We ought to pay the prices for the non-polluting ways. - JZ, 4.1.14. - RESOURCES, NATURAL RESOURCES, WASTE, RUBBISH, GARBAGE, RECYCLING VS. DUMPING

POLLUTION: Pollution may be defined as the transfer of harmful matter or energy to the person or property of another, without the latter’s consent. …” - Robert Poole, Jr., in “Outside Looking In”, p. 245. – Also in the LP program draft, 1974.

POLLUTION: Pollution might be described as a breakdown of the government's garbage removal system. Let free enterprise, property rights, free pricing, the free market and profit incentives do the job. - JZ, 74. - And let us have free competitive and fast class action options against genuine polluters. - JZ, 5.11.02.

POLLUTION: POLLUTION STINKS.” – Bumper-sticker mentioned in THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 24.11.75. – Not all pollutants stink. – Those that stink do at least provide that kind of warning. – Manure stinks, too, but it is also a good and natural fertilizer. - JZ, 6.3.08.

POLLUTION: Pollution takes place mainly on public property – that is one of my reasons for opposing public property in most instances. It is largely undertaken by government enterprises, like railways, power plants and water works, that is one of the reasons why I oppose nationalized or municipalized industries. - Moreover, polluters infringe my right to pure air and water, while the government does not recognize or sufficiently protect any of these and other rights. That is one of my reasons why I do not believe in governments as protectors of rights. - When governments continue to ignore our right to sue polluters in class actions, then we will have to think about alternative protection agencies. - Imposing penalties and fines, when undertaken with the usual inefficiency of government departments, has never been sufficient to stop other crimes. Thus why should be expect it to succeed here? - - Against radioactive polluters and those threatening with nuclear war nothing but the outlawry recommended by John Iggulden in “Breakthrough” is likely to help. – JZ, n.d. & 6.3.08.

POLLUTION: The notion that we can enjoy the fruits of labor without first laboring is a pollution of the mind., and it is this pollution which is the greater threat.” - R. C. W. Ettinger, Man Into Superman, p.168. - POLLUTION OF THE MIND, PREJUDICES

POLLUTION: The pollution of money by coercive and monopolistic government intervention is, possibly, the worst or close to the worst of all cases of pollution. It affects all exchanges, all goods, all services, properties, jobs, investments, all enterprises, all retired persons. – JZ, 22.4.97. It also wrongfully strengthens territorial governments and turns some of them into tyrannical and totalitarian ones, then becoming a danger not only to their own subjects but all their neighbours and also leading to a nuclear weapons arms race and what it leads to, inevitably, in the long run. – JZ, 4.1.14. - POLLUTION OF CURRENCIES BY GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION, MONETARY DESPOTISM VS. MONETARY FREEDOM, NWT.

POLLUTION: The realization of the right to clean air and water and foods would stop nuclear weapons tests, nuclear reactors and the use of nuclear weapons. The people and individuals need only the right to sue or resist polluters and the powers to hold them responsible. - See: ATOMIC ENERGY, NUCLEAR REACTOS, CONSERVATION, DISARMAMENT, HUMAN RIGHTS, MILITIA, PEOPLE, RADIATION HAZARDS, SELF-HELP. - JZ, An ABC Against Nuclear War, in PEACE PLANS Nos.16 & 17, on

POLLUTION: Those who are concerned about government preventing pollution need to understand that they are also talking about government authorizing some level of pollution. Virtually all the technicalities with which we are embroiled have to do with the conditions under which that which is prohibited is allowed, or that which is allowed is prohibited.” – Clarence B. Carson, THE FREEMAN, 3/76.

POLLUTION: To Steven Hansch, editorial editor of The Town Crier in Santa Monica, he talked about three kinds of pollution: actual, hysterical, and political: “Hysterical pollution leads to political pollution with the result that all too often little or nothing gets done about actual pollution.” - Ronald Reagan, p.149, in “Sincerely, Ronald Reagan”, a collection of his letters, compiled by his secretary Helene von Damm, 1976.

POLLUTION: Visual pollution? There are more important things than pretty sights. I rather offer pretty ideas on important subjects – to people whose mind is tidy and accessible enough. – JZ, 12.12.75. – Anyhow, “the stars shine only in the night”. - IDEAS, PREJUDICES, CLOSED MINDS, OPEN MINDS.

POLLUTION: we cannot expect the polluters of money to rid us of the pollution of air, water, or any other useful thing.” – Leonard E. Read, Let Freedom Reign, p.7. – MONETARY DESPOTISM, INFLATION, DEFLATION, STAGFLATION, MONEY ISSUE MONOPOLY, FREE CHOICE OF VALUE STANDARDS, LEGAL TENDER

POLLUTION: We do know that pollution is an act of aggression resulting in personal injury, sometimes death, as well as enormous property damage. … Jerome Tuccille, Immortality, p.60.

POLLYANNA: One who sees the silver lining of every cloud, even mushroom clouds. One who let a smile be his nuclear umbrella.” – L.A. Rollins, Lucifer’s Lexicon.

POLYARCHISM: Nizam Ahmad shared M4L (Muslims for Liberty)'s note: Islam and Liberty: A Comparative Analysis. - Islam and Liberty: A Comparative Analysis - THIS IS AN UPDATE TO WILL COLEY's ORIGINAL POST DATED JUNE 27   The following is an adaptation of a lecture frequently given by William Coley, Director of Muslims for Liberty. The name of the lecture is “Islam and Liberty”. In i... - by: M4L (Muslims for Liberty) – Having been tolerant in the past, it is not good enough. Too many of today’s Muslims do still not subscribe to religious liberty and individual rights and liberties also for women. – JZ, 3.9.12. – PANARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM MUSLIMS, ISLAM, LIBERTY, TOLERANCE

POLYARCHISM: You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.  – Buckminster Fuller, quoted by Renee Louise Griffiths sharing Thrive's photo. 25 December, Facebook, 27.12.13. - PANARCHISM, NEW MODELS, ALTERNATIVE INSTITUTIONS, PARALLEL GOVERNMENTS, PERSONAL LAW SOCIETIES, VOLUNTARISM

POLYARCHY & PERSONARCHY: Terms coined and explained by GIAN PIERO DE BELLIS See his extensive web pages - I have partly reproduced them on microfiche, in my ON PANARCHY sub-series and on my first CD-ROM. - Both of us see little if any difference between panarchy and polyarchy. -[Index] – JZ, n.d. - PERSONARCHY & PANARCHISM, NAMES, TERMINOLOGY

POLYARCHY: After repeated experiments it had become clear – on Mars at least – that all these sometimes contradictory goals could be best achieved in polyarchy, a complex system in which power was distributed out to a great number of institutions. In theory this network of distributed power, partly centralized and partly decentralized, created the greatest amount of individual freedom and collective good, by maximizing the amount of control than an individual had over his or her life. - Thus political science. …” – Kim Stanley Robinson, Blue Mars, p.446/447. – Political power, or the absence of it, should not be “distributed” by someone or some organization, but, rather, be chosen by individual volunteers for themselves and like-minded people. This book appeared first 1996 and its notion of polyarchy is still somewhat vague or too close to territorial pluralism. – JZ, 11.9.07. – However, on p.447 the author reveals his or her limited view further: “… they had warm bodies filling the whole polyarchic array, the neighbourhood boards, the ag board, the water board, the architectural review board, the project review council, the economic co-ordination group, the crater council to co-ordinate all these smaller bodies, the global delegates’ advisory board – all that network of small management bodies that progressive political theorists had been suggesting in one variation or another for centuries, incorporating aspects of the almost-forgotten guild socialism of Great Britain, Yugoslavian worker management, Mondragan ownership, Kerala land tenure, and so on. An experiment in synthesis.” – Alas, obviously, the territorial and bureaucratic federation model prevailed there, too. Full experimental freedom for communities with voluntary members only was obviously not considered by this author, either. – JZ, 11.9.070. – Even federalism can and should be polyarchic or panarchistic, leading e.g. to several peacefully coexisting world governments, world federations, world leagues etc., all only for their volunteers. – JZ, 4.1.14. – PLURALISM, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM VOLUNTARISM, BUREAUCRACY, POLYARCHISM

POLYARCHY: Once we recognize that our present institutions and constitutions are obsolete and we begin searching for alternatives, all sorts of breathtaking political options, never before possible (*), suddenly open up to us.” - Alvin Toffler, The Third Wave, Pan Books & Collins, 1980/81, p.436. - (*) There is almost nothing quite new under the sun. There are many historical, even though not quite just and complete precedents, also for panarchies and polyarchies, personal laws and voluntary institutions, although they are, mostly, neglected by historians and jurists and territorialist politics and its “political science”. Why have they not developed towards perfection? E.g.: Individual rights and liberties were then quite insufficiently known and are not even fully recognized today. – Generally, intolerance came before tolerance, barbarism before humane behavior, violence before mutually beneficial free trading and free contracts, ignorance and prejudice before knowledge and wisdom, etc. - JZ, 24.9.07. - ALTERNATIVE COMMUNITIES, STATES & SOCIETIES, COMPULSION VS. VOLUNTARISM, TERRITORIALISM VS. EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, STATES VS. PANARCHISM

POLYGAMY: Concubinage is almost universal. If it was morally wrong why was it permitted to the most pious men under the Old Testament? Why did our Saviour never say a word against it?” – James Boswell, Letter to William Temple, March 18, 1775. - MONOGAMY, MARRIAGE

POLYGAMY: Polygamy is attacked yet practiced in the Occident (*); in the Orient it is rarely practiced yet widely defended.” – Dagobert d. Runes, Handbook of Reason, p.144. – (*) At least in form of serial marriages and “affairs” or the secret use of prostitutes. – JZ, 6.3.08. – MARRIAGES, MONOGAMY

POLYGAMY: Polygamy would have, among many other advantages, also the one that the man would not come into so close a relationship with his parents of each of his wives, a fear which now prevents uncounted marriages. – (Marginal remark in his own working copy. “Zehn Schwiegermuetter statt einer!“) - Schopenhauer, Nachlass, Neue Paralip., 8, 264, JZ tr. of: “Die Polygamie haette, unter vielen Vorteilen, auch den, dass der Mann nicht in so genaue Verbindung mit seinen Schwiegereltern kaeme, die Furcht, die jetzt unzaehlige Ehen verhindert. - Randbemerkung im Hand-Exemplar: Zehn Schwiegermuetter statt einer!“ - Polyandry would have the same kind of advantage. – JZ, 1.4.08.

POLYGAMY: The “zenana” alone has 5,000 rooms, one for each of Sargon’s wives.’ - Wilbur Smith, Warlock, Pan Books, 2002, p.554. No man can satisfy as many wives. – Should he be allowed to acquire as many or even one only against their will? – How were they treated, at least according to this novel? “The stools on which the guests sat were Sargon’s wives, kneeling naked except for their golden chains. Later, when the flagons of foaming beer and the sweet wine had taken effect, the living stools were used as pillows and mattresses. “ – Ibid, p.572. - According to this comment, they were treated merely as property! - JZ, 27.2.12.

POLYGAMY: Those, who think that they can cope with several women in their daily lives, are certainly “game” gamblers and optimists. I seems to “work” only if these women are religiously conditioned or dominated by power or even enslaved. – JZ, 14.6.13.

POMPOSITY: His speeches leave the impression of an army of pompous phrases moving over the landscape in search of an idea.” – Senator William McAdoo. Quoted by Leon Harris, The Fine Art of Political Wit. - RHETORIC, ORATORY, PREJUDICES, POPULAR PHRASES, GENERALITIES, SPEECHES, RED.

POOR PEOPLE: The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. - Inflation tends to redistribute income from the poor to the rich in the community. - Popular opinions. - One should hesitate in uttering such views when one considers that the poor are usually considered to be debtors while the rich are usually considered to be creditors. Obviously, during an inflation the debtors (perceived as the poor) benefit at the expense of the creditors (perceived as the rich). In reality, the rich are often people that owe much more capital and money than they personally own, i.e., they are debtors in balance and only to that extent can they benefit from inflation by defrauding their creditors - who are often small savers whose accumulated savings or old age pension funds are frequently carelessly invested by banks and financial institutions, in unsound schemes of rich debtors. On the other hand, those perceived as the poor, namely wage and salary recipients, are at least to that extent - apart from their mismanaged savings, invested by others with the rich debtors - the creditors of their employers (who are often large scale debtors of their suppliers). To the extent that rich people were foolish enough to become large-scale lenders in times of inflation, investing in securities repayable in depreciated money, they were impoverished. To the extent that they were able to borrow more and more, being obliged to repay their loans only in depreciated currency, they were enriched at the expense of their creditors. - Most financiers do not operate mainly with their own capital but with that of others, invested with them. To that extent an inflation can enrich them. Among the main victims of inflation are employees on wages and salaries that are fixed for considerable periods during which the purchasing power of their nominally stable earnings may be very much reduced, since the prices of consumer goods tended to race ahead of the wages and of the note printing presses. All those, whose long term claims, no matter how large or small, are fixed in nominal paper values, become losers, whether they are or are considered poor or rich or not. Few of the German multi-millionaires before the 1913-1923 inflation were still millionaires afterwards. They were not sensible enough for that - for they had no first-hand experience with inflations for a long time and very few of them had bothered to study inflations and how they could, somehow, protect their fortunes against them. - JZ, 2.4.97, 8.2.11. – Such views are still prominent even in an age, which has, according to many surveys, seen the greatest reduction ever, world-wide, wherever at least some degrees of economic liberty and rights were introduced. – JZ, 4.1.14. - RICH PEOPLE, POVERTY, WEALTH, POOR, INFLATION & INCOME DISTRIBUTION, ANTI-CAPIALIST MENTALITY, ENVY, LEFTIST DOGMAS

POOR: For a man who can command another man's labour and self-denial for the support of his own existence is a privileged person of the highest species conceivable on earth.” - W. G. Sumner, What Social Classes Owe To Each Other, p.15. – The term "command" is misapplied to free work contracts in which market wages are paid. However, under the note issue monopoly those able and willing to pay wages are, to some extent, beneficiaries of this monopoly as well and those only allowed to sell their labor and knowledge for this monopoly money are not working in a free labor market. Not free enterprise capitalism is to be blamed, because it does not exist in this sphere, but the legally imposed territorial statism, of which monetary and financial despotism is a very important part. - JZ, 8.2.11. - CENTRAL BANKING, SITUATION OF EMPLOYERS & EMPLOYEES UNDER IT, MONETARY & FINANCIAL DESPOTISM, UNEMPLOYMENT, SALES DIFFICULTIES, CREDIT, DEFLATION, INFLATION, UNEMPLOYMENT, CRISES, TAXATION, WELFARE STATE

POOR: What about the poor? Yes, I would let them starve - if they would rather starve than work and repay loans. – Especially if they also drink, smoke, bet and gamble. - JZ, 75, 4.14.

POORHOUSE: A home for conscientious taxpayers – the ultimate tax shelter.” - – L.A. Rollins, Lucifer’s Lexicon. - TAXATION

POP MUSIC: Some sounds are louder than music – but are they music? – JZ, 14.10.92. – I do admit to a bias for classical music and for jazz. Most modern “music”  does not please me. – JZ, 18.2.08, 4.1.14.

POPE: Leader of the Vatican, a small extraterritorial enclave, but, apart from this, leader of the world-wide Catholic Church that enjoys, as such, a degree of exterritorial autonomy and personal law everywhere. – JZ, in Pan AZ. – PANARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY OF VOLUNTEERS

POPULAR GOVERNMENT: Lycurgus … when one advised him to establish a popular government in Lacedaemon, ‘Go’, said he, ‘and first make a trial of it in thy own family.’ – Plutarch - DEMOCRACY, FAMILIES

POPULAR SONGS: How often do they contain a new or still controversial idea rather than popular prejudices and “soothers”? – JZ, 26.11.93. - How many libertarian songs and poems are there so far? Has any one collected and published them? Who is to blame for the shortage of them? - JZ, 8.2.11. – My father was a fan of John Henry Mackay’s poems. I found them insufficiently informative. – JZ, 4.1.14.

POPULARITY: Acceptance by hasty multitudes is a point against rather than for an ism.” – Dagobert D. Runes, A Dictionary of Thought, p.1. - PUBLIC OPINION

POPULARITY: I have never wished to cater to the crowd; for what I know they do not approve, and what they approve I do not know.” – Epicurus, 342-270 B.C. – Perhaps he should have ended with: “… what they approve I either disapprove or do not care about. – JZ, 6.3.08. – CROWD, MASSES, PEOPLE, DEMOCRACY, PUBLIC OPINION, MOBS

POPULARITY: I’d rather offer the world what it needs than what it wants right now, even if no one wants to buy it – for a long time. – JZ, 9.1.82. – IDEAS, IDEALS, PLATFORMS, PROGRAMS

POPULARITY: Popularity is a crime from the moment it is sought; it is only a virtue where men have it whether they will or not.” – Lord Halifax, 1796-1865. Andrews Quotes, p.357. – VIRTUE, FAME, LEADERSHIP.

POPULARITY: The man who is easily understood by the many is - at their level. - JZ, 78. ("Communication takes place only among equals.") – “To be appreciated only by a few belongs to my value.” – Lao-Tzu - PUBLIC OPINION, POPULAR SPEAKERS, RIGHTERS, POLITICIANS

POPULARITY: The many speak highly of you, but have you really any grounds for satisfaction with yourself if you are the kind of person the many understand? Your merits should not be outward facing.” - Seneca, Letters, VII, p.44. - Compare Laotse: “To be appreciated only by the few belongs to my value!” – Also: “Communication takes place only among equals.” – Source unknown. - FAME, APPROVAL BY MANY OR THE MAJORITY, PUBLIC OPINION, POPULLAR ERRORS & PREJUDICES

POPULARITY: The more popular errors, myths and prejudices one shares with others, the more popular one will be with the many who hold them as well. – JZ, 2.2.90, 5.8.92. – SUCCESS, POLITICIANS, PREJUDICES

POPULARITY: They will not give you any applause, // You were never of their opinion!” – “If they could judge me, // then I would not be what I am.” - Goethe, Sprueche in Reimen. – JZ tr. of: “Sie wollen dir keinen Beifall goennen, // Du warst niemals nach ihrem Sinn!” - // Haetten sie mich beurtheilen koennen, // So waer’ ich nicht, was ich bin.” – SELF-APPRECIATION, APPLAUSE, UNDERSTANDING, SELF-ESTEEM

POPULARITY: Those who watch the king’s coronation are likely to watch with equal enthusiasm the king’s execution.” – Dagobert D. Runes, Handbook of Reason, p.49. - CROWDS, MOBS, PEOPLE

POPULARITY: True merit, like a river, the deeper it is, the less noise it makes.” – Charles Halifax, quoted in THE FREE MAN’S ALMANAC, for Oct. 28.

POPULARITY: What is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right. – Albert Einstein, quoted by Capitalism – Facebook 1.9.13. – RIGHT, WRONG

POPULARITY: Whoever has the better insight must not shy away from becoming unpopular.” – Churchill. – JZ tr. of: “Wer die bessere Einsicht hat, darf sich nicht scheuen, unpopulaer zu werden.” – Not that Churchill did always have the better insights. – JZ, 23.2.08. - WISDOM, IDEA, UNPOPULARITY, INSIGHT, KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING, CHURCHILL

POPULARITY: Why do you move yourself away from us and our opinions? - I do not write in order to please you. You should learn something!” – Goethe, Zahme Xenien. – JZ tr. of: “Warum willst du dich von uns allen // Und unsrer Meinung entfernen?” // Ich schreibe nicht euch zu gefallen, // Ihr sollt was lernen!“ - INDEPENDENT VIEWS, IDEAS, OPINIONS, WRITING

POPULARIZATION OF PANARCHIST IDEAS: See e.g.: SLOGANS FOR LIBERTY, ON PANARCHY, my first CD, dealing mainly with panarchism and monetary freedom. These alphabetized notes are contributions towards an encyclopedia on panarchism that is to be published online and on CDs. They are also open to factual and reasoned input and corrections by anyone, on the road to a new and comprehensive political science. - JZ, 20.9.04.  - - A panarchy A to Z is now online at, but under another name, chosen by G. P. de Belllis, its webmaster, not by me. – On accelerating the process of libertarian enlightenment I offer, free of charge, as email attachment a digital book manuscript, 306 KBs in zipped form, still only called NEW DRAFT, until it appears online or on a disc, by someone. It is reviewed by G. P. de Bellis on his website. - JZ, 14.6.13.

POPULARIZATION: But he who seeks truth must resist the temptation of becoming a “populizer” (*) if that in any way makes him swerve from, or slow down, his pursuit of truth. … He must strive for the truth, not for popular acclaim.” – Gottfried Dietze. – But knowledge must be applied or made accessible to others for application. For ideas perhaps best through an ideas archive, which would bring demand and supply in this sphere, together, finally and sufficiently, in combination with panarchistic full experimental freedom for them – among volunteers. – (*) popularizer? - JZ, 5.3.08, 8.2.11, 4.1.14.

POPULATION: (Colin) Clark goes on to strengthen his position with historical examples. He cites Greece in the sixth and fifth centuries B.C. as the first recorded incidence of rapid population growth on a limited land area. The result, according to Clark, was accomplishments in art, literature, science and philosophy. More recently, “the world has acquired what freedom it has in the course of the last two or three centuries of rapid population growth, not in the long centuries of stationary or very slowly growing population that preceded them.” - Jerome Tuccille, Who’s Afraid of 1984? p.63. – During the last few years and with increasing standards of living, population growth has usually slowed down and in some countries it has already been reversed. – But facts count so far very little with most people against their popular errors, prejudices, faiths and convictions, as long as they are not readily accessible to everyone who wants or needs them. In future the Internet offers may be good and complete enough for this purpose as well. – JZ, 4.1.14. - OVERPOPULATION? FREEDOM, MALTHUSIANISM, PROGRESS, MALTHUSIANISM, INTERNET, ENCUCLOPEDIA OF THE BEST REFUTATIONS

POPULATION: A counterblast to the prevailing pessimism of our age, and proves, however much we like to think to the contrary, that things are getting better. Over 10,000 years ago there were fewer than 10 million people on the planet. Today there are more than 6 billion, 99 per cent of whom are better fed, better sheltered, better entertained and better protected against disease than their Stone Age ancestors. The availability of almost everything a person could want or need has been going erratically upwards for 10,000 years and has rapidly accelerated over the last 200 years: calories; vitamins; clean water; machines; privacy; the means to travel faster than we can run, and the ability to communicate over longer distances than we can shout. Yet, bizarrely, however much things improve from the way they were before, people still cling to the belief that the future will be nothing but disastrous. In this original, optimistic book, Matt Ridley puts forward his surprisingly simple answer to how humans progress, arguing that we progress when we trade and we only really trade productively when we trust each other. The Rational Optimist will do for economics what Genome did for genomics and will show that the answer to our problems, imagined or real, is to keep on doing what we've been doing for 10,000 years -- to keep on changing." - James Calvin Hanks Jr. re: The Rational Optimist by Matt Ridley. - Optimism is out of favor. But then as Matt Ridley points out in The Rational Optimist, optimism has never been IN favor. Even in the fastest-growing booms in human history, "experts" were always sure that doom was imminent. We were going to run out of wood, then of coal, then of whale oil, then of p... - See also: Is Optimism Rational? by Bill Walker at - OPTIMISM & FEAR OF FUTURE, PESSIMISM, END OF THE WORLD BELIEFS, POLLUTION, NWT, TOTALITARIANISM, DOOMSDAY PREDICTIONS, NWT

POPULATION: A growing population and naturally limited food production options do not produce food shortages for some populations but lack of freedom and knowledge, combined with production, exchange and price controls, quotas, prohibitions and the monopolies supported by governments or customs and religions ("holy cows" of India) do so, and so do their wars and civil wars, still and all too often, without the victims bothering to look for alternatives to government interventionism in this and other spheres. – Wherever and whenever and as long as labor, capital and innovators as well enough treated, i.e., under conditions that do at least approach those of free markets, they can and do produce an abundance of food and other consumer items and obesity rather than hunger becomes a problem. – JZ, 2.7.03, 26.10.07, 8.2.11. - Some people eat snakes, dogs, cats, worms, spiders beetles, also xyz edible plants and fungi, while others would rather starve to death than do so. The food production and food use of living matter on Earth for human consumption are very far from having reached their limits. There is also much more food for vegetarians than for meat eaters. Huge quantities of human food are still consumed by various agricultural pests or wasted by insufficient conservation and storage. Another huge quantity of food is also simply thrown out in the somewhat developed countries and sales of the food produced is not made easy but rather hard e.g. by monetary despotism and protectionism. - JZ, 8.2.11. - FOOD SUPPLIES & HUNGER, MALTHUSIANISM, OVERPOPULATION? POPULATION GROWTH, HUNGER

POPULATION: a high standard of living restrains population; …” W. G. Sumner, What Social Classes Owe to Each Other, p.65. – Many of the somewhat free and developed countries experience already a population decline and the population growth of some developing countries is already declining. – JZ, 6.3.08. – The declining number of children per couple in the somewhat free countries may already indicate that these populations are approaching their optimum levels for current technology, agriculture and science on Earth. Space remains largely empty of intelligent and other life. – JZ, 4.1.14.

POPULATION: A hundred million have made America. What will twenty-two hundred million do?” – Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom, p.248. – USA population is now ca 350 million – and the living standard, in spite of numerous government interventions keeping it down, is higher than it was at the time when she wrote this book. – We are still very far from knowing what full freedom could and would achieve. – Too many are still not interested in finding out enough about all their options, based upon all individual rights and liberties. - JZ, 6.3.08, 4.1.14.

POPULATION: Arthur “McCormack, hardly a starry-eyed optimist, maintains that we can easily double the arable land on earth with present methods.’ - Jerome Tuccille, Who’s Afraid of 1984? p.79.

POPULATION: As long as plants, animals, micro-organism, bird, fish etc. multiply even faster than humans and there is no shortage of material and of space – at least in space, in the universe, there is no limit to the size of the human population. – Think e.g. of the reproductive speed of rabbits, chicken, yeasts, mushrooms and bamboo shoots. – JZ, 15.9.87. – Next to the house in Berrima, in which I used to live at first, I recently found a stalk of ordinary grass that was over 6 feet in height! – JZ, 4.1.14.

POPULATION: As per capital incomes increase, the birth rate decreases.” - E. C. Pasour, Jr., THE FREEMAN, 12/75.

POPULATION: As Simon has convincingly argued, “There are not now, and there never have been, any empirical data showing that population growth or size or density have a negative effect on the standard of living.” (1981a:18, and see also his major works on the subject, 1977 and 19811b.) – F. A. Hayek, The Fatal Conceit, p.126, on Julian L. Simon.

POPULATION: Australia (population 14 million – (*) is roughly the size of the USA and “America, with less regimentation, gives a better living to 200 million people.”(**) – John Singleton, 20.10.76. – The current figures are about 20 million vs. 300 million. – JZ, 6.3.08. - (*) Ca. 22 million by 2011. - (*) Over 23 million by 2011. – Population per square kilometer is still very low. Most of its diverse peoples do also prefer living in its cities. – JZ, 4.1.14.

POPULATION: But birth control as a prescription for overcoming economic stagnation and poverty is nonsense. Worse, it is quackery. It carries the promise that something constructive is being done about poverty when, in fact, nothing constructive may be happening at all. The economics of people are not like the economics of deer, who was (*) fat if their numbers are thinned.” - Jane Jacobs, The Economics of Cities, p.120. - (*) grow? – If my library were in sufficient order, I could correct my typos – but I am running out of time and energy at 80. – JZ, 4.1.14. - BIRTH CONTROL & POVERTY

POPULATION: Competition works better with a growing population …” - Colin Clark -  “… the more people there are, the higher the level of competition, and the more dynamic the resulting economy.” - Jerome Tuccille, Who’s Afraid of 1984? p.63. - The denser the population the greater the division of labor - under economic freedom - and thus also the productivity, in most cases, at least until food production is not only multiplied by mechanization and energy use but almost automated. What size of population could thus feed itself on Earth? The higher the living standard, the lower the birth rate. In this way a natural limit of population could be achieved without any interventionism. - JZ, 8.2.11.

POPULATION: Did you know that the world’s population growth has been declining during the past two decades? Or that there are fewer people living in Manhattan than 50 years ago? And while we’re asking questions, why do wealthy people pay so much money to live in population densities that social scientists think dangerous? – Regarding raw materials, get this: “The short – and surprising – answer is that we won’t run out of raw materials because we don’t use much of them (except fuels – which can be replaced by sunshine if we have no better fuel.)” – And on the subject of food: “In the long run – pretty soon – the food problem everywhere will be what it is here: fat people and broke farmers.” – Why have the ecologists still not grasped that the long-term trend of the price of all commodities, including food, is down? (*) – Sheldon L. Richman, in LFB Review of Max Singer: Passage to a Human World. Date? Page 5. – (*) Reckoned, naturally, in stable value units, not in a government’s almost continuously depreciated paper money. – JZ, 17.3.09.

POPULATION: Following John Locke’s similar claim in the Second Treatise (1690/1887), the American historian James Sullivan remarked, as early as 1795, how the native Americans had been displaced by European colonists, and that now five hundred thinking beings could prosper in the same area where previously only a single savage could ‘drag out a hungry existence.” – F. A. Hayek, The Fatal Conceit, p.120.

POPULATION: For every new mouth to feed, there are two hands to produce."- Peter T. Bauer – Not to speak of the scientific knowledge, technological aids and various energy sources now used in food production. – JZ, 9.3.09. & FOOD SUPPLY

POPULATION: From Our New Zealand Correspondent: Recently our TV displayed some Australian scenes where farmers, with the help of government subsidies, were slaughtering cattle and burying them in deep pits, rather than lose money by sending them to the market. Matters haven’t reached that stage here, but isolated cases have occurred where farmers have shorn the sheep and then buried the carcasses. And this in a world that is supposed to be short of food! - At the same time we are sending well-meaning “do-gooders” to so-called under-developed countries to show the natives how to make the best of their meager resources. Surely we should apply the old maxim that Charity begins at home! - While we are destroying food, alarmists are painting fearful pictures of starvation if we don’t restrict population. The truth is that the agricultural possibilities of the world, particularly Australia and New Zealand, haven’t been scratched. Make it profitable for the farmer to produce the food and we can let population explosions look after themselves.” - GOOD GOVERNMENT, June 76. - Australia has still not tamed its floods and stored their excess water for its drought periods. - JZ, 8.2.11.

POPULATION: given enough capital and economic incentive, the land are of the United States could feed the entire present population of the earth.” – Harry Lee Smith, in THE FREEMAN, Sep. 76, p.548. – The same claim was made long ago for Brazil. - JZ, 8.3.11. - AGRICULTURE, FOOD PRODUCTION

POPULATION: He foresees quadrupling the world’s arable lands by bringing into cultivation the Amazon basis, the Peruvian-Chilean seacoast, and sub-Sahara Africa. – This will require massive irrigation, desalination of seawater, eradication of pests, and improved soil fertility. Then, by ‘multi-cropping’ – growing more than one crop per year – and using higher-yield crops, such as the grain triticale, he estimates that production can be increased by a factor of at least twenty.” - NATIONAL TIMES, 6.9.76, on Herman Kahn. - However, at least under present economic restrictions, as much food could certainly not be sold. Quite free food producers could produce as much food as the world population wants and would be able and willing to pay for under full monetary freedom. - JZ, 8.2.11.

POPULATION: If we look after the quality of a population, the quantity will look after itself.” – Dr. Cicely Williams, quoted in READER’S DIGEST, 9/76.

POPULATION: In fact, the increase of the density of population increasingly helped to improve productivity.” – F. A. Hayek, Knowledge, Evolution and Society, p.49. - Malthus’s application of the law of decreasing returns to increasing humanity, was based on the assumption that human labour is uniform. But the great development made possible by property was that human labour and human capacities became highly specialized. – And so the increase of population became an increase of variety. It made possible the institution of what Adam Smith was the first to recognize as the division of labour. Smith taught (but his successors did not understand) that the division of labour was a direct function of the extent of the market. And the extent of the market, of course, is a consequence of the increase of population. The increase of the population, far from reducing productivity, and far from leading to impoverishment, is in fact the source of the increase of our productivity, and the increase of our capacity to keep alive ever increasing-numbers of men.” – F. A. Hayek, ibid, p.49/50.

POPULATION: In many rural areas, especially in the eastern states, wild animals are making a strong come-back, and animals once believed to be extinct are re-appearing.” - Rushdoony: The Myth of Overpopulation, p.27.

POPULATION: In the past 40 years the population growth rate has halved, famine has become rare, average crop yields have doubled, life-span has increased by 25 per cent globally, two-thirds of nuclear weapons have been dismantled and sperm counts failed to fall. - Catherine Armitage in THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD,, March 24/25, 2012, p.11. - FAMINES, CROP YIELDS, LIFE SPANS, NUCLEAR WEAPONS & SPERM COUNTS, SOME POSITIVE SIGNS OF THE TIMES OR REASONS FOR OPTIMISM

POPULATION: India is not overcrowded by other nation’s standards. India – 300 per square mile, England – 600, and Holland – 800. If we want to play with figures, we can. These indicate that the more people you have per square mile the more prosperous you are and there is some truth to this. - Dr. George F. Carter, quoted in p.25 of Rushdoony: The Myth of Overpopulation.

POPULATION: Instead of being over-populated, Dr. Karl Brandt has spoken of our serious underpopulation “by any standards we can reasonably apply. This country will not be overpopulated with 350 000 000 or many more people and will have a much higher standard of living” – THE NATIONAL OBSERVER, July 15, 1963, p. 12: Man: Resource of Resources.” – The best more recent writings on the subject, that I know of, are those by Julian L. Simon and Jim Peron. I once assembled a few hundred arguments on the subject on 3 large sheets in a “sign-debate” or “flow-chart discussion”. Alas, they got lost in the mail. Now such “argument mapping” can be done digitally, as Paul Monk at al have shown online. – JZ, 6.3.08.

POPULATION: It is your mind that matters economically, as much or more than your mouth or hands. In the long run, the most important economic effect of population size and growth is the contribution of additional people to our stock of useful knowledge. And this contribution is large enough in the long run to overcome all the costs of population growth.” - Julian L. Simon - GROWTH, ECONOMIC GROWTH & THE NUMBER OF MINDS MATTER MORE THAN BODIES,, OVER-POPULATION? KNOWLEDGE, IDEAS, OVERPOPULATION, RESOURCES

POPULATION: most of “environmentalism” and “population science” is based on crackpot junk science, and the hostility rises to my statement that these are nothing but evil and nefarious schemes to create a holocaust of the human species itself — one which makes the Nazis desire merely to kill off people they regarded as racially inferior seem charming by comparison. - I’ve come up with a term for these sort: not Greens, but Gangrenes. – J. Neil Schulman, - His books, quotes, articles, blogs and Facebook entries are online but copyrighted. - GREENIES, NAZIS, ENVIRONMENTALISM, HOLOCAUST,

POPULATION: Most of the world’s land area is still sparsely populated and is cultivated only by extensive (*) methods. – V. Orval Watts, THE FREEMAN, 10/75. – (*) I suppose he meant primitive or labor-intensive methods. – Or it was a misprint for “expensive” - JZ, 6.3.08. – Expensive but very productive equipment can still lead to lower unit costs. – In at least somewhat free countries an ever-smaller percentage of the population produces food for the whole population and even for export! - JZ, 17.3.09.

POPULATION: Petty also recognized that ‘fewness of people, is real poverty; and a Nation wherein are Eight Millions of people are more than twice as rich as the same scope of land wherein are but four; …” – F. A. Hayek, The Fatal Conceit, p.155.

POPULATION: Population growth as guide to currency circulation growth? Under that system the growing population in an economy stagnating or collapsing under State socialism would get the same total circulation of currency as the same population would get under a free market economy. In both cases the circulation issued would be unrelated to the total quantity of goods and services produced and offered for sale. Consequently, either not enough or too much of such a currency would be issued in most cases. Moreover, when in a "developed" country there is a general strike, lasting e.g. one month, then its circulation by population figures would be still the same, although its production for this quarter would be down by one third. Take the case of primitive tribes with a subsistence or barter economy. Under this system they would be provided with exchange media to the same amounts as the same population in a very productive country would be. What could they buy with this “population” currency? Babies and old people to fry? Money can be money or currency only when you can pay with it for all your current needs, i.e. when there is an abundance of ready-for-sale goods and services in shops, shopping centres and markets. These goods and services should form the primary but not the exclusive basis for sound issues - by their owners and their associations. To base the circulation of a currency or of competing currencies on the population is no more sensible than to base it on e.g. the number of "holy books" or "holy cows" in a community. - Usually, the differences between different economies are not as large as those between a vastly underdeveloped economy and a somewhat developed one. But even these differences would make already any "per head" provision of currency false and harmful. In essence, we would here have only another form of monetary despotism. - Not only the population but the degree of its economic development matters and its degree of work ethic or withdrawal from productive activities, its degree of e.g., saving and productive investment or involvement in narcotic consumption and gambling, playing sick or going on strike, being peaceful or becoming involved in civil wars or revolutions. Their productivity depends upon their education, training and willingness to work hard and long, their freedom to sell and buy as they please, their readiness to innovate, engage in private or cooperative enterprise, their freedom from governmental or private robberies, their degree of health and strength. A mere head count is no more a solution here than it is for political arrangements. - If more and more people became retreatists of the School of Living type or utopian colonists or intentional community members, "out of the rat race" of high productivity, then a population-measured circulation would, obviously, be oversupplied as far as their goods and service output to a free market is concerned. - JZ, 3.8.95, 16.3.97. - & CURRENCY

POPULATION: Population size as a measure for the circulation of exchange media? - The notion that a circulation cannot be self-limiting and self-managed, subject to voluntary acceptance or rejection and to market rating against a chosen value standard, is inherent in this monetary reform notion as well. Check your premises! - Note to Robert de Fremery: When clearing arrangements are not complete or to the extent that clearing is still mediated by physical exchange media, then the quantity of exchange media required, in the opinion of some central and monopolistic issuing centre, should be determined, according to you, by the population. However, the quantity of exchanges to be mediated and the sum of the prices of these exchanges and the daily required total sum of exchange media for consumer purchases, is not firmly determined by population numbers alone. Populations differ, according to education, training, attitudes, state of development of their economy and the degree of their productivity. Nomadic herding societies and subsistence agricultures will differ greatly from industrialized populations in the number of exchanges they are capable and willing to undertake and the quantity of exchange media they would require for their exchanges. Anyhow, why should third parties have discretionary powers over people and their exchanges and exchange methods and exchange media and their value standards? - A population suffering much sickness or preferring idleness and ease or deterred from producing much by excess taxation or prohibited from producing as much as it could via compulsory licensing, or, through its political system, refusing to licence anyone but monopolists (e.g. in the banking sphere), as well as heavy taxation, price controls, quotas and other interventionist actions, will lead to a much reduced production among such populations, compared with those populations, of equal numbers, that are not so restricted or self-limited in their economic activities. - By rights, the producers and exchangers themselves should determine how many exchange media, of what kind and with what kind of value standards they want to use and how they can best supply themselves with these, in accordance with their exchange requirements, so that they can easily achieve the almost complete sale of everything they have to offer for sale. After all, they are the owners of the ultimate "redemption" fund for any currency and they should be free to mobilise that fund, reserve or backing for their own currencies, which would oblige only themselves, as their own IOUs, payable or redeemable in their own goods and services, and reckoning for pricing and the denomination of their tokens, in one or the other value standard which they do find attractive, never mind what the persona law of others, the experts and theories of others, including some monetary reformers, do state or wish to achieve. Each should mind his or her own business, in this sphere as well. Governments have never been good at minding the business of others to the advantage of these others or their customers. - JZ, 3/97, 8.2.11, 4.1.14. - & CURRENCY, MONETARY FREEDOM VS. MONETARY DESPOTISM

POPULATION: The basic "food problem" in the world today is not one of shortage but one of surplus.” - David Osterfield, THE FREEMAN, May 88. – Obesity has become a problem in the somewhat free countries. – JZ, 9.3.09. - & FOOD SHORTAGE, MALTHUSIANISM,

POPULATION: The concentration of people in limited areas and a political climate permitting the free flow of their talents and energies has generated prosperity and abundance throughout history. – Jerome Tuccille, Who’s Afraid of 1984? p. 62. – Obesity is now a problem in most of the somewhat free countries. – Much of the food produced in private gardens simply goes to waste, even when most of area of these gardens are dedicated to beauty rather than food production. - JZ, 5.3.08.

POPULATION: the entire human race could be packaged into a one-mile cube. (*) But it is absolutely nothing when set against Space with a capital “S”. … If we reduce the known universe to the size of the Earth, then the portion in which we can live without space-suits and pressure cabins is about the size of a single atom. – Arthur C. Clarke, Profiles of the Future, Pan Books 1964, p.221. – remember that the entire human race could be packed into a one-mile cube. But it is absolutely nothing when set against Space with a capital S.” - Arthur C. Clarke, Greetings, Carbon-Based Bipeds! Harper/Collins, 2000, p.222. – Once we achieved access to all the resources of space the notion of “limited” resources will simply disappear. –(*) But they could hardly continue living there.  Our body mass, spread evenly over the whole surface of Earth, would constitute only a very thin film. Other life forms, upon which our survival so far depends, would produce a much thicker film. – JZ, 3.3.12. – A longer and older statement on this: If all the body mass of human beings on Earth were turned into a film evenly spread over all the square kilometers of land on this planet then it would constitute a film so thin that it would hardly be noticeable. The total body mass of all the plants and animals that man can eat or that can serve as raw materials to produce food for him, is, I believe, very much larger and would thus, if equally spread, constitute a much thicker film or layer. Moreover, it would only take energy and some chemical processes to convert the supposedly excess carbon di-oxide in the Earth’s air (*) into hydrocarbons and parts of these into proteins. Plants and animals do this all the time. The food shortage is imagined, not real, where people are free to produce and exchange. – JZ, 17.3.09. – (*) In reality, it is a rather scarce gas, close to the minimum required and its increase would increase plant growth. - Some greenhouse growers of food to therefore increase their CO2 level and find that this is profitable for them. – JZ, 4.1.14. - THE UNIVERSE & OVERPOPULATION?

POPULATION:The fact is that world birth rates continue to drop at unprecedented rates. According to the UN this trend is expected to accelerate, … “… 61 countries (with about 44 per cent of the world’s population) already have below-replacement fertility rates (less than 2,1 births per woman.). The number of such countries is projected to grow to 87 by 2015, encompassing about two thirds of the world’s population.” Some of the countries with below-replacement fertility rates include: China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macao, Singapore, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Rumania, Russia, Ukraine, Denmark, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Thailand, United Kingdom, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Barbados, Cuba, Martinique, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. - The UN projections on fertility rates are far lower than they have ever been in the past. The 1999 report says: “In 1950-1955, the average fertility rate in the more-developed regions was 2.8 children per woman; it has since dropped to 1.6 and is projected to begin a slow rise, to 1.8 by the middle of the next century. In the less-developed regions, the fertility rate was almost 6.2 in 1950, it was slightly less than 3 by 1999, and is projected to fall to less than 2.1 by 2045. – Fertility has declined most quickly in Latin America and Asia, less rapidly in North Africa and the Middle East, and much more slowly in sub-Saharan Africa. Asia’s fertility rate fell sharply in the last 50 years from 5.9 to 2.6 children per woman. Sub-Saharan Africa’s has dropped much more slowly from 6.5 to 5.5. Latin America and the Caribbean have seen a decline from 5.9 to 2.7, North Africa and Western Asia from 6.6 to 3.5. – Europe’s fertility rare fell from 2.6 to 1.4, well below replacement level. On the other hand, Northern America’s fertility fell from 3.5 in 1950-1955 to 1.8 in the later 1970’s, and then rebounded to the 1.9 to 2.0 range, where it has remained. It is projected to stay around 1.9 to the middle of the 21st century. – Jim Peron, Exploded Population Myths, Institute for Liberal Values, 2003, p.2. - & FERTILITY RATES, OVERPOPULATION? MALTHUSIANISM, BIRTH RATES CONTINUE TO DROP.

POPULATION: The idea of “right-sizing” the human population is Nazi-like from the ground up. If I want and can support one thousand children, it’s no one else’s fucking business.J. Neil Schulman, - His books, quotes, articles, blogs and Facebook entries are online but copyrighted.

POPULATION: The increase in the world's population represents our victory against death.” - Julian Simon. – Hardly a comprehensive victory. The more people are born the more people will die, until significant life extension or even immorality is achieved. – Just achieving a “normal” life span via healthy living and peace is not yet good enough to claim it, without qualifications, as a victory over death. – JZ, 9.3.09. - & DEATH, LIFE EXTENSION, IMMORTALITY AS AIM

POPULATION: The Malthusian scare: the fear of overpopulation: I have been attempting to explain how the extended order of human cooperation has evolved despite opposition from our instincts, despite fear of all the uncertainties inherent in spontaneous processes, despite widespread economic ignorance, and despite the distillation of all these movements that seek to use allegedly rational means to achieve genuinely atavistic ends. I have also maintained that the extended order would collapse, and that much of our population would suffer and die, if such movements ever truly succeed in replacing the market. Like it or not, the current world population already exists. Destroying its material foundation in order to attain the ‘ethical’ or instinctually gratifying improvements advocated by socialists (*) would be tantamount to condoning the death of billions and the impoverishment of the rest. (See also my 1954/1967:208; and 1983:25-29.) – F. A. Hayek, The Fatal Conceit, chapter eight, p.120. – (*) State socialists! – JZ

POPULATION: The most decisive of the prosperity of any country is the increase of the number of its inhabitants.” – Adam Smith, quoted in Hayek, The Fatal Conceit, chapter eight, p. 120. - PROSPERITY, OVERPOPULATION? WEALTH, PROSPERITY, POVERTY

POPULATION: The most important benefit of population size and growth is the increase it brings to the stock of useful knowledge. Minds matter economically as much as, or more than, hands or mouths.” - Julian L. Simon - MINDS & KNOWLEDGE

POPULATION: The only reliable means of limiting population is wealth.” – Jerry Pournelle, A Step Farther Out, I/30.

POPULATION: The tendency, to which a large body of evidence bears witness, is for families to have fewer children as societies become richer and more urbanized.” - Margaret Thatcher, Statecraft, 2002, HarperCollins, – p.445. – In many developed countries the birthrate has already fallen below the required replacement rate for the existing population and in others the population grown is already declining. – “Underpopulation, not overpopulation, is the West’s worry.” Said M. T., ibid, p.446. - JZ, 8.10.07. - GROWTH & POPULATION DECLINE

POPULATION: The UN itself reveals that most increases in food production since World War II have been accomplished on land already under cultivation. According to Robert Katz, the author of A Giant in the Earth, the new technology will make it possible to feed virtually the entire planet from food grown in Kansas, and, looking ahead a bit further into the future, from food grown in the Sahara desert. In 1974 the United States signed a peace pact with several Arab nations calling for, among other things, the cultivation of the Sahara for food production. - Jerome Tuccille, Who’s Afraid of 1984? p.79. – To my knowledge all such plans failed because it could be foreseen that there was no ready market for all the additional food that could be thus produced. – As my friend Ulrich von Beckerath used to say: The usual complaint of food producers is that there are not enough mouths for them to fill! - JZ, 6.3.08. At the same time many poor people do not have sufficient access to the monopoly money, which is the only one that can be freely used to pay for their productive labor and which is undersupplied to them, via employees, for wage payments, during deflations and stagflations and even in the last stages of inflations, when prices run ahead of the note-printing presses. I doubt that any involuntary unemployment would remain for any length of time under full monetary freedom, which maximizes the demand with sound currencies for productive labor. – JZ, 4.1.14. – UNEMPLOYMENT & SALES DIFFICULTIES UNDER MONETARY DESPOTISM INSTEAD OF FULL EMPLOYMENT & EASY SALES FOR WANTED OR NEEDED GOODS THROUGH MONETARY FREEDOM, E.G. SHOP CURRENCIES.

POPULATION: The West grew rich precisely when its population was increasing at an unprecedented rate. Between 1776 and 1975, while the world’s population increased sixfold, real gross world product rose about 80-fold. – Sheldon Richman,quoted by Jim Peron, Exploded Population Myths, Institute for Liberal Values, 2003, p.6. - POVERTY & RICHES

POPULATION: The world already grows more than enough good to support its population (although the distribution system is terrible, and insects, rodents, bacilli, fungi, and other pests eat more of our crops than we do, particularly in the “developing” nations). – GALAXY, 9/77. – I have got one large apple tree bearing many apples. However birds and insect pests bring all of them down before they are sufficiently grown and while they are still quite unripe. – JZ, 4.1.14.

POPULATION: The world, during its least populous eras, suffered most from hunger and famine. As statist controls receded in the 19th century, hunger also began to recede, and Western civilization increasingly saw famine banished and hunger successfully dealt with. A far greater population enjoyed far greater supplies of food. - The reason for this increased supply of food was not simply technology nor the Industrial Revolution. The application of technology to Russian farming since 1917 has not seen an increase in the food supply. On the contrary, food production has declined, and the Ukraine, once the bread-basket of Europe, has been unable to feed the Soviet Union. Technology has not increased the food supply of Red China nor of any other Socialist regime. … - Rushdoony: The Myth of Overpopulation, p.5. – The world, …? - The world’s population! – JZ.

POPULATION: Today the best agriculturalists in Europe – the Dutch – produce a very good and varied diet on the equivalent of two-thirds of an acre of land per person. If all the land suitable for agriculture throughout the world were cultivated in this manner, assuming at the same time that the whole world eats as well as the most prosperous countries do now, provision could be made for 28 billion people, or ten times the world’s 1960 population. If we take Japanese instead of Dutch standards of cultivation and of diet – after all, the Japanese are quite a healthy people – the world could provide for three or four times as many again.” - Colin Clark in an article entitled: “Do Population and Freedom Grow Together?” – Quoted in Edmund A. Opitz, Zero Population Growth Vs. The Free Society, THE FREEMAN, Oct. 77, p.603. – Opitz added, among other remarks, the following: “India’s population density is just about one-half that of the Netherlands, and we never speak of the teeming masses of Holland. England has fifty more people per square kilometer than India, Japan has 117 more people per square kilometer than India.”

POPULATION: Under full freedom there would always be more productive jobs to be done than there are people ready to tackle them. To the extent that libertarians are free to work towards liberty, there are also always more important jobs of this kind still to be done, although, mostly, still unpaid, than there are libertarians ready to tackle them. This situation would be improved if all unfinished or so far merely proposed libertarian projects were listed together online, to bring sufficient collaboration and division of labor on them about. A common libertarian ideas archive would also help to better mobilize the potential strength or influence of libertarians and their ideas and to market them much better. – JZ, 14.6.13. – LIBERTARIAN PROJECTS LIST ONLINE, LIBERTARIAN IDEAS ARCHIVE, UNDERUTILIZED LABOR CAPACITIES, INSUFFICIENT FREE EXCHANGE OF IMPORTANT INFORMATIN, IDEAS, SERVICES & LABOR & INSUFFICIENT VOLUNTARY COLLABORATION

POPULATION: Using technology that is in commercial use to raise food in hydroponic artificial-light factories . . . the entire population of the world can be fed using only the land area of Massachusetts plus Vermont . . . And the area necessary can be reduced to a tenth or a hundredth of that by producing the food in ten or hundred story buildings." - Julian Simon - Capitalism

POPULATION: we have found the mechanism to keep alive in this world, roughly speaking, about two hundred times as many human beings than there existed before civilization began. – F. A. Hayek, Knowledge, Evolution and Society, p.47. – CIVILIZATION, TECHNOLOGY, AGRICULTURE, FREEDOM, SCIENCE

POPULATION: What the population alarmists really seem to be saying, when one analyzes their statistics carefully, is that our cities are overpopulated. UN studies indicate there are more open spaces today then there were a hundred years ago, because of the exodus to urban centers. - Jerome Tuccille, Who’s Afraid of 1984? p.63. – CITIES GROW WHILE THE COUNTRYSIDE BECOMES MORE EMPTY OF HUMANS

POPULATION: when Malthus declared that population tends to exceed the food supply, and that nature prescribes famines and war to recreate a balance, he overlooked that fact that, given freedom, man will make two blades of grass grow where one grew before.” – Frank Chodorov, Out of Step, p.66. – He can even grow crops where formerly there was only a desert or blank rock. Man has even turned many steep hills into highly productive terraces. – And some foods, like mushrooms, are produced underground, in old mine shafts. Food has also been produced on flat-topped roofs and on walls and balconies. – JZ, 17.3.09.

POPULATION: Why does the population often multiply faster than public services do? Because propagation is still - a private enterprise. - JZ, 76. – Unless territorial politicians introduce a one-child “policy” as in Red China. – That policy alone will, ultimately, be already sufficient to lead to the overthrow of that regime. – How terroristic this regime still is, is proven by the fact that it has been able to impose this policy for all too many years. - JZ, 9.4.08. – CHINA, ONE CHILD “POLICY” – By now it is no longer strictly enforced everywhere in China. – JZ, 4.1.14.

POPULATION: World food production has increased twice as fast as world population during the past 25 years. … - E. C. Pasour, Jr., THE FREEMAN, 12/75.

POPULATION: Wrong ideas caused food shortages and that leads (*) to hunger and death.” – David Houston, Substance X, p.130. – (*) these lead? – JZOVERPOPULATION? MALTHUSIANISM

POPULISM: A Gallup Poll last May showed that Americans, by a 57 to 21 percent majority, favor the idea of direct democracy – having the right to propose and then to vote directly on laws.” – PENTHOUSE INTERNATIONAL, 2/79: Interview of Karl Hess. - DIRECT DEMOCRACY, PARTICIPATORY DEMOCRACY, LAWS, LEGISLATION, VOTING

POPULISM: American voters now insist on deciding the issues at home – not in Washington.” – Karl Hess, PENTHOUSE, 2/79, quoting George Will. – Apparently only a few voters are so involved. Or so I will believe until I see proofs to the contrary – “The new populism cuts much deeper. It does not seek to use the power of government, it seeks to replace the power of government.” – Karl Hess, ibid. – Even great libertarians are sometimes full of wishful thinking. - JZ, 18.2.08. – From my point of view e.g. territorialism and statism are still dominant in most minds. – JZ, 4.1.14.

POPULISM: The new populism is another revolt altogether. It does not intend to leave professional politicians and bureaucrats with any weapons at all. Its goal is to make it possible for American citizens directly to propose and to vote on legislation without going through channels or red tape. People want to do more than cut taxes. They want to do more than curtail government itself. They want to be the government.” – Karl Hess, PENTHOUSE INTERNATIONAL, 2/79. – Since “the” people are made up out of numerous and very diverse factions, this can be realized only panarchistically, under personal laws and via exterritorially autonomous communities and societies of volunteers, none of them tied to any particular territory. – JZ, 6.3.08. By now we have a Tea Party and its website even in Australia. But it represents all too many different groups, most striving in different directions all the time, with not enough common ideals between them. Unless it adopts a panarchist program for all of them and for all other present movements and parties, I am not likely to join it. - JZ, 8.2.11. – REFERENDUM, DIRECT DEMOCRACY, DECENTRALIZATION, SELF-GOVERNMENT, SELF-DETERMINATION, PANARCHISM, TEA PARTIES, INCOMPLETE & INCONSISTENT I.E. STILL TERRITORIALIST LIBERTARIANISM

POPULISM: The process by which people vote directly on issues has been termed populism. But historically populism was a political movement in this country that united farmers, industrial workers, and small businessmen to vote for candidates who would use the power of government to represent their interests against the vested interests of Wall Street, the big banks, the big businesses, and even the big unions. - - The new populism cuts much deeper. It does not seek to use the power of government; it seeks to replace the power of government.” – Karl Hess, in Penthouse International, 2/79. – POWER, GOVERNMENT, DECENTRALIZATION

POSITIVE ENERGY: What do you do, Dr. Leary, when somebody keeps giving you negative energy?” – Tim grinned that special grin of his that so annoys all his critics. – “Come back with all the positive energy you have”, he said. And then he dashed off … And so I learned the final secret of the Illuminati. – Robert Anton Wilson, Cosmic Trigger, p.238. – Much can go wrong in the interpretation of this advice. – JZ, n.d. - BE POSITIVE, CONSTRUCTIVENESS, CRITICISM, ACT RATHER THAN REACT, LOVE THY ENEMY, LIBERATE THE SUBJECTS OF YOUR ENEMY, MAKE LOVE NOT WAR, CONCLUDE A SEPARATE PEACE TREATY WITH THE VICTIMS OF DICTATORSHIPS, LATERAL THINKING, ABSTRACT THINKING, GENERALIZATIONS, MISLEADING WORDS, TERMS & DEFINITIONS, WORD MAGIC

POSITIVE IDEAS: When I am expected to listen to the opinion of another, then it should be expressed positively. I have already enough problems of my own.“ – Goethe, Sprueche in Prosa. – JZ tr. of: „Wenn ich die Meinung eines andern anhoeren soll, so muss sie positiv ausgesprochen werden. Problematisches hab’ ich in mir selbst genug.“ – RED., PROPOSALS, IDEAS, STATEMENTS, OPINIONS, COMPLAINTS, PROGRAMS, PLATFORMS, AIMS, PURPOSES, ALL TOO GENERAL TERMS INSTEADY OF SPECIFIC PROPOSALS OR BLUEPRINTS. -  E.G.: “Be happy!” & “Make love not war!” – My Facebook page is all too full of them, coming from many to most of my “friends” there, who do not share my highest priorities. – JZ, 4.1.14.

POSITIVE LAW: Positive law is a very negative concept. Mostly the “positive law” is positively wrong. No one but the territorial State of politicians and bureaucrats is free to make better laws or rules for his own affairs. – JZ, 22.4.83, 7.3.08. – PERSONAL LAW, LAWS, LEGISLATION, STATE, TERRITORIALISM, PERSONAL LAWS.

POSITIVE LIBERTY: The only unfortunate aspect of Berlin’s analysis, and in this Berlin is merely following tradition, is that libertarians have again lost the semantic battle of connotation as they did when the socialists usurped the word “liberal”. “Positive liberty”, which is actually coercion, sounds so much better than “negative liberty”, which is really freedom. This minor cavil does not detract from the outstanding contribution to the philosophical meaning of freedom which Berlin makes.” – J. B. Kizer, 2 Concepts of Liberty, in THE FREEMAN, September 76, when discussing Isaiah Berlin’s work. – Positive territorial law, trying to realize “positive liberty” is positively despotic! – JZ, 1.8.92, 2.4.08. - LANGUAGE ABUSE, POLICITALLY CORRECT TERMS

POSITIVE THINKING: An ounce of positive ideas, facts and proposals is worth a ton of negative ones. – JZ, 10/03. – We are overloaded with negative input from the mass media, which tend to concentrate on the bad news. Good news, trends and ideas are not sufficiently collected and published. If they were, they could become the most influential force in the world. – JZ, 26.10.07. – However, even positive ideas can be expressed in all too general terms so that they do not convey sufficient details and understanding to their readers or listeners. I am also all too often guilty of that. “Detaillieren heist interessieren!” was one of the favorite quotes of Ulrich von Beckerath. However, I believe that this helps, sufficiently, if the mind of the reader or listener is already sufficiently interested and open. – “Communication takes place only between equals.” That does not necessarily mean people of equal status only but, rather, people of equal intelligence and genuine interest in a problem, i.e. without fixed ideas or popular errors and prejudices, false assumptions and conclusions about them. - JZ, 4.1.14. - IDEAS, OPINIONS, CRITICISM, SKEPTICISM, OPEN MINDS, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE BEST REFUTATIONS, PUBLIC OPINION, POPULAR ERRORS & PREJUDICES, EDUCATION, ENLIGHTENMENT, PROPAGANDA, SLOGANS, ABSTRACTS, GENERALIZAITONS, LACK OF DETAILS

POSSESSION: Possession is nine points of the law.” – Draxe, 1616. – PROPERTY

POSSIBILITIES: Ideas often lie unused because people do not want to use them. The fact that something is possible does not mean that it will happen.” - Thomas Friedman, The Lexus and the Olive Tree, p.237, Harper Collins Publishers, ISBN 0 00 655139 4 – If all ideas were readily, easily and cheaply accessible to all people in the world, in all of the major languages, then at least some people would want to apply some of them among themselves. Alas, such a market does not yet exist, not even on the Internet. There, too, just like in the mass media, popular errors, myths, fallacies and prejudices do still largely prevail and are not yet sufficiently countered. – For many of them full experimental freedom does not exist either as yet, but, rather, legal and regulatory prohibitions. – JZ, 13.9.08. - IDEAS ARCHIVE, REFUTATIONS ENCYCLOPEDIA, INTERNET, MASS MEDIA, PREJUDICES


POSSIBLE: The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them, to the impossible.” – Arthur C. Clarke. - IMPOSSIBLE, IMPOSSIBILITIES – Another version: The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.” – Arthur C. Clarke, The Lost Worlds of 2001.

POST OFFICE: A snail talking to an astonished boy in a comic: “I tried to get a job delivering third class mail but they said I was too fast for it. …” - GEGENSCHEIN, 34. – JOKES, POSTAL MONOPOLY, SNAIL MAIL

POST OFFICE: And I can see no more reason for treating the carriage of letters as a state social service than for treating the carriage of fish from Grimsby to all parts of the country, or the distribution of milk, as a state social service. All trade is social service, and Individualists are certain that the free market offers better and cheaper service.” – Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, 10/75.

POST OFFICE: any operation that spends more than 75 % of its budget for labor is probably still in the 19th century.” - SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 9/75.

POST OFFICE: Below an “Out of Order” sign on a stamp machine someone had scribbled: “Doesn’t anyone or anything work around here?” – Next to it was this response: “I do. I put up the Out of Order signs.” – Helen Horner, quoted in READER’S DIGEST, 3/75. – JOKES

POST OFFICE: Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.” – “The freedom of speech”, which is here forbidden to be abridged, is the natural freedom, or that freedom to which a man is entitled of natural right. And the word “speech” does not mean simply utterance with voice, but the communication of ideas. And the right of speech includes a right to communicate ideas in any of the various modes, in which ideas may be conveyed. A man has the same natural right to speak to another on paper, as viva voce. And to speak to a person a thousand miles distant, as to one who is present. Any law, which compels a man to pay a certain sum of money to the government, for the privilege of speaking to a distant individual, or which debars him of the right of employing such a messenger as he prefers to entrust with his communications “abridges” his “freedom of speech”. – Lysander Spooner, Works, I, p. 16. – Obviously, the US Supreme Court could not be relied upon to uphold this right, either, against e.g. the post office monopoly. – And one can, usually, not reason with one’s supposed “representatives”. - JZ, 7.3.08. –

POST OFFICE: De-sovietize the P.O. – JZ, 5.8.91. – De-statize the P.O. – Demonopolize it. – Privatize the P.O. - JZ, 14.6.13.

POST OFFICE: Delivered by a coercive monopoly.” – Sticker mentioned in LIBERTARIAN OPTION, 9/75. – How many letters were not delivered as a result of that sticker? – JZ, 7.3.08.

POST OFFICE: Don't stamp out competition with the post office. Stamp out the post office monopoly! - JZ, 74, 4.1.14.

POST OFFICE: Fifteen cents of every twenty-cent stamp goes for storage.” – Louis Rukeyser. – Just as well that email isn’t exclusively managed by the post office, too. – JZ, 1.4.08. – “The price of postage is the same. They just charge more for storage.” – Reported by Michael Greene, Dec. 90. – JOKES.

POST OFFICE: Give yourself a chance. Post your mail early in the year! - JZ, 74. - JOKES

POST OFFICE: Good postal service is not impossible – it is merely outlawed.” – Source unknown.

POST OFFICE: How soon will it happen that the sending of a letter will become a rare luxury? – JZ, 17.2.77. – By now, through email, it has already become a rare occasion for me. – I certainly do no longer engage in any mass mailing. - JZ, 7.3.08.

POST OFFICE: I am looking forward to the year from which onwards there will be only one delivery of mail per year – and the poor and overworked postal staff can get a rest for the remainder of the year. – JZ, 29.12.76. – JOKES

POST OFFICE: I believe the increased postal rates, and various other problems are deliberate on the part of government to discourage private communications and to eliminate readership of other than the ‘controlled’ radio/TV/newspaper channels.” – Paul Doerr, “Trove”, quoted in SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 7/77. – The usual inefficiency of a governmental monopoly works just as well in that direction, without any wrongful intentions behind it. – JZ, 7.3.08.

POST OFFICE: I believe the right and the only practicable way to command “business sufficient to support the Post Office Department is to do it better and cheaper than individuals can. This the government can afford to do, and is, in my judgment, bound to do. The power to establish a mail was conferred on the government in this expectation, and for this purpose. It was not given to enable the government to make exorbitant charges for service, much less to enable it to enforce a compliance with them, if made. I think the existing charges for letter-carrying are of this character; and I am not disposed to denounce all who afford or employ other means of communicating than the United States mail.” – Mr. Simmons, Feb. 6th, 1845, quoted in Lysander Spooner, Works I, p. 43.

POST OFFICE: I think the Post Office is a clear example of the way in which fetters can be worn for so long that people look on them as natural human appendages. Not that there is no criticism of the Post Office – far from it – but the criticism is confined to points of detail; it is not radical. Rarely is the question put: Why should the Post Office be a State monopoly?” – Henry Meulen, quoted in THE FREE MAN’S ALMANAC, for April 19. – Why should anything be a governmental territorial monopoly? – JZ, 7.3.08. - Q.

POST OFFICE: I use the socialized mail but this does not deter me from standing foursquare for the ideal: free market mail delivery.” – Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, p.234.

POST OFFICE: I’d rather have my mail delivered by Lockheed than ride in a plane built by the Post Office Department.” – Bartholomew Gimble, quoted by Robert Anton Wilson in Schroedinger’s Cat III, p.78. – Also quoted in DIAGONAL RELATIONSHIP No.7. – JOKES.

POST OFFICE: If Congress cannot carry the letters of individuals as cheaply as individuals would do it, there is no propriety in their carrying them at all. The correspondence of private individuals, which is now sent through its public mails, could probably, on an average, be sent through private mails, for one third of the present expense. The overplus, demanded by the government, is an extortion for which there is no justification.” - Lysander Spooner, Works, I, p.16.

POST OFFICE: If you want a good postal service - don't hire the Post Office. - JZ, 75.

POST OFFICE: If you want the worst possible service – hire the Post Office! – JZ, 10.2.73.

POST OFFICE: In Des Moines, P.O. workers had to gather up leaflets on how to wrap parcels for safe delivery – from a parcel that burst open in the mail.” – SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 9/75. – JOKES

POST OFFICE: In his advertisements, Spooner announced his intention to “test the constitutional right of free competition, in the business of carrying letters.” And in his pamphlet of 1844, he argued that the people had “a natural right” to work and acquire property, which no legislature could abrogate.” - Charles Chiveley, in his introduction to Spooner’s essay on the P.O., p.30 of Works I. – RIGHT TO WORK.

POST OFFICE: In Italy, this social metamorphosis, this process of spontaneous social transformation, is apparently farthest advanced. Many government employees, for example, simply hang their hats on the office hat-rack to signify that they are technically “at work”. But they are actually elsewhere, more often than not working in the ‘economia sommersa’ (submerged economy). Rome’s official post office, for example, has 1500 employees. A parallel private post office, ‘Romana Recapiti’, delivers an equal amount of mail with 300 workers, most of whom are moonlighting employees of the official post office. Italians, it is said, are socialists in the morning and capitalists in the afternoon.” - Richard Cornuelle, Healing America, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1983, p. 144. – Page 145: “Six million Italians work illegally … The full dimensions of this irregular Italy are unknown and unrecorded, so the official statistical picture of the Italian economy has little relation to reality. Naples is one of Italy’s largest glove-making centers, but, according to official statistics, no gloves are made in Naples.” - Ulrich von Beckerath reported to me that in the Greek Inflation, after WW II, Greek public servants, paid in their un-indexed salaries in inflated money, with which they could not purchase their survival requirements, simply left their jobs and worked e.g. as harbor workers, who had managed to increase their wages in accordance with the rate of inflation. Thus a State can at least partly dissolve itself through inflation. When the German WW I inflation was at its peak, several provinces and towns threatened to secede. Hitler’s unsuccessful first putsch in Munich took place then as well. – JZ, 12.9.08. – Soldiers and policemen, unpaid for months, or only in greatly inflated currency, can no longer be expected to remain loyal to their government. That happened during the French Revolution and also in some recent years in Russia. - JZ, 11.2.11. - ALTERNATIVE INSTITUTIONS, PARALLEL INSTITUTIONS, PANARCHISM, BLACK WORK, BLACK MARKET, UNDERGROUND ECONOMY

POST OFFICE: In Rochester, New York, Patricia Brennan guaranteed delivery of first-class letters on the same day for ten cents apiece until the courts found her in violation of the Post Office monopoly and ordered her to stop.” - Richard Cornuelle, Healing America, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1983, p.191.

POST OFFICE: Is correspondence between private individuals a fit subject for taxation?” – Bastiat, Sophisms, p.223. – Is anything or anyone a fit subject of taxation? – JZ, 7.3.08. – QUESTIONS

POST OFFICE: Is there anything more unreliable now or more reliable in its unreliability, than the postal "service"? - JZ, 74.

POST OFFICE: Is your Post private? The Post Office opens hundreds of thousands of letters each year. – Robert Carnaghan. - Anyhow, that option was the main motive for establishing and maintaining the governmental postal service monopoly over many centuries. Some other degrees of censorship are also still with us, e.g. via the licensing of broadcasting stations. – At least the telephone monopoly and that for email messages, even long ones or with long attachments, are more and more broken into through computerized programs. - JZ, 7.3.08. - Also, on the Internet, many messages are forged, for advertising purposes, with false pretence senders. How many are intercepted and stopped? Some tried to reduce that danger by asking for an emailed receipt. - But at least the P.O. can't be blamed for these Internet abuses. - JZ, 8.2.11.

POST OFFICE: It is a pleasure now to report that the ECONOMIST writes (14/6): “Let us have competition in mail-carrying: let areas of it be let out to any contractor ready to do it for less than the present subsidy. This would (a) improve service, (b) cut government costs.” – And then follows the brief and caustic comment: “So it won’t be done.” – Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, 8/75.

POST OFFICE: It is amazing that governments have been able for so many centuries to preserve their monopoly of postal services, when this is obviously a sphere wherein private enterprise and free competition could operate so easily. They explanation is that the great majority of people accept institutions as they find them, in a dull, thick-witted way; and they are fearful of any change.” - Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, 8/75.

POST OFFICE: It is the abuse of freedom which makes the Post Office, little though people realize it, one of the scandals of the age.” – Sir Ernest Benn, Confessions of a Capitalist, p.69. – Greater or as bad scandals are those of territorialism, the financial despotism of compulsory taxation, the monetary despotism of central banking, compulsory schooling, compulsory military servitude, laws on voluntary sexual relations between adults, compulsory permits and licensing, the decision-making monopoly on war and peace, armament and disarmament, also on international treaties and the stockpiling of nuclear anti-people “weapons”. You add to this list! – JZ, 4.1.14.

POST OFFICE: It needs to be constantly repeated that the only reason why government established and maintained their monopoly of postal services is that the monopoly enabled them to find out easily what their subjects were writing to each other about. I do not deny that such supervision may be an important aid in detecting crime; but provision for this supervision could surely be arranged with private enterprise mail-carrying.” - Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, 8/75.

POST OFFICE: Legalize Postal Competition. “– YAF slogan.

POST OFFICE: Let anybody offer mail-carrying services at any price he likes. I predict that in a very few years the government service would wither away. It is argued that competitors would skim off the lucrative services, leaving the state with the unprofitable ones. But I cannot understand why people, who live in remote areas, should not expect to have to pay more for postal services, or why people living in large towns should subsidize people who live far away from most of their fellows. - Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, 8/75.

POST OFFICE: Let postmen compete. - JZ, 74.

POST OFFICE: Lysander Spooner “held that it was an infringement of free speech to force a man to send his written thoughts through a government channel and deny him access to all other channels.” – Robert Anton Wilson, THE MATCH, July-Aug. 72.

POST OFFICE: mail could be delivered ever so much more efficiently if left to the free market.” – Leonard E. Read, THE FREEMAN, 9/74.

POST OFFICE: Mail moves the country, let free enterprise move the mail.” – Slogan of YAF – VA/USA, quoted in SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 9/78.

POST OFFICE: Men, when left free to try, have learned how to deliver every 64 ounces of oil from the Persian Gulf to our eastern seaboard – more than half way around the earth – for less money than government will deliver a one-ounce letter across the street in my home town.” – Leonard E. Read, Elements of Libertarian Leadership, p.80.

POST OFFICE: Monopolistic postal charges are a penalty upon human communication, which we should now and finally tolerate less than ever before. – JZ, 26.7.91, 2.4.08.

POST OFFICE: Mr. Postman: It’s too late to start giving me good service! Merry Xmas!” – A MAD Sticker.

POST OFFICE: On a Plane: “Every time I start thinking the world is moving too fast, I go to the post office.” – Bob Cordray, quoted in READER’S DIGEST, 10/80. - JOKES

POST OFFICE: On July 13, 1855, the editor of Alta California, enraged by the prosecution of private carriers, declared: “The present Post Office system is the most outrageous tyranny ever imposed on a free people. It forbids us from sending letters by such means of conveyance as we may prefer, without paying an odious and onerous tax to the government. … “(14) - Strong words. And still true.” – THE FREEMAN, 3/76. - 14) Wooldridge, p.31. of Uncle Sam, the Monopoly Man.

POST OFFICE: On the 23d day of January, 1844, my mails were started from New York, to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Boston … In my advertisement I stated, … the constitutional right, of free competition in the business of carrying letters.” - Lysander Spooner, Works, I, p.24. – While Spooner fought the legal battle on behalf of private postal services, his competitors were more active and successful in carrying on their private postal services, until they, too, were suppressed. – JZ 7.3.08.

POST OFFICE: open … mail delivery to private competition.” – LIBERTARIAN YEARBOOK 1973

POST OFFICE: People usually get what’s coming to them – unless it’s been posted.” – Quoted in Grit, then in READER’S DIGEST, 3/82. - JOKES

POST OFFICE: Postal secret: the mysterious fact that a well known governmental monopoly firm in some of its branches continuously produces losses in spite of ever rising charges and ever reduced services.” – Ron Kritzfeld. – (“Postgeheimnis: die mysterioese Tatsache, dass ein bekannter staatlicher Monopolbetrieb in einige Sparten trotz staendig steigenden Gebuehren bei dauernd abnehmender Leistung wachsende Defizite erwirtschaftet.“) – JOKES

POST OFFICE: Postal workers should go on a permanent strike and thus get out of the way of private enterprises able and willing to offer good postal services. - JZ, 74, 5.11.02.

POST OFFICE: Private enterprise should be allowed to carry this letter for 4 cents.” – Suggestion for a rubber stamp, back in 1974. – If I remember right, the official charge was 7 or even 10 cents then. – Now it is 55 cents – in Australia. - JZ, 17.3.08.

POST OFFICE: Sell the Post Office!” – Source? – Selling it as a monopoly? And who should get the sales proceeds? Rather, hand out equal and transferable shares in all of the P.O.’s remaining real assets, to all people in a country and then let them decide, individually, how to utilize these shares. But all legal monopolies for the P.O. should be instantly cancelled. – JZ, 7.3.08. – Compare PEACE PLANS 19 C or the general re-privatization of all property in governmental hands, at any level. It is online at

POST OFFICE: Sell the Post Office. – Stop the government playing Post Office with your money!” – A black on red sticker. Source unknown or unremembered by me. – JZ

POST OFFICE: so unequal and mischievous a tax as that upon the diffusion of knowledge.” – Lysander Spooner, on the P.O., in Works I, p.23.

POST OFFICE: Suffering from heavy deficits throughout its existence, the postal service, in stark contrast to the goods and services produced by private industry on the free market, has become steadily higher in price and lower in quality.” – Murray N. Rothbard, For A New Liberty, p.83.

POST OFFICE: Take from the United States the appointment of postmasters and let the towns elect them, and you deprive the Federal Government of half a million defenders.” – Emerson, Journals, 1860.

POST OFFICE: The answer of course is to place the movement of mail in the private sector where it belongs. At the very least, Congress ought to repeal all laws prohibiting competition to the Postal Service and inhibiting entry into the field. Of course wouldn’t wholly solve the problem as Congress would doubtless appropriate ever larger sums to keep a withering post office in business. Hence a Libertarian administration would move immediately to convert the Postal Service into an operation for profit, and sell shares of stock in it (carrying title to all its assets such as post offices and delivery trucks) to investors across America.” – Roger McBride, A New Dawn, p.38. – Since American are already, at least nominally, the real owners, although not yet the controlling ones, their shares should be given to them. Then they should be free to sell them or use them to try to influence the management. – Compare PEACE PLANS 19 C on comprehensive and just privatization. - JZ, 7.3.08. - How much of their taxes were already wrongly and irrationally "invested" in this "service"? - JZ, 8.2.11.

POST OFFICE: The Australian monopoly Post Office wants us to lick their backsides even more frequently – by not providing, fast enough, postage stamps in the odd denominations of their latest prices increases. – JZ, 18.11.88.

POST OFFICE: The government will prevent you from going into the business of delivering first-class mail – even though (*) prior to that law private postal companies delivered the mail for a lower price, gave faster service, and made profits for themselves.” – Harry Browne, How I Found Freedom, p. 94. – (*) ? - although or because? – JZ – In a footnote Browne remarked: “A thorough review of the development of the U.S. Postal Service into a legal monopoly is given in Chodorov, One Is a Crowd.”

POST OFFICE: The importance of the Constitutional principle I contended for, whether viewed politically, socially, or commercially, will be in some measure appreciated, when it is considered that, if the government of the United States have the power to forbid the State and individuals carrying letters, newspapers, and other mailable matter, it can, at will, suppress, to any extent it pleases, all written and printed communications between man and man. Theoretically, this absolute power was claimed by the government; practically, it was exercised to “a very injurious and tyrannical extent.” – Lysander Spooner, Works I, p.14.

POST OFFICE: The PO has had over a hundred years to develop its postal service. If it has anything to fear from competition, that is a reason in itself for creating it. If it has lost the ability to make a profit other than by exploiting its monopoly privilege, that is a reason for abolishing the monopoly. If it can run the postal services better than other organizations, let it have the chance to prove it. If other organizations prove more efficient in satisfying the user, the user will benefit.” – Ian Senior, The Postal Service, Competition or Monopoly? In R. Harris and A. Seldon: Not from Benevolence, p. 97. - Free competition would be rightful, rational and efficient in every other "service" as well that is presently monopolistically provided by territorial governments at the expense of its involuntary customers and taxpayers. - While I can't run any of these services any better, I am sure that there are people who are willing and able to do so. - There are also people and associations that could efficiently offer whole package deals of such services to their subscribers. - JZ, 8.2.11.

POST OFFICE: The Post Office exploits also emotional ties, not only business interests – and renders unsatisfactory to bad services to them at monopoly prices. – JZ, 14.1.87, 15.4.08.

POST OFFICE: The Post Office handicaps us.” – Sir Thompson, quoted in C. J. Cutcliffe-Hyne, “But Britons ARE Slaves”, p.46.

POST OFFICE: the Post Office has been, since the late nineteenth century, a compulsory monopoly of government. Whenever private firms have been allowed to compete, even illegally, in delivery of mail, they have invariably provided better service at a lower price.” – Murray N. Rothbard, For a New Liberty, p.83.

POST OFFICE: The post office is not letter perfect.” – Shelby Friedman, quoted in READER’S DIGEST, 7/75. - JOKES

POST OFFICE: The post office monopoly means the postponement of letter delivery. – JZ, 8.4.08.

POST OFFICE: the Post Office, a huge institution masquerading as a trading concern which charges exactly what it likes for the provision of such service as in its own discretion it finds it convenient to give.” - Ernest Benn, Honest Doubt, p.53.

POST OFFICE: the Post Office, which continually consumers more and more labor, capital and materials to produce fewer and fewer services of lower and lower quality.” – Ron Shaw, THE BULLETIN, 14.2.96. - If all this waste would be turned into high productivity in other spheres, and the same would be done for all other government departments, our standard of living would rise significantly. - JZ, 8.2.11.

POST OFFICE: The Post Office, with its monopoly charges, imposes a penalty upon written and mailed communications. – JZ, 22.11.99.

POST OFFICE: The postal service … provides sluggish and spotty mail delivery at a cost almost twice that possible by private firms.” – LIBERTARIAN HANDBOOK 1973.

POST OFFICE: The power to establish a mail was not given to enable the government to make exorbitant charges for service, much less to enable it to enforce a compliance with them, if made.” - Senator Simmons, Feb. 6, 1845, quoted by Lysander Spooner, Works I, p.24. The Unconstitutionality of the Laws of Congress Prohibiting Private Mails, 1844.

POST OFFICE: The service the private companies offered, even in those relatively primitive times, was astounding. Blood’s New York Express, for example, was offering five collections and four deliveries a day. The only reason the U.S. Post Office still exists, and the only reason ours still exists, is that the government has legislated all competition out of existence. – John Singleton with Bob Howard, Rip Van Australia, p.200. - Good postal service is not impossible but merely outlawed! - JZ, 8.2.11, free after similar remarks by others on other governmental bureaucracies.

POST OFFICE: their iniquitous usurpation over the free transmission of intelligence …” - Lysander Spooner, Works I, p.52.

POST OFFICE: This phone is in WORKING ORDER!” – A MAD sticker.

POST OFFICE: Turn over the Post Office to private enterprise.” - Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, 8/75.

POST OFFICE: We hear that out of your 18c stamp, 5 c is actually for postage. The other 13c? Storage charges.” – TANSTAAFL, 3/76. - JOKES

POST OFFICE: What an opportunity was missed just recently when the post office employees threatened a nation-wide strike. All offices could have been closed down immediately and permanently. Virtually overnight new systems would have started, with competition working to bring down prices and improving services beyond anything imagined at present. We could have been rid of one of our biggest and most expensive political fiascos. Instead, the criminal action of an illegal strike was rewarded by acceptance of extortionate demands.” – Joan Wilke, THE FREEMAN, 12/75, p.711.

POST OFFICE: When cost cutting is monopolized and cost increases as assured as with the Post Office, no one should be surprised when costs go up and services go down. – JZ, 1.7.76.

POST OFFICE: When the Bishop of Chester, England, declared that there should be a religious message on Christmas stamps, Punch magazine suggested: ‘Lord deliver us’.” – READER’S DIGEST, 12/78. - JOKES

POST OFFICE: Why argue about postal services, charges and working conditions when the ABOLITION OF THE POSTAL MONOPOLY would soon lead to improved and cheaper services and better working conditions? – For a while I stamped my letters with this text on a stamp. – JZ, 7.3.08.

POST OFFICE: Why should people, who have to pick up their mail from the local post office themselves and to deliver their letters to it as well, as I have to do at my small local post office in Berrima, NSW, have to pay the same postage fee for such obviously reduced services? – JZ, 28.7.89. - Under free competition postage would be much more in accordance with services rendered. – I am aware that some country mail might have to be more expensive than city mail. - JZ, 1.4.08. - Governments seem to be unable to get even their water-pricing right, in accordance with market pricing. - Compare how quickly the petrol prices change - and keep in mind how much of them consists of taxes. - JZ, 8.2.11.

POST OFFICE: With faster planes the mail seems to arrive more slowly, which seems to suggest that with super-fast planes your mail would, possibly, never arrive during your lifetime. – JZ, 31.1.90. – The monopoly post office seems to act on the belief that delays and storage are its job. – JZ, 2.4.08. – JOKES

POST OFFICE: With the post it’s starting to get a week for a city delivery to get through. – “We guarantee a city delivery will be made within the hour.” - Mr. McInnes, SUN HERALD, 12.7.70. – As a result of its own difficulties with its own postal services, the government itself, not only private enterprises, established its own messenger service and document exchange in Sydney. – They are more expensive but faster and more reliable. – But the legalized postal monopoly remained, by now seemingly sanctified through its ancient privilege. - JZ, 7.3.08. - In my 1990/91 trip to the USA I noticed that many business enterprises provided large clusters of mail boxes to their subscribers. In Australia they are all confined to Post Offices, probably due to a legal prohibition. - JZ, 8.2.11.

POSTERITY: What has posterity done for us? – Sir B. Roche, 1743-1807, in Hyman – Quotes, p 287. – Well, to the extent that it is made up of our own descendants, it will continue some of our own genetic make-up. That is why we care about our own children, somewhat less about our grandchildren and, probably, still less about our great-grandchildren. – JZ, 6.3.08. -

POSTPONEMENTS: Freedom postponed means freedom denied. – JZ, 24.10. 92. – Regarding the Russian “liberation”. - GRADUALISM, FREEDOM

POSTPONEMENTS: What is rightful, possible and useful, desirable and affordable should not be unnecessarily postponed. (As numerous important libertarian jobs still are!) E.g., this morning I postponed, once again, a sunbath - until a cloudbank appeared - so that I could squeeze in only a few minutes at full sunshine – for my natural vitamin D ration. – JZ, 15.10.03. – Everything is timing or: For everything there is an optimal timing. – JZ, 19.9.08. – I have only learnt recently that, in the average, even a few minutes of daily exposure of part of one’s skin to sunlight is usually already enough to produce the required vitamin C. – More can lead to skin cancer, especially when it happens around noon. – JZ 9.3.09.


POTENTIALITIES: all of us are possessed of aptitudes and potentialities about which we are unaware.” – Leonard E. Read, Elements of Libertarian Leadership, p.86.

POTENTIALITIES: Anarchy is incompatible with constricting social forms or rigid and dogmatic thought. “One’s most vivid imagination cannot foresee the potentialities of a race set free from restraint.” – Rudolf Rocker. – It certainly demands the abolition of territorialism and any involuntary membership in any State, society or community. Whether, within a community or society of volunteers that is exterritorially autonomous, under personal law, they will adopt for themselves any of the various anarchist other dogmas, faiths or convictions oe governmental and statist ones, should be entirely up to them. The essence of anarchism is only voluntarism, so that one is not ruled by others against one’s will but only by individual consent and to the extent that one wants to be ruled, if at all. – The demand for voluntarism in all relationships is hardly a “constricting social form or rigid and dogmatic thought.” For how would one then characterize compulsion and coercion? - JZ, 18.3.09, 8.2.11. – ANARCHISM, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM,

POTENTIALITIES: Each laborer is possessed of unique potentialities, unknown to others, even to himself. These have no outlet or release except as the individual is free to probe, to weave and wend and find his own way to them. Every step forward becomes a further discovery of one’s own uniqueness. Remove the obstacles - that’s all! - And with the obstacles removed, exploitation of one laborer by another laborer is impossible or, to use the pigeonhole terms, a “capitalist” could not exploit a “worker”. – Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, p. 66. – Two of the most important obstacles to be removed a monetary and financial despotism and their replacement by full monetary and financial freedom. Then the monetary demand for labor will also be freed. Labor will not longer be confined to selling what it has to offer for monopoly money only. – JZ, 7.3.08. – All ready for sale and wanted consumer goods and services, including ready for sale labor, can then be expressed in is own goods- and service vouchers and clearing certificates, all using sound value standards, thus assuring a monetary demand for what they do offer, independent of the “policies” of any central bank. This potential and sound backing for any competitively issued and market rated optional currencies or clearing certificate system is huge, even in the only partly developed and free countries. Just walk through any large shopping center and supermarket and look at part of this potential backing for sound local currencies. – Work, property and incomes will then no longer be taxed, and more purchases, savings and investments become possible. - JZ, 18.3.09, 4.1.14. - WORKERS, OBSTACLES, EXPLOITATION, FACULTIES, ABILITIES, SELF-DEVELOPMENT, SELF-DISCOVEREY, EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE-RELATIONSHIP, COOPERATIVES, SELF-MANAGEMENT, EMPLOYEE-OWNERSHIP, AUTONOMOUS WORK GROUPS, LIBERATION AT WORK, MONETARY FREEDOM VS. UNEMPLOYMENT, FINANCIAL FREEDOM, INCLUDING VOLUNTARY TAXATION & SUBSCRIPTION SCHEMES TO FULLY REALIZE PROPERTY & EXCHANGE RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

POVERTY: 75 % of all expenditure on federal ‘programs for the poor’ go for overhead. Private charities that consume 75 % in overhead are routinely prosecuted for fraud.” – Jarret B. Wollstein, In Pursuit of Liberty, an ISIL leaflet. - Similar figures were produced for the Bureau of Indian Affairs in the USA and for the Department of Aboriginal Affairs in Australia. – Governments tend to publish their total outlays but not how they are spent and what their effects are. – JZ, 28.3.08. - WELFARE STATE, BUDGETS, GOVERNMEN SPENDING, WELFARE STATES, WARFARE STATES, WAR AGAINST THE POOR, WAR AGAINST DRUGS, PUBLICITY,

POVERTY: A cheerful poverty is an honorable state.” - Epicurus. - But if it is cheerful it is not poverty at all. It is not the man who has too little who is poor, but the one who hankers after more. What difference does it make how much there is laid away in a man's safe or in his barns, how many heads of stock he grazes or how much capital he puts out at interest, if he is always after what is another's and only counts what he has yet to get, never what he has already. You ask what is the proper limit to a person's wealth? First, having what is essential, and second, having what is enough.” - Seneca, Letters II. - Involuntary poverty experienced under all too little liberties can be an incentive to high productivity as soon as more economic liberty is achieved in one's home country or in a country one was able to migrate or escape to. - JZ, 8.2.11. - SUFFICIENCY, WEALTH, INCENTIVES, RAGS TO RICHES IN ONE GENERATION, POVERTY, FREEDOM PERCEIVED AS LEISURE OF FREE CHOICE IN ONE’S ACTIVITES, INDEPENDENT OF BREAD EARNING HOURS

POVERTY: a growing sense among the poor themselves that government is not their friend and mentor but an impersonal and domineering power that runs their lives. They are ready to bite the hand that feeds them, having discovered that it keeps them from feeding themselves.” – LIBERTY, 9.10.78. - WAR AGAINST POVERTY OR GOVERNMENT WAR AGAINST THE POOR?

POVERTY: A hungry people listen not to reason, nor cares for justice, nor is bent by any cares.” – Seneca. – And the poor do thus prolong the conditions of poverty, unemployment, inflation, bureaucracy, floods of laws and even starvation that they are suffering under. – JZ, n.d. – LACK OF KNOWLED OF THE OWN AFFAIRS & ALSO OF INTEREST IN THEM

POVERTY: A society in which government directs your operations from the cradle to the grave and plans your standard of living down to the laziest denominator in the community. I.e. Planned into poverty.” – Long Hancock, 1974. - PLANNING

POVERTY: Absolute poverty, like absolute power, corrupts absolutely.” – Brian Aldis, p.119 in The Future Makers, ed. by Peter Haining.

POVERTY: Abundance doesn’t necessarily produce happiness, but poverty almost always brings misery.” – James Gunn, The Road to Science Fiction, # 2, p.218. - There is also such a thing as voluntary poverty, in which people can be relatively happy. - JZ, 8.2.11. - MISERY, HAPPINESS & ABUNDANCE

POVERTY: According to may father’s Manifesto for Freedom and Peace – which is online at - the small savers in Germany had, in the middle seventies, six times as much money in their bank accounts as would be needed to enable them to buy up all the controlling shares of all the share companies in Germany. – They remained unaware of this and neither the banks nor their trade unions nor the share companies, nor the economists or the mass media pointed out this fact to them. It could have led, if utilized, to great positive economic and political changes in Germany. It is just one of the many still largely unknown or simply unused freedom options that could make much of a difference. Was this situation then and there really much different from that in most of the somewhat developed and somewhat free countries? In short, workers could mostly be “capitalists” as co-owners of the enterprises they work in! – At least in some countries they would not even have to buy them on terms. If they had to, then the terms could be very favorable to them, seeing the potential productivity increases of this change in ownership. Then they would see their trade unions as superfluous and would also take another stand against taxation and other governmental interferences in the free market economy. - JZ, 28.3.08, 18.3.09. – PURCHASE OF ENTERPRISES BY THEIR EMPLOYEES, COOPERATIVE PRODUCTION, WEALTH, RICHES, CAPITALISM, OWNERSHIP OF THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION, SAVINGS, INVESTMENTS, IGNORANCE OF THE LEFTISTS, UNIONISTS, STATE SOCIALISTS, ANTI-CAPITALIST, ANTI-PRO PERTY, ANTI-PROFIT & ANTI-INTEREST MENTALITY, SOMETIMES EVEN A DISLIKE OF MONETARY EXCHANGES

POVERTY: According to the 1997 United Nations Human Development report, poverty has fallen more in the past fifty years than in the previous five hundred. Developing countries have progressed as fast in the past thirty years as the industrialized world did in the previous century. Since 1960 infant mortality rates, malnutrition and illiteracy are all significantly down, while access to safe water is way up. In relatively short periods of time, countries that have been the most open to globalization, like Taiwan, Singapore, Israel, Chile and Sweden, have achieved standards of living comparable to those in America and Japan, while the ranks of the middle class in countries like Thailand, Brazil, India and Korea have swelled, due partly to globalization.” – Thomas Friedman, The Lexus and the Olive Tree, Harper Collins Publishers, ISBN 0 00 655139 4 - - However, even in countries most free by present "standards" full economic freedom and its benefits have not yet been introduced. Not only voluntary taxation or subscriptions but also quite free note-issuing banking have still to be established everywhere. - JZ, 8.2.11.

POVERTY: all the popular political measures to reduce or relieve poverty are more distinguished for their age than for their effectiveness. – Henry Hazlitt, Can We Keep Free Enterprise? (D. Z. copied that into my files. – JZ)

POVERTY: Although 14 percent of the people in the United States are said to be below the poverty line, an American runs less than a 1 percent risk of staying long in poverty, provided she or he does three things: completes high school, gets and stays married, and sticks for a year in a first job even if it pays only minimum wage.” – Norman Macrae, Governments in Decline, in: David Boaz, ed., The Libertarian Reader, The Free Press, 1997, p.386. - & SELF-HELP AGAINST POVERTY

POVERTY: Amnesty International's listing of human rights abuses shows a definite pattern where those nations with the least respect for human rights are also the poorest. By contrast - those with the greatest respect for human rights tend to be the richest.” - Walter Williams, All It Takes Is Guts. – Sufficient knowledge, correct ideas and intelligent minds are also useful. - JZ, 9.3.09. - & HUMAN RIGHTS,  INCENTIVES, KNOWLEDGE,

POVERTY: An empty pocket is the heaviest thing in the world.” - Lore and Maurice Cowan, compilers, The Wit of the Jews, Leslie Frewin, London, 1970, p.122. – On an over-crowded train in the first 3 years after WW II in Germany, when many people went far into the country to exchange some of their possessions for food, I heard one traveller remark, on his way to press himself through the crowd standing in the corridor, on the way to the toilet, that an "arse full of shit would be the heaviest load of all." - JZ, 3.2.11. - JOKES. THE ABILITY TO PAY IS GREATER UNDER MONETARY FREEDOM THAN UNDER MONETARY DESPOTISM

POVERTY: An increase in the poor (by what standard?) can only be brought about by state interference in the market place.” – Skye d’Aureous, LIBERTARIAN CONNECTION, March 6, 72. – There is also such a thing as self-caused poverty: Lazyness, unwillingness to study, train and learn, gambling, addiction, wastefulness, refusal to take out insurance. – JZ, 18.3.09. –

POVERTY: An unhappy state of affairs that persists as long as anyone lacks anything he would like to have.” – Kelvin Throop III, in ANALOG 2/83, p. 105. – Even the richest men can’t buy everything they want, e.g. personal beauty – apart from the beauties they could buy as companions - and a long life extension, so that, by this definition, they, too, would be poor! – JZ, 18.3.09. – WEALTH, RICHWA, HAPPINESS

POVERTY: and place the real disgrace of poverty not in owning to the fact but in declining to struggle against it.” - Thucydides. - It lies rather in refusing to closely enough examine all the real causes of involuntary poverty and then systematically working towards abolishing them, especially the numerous poverty-causing imposed laws, especially those establishing monetary and financial despotism. - JZ, 13.10.02, 9.3.09. - OPPORTUNITY, FREEDOM, MONETARY & FINANCIAL FREEDOM & KNOWLEDGE OF IT

POVERTY: And what is the measure of a man’s success in a free market? The extent to which he effectively serves others as these others want to be served! Wealth accumulates in the hands of those who most economically and abundantly produce the things, which alleviate poverty, and thus people are stimulated to emerge and climb and help themselves. Multiplying wealth is by far the fastest way to help the poor. Dividing wealth and subsidizing poverty is the fastest way to starve everyone.” – Paul L. Poirot, quoted in FREE MAN’S ALMANACH, for August 22. - Here he assumes that sufficient freedom to exchange does already exist - while monetary and financial despotism are still dominant and prevent many rightful and rational exchanges from taking place. - 8.2.11. - WEALTH, RICHES, CAPITAL, FREE INVESTMENTS, ENTERPRISE, BUSINESS, PROFIT, MASS PRODUCTION, LAISSEZ FAIRE CAPITALISM, FREE MARKETS, FREE ENTERPRISE, FREE TRADE, SELF-HELP, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY

POVERTY: And what is the most likely opportunity for a poor man to earn his way? By selling his services to the highest bidder in open competition. (*) Let buyers compete for his services – which means, in general, that the highest bidder will be the employer who can most profitably use that person’s services. That employer will earn a profit, not because he is exploiting anyone, but because he is most efficient using scarce resources for purposes that consumers want and can afford. And “the poor” will reap benefits both as employees and consumers as they move upward out of poverty.” – Leonard E. Read, Who Is Listening? 52/53. - (*) This would also require that the kind of monetary demand for their services could be quite freely and competitively produced, instead of being monopolized by the State. – A monopoly means of payment, combined with a monopolized and unsound value standard, greatly reduces the demand for labor and consumer goods and services and slows down the growth of productive capital. – Do not forget, either, the tax-penalties and red tape imposed on employment and on the provision and sale of consumer goods and services! - JZ, 25.2.08. – UNEMPLOYMENT, UNDER-EMPLOYMENT & SALES DIFFICULTIES, CAPITAL GROWTH, PROFIT, EXPLOITATION, EMPLOYERS, TAXATION, BUREAUCRACY, RED TAPE

POVERTY: Apart from unforeseen disaster, a nation today is poor only because its people are lazy or ignorant. Neither of these defects can be cured by gifts of goods. Look what Denmark has done with her narrow strip of barren sandy soil.” – Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, 4/77, p. 14. - As if the absence of e.g. monetary and financial freedom and of other economic liberties did not matter at all! - JZ, 8.2.11. - Even an advocate of free banking, as H. M. was, seemed to forget, sometimes, about it. - JZ, 8.2.11.

POVERTY: As government gets richer, people get poorer.” – Stormy Mon, Imagine Freedom, No. 10.

POVERTY: As the poverty-producing currency laws, land laws, and taxes, intensify the struggle for an enjoyable existence, …” - Badcock, Slaves to Duty. – LAWS, TAXATION

POVERTY: Australia is following the trend in the U.S.A. and poverty is becoming professionalized and bureaucratized. In the process it is becoming a lucrative business – for professional welfare workers, administrators, researchers and consultants.” – John Singleton with Bob Howard: Rip Van Australia, p.270/71. – WELFARE STATE, THE WAR AGAINST POVERTY AS A WAR AGAINST THE POOR

POVERTY: Bastiat insisted that absolute poverty had been the starting point for mankind, and that the only possible road upward from general poverty was through the formation of capital, of savings put to productive use, savings making the skills of the individual worker far more productive than they would otherwise be.” – Bastiat, in G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p. 221. - As Adam Smith pointed out, division of labor and free exchange are also significant factors. Also the invention of tools, machines and the development of skills, unless one considers these as also being “capital” already. – Others pointed out to the role of peaceful cooperation for development, e.g. in hunting, to make it more fruitful, and e.g. in house building to make it easier and faster. – And even primitive exchange media and clearing methods were often more important than productive capital. Only they could assure sales of abundant production beyond the simple barter exchanges. - JZ, 24.2.08. – Before there was money, investment capital and proper tools there was already some barter exchange and cooperation among primitives to advance themselves. – JZ, 25.2.08. – No freedom for the formation, use and reward of capital, important as it is, can be a complete substitute for full monetary freedom to replace the everywhere existing monetary despotism, with its compulsory acceptance and forced value for monopolized exchange media. – Without full monetary freedom, which goes far beyond exclusive gold coins and gold certificates in the provision of sound exchange media and sound value standards, free enterprise and laissez faire capitalism is quite incomplete! - JZ, 22.4.08. - CAPITAL, SAVINGS, MONETARY FREEDOM, FREE ENERPRISE, FULL EMPLOYMENT, EASY MARKETING, CAPITALISM, A FULLY FREE MARKET

POVERTY: Born-again Carter, unlike Jesus, is dedicated to ending poverty in the world – with your money.” – STRAIGHT TALK, Dec. 29, 1977, 7. - WAR AGAINST POVERTY OR WAR AGAINST THE POOR.

POVERTY: But not satisfied with this substantially absolute control of all other men’s property and labor, the monopolists of money, in this country, - feigning great pity for their laborers, but really seeking only to make their money monopoly more profitable to themselves, - cry out for protection against the competition of the pauper labor of all other countries; when they alone, and such as they, are the direct cause of all the pauper labor in the world. But for them, and others like them, there would be neither poverty, ignorance, nor servitude on the face of the earth.” – Lysander Spooner, A Letter to Grover Cleveland, Works I, p.51/52. - MONEY ISSUE MONOPOLY, MONETARY DESPOTISM, MONETARY FREEDOM, PROTECTIONISM

POVERTY: But the poor man does the rich no service by obeying him – the rich man does the poor no good by commanding him.” – P. B. Shelley, An Address to the Irish People, 1812. – Alas, even Shelley had only the usual poor knowledge that poets have of economics and its opportunities for all. – JZ, 25.2.08. – Neither the rich nor the poor do benefit from obeying most of the territorial government laws. They would both be much better off if they freed themselves to enable them to individually choose their own personal law and economic, political and social systems, mostly in form of communities and societies of volunteers or “competing and voluntary governments”, none with any territorial monopoly. Then progress might become very fast and false measures would be rapidly revealed as such, before they would harm vast numbers of people. – JZ, 25.2.08. – PANARCHISM, LAWS, MONETARY DESPOTISM VS. MONETARY FREEDOM, LIBERATION, PANARCHISM, PROGRESS

POVERTY: But they kept that government poor …” - Frank Chodorov, Out of Step, p.152. – Keep government poor! Reduce government to poverty! – JZ, 11/78. – Then it cannot commit as many wrongs and do as much harm. – Best: confine it to voluntary members, subjects and taxpayers only, under exterritorial autonomy, letting all others escape it into voluntary communities under personal laws and exterritorial autonomy, doing only their own things for or to themselves. That will teach them! - JZ, 25.2.08. – PANARCHISM, GOVERNMENT

POVERTY: By now the poor (less productive or unproductive and even destructive) do rob the rich, directly or indirectly (i.e. the highly productive people, whose profits, when not due to monopolies, are indicators of their productivity and thus their service to their customers) much more so than the rich rob or ever robbed the poor (Apart from slavery and serfdom. - JZ, 8.2.11.) and, thereby, they do indirectly harm themselves. – JZ, 25.11.79, 24.3.08.

POVERTY: Capital ... is the force by which civilization is maintained and carried on. The same piece of capital cannot be used in two ways. Every bit of capital, therefore, which is given to a shiftless and inefficient member of society, who makes no return for it, is diverted from a reproductive use; but if it was put to productive use it would have to be granted in wages to an efficient and productive laborer. Hence the real sufferer by that kind of benevolence which consists in an expenditure to protect the good-for-nothing is the industrious laborer. The latter, however, is never thought of in this connection. It is assumed that he is provided for and out of the account ...” - W. G. Sumner, What Social Classes Owe To Each Other, p.109. - WELFARE, SOCIAL SERVICES, TAXATION, HANDOUTS, FORGOTTEN MAN, CAPITAL, INVESTMENTS, CHARITY, CIVILIZATION, WELFARE STATE, WAR AGAINST POVERTY A WAR AGAINST THE POOR

POVERTY: Capitalism – system on the point of collapse due to its creation of mass poverty; also reprehensible on the grounds of corrupting the masses with too many consumer goods.” – Kingsley Amis & Robert Conquest. – Who are the main beneficiaries of mass-produced cheap consumer goods? And what is wrong with quality second-hand goods? I bought today 11 T-shirts and short sleeved shorts and one singlet – for only 50 cents each, from one of the charity shops in Bowral NSW. – New they would have cost me ten times as much. And after one wash they would also be second-hand goods. - JZ, 28.3.08. – AFFLUENCE, CONSUMERISM, MASS PRODUCTION, CHEAP GOODS, CAPITALISM, JOKES

POVERTY: Capitalism did not create poverty – it inherited it … the living conditions of the poor in the early years of capitalism were the first chance the poor had, ever had to survive.” – Ayn Rand, in: O’Neill, Ayn Rand, page 57, footnote 114. – CAPITALISM, INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION

POVERTY: Capitalism, Hazlitt explains, is the best tool around for the conquest of poverty.” – ACADEMIC REVIEWER, Spring-Summer 74. – Provided it includes full monetary and financial freedom! – Ayn Rand, too, appreciated and somewhat popularized only fractions of these and other rights and liberties. - JZ, 22.4.08, 8.2.12.

POVERTY: Census Bureau added 1.3 million to the ‘poor percentage’ last year. Taxpayers, no doubt. …” - SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 9/75. - An excellent little libertarian journal that John T. Harlee ran, up to his death. I micro-fiched all the issues that I could get. It was full of humor and satire, too. – Hopefully, it is already online or disk – or it should be. – JZ, 25.2.08. – At least its jokes should be systematically extracted. – JOKES, TAXATION

POVERTY: Championing the disadvantaged is not only an inspiration but also an occupation. To be blunt, the poor are a gold mine. By the time they are studied, advised, experimented with and administered, the poor have helped many a middle-class liberal to achieve affluence with government money.” – Thomas Sowell (Spot), SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, Feb. 77, p.4. – NEED, WELFARE, DISADVANTAGED, UNDERPRIVILEGED

POVERTY: Children born into poverty.” An expression from a TV advertisement by the Christian Children’s Fund. They should rather have said, more truthfully: In many to most cases, children are born under laws or customs that make their parents and their children poor. - The CCF does not call for the repeal of such laws, or the abolition of such customs but, rather, calls for a charity commitment amounting to $ 30 per month per child. – JZ, 28.2.95, 8.2.11. – When considering poverty one should take into consideration that children are often compelled to attend school for at least 8 years, to learn no more than they could, under full freedom in education, learn in about 3 months to a year at most. Furthermore, they are not allowed into many jobs, although these would be safe enough for them and not too demanding or long in hours. – Perhaps, most important of all, that they and their parents are only allowed to sell their labor, knowledge and skills for monopoly money that is usually under-supplied or over-supplied in an inflationary way. – JZ, 28.3.08, 14.4.08. – Under full economic freedom many children could earn more than $ 30 a months through a few hours of free labor, in which they might learn more than they could and would, mostly, in 30 hours of classroom education per months. – JZ, 4.1.14. – EDUCATION, CHARITY, CHILD LABOR, MONETARY DESPOTISM, SCHOOLING, MONETARY DESPOTISM, FOREIGN AID, LACK OF ECONOMIC FREEDOM

POVERTY: Cultures that promote desire and pursue wealth do not necessarily obtain it. On the other hand, cultures that preach the virtues of poverty usually get precisely what they pray for." - Alvin Toffler - Striving for wealth under monetary despotism and monopolism, heavy taxation, protectionism, compulsory licensing etc. wastes much time and effort and cannot achieve much. If the masses of the poor did, instead, strive to understand, realize and then utilize all of their individual and genuine human rights and liberties, especially the economic ones, they could become relatively prosperous within a few years and rich within a few decades. Territorial governments and their legislation do not open but rather block these avenues for them. - JZ, 8.2.11.

POVERTY: Curing poverty equals allowing people to get rich." This very simple truth has eluded some of the deepest thinkers in the world's advanced nations. - P. J. O’Rourke - Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online. - FREEDOM, WEALTH, RICHES

POVERTY: Down With The Poor. – An analysis of the failure of the ‘welfare state’ and a plan to end poverty.” - Title of a book ed. by Dr. Rhodes Boyson. Dr. Boyson commented on the title: “This title was inspired by George Bernard Shaw’s radical if un-Fabian declaration inThe Intelligent Women’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism’ (1928): “I hate the poor and look forward eagerly to their extermination.” – Abolition instead of “extermination” might have been a less provocative or offensive term. – His choice of words reminds one of the old and all too unappreciative and intolerant but also extremely provocative saying, by Jonathan Swift: “Eat the rich!” - JZ, 25.2.08.

POVERTY: During the course of the Apollo program we spent $ 23 billion to reach the Moon. … During those same years the Federal Government spent more than 500 billions on programs to help the poor. Who has been helped? There are more poor today than there were when those programs began.” – Ben Bova, editorial, ANALOG, March 1, 1982, p.12. – WAR AGAINST POVERTY, GOVERNMETN PROGRAMS, WELFARE STATE

POVERTY: Economist Thomas Sowell summarized the intricate incompetence of the poverty programs: “The total amount of money the government spends on its many anti-poverty efforts is three times what would be required to lift every man, woman and child in America above the official poverty line by simply sending money to the poor.” - Richard Cornuelle, Healing America, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1983, p.86. – I read, years ago, similar figures regarding the “help” the Australian Aborigines received from the Australian government. – Only the Welfare “Industry” prospers. - JZ, 12.9.08. – Bold lettering done by me. – JZ - WELFARE STATE, ANTI-POVERTY PROGRAM, WAR ON POVERTY

POVERTY: Economists have again and again been forced to point out that nearly every popular remedy for poverty merely aggravates the problem. I have analyzed in these pages such false remedies as the guaranteed income, the negative income tax, minimum wage laws, laws to increase the power of the labor unions, opposition to labor-saving machinery, promotion of “spread-the-work” schemes, special subsidies, increased government spending, increased taxation, steeply graduated income taxes, punitive taxes on capital gains, inheritances, and corporations, and outright socialism.” - Henry Hazlitt, The Conquest of Poverty, p.229/30. - GOVERNMENTAL ANTI-POVERTY PROGRAMS:

POVERTY: Eric Hoffer as quoted in James D. Koerner, Hoffer's America (Open Court, 1973), p. 57: "Poverty causes crime! That is what they are always shoving down our throats, the misbegotten bastards! What crap! Poverty does not cause crime. If it did we would have been buried in crime for most of our history . . ." - Eric Hoffer on the 'Root Causes' of Crime [Maverick.Philosopher] - - & CRIME

POVERTY: Especially the poor, oppressed, exploited and mislead people need panarchism more than anything else – towards a better future for them. For instance, under the experimental freedom of panarchism the problems arising for them out of unemployment, inflation and the housing shortage would soon be solved. – JZ, 9.1.05. – Compare pages 35, 52, 54, in ON PANARCHY I, in PEACE PLANS 505. - EXPLOITATION & PANARCHISM

POVERTY: Even the best political effort relieves half a crown’s worth of poverty in one quarter by destroying five shillings worth of wealth in another.” – Sir Ernest Benn, Account Rendered, p.74. – WELFARE STATE, TAXATION & HANDOUTS,  WAR AGAINST POVERTY

POVERTY: Ever since FDR, liberal government economics have been based on New Deal theories that by taxing the middle class, the poor can be given the bare essentials. (*) That premise is dead as a political postulate. The middle class won’t buy it. The number of poor have been growing with the bite of government getting bigger, at the same time as the middle class’s lifestyle is threatened by inflation and unemployment.” – The socialist paper IN THESE TIMES, quoted in LIBERTY, 9.10.78. - (*) Buckley, William F. Jr., proved with facts and figures that in natura, i.e., through basic foods, help to the poor could be given very cheaply. The mere basic food supplies would also be a strong incentive to get out of the condition of poverty through self-help steps. – JZ, 25.2.08. – Provided this approach includes full monetary and financial freedom as well. Under monetary and financial despotism all too much poverty will still remain because fully free exchange remains interfered with by it, as one should expect from a monopoly exchange medium and a manipulated and imposed monopoly “value standard” and the large confiscation and redistribution of incomes through taxation and government spending. This basic food distribution could be done through existing shops and financed through donation, perhaps to a special charity rather than through the official bureaucracy. – JZ, 18.3.09, 4.1.14. – MONETARY FREEDOM, MONETARY DESPOTISM & THE MONETARY DEMAND FOR LABOR, GOODS & SERVICES, CENTRAL BANKING, LEGAL TENDER, CHARITY, WELFARE STATE, BASIC WELFARE THROUGH BASIC FOODS OFFERED FREE OF CHARGE

POVERTY: Every time we apply restrictions upon the operations of the free marketplace, deny the right to work by legalizing forced unionism or imposing minimum wage rates, or force people to work for nothing by taxing away their pay in order to pay those who can but won’t work, or otherwise take from individuals to give to everybody; we’re moving toward the day when no one has anything. …” - PURSUIT, 16.11.70. – Published by Karlis Paucitis. – I wonder what has become of him. – He published libertarian writings of Dr. Boardman. Are all his writings online by now? – Or are they still also among the libertarian treasures to be dug up and made digitally generally accessible? - JZ, 25.2.08, 18.3.09. – MAN-MADE POVERTY, RESTRICTIONS

POVERTY: Everything that is subsidised increases and becomes permanent - even poverty. - JZ (Somebody said once: “You can get as much poverty as you are willing to pay for.”) – SUBSIDIES, WELFARE STATE, HANDOUTS, CHARITY

POVERTY: fewness of people is real poverty.” – Sir William Petty, The Growth, Increase and Multiplication of Mankind, 1681. – If the popular view on “overpopulation” were true, then voluntary hermits and involuntary ones, like Robinson Crusoe, should be really rich. – JZ, 18.2.08. - OVERPOPULATION, POPULATION, DIVISION OF LABOR, WEALTH, RICHES

POVERTY: Fight poverty – with your own arms, your own mind, your own money and clearing system and your own earnings through your own free production and exchanges. – JZ, 3/75, 5.1.14.

POVERTY: Fight poverty: work for yourself! – D.Z., JZ, 10.8.75.

POVERTY: Fight poverty! Stone the next beggar!” – Owen Warrington, 9/72. – JOKES. – When I was in the USA, in 1990/91, I encountered so many beggars that I suspected that most of them made pretty good money in this way. Most Americans seemed to be all too charitable towards them. – JZ, 25.2.08. - I also doubt that even one of these beggars or even of the donors did seriously think about the causes and cures for involuntary mass unemployment. – JZ, 10.4.08.

POVERTY: First, the programs invariably get out of hand and, second, poverty becomes greater rather than less. - The Incredible Bread Machine, p. 108. – The War against Poverty increases poverty. Anything can be increased by subsidizing it. – You can get as much poverty as you are willing to pay for or as you are forced to pay for. WELFARE STATE, WAR AGAINST POVERTY

POVERTY: For a man who can command another man’s labour and self-denial for the support of his own existence is a privileged person of the highest species conceivable on earth.” – W. G. Sumner – That kind of "command" is only possible under monetary and financial despotism, when sound exchange media and sound investment options are made artificially scarce. - JZ, 8.2.11. - WELFARE STATE, SOCIAL SERVICES, SOCIAL SECURITY, POVERTY PROGRAMS, PRIVILEGES

POVERTY: For every talent that poverty has stimulated, it has blighted a hundred.” – John W. Gardner, Excellence, 1961. – And the possibly millions of still unappreciated talents of the world have still not set up a talent registry and ideas archive for the whole world, to market properly what they have to offer in talents and ideas, bringing supply and demand in this sphere systematically together. (Although this could be done now more cheaply than ever before. (How many good libertarian and other ideas and addresses of talents could e.g. be stored in and duplicated in form of an already very affordable 4 TBs HDDs, seeing that the whole Library of Congress could already be offered in about 15 TBs? – Harvey Norman recently offered a 4 TB Seagate one for A $ 219. – Instead, governments run huge and very expensive spyng operations on their own subjects, under the false presences of “home security” or internal security requirements. They are themselves the greatest threat to internal and external security, justice, peace, freedom, enlightenment and progress, the largest terrorists, blackmailers and extortionists, oppressors, exploiters and wastrels of manpower and resources. - JZ, 5.1.14.) Who among them has even shown any interest in such an institution? If established digitally, it could now be run very cheaply and even profitably. Either via a website or on disk or via email. Probably all the books and articles that US Negroes have ever written and that were published - as well as all the still unpublished ones, might fit onto a single DVD – and there should be a ready market for it at least among the black population. – JZ, 28.3.08. – IDEAS ARCHIVE, TALENT REGISTRY, AS FREE MARKETS FOR THEM, CD PROJECT, SELF-PUBLISHING, SELF-HELP OF TALENTS & IDEAS CARRIERS, STATES, STATISM, BUREAUCRATY, PLANNING, INTERVENTIONISM, TERRITORIALISM, INTEREST IN THE OWN AFFAIRS

POVERTY: For most part, poverty is a creation of the State.” – Lawrence Samuels, in SLL leaflet: Taxation Is Legalized Theft.The longer version: For the most part, poverty is a creation of the State. For instance, a Tax Foundation study showed that national, state and local taxes rob approximately 34 per cent of the income of citizens who make less than $ 3,000 a year. (“U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT”, Dec. 3, 1968.) And as poverty grows with higher taxation, so does an ardent allegiance to a welfare/warfare government were liberties are bought and sold for a little extra security. STATE, LAWS, STATISM, WELFARE STATE, SOCIAL SECURITY

POVERTY: For, as Herbert Spencer has said, the more things improve the louder becomes the outcry against their defects.” – S. Hutchinson Harris, in The Doctrine of Personal Right, p.275.

POVERTY: Free people live much better than unfree ones. – JZ, 22.6.80. – But how many of the poor and their “helpers” have clearly seen this connection as yet and have drawn all the necessary conclusions from this? – JZ, 25.2.08. - WEALTH, FREEDOM, ENLIGHTENMENT

POVERTY: Freedom is not a luxury for a few wealthy nations; as many of our liberal pundits try to tell us, but a necessity for the poor and hungry.” - Edward P. Coleson. ISIL LIBERTY QUOTE LIBRARY 03. – Since for most of his existence man has lived in poverty and with very little freedom, except that of the primitive, which did not make him wealthy in worldly goods, this remark is obviously not universally valid. But it applies largely to the involuntarily poor of today, who are also, mostly, all too unfree and largely imprisoned in nation-wide prisons, under one or the other territorial statist systems. – JZ, 10.1.08. – Once we are free to use all our individual rights and liberties, using all self-help, mutual aid, insurance and credit options, then, largely, only voluntary poverty will remain. – JZ, 9.2.09, 8.2.11. Once they had the freedom to be economically motivated migrants all over the world. Even that is now largely abolished for them through immigration restrictions, set up, largely, with popular approval by people fearing for their jobs in their largely governmentally caused ignorance and prejudices on such subjects. These innocent victims are, rather, captured, herded and kept in concentration camps, sometimes for years and all too often deported, as “illegal immigrants” or “illegal humans” Not giving them any Welfare State handouts but recognizing all their individual rights and liberties, including personal law self-governance or exterritorial autonomy, would be the libertarian solution to this imagined “problem”. – JZ, 5.1.14. - & FREEDOM, WEALTH & POVERTY, DEVELOPMENT, UNDERDEVELOPED COUNTRIES, RIGHT TO ASYLUM, FREE MIGRATION VS. LEGALIZED IMMIGRATION BARRIERS & COMPULSORY STATIST & EXPENSIVE WELFARE STATE SYSTEMS, IMMIGRATION RESTRICTIONS

POVERTY: Government cannot make man richer, but it can make him poorer.” – Ludwig von Mises – High ranking politicians and bureaucrats form the main exceptions to this rule. – JZ, 9.3.09. – How many of them became millionaires through their political positions? Businessmen and corporations can become wrongfully rich only through governmentally granted privileges like protectionism and bailouts. Otherwise they have to supply wanted goods and services to satisfied customers at market prices and become rich only through relatively low profit margins, earned by them. – JZ, 5.1.14. - RICHES & GOVERNMENTS, POLITICIANS, BUREAUCRATS, BUSINESSMEN, CORPORATIONS, SUBSITIES, PRIVILEGES, PROTECTIONISM, BAILOUTS, ANTI-CAPITALIST MENTALITY COMBINED WITH STATISM, TERRITORIALISM & WELFARE FOR THE RICH & WELFARE STATES FOR OR AGAINST THE POOR

POVERTY: Government could … best help the poor – and the rest of society – by getting out of the way: by removing its vast and crippling network of taxes, subsidies, inefficiencies, and monopoly privileges.” – Murray N. Rothbard, For A New Liberty, p.190.

POVERTY: Government systematically, legally and coercively impoverishes people. It does so most obviously through inflation and other taxes and through uncounted restrictions on production, exchange, savings and investments. The only thing it really encourages is non-production and waste. – JZ, 20.2.78. – In this it is greatly assisted by trade unions. - How much more could e.g. be produced if children, instead of being forced into “educational slavery” for eight to twelve years, were freed to got to various jobs, safe enough for them, for a few hours at least every week, with their parent’s permission, and free to largely educate themselves thereby and via xyz freely competing and very affordable educational media and services? Often they would learn much more through their job involvements, directly or indirectly, than they do now learn in schools. Yes, I do favor voluntary child labor rather than toys, games, idleness and governmental “education”, with its long and unearned “sentences” to unproductive compulsory labors in schools. – JZ, 25.2.08. - GOVERNMENT, CONTROLS, RESTRICTIONS, REGULATIONS, LAWS, PROHIBITIONS, LICENSING, CHILD LABOR, EDUCATION, SCHOOLING, LAISSEZ FAIRE, FREE ENTERPRISE & FREE EXCHANGE CAPITALISM, FREE MARKET ECONOMICS, FREEDOM OF CONTRACT, ASSOCIATION, SECESSIONISM & ASSOCIATIONISM, EXPERIMENTATION, VOLUNTARISM - IN EVERY SPHERE – BY COMPETING GOVERNANCE, PANARCHIES, POLYARCHIES ETC. AGAINST ALL TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, EXCLUSIVE TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENTALISM, LEGALISM, BUREAUCRACIES

POVERTY: Governments are creating, spreading and administering poverty on a vast scale by both, destroying wealth and by preventing it from being freely produced. – JZ, 18.6.86. 28.3.08.

POVERTY: Governments inevitably produce more poverty than they alleviate by forceful transfers. – JZ, 22.6.91.

POVERTY: Governments maximize poverty. – JZ, 11.7.78. – It is one of their methods to enable them to buy masses of votes through handouts out of tax funds. – JZ, 18.3.09, 5.1.14. - VOTING

POVERTY: Have you ever really asked yourself what causes poverty – or are you merely satisfied with dispensing temporary palliatives at the expense of others? One thing is sure; real free enterprise capitalism did not cause it but is the most effective system to fight involuntary poverty. – JZ, 3/75. – Through really competitive social insurance even that kind of poverty, which would, otherwise be caused through some of the usual hazards of living, could be done away with. – JZ, 25.2.08, 8.2.11. – Alas, we never as yet had fully free enterprise, laissez-faire and free market or quite competitive capitalism. There were always still all too many governmental interventions with it. Only the xyz slanders and misunderstanding of capitalism are quite widely known. Capitalism is still, as Ayn Rand said in the title of one of her books “the unknown ideal”, apart from her followers and her sympathizers. – JZ, 10.4.08. – Even she did not appreciate all genuine individual rights and liberties. May to most people might discover them only through observation and news once panarchism is realized or by them being finally fully collected and declared in the best possible wordings. - JZ, 8.2.11, 5.1.14. - Q., FREE ENTERPRISE, CAPITALISM, FREE MARKET, LAISSEZ FAIR, FREE ECONOMY, MONETARY & FINANCIAL FREEDOM, FREE TRADE, FREE MIGRATION, FREE INVESTMENTS, FREEDOM IN THE CHOICE OF INSURANCE SYSTEMS, DECLARATION OF ALL INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, LONG OVERDUE.

POVERTY: Have you read Chaucer’s “Man of Lawe’s Tale?” … “Not that I remember. What’s it about?” – “I forget. I was thinking of the first six stanzas. Where he talks about poverty. The way it gives everyone the right to stamp on you! The way everyone wants to stamp on you! It makes people hate you, to know that you’ve no money. They insult you just for the pleasure of insulting you and knowing that you can’t hit back. - George Orwell, Keep the Apidistra Flying, p.634 in the Octopus/Heineman edition of 1980. – In reality it is rather monetary and financial despotism that is “stamping” on all and, to some extent, impoverishing all and, indirectly, depriving all of many rights and liberties. – JZ, 21.9.13, 6.10.13.

POVERTY: Help only those who deserve help and will repay it – at least to others. – JZ, n.d. – Personal loans, competitively provided, could replace most social welfare services. – JZ, 16.11.81. – Perhaps close family members and friends should serve as guarantors for them. – JZ, 25.2.08. – CHARITY, WELFARE, SOCIAL SERVICES, HAND-OUTS

POVERTY: Helping the poor to become helpless is no act of kindness.” – Leonard E. Read, Who’s Listening?

POVERTY: High taxes and transfer payments (some $ 300 billion a year in the U.S.) to the “poor” tend to discourage work and encourage unemployment.” – Charles Curley, NEW LIBERTARIAN WEEKLY, No. 56, 9.1.77. – How large are these transfer payments now? How small could e.g. defence expenditures and voluntary taxation become under the competition, peace, freedom, security, enlightenment and progress achievable through panarchism, polyarchism and competing governance in and for a country like the USA? – JZ, 5.1.14. - TAXATION, WELFARE STATE

POVERTY: Highlights: The proportion in extreme poverty ($1.25 a day) has been reduced from 52% in 1981 to 22% today. - World population increased by more than 2 billion 1981-2008, but the number of poor was reduced by 650 million people ... - JohanNorberg.Net - on Facebook 2.3.12. – POSITIVE SIGNS OF THE TIMES

POVERTY: How would capitalism deal with poverty? It wouldn’t create it in the first place and would reduce the existing poverty with the most productive, liberating and only just economic system, if it is a genuine free enterprise, free trade, monetary and financial freedom and, generally, laissez-faire, laissez passer capitalism, not a monopolistic one or a mixed economy. Even its limited part in a mixed economy does already do more for the poor than any other system. It has never as yet been quite unchained from all governmental restrictions to quite convincingly demonstrate all that it can do, in every sphere, voluntarily. – JZ, n.d. & 25.2.08, 8.2.11. - CAPITALISM

POVERTY: Human progress is at bottom moral progress, and moral progress is largely the accumulation of economic virtues.” - Richard Hofstaedter, Social Darwinism in American Thought. - “Let every man be sober, industrious, prudent, and wise, and bring up his children to be so likewise, and poverty will be abolished in a few generations.” - W. G. Sumner, Essays, I, p.109. - Sometimes, in some families, already within one generation. Here I speak from my own experience and that of two of my 3 sons, under relative freedom conditions. The third son, D.Z., is a drop-out-and never wanted a dependent and steady job and a bourgeois prosperous existence. He rather gets by, doing what he likes, arts, crafts, recycling. – JZ, 23.3.08. - Alas, some general phrases about classical "virtues" are not a good enough substitute for an ideal declaration of all genuine individual rights and liberties. To the shame of over 6 billion people they have, between them, still not produced such a declaration or even systematically collaborated to produce and publish it. If it already exists, it has not been brought to my attention. I tried to stimulate such an ethical enlightenment effort by my anthology of over 130 human rights drafts, in PEACE PLANS 589/590, in the enlarged digitized edition, on - but did, so far, not receive a single comment or suggestion regarding it. So unproductive, at least in this respect, are e.g. the thousands of libertarian and anarchists groups in the world - and the masses of the poor and the large numbers of over-taxed rich people! - JZ, 8.2.11. - PROGRESS, ECONOMIC VIRTUES, FROM RAGS TO RELATIVE RICHES, HUMAN RIGHTS

POVERTY: Humanitarians want society to eliminate not just poverty, but ‘relative poverty” – and they have already achieved that many people can afford to live comfortably and often better on unemployment benefits, than work.” – George Hardy, The Doom of the Welfare Society, p.2. – But if one considers as poor all those in the lowest percentage of all incomes, regardless of how high the average incomes and already the lowest ones are, then, naturally, the relative poverty will always be with us. – JZ, 25.2.08. Much of it is also self-caused or voluntary, not only for monks and nuns. - JZ, 8.2.11. – RELATIVE POVERTY, INCOME GAP, INEQUALITY, DEFINITION OF POVERTY

POVERTY: I absolutely disagree with the theory that you can upgrade the poor by giving them better housing.” – Kevin P. Phillips – I am all in favor of e.g. mere tents, on commercially provided camping grounds, for people not desiring anything better for themselves. – Who could claim that they are unaffordable, too, for those able and willing to work? – Involuntary mass unemployment is governmentally produced through its wrongful and legalized interventions, which should all either be repealed or ignored. - JZ, 5.1.13. - HOUSING, PUBLIC HOUSING, SLUM CLEARANCE

POVERTY: I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."  Benjamin Franklin. – Quoted by Slim Richey shared Lawrence Reed's photo. – Facebook, 9.10.13.

POVERTY: I do not interfere with you in any way in helping the poor in any way you see fit.” – David Kennedy, or Dr. David Cunningham? - 2.7.75.

POVERTY: I favor only the deserving poor, not the loafers and no-hopers, drinkers and gambling men. The first would be given credit by free credit institutions in a free market. To the latter I would give nothing voluntarily. – JZ, 3/75, 25.2.08. - I favour only loans for the deserving poor and recommend that you organise your charity for the benefit of the undeserving ones, with your own money or with that of other hopeless do-gooders like you. - JZ, 75. – UNEMPLOYMENT, FREE BANKING

POVERTY: I fight poverty: I work!” – old slogan. – We fight poverty: we work! - JZ, 31.7.75. – Fight poverty: Work for yourself. – D.Z. & JZ, 10/8/75. – MONETARY FREEDOM VS. MONETARY DESPOTISM

POVERTY: I have been poorer than most people in somewhat developed countries (excepting e.g. inmates of concentration camps, extermination camps and POWs e.g. in Russia). That’s why I favor free enterprise and free exchange capitalism, as the best system to defeat poverty. – JZ, 3/75, 25.2.08.

POVERTY: I have tried to show that the fight against poverty means the creation of wealth and to do this the reader will already appreciate a free economy is necessary.” – Antony Fisher, The Case for Freedom, p.31. – Are the collected works of all the great libertarian thinkers and writers already online or offered on a disc? If not, they should be, a.s.a.p. – JZ, 18.3.09. - WEALTH, FREE ECONOMY, CD-PROJECT

POVERTY: I like to help the poor, e.g. the poor hitchhiker, by giving him a ride. But I do discriminate according to expression, appearance and behaviour. I don't pick up people who appear to be no-hopers or hoodlums. The deserving poor: yes. The undeserving poor: no. - By the way, the government has made it illegal for me to help these poor. - JZ, 75. – Only recently did I learn that picking up hitchhikers and even picking up firewood from the side of the road is now illegal! What will they prohibit next? – JZ 9.4.08.

POVERTY: I tried to enlist in the war on poverty, one man said, “But I couldn’t pass the fiscal.” – Roger Allen, READER’S DIGEST, 4/75. - JOKES, TAXATION

POVERTY: I used to think I was poor. Then they told me I wasn’t poor, I was needy. Then they told me it was self-defeating to think of myself as needy. I was deprived. Then they told me deprived was a bad image, I was underprivileged. Then they told me underprivileged was overused, I was disadvantaged. I still don’t have a dime. But I sure have a great vocabulary.” – Jules Feiffer, b. 1929. – JOKES, CLASSIFICATION, NEEDY, DISADVANTAGED, UNDERPRIVILEGED, EXPLOITED, PROLETARIANS, WELFARE STATE, DEPRIVATION, TAXATION, RESTRICTIONISM, BUREAUCRACY, STATISM

POVERTY: If a man is poor and he’d rather stay poor than struggle, he’s entitled to that. If a neighborhood is crowded and its occupants would rather stay crowded and familiar than face uncertainty, that’s their right.” – Ruth E. Hampton, THE FREEMAN, 1/75, p. 644. – Also in THE FREEMAN, 11/75, p.444. - SLUMS

POVERTY: If I had my way, I would write the world “insure” over the door of every cottage and upon the blotting-book of every public man, because I am convinced that by sacrifices which are inconceivably small (*), which are all within the power of the very poorest man in regular work, families can be secured against catastrophes which otherwise would smash them up forever.” – Winston Churchill, Manchester, 23.5.1908. – Yes, as long as government does not “regulate” or monopolize the social insurance business. – JZ, 29.12.78, 25.2.08. - (*) Governmental social insurance rates are not so small and their funds are largely wasted and lead to low-pay-outs, instead being productively invested at the highest interest rates obtainable on long terms, tax free and on a stable value basis and thus leading to very high pay-outs, especially in case of accidents and old age. – JZ, 25.2.08. – INSURANCE & GOVERNMENT INTERVENTIONS WITH IT

POVERTY: If I were a Brazilian without land or money or the means to feed my children, I would be burning the rain forest too.” - Sting. - The right to provide oneself with productive work may require the issue of one's own money notes or clearing certificates or clearing account. With bonds issued by cooperators they could buy fertile land on terms. Jungle land is usually not fertile for long and requires often enormous and unpaid labor to cultivate for the first time, probably also after burning it. The first thing that comes to one's mind does not always offer the best solution. - JZ, 22.11.06. The number of people required to produce abundant food for all the people in the world becomes smaller and smaller! To achieve productive full employment in all other spheres is thus much more important. Central banking has failed to achieve that and will continued to do to. – JZ, 9.3.09. – BRAZIL, RAINFOREST, DEFORESTATION, MONETARY & FINANCIAL FREEDOM

POVERTY: If one defines the poor as the bottom 10 % of the income earners then they will, naturally, always be with us, no matter how high this income becomes! – Free version of a remark by Hayek in the film “The Hayek Equation”. – JZ, 7.6.82.

POVERTY: If past experience is any guide, the poor are not likely to get anything they do not pay for and many pay for things they do not get. The principal effect of such programs, on them as on everyone else, is to force them to pay for services that they would not buy willingly because they do not think them worth the price. This is called 'helping the poor' ". - David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p.68/9.

POVERTY: If the poor are so virtuous, and if virtue deserves support, the most appropriate support the poor could receive would have to be support for (*) their poverty. – If it has any merit whatsoever, the poor, who are already granted virtue, ought to avoid riches with all their might. For theirs would be the greatest sin: having known virtue, to leave it aside for the evil of riches. - There is not a shred of evidence to support the view that the poor are any more virtuous than those who are not poor.” - Tibor Machan, Liberty and Power, p.276. – I rather hold that both, poverty and riches, have their own kinds of corrupting influences. – Which ones are stronger? I don’t know and do not know of convincing researches on the subject. – JZ, 20.2.08. - (*) the continuance of? – JZ - FREE MARKET

POVERTY: If the wretched are unknown or but vaguely known, all the demerits they may have are ignored; and thus it happens that when the miseries of the poor are dilated upon, they are thought of as the miseries of the deserving poor, instead of being thought of as the miseries of the undeserving poor, which in large measure they should be.” – Herbert Spencer, The Man versus the State, The Coming Slavery.

POVERTY: If titles to all the real assets of all levels of governments in Australia, held in our name but which are so mismanaged by governments that they need subsidies out of taxes, were evenly distributed, in capital certificates, to all the people living in Australia, then we could all get about one million dollars in such capital assets and could come to earn interest or dividends from them. Instead, we are legislated and taxed into degrees of poverty and dependency by our great “protectors” and “helpers”. – JZ, 6.8.09, 11.3.12. – Compare especially the finance plan in PEACE PLANS 19 C. - & RICHES, NATIONAL REAL ASSETS - HELD & MISMANAGED BY GOVERNMENTS

POVERTY: If we could get governments simply to refrain from inflationary, socialist, and destructionist policies, we might solve nine-tenths of the problems of poverty that are responsive to political action." - Henry Hazlitt, The Conquest of Poverty, p.188.

POVERTY: If you feel driven to feed the poor, get your checkbook out and keep your tyrannical mouth shut about it.” – Lew Goldberg. – Why consider always only charity as an option or a solution? Rather start an insurance company or credit institute or establish a freely competing note-issuing bank that would increase the sound monetary demand for the labor power of the poor with a better kind of money than governments are able or willing to supply. Also allow them to buy duty-free from all the world – paying with assignments upon their labors, products and services or clearing them freely against those of the people in their own country and the rest of the world. – Separate the economy from the State, just like religious activities. Poverty is largely the product of wrongful and irrational governmental interventions. Without government meddling, including compulsory licensing, it would be rapidly diminished. People could then rapidly advance from rags to riches. (Even now, under all the remaining anti-economic restrictions, it already rapidly diminished, apart from temporary and also governmentally caused economic crises. – JZ, 5.1.14.) – Allow the poor to secede and then to advance as fast as they can under their own personal law system. Also break down all emigration and immigration barriers for them. – Even poverty-stricken districts may, in balance, pay more in taxes than they receive in hand-outs. How effective the anti-poverty programs of governments are has long been demonstrated by the costly governmental administration of reserves for Red Indians and Aborigines, mostly for the benefit of their white administrators. – These people, too, could have achieved much more under individually chosen laws and institutions of their own. - JZ, 3.1.08. – The poor need freedom and all their rights and liberties much more than feeding by others. Today, even in merely semi-free countries, they, too, suffer from obesity. – JZ, 5.4.12. - WELFARE STATE & CHARITY, MONETARY FREEDOM, PANARCHISM

POVERTY: If you want to help the poor – put your hands into your own pocket! I’m only willing to give them freedom ideas, on freedom possibilities to help themselves – if they want them. – JZ, 25.3.85, 10.4.08.

POVERTY: In a country well-governed (*) poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed wealth is something to be ashamed of.” – Confucius, Analects, VIII, 500 B.C. – Quoted in: G. Seldes, The Great Quotations. - & in Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online. – Not government should be the criterion but freedom or lack of it. – (*) i.e. economically free, free even of territorial governments! – JZ, 25.2.08. - Is there or was there ever such a thing as a territorial good government? – Wealth, after all, is produced by division of labor, free enterprise and free exchange. – Governments tend to be good only at reducing it. - JZ, 16.1.13.– WEALTH, RICHES, POVERTY, MONOPOLY, EXTORTION, TAXES, DISHONESTY, THEFT, ROBBERY, GOVERNMENT, SHAME

POVERTY: In a democracy the poor have more power than the rich, because there are more of them and the will of the majority is supreme.” – Aristotle. - But the poor and not so well off must learn to use their votes, energies and opportunities for economic freedom rather than against it. – JZ, 28.3.08. – DEMOCRACY, POWER, VOTING.

POVERTY: In a sense, it turns out (although in a meaning quite different from that which Karl Marx intended) that the contention that capitalism created a proletariat, is perfectly true. It gave them life. They could never have existed if the capitalist system had not made it possible for the propertyless to survive, whereas in an earlier system they could not survive. …” – F. A. Hayek, Knowledge, Evolution and Society, p.50. – Or they could only survive as slaves or serfs. Many of the others died from hunger and diseases. – By now those people whom Marx called “proletarians” have already become a minority in most of the somewhat developed economies. – And they have to spend ever less of their earnings merely on staple foods. – They do also tend to get obese in the process. A far cry from what Karl Marx thought to be the fate of proletarians. - JZ, 28.3.08, 8.2.11.

POVERTY: In a society of billionaires the mere millionaire would be considered to be a pauper, since he would own only one thousand’s of the wealth common to the billionaires. – JZ, 29.11.96, 13.2.08. - RICHES, RELATIVE POVERTY, INEQUALITY OF WEALTH

POVERTY: In reality, all programs designed to help the “poor” are programs to improve the well-being of those who administer them. The welfare state is most beneficial to those who run it. While Uncle Sam displays the “welfare” sign in the hand he holds before the public, the hand behind his back contains the real trick – the fact that millions of Middle-Class-elite government employees make off with most of the funds being redistributed. - As William Simon has pointed out, between 1964 and 1975, the cost of federal welfare programs increased by $ 209 billion – to a total of 286.5 billion a year. If each of the 25 million people who were listed as “poor” by the government in 1975 had been given just the $ 209 billion increase (well, his share of it. – JZ), without the government as a middleman, it would have amounted to about $ 8,000 per person per year. That means that a “poor” family of six would have received a yearly income of $ 48, 000!” - Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, p.159/60. – I have seen similar figures for the Aborigines of Australia, if all the money spent on their behalf would actually be given to them directly, rather than being largely “administered” away from them. – JZ, 24.2.08. – WELFARE STATE

POVERTY: In reply to Mrs. Roosevelt’s humanitarian talk about the need to ‘abolish’ poverty, Frost said: “When I think of all the good that has come from poverty, I would hesitate to abolish it.” – Peter J. Stanlis: Robert Frost, THE INTERCOLLEGIATE REVIEW, Summer 73, p. 227.

POVERTY: In the previous chapter I argued that liberal measures tend to injure the poor, not benefit them, and to increase, not decrease inequality. If that has been true in the past, then the increasing equality we have experienced is in spite of, not because of, such measures.” – David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p.33/34. - EQUALITY, LIBERALISM, WELFARE STATE

POVERTY: Inflation is among the largest poverty makers - and it is clearly government-made. - JZ, 75. - So are involuntary mass unemployment and numerous bankruptcies that close down the business of many employers. Compulsory licensing closes jobs for the poor, so do minimum wages and numerous taxes impoverish people and building restrictions are among the factors that produce "street people". - JZ, 5.11.02.

POVERTY: Is it not manifest that there must exist in our midst an immense amount of misery which is the normal result of misconduct, and ought not to be dissociated from it? There is a notion, always more or less prevalent and just now vociferously expressed, that all social suffering is removable, and that it is the duty of somebody or other to remove it. But these beliefs are false.” – Herbert Spencer, The Man versus the State, The Coming Slavery. - - UNDESERVING POOR, SELF-CAUSED POVERTY, DRUG ADDICTION, ALCOHOLISM, GAMBLING, SMOKING, BETTING, LAZINESS, INCOMPETENCE, STUPIDITY

POVERTY: it costs the government several dollars to give one dollar to 'the poor’." - E. Opitz, THE FREEMAN, 7/75. – WELFARE STATE, WAR AGAINST POVERTY

POVERTY: It is a virtue to assist those who are in acute need through no fault of their own, but it is folly to glamorize men simply because they are penniless. The crude linkage between wealth and evil, poverty and virtue, is false, stupid, and of value only to demagogues, parasites, and criminals – indeed, the three groups that alone have profited from the linkage. - Similarly, the view that government is virtuous and producers are evil is a piece of folly, and a nation which allows itself to be tacitly guided by these illusions must lose both its liberty and its wealth.” – Willliam E. Simon, A Time for Truth, p.220. - WEALTH, GOOD, EVIL, VIRTUE, GOVERNMENT, LIBERTY

POVERTY: It is fashionable to say today that 'society' must solve the problem of poverty. But basically each individual - or at least each family - must solve its own problem of poverty. The overwhelming majority of families must produce more than enough for their own support if there is to be any surplus available for the remaining families that cannot or do not provide enough for their own support. Where the majority of families do not provide enough for their own support- where society as a whole does not provide enough for its own support - no 'adequate relief system' is even temporarily possible. Hence 'society' cannot solve the problem of poverty until the overwhelming majority of families have already solved (and in fact slightly more than solved) the problem of their own poverty." – Henry Hazlitt: The Conquest of Poverty, p.230. . - SOCIETY, FAMILY, SELF-HELP, WELFARE STATE

POVERTY: It is not that egalitarians could not know that the poor are not all that nice and that the rich aren’t all that nasty – they don’t want to know.” - Tibor Machan, Liberty and Power, p.239.

POVERTY: It is not that they could not know that the free market is best for the fortunate and unfortunate alike – no effort is made to acquire that knowledge.” - Tibor Machan, Liberty and Power, p.270. – FREE MARKET

POVERTY: It is not true that the increase in population leads to impoverishment. There has been no instance in history – and I say this after careful consideration – that increases of population have led to impoverishment of the people who were already there. …” – F. A. Hayek, Knowledge, Evolution and Society, p.50. – POPULATION, OVERPOPULATION? MALTHUSIANISM

POVERTY: It is true that poverty, in particular, has been a spectre haunting every civilization since man appeared on earth. It is also true that governments have a habit of instituting systems of relief for the poor, and the results are ultimately predictable: First, the programs get ultimately out of hand and, second, poverty becomes greater rather than less.” - The Incredible Breadmachine, p.108. – WELFARE STATE, WAR AGAINST POVERTY – A WAR AGAINST THE POOR, E.G. MINIMUM WAGE LAWS

POVERTY: It is usually forgotten how people have historically escaped poverty throughout the world: through their own efforts, their hard work, thrift, their investment in education, their willingness to move in search of better opportunities, their willingness to try something new, to take risks. As Lord Bauer famously pointed out, if outside help had been a necessary condition of poverty alleviation, we would all still be living in the Stone Age. - Otto Graf Lambsdorff - Liberty Quotations – Facebook, 7.1.14.

POVERTY: It needs to be said that the poor are poor because they don’t have enough money.” – Sir Keith Joseph, British Conservative MP, 25.4.70. – That is as much of a “profound insight” as to say the unemployed are unemployed because they have no jobs and that the people who are not healthy are sick! I consider this remark to be one of the involuntary jokes. – JZ, 28.3.08. – If Sir K. J. had examined his own remark he should have asked: What kind of money don’t they have enough of? Only monopoly money is allowed to circulate and, obviously, any monopoly can and often does lead to shortages. Then, as a free marketeer, he should have pondered how to overcome this shortage and in England he should then at least have encountered and dealt with the monetary freedom writings of Henry Meulen, from 1909 to 1978. But MP’s have usually not much time for reading left and conservative ones not much interest, because they imagine that they already know all the answers. – JZ, n.d. & 8.2.11. – POLITICIANS, CONSERVATIVES, EXPERTS, MP’s. – JOKES.

POVERTY: It would be better to speak of the variation between individual incomes than of their "distribution". It tends to lead to the prevalent idea that the solution to the problem of poverty consists in finding how to expropriate part of the income of those who have earned "more than they need" in order to "distribute" it to those who have not earned enough. The real solution to the problem of poverty, on the contrary, consists in finding how to increase the employment and earning power of the poor.” - Henry Hazlitt: The Conquest of Poverty, p.58. – DISTRIBUTIONISM, WELFARE STATE, EGALITRIANISM

POVERTY: It’s hard enough to support the “poor” politicians and bureaucrats. We can’t afford to support all the other no-hopers and good for nothings, too. If you want to try, do it on your own account. – JZ, 25.3.85.

POVERTY: It’s no disgrace to be poor, but it’s no great honor, either.” – Tevye, Fiddler on the Roof.

POVERTY: just as poverty within a nation is not satisfactorily dealt with by benevolent welfare programs (keeping people as pets), so there is little reason to think the matter will be satisfactorily dealt with by putting poor nations on welfare – that is, by conventional development aid programs. – Willis W. Harman, in TRANSNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES, Vol. 14, No. 3, 1988, p. 15. – FOREIGN AID, WELFARE STATE, UNDERDEVELOPED COUNTRIES, DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. ALL COUNTRIES ARE STILL DEVELOPING!

POVERTY: Launch a government war on poverty and you increase the number of poor people.” – Edmund A. Opitz, THE FREEMAN, 5/73. – WAR AGAINST POVERTY INCREASES POVERTY

POVERTY: Let people be free to ask for the labour of the poor with other than the coercive and exclusive currency issued by the government. - JZ, 75. – MONETARAY FREEDOM VS. MONETARY DESPOTISM

POVERTY: Let the poor help themselves. - JZ, 75. - For this purpose repeal all the laws which prevent them from helping themselves and employers from employing them, e.g. by paying them with sound and competitive private means of exchange for whatever productive work, at market prices, they are able and willing to offer. - JZ, 5.11.02. – MONETARY FREEDOM, FINANCIAL FREEDOM, TAXATION, REGULATIONS, LEGISLATION, BUILDING RESTRICTIONS, ZONING LAWS, MINIMUM WAGES, FREEDOM IN WAGE CONTRACTS, SELF-HELP, FREEDOM IN INSURANCE & CREDIT CONTRACTS, FREE MIGRATION

POVERTY: Let the poor really care for the poor and poverty would soon be done away with.” - JZ – The progress from rags to riches or at least sufficient prosperity requires only some economic freedom and industry for healthy working people. Millions of now prosperous immigrants are proof for that. – Naturally, under full economic freedom, including especially full monetary and financial freedom, we would all be much better of. – But how many of the poor – and of the taxed and regulated rich – do show a serious interest in such subjects? - JZ, 18.3.09, 5.1.14.

POVERTY: Let there be no obstacle in the way of any capitalist, home-grown or foreigner, who wants to finance and manage whatever productive ability, and willingness to apply it, any poor people have. - JZ, 75, 5.1.14. – CAPITALISM, FOREIGN INVESTMENTS

POVERTY: Let us hate poverty, not riches. - JZ 74. - That would be an additional incentive to go "from rags to riches". - JZ, 5.11.02.

POVERTY: Let us never allow ourselves to think that poverty is an excuse for an invitation to totalitarianism, and if we should be tempted to think as much, let us remind ourselves that totalitarianism not only extinguishes liberty but institutionalises poverty as well.” - Bernard Levin, THE TIMES. – We are still very far from having mobilized all individual liberties and rights for the extinction of almost all involuntary poverty, mostly by self-help opportunities - which they would provide, even for people who are somewhat incapacitated. – JZ, 26.12.07. - & TOTALITARIANISM

POVERTY: Lincoln … believed that the way to better the poor man’s lot was to clear the way for his self-advancement not in pulling down the wealthy to his economic level. – Dean Smith, Conservatism, p. 73. - WEALTH, TAXATION, DISTRIBUTIONISM, TRANSFER SOCIETY, WELFARE STATE

POVERTY: Man throughout history has been searching for the cure for poverty, and all that time the cure has been before his eyes.” – Henry Hazlitt, The Conquest of Poverty, Arlington House. – That cure, he proves, is what we call free enterprise. - NOTES FROM FEE, 4/73. – Can there be fully free enterprise, a fully free market, capitalism, free trade and free exchange of goods, services and labor without full monetary and financial freedom. This question is only rarely asked and even less often positively answered. - JZ, 8.2.11. – Fully free enterprise, consumer sovereignty and a free market are also urgently needed for all the governmental services and disservices now monopolized and made compulsory and by territorialism and its statism, its Welfare States, Police States and Warfare States. – JZ, 5.1.14. - FREE ENTERPRISE, FREE MARKETS, SELF-HELP, SELF-GOVERNANCE, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION, CONTRACT & EXPERIMENTATION OR VOLUNTARISM IN EVERY SPHERE

POVERTY: Many a rich man came up out of poverty, but I have never heard of one who came up out of welfare. – Richard Needham, THE INDIVIDUALIST, Northcliffe, South Africa, 1981, VI/3.

POVERTY: Misery enslaves progress.” (Das Elend knechtet den Fortschritt.) - Hans Habe, Leben fuer den Journalismus, Band 1, Reportagen und Gespraeche, Knaur, 1976, S.41. – In reality, the money issue monopoly prevents free exchange and this is a major cause of poverty and it slows down or stops progress or even reverses it. – (*) Hans Habe was not always as superficial in his judgment as he was here, while confronting the mass unemployment in the Austrian industrial city Steyr during the Great Depression. – JZ, 15.9.07. – (*) Add to this all the wrongs and expropriations involved in all forms of compulsory taxation and other restrictions of financial freedom. – JZ, 5.1.14. - VS. PROGRESS, MONEY MONOPOLY PREVENTS FREE EXCHANGE, FULL MONETARY & FINANCIAL FREEDOM VS. THEIR OPPOSITES, PRODUDICING POVERTY

POVERTY: Modern government has also been summed up as a racket using the poor as a cover story.” – Peter Samuels, THE BULLETIN, 5.6.79. – WELFARE STATE, SOCIAL SERVICES, LAWS, WAR AGAINST POVERTY

POVERTY: Most of the poor uphold errors, opinions and prejudices that create and prolong the very laws, institutions and conditions that keep them poor. – JZ, 24.9.75, 25.2.08.

POVERTY: Most of the problems of the weak, the sick and the handicapped are made worse by government meddling with the economy.” – Mike Stanton, FREE ENTERPRISE, 6/76. – MEDDLING, INTERVENTIONISM, MIXED ECONOMY, WELFARE STATE, REGULATIONS, CONTROLS

POVERTY: Most poverty (that is not self-caused e.g. by drunks, or by accidents or ill health) is man-made, even law-made. Most of the involuntary an non-accidental poverty is “manufactured”, directly or indirectly, by the philosophy, mentality, ideology, prejudices and corresponding “actions”, “measures” and “programs” of statist and territorialist politicians, bureaucrats and their “economists”, by average journalists and other apologists for and advocates of statism and its economic interventionism. Very few of them did e.g. criticize monetary despotism and saw it as a cause for inflations and mass unemployment, with their impoverishing effects. To mention just one example: As Anderson in his book “The Federal Bulldozer” described that, at least for a while, more of the, admittedly, less than ideal slum housing was willfully destroyed than better housing was provided by the government. And rent controls perpetuated housing shortages in some countries for decades. In my time in Germany the official housing administration did cost as much that for the same funds 300 000 flats could have been built every year – but they were not, at least not by the State. If you should find a really successful government program – please let me know! It would be one of the very rare exceptions. – JZ, 28.3.08, 8.2.11.

POVERTY: Mrs. Thorpe needed help. Instead, she got government.” – UPI, May 1, 1973. – The poor need freedom for self-help, much more than help from others. Instead, they got government. – JZ, n.d. & 25.4.08. – FREEDOM FOR ALL SELFP-HELP OPTIONS! FREEDOM IN INSURANCE & CREDIT ARRANGEMENTS, MONETARY & FINANCIAL FREEDOM, FREE MIGRATION, SELF-HELP

POVERTY: Multiplying wealth is by far the fastest way to help the poor. Dividing wealth and subsidizing poverty is the fastest way to starve everyone.” - THE FREE MAN’S ALMANAC - Well, not starving everyone, except in extreme cases, in which still the rulers and their helpers do not starve as a rule. Even under today’s less than quite free market conditions poverty has been greatly reduced. Under full freedom, including insurance and credit systems, involuntary and not self-caused poverty, leading to hunger, lack of clothing and shelter options, could already have been removed for all, who did not cause their troubles themselves, e.g. by laziness, gambling, drinking, drug addiction, committing major crimes with victims. – JZ, 5.1.14. – DISTRIBUTIONISM, WAR ON POVERTY, EGALITARIANISM, CHARITY, HANDOUTS, WELFARE STATE

POVERTY: Murray Rothbard, in “For a New Liberty”, makes no bones about it: “What … can the government do to help the poor? The only correct answer is also the libertarian answer: “ Get out of the way.” - Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, 171. – This afternoon I inspected a block of land of my second son. To be able to build on it or to sell it he has to overcome xyz obstacles provided by the bureaucracy and have xyz studies made and documents provided and paid and expensively paid for in advance. To that extent has even the property right in land been reduced. Not to speak of the annual rates charged upon it. – JZ, 24.2.08. – The local bureaucrats still sit on this decision and thus keep him, unnecessarily, in debt! – How much would housing costs go down without their numerous interferences and wrongful charges? – We live under a bureaucratized or State socialist form of feudalism. - JZ, 18.3.09. - Only now could he finally sell it! - JZ, 8.2.11. – GOVERNMENTALISM, STATISM, WELFARE STATE, TERRITORIALISM, MONETARY & FINANCIAL DESPOTISM

POVERTY: Mutual taxation, subsidies, charities and begging cannot produce wealth but only continued or even increased poverty. – JZ, 12.6.92, 28.3.08.

POVERTY: No amount of Poor Laws will place a nation above want; …” - Auberon Herbert, in Mack edition, p.179. – LAWS, LABOR LEGISLATION, SOCIAL LEGISLATION, WELFARE STATE

POVERTY: No laws, however stringent, can make the idle industrious, the thriftless provident, or the drunken sober.” – Samuel Smiles, Self-Help, ch.1. - LAWS, CHARITY, PHILANTHROPY, WELFARE STATE

POVERTY: Not that we should begrudge the crimes of those poor people. They’re just practising politics on a small scale. – If they’d listen to their own political leaders, they’d put down the gun and pick up the ballot box, and steal from everybody instead of just us.” - P. J. O’Rourke, Eat the Rich, A Treatise on Economics, Picador, 1998, p.235. - The often wrongful and irrational decisions arrived at via ballot boxes and "representations" are also backed by governmental guns. - JZ, 8.2.11. - & CRIME VS. POLITICS & CRIME, VOTING, BALLOT BOX,

POVERTY: One grim irony is that the 'War on Poverty', with its massive public spending and chronic deficits, has meant increased poverty for millions." - Henry Hazlitt, Inflation, IV. – THE WAR ON POVERTY A WAR AGAINST THE POOR

POVERTY: One of Marx’s predictions was that the rich would get richer and the poor, poorer, with the middle class gradually being wiped out, and the laboring class becoming impoverished. In historical capitalist societies the trend has been almost the exact reverse. The poor have gotten richer. The middle class has expanded enormously, and now includes many people whose professions would once have classified them for membership in he laboring classes. In absolute terms, the rich have also gotten richer, but the gap between rich and poor seems, so far as very imperfect statistics make it possible to judge, to have been slowly closing.” - David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p.32/33. – Anyhow, how many cars, houses, suits, watches, fridges, TVs, radios, washing-machines, etc., can one effectively use oneself? And they are available at all price levels. – JZ, 25.2.08. – Seeing the all too many wrongful and anti-economic restrictions still remaining, it is astonishing that poverty in recent decades has been as much reduced as it has been, not due to Welfare States and their programs but in spite of them. – How much more could we have achieved, internally and worldwide, under full economic freedom and other rights and liberties in all spheres? – The present huge government debts would, probably, be tiny in comparison. – JZ, 5.1.14. - MARXISM, STATE SOCIALISM, RICH CLASSES, ANTI-CAPITALISM, PROLETARIAT, MIDDLE CLASSES, THE RICH GET RICHER AND THE POOR GET RICHER, PUBLIC DEBTS COMPARED WITH OUTLAWED & OMITTED FREEDOM OPTIONS & RETURNS FROM THEM

POVERTY: One of the most fashionable notions of our times is that social problems like poverty and oppression breed wars. Most wars, however, are started by well-fed people with time on their hands to dream up half-baked ideologies or grandiose ambitions, and to nurse real or imagined grievances.” - Thomas Sowell. – In territorial States neither the rich nor the poor have much say on war and peace, such decision-making still being centralized and monopolized even in democracies, thereby characterized as inherently authoritarian or even despotic as well. – Unsolved problems of territorialism, like mass unemployment, rapid inflation and territorial oppression do certainly tend to lead to wars, civil wars, or revolutionary attempts, terrorism and putsches - when they are not solved soon enough. – JZ, 27.12.07, 23.1.08, 9.3.09. - SOCIAL PROBLEMS, & WAR,

POVERTY: One thing is good about being poverty-stricken: You always got lots of company.” – Quoted by Les Mottley, 16.1.76. – The really poor have already become a small minority in countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, USA, etc. – Under full economic freedom the percentage of the involuntarily poor would become very small. - JZ, 10.8.08. - & FULL ECONOMIC FREEDOM

POVERTY: Only capitalism fights poverty effectively. - JZ, 75.

POVERTY: Only capitalism makes large-scale charity possible and also largely unnecessary. - JZ, 78.

POVERTY: Only freedom works effectively – to fight poverty, anywhere and at any time. – But some people would not even use freedom if they had it. Those unwilling to help themselves can’t or shouldn’t be helped. – JZ, 16.4.93, 24.2.08.

POVERTY: Our government has not been warring on poverty; it has been creating poverty by attacking every value and every institution on which the generation of wealth depends. And with this, inevitably, it is corroding our liberty.” - SIMON, WILIAM E., A Time for Truth, p.212. – WEALTH, PROGRESS, GOVERNMENT, WAR ON POVERTY, LIBERTY

POVERTY: Our redistribution system suffers by continuously assisting people who do not need assistance. For every needy one - two un-needy persons are favored. Thus the redistribution becomes uncontrolled and thus also unjust. “Nobody knows any more who has his hand in whose pocket and how much he takes out of it.” (Zeitel). The whole higher education system is a system of redistribution at the expense of the poor and for the advantage of the better off people. The same applies to subsidies for galleries, museums or theatres. The results of official distribution are highly unsocial in the sphere of “social housing”. Milton Friedman has added up the costs of the American “War against Poverty”. The result was: If one would have to pay all this money directly to the poor then there would no longer be any poverty. But in reality poverty steadily increases. (*) In the German Federal Republic the result would be more unfavorable still. For each Mark that a needy person receives, two Marks are wasted and another two Marks are paid to promote those, who are not needy.” – Erika Herbst, Alle suchen nach Loesungen – Wir haben sie, S.100. - (*) Anything that is subsidized will tend to increase! – That has often been observed. – JZ  - WELFARE STATE, COERCIVE REDISTRIBUTION OF INCOMES, WAR AGAINST POVERTY

POVERTY: paid for mainly by the poor, not the rich, because the poor in the aggregate constitute the largest segment of society and therefore pay the most in taxes.” - Frank Chodorov, Fugitive Essays, p.238. – They may not be paying much in income tax but all of them pay e.g. in taxes on their consumption. – JZ, 5.1.14. -  TAXATION, INDIRECT TAXATION

POVERTY: Penthouse: If you did away with government and every service was provided by free enterprise, how would the poor be able to survive?” – Rothbard: Well, in the first place the poor are only helped by free enterprise. It is private-capital investment and private entrepreneurship that have raised the standard of living from what it was in pre-industrial times to what we have today. This has all been done through private investment, not by the government. – PENTHOUSE INTERNATIONAL, 10/76. – Rothbard, alas, approved only of one form of free note-issuing banking and condemned all others wholesale as “fraudulent”, even the optional and free market rated notes, and standing a par with their nominal value, although they are fully redeemable not in rare, metal but “only” in wanted or needed consumer goods and services, priced out in gold- or silver-weight values, or accepted in the payment of other debts, at their face value. The good can be the enemy of the best. - Monetary despotism, even if confined to the redemptionist silver- and gold-standards, has also produced more poverty than it abolished (if any). – It still amounts to an exclusive and forced currency of the rare metal cover and redemption kind, not permitting economic competition with it by other exchange media and value standards. – It is better than the present government paper monies with legal tender power, as far as their value standard is concerned. But it would not even supply as much in sound exchange media as governments could supply, in tax-foundation clearing money, on a gold- or silver accounting value standard, IF they soundly issued tax foundation money, without legal tender in general circulation and without an issue monopoly for currency - to the extent required to make the tributes they imposed at least monetarily relatively easy to pay, by correspondingly increasing almost everybody’s ability to pay, in order to make the means of payment for this sphere available. (They would pay for their governmental spending with such notes. Then, with this paper money, being free-market rated in general circulation, and being in competition with other exchange media and value standards, governments could not over-issue it and cause an inflation.) – The supposedly “classical” gold standard almost totally ignores, in its theory and practice, the unlimited free clearing options, all using either gold or silver weight units (or any other sound enough value standard, acceptable to the participants), as value standards only, not as exclusive exchange media (or as exclusive exchange media that are redeemable in such coins by the issuer.) - Each payment sphere should be free to use its own optional and market rated exchange or clearing medium or method and also its self-chosen value standards. The gold bugs are unwilling to concede this liberty or to allow it among volunteers. To that extent they are still part and parcel of monetary despotism and its consequences. - JZ, 18.3.09, 5.1.14. - GOLD BUGS, CENTRAL BANKING OR RARE METAL REDEMPTIONISM RATHER THAN FULLY FREE BANKING? MONEY ISSUE MONOPOLY, EXCLUSIVE CURRENCIES, GOLD STANDARD, SOUND  TAX FOUNDATION MONEY, AS LONG AS THESE TRIBUTES ARE STILL CONTINUED, MONETARY FREEDOM, FREE CHOICE OF VALUE STANDARDS, CLEARING, UNEMPLOYMENT, FREE EXCHANGE

POVERTY: People complain that I am against the poor. Not so; I was born poor, brought up poor, remained poor for much of my life. What I am against is a political system which treats the poor as heroes, the rich as villains, and the middle class as suckers.” – Richard Needham, THE INDIVIDUALIST, Northcliffe, South Africa, 1981, VI/3. - I could say much the same about my own economic life and views. – JZ, 28.3.08.

POVERTY: PLAYBOY: Many historians have said that without Roosevelt, the poor would have starved. – HESS: What a terrible thing to say about poor people. The alternative view is that without Roosevelt, the poor would have organized.” – PLAYBOY, 7/76 - Perhaps they would merely have organized around still another under-informed and prejudiced “leader”. - Not only merely organized, for trade unionists do also that, to their own long-term disadvantage and that of others immediately, but also liberated themselves from all the restrictions that had made them poor. Just like the Pilgrim Fathers finally did, after all too many of them had starved and died under their former collectivist system. – Isn’t it high time that the PLAYBOY, PENTHOUSE etc. interviews of Ayn Rand, Karl Hess, Rothbard, Milton Friedman etc. become finally either printed in an anthology or put together, free online? A disk offering them could also be a seller and could also be used as an advertising medium for these journals, so that they would grant their permission for such reproduction. – Some pictures of their beauties could make such a disk popular. – I doubt that many people have storage room for all such old periodicals and could readily find the relevant libertarian articles in them, if they had a complete collection. – There is still all too little libertarian entrepreneurship, especially as long all the possible and desirable projects are not yet listed together, online. - JZ, 25.2.08. – SELF-HELP, STARVATION, WELFARE STATE, MONETARY & FINANCIAL EMANCIPATION, SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, LIBERTARIAN PROJECTS LIST

POVERTY: Poor subjects are much easier to rule. This may be one motive for governments to engage in so many poverty- rather than wealth-promoting policies. Perhaps governments are more clever than ignorant and stupid. They are certainly power-hungry and with many votes they can get power. – JZ, 1.7.99, 5.1.14. – Their greatest wealth-promoting action for whole populations would, naturally, be their abdication, permanently. Don’t expect them to do you this great favor. – JZ, 13.2.08, 5.1.14. – With the method described by me in PEACE PLANS 19C, offered on , the remaining governmental assets could become peacefully and effectively expropriated and privatized and governments could thus become partly deprived of their powers, as far as “their” public property and its abuse is concerned, while their subjects and victims could become correspondingly enriched. – By the way, this plan offers a good way to help finance a libertarian party to victory, the only kind of victory that it deserves, namely, exterritorial autonomy for all its voluntary supporters. The rest of the population it should leave to their own and all too flawed utopias, also all practised only among volunteers, with their shares of the former governmental assets. - JZ, 18.3.09, 8.2.11. - POLITICIANS & POLICIES, MEASURES, PROGRAMS, EXPROPRIATING THE POLITICIANS & BUREAUCRATS – OVER THEIR CONTROL OVER THE PUBLIC ASSETS, INDIVIDUALIZING ALL OF THEM, FOR STATISTS & ANTI-STATISTS ALIKE, PANARCHISM, PRIVATIZATION, FINANCING A LIBERTARIAN PARTY

POVERTY: Poor: … the leech classes which keep the pols in power.” – Robert Brakeman, SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 12/78. – pols = politicians

POVERTY: Poverty … a condition symptomatic of the lack of means, will, or freedom to attain a given level of productivity. Poverty itself is a state of inability to attain some level of consumption, and is frequently a source of other types of suffering.” – Stanly C. McDonald, THE FREEMAN, 4/74.

POVERTY: Poverty became news when it affected the smallest part of our population in the history of our nation.” – Charles F. Zimmerman, in ANALOG, Feb. 71, p.173.

POVERTY: Poverty belongs to the struggle for existence, and we are all born into that struggle.” – W. G. Sumner, The Challenge of Facts, p.57. – The “struggle for existence” is largely only an effort to produce, exchange and obtain ever more and better goods and services, while existence is already long assured, far beyond the level of mere subsistence. – JZ, 25.6.92. – SOCIAL DARWINISM, STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE, COMPETITION, LOOK AT THE NUMEROUS POTIONS & ALTERNATIVE DIETS TO PROMOTE SLIMMING OF THE PEOPLE OF A RATHER  ALL TOO OBESE POPULATION

POVERTY: Poverty breads strife.” – Ray, 1678. – RobinHyman, A Dictionary of Famous Quotations, p.275. - Wealth tends to make for peace. – Unless it is taxed away and made available to politicians. – JZ, 25.2.08. – WEALTH, PEACE, POLITICIANS, TAXES, WAR,

POVERTY: Poverty decreases: The next century will see world-wide abolition of most absolute poverty. Both the rich and the poor will get richer, but some will continue to be much richer than others. But income gaps are not necessarily bad – it is exactly these growing gaps and improved technology that make it easy to accelerate economic development for the poor.” – Herman Kahn, point 7, in NATIONAL TIMES, 6.9.76.

POVERTY: Poverty demoralizes.” (*) – Ralph Waldo Emerson, Conduct of Life. – Only under so unfree conditions that one can do nothing oneself to abolish it, would that be a likely result. But the thoughtful ones would even then think about how they could get well off or even rich, if only they were free. - And then this lack of freedom or lack of will - to do something about this - is the really demoralising factor. – Under freedom poverty is a very strong incentive, at least to intelligent people, to do something oneself to get rid of one’s poverty. Read e.g. Smiles: Self-help. - What a miserable “conduct of life” is it, if one meekly accepts poverty as inevitable and does not even think of getting out of it but merely passively accepts it? – Nor is merely thinking about possessing riches enough to gain them: “If I were a rich man …” – Fiddler on the Roof. - JZ, 25.2.08. - (*) Riches and luxury can demoralize, too. How many children and grandchildren of rich people live merely a wasteful and purposeless life - that often disgusts their parents and grandparents? – How many of them are drug or alcohol abusers? - JZ, 10.4.08.

POVERTY: Poverty does make cowards of us all.” – Joseph Labadie. – It should give us the courage and determination to look for the real causes of involuntary poverty. How many are ready for that, instead of accepting the usual popular errors, myths, platitudes and prejudices or excuses about it? – JZ, 18.3.09. - DEMORALIZATION, FEAR OF UNEMPLOYMENT

POVERTY: Poverty has many roots but the tap root is ignorance.” – Lyndon B. Johnson, Message to Congress, on education, 12.1.64 or 65? - Among the poor as well as among the rich, who failed to properly finance productive labor among the poor and thus, according to the left ideologues, to “exploit” them. The class of “employers” and capitalist financiers failed in this respect. And even the rich themselves often fail, as a result of their remaining dependence upon the State’s money monopoly, which they, too, could and should break. – Under full monetary freedom there would be monetary demand even for the labor of the uneducated. But this demand would be even higher for that of the educated and thus, indirectly, education would be promoted, too, especially if it is offered quite competitively. By now 15 000 books, instead of one or a few movies, could be offered on a single DVD! (And over a million on a cheap external hard drive.) But guess, which kind of DVD is more popular among the ignorant poor? – Even the anarchists and libertarians were not yet clever enough to offer themselves all their kinds of special knowledge in this format. - JZ, 25.2.08. - Which ignorance is worse, that among the rulers or that among the ruled poor - about causes and cures for involuntary poverty, any poverty exept self-caused or intentional poverty or poverty caused by crippling accidents or ill health? – JZ, 28.3.08, 5.1.14. – In this connection one should not ignore the role of all too many popular prejudices and the lack of serious enough interest in the own affairs and in genuine solutions for one’s remaining political, economic and social problems. A comprehensive Ideas Archive and an Encyclopedia of the Best Refutations would refute all the alleged causes, point out the real ones and also the required solutions. But at present I do not know of anyone in the world who is seriously interested in helping to establish such an archive or encyclopedia. Do you? Are you? – JZ, 18.3.09, 8.2.11, 5.1.14. – LIBERTARIAN COMPEREHENSIVE PUBLISHING ON CDs, DVDs & EXTERNAL HDDs, IDEAS ARCHIVE, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE  BEST REFUTATIONS

POVERTY: Poverty is a great enemy to human happiness; it certainly destroys liberty, and it makes some virtues impracticable, and others extremely difficult.” – Samuel Johnson: in Boswell’s Life of Samuel Johnson, Dec. 7, 1782.

POVERTY: Poverty is a state of mind. When you start thinking with your wallet, you’re always wondering what you can’t do instead of what you can do and you’re never going to get off your back.” - Michael Todd, 1909-1958, - Lore and Maurice Cowan, compilers, The Wit of the Jews, Leslie Frewin, London, 1970, p.102. – Not even the remaining cheap freedom and rights promoting opportunities are fully listed. Thus all of them do not become easily, cheaply and sufficiently known to anyone seriously interested in using at least one, if not several of them. – JZ, 18.3.09, 8.2.11. – JOKES, IDEAS ARCHIVE, LIBERTARIAN PROJECTS LIST, ONLINE LIST OF REMAING PRO-FREEDOM OPPORTUNITIES

POVERTY: Poverty is an anomaly to rich people; it is very difficult to make out why people who want dinner do not ring the bell.” - Walter Bagehot. - Neither the rich nor the poor study the natural laws of money and of free exchange sufficiently to avoid poverty, unemployment, losses and bankruptcy. - JZ, 13.10.02. – Nor have e.g. the libertarians sufficiently, permanently and cheaply published all their solutions. – JZ, 18.3.09. - RICHES, WEALTH, OMISSIONS BY THE RICHT, THE POOR, LIBERTARIANS & ANARCHISTS

POVERTY: Poverty is catching. You can get it from the tax man.” – O. C. C., quoted in READER’S DIGEST, 2/75. – JOKES, TAXATION

POVERTY: Poverty is caused largely by crimes – but mostly by different kinds of crimes than the poor presently think of, namely, official and legalized ones. – JZ, 4/77, 25.2.08. – CRIMES, LEGISLATION, LAWS, GOVERNMENTAL INTERVENTIONISM, STATISM, TAXATION, INFLATION, UNEMPLOYMENT, CRISES

POVERTY: Poverty is half laziness.” – Jugoslavic proverb. – Maybe half of poverty is due to mental or physical laziness or vices. – JZ, 18.3.09.

POVERTY: Poverty is maintained and spread by the government’s legislation, taxation, monetary despotism leading to mass unemployment, inflation, stagflation and ever-recurring crises of this kind and through numerous other imposed restrictions and controls. When the productive is highly taxed and the unproductive is subsidized - then total production and the average standard of living must become reduced. – JZ, 26.3.93, 18.2.08.

POVERTY: Poverty is no disgrace to a man, but it is confoundedly inconvenient.” - Sydney Smith. - If it is self-caused poverty of a man who wants to be rich, then it is a disgrace, unless he, too, was merely a victim of monetary despotism. If that is the case then it is a disgrace that he did not study monetary despotism and its opposite, monetary freedom, sufficiently. - JZ, 26.11.02. – Another version: Poverty is nothing to be ashamed of (*).) – but it’s confoundedly inconvenient. – Source? - (*) in many cases not in all! – J.Z

POVERTY: Poverty is not a thing to be proud of. – G.B. Shaw

POVERTY: Poverty is not dishonorable in itself, but only when it comes from idleness, intemperance, extravagance and folly. – Plutarch, 56- 120. - Add ignorance, lack of interest in the own affairs, prejudices etc. - JZ, 8.2.11.

POVERTY: Poverty is not pretty, poverty is not ennobling. Poverty is neither romantic nor rustic. We all have a responsibility to create the conditions for the poor to be less poor and then to be middle class and beyond. We all have a responsibility to challenge ideas and ideologies, which have incarcerated hundreds of millions in poverty for all too long. – There is cause for modest celebration. One of the most underreported stories of our days is the rise of a huge, new, global middle class. People have emerged from poverty or, I should say, have lifted themselves out of poverty, given this chance through market reforms A world dominated by a new middle class of course is not what supposed radicals had in mind a century ago, when they spoke of revolution. - Rupert Murdoch, in a speech, undated, beginnings, taken from a transcript, p.1. – & IDEOLOGIES, FREEDOM, LAISSEZ FAIRE, CAPITALISM, MONETARY FREEDOM, FREE EXCHANGE, FREE TRADE, TAXATION, COMPULSORY LICENSING, IMMIGRATION RESTRICTIONS, REVOLUTION, NEW MIDDLE CLASS, SUPPOSED RADICALS, POSITIVE SIGNS OF THE TIMES, MIDDLE CLASS GROWTH ALREADY LARGE UNDER STILL ALL TOO LITTLE FREEDOM

POVERTY: Poverty makes you sad as well as wise.” – Berthold Brecht, The Threepenny Opera, 1928, 2.3, tr. Desmond Vesey and Eric Bentley. – I do not know about the wisdom. I have seen no evidence of it. Neither the unemployed nor the poor, as a whole, are eager to learn about the real causes and real cures for unemployment and poverty. – Instead of being sad and passive or still all too merry, they should seriously study the explanations of causes and the cures offered – enough to make the right choices for their own future and that of their children and grandchildren and, possibly, combined actions, to remove the causes and to apply the cures. – Under panarchism they could rapidly try out all cures proposed or imagined by themselves. – At least on discs or online they could also thoroughly thresh out all relevant ideas and opinions. – But can they be bothered to do so? - JZ, 18.11.85, 28.3.08, 18.3.09, 5.1.14. – INTEREST IN THE OWN AFFAIRS BEYOND THE MERE PRIVATE LIFE AFFAIRS

POVERTY: Poverty may result from honest misfortune, but it also may result from sloth, incompetence, and dishonesty. Again, the distinction between deserving and undeserving poor is important.” – Willliam E. Simon, A Time for Truth, p.220.

POVERTY: Poverty was the national industry on this benighted island …” - Colin Forbes, The Palermo Ambush, p.102, regarding Sicily. – Its private protection rackets, as opposed to official ones, did not serve to make it rich, either. – JZ, 25.2.08. – Only when property is really protected rather than exploited, does it have an incentive and a chance to become built up. Only when labor is not exploited and no longer too dependent and when it is sufficiently supplied with tools, machines and capital, even though only on credit, and also with enough sound exchange media or clearing certificates for the payment of wages and salaries to all able and willing to work, will it offer a better incentive than e.g. theft, robbery, vice and the drug trade offer. – JZ, 10.4.08. – CRIME, MAFIA, PROTECTION RACKETS, DRUG TRADE, UNEMPLOYMENT, INCENTIVES, MONETARY FREEDOM, FINANCIAL FREEDOM

POVERTY: Poverty will cease when the poor finally want and can make money by fighting their own poverty. The other and professional poverty fighters, officially paid for out of taxation, or at best out of charitable donations, tend only to enrich themselves, impoverish others and to disable the poor still more. – JZ, 10.7.82, 25.2.08. - That would, probably, also require them to make and accept their own kinds of money tokens and clearing certificates or accounts as well as alternative value standards. – JZ, 25.2.08. – MONETARY FREEDOM

POVERTY: Purchase of enterprises by their employees: The relatively poor working people ought to fully mobilize their largely unrecognized present and future personal resources. With their willingness and ability to work productively, they could make businesslike take-over bids for almost all enterprises in the world, but especially the ones they work in. They would not have to pay for them in cash but in industrial bonds, gradually redeemed in installments with interest payments. They are the ones who could make the best offer, because they could profit most from this conversion into businesslike partnerships or coops. Their debt for the take-over bid could, in most cases, be paid with only a part of the additional earnings, which they could thus achieve as new owners, i.e. as people with full property responsibilities and economic and business incentives. Only some very-capital intensive enterprises could not be easily taken over in this way. But even with regard to them, partnerships and coops of their employees could become more trusted and reliable debtors than are firms still based upon the employer-employee relationship with its endless strife and mostly insufficient incentives for the employees. Practically all productive capital is for sale and can be acquired in a businesslike way – by those prepared to use it in a businesslike way. – JZ, 5.8.92. 28.3.08, 5.1.14. – CAPITAL, CAPITALISM, PROPERTY, PRODUCTIVE CAPITAL, MEANS OF PRODUCTION, PURCHASE OF ENTERPRISES BY THEIR EMPLOYEES, ON TERMS

POVERTY: Quite a few of the neo-conservatives have worked in government themselves, and came to see serious shortcomings in its social programs. Daniel P. Morgan, who was Nixon’s advisor on welfare reform, believes that anti-poverty programs have enriched bureaucrats and social workers more than the poor. “This money did not go to poor people”, he says, “but to the new class of professionals who managed the programs.” – NEWSWEEK, 7, 1977.

POVERTY: Rabbi Jonah said: It is not written, ‘Happy is he who gives to the poor’, but, ‘Happy is he who considers the poor’ (Ps. 41:I): i.e., he who ponders how to fulfill the command to help the poor. … - T. J. P’ah, 9:21b. - The Wisdom of Israel, ed. by Lewis Browne, Four Square Book, 1962, p. 162. – Alas, as a practical example only a case of polite and considerate charity is mentioned. – His considerations did not include any other freedom options. - JZ, 23.3.08.

POVERTY: Rather than pushing workers deeper into poverty, as Marx predicted, capitalism has lifted the vast majority of laborers into the middle class.” – George M. Tabor, TIME, 21.4.80. – PROLETARIAT? NOW A MINORITY! CAPITALISM HAS ALREADY BEEN VERY HELPFUL, ALTHOUGH STILL LEGALLY ALL TOO HANDICAPPED

POVERTY: Reduce government to poverty! – JZ, 11/78 – EXPROPRIAT IT, E.G. VIA PEACE PLANS 19 C. –  – JZ, 18.3.09.

POVERTY: Repeated comparisons of American abundance with foreign famine consequently serves many necessary and practical purposes. First of all, for the benefit of our citizens, it underscores the astounding but indisputable fact that the poorest person in the United States has immeasurably more of the basic necessities and comforts of life than ninety-five per cent of all of the people who live in the rest of the world. Of the more than two billions people residing outside of the United States, only the Molotovs, the Titos, the Nabobs, the small number of the ever more and more precarious Plutocrats and a mere handful of others fare better than the people on the lowest level of our American standard of living. If Americans themselves give little or no consideration to this striking phenomenon, how can we expect the sick and disillusioned foreigners to know about it?” – Clarence Manion, The Key to Peace, p.51. - ABUNDANCE, LIVING STANDARD IN THE USA & IN THE REST OF THE WORLD

POVERTY: shortsighted measures that do tend to impede or discourage the functioning of the market. Hence they tend to increase or prolong poverty rather than reduce it. If we could get governments simply to refrain from inflationary, socialist, and destructionist policies we might solve nine-tenths of the problems of poverty that are responsive to political action.” (*) - Henry Hazlitt, The Conquest of Poverty, p.188. - (*) Rather: to the ending of numerous political “actions”, “measures”, “institutions”, and “laws”. – JZ, 25.2.08, 5.1.14.

POVERTY: Should the government take positive measures in the effort to eliminate or alleviate poverty? If so, what should these measures be? (*) - This is the most troublesome problem that the student of poverty is called upon to solve. - A large part of our previous discussion has been devoted to explaining what the government should not do in the effort to mitigate poverty. It should refrain from adopting measures that impede or discourage the full functioning of the free competitive enterprise system – the system that tends to maximize production, to distribute that production among the tens of thousands of commodities (**) and services in the proportions in which these are socially demanded, to maximize the accumulation of capital and new investment, and so to maximize wages and employment and open up opportunities to all.” – Henry Hazlitt, The Conquest of Poverty, p.187. - (*) Can the government really take such measures or is it unable to do so, except by repealing all its laws, distributing shares in all its remaining capital assets and then resigning? – JZ, 25.2.08. – (**) By now large supermarkets offer consumer goods and services by the hundreds of thousands, as far as a know. – JZ, 5.1.14.

POVERTY: Since 1965, the nation has spent $ 5.4 trillion on poverty. That’s enough money to buy: all manufacturing equipment, every office building, the entire maritime fleet, and every airline, railroad, and trucking company, TV and radio station, power company, hotel, retail and wholesale store in the nation.” - Walter E. Williams, More Liberty Means Less Government. Our Founders Knew This Well, Hoover Institution Press, 1999, – p.117. – But it hasn’t made the USA poor correspondingly rich. On the contrary, it has prevented them from producing as much and even more wealth, instead of merely consuming the limited wealth that can be produced by under all too restrictive and even prohibitory conditions. – JZ, 8.10.07, 5.1.14. - & GOVERNMENT SPENDING ON IT, WITHOUT ABOLISHING IT, WRONGFUL GOVERNMENTAL RESTRICTIONS OF PRODUCTION & EXCHANGE. THERE ARE WHOLE LEGIONS OF THEM. ARE THEY SUFFICIENTLY REGISTERED & PUBLISHED TOGETHER, WITH ALL REQUIRED CRITICISM & DISCUSSIONS, OR ALL TOO OBEDIENTLY ACCEPTED AND SUBMITTED TO, IN SPITE OF ALL THE WRONGS & HARM THAT THEY DO?

POVERTY: Since production of consumer satisfaction is maximized on the free market, the free market is the only way to abolish poverty. Dictates and legislation cannot do so; in fact, as shown above, they can only make matters worse.” – Mike Stanton, FREE ENTERPRISE, 6/76. – Even the greatest quantity of productive capital is not enough if the sale of its products is not assured. And it is not assured under the monetary despotism of central banking. Monetary freedom of free banking is an essential part of the free market and that means not only gold coins and gold certificates will be optional, but all kinds of private, cooperative and competing currencies, all freely issued accepted, refused or discounted, except, naturally by their issuers, who would always have to accept their own issues or IOU’s as their nominal value from anyone, at least within the period of their validity. – All should also become free to adopt e.g. a gold weight clearing or accounting standard, not promising redemption in gold coins or any other value standard that satisfies the participants. - JZ, 25.2.08, 10.4.08. – To promise the delivery of gold coins or gold certificates in the future is essentially a risky dealing in “futures”, so risky that one should be able to withdraw from such a contract upon payment of a contract fine and then pay in other acceptable means of payment, up to the full value agreed-upon. Ulrich von Beckerath, 1882-1969, was one of the very few who clearly pointed out that truth. Most libertarians still take an exclusive and redemptionist rare metal currency for granted as the best that they can imagine. – JZ, 5.1.14. - LAWS, MARKET, WELFARE STATE, PRODUCTION OF CONSUMER GOODS, FREE TRADE, FREE EXCHANGE, MONETARY FREEDOM VS. MONETARY DESPOTISM.

POVERTY: Somehow, the fact that more poor people are on welfare, receiving more generous payments, does not seem to have made this country a nice place to live - not even for the poor on welfare, whose condition seems not noticeably better than when they were poor and off welfare. Something appears to have gone wrong; a liberal and compassionate social policy has bred all sorts of unanticipated and perverse consequences.” - Irving Kristol, ISIL LIBERTY QUOTE LIBRARY 03. - THE WELFARE STATE

POVERTY: Speaking realistically, one will find poverty, nowadays, only among the masses in those parts of the world where Capitalism is outright rejected.” – Naomi Maldowski, in 1977 CIS Conference papers, p.14.

POVERTY: State Socialism can abolish poverty: by making everybody poor. Then there will be no poor people left. We would all be equal - in poverty. – JZ & D.Z., 10/76. - Or die an all too early death. - JZ, 25.2.08.

POVERTY: State socialism gets rid of poverty by creating equal deprivation. – JZ, 10/76. – Widespread deprivation would be a better term. - One should not forget the lessons of Orwell’s “Animal Farm”: Some animals are “more equal” than others. – Those in the common cook-house still get fat. – JZ, n.d. – “Fat cats” exist even in the poorest countries. Doe to the scarcity of exchange media and of capital in them, they can even get extraordinary interest rate returns upon them. In these cases not “usury” is to be blamed but, rather, monetary and financial despotism. Under full monetary and financial freedom the interest for turnover credit could be low, while, at the same time, with much more capital having been saved up and very profitably and relatively safely invested, with a fair return upon the predone-labor for this capital, as determined by a free capital market, the interest rates and dividends could even become increased, without being a burden upon those, who have to pay them. If a real abundance of such capital became available, then the interest rates for it would, naturally, go down. – JZ, 5.1.14.

POVERTY: Stop the government from harming the poor under the pretence of helping them. - JZ, 75. – MINIMUM WAGES, WAGE CONTROLS, RENT CONTROLS, PRICE CONTROLS, PROTECTIONISM

POVERTY: Suspicion is mounting that the “bite of government” does not alleviate poverty but creates it by stifling and impeding economic activity.” – LIBERTY, 9.10.78. – TAXATION, TRIBUTE LEVIES, FINANCIAL DESPOTISM

POVERTY: Taxes spread poverty. – JZ, 13.4.84. – Everything the poor buy includes in its price xyz taxes, even of taxes which were, formally, levied e.g. upon high incomes of rich manufacturers or corporations. To that extent the “soak the rich” tax burdens are also paid to a large extent by the poor, unless they get all of their incomes from Welfare States out of tax revenues. But in that situation, through heavy taxation of producers and through the effects of monetary despotism there are also less chances for them to get employment and to work themselves out of poverty. – 6.1.14. - TAXATION

POVERTY: That amid our highest civilization men faint and die with want is not due to the niggardliness of nature, but to the injustice of man.” – Henry George, Progress and Poverty, I, 1879. – Not only injustice is involved, i.e. through coercive or legalized suppression of individual rights and liberties but also ignorance of or non-appreciation of them and even many popular errors, wrong assumptions and conclusions about them and prejudices against them. – JZ, 5.1.14.

POVERTY: The ‘health, education and welfare’ section of government is another boondoggle. First we manufacture indigent and superfluous people by legal monopolies in land, money and idea patents, erecting tariff barriers to protect monopolies from foreign competition, and taxing laborers to subsidize rich farmers and privileged manufacturers. Then we create ‘social workers’, etc., to care for them and thereby establish a self-aggravating and permanent institutionalized phenomenon.” – L. Labadie, What Is Man’s Destiny? – WELFARE STATE, SOCIAL SERVICES

POVERTY: The ‘industrial system’ is just the organized effort which we are all making to overcome poverty.” – W. G. Sumner, Reply to a Socialist, Selected Essays, p.115. – INDUSTRIALIZATION, FREE ENTERPRISE, FREE TRADE, LAISSEZ FAIRE, COMPETITIVE CAPITALISM, ECONOMIC FREEDOM, FREE PRICING, FREE MARKETS, FREEDOM OF CONTRACT

POVERTY: The ‘worthy poor’ multiply in proportion to the handouts made available – which is a condition known in the insurance business as a poor moral risk.” – Paul L. Poirot, THE FREEMAN, 5/73.

POVERTY: The “problem” of national poverty is, for instance, entirely fictional. By contrast, the problem of poverty, wherever one lives, works or studies is actual. Contributing to the solution of that problem necessitates a successful act of self-government: self-sacrifice. (In general, concern about the national “problem” of poverty is a means of avoiding the actual problem of poverty, which is usually just down the street or around the corner.)” – George A. Lear Jr. in POLIS, Fall 60.

POVERTY: The best cure for poverty is poverty. It provides maximum incentive to get out of it. So just let's make sure that the poor are free. - JZ, 75. - Free to help themselves by helping others efficiently. They, too, should not have to suffer under the consequences of e.g. monetary and financial despotism and "protectionism". - JZ, 5.11.02. – FREEDOM FOR ALL KINDS OF SELF-HELP MEASURES, ESPECIALLY FULL MONETARY & FINANCIAL FREEDOM

POVERTY: the best way to combat poverty is to relieve an area of the exaction of the political incubus.” – William F. Buckley Jr., The Jeweller’s Eye, p.108. – TAXATION, TRIBUTE LEVIES, FINANCIAL DESPOTISM

POVERTY: The best way to do away with poverty is to allow the poor to freely earn their own wealth, in any rightful ways, and to keep what they earned and to have it under their own full control. – JZ, 8.2.83, 5.1.14. – No monetary despotism, no financial despotism, no taxes, no price-, wage- or rent controls, no control over external trade, i.e., “protectionism”, should be forced upon them, no housing controls, no labor laws, no trade unions, no monopolies. They should also be free to choose whole economic, social and political systems for themselves and to experiment with them as much as they like. They should run their own social insurance systems and could do it much better than the government does. They should also get their shares in all governmental capital assets, which are now usually mismanaged by the territorial governments, in the name of the people. As formal owners of them, with corresponding capital certificates, they could get much better management of these assets and interest and dividend payments from them, subject to their individual choices as investors. – JZ, 24.2.08, 5.1.14. – PEACE PLANS 19C, FULL ECONOMIC FREEDOM, FREE COMPETITION BETWEEN ALL ECONOMIC, SOCIAL & POLITICAL SYSTEMS – AMONT THEIR VOLUNTEER, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, GOOGLEMENTS.

POVERTY: The best way to help the “poor” is not to interfere with the producers (*) in the world. – … It is time for us to stop killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. Let’s restore the American Dream and allow the producers to produce so that everyone can be better off!” - Ringer, Restoring the American Dream, p.171. – (*) and traders! – JZ. - INTERFERENE WITH THE EXCHANGERS CAN BE JUST AS WRONG & BAD, IF NOT EVEN WORSE IN SOME CASES. – JZ, 5.1.14.

POVERTY: The best way to help the poor is not to become one of them.” – Lang Hancock, THE BULLETIN, 19.2.77, p.13. – How many people became employed and relatively rich as a result of his discovery of iron ore mountains in Western Australia, finally, when the government had got sufficiently out of the way of the exploitation of this very rich natural resource? – JZ, 25.2.08. – A comparison of the total take of all private investors, all employees and of the government, in taxes and royalties, from this industry, would also be interesting. – I suspect that Hancock’s share, royalties amounting to $ 30,000 a day, constituted only a very small fraction of these totals. – JZ, 10.4.08. – Simply divide this “exploitative” royalty by an about average daily wage of $ 100 to $ 300 and you see that it is only the equivalent of 300 down to 100 daily wages! The Iron ore mining etc. industry that he started off in W.A. now employs many times that number. The total dividend bill will also be rather mall compared with the total wages and salary bill – and the total tax bill. – JZ, 18.3.09.

POVERTY: The best way to help the poor is to slash taxes and allow savings, investment and creation of jobs to proceed unhampered.” – Murray N. Rothbard, FOR A NEW LIBERTY, p.184. – Unhampered also and especially by central banks and their money monopoly: a forced and exclusive currency with compulsory acceptance and value (legal tender power). – JZ, 25.2.08.

POVERTY: The coercive redistribution of poverty does not reduce it but rather increase it. Anything that is heavily penalized by taxes becomes reduced, e.g. the production of wealth. And anything that becomes subsidized, like e.g. poverty, becomes more widely spread. We can have, as someone said, as much poverty as we are willing to pay for. – JZ, 11.12.90 & 28.3.08 - - Even if it were all shared out, there is not enough wealth around to significantly reduce all poverty. And that sharing out would be only a one-off affair, with the spread wealth fast used up. – For who would, under all too confiscatory conditions, bother to mass produce more wealth? The wealth or prosperity that the poor want for themselves must largely be produced by themselves – and could be, under full economic freedom, for which they have so far shown all too little interest – apart from those who legally or illegally moved to somewhat more free countries. – JZ, 5.8.92, 28.3.08.

POVERTY: The country can have exactly as many paupers as it chooses to pay for.” – Thomas Mackay, 1896, London. – WELFARE STATE, SUBSIDIES, PROGRAMS, HAND-OUTS, UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS, SOCIAL SERVICES

POVERTY: The fact that the substance of poverty is a scarcity of goods is all but forgotten.” – Bertel M. Sparks, THE FREEMAN, 10/73. – While this is, largely, the case in still more under-developed countries, it is not the case in the somewhat developed ones e.g. during recessions, depressions and the usual stagflation times, when the sale of masses of ready-for-sale goods and services is much more difficult – against monopoly money, the only one we are allowed to use – than it is to produce them. – Shops and warehouses are full while the larders of the unemployed may be almost empty and while masses of produce are destroyed or not allowed to come into existence. – JZ, 25.2.08. – And yet shop-foundation money and other competitive currencies, that could be issued in wages and salaries for productive jobs – and lead to the easy sales of wanted and needed goods, remain legally suppressed. - JZ, 8.2.11, 6.1.14. - MONETARY FREEDOM, FREE BANKING, CENTRAL BANKING, CRISES, UNEMPLOYMENT SALES DIFFICULTIES, BANKRUPTCIES, DEFLATONS, ECONOMIC CRISES

POVERTY: The fight against poverty has become an industry that has the first position in the exploitation of poverty.” – Hans Krailsheimer, DIE NEUE ZEITUNG, 27.8.53. (“Die Bekaempfung des Elends ist zu einer Industrie geworden, die in der Ausbeutung des Elends an erster Stelle steht.”) – Early and long-lasting precedents were set by the bureaucratic administration of e.g. Red Indian and Aboriginal affairs. To a large extent, we have all become reservation Red Indians or Aboriginals, in “national economy” systems that are profitable mainly only to the administrators and those subsidized by them, even if only at a low Welfare level, but including also some Welfare for the rich or powerful lobbies, while they are a counter-productive and financial burden for all others. – This happens under all kinds of false pretences but mainly to buy votes and through corrupt practises of selling legalized favors in form of subsidies, privileges or tax exemptions. – JZ, 6.1.14. - WELFARE STATE, SOCIAL SERVICES, SUBSIDIES, HANDOUTS, TAXATION, COMPULSOY & LEGALIZED REDISTRIBUTION OF INCOMES TAKES PLACE IN WELFARE STATES, CONTRARY TO SOUND ECONOMICS & REAL COMMON INTERESTS

POVERTY: The first effect of poverty is that it kills thought. - George Orwell, Keep the Apidistra Flying, p.607 in the Octopus/Heineman edition of 1980. It certainly does not encourage sufficient thinking in most people about money and how its characteristics and its supply could be improved, by free competition, so that sound forms of money, exchange media, clearing certificates or accounts and sound value standards would be much easier to attain through any productive or creative activity that it wanted by other people. The poor, usually, just want more of the present kind of monies, regardless of most of their large remaining wrongs and flaws, e.g. that they are national monopoly monies with legal tender power, i.e. compulsory acceptance and a forced and fictitious “value standard”. - JZ, 6.10.13. - & THINKING

POVERTY: For example more than 80 percent of U.S. households below the poverty line have a: refrigerator (97.8%); stove (96.6%); television (96.1%); microwave oven (93.1%); air conditioner (83.4%); VCR/DVD player (83.2%); and cell phone (80.9%). In addition, more than half of households beneath the poverty level also have a: clothes washer (68.7%); clothes dryer (65.3%); computer (58.2%); and landline telephone (54.9). - - Ludwig von Mises Institute – Facebook, 14.9.13.

POVERTY: The first step toward helping the poor is to stop hurting them, and we have a long way to go before we get that far.” – Nick Eberstadt, NATIONAL TIMES, 17.5.76. – Somebody said something like: The first step is not to become one of them! – JZ, 10.1.14.

POVERTY: The free market serves the poor like nothing else can. - JZ, 75. – Alas, its is not fully freed as yet to work optimally for all of us. – JZ, 18.3.09.

POVERTY: the freer a society has been, the lower the percentage of poor people in it.” - Tibor Machan, Liberty and Power, p.274. – Panarchism would permit the simultaneous application of all anti-poverty programs in the same territory, but all only among their own believers. – JZ, 20.2.08. - FREEDOM, PANARCHISM, FREE SOCIETY

POVERTY: The goal to strive for is a poor government but a rich people" -- Andrew Johnson, 17th U.S. President. - Quoted by Nizam Ahmad shared Lawrence Reed's photo. - ... unfortunately none of the American presidents meant what they preached .. and all of them strived for a more powerful federal government … - Nazmul Karim – Facebook, 12.11.13. - GOVERNMENT

POVERTY: the government had turned into a racket that was using the “poor” as a cover story.” – William E. SIMON, A Time for Truth, p.179. – WELFARE STATE, WAR ON POVERTY, TERRITORIALISM

POVERTY: The government is a drag on the system; it is an impoverishing device and a parasitic burden on the productive system, not the opposite. Government doesn’t help the poor; it hurts them.” – Murray N. Rothbard, in interview in PENTHOUSE INTERNATIONAL, 10/76. – Just imagine the demand for the labor of the poor that would arise if the over-stocked shops in the somewhat developed countries were free to offer their abundant products in the form of their own money tokens and clearing certificates - that they would readily accept in payment. They could bring them into circulation as means of payment to their own employees, their suppliers, their profits and, mainly, as short term loans for wage- and salary payments to employers, discounting with these private currencies the claims the employers have against the wholesalers, for already produced goods, sold to them. To monopolize the means of payment for free exchanges and also to monopolize the value standard employed in them and in the pricing of all goods and services, and also all credit arrangements, was one of the first and greatest wrongs of territorial States and still is. Money, soundly based upon goods and services ready for sale, would be abundant, rather than scarce and would assure the sale of these goods and services. – Naturally, whoever insists that he be paid only in the coin of the realm or in government paper money, instead of in goods and service vouchers accepted at par with their nominal value at the local stores, might find himself still unemployed. – How could anyone be so foolish to make the monetary demand for his labor services depend on a monopoly supplier for money tokens and upon a monopolized value standard? Why would anyone accept such despotic conditions, while never pondering alternatives to them? Paid in other exchange media and determined by another and agreed-upon value standard for their wages or salaries, they could be paid just as much, possibly even more, and this quite easily by many employers, who would then find it also much more easy to sell the additionally produced goods and services for such alternative currencies, under sound value standard reckoning and, to that extent, stable prices, instead of inflated, deflated or stagflated ones, which can happen only with monopolized, forced and therefore also mismanaged currencies. - JZ, 8.2.11, 7.1.14. – MONEY MONOPOLY, MONETARY FREEDOM VS. MONETARY DESPOTISM, THE WAR ON THE POOR OR WAR AGAINST POVERTY?

POVERTY: The government, e.g. through taxation, is the greatest capital destroyer and, thereby, the greatest production inhibiting and impoverishing agency. – JZ, 18.8.78. – Add to this the effects of its monetary despotism, compulsory licensing, and other wrongful controls and regulations. – JZ, 25.2.08. – TAXATION PREVENTS SAVINGS, CAPITAL GROWTH & ECONOMIC INVESMENTS

POVERTY: The government’s War on Poverty has transformed poverty from a short-term misfortune into a career choice.” – Harry Browne – The total production is thereby greatly reduced. – It thus subsidizes voluntary unemployment. – JZ, 7.1.14. - THE WAR ON POVERTY, WAR AGAINST THE POOR, MISNAMED WAR AGAINST POVERTY, JOKE

POVERTY: The groups in America that have the most to gain from the free-market approach are precisely those with little money and even less influence with the powers that be. The world of government controls and rationing is a world made to order for those who have money and influence. For the man on the street it is a world of disaster and frustration.” – Mr. La Dow, Free Market Powers, THE FREEMAN, 11/85, p.658.

POVERTY: the inflation of the last thirty years has already wiped out about 60 per cent of the purchasing power of people’s savings deposits, mortgages, bonds (including government bonds), life-insurance benefits, and fixed pensions. It has impoverished the poor and the elderly, and all those who are not financially sophisticated enough, or whose resources are not great enough, to know how to or even to be able to buy common stock, or real estate, or paintings by famous artists, in order to protect themselves to some extent against the dwindling of their dollars. Worse, in all those who are retired or too old or disabled to work, the prospect of a still further inflation has created a haunting fear of a further but unknown erosion in the buying power of their pensions or savings. - One grim irony is that the “War on Poverty”, with its massive public spending and chronic deficits, has meant increased poverty for millions.” – Henry Hazlitt, Inflation, IV. – I am not sure that H. H. saw in legal tender and the issue monopoly the cause of inflation. Without both inflation of the general price level and all wages etc. becomes impossible for anyone. – JZ, 18.3.09. - INFLATION, WAR ON POVERTY

POVERTY: the kind of Labor government that pursues a policy of making the productive poor because it is not prepared to make the poor productive.” – Katherine West, THE AUSTRALIAN, 9.5.87. - In this context she used the term “taxed and overtaxed” and she remarked: “no policy reform would be more electorally popular than the removal of the double dipping that now allows the Federal Government to tax the interest on savings that have already been taxed, and often over-taxed, as income.” – That is not the only kind of “double-dipping” taxation. All indirect taxes do tax already taxed incomes once again. And as federally taxable income is reckoned also that part of one’s income that one has to pay to the local government in form of rates. Add to this the inflation tax. And also the extra monopoly parts of prices that one has to pay for legally monopolized services. A full list of “double dipping” might be rather long. It includes also the unpaid labor one has to invest in one’s tax return. Only when this is done through a tax accountant can one deduct this expense. – JZ, 20.2.08. – TAXATION & DOUBLE TAXATION.

POVERTY: The latest report from the UN on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) shows that in the cold logic of numbers: these 20 years have seen the most significant victories against absolute poverty in all of recorded human history, with 700 million fewer people living below the global poverty line of $1.25 a day." – (*) Nizam Ahmad – Facebook, 26.7.13. – How much larger would this decline of poverty have been if it had been due not only to technical and scientific progress and more world-wide trading but through full economic freedom, including e.g. monetary and financial freedom in every sphere, including even free choice of whole political, economic and social systems? Statist territorialism was and is the main obstacle to progress. – JZ, 7.1.14. – (*) - POSITIVE SIGNS OF THE TIMES

POVERTY: The law of supply and demand works very generally: If there is a demand for poor people, the supply of poor people will rise to meet the demand.” – Milton Friedman, THE FREEMAN, 12/75. – Another version: “The law of supply and demand works. If the government has a demand for poor people, the market will supply poor people.” – Milton Friedman, quoted in NEW LIBERTARIAN WEEKLY, No. 56, Jan. 9, 1977. – If only the government can originate a monetary demand for the work that poor people are able and willing to offer, then much involuntary poverty will still remain. Did M. F. ever come out fully in favor of full monetary freedom, at least after F. A. Hayek stood finally up for it, back in 1975? – But then many of his writings have many other merits to offer. - JZ, 18.3.09.DEMAND & SUPPLY, SUBSIDIES, HAND-OUTS

POVERTY: The laws to help the poor are phony. The poor don’t really benefit from the welfare state.” – MURRAY N. ROTHBARD, in PENTHOUSE INTERNATIONAL, 10/76. – WELFARE STATE

POVERTY: The leaders of the French Revolution, from the beginning, excited the poor against the rich: this has made the rich poor, but it will never make the poor rich. – Fisher Ames, Oration in Boston, 1800, Feb. 8. – Another version: “The leaders of the French Revolution excited the poor against the rich; this made the rich poor, but it never made the poor rich.” - More precisely, it was the inflation of this revolution’s paper money which tended to impoverish all classes and caused the numerous wars, which were the consequence of a very intolerant revolution, that soon led to terrorism and a military dictatorship and another short-lived empire, one bent on conquests and glory rather than upon liberation. – JZ, 28.3.08. - The government-caused and government-run inflation of the French Revolution impoverished both the poor and the rich and led to terrorism and war. – JZ, 9.3.09. - VS. WEALTH, ENVY, CLASS WARFARE NOTIONS, ZERO-SUM GAMES, WELFARE STATE, DISTRIBUTIONISM, TRANSFER SOCIETY, TAXATION, SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM

POVERTY: The man who first supported the act of supporting beggars made many wretched.” - Menander, 342-292 BC, The Fisherman. – I find it often surprising how ancient some of the “modern insights” into social problems are, which we wrongly imagine to be only problems of our times. – JZ, 25.2.08. – If beggars are still able and willing to work, then they should offer as their receipt not jut a thanks but, at least for every significant donation a corresponding certificate to a certain time of labor in whatever skill they can and will offer. In it they should state their contact address and the total of such readiness to labor vouchers that they had issued, the total that they redeemed and the total that has still not been claimed from them in form of their ready labor. Between them, all such beggars and unemployed could thus market a considerable work force and almost assure their employment. – JZ, 18.3.09. – Naturally, they should also be willing to accept such clearing certificates, goods- and service vouchers in monetary denominations, by others, in gifts given to them not only their own, for jobs done by them. – JZ, 7.1.14. - UNEMPLOYEMENT, FULL EMPLOYMENT FOR BEGGARS STILL ABLE & WILLING TO WORK & OTHER UNEMPLOYED VIA MONETARY FREEDOM

POVERTY: The massive increase in taxation since Victorian days has crippled voluntary welfare, while permitting poverty to linger unnecessarily. Where poverty remains it is the fault of politicians whose double sin has been to spread benefits too widely and raise taxes on a scale that hinders the increase in the national income. It is significant that during six years of the last Labor Government, there was an increase in the number of families living below the 'poverty line' despite (*) an unprecedented increase in taxation, public expenditures and the bureaucratic machinery." - Source? – (I had only noted “ibid”, 7/8 and then automatic sorting separated my entries. - JZ) – (*) "Because" rather than "despite" would be more correct. – JZ

POVERTY: The more that is given, the less people will work for themselves and the less they work, the more their poverty will increase. – Tolstoy - Anja Hartleb - CHARITY, WELFARE & WORK

POVERTY: The more wealth and riches can be freely accumulated – without being coercively shared or destroyed – the more will the poor be directly or indirectly helped and, finally, cease to be poor. Thus, today, to help the poor, we should protect the rights of the rich and of all those on the road to becoming rich. – JZ, 5.7.82. – The rich cannot spend all their wealth in luxurious living. (Even in that they would provide much employment.) They are practically forced to invest most of their wealth productively, i.e. to employ more people, largely in mass-producing goods and services for the masses. – JZ, 25.2.08. – CAPITALISM, INVESTMENTS, EMPLOYMENT

POVERTY: The most successful war on poverty ever fought has taken place during the past two centuries when the free market has been most nearly approximated.” – Leonard E. Read, Then Truth Will Out, p.47. – WAR ON POVERTY, INDUSTRIALIZATION, FREE MARKET, LAISSEZ FAIRE CAPITALISM

POVERTY: The Need to Be Free: To be more specific, the poor of the world need to be free persons. They need to be free ”from taboos, customs, totalitarian regimes, and paternalistic socialist laws. Blockages of freedom will never allow the poor to climb from the misery and sickness of poverty. And not even the richest people can do more than temporarily and partially relieve the suffering while such anti-freedom conditions persist.” – John C. Sparks, in THE FREEMAN, 5/75. - PATERNALISM, TABOOS, CUSTOMS, TOTALITARIANISM, WELFARE STATE, FREEDOM, RIGHTS, LAWS, STATE SOCIALISM

POVERTY: The only cure for poverty is wealth.” – Dangerous Button No. 398. – Not shared existing but additionally and freely produced and exchanged wealth. It is not a question of “taking or faking it but of making it”. – JZ, 5.7.86. And that requires full economic freedom, including full monetary, clearing, value standard and credit freedom. – JZ, 28.3.08. – WEALTLH, RICHES, PROSPERITY, FULL EMPLOYMENT, MONETARY& FINANCIAL FREEDOM

POVERTY: The only thing socialist has ever done for poor people is give them lots of company. – Lawrence W. Reed, President of FEE - Rick Knouse : And misery loves company! Facebook, 5.10.12. – I guess that Reed meant “State Socialism”. – JZ, 5.10.13.

POVERTY: The politician’s idea of helping the poor to become helpless is not act of kindness.” – Leonard E. Read, quoted in the Libertarian Bookshop list, Kalgoorlie, 1977. – POLITICIANS, WELFARE STATE.

POVERTY: The poor are mostly poor because they have thought so poorly, if at all,  about poverty, the rightful acquisition of wealth and the preconditions for full and productive employment! – JZ, 12.11.81, 8.2.11.

POVERTY: The poor are poor, not stupid. If you give them incentives to be poor, they will stay that way. Entitlements subsidize poverty and anyone knows that when you subsidize something you get more of it and when you tax something you get less.” – Walter Williams in SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, Dec. 83.

POVERTY: The poor are the great excuse for public expenditure, but they are not its main beneficiaries.” – H. S. Ferns, The Disease of Government, p.94. – WELFARE STATE, SOCIAL SERVICES, BUREAUCRACY, WELFARE OR SUBSIDIES OR BAILOUTS FOR THE RICH

POVERTY: The poor”, “the weak”, “the laborers”, are expressions which are used as if they had exact and well-understood definition. Discussions are made to bear upon the assumed rights, wrongs, and misfortunes of certain social classes, and all public speaking and writing consists, in a large measure, of the discussion of general plans for meeting the wishes of classes of people who have not been able to satisfy their own desires. These classes are sometimes discontented, and sometimes not. Sometimes they do not know that anything is amiss with them until the “friends of humanity” come to them with offers of aid. Sometimes they are discontented and envious. They do not take their achievements as a fair measure of their rights. They do not blame themselves or their parents for their lot, as compared with that of other people. Sometimes they claim that they have a right to everything of which they feel the need for their happiness on earth.” - W.G. Sumner, What Social Classes Owe Each Other, p.13. – POPULAR ERRORS & PREJUDICES

POVERTY: The poorest class in civilized countries is far above the poorer class among savage peoples. It has risen so far; why should it not rise even higher?” – Bastiat, in G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone. - POOR, STANDARD OF LIVING, PROGRESS

POVERTY: the poverty-producing currency laws, land laws, and taxes ..." - Badcock: Slaves to Duty

POVERTY: The present level of consumption enjoyed by an honest and industrial working-class family does not surprise us because habit has familiarized us with this strange situation. If, however, we were to compare the standard of living that this family has attained with the one that would be its lot in a hypothetical social order from which competition had been excluded; if statisticians could measure with precision instruments, as with a dynamometer, its labor in relation to its satisfactions at two different periods; we should realize that freedom, despite all still-existing restrictions on it, has wrought a miracle so enduring that for that very reason we fail to be aware of it. – Bastiat, in G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone. – Underlining by me. – JZ. - WORKERS, PROLETARIAT, COMPETITION, STTE SOCIALISM

POVERTY: the prevailing idea that the solution to the problem of poverty consists in finding how to expropriate part of the income of those who have earned “more than they need” in order to “distribute” it to those who have not earned enough. The real solution to the problem of poverty, on the contrary, consists in finding how to increase the employment and earning power of the poor.” – Henry Hazlitt, The Conquest of Poverty, p.58.

POVERTY: The problems of poverty and prejudice are not solvable by piling official restrictions, more control, and more coercion on top of old, informal repressions.” – Karl Hess, The Lawless State, p. 15.

POVERTY: The question should not be: “What about the poor?” – It should be: What about the liberty not be poor?” – SIL: Society for Libertarian Life, leaflet: What About the Poor? - LIBERTY, FREEDOM, RIGHTS, SELF-HELP,  VOLUNTARISM, INDEPENDENCE, EVEN EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY

POVERTY: The real, most important and self-caused poverty is that of ideas – and this in a world with many texts that are full of good ideas. – JZ, 23.11.79, 25.2.08. – Many of them are still mostly unknown and long out of print. Online or on disc all of them could and should now be permanently and cheaply reproduced. - JZ, 8.2.11. - This mental poverty, ignorance of and lack of interest in sound ideas, causes all material poverty as well. – JZ, 16.6.89, 10.4.08. – IDEAS ARCHIVE, PUBLICITY, LIBERTARIAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF REFUTATIONS, PREJUDICES, ENLIGHTENMENT, EDUCATION

POVERTY: The record shows that the government handout system, by contrast, not only fails to help 'the poor', it keeps them that way - and demeans them to boot." - Edmund Opitz, THE FREEMAN, 7/75, p.430.

POVERTY: The rich get richer, the poor get poorer". – “In any civilized society, the poor get richer, too. Pretty soon it's hard to tell who's who. Tell me: how long does an American work to buy a car?” - Reply by: L. Neil Smith, The Probability Broach, p.120. - & RICHES, POOR,

POVERTY: The richer the community, the less the need for relief, but the more it is able to provide; the poorer the community, the greater the need for relief, but the less it is able to provide.” – Henry Hazlitt, The Conquest of Poverty, p.230. – Are the poor really unable to help themselves, e.g. with their labor power? Even primitive tribesmen do that. – At least within families mutual aid is already extensive among the poor. – But all people, the rich and the poor, have, by now, become dependent upon division of labor and exchange media. And, both, the rich and the poor have tolerated a condition of monetary despotism in which this essential exchange medium is monopolized by the State, while all the potentials of free clearing are not full utilized, either. – That fact does often bring the poor and the rich into economic difficulties. They do not always get enough ready cash from the monopolistic money issuer, the central bank, just when they – or their customers – or their employers – need it most. – What else should one expect under a money issue monopoly? - JZ, 25.2.08. – Add to this its value standard monopoly, which leads to the almost constant deterioration of it through the central banking systems. - JZ, 8.2.11. - CHARITY, WELFARE STATE, MONETARY DESPOTISM

POVERTY: so-called "war against poverty" is a war, a civil war. - It perpetuates poverty by spreading and subsidizing it and restricting numerous economic activities which could reduce poverty effectively. - Instead of increasing production it reduces it, e.g. by keeping employable people out of jobs and reducing production incentives, while not removing the sales difficulties caused by monetary despotism. - Involuntary poverty must be removed or at least greatly reduced if the nuclear war threat is to be removed - as it promotes class warfare ideas and is thus behind the East/West conflict, and now behind much of the hatreds in extremely underdeveloped countries against the somewhat developed ones. - In theory and in practice only full economic freedom can do away with involuntary poverty. Measures like full monetary and financial freedom, still new to most people, would be primary. Naturally, these particular freedom steps would have to be supported by many of the more conventional economic freedom steps, like: free pricing, free wage agreements, cooperative production, free trade, free interest rates, free insurance and credit arrangements and, last, and least of all, charity. Territorial statism cannot abolish poverty but it can spread and perpetuate it. - Full experimental freedom, for all kinds of economic and social experiments, within volunteer communities, in combination with a genuinely cultural revolution, could prove this sufficiently. - Panarchism would soon bring not only an end to wars but also an end to involuntary and wide-spread poverty. - CAPITALISM, COMMUNISM, COMPETITION, CULTURAL REVOLUTION, ECONOMIC FREEDOM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, EXTERRITORIAL IMPERATIVE, FREE ENTERPRISE, FREE MIGRATION, FREE TRADE, INVESTMENTS, LAISSEZ FAIRE, LAND MONOPOLY, MARKET, MONETARY FREEDOM, NATURAL RESOURCES, SECESSION, SOCIALISM, STATISM, TAXATION, TAX STRIKE, VOLUNTARY TAXATION, WELFARE STATE. - JZ, An ABC Against Nuclear War, in PEACE PLANS Nos. 16 & 17, on - Rev., 8.2.11, 7.1.14. - INVOLUNTARY & VOLUNTARY POVERTY

POVERTY: The standard of living has risen along with the size of the world's population since the beginning of recorded time.  There is no convincing economic reason why these trends toward a better life should not continue indefinitely.” - Julian Simon. - The rich get richer and the poor get richer, too. In my lifetime not everyone could afford a watch and a fountain pen. Who among the poor now, in somewhat developed countries, cannot afford a cheap digital watch or a ball point pen? By now even many of them do have mobile phones. True, high fashion clothing is expensive, but utilitarian and mass produced clothing is often quite cheap and good used clothing is even cheaper. It is various taxes rather than free pricing that still bar some people from owning and using at least cheap used cars. – JZ, n.d. & 7.1.14. - STANDARD OF LIVING, GROWTH, NO LIMITS, POPULATION, OVERPOPULATION? NATURAL RESOURCES, LIMITS, ZERO POPULATION GROWTH, EARTH FIRST ETC

POVERTY: The State, fissioning society into separate classes of privileged and deprived, created poverty.” – Robert Anton Wilson, The Illuminati Papers, p.25. – Alas, even R. A. W. did not attempt to fully list all genuine individual rights and liberties. He rather ridiculed the very concept of rights and was thus helping to maintain a corresponding ignorance and prejudices. Too many otherwise good people are their own worst enemies with some of their notions. – JZ, 18.3.09.

POVERTY: The State, while pretending to fight poverty, causes it and prevents us from becoming millionaires, at least in our old age, e.g. as a result of a lifetime of honest work, via bearable old age insurance contributions, very productively and profitably invested, credit insured, at very high interest, inflation-proof, e.g. with gold clauses, safe from taxes and confiscations. – JZ, 27.11.88, 28.3.08. – PENSIONS, OLD AGE SECURITY INVESTMENTS, INTEREST RATES, SOCIAL SECURITY

POVERTY: The total number and percentage of the population of all those officially called poor – is being increased rather than reduced by any kind of governmental interventionism. Why work when the government takes care of your needs or work harder, when much of the extra money earned is, largely, taxed away from you? – JZ, 14.6.13.

POVERTY: The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all your time.” – William de Kooning, quoted by Barbara Rowe, A Book of Quotes. – But how much time of their remaining idle time do most of the poor spend upon exploring the real causes of poverty and at least trying to do something about them? – JZ, 22.6.92. – Or at least to think about genuine solutions? I do not believe that they have no time to spare to read, study and think. – JZ, 18.3.09.

POVERTY: The truly poor no longer necessarily have numbers on their side. In a good many countries they – like everyone else – have become a minority. And barring economic holocaust, they will remain so.” - Alvin Toffler, The Third Wave, Pan Books & Collins, 1980/81, p.430. Alas, they are largely kept in poverty by laws that restrict their self-help opportunities and the opportunities of those who would help them, e.g. by employing, training or granting them personal credits, if only xyz command economy laws and regulations were removed. Especially under full monetary and financial freedom, most involuntary poverty and poverty that is not self-caused, would largely and rapidly disappear. Even children could then get value-preserved upbringing-, education and training credits, which they could easily repay within a few years of productive work. – JZ, 24.9.07. – How long would it take the millions of poor people to explore and record all the flawed proposals on how to abolish involuntary poverty and their best refutations and to collect and sufficiently discuss all the sound proposals, the proofs for them and then to begin to do something about them? Rather than resorting to such self-help they are only prepared to let God, the State or private philanthropists play at being good via handouts to them. – For instance, the ones least interested in exploring the real causes and cures for involuntary unemployment seem to be the unemployed themselves. The poor, already often already only a minority, are, usually, not interested enough to search for real solutions to their problems, just like most soldiers and peace movement members are not prepared to explore causes and cures for wars and most businessmen cannot be bothered to explore the main causes and cures for their sales difficulties. - JZ, 18.3.09, 7.1.14.

POVERTY: the United States governments spent, by a conservative estimate, $ 147 billion on social welfare in 1974, (112) and that this would have provided the 11 percent of persons officially poor with an income of over $ 6000 each (or more than the average for all Americans) if it actually were given to the poor, the really concerned person must begin to wonder if something inherent in government does not allow it to help the needy. ...” - Donald J. Devine, Does Freedom Work? Caroline House Books, Green Hills Publishers, 1978, p.146. - - (112) This includes only public welfare, hospitals, health, housing and urban renewal, and social insurance trust expenditures; US. Bureau of the Census, Statistical Abstract of the United States (Washington, D.C., 1976), pp 259, 415. - & THE WELFARE STATE, WARFARE STATE, ARMS RACE

POVERTY: The United States has had a broad range of poverty programs for thirty years. Those programs have failed. Millions of people are still poor.” - P. J. O’Rourke, Eat the Rich, A Treatise on Economics, Picador, 1998, p.235. – Whatever reduction of poverty did occur cannot be ascribed to the Welfare State and to the “war against poverty”, which are both amounting, rather, to a war against the poor, by suppressing their self-help options in form of individual rights and liberties. – JZ, 7.1.14.

POVERTY: The unpleasantness of poverty is the chief reason why men work; they want to avoid it. Remove the unpleasantness and you lessen the stimulus to work. This fact shocks the idealists, but it is true; a thousand instances in everyday life confirm it.” – Henry Meulen, THE INDIVIDUALIST, August 1977.

POVERTY: The US “poverty line is above the average income of all families in the Soviet Union. … - Philip Vander Elst, THE FREE NATION, 1.3.79, p.5. - Also in Milton Friedman, An Economist Protests. – ANTI-AMERICANISM, POVERTY LINE.

POVERTY: The war against poverty is carried out under the pretence of helping the poor, by imposing a tax burden that impoverishes many and prevents others from employing more of the unemployed. Moreover, it is undertaken while outlawing the most important self-help options, e.g. via monetary despotism, compulsory licensing, and xyz other monopolies, restrictions and interventions. – JZ, 17.5.07, 25.10.07. - WAR AGAINST POVERTY, WELFARE STATE, TRANSFER SOCIETY, TAXATION

POVERTY: The war against the poor.” – Source unknown. It is a more accurate term for what politicians call the “war against poverty”. With politicians, their laws and institutions out of the way, the poor themselves could “fight” very effectively against their own poverty. But that would make politicians superfluous, as politicians, as far as the poor are concerned – and thus they are not interested in providing them with that service, either. – JZ, 25.2.08. – Just like trade unionist show no interest in self-management options because it would make them superfluous. – JZ, 7.1.14.

POVERTY: The worst thing about poverty is not humiliation, degradation, deprivation or dehumanisation. The worst thing about poverty is lack of money.” - R. A. Wilson in NEW LIBERTARIAN, No. 9. - That merely says: The worst thing about poverty is poverty! - What perpetuates poverty is rather the belief that no kind or quantity of token or "truck money" or "truck-shop money" is good enough and that only State money or money of the realm or money of privileged banks will do. Consequently, the most promising options for the abolition of involuntary poverty are habitually overlooked. Poor people should see to it that there is always a strong monetary demand for whatever goods, services and labour they do have to offer. That monetary demand could and should be expressed in form of alternative exchange media, with which they can purchase the goods, services and labours they need or want. In other words, they should work towards the establishment of local banks of issue that liquidify or mobilise the locally available and ready for sale goods, services and labour to a much higher extent than the forced and exclusive currency of the government does and can. If they insist on being paid in Mercedes-kinds of money (assuming any government money has such a high quality) or any other form of exclusive currency, then they may not even earn enough in this money to buy bicycles with. Anyhow, some of the poor have sunk to low that they do not only steal cars from the relatively well off but even bicycles from the relatively poor. Worse still, when these are relatively safely chained then they take their frustrated theft intention out on the bicycle by smashing it up. I have seen numerous such bicycle wrecks, still chained to some post, in my 1990 trip in the U.S. - Unemployed youth in my district cause hundred-thousands worth of dollars in damages by vandal actions. And in some countries property is so much endangered by criminals or official robbers or so customarily shared with relatives, that few bother to try to accumulate any more of it. - Add to this the high prices of drugs on the black market, the only “achievement” of the war against drugs, which forces addicts to commit crimes to feed their habit, which was, by anti-drug laws, turned into a very expensive habit and also into a more dangerous one. Drinking, smoking, gambling, betting, amusements and strikes, bad spending and consumption habits, inability to hold a steady job, lack of interest in education and training - do also keep people at the poverty level as the result of their own actions. Guilt is also involved when among hundreds of millions of unemployed almost none can be found who protest e.g., against minimum wage laws, hand-out forms of unemployment relief and against monetary despotism. They show no interest in monetary freedom, all too little interest in self-management and cooperative employment, are usually enemies of foreign investments, would not dream of offering attractions to investors (who would provide new capital investments, providing new jobs locally), firstly of all tax exemption and secondly freedom from regulations, labour laws and the force paper "value" standard and exclusive currency of governments. - How many do you know among the poor, who realize that through high interest bearing productive investments, made inflation proof and tax exempt and freed from government regulations, they could become millionaires through their old age security contributions? - How many are aware that their per head share in the national assets, if demanded by them in a general privatisation scheme, could also make them relatively rich? - How many of them do consider how much it would cost them per head and over a number of years, to purchase the enterprises they work in, financing the instalments, in practice, with part of the additional earnings so achieved? - As Kurt H. Zube (K. H. Z. Solneman) pointed out in his Das Manifest, der Freiheit und des Friedens, 1977, S.151, the small savers in Germany had in the 70’s between them 6 times as much in deposits in their banks as would have been required to purchase the controlling interest in all enterprises in Germany that are based upon share capital, which is daily traded on the capital market? - Like much of human ignorance and prejudice, much of human poverty is SELF-CAUSED, not simply to be blamed upon the State or "capitalists" or foreign competitors, illegal immigrants, speculators or other minorities considered as scapegoats. - If they bothered to prepare for and engage in a bloodless monetary and financial revolution, they could transform their needs into effective demand or purchasing power, to the extent that they are prepared to give their services and labour in return for it, at market prices. - How many of the poor demand abolition of taxes rather than "tax the rich for the benefit of the poor", unaware that most taxes are gathered from the poor and relatively poor people and are, even with the best intentions, largely used to keep them poor and that only a fraction of these funds ever gets back into their own hands, in form of hand-outs or "wages" for “make-work” jobs? - How many of them promote free trade rather than protectionism? - How many of them opposed systematically compulsory licensing and regulations, which keep many of them unemployed? - - How many of them oppose minimum wages, regardless of how many of their own children and grandchildren remain unemployed as a result? - How many of them oppose unionist go-slow rules that reduce productivity, under the illusions that high wages do not have to be earned? - How many of them are aware that entrepreneurs act acting as their agents for them, as consumers? - How many of them oppose uneconomic housing policies that make housing scarce and expensive for them, under the pretence of helping them? - How many oppose bureaucrats and politicians, who keep them poor under the pretence of helping them? - How many of the poor do welcome free migration not only for themselves but for others, too, as one avenue to reduce personal poverty and as an escape option from too much economic oppression and exploitation? - How many make use of the large range of self-education and even publishing options that are now available for them, in alternative media, at very affordable prices? - How many do still embrace a religion and expect their salvation on Earth from a God or their church or priest? - How many are still statists, instead of anarchists or libertarians? - How many of them realize in the market or a laissez faire economy (let people produce and exchange) their best possible “friend”, instead of their enemy? - Even in the former Soviet Union from 20-40% are still stupid enough, after THAT experience with totalitarian communism, to vote for communists, once again. - In many ways the poor are their own worst enemies. If they bothered to emancipate themselves monetarily, their troubles could soon be over. But I do not have many buyers among them for my $ 1 each monetary freedom microfiche. - I have no sympathy for such poor people with as poor minds. - J. Z., 27.4.89, 16.5.97, 9.4.08, 7.1.14. - Lack of "money"? What is mainly lacking is the monies of monetary freedom! And this is due to the lack of monetary freedom. And the poor are, usually not interested in this freedom at all! – JZ, 9.4.08, 8.2.11. – Lack of interest in the own affairs that go beyond the details of one’s private life. Look at the trivia, which most people on Facebook pages are mainly concerned with. – JZ, 7.1.14.

POVERTY: There are 1.3 billion human beings in the world who subsist on less than a dollar a day and have yet to make their first phone call, let alone send an email. - FRANCIS WHEEN, How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered the World, A Short History of Modern Delusions, Harper Perennial, London, 2004, p.238. – What interest have most of them so far shown in all of their genuine individual rights and liberties, by which they could become prosperous? – JZ, 16. &19.2.12. – Who or what is to be blamed for that? An excess of rights and liberties or a shortage of them? – JZ, 12.7.13. - SERIOUS INTEREST IN THE OWN MAJOR AFFAIRS & CONDITIONS

POVERTY: There are some government programs that give money to the poor – Aid to Families With Dependent Children, for instance. But such programs are vastly outweighed by those having the opposite effect – programs that injure the poor for the benefit of the not-poor. Almost surely, the poor would be better off if both the benefits that they now receive and the taxes, direct and indirect, that they now pay, were abolished.” – David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p.27. – They would also win, as much if not more, if monetary despotism were abolished and, thereby, the sound monetary demand for their labors would become maximized, via competitively issued, optional, market-rated and thus deflation- and inflation-proof alternative currencies. – JZ, 25.2.08. – WELFARE STATE, TAXES, MONETARY DESPOTISM, MONETARY FREEDOM, VOLUNTARY TAXATION, FULL FINANCIAL FREEDOM

POVERTY: There is all the difference in the world between the more fortunate among us giving of our substance in order to establish a minimum standard below which no disadvantaged person or child shall be forced to live, and trying to legislate uniformity of condition. The difference is between freedom and slavery." Milton Friedman, Homogenized Schools, NEWSWEEK 1972. - Under full economic liberty even children could earn enough, with a few hours a week of light work, to support themselves and also to pay themselves for rapidly learning basic reading, writing and arithmetic within a few weeks - with the monitor system of Joseph Lancaster – under self-discipline and loving it. Under full freedom, including especially monetary freedom, paid employment, as well insurance and credit would be available to almost all prepared to pay their dues and debts. Very few would still be or become dependent upon charity or mutual aid arrangements. – Not so much personal fortune and misfortune or luck are involved but, rather, individual rights and liberties. - JZ, 26.12.07, 7.1.14. - WELFARE, CHILDREN, EDUCATION, SCHOOLS, MINIMUM STANDARD OF LIVING & EDUCATION, FREEDOM VS. SLAVERY, CHILD LABOR, UPBRINGING & EDUCATION LOANS, COMPETITIVELY SUPPLIED

POVERTY: There is no doubt that poorer citizens would gain far more by an increase in the national income than by trying to redistribute more of the “existing” national income. – D. R. Myddleton, IEA Readings. - WEALTH, PRODUCTIVITY, DISTRIBUTIONISM, EGALITARIANISM, ECONOMIC GROWTH

POVERTY: There is no poverty, … the word is conventional, … what is poverty for you is luxury for another.” – Leo Tolstoy, Civil Disobedience, p.280. – I have known genuine poverty and I do not agree with that remark, although it is true that there were and are always some other people still worse off. – JZ, 10.4.08. 

POVERTY: There’s not scandal like rags, nor any crime so shameful as poverty.” – George Farquhar, 1678-1707, Archer, in The Beaux’s Strategem, Act I, Scene 1. – Hyman Quotes, p.134. - Self-caused poverty! Or the involuntary poverty caused by territorial governments, their laws and institutions. Next to war, genocidal mass murders and oppression this is the major crime of territorial governments. – JZ, 25.2.08, 18.6.13.

POVERTY: They have not realized that not being free hurts them more than helps them.” – Fritz Knese, THE CONNECTION 116 p. 56. – FREEDOM, RIGHTS LIBERTIES

POVERTY: They must also be taught to understand the relationship among collectivism, centralized planning, and poverty, so that every new generation of Americans need not naively receive the Marxist revelations afresh.” – William E. Simon, A Time for Truth, p.219. - Help to compile a comprehensive encyclopedia of all the popular errors, myths, prejudices, false premises etc. available, containing also their best refutations. – JZ, 25.2.08. – Some such entries are here marked with quotation marks. But they have still to be extracted and supplemented by tens of thousands of others. – JZ, 18.3.09. - EDUCATION, ENLIGHTENMENT, STATE SOCIALISM, REFUTATIONS ENCYLOPEDIA, MARXISM, PLANNING, COLLECTIVISM, LAISSEZ FAIRE CAPITALISM, COMPETITION, PROFIT, PREJUDICES, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE BEST REFUTATIONS OF POPULAR ERRORS, MYTHS & PREJUDICES THAT ARE OBSTACLES TO PROGRESS.

POVERTY: Those fighting for free enterprise and free competition do not defend the interests of those rich today. They want a free hand left to unknown men who will be the entrepreneurs of tomorrow...” - Ludwig von Mises - WEALTH, COMPETITION, FREEDOM, FREE ENTERPRISE, LAISSEZ FAIRE, INNOVATORS

POVERTY: Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances, which permit this norm to be exceeded – here and there, now and then – are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. (*) Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty. – This is known as ‘bad luck’.” – Robert Heinlein, Time Enough for Love, p.244. - All minorities should be set free to do their things for or to themselves and, thereby, to set shiny or deterrent examples to all others. – JZ, 25.2.08. – (*) “right-thinking” or “politically correct” ones. – JZ - MINORITIES, PROGRESS, PANARCHIES, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, PIONEERING SHOULD ALWAYS BE FREE

POVERTY: To address poverty, economic growth is not an option; it is a necessity.” – Mahbub ul Haq, former vice-president of the World Bank, April 94, Korten, 1995, p.37. – Have the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund ever recognized the rightfulness and usefulness of full monetary and financial freedom? Not to my knowledge. They deal only with the issues of monopoly monies of national central banks and the limited clearing network that can be built upon that kind of foundation. – JZ, 23.9.07. - & ECONOMIC GROWTH, WORLD BANK & INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND

POVERTY: To be a poor man is hard but to be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardship.” – W. E. B. du Bois, The Soul of Black Folk, 1903. - Is there really such a thing as a poor race? Is the USA a land of dollars where everyone can freely earn or coin or print private, honest and stable value dollars, much better in this respect at least than the government’s legal tender paper money, based on whatever wanted goods or services he has to offer? - Even the poor in the USA are often much better off than those considered already as well off in some African or Asian States. - Are there no self-help options left in the US for poor people? Or are they unable or unwilling to establish them? - Most of the immigrants to the U.S.A., over 50 million of them, arrived there poor – but did not stay poor for long. - Did the USA poor ever oppose minimum wage laws, which made many of them unemployed? - How many productive coops have they established so far? How many credit unions and how many free and note-issuing banks to promote production and exchanges among themselves? How many of them oppose monetary and financial despotism? - How many of them work towards the establishment of panarchies for themselves? - Can you imagine how much productive capital would be gladly offered to them, if they established the first tax-free panarchy, with fees only for desired services? And if they also offered stable value reckoning for such credits? - How much use do they make of the electronic self-publishing and self-education options? One of the DVDs, they now use for popular music, could instead contain up to 15 000 zipped reference books! - With the Joseph Lancaster Monitor System they could learn to read, write and reckon in 3 weeks to three months! - If they systematically collected and electronically published and discussed all social reform ideas, then they could soon learn how to help themselves. - If they were given their capital share in the governmental capital assets, they would be relatively rich. Provided only that the “national debt” would be cancelled as an investment in tax slaves. – How many of them reject the “Welfare State” as a dead end for themselves? - The greatest poverty is that of poverty of ideas and interests in all the things that should be of interest to the poor to get out of their poverty. - How many of them don’t smoke, don’t drink alcoholic beverages and do not use other drugs? - Already in my time in Germany, to 1959, a higher percentage of black people in the USA went to college there than of German youths , who went to German universities. - JZ, 20.1.85, 28.3.08.

POVERTY: To give money is to imprison people into their poverty, to impart knowledge is to give them the means to be free.” – Dr. E. F. Schumacher - Knowledge can’t be imparted with a “Nuremberg funnel”. – Only those able & willing to learn do learn. – JZ, 7.1.14. - FOREIGN AID, DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, ENLIGHTENMENT, IDEAS, FREE TRADE, FREE INVESTMENTS, FREE MIGRATION, MONETARY FREEDOM, PANARCHISM, EDUCATION

POVERTY: To seek 'causes' of poverty in this way is to enter an intellectual dead end because poverty has no causes. Only prosperity has causes. Analogically, heat is a result of active processes; it has causes. But cold is not the result of any processes; it is only the absence of heat. Just so, the great cold of poverty and economic stagnation is merely the absence of economic development. It can be overcome only if the relevant economic processes are in motion.” - Jane Jacobs, The Economics of Cities, p.120/121. - Ignorance, popular errors and prejudices, as well as lack of interest in public affairs are self-caused and lead to or maintain poverty. –JZ, 7.1.14. - PROSPERITY & WEALTH

POVERTY: To the extent that the free economy has been allowed to function in a given nation, in like measure that the free economy elevated more poor people further out of poverty in less time than any other system!” – Edmund Opitz, THE FREEMAN, 7/75. – Another version: “To the extent that the free economy has been allowed to operate in a nation, in like measure has the free economy elevated more people further out of poverty, faster, than any other system.” – Edmund Optitz, in THE FREEMAN, 6/76.

POVERTY: To the question whether Libertarians would then let the people go hungry, the reply would be that this precisely would not happen with restrictions removed and with economy flourishing as never before in freedom and liberty. People would be gainfully employed instead of subsisting on welfare doles as it has always been, whenever Government has permitted men to be free traders on a free market.“ – D. M. Kulkarni, INDIAN LIBERTARIAN, 5/75. - HUNGER, NEEDY

POVERTY: Under conditions of a free market, however, it is often reasonable to suspect that those who are really destitute have neglected their own care. I am not making a purely historical point, one that is easily researched. My point is that when people neglect their well-being, permit their future to rush in while they have given it no thought, produce children but take little care to ensure their economic security, refuse to prepare for their old age, and otherwise contribute to their own poverty, it is not unreasonable to suggest that their actions betray a character flaw, moral negligence, and thus deserve no rewards at all. Clearly, even in the free marketplace, poverty does not always betoken irresponsibility. Artists, scholars, scientists, teachers, and many others pursue values that do not show up in the Gross National Product figures. But on the whole, when people neglect their economic welfare, fail to retrain after a job becomes obsolete, become inattentive to their own and their family’s needs and wants, this is nothing to be admired. There are, even now, among the poor many who have no one else but themselves to blame for their poverty. And to sell the rest of the people on the familiar tale of the virtue of poverty will simply make this lamentable state of affairs continue beyond its natural course. …” - Tibor Machan, Liberty and Power, p.277.

POVERTY: Under dictatorship, how do the people fare? The answer is – poorly.” … - NOTES FROM FEE, Dec. 78. – DICTATORSHIP, FREEDOM, LIBERATION, PANARCHISM, PERSONAL LAWS

POVERTY: Under the names of the poor and the weak, the negligent, shiftless, inefficient, silly, and imprudent are fastened upon the industrious and prudent as a responsibility and a duty.” – W. G. Sumner, What Social Classes Owe to Each Other, p.20. – WELFARE STATE

POVERTY: War against poverty? A real war against poverty amounts to a war against government interference. Primarily, against its territorial monopoly claims, laws and institutions, which prevent self-help in all too many ways.” – The governmental “war against poverty”, in connection with all other governmental measures, amounts to a government war against the poor. - JZ, 21.11.82, 18.3.09. – SELF-HELP, SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, VOLUNTARY TAXATION

POVERTY: We are learning in the school of bitter experience that the poor cannot be made rich by depriving the rich of their riches.” – Sir Ernest Benn, The State the Enemy, 1953, p.29. – I reproduced this title in PEACE PLANS 495. Also many of his other titles in other PP issues. – By now all could and should be offered on a disk – together with many other freedom titles. – JZ, 18.3.09.

POVERTY: We can of course in a free society provide a floor below which nobody need fall, by providing outside the market for all some insurance against misfortune.” – F. A. Hayek, Economic Freedom and Representative Government. – When social insurance is not in government hands and not subject to governmental controls and regulations, then it can be a quite sound business, consisting of a variety of market institutions and free enterprises, including cooperative ones and mutual societies, fraternity groups, private guaranty associations, credit unions, charities, all quite voluntary and much preferable to any State activity and any taxation in this sphere. Hayek makes here quite unnecessary concessions to Welfare State notions. Insurance companies could even issue their own stable value money tokens. Ulrich von Beckerath wrote one of his 3 monetary freedom books on this subject. See – However, under panarchism Welfare State societies and communities of volunteers would be possible, too and at present even very likely, one this liberty is introduced. – JZ, 5.4.89, 21.2.08. -  WELFARE STATE, SAFETY NET, MINIMUM INCOME

POVERTY: We pay people to be poor.” – Prof. Gerald W. Scully, 1990. – SUBSIDIES, WELFARE, HAND-OUTS, SOCIAL SERVICES

POVERTY: We will do anything for the poor man, anything but get off his back." - Leo N. Tolstoy, quoted by Huntington, Philanthropy and Morality, George Seldes, The Great Quotations, p.739

POVERTY: What about the poor, helpless and needy? - Insurance and credit institutions have been invented a long time ago. Foresight is supposedly a human characteristic. You are free to take care of the remaining careless and untrustworthy poor yourself. - JZ - Or they could establish their own mutual aid and fraternal societies, as they had for centuries, before the Welfare State took over. - JZ, 5.11.02. 

POVERTY: What about the poor?” – Give them FULL economic freedom. (*) Most of them would then soon learn how to make good use of it. As for the rest: Why aren’t YOU willing to be charitable towards them and work partly for their direct benefit through you? Why don’t YOU share your assets with them, if you are so concerned about them? – JZ, 11.7.95. – (*) Including full monetary freedom, free migration, free trade, free enterprise without compulsory licensing, mutual aid, their share in the government’s capital assets, freedom for those who want to adopt poor children. – JZ,  n.d. - What about the poor?” Yes, indeed, what about the otherwise well-off workers, who are made poor by State interferences and confiscations of their earnings, their property and their chances? - JZ, 75. 

POVERTY: What about the poor?” – If you are so concerned about them – join a society for the protection and mutual protection of those poor in mind and body and induce all members to work as hard as they can to escape poverty. They could do so best by adopting free enterprise, free market methods and capitalistic tools and machines, which they could acquire, too, at least on terms. – JZ, 25.3.85, 10.4.08. –

POVERTY: What about those still in genuine need? A study of history shows that no government has been able to device a state welfare system which helps the needy without eventually encouraging idleness and widespread abuse of the system. Every state welfare system has a built-in grown factor. Like a cancer it cannot be kept small.” – Progress Party leaflet: A Return to Common Sense. – Release the sound monetary demand potential of all the providers of ready for sale consumer goods and services (as issuers of their own competing and optional “shop-currencies”), especially for the productive labor that all the unemployed or underemployed poor, including any number of immigrants, are able and willing to supply and allow such alternative local currencies to be offered and accepted, especially in wage and salary payments. Their sound backing would be obvious. They could and should also provide, in their own interest and that of their customers, a much sounder value standard that the territorial governments offer. – How many poor and how many rich have, so far, thought, sufficiently, about that option? - JZ, 25.2.08. – Actually there are some cancer cures – but they are still not recognized by orthodox medicine and insufficiently published. A general electronic Health and Longevity Encyclopedia, compiled on a DVD or even an external HD, could afford to cheaply point out these and other cures, offer proofs for them and refutations of false claims for cures. In WIKIPEDIA fashion it could be compiled fast and save numerous lives. – But, who cares? – JZ, 18.3.09. – Writers and publishes of health books and orthodox as well as unorthodox healers make more money by offering their relatively mere titbits of medical knowledge – and errors. – That special interest may cost them their own lives or that of one of their beloved or friends! - And the sick have not yet become self-thinking enough, either, to engage in such collaborative self-help efforts – although there are hundreds of millions of them! – JZ, 18.3.09. – MONETARY & FINANCIAL FREEDOM, HEALTH & LONGEVITY ENCYCLOPEDIA

POVERTY: What amalgam of ignorance, stupidity and malice does it take to bring this charge against the free economy, that it neglects “the poor”? The record shows that the government handout system, by contrast, not only fails to help “the poor”, it keeps them that way – and demeans them to boot!” - Edmund Opitz, THE FREEMAN, 7/75, p.430. – WELFARE STATE, SOCIAL SERVICES, WAR AGAINST THE POOR

POVERTY: What mutual insurance, cooperative credit and other self-help steps should the poor be expected to take themselves? – JZ, 25.3.85. – I once drafted a platform for a suggested association called MAMA: Mutual Aid for Mothers Association, intended for single mothers. They could do a lot for themselves, I discovered, e.g., cooperatively looking after their children – and if they did, they would then also get much help and opportunities from sympathizers. Between them they could also trace the fathers who had fled their financial obligations towards their children. – But, instead, the government pays them a pension to stay out of the work force. – JZ, 24.2.08.

POVERTY: what the government should NOT do in the effort to mitigate poverty. It should refrain from adopting measures that impede or discourage the full functioning of the free competitive enterprise system - the system that tends to maximize production, to distribute that production among the tens of thousands of commodities and services (*) in the proportions in which these are socially demanded, to maximize the accumulation of capital and new investment, and so to maximize wages and employment and open up opportunities to all." - Henry Hazlitt, The Conquest of Poverty, p.187. – (*) By now they go into the hundreds of thousands. – JZ, 7.1.14.

POVERTY: What would become of the poor if it were not for the rich – and many small savers – making their capital available for production, sensibly managed and employing many able and willing poor people? Actually, through small to medium bank accounts and insurance contracts many relatively poor people make much capital available to relatively rich people for productive purposes, which with jobs and cheap consumer goods benefit the able and willing poor. These investments are so large that in some countries one has spoken of a “pension-fund socialism”. Through long-term purchase contracts relatively poor employees could buy up most enterprises, using industrial obligations as means of payment and repaying this debt gradually and with a mere part of the additional productivity they could thus achieve - under proper self-management and incentives for all co-workers, co-owners or partners in such attempts. The rest of the additional earnings would already make them better off. And all the time they would build up their share in the productive capital of their enterprise. – JZ, 6.5.96. - 28.3.08. – PURCHASE OF ENTERPRISES BY THEIR EMPLOYEES, PENSION FUND SOCIALISM

POVERTY: When power is radically decentralized, people will be free to run their own schools, their own welfare programs, their own lives. … The system that obtains the greatest individual freedom would be the most successful and would provide the greatest opportunities for the poor.” – Rod Manis, in a small pamphlet: Poverty, A Libertarian View. – PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, DECENTRALIZATION, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PERSONAL LAWS

POVERTY: When the poor are able to get jobs, they forge their own path out of poverty. – Nicholas Kristof, THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 2.10.13, p.18. – UNEMPLOYMENT, FULL EMPLOYMENT, MONETARY & FINANCIAL FREEDOM, FREE BANKING, CAPITALISM, FREE ECONOMY

POVERTY: When you give food to the poor they call you a saint. When you ask why the poor have no food, they call you a communist.” - Archbishop Helder Camara –Genuine economics is not even taught in most departments of economics at universities. So what can one expect from these faithful – or the communist faithful? Or the average territorial statist? – JZ, 8.8.08. – KNOWLEDGE OF GENUINE ECONOMICS - & INTEREST IN IT

POVERTY: When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both." - James Dale Davidson, National Taxpayers Union - & SUBSIDIES

POVERTY: While clamoring for more jobs for the poor and handicapped, we established laws that make it economically unsound and unfeasible for those with lesser skills to be employed.” – Joan Marie Leonard, THE FREEMAN, 9/76. –MININIMUM WAGE LAWS

POVERTY: Why is common sense like this incomprehensible to liberals? Poverty no more causes crime than wealth causes virtue. – Quoted by Skye Stewart on Facebook, 21.3.12. - & CRIME, MODERN LIBERALISM, CRIME, WEALTH, VIRTUE

POVERTY: Why is the satisfaction of the poor man’s desires more important than the satisfaction of the rich man’s desires? … Everyone considers the satisfaction of their own desires to be more important than the satisfaction of someone else’s desires.” – Theodore Cohn (Cahn? – JZ), Forced Integration, CM Press, mentioned in SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 6/77. – The poor are more numerous and if satisfactions are offered politically, then their votes are more decisive. – JZ, 26.3.80, 25.2.08. – DESIRES, NEEDS, RICH, TAXATION, VOTING, WELFARE STATES, ENVY TOWARDS THE RICH, ANTI-CAPITALIST MENTALITY, PREJUDICES

POVERTY: Writing in 1619, Fernandez Navarette, chaplain to the king, advised him that, “The origin of poverty is high taxes. In continual fear of tax collectors, [the farmers] prefer to abandon their land, so they can a void their vexations. As King Teodorico said, the only agreeable country is one where no man is afraid of tax collectors.” – Jeffrey A. Tucker, The Economic Wisdom of the Late Scholastics, in: Llewellyn H. Rockwell, The Environmentalist Threat, in Llewellyn H. Rockwell, ed., The Economics of Liberty, Mises Institute, 1990, p.74. - & TAXATION, TAX TRIBUTE LEVIES

POVERTY: Yes, we will do almost anything for the poor man – anything but get off his back.” – Tolstoy. Another version: “… they are willing to do anything for the poor, except get off their backs.” – Leo N. Tolstoy, quoted in Huntington, Philanthropy and Morality. (George Seldes, The Great Quotations, 739.)

POVERTY: You can’t get rid of poverty by giving people money.” – P. J. O’Rourke. - Poverty gets perpetuated rather than eliminated by handouts. Only full freedom to produce and to exchange can largely abolish it for all those, who seriously want to rid themselves of it. - "Root, hog or die!" was the attitude of the early pioneers, after they had lost their communistic delusions and attitudes. - JZ, 23. 11. 06. – Not at the level of Welfares State hand-outs. - However a grant of a few millions would certainly remove my relative poverty. – JZ, 9.3.09. - HANDOUTS, PRIVATE & WELFARE STATE, CHARITY

POVERTY: You can’t make the poor rich by making the rich poor.” – quoted on TV, channel 4, 18.3.86.

POVERTY: You can’t turn poor people into middle-class people by shoving tax money at them. All you will do is turn middle-class people into poor people.” – Richard Needham, THE INDIVIDUALIST, Northcliffe, South Africa, 1981, VI/3.

POVERTY: You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.” – From a 1942 leaflet of the Committee for Constitutional Government. – RICH, WEALTH, TAXATION. – Quoted in George Seldes, The Great Quotations.

POVERTY: You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.” – John Henry Boetker - & POLICIES, WELFARISM, TAXATION, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY

POVERTY: You don’t make the poor richer by making the rich poorer.” – Sir Winston Churchill, 1874-1965. - RICHES, WEALTH & THE POOR, TAXATION, WELFARE STATE

POVERTY: you have the right to ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’. Not that you do not have the right to prosperity. That you must provide for yourself.” – Greg Rollins, Survival of the Fittest, ANALOG 5/94. – It should be stated as the survival of those, who are fit enough, even though they might be fit only through mutual aid and cooperative action, not only through individual self-help. – JZ, 16.2.08. - PROSPERITY, RICHES, SELF-HELP, HANDICAPPED PEOPLE

POVERTY: You should be free to help the poor, but each should help with his own resources.” – Richard Winchell, SOUTHERN LIBERTARIAN MESSENGER, 12/84. – Charity is not enough. Credit, mutual aid and insurance are more useful. The ideas and practices of full economic freedom would be the greatest help for the poor. – JZ, 28.3.08. – CHARITY, PHILANTHROPY, AID, HELP, ASSISTANCE, CREDIT, INSURANCEM, MUTUAL AID, FULL ECONOMIC FREEDOM

POWER: A fool is very dangerous when in power. – Denis Fonvizin in  – Only fools strive for power over others. – JZ, 1.4.12. – An only fools do always submit to it. – JZ, 7.1.14. - FOOLS, OBEDIENCE, RULERS, LEADERSHIP

POWER: a friend in power is a friend lost.” - Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams. - FRIENDSHIP

POWER: A good intention clothes itself with power.” – Emerson. – I would rather say: A good idea, or a great talent, properly marketed, does become influential. – Good intentions, combined with popular errors, myths, prejudices and territorial powers are very dangerous and harmful. – JZ, 13.6.92, 28.3.08. - GOOD INTENTIONS, TYRANNY, AUTHORITARIANISM, DICTATORSHIPS, WELFARE STATES, TERRITORIALISM, IDEAS ARCHIVE & TALENT & GENIUS CENTRE, INFLUENCE, MARKETING OF IDEAS & TALENTS

POWER: A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away.” - Barry Goldwater, 1964. - GOVERNMENT, RULERS, WELFARE STATE

POWER: a government that sacrifices a million lives to maintain its power, and then uses that power to trample in the dust all the natural rights of the survivors, and to cheat, plunder, and starve them, for the mere profit of the holders of eight hundred millions of money, is not a government that should be tolerated for any length of time.” – Lysander Spooner, Our Financiers, p.19. – CIVIL WAR & ITS CONSEQUENCE, FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENT DEBTS, LIVES, HUMAN SACRIFICES, RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, PUBLIC DEBT

POWER: A major benefit of the market economy is that it allows a means of exercising power without coercion.” – Skye in LIBERTARIAN CONNECTION, No. 73, p.2. – MARKET, COERCION

POWER: A politician in power tends to remain in power." - Neal Boortz's "First Rule of Political Dynamics" – They rarely ever abdicate without being pushed into this action. – JZ, 2.9.12. – INCUMBENTS, RULERS, POWER

POWER: a power over a man’s subsistence amounts to a power over his will.” – Alexander Hamilton, in THE FEDERALIST No. 79. – Unemployment is government made. So the dilemma of some employees is still produced by the government. It prevents, largely through its forced and exclusive currency, the employers from becoming employers for all of the unemployed and thus to increase their production, sales and their profits. Not enough sound exchange media are competitively produced to achieve the sale and purchase of all labor, goods, services that are desired and that would, otherwise, be possible and achieved through a sufficient supply of sound exchange media in every economic sphere. – JZ, 1.10.81, 8.3.08. – Such a supply is not impossible but merely outlawed. – JZ, 7.1.14. - MONETARY FREEDOM VS. MONETARY DESPOTISM, CENTRAL BANKING VS. FREE BANKING, UNEMPLOYMENT, SALES DIFFICULTIES, EMPLOYERS

POWER: A society literally “hooked” on power.” – W. Marina, Egalitarianism and Empire, p.9. – Territorial States and their governments are hooked on power – but are societies? Are their subjects? Do the voters feel powerful with their one vote among millions – every few years - or, rather, helpless and powerless, especially when they are also disarmed? – JZ, 7.3.08. 12.4.08, 7.1.14. – POWER ADDICTION, VOTING, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: A surfboard and a tanned hide could be a better solution than politics and armies, Henery, they don’t cry out for the ruin of the world.” – Don Crick, A Different Drummer, p.11. – Alas, the territorial power addicts do not allow us to drop out completely from under their rule, even when the survival of mankind is at stake. – The dropping out of surfers, into their favorite activity, won’t save us. – JZ, 18.3.09. - WAR, NUCLEAR STRENGTH, PEACE, AIMS, PURPOSES, POLITICIANS, DROPPING OUT, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT, LACK OF INTEREST IN THE OWN AFFAIRS – THOSE GOING BEYOND PRIVATE INTERESTS

POWER: A wise man is never “in power” and never “without power”. A wise man causes worthwhile changes in thinking and action even though he holds no office and has no wealth. Most reforms have been led by men who started with only the desire for reform and without any power whatsoever.” – Aami Wisdore, Free World, p.36. – An almost unknown anarchist title from Norway, that I micro-fiched in my PEACE PLANS series. – JZ - Compare the potential power of a genuine free market for ideas and talents. - IDEAS ARCHIVE. - INFLUENCE, IDEAS, THINKING, WISDOM, RETHINKING, CHANGE, REFORMS, PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM

POWER: Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” – Lord Acton.

POWER: Absolute power corrupts even when exercised for humane purposes. The benevolent despot who sees himself as a shepherd of the people still demands from others the submissiveness of sheep.” - Eric Hoffer. - DESPOTISM, LEADERS, STATESMEN, SUBORDINATION, SHEEP, OBEDIENCE INSTEAD OF RESISTANCE, STATISM, WELFARES STATE

POWER: Abuse of power isn’t limited to bad guys in other nations. It happens in our own country if we’re not vigilant.” – Clint Eastwood, PARADE MAGAZINE, 1.12.97. - Even the USA freedom lovers, obviously, were not always vigilant enough. C. E. here seems to have thought only of future threats to liberty, rather than past ones and those of our times. - I am one of his fans, too, due to the characters he represented in movies and his occasional public libertarian utterances. - JZ, 23.11.06, 7.1.14. - & TRUST, ITS ABUSE IS PRACTICALLY UNIVERSAL, EVERYWHERE, UNDER TERRITORIALISM

POWER: According to Herbert, no man’s integrity or moral or intellectual selfhood can withstand participation in the battle of power politics.” – Mack, Auberon Herbert, p.24. – I hold that this holds mainly only for territorial politics, in which too many compromises have to be made with too many diverse ideologies and special interests, which are largely absent in communities made up of like-minded volunteers only and from which dissenters are free to secede. We already have entrusted to voluntary action and competition the provision of most of the necessities and wants of our lives: the consumer goods and services. Only towards political, economic and social systems, laws and institutions have we not yet become sovereign consumers and competitive entrepreneurs and organizers. – JZ, 22.3.08. – PANARCHISM, PEACE, HARMONY, VOLUNTARISM.

POWER: Alas! Power encroaches daily upon Liberty, with a success too evident. … Tyranny has engrossed almost the whole earth, and striking at mankind root and branch, makes the world a slaughterhouse. …” – Trenchard and Gordon, Cato’s Letters, quoted by Murray N. Rothbard in THE LIBERTARIAN FORUM, August 77.

POWER: All authority belongs to the people.” – Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Spencer Roane, 1821. – Individually, not collectively! - JZ, 12.2.86. And to groups of volunteers, all without a territorial monopoly. Never, collectively, centrally, territorially to the fiction of a united people or nation. – JZ, 29.3.08. – No inherently wrongful power, e.g. nuclear “strength” power and the power of monetary despotism and that of territorialism does rightly belong to anybody! – JZ, 7.1.14. - SELF-HELP, PANARCHISM, TERRITORIALISM VS. PERSONAL LAW, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, VOLUNTARISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY

POWER: All governments enlarge upon and extend their powers. Under government, the rights of individuals diminish.” – THE MATCH, June 75. – What is true for territorial monopoly governments is not necessarily true for voluntary governance systems and societies. - All rights of individuals were never fully and clearly enough declared published and sufficiently known. There exists, so far, not even sufficient interest in attempting to provide such a declaration. If these rights and liberties had all been generally known and appreciated - then territorial government would never have gained power anywhere. – JZ, 8.3.08. – GOVERNMENT, INDIVIDUALS, HUMAN RIGHTS, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES VS. TERRITORIALISM

POWER: All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible. – Frank Herbert, Dune.

POWER: All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible. – Frank Herbert, Dune. – I rather hold that at least both these two factors are at work. – JZ, 8.2.12. - Quoted by Nizam Ahmad sharing Capitalism's photo. - That is characteristic for all territorial governments but not necessarily true for personal law governance of volunteers only or societies and communities that are only exterritorially autonomous and have no involuntary members and victims. – JZ, Facebook, 26.8.13. - RULERS, LEADERSHIP, CORRUPTION, POLITICIANS, TERRITORIALISM, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS

POWER: All history affords but few instance of men trusted with great power without abusing it, when with security they could.” – Thomas Gordon and John Trenchard, Cato’s Letters, 1720-23, quoted in THE FREEMAN, 10/74, p.583.

POWER: All mass movements, as one might expect, slip with the greatest ease down an inclined plane represented by large numbers. Where the many are, there is security; what the may believe must of course be true; what the many want must be worth striving for, and necessary, and therefore good. In the clamor of the many lies the power to snatch wish-fulfillments by force … - The infantile dream state of the mass man is so unrealistic that he never thinks to ask who is paying for this paradise. The balancing of accounts is left to a higher political or social authority, which welcomes the task, for its power is thereby increased; and the more power it has, the weaker and more helpless the individual becomes.” – C. G. Jung, quoted in THE FREE MAN’S ALMANAC for Nov. 30. - MASS MOVEMENTS, PEOPLE, WISHFUL THINKING, FORCE, INFANTILISM, MAJORITIES, DEMOCRACY, PUBLIC OPINION, STATISM, WELFARE STATE, POLITICIANS, STATE

POWER: All men are mad who devote themselves to the pursuit of power when they could be fishing, painting pictures, or simply sitting in the sun. - A. J. P. Taylor - Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online.

POWER: All men are too imperfect to have power over other men. – JZ, 25.4.92. And if all powers were really established and maintained by a God, as the Bible says, then that God would, obviously, also be imperfect. – JZ, 28.3.08. – However, power over voluntary victims is tolerable for them and for outsiders. – JZ, 7.1.14. - GOD, BIBLE, CHRISTIANITY

POWER: All men in power ought to be distrusted. - James Madison quoted by Anja Hartleb on Facebook, 1.4.12. - POLITICIANS, RULERS, PRESIDENTS, GOVERNMENTS, TERRITORIALISM, DISTRUST INSTEAD OF TRUST, LEADERSHIP

POWER: All nuclear power must be "atomised", i.e. rendered harmless, buried, best perhaps in the Sun, and never again allowed to reach the critical mass on Earth. – Actually the hot granite areas underground, now beginning to be exploited, are also supposed to be the result of nuclear reactions. For us on Earth the Sun is still the safest nuclear reactor. More of its energy can be caught through large mirrors in space. And it produced oil, coal, wood, other combustible organic matter, also wind-, tidal-and wave-power, the power from sea currents, that from the temperature differentials between surface and deep water, that between arctic air and arctic sea water and probably many others as well, which are widely considered to be non-nuclear. - JZ – NUCLEAR REACTORS, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT, NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT, ENERGY PRODUCTION

POWER: All power – except that over self and over invasive others – is immoral and objectionable. – JZ, 29.11.92, 19.2.08.

POWER: all Power and Authority is perverted from the King to the Constable, and it is no other but the policy of Statesmen to keep you divided by creating jealousies and fears among you, to the end that their Tyranny and Injustice may pass undiscovered and unpunished.” – Walwyn, The Bloody Project, 1648.

POWER: All power had been drawn into too few hands, and while those hands constantly changed, the enormous centralization of power did not.” – G. C. Roche III: Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.125. – CENTRALIZATION, VOTING, DEMOCRACY, POLITICIANS, REPRESENTION, CENTRALIZATION

POWER: All power over others is abusable and abused. – JZ, 11.11.92. – However, to the extent that it is only abused over voluntary victims, all of them adults and having voluntarily submitted to it and as long as they do, I don’t care. – JZ, 7.1.14. – ABUSES, VOLUNTARY VICTIMS OF IT

POWER: All power to Nobody.” – Jorj Matiasz, ELF.

POWER: All power to the government? No power to any territorial government! Power only to exterritorially autonomous governments, societies and communities and this to the extent that it is voluntarily transferred to them, for the time being, by individuals and applied only to these individuals, who remain free to secede from it. – JZ, 14.10.83, 21.3.08. – PANARCHISM, SECESSIONISM

POWER: All power to the individual.” – U.S. libertarian bumper-sticker in the early 70’s. – Including the power to start a nuclear war, which the USA president has? – No wrongful power over the lives of others to anyone, without individual consent! – JZ, 18.3.09, 7.1.14. - DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLY, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT

POWER: All power to the man in the moon. No power over others (peaceful people, not aggressors or criminals) without their individual consent, to anybody else! - JZ, 76, 18.3.09.

POWER: All power to the market.” – Victor Koman, NEW LIBERTARIAN WEEKLY No. 54, 26.12. 76. – A Free Market also for WMD’s? – JZ, 183.09. - MARKET

POWER: All power to the people? As long as “the people” are defined as the population of a whole territory, this means, in practice, all power to the rulers, the politicians, the bureaucrats, the people’s supposed representatives. And this at best and at worst means only rule by a majority or a minority. All power to individuals, in the meaning of “all individual rights and liberties to all who want to claim and use them for themselves” would be something quite different. Under this freedom volunteers would have as much or as little political power in their communities of volunteers, among themselves, as they like to have and, at the same time, no power at all over outsiders, who are not aggressors or criminals. – JZ, 21.3.08. – Granting the majority in a direct democracy referendum to deprive the minorities of any individual rights and liberties would be not step towards freedom. But the majority should be free to introduce and uphold individual rights and liberties for all those of its voluntary members, who do claim them for themselves, partly or completely. – JZ, 18.3.09, 7.1.14. – REFERENDUM, MAJORITIES, VOTING, DEMOCRACY, INDIVDIUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, SELF-GOVERNMENT, SELF-DETERMINATION,

POWER: all power to the persons.” – David Friedman, in The Machinery of Freedom. – All powers over themselves to adult and responsible individuals! – JZ, 7.3.08. – That would also mean no power to any territorial politician! – The dissenters wrongfully ruled by him are not free to hold him responsible or to secede from him. - JZ, 18.3.09, 7.1.14. - SELF-GOVERNMENT, SELF-DETERMINATION, PANARCHISM, SECESSIONISM, RESPONSIBILITY

POWER: all powers are to be annihilated …” - Jonathan Schell, The Fate of the Earth. – Even the power of love, friendship, collaboration, division of labor, that of various useful rather than dangerous energies? Only all wrongful and all too dangerous powers over the lives of others should be taken away. – JZ, 8.3.09. – See below under “All unlimited powers over others …”

POWER: All too often the misleading term “economic power” is given to influence, respect, authority, fame, high positions, wealth, capital assets etc., mixing up decision-making powers over volunteers with territorial dictatorial powers over conscripts and against other involuntary victims. – JZ, 1.11.81, 8.2.11. – ECONOMIC POWER? VOLUNTARISM, FREE EXCHANGE, ABILITY TO PAY VS. INABILITY TO PAY – UNDER MONETARY FREEDOM & UNDER MONETARY DESPOTISM, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: All unlimited powers over others are to be annihilated All powers are to be based upon individual consent by those, over whom the power is exercised. – JZ, after reading, in 1982, a segment on p.214 of Jonathan Schell, The Fate of the Earth, which runs: “all powers are to be annihilated”. - UNLIMITED, OVER OTHERS, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT

POWER: All who gain power are afraid to lose it.” - George Lucas, in Star Wars, Revenge of the Sith. – ABDICATIONS ARE RARE

POWER: Although the legal and ethical definitions of rights are the antithesis of each other, most writers use them as synonyms. They confuse power with goodness, and mistake law for justice.” – Sprading, in introduction to Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.15. - RIGHTS, GOODNESS, JUSTICE, LAW

POWER: Among the Whigs, who were a failing and discredited party, there were men who already knew the policy by which since then the empire has been reared – Adam Smith: Dean Tucker, Edmund Burke. But the great mass went with the times, and held that the object of politics is power, and that the more dominion is extended, the more it must be retained by force. The reason why free trade is better than dominion was a secret obscurely buried in the breast of economists. – Lord Acton, Lectures on Modern History, p.288. - DOMINATION, IMPERIALISM, FREE TRADE, ECONOMISTS, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, POLITICS

POWER: An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens. ... There has never been a moment of my life in which I should have relinquished for it the enjoyments of my family, my farm, my friends and books.” - Thomas Jefferson, Letter to John Melish, [January 13, 1813] – Another version: An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow men!”

POWER: an increase in the power of the State … does the greatest harm to mankind by destroying individuality which lies at the heart of all progress…” – Gandhi - & STATE VS. INDIVIDUALISM & ITS PROGRESS

POWER: And as this State Power grows, Social Power shrinks and the ability of individuals to manage their own affairs and control their own lives is inhibited, obstructed and crushed.” – Roy Childs, Liberty against Power.

POWER: And power isn’t achieved by passivity. – “We are not seeking power. We are seeking the end of power!” – Ursula Le Guin, The Dispossessed, p.246.

POWER: And the more power the State possessed, the more laws it would pass, the more “criminals” it would produce, and the more excuses it would have for extending its size and power.” – Paul Buhle, LIBERTARIAN ANALYSIS, Winter 1970, p. 51, bottom. – CRIME & LAWS

POWER: And then you complain that your leaders “misuse their power”. No, my friend, they don’t misuse it; they only use it, for it is the use of power which is itself the worst misuse.” – Alexander Berkman, What Is Communist Anarchism? 1928. – If it is introduced against the will of many to most peaceful people, then it is one of the worst kinds of abuses of power. If it is only introduced among volunteers then the results serve them right. – JZ, 7.3.08. – That also applies to communist anarchism. – JZ, 12.4.08.

POWER: And this absolute power of the sovereign State over the body politic, or the people, is all the more unexceptionable (*) if the State is mistaken for the body public itself or for the personification of the people itself; ‘do they not obey only themselves by obeying the State’?” - Jacques Maritain, Man & The State, ed. by Richard O’Sullivan, London, Hollis & Carter, 1954, p.23. – (*) unacceptable was meant here, I believe. – JZ - STATE, PEOPLE, SELF-GOVERNMENT, REPRESENTATION, SOVEREIGNTY, ABSOLUTISM, TERRITORIALISM,

POWER: And thus Bureaucracy, the giant power wielded by pigmies, came into the world.” - Honore de Balzac, Bureaucracy (vol. 12 in The Works of Honoré de Balzac), p.13 (1901, reprinted 1971). - How they originated is less important for us now than to find out how we can escape from its power or get rid of them altogether or how to deprive them of their most dangerous power, namely territorialism. - JZ, 24.11.02. - INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL SECESSION, PANARCHISM, MILITIA, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, PUBLIC SERVANTS, OFFICIALS, BUREAUCRACY, POLITICIANS, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: And yet even among the friends of liberty, many people are deceived into believing that government can make them safe from all hrm, provide fairly distributed economic security, and improve individual moral behavior. If the government is granted a monopoly on the use of force to achieve these goals, history shows that power is always abused. Every single time. – Ron Paul, quoted by Laissez Faire Capitalism - Read more: - Facebook, 28.10.13. - TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, GOVERNMENTALISM

POWER: Any government that’s so powerful it can give us anything we want is also so powerful it can take away anything we have.” - John Laws, Book of Uncommon Sense, PAN, 1995, p.57. - & GOVERNMENT

POWER: Any tyranny in its early stages or milder forms is still the same tyranny. Once accepted in principle, it can be carried to extremes with little contention. The idea has already been accepted. Embryos have a way of growing. The first behavioral law is the ruination of all law, justifying and giving impetus to all succeeding injustices.” – Joan Marie Leonard, a free-lance writer, in THE FREEMAN, 9/76. – Powers, like embryos and cancers, have a way of growing. – JZ, 28.3.08. – TYRANNY, DESPOTISM, DICTATORSHIPS, TOTALITARIANISM, TERRITORIALISM, CENTRALIZATION

POWER: Anyone entrusted with power will abuse it if not also animated with the love of truth and virtue, no matter whether he be a prince, or one of the people.” - Jean de la Fontaine. - Even the best intentions and the best character get corrupted under the influence of territorial political power. - JZ, 13.10.02. - Exterritorial autonomy "power" has enough positive feedback from its volunteers to achieve business-like self-responsibility for its leaders, executives or administrators, managers, kings or despots, even its anarchistic gurus or prophets. Membership and revenues will decline when their customers or members experience dissatisfaction and will grow only by pleasing them more. - JZ, 26.11.02, 8.2.11. – EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY OR PANARCHISM VS. TERRITORIALISM

POWER: Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices.” – Voltaire - ABSURDITIES & INJUSTICE, RELIGIONS, IDEOLOGIES

POWER: Arbitrary power has seldom ... been introduced in any country at once. It must be introduced by slow degrees, and as it were step by step." - Lord Chesterfield (1694-1773). - However, compare how rapidly e.g. legal tender and conscription laws have been introduced. – JZ, 2.1.08. - DESPOTISM, GRADUALISM, SALAMI TACTICS

POWER: Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness.” – George Washington

POWER: As a result of income taxation, we now have a government with far more power than George III ever exercised. It is self-sufficient, independent of the will of the people.” – Frank Chodorov, The Income Tax, p.119. PEOPLE, DEMOCRACY, GOVERNMENT, INCOME TAX

POWER: As far back as man’s history goes, the growth of police powers immediately preceded and caused the fall and destruction of each culture.” – Mark Clifton, Eight Keys to Eden, p.168. – POLICE, FORCE, COERCION, CIVILIZATION, CULTURE

POWER: As Herbert Spencer said (last century), when State power is applied to social purposes, its action is invariablyslow, stupid, extravagant, unadaptive, corrupt and obstructive.’ – It shows a positive genius for making any human activity as complicated and as difficult as possible.” – John Singleton with Bob Howard, Rip Van Australia, p.24. - TERRITORIALIM.

POWER: As one perennial opposition leader in another country once put it, “while power corrupts, being out of power corrupts absolutely.” - THE ECONOMIST, London, 1959, quoted in C. Bingham, Men & Affairs, p.37. - Under territorialism they usually do not even try to explore and advocate quite different, just and rational ideas instead. All major parties operate on the lowest common denominator. Majority voting sees to that. – JZ, 7.3.08. – VOTING, MAJORITIES, DEMOCRACY, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: As soon as people have power, they go crooked and sometimes dotty as well - because the possession of power lifts them into regions where normal honesty never pays … the more highly public life is organized, the lower does its morality sink.” – E. M. Forster, Two Cheers for Democracy. - POLITICIANS, MORALITY, ETHICS, BUREAUCRATS, DEMOCRACY, REPRESENTATIVES, RULERS, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS, CORRUPTION, IGNORING OR SUPPRESSING INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: at the very time when modern governments have accumulated enormous powers and fantastic weapons, their very powerlessness is beginning to appear.” – John A. Lukacs, The Monstrosity of Government, in Templeton, The Politicization of Society, p.405. – One ought to distinguish between the power to make war, commit other kinds of aggression and destruction, mass murder and exploitation - and the power to achieve and preserve peace, protect and defend individual rights and liberties, power to create, produce and exchange freely. Territorial governments are powerful in the former sense but powerless for the latter purposes. – JZ, 4.6.92, 28.3.08. – NUCLEAR WAR THREAT

POWER: Authority intoxicates, // And makes mere sots of magistrates; // The fumes of it invade the brain, // And make men giddy, proud and vain.” - Samuel Butler. - MAGISTRATES, AUTHORITIES, RULERS, POLITICIANS, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS, LEADERSHIP

POWER: Barbarism still exists – power as territorial power politics. – JZ, 22.6.92, 28.3.08.

POWER: Because of the nature of their game is power, it is a safe bet that those who make it to the top in gangs are the most powerful. And, as we have seen many times in political scandal, powerful men rarely possess the virtues of honesty, integrity and moral courage. It has been said that power corrupts and that absolute power corrupts absolutely. It would be more accurate to say that only the absolutely corrupt seek absolute power. If someone comes to you and asks for the power to run your life, or to run the lives of other people, chances are good that he is not to be trusted and that turning your back on him is a risky venture.” – Sy Leon, None of the Above, p.120. - TERRITORIALISM

POWER: Because we rightly fear power in anyone’s hands, we recognize the foolhardiness of establishing a government with a monopoly of power and then expecting that government not to abuse that power. If it’s dangerous to allow individuals to protect themselves, how much more dangerous is it to give power to government?” – Michael E. Coughlin, in THE DANDELION, Summer 77, p.16. - TERRITORIALISM

POWER: become distrustful of the kind of men and women who are interested in holding this kind of power at all. – John A. Lukacs, The Monstrosity of Government, in Templeton, The Politicization of Society, p.400. - TERRITORIALISM

POWER: Big Brother in the form of an increasingly powerful government - and in an increasingly powerful private sector - will pile the records high with reasons why privacy should give way to national security, to law and order, to efficiency of operation, to scientific advancement and the like." - William O. Douglas (1898-1980), U. S. Supreme Court Justice. - Source: Points of Rebellion, 1969. – How big and powerful could big business become without big government? - BIG GOVERNMENT & BIG BUSINESS, SECURITY, , Q.

POWER: Bookchin firmly established himself among libertarians as one to take notice of when he made the important observation thatIf we define ‘power’ as the power of man over man, power can only be destroyed by the very process in which man acquires power over his own life and in which he not only ‘discovers’ himself but, more meaningfully, formulates his selfhood in all its social dimensions.” (*) – American anarchists, to be sure, had been voicing this crucial insight over the years with regularity, but never before had the general public tuned to a frequency that permitted them to fully appreciate its meaning or its importance in the process of social change. - Reichert, Partisans of Freedom. A Study in American Anarchism, p.551, on Murray Bookchin. - (*) Do these general terms explain the individual sovereignty, individual secessionist and personal law and exterritorial autonomy organization options for volunteers clearly enough? Not to my opinion. – Has the general public been sufficiently enlightened by Murray Bookchin? – How many of those, who involved themselves during the last few decades with various “self-discovery” methods, did, thereby, arrive at sufficient political, economic and social enlightenment and tolerance for other tolerant people, doing their own things only for and to themselves? If M. B. has gone more and more clearly in the panarchistic or polyarchic direction than in the above hint, in any of his writings or talks, then I would like to hear about this. – How many have simply grown up and matured into sovereign individuals and panarchists or voluntarists? – How many managed to liberate themselves from all or many of the popular errors, myths, prejudices and fallacies that are obstacles to progress? I do not even know of one academic who frankly and publicly criticized nonsensical phrases like e.g. “Buy Australian!” or “Buy American!” – JZ, 2.3.08, 9.2.11.

POWER: Books won’t stay banned. They won’t burn. Ideas won’t go to jail. In the long run of history, the censor and the inquisitor have always lost. The only sure weapon against bad ideas is better ideas. The source of better ideas is wisdom.” – A. Whitney Griswold (1909-1963), NEW YORK TIMES, 24 February 1959. - Book burnings have occurred often, except in Buddhist countries, I was told. But even good and published books can remain out of print, ignored or forgotten for all too long. Much more is needed than merely freedom of the press. For ideas and talents special free markets are needed, e.g. an ideas archive and talent center, where supply and demand in these fields are properly and sufficiently brought together. - JZ, 26. 11. 06. – For texts: permanent publishing in affordable media. E.g., all libertarian texts on one external HDD. - JZ, 9.2.11. One does not come to better ideas straight through wisdom. One arrives at them through creativeness and learning or studies. Creativeness or brainstorming, singly or collectively, leads to many ideas, most of them flawed. It then takes knowledge, wisdom, experience and judgment to sort out the good ones from the lot and to leave the bad and flawed ones unused but still recorded and accessible, together with all the criticism they require. – JZ, 10.3.09. – POWER OF IDEAS & OF GOOD BOOKS, WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE, IDEAS ARCHIVE, REFUTATIONS ENCYCLOPEDIA, LIBERTARIAN PUBLISHING & LIBRARY

POWER: Both Bastiat and Tocqueville warned that, although the failure of middle-class democracy had brought on a revolution allegedly motivated by lower-class democracy, the real failing, the rabid insistence that great political power could somehow benefit the lives of men, still remained to plague French society. In Bastiat’s words: You call this the triumph of liberty, when it is its final defeat. I tell you that the people, which you so artlessly admire has just succeeded in proving that it is unfit and unworthy to live a life of freedom. Show me what experience has taught it! Where are the new virtues it has gained, the old vices it has laid aside? No, I tell you, it is always the same, as impatient, as thoughtless, as contemptuous of law and order, as easily led and as cowardly in the presence of danger as its fathers were before it. Time has altered it in no way, and has left it as frivolous in serious matters as it used to be in trifles. - G. C. Roche III: Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.80. – However, to my knowledge even Bastiat and Roche did not advocate, clearly enough, the radical alternative to territorially imposed power. - The contempt for genuine law has been supplemented by faith in disorder producing territorial "positive" legislation. - Genuine individual rights and liberties stand so much in contempt that so far probably no one and no group has attempted to produce a comprehensive declaration of all of them. My own draft and over 130 other private drafts of this kind, anthologized in PEACE PLANS 589/590, as attempts to achieve this, have so far been ignored for all too many years. - Publishing them online at - has also failed to arouse interest in this libertarian project. - JZ, 9.2.11. - PEOPLE, DEMOCRACY, PROPERTY, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: both Left and Right have increasingly resorted to using politics - practising what James Madison calledthe old trick of turning every contingency into a resource for accumulating force in government.’ - In this way political affairs has come to dominate social and economic affairs – it feeds on conflict.” – John Singleton with Bob Howard, Rip Van Australia, p.10. – EMERGENCY LAWS, PRESIDENTIAL DECREES

POWER: But so long as the function of social order is left up to individuals, Tucker held, power can never become highly concentrated, for the natural laws of social balance militate against this. It is only when a monopoly of power is held by the state that power becomes an evil.” - Reichert, Partisans of Freedom. A Study in American Anarchism, p.164. – PANARCHISM, INDIVIDUALISM, VOLUNTARISM, TERRITORIALISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY& SECESSIONISM

POWER: But the most elementary lesson of political experience, which each generation has had to learn the hard way ever since the beginning of recorded history, is precisely that no one can be trusted with the power of government.” – Joseph F. Johnston, Jr., The Limits of Government, Regnery Gateway, Chicago, 1984, p.310. – I would have confined that statement to territorial governments. Governments confined to voluntary members and exterritorial autonomy will be kept in check mainly by individual secessionism and by the competition from better systems in the same territory, just like bad businessmen are kept in check by voluntary workers, investors and customers and by their competitors, combined with sufficient publicity and an effective justice systems for fraud. The territorial State hasn’t supplied the latter service well enough, either. – JZ, 2.10.07. - TRUST & GOVERNMENT

POWER: But we are obliged to recognize that no group of men can be completely trusted with power. All power is liable to be abused, and the greater the power the greater the likelihood of abuse. For that reason, only minimum powers should be granted to government. But the tendency of government everywhere has been to use even minimum powers to increase its powers. And any government is certain to use great powers to usurp sill greater powers. There is no doubt that the two great World Wars since 1914 brought on the present prevalence of the quasi-omnipotent State.” – Henry Hazlitt, in THE FREEMAN, 11/75. - I doubt that this tendency would persist once all governments are confined to their volunteers and exterritorial autonomy, i.e. their members can secede from them and establish or join competing societies and communities, all without any territorial monopoly. - JZ, 9.2.11. – TERRITORIALISM, LIMITED GOVERNMENT, CENTRALIZATION

POWER: But, insists Tolstoi, a man is free in proportion to his non-possession of power. And the most powerful are the most unfree.” – R.V. Sampson, The Discovery of Peace, p.124. – Imagine the “freedom” and “security” of a man who may be subject to tyrannicide at any moment. – JZ, 12.4.08. - Even his children and grandchildren are continuously under threat. - JZ, 9.2.11. - FREEDOM, LIBERTY, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: But, surely, the legitimate concern of a friend of liberty, even if it is not directed frontally toward the ideal of no state at all, cannot be directed in conscience toward any action that would enhance rather than diminish the power of the state; (*) that would free from power, rather than limit it.” – Karl Hess, The Lawless State, p.22. – (*) but, instead, towards any action … ? - JZ, 9.3.08. - Here he seemed to advocate merely a limited but still territorial State rather than voluntary and exterritorially autonomous governments and societies, which would have left all others to their own choices of whatever kind, as long as they make no territorial claims and leave all others to their own choices. - JZ, 9.2.11.

POWER: But, Tucker retorted, the true friends of liberty understand that power is always socially negative, whoever may wield it.” - Reichert, Partisans of Freedom. A Study in American Anarchism, p.165. – I do completely deny that full power over the own affairs is socially a negative factor rather than a positive one. However, under territorialism that kind of power cannot be realized, in the same way that e.g. full monetary freedom cannot be realized under monetary despotism or freedom of expression and information under censorship. Perhaps the different concepts and practices of power should be numbered, so that such mix-ups will become rare. – JZ, 22.3.08.

POWER: Coercion does not have half as much power as does gentleness.” – Samuel Smiles, Der Charakter, 8.: Die Gemuetsruhe. Alas only in my retranslation of the German version: “Die Gewalt besitzt nicht halb so viel Macht als die Milde.” – Compare Shakspeare, in Henry V. on lenity. – Coercion is less powerful than complete justice – but, nevertheless, more often practised. – An ideal militia would combine both. - JZ, 22.7.86, 29.3.08. – COERCION, FORCE, COMPULSION VS. JUSTICE, FREEDOM, LENITY, RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, HUMAN RIGHTS, LIBERATION, MILITIA, GENTLENESS, LENITY, JUSTICE, RIGHTS, LIBERTY, JUST WAR & PEACE AIMS

POWER: Competition is the social hallmark of freedom, but it is a social serendipity arising from the fundamental positions that individuals, although often misguided, are the best judges (*) of what they should do with their lives and that power should be dispersed among many individuals.” (**) - Richard B. McKenzie, Bound to Be Free, Hoover Institute Press, 1982, p.63. - (*) Not necessarily the best but the only rightful judges! - (**) All rational adults, I hold. – They should all enjoy even free choice of governments, societies and communities for individuals, not only consumer sovereignty and free enterprise for ordinary consumer goods and services. No non-criminal and non-aggressive people are to be confined to a territory-wide State “prison” and its rules. – Free competition in every sphere for every service wanted by volunteers, even if that requires full exterritorial autonomy for them. – Experimental freedom is beneficial not only in sports, arts, technology and natural sciences. - JZ, 6.10.07, 9.2.11. - ITS DISPERSAL, INDIVIDUALS, FREEDOM & COMPETITION, PANARCHISM, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY & FREE ENTERPRISE IN EVERY SPHERE, EXTERRITORIALL AUTONOMY FOR VOLUNTEERS VS. COUNTRY-WIDE ENFORCED TERRITORIALISM

POWER: Concentrated political power is the most dangerous thing on earth.” - Rudolf Rummel. - And individual secessionism and exterritorial autonomy for communities of volunteer is the greatest solution to this greatest danger! - JZ, 11.2.02. - TERRITORIALISM, CENTRALIZATION, PANARCHISM, SECESSIONISM, DEMOCIDE

POWER: Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the good intentions of those who create it.” – Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom, p.201. – Quoted in reason, 7/74 by M. Bruce Johnson, who added: “nor of those who use it.” – GOOD INTENTIONS, CENTRAL BANKING, TERRITORIALISM, GOOD WILL, DO-GOODERS, WELFARE STATES, PROTECTIONISM, TAXATION

POWER: Confiding unlimited power to government is the same as giving a casual acquaintance a signed blank check! It is not fair, either to the receiver of the check, who is subjected to temptation, or to the giver, who might find himself painfully defrauded.” – Ben Moreell, Log II, p.146. - However, by unanimous consent or by majority decision-making, which is accepted by voluntary members, even that should be permissible, as long as it is practised only exterritorially and the right of individuals and of groups to secede from these non-territorial statists and governmentalists, without making any territorial claims, remains untouched. - JZ, 9.2.11. - VOLUNTARISM VS. TERRITORIALISM

POWER: Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.” – Thomas Jefferson. - By itself Congress or any other Parliament has little power, even if all their members armed and trained themselves in the use of weapons. Others have to support it with either military might or money for its military or spending abuses. And people have to be more or less willing to obey its laws or to tolerate them sufficiently, which they do not e.g. in all their black market transactions. So in several ways the power of such institutions is as illusionary as the supposed power of rich men. - JZ, 25. 11. 06. – Purchasing power is not political power – although it can buy the votes of many politicians. – JZ, 10.3.09. - CONGRESS, WELFARE, CONSTITUTION

POWER: Corruption, like a cancer … eats faster and faster every hour. The revenue creates pensioners, and the pensioners urge for more revenue. The people grow less steady, spirited, and virtuous, the seekers more numerous and more corrupt, and every day increases the circles of their dependents and expectants, until virtue, integrity, public spirit, and frugality become the objects of ridicule and scorn, and vanity, luxury, foppery, selfishness, meanness, and downright venality swale up the whole of society. – John Adams in  – CORRUPTION, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM WELFARE STATE, GOVERNMENT SPENDING, GOVERNMENT BUDGET, POLITICIANS, TAXATION, SUBSIDIES, HANDOUTS, PUBLIC SERVANTS, TAX CONSUMERS

POWER: Count Gasparin demands for the future, “No power of man over man”. … Man must have power enough over man to restrain or resist unnecessary, wanton encroachments upon universal rights, while such encroachments are attempted.” – Josiah Warren, True Civilization, p.178, points 540 & 541.

POWER: David Thoreau Wieck virtually called for “participatory democracy” (*) when he suggested to the youth of the country that the real evil we face in America is “power, and the remedy for the evil of power is, not the half-step of Democracy, but the whole step of Freedom.” - Reichert, Partisans of Freedom. A Study in American Anarchism, p.546. - (*) Participatory democracy does not go far enough in the freedom direction, either. Panarchism does, to the extent that anyone wants to be free or unfree. It would be wrongful for any “participatory democrats” to interfere with the affairs of any community society or “competing governance” of volunteers, regardless of how much or how little freedom its members practise among themselves, at their own risk and expense. – If however, any community of volunteer were immoral and irrational enough to construct ABC mass murder devices, then there would be a case for intervention, by outside volunteers or all kinds of voluntary communities, perhaps best organized in an international federation of ideal local militia forces for the protection of individual rights and liberties. A subject that needs much more discussion still than I & Ulrich von Beckerath could provide in my two libertarian peace books, which are online at: & - JZ, 22.3.08. PANARCHISM, MILITIA, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT

POWER: Decoupling wealth from political power. … rendering the power of government unavailable for making money … making governments unavailable to be bought by money. And that's important, because controlling government is the way to obtain monopoly privilege. But monopolies tend to grow fat and inefficient, and a monopoly on a national scale eventually falls prey to foreign competitors.” - James P. Hogan, The Mirror Maze, p.308/309. - & WEALTH, TERRITORIALISM, SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS, LOBBIES, BRIBERY, CORRUPTION

POWER: Deep scepticism about the motives of those who seek power over others is one of the healthiest and most characteristic features of British democracy.” - Margaret Thatcher, Statecraft, 2002, HarperCollins, – p.414. – But is it deep and wide-spread enough? – JZ, 8.10.07. – Is there really less statism in England than in other democracies? – JZ, 11.3.09. Isn’t it also build upon authoritarian territorialism, which has all too much in common already with totalitarianism? – JZ, 7.1.14. – POLITICIANS, AVERAGE VOTERS, PUBLIC OPINION, POWER SEEKERS, AUTHORITARIANISM, TERRITORIALISM, TOTALITARIANISM

POWER: Democratic nations often hate those in whose hands the central power is invested; but they always love that power itself.” – Tocqueville, quoted in THE FREEMAN, 9/75, p.519. – Democracy as well as nations are, largely, fictions - and, nevertheless, coercively and territorially upheld, like formerly church hierarchies were. - JZ, 9.2.11. – Many of the decision-making monopolies are rarely ever questioned and criticized. Those of defence, police and justice protection are evden advocated by those favoring “limited” governments. – JZ, 7.1.14. - DEMOCRACY, TERRITORIALISM, DECISION-MAKING MONOPOLIES, LIMITED GOVERNMENTS, LIMITED MONOPOLISM, POLICE, JUSTICE, STATISM


POWER: Destruction of all political power is the first duty of the proletariat.” – Errico Malatesta, Pensiero e Voluntà, July 1, 1926. – And who was to lead the proletariat in this powerful action? – JZ, 9.3.08. – Some, were advocating a dictatorship by the proletariat and then established a centralized dictatorship of the proletariat as well. – In some of the partly developed countries the proletariat has already become a minority, one often given legalized trade union privileges. – JZ, 7.1.14. - PROLETARIAT.

POWER: Do not consider Collectivists as "sincere but deluded idealists". The proposal to enslave some men for the sake of others is not an ideal; brutality is not "idealistic," no matter what its purpose. Do not ever say that the desire to "do good" by force is a good motive. Neither power-lust nor stupidity are good motives.” – Ayn Rand. - However, the ignorant, stupid, prejudiced and misled people should be free to do their things to themselves, i.e., at their own cost and expense. Panarchies even for them! - JZ, 23. 11. 06. - POWER LUST & STUPIDITY ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH MOTIVES, COLLECTIVISM, IDEALISM, TOTALITARIANISM, STATISM, STATE SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM VS. VOLUNTARISM, SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE

POWER: Don't you see, … that's been the whole trouble? That people have power over other people, or want it, or are afraid others want it? Ahasuerus didn't come here to put a new yoke on human necks.” - Poul Anderson, The Byworlder, Gollancz, ISBN 0 575 01574 8, p.189. - PANARCHISM VS. TERRITORIALISM, GENUINE SELF-GOVERNMENT OR SELF-DETERMINATION

POWER: economic power is exercised by means of a positive, by offering men reward, an incentive … political power is exercised by means of a negative, by the threat of punishment, injury, imprisonment, destruction.” – Ayn Rand, America’s Persecuted Minority, Big Business, p.6. – Even Ayn Rand's supposedly ideal limited but territorial government still needs exterritorial competition from voluntary societies and communities - to keep it sufficiently limited by being confined to exterritorial autonomy and its voluntary supporters. - Only then would it constitute a truly limited government. - JZ, 9.2.11. - ECONOMIC VS. POLITICAL POWER, BIG BUSINESS, TERRITORIALISM, MONOPOLISM, LIMITED GOVERNMENTS

POWER: Economic power, then, is simply the right under freedom to refuse to make an exchange. (*) Every man has this power. (**) Every man has the same right to make a proffered exchange. (***) – Murray N. Rothbard, The Ethics of Liberty, p.222. - (*) or to make it, as e.g. in Free Trade vs. Protectionism. - (**) Is he free to refuse to pay taxes and to refuse the public services offered in return for them? - Is he free to refuse to accept or to discount the government’s legal tender money and free to contract alternative means of payment and of value standards to the paper money and paper-value-standard which the legal tender notes of the government’s central bank offer? - (***) Morally or ethically he does have this right. But does he, under monetary despotism, have the legal and juridical right to make any exchange involving full monetary freedom, using also any value standard that pleases him and his trading partner? Even Rothbard wanted to confine monetary exchange media to rare metal coins and paper certificates redeemable in them, i.e., he still favored a degree of exclusive currency and thus of monetary despotism and considered monetary freedom alternatives to this altogether as merely fraudulent! – In other words, he did not understand the nature of those exchange media of monetary freedom that are essentially merely sound clearing certificates, which anyone should be free to produce, and offer in payment, who has wanted goods or services to offer for them and that then his “redemption obligation” would be confined to accept them in payment, at their nominal value and thus to “redeem” these exchange media, his own IOUs, so to speak, only with his goods and services or labor, and this at their stated nominal values, expressed in an agreed-upon sound value standard, just like his own ready for sale goods and services and labor would be priced out in the self-chosen sound value standard. – Not a single gold coin or gold certificate may be involved or needed in millions of daily free, sound and honest monetary exchanges or clearing transactions. - JZ 22.3.08. –

POWER: Es gibt viele gute Menschen. … Und sie sind alle ganz machtlos. - Johannes Mario Simmel, “Doch mit den Clowns kamen die Traenen”, Roman, Knaur, Vollstaendige Taschenbuchausgabe 1990. ISBN 3-426-02957-X, p.335. – “There are many good people. … And they are all quite powerless.” – My own rough translation. – Often only bad people are powerful. How many of them do abdicate? – That situation would change with the change from territorialism to exterritorialism, from compulsion to voluntarism, from monopolism to competition. - JZ, 2.3.12. - & GOOD PEOPLE, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: even a saint should never be given coercive power over others.” – Laurance Labadie, Selected Essays, p.43. - Should not masochists and flagellants be free to choose a sadist or whipping leader for themselves, fools a "great" fool, to "give" them what they are asking for? - However, they should remain free to secede and to seek asylum. - JZ, 9.2.11. - VOLUNTARISM

POWER: Even the lion has to defend himself against flies.” – Anonymous. Compare: “We are many and they are few!” – One bullet or one dagger or a very small dose of some poison can kill the mightiest of all men. – Nuclear “weapons” cannot be defended with nuclear “weapons” against those who are armed with ordinary guns and do intend to destroy these mass murder devices. - JZ, 10.3.09. - LARGE & SMALL POWERS, STRENGTH, WEAKNESS, TYRANNICIDE.

POWER: Even weak men when united are powerful.” - Friedrich Schiller. - Minorities united by a platform of exterritorial autonomy for all of them, could, indeed, become the most powerful force. So could employees, determined to purchase the enterprises they work in, on terms, largely paid for through the additional productivity they could thus attain. Volunteers for the protection of individual rights could form the most powerful military force ever. The dispersed knowledge among libertarians, effectively united and made cheaply and permanently accessible, could constitute the greatest power for enlightenment ever. Nevertheless, all too few libertarians strive so far to realize these projects. - JZ, 13.10.02. - Even weak people will be stronger if not territorially united but remaining separate and diverse, united only within their volunteer communities, doing their own things, for and to themselves. - As consumers, as well as producers they still have unused immense powers of possible fruitful collaboration. Even the dozens to hundreds of millions of unemployed and underemployed in the world could, if they wanted to, raise annually immense amounts into researching the causes and cures for unemployment, with each contributing, say, $ 10 p.a. In the average they waste much more on tobacco, alcohol, other drugs and junk foods. - Who among the poor could not afford the raw material for a special freedom library containing up to 3,000 freedom books: A CD-blank, costing sometimes as little as 39 cents? - As unemployed they would have time to fill it. Some of them have computer systems or could get them cheap second-hand, enough to fill a 1.4 Mbs. floppy disk, for instance. Or they could utilize systems of their friends, who are busy making a living. - However, as a rule, the poor are least represented among the poverty-fighters and the unemployed are least to be found among those searching for its causes and cures. - JZ, 26.11.02. - UNITY, STRENGTH, WEAKNESS, PANARCHISM, WAR & PEACE AIMS, MILITIA, PURCHASE OF ENTERPRISES, MONETARY FREEDOM, FINANCIAL FREEDOM, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSIONISM

POWER: Every (*) power is animated by the wish to be the only power, because in the nature of its being it deems itself absolute and consequently opposes any bar which reminds it of the limits of its influence. Power is active consciousness of authority. Like God, it cannot endure any other God beside it.” – Rudolf Rocker, Nationalism and Culture, 1933. - (*) territorial! – JZ, 1975. ) – At the same time it is, usually, too stupid, ignorant or prejudiced to realize its own limitations. Another election, revolution, civil war or military insurrection could overthrow it, while IF it confined itself to voluntary members it could last as long as it manages to retain or get any volunteers. However, territorial politicians have so far been too short-sighted in this respect as well. - JZ, 9.2.11. - THE DIVINITY SPLEEN, GOD-COMPLEX, POLITICIANS, TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE

POWER: Every man in power is a dictator to those who oppose him.” – Gary Alan Ruse, Nanda, ANALOG, Aug. 72, p.132. – DICTATORSHIP, TERRITORIALISM, MINORITIES, DISSENTERS, GOVERNMENT, RULERS

POWER: Every man invested with (*) power is apt to abuse it. – Montesquieu, The Spirit of Laws, 1748, bk. ii, ch.6. - (*) territorial – JZ – TERRITORIALISM, ABUSES, CORRUPTION

POWER: every out-of-power movement espouses lofty ideals, but few retain those ideals when they achieve power. - Piers Anthony, Bio of a Space Tyrant, VOLUME 5, Statesman, p.308, Grafton Books, U.K., 1988. - & IDEALISM, CORRUPTION

POWER: Every power presupposes some form of human slavery, for the division of society into higher and lower classes is one of the first conditions of its existence.” - Rudolf Rocker, Nationalism and Culture, 1933. – TERRITORIALISM

POWER: Every power you give to a politician is a blank cheque drawn on you! – JZ, free after a remark by Admiral Ben Moreell, in The Admiral’s Log II, p.146. - If only we were already free, as individuals, to either give or refuse them power over us. But our individual secessionism and individual sovereignty is not yet recognized to that extent. - Regarding your own affairs, politicians and their institutions and legislation, you should have an absolute veto. - JZ, 9.2.11. – VETO, SELD-OWNERSHIP, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSIONISM, CONSENT, VOTING

POWER: Every power, exceeding a certain degree, has its most dangerous enemy within itself, for even before the fighting group has heard the command we will already have executed what we want.” – Diodor, vol. VI. ( „Jede Macht, welche das Maβ uebersteigt, hat ihren gefaehrlichsten Feind in sich selber; denn bevor noch ihre Phalanx (das Kommando) gehoert hat, werden wir schon ausgefuehrt haben, was wir wollen.“ ) – Tolstoy, in „War and Peace“ makes a similar remark on orders by Napoleon I at the battle of Borodino. The soldiers did what they thought needed to be done. The orders of Napoleon never reached them or only afterwards. The central administration often does not know enough of what is really going on in a firm. One executive of a cable company became aware of it when he asked once how many different cables were produced by his firm and got in reply: Over 200 000! Central management has its limits. At least degrees of self-management - if not full self-management - are needed everywhere. Hyacinthe Dubreuil, in his “A Chance for Everybody” where he advocates autonomous work groups, refers to the military experience with self-managing commandos. – JZ, 23.8.08. – CENTRALIZATION, SELF-MANAGEMENT, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW, DECENTRALIZATION, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, SELF-MANAGEMENT

POWER: Everyone has to do what is in his power. - How many people know what is really in their power? – JZ, 12/76. How many do seriously try to find out? – We still have no comprehensive declaration of individual rights and liberties, thus not a sufficient understanding of all of them. Most people, even libertarians and anarchists, do not even have a sufficient interest in providing, between them, such a declaration. – JZ, 8.3.08. - DUTY, DECLARATION OF INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

POWER: Exercising tolerance is the opposite of exercising power. - JZ, On Tolerance. – Now online at - Nevertheless, it can make you very influential, e.g. in defence, liberation, resistance and revolution efforts. - JZ, 22.9.04.

POWER: Experience [has] shown that, even under the best forms [of government], those entrusted with (territorial - JZ) power have, in time and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.” – Thomas Jefferson 1779 - GOVERNMENT & TYRANNY, POLITICIANS, LEADERSHIP

POWER: Experience constantly proves that every man who has (territorial - JZ) power is impelled to abuse it.” – Montesquieu, De l’Esprit de Lois (The Spirit of the Laws), xi.c.4. Quoted in Seldes: The Great Quotations & in: O.V. Garrison, The Dictocrats, p.39.

POWER: experience has shown, that even under the best forms (of government), those entrusted with (territorial - JZ) power have, in time, and by slow operations perverted it into tyranny.” – Thomas Jefferson.

POWER: Faith in (territorial - JZ) political power is a comforting flight from reality.” - Frank Chodorov, The Rise and Fall of Society, p.93.

POWER: Find … and apply a remedy to the ruthless reach for power.” – Willis E. Stone, May 75. – End the territorial monopolies. Power over voluntary victims only. The others to be free to secede and to do their own things for or to themselves. – JZ, 8.3.08. – PANARCHISM, FREE CHOICE OF GOVERNMENTS OR SOCIETIES FOR INDIVIDUALS. ARM, ORGANIZE & TRAIN ALL THOSE, WHO KNOW & APPRECIATE THEIR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, IN IDEAL MILITIA FORCES OF VOLUNTEERS, LOCALLY ORGANIZED & INTERNATIONALLY FEDERATED.

POWER: Fire cannot be bound up in paper.” - Alfred Bester, Deceivers, p.215. Individually contracted-for power and authority, a full vote on the own affairs only, constitutions, treaties, laws and model contracts individually chosen for oneself and optional and competitively issued paper money, refusable, discountable and market-rated by all but the issuer, are quite other matters and are self-limiting, rather than inviting over-issues. – J.Z, 17.9.07. - The enlightened, organized, armed and trained voter, prepared to uphold his genuine individual rights and liberties, is no longer a mere number or plaything for territorial politicians. - However, many fires can be started and continued with exclusive and forced paper currencies. - JZ, 9.2.11. - MILITIA, VOTING, CONSTITUTIONS, TREATIES, CONTRACTS, LAWS, TERRITORIALISM, LEGAL TENDER PAPER MONEY, INFLATION, LEGAL TENDER, PANARCHISM

POWER: First rule of power politics: “Power is not only what you have, it is also what the enemy thinks you have!” - Written on prison blackboard, in Berrima Training Centre, 1975.

POWER: First, the person who uses political power to force others to conform to his ideas seems inevitably corrupted by the power he holds. In due course he comes to believe that power and wisdom are the same thing and, since he has power, he must also have wisdom. At this point he begins to lose his ability to distinguish between what is morally right and what is politically expedient. His fallacious reasoning, unless curbed, can lead only to dictatorship and ultimate disaster.” - Ben Moreell, Log I, p. 5. - WISDOM, TERRITORIALISM, GOD COMPLEX

POWER: For as long as (territorial! – JZ) power exists, a tiny circle of men will have in their hands the right to decide the fate of a whole people.” – A.M. Shapiro, The Crisis of Power, in Paul Avrich: The Anarchists in the Russian Revolution, p.87. – ANARCHISM, DECISION ON WAR & PEACE, RULERS, TERRITORIALISM, CENTRALIZATION, NUCLEAR WAR THREAT

POWER: For nobody can transfer to another more power than he has in himself. (135) – Locke, quoted in Jeffrie G. Murphy, Kant: The Philosophy of Right, p.115. - The territorial, collectivist and "free and equal" vote amounts to the renunciation of one's individual rights and liberties, under the wrong assumption that they would thus become protected by the elected. - JZ, 9.2.11. - VOTING, HUMAN RIGHTS, DELEGATION OF POWER, REPRESENTATIVES, POLITICIANS, PARLIAMENTS, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: For nobody is qualified to wield fairly unlimited power.” – Ben Moreell, Log II, p.200. – I think that commas should be inserted before and after “fairly”, to avoid the “meaning” of “fairly unlimited power”. – JZ) – QUALIFICATIONS, CHARACTER, HUMAN NATURE, LEADERSHIP, POLITICIANS, REPRESENTATIVES, RULERS, PRESIDENTS, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: For the ordinary person, what's more important: economic power or political power? I think it nearly goes without saying that economic power empowers the individual; it gives him the power of self-determination. Political power empowers, and even enriches, the political elite ..." - Walter Williams, Town Hall, (4/10/03) - He, too, seems to take territorial power for granted, as if the alternatives, exterritorial autonomy, for volunteers only, did not exist in history and were not possible for our future. – JZ, 11.1.08. - ECONOMIC POWER VS. POLITICAL POWER, TERRITORIALISM VS. PANARCHISM

POWER: For the Twentieth Century is the century of Power, a century where State coercion and violence have become commonplace. - Roy Childs, Liberty Against Power. - Among the consequences: of its territorialism: over 200 million people mass-murdered and we are still living under the nuclear holocaust threat. - JZ, 9.2.11. See the DEMOCIDE webpages of Rudolf Rummel.

POWER: For those who suffer in subjection there is some hope, some glimmering of light, some teachings that come from the passionate desire for the liberty denied to them; but for those who cling to and believe in possessing power there is only darkness of soul, where no light enters, until at last, through a long bitter experience, they learn how that for which they sacrificed so much has only turned to their own deepest injury. See how power hardens and brutalizes all of us. It not only makes us selfish, unscrupulous, and intriguing, scornful and intolerant, corrupt in our motives, but it veils our eyes and takes from us the gift of seeing and understanding.” - Auberon Herbert, A Plea for Voluntaryism, essay nine in the Mack edition, p.319. – It has certainly taken from the politicians, bottom to top, and even from most political scientists, the knowledge of and understanding of the voluntary, exterritorial and personal law alternatives to territorial politics as usual, with its monopolism, centralism and coercion, even in its best democratic or libertarian “limited” government forms. – Underlining by me, to indicate his own summary of his usual brilliant but, rather, long phrasing, a shortening, which is much more like a “slogan for liberty”. - Hopefully, someone will do the same for some of my own all too long paragraphs. - JZ, 22.3.08, 9.2.11. - BRUTALIZATION THROUGH POWER, TERRITORIALISM VS. VOLUNTARISM, SELF-HELP, PERSONAL LAW, PANARCHISM, TERRITORIAL FREEDOM, GENUINE SELF-GOVERNMENT

POWER: Force is the equivalent of slavery and a denial of rights. If A has power over B, you must assume that in the first instance he has power over himself; no man can be the master of another man and not master over himself. (*) But if so, then B. (unless you assume unequal rights as the basis of social order) is also master of himself, which entirely destroys any rightful power on the part of A to be his master and make him act against his will. “ (**) - Auberon Herbert, A Politician in Sight of Heaven. - (*) He may be masterful in power but not in self-control. - (**) The rightful power may be destroyed or not exist at all, while the wrongful power persists. - JZ, 23.2.08. - COERCION, COMPULSION, FORCE VS. RIGHTS

POWER: Frankly, I’d find life a bore if I weren’t playing for very high stakes in a very high-risk situation. We do have the chance, now, for Utopia and even for immortality. If we who see this opportunity aren’t smart enough, adroit enough, and fast enough to seize the chance, then we don’t deserve to initiate the next stage of evolution. In that case, the age of the mammalian predators isn’t ending, and we are deluded visionaries seeing a future that can’t happen yet. The order of nature is nothing to be angry about. Meanwhile, until they shovel me under, I still think our side is winning and that the power brokers you worry about are a bunch of dying dinosaurs.” – Robert Anton Wilson, The Illuminati Papers, p.116. Copyright 1977, CONSPIRACY DIGEST, Box 766, Dearborn, MI 48121. – Underlining by me. - Is Robert Anton Wilson still alive and active? – I have not seen a new book by him for a long time. - JZ 13.4.08. - Google offered me today 297,000 results for R. A. Wilson, born 1932, he died 2007. From the first page: Robert Anton Wilson Bibliography - Robert Anton Wilson - Books, Biography, Quotes - Read Print - Read works by Robert Anton Wilson for free at Read Print. - In general terms he advocated monetary freedom. - JZ, 9.2.11. - TERRITORIALISM

POWER: Freedom is not just a matter of social structure; it is also a habit. The concentration of power makes followers of us all. We not only do not have the opportunities to learn how to act autonomously; we are constantly rehearsing our repertory of compliance, passivity and subordination. Having removed the constraints of oppressive institutions doesn’t automatically free people. That comes only with a practice now denied to most people.” – Howard J. Ehrlich, Anarchism and Formal Organizations …, in Reinventing Anarchy, p.8. – Panarchies, too, will spread their lessons only gradually, individual by individual and panarchy by panarchy, just like business enterprises, succeeding or failing, according to the degrees of consumer and producer satisfaction or dissatisfaction they provide. Biological life does not advance or fail in great jumps, either, but via many and diverse small steps. We are all creatures of habits and new and better habits take time to develop. – JZ, 22.3.08. – PANARCHISM, HABITS, CUSTOMS, TRADITIONS, PROGRESS

POWER: Freedom is only obtained when power lacks the capacity to do evil. And that can not be brought about within a (*) political system. Action within a political system only increases its power …” - Craig Spencer, Minister – Temple of Reason, quoted in FREEDOM TODAY, Jan. 76. - (*) territorial! – JZ – TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM

POWER: Freedom, as Wieck defined the term, drew heavily upon the concept of individualism, which he derived from the writings of native American anarchists of the past. “The individual is powerful when he is free, and more powerful when he is not alone”; Wieck urged, “but he is weak when he is in a mass.” (*) - David Thoreau Wiek, quoted in: Reichert, Partisans of Freedom. A Study in American Anarchism, p.456. – (*) One man among millions, with just one vote among millions with most people among those millions not yet sufficiently enlightened. – JZ, 22.3.08. - INDIVIDUALISM, VOLUNTARISM, MASS ORGANIZATIONS, VOTING, INDIVIDUALISM, FREEDOM, TERRITORIALISM, DEMOCRACY

POWER: From the smallest personal decision, through local community action, and on to the National Elections, every move that takes power out of government hands and puts it back in the grip of those for whom governments were instituted, is a step in the right direction. Enough steps make a mile. Let’s start walking.” – Ruth F. Hampton, THE FREEMAN, 11/75, p.645. – Were territorial States really instituted for the benefit of the ruled or, rather, for the benefit of the rulers? – See e.g. Robert Oppenheimer’s famous book: The State. - The most important first and seemingly only small step, but one with a giant potential, should be individual secessionism. It does not require the overthrow of the existing regime. It only deprives it, one by one, of subjects and victims, all those that it did not sufficiently represent and satisfy. Nor does it require the conversion of the rest of the population to the beliefs and convictions of the secessionist. They just lose one subject or fellow member, just as if he had emigrated. Nothing to get upset and angry about. The rest might even say: “Good riddance!” However, that individual would have only dropped out of the nation-wide club, not out of the territory, which this club had, quite wrongfully, monopolized for itself. The first secessionists could establish or choose his own personal law and institutions, together with other individual secessionists, just as if he had started a new enterprise, a new and different club. But it would be one no longer subject to territorial laws and institutions imposed upon the remainder. He could rightfully claim full experimental freedom for himself and like-minded other secessionists, all only under exterritorial autonomy and at his own risk and expense. There would be no reason for the others to complain. They could continue their status quo as long as they want to – or engage in their own kinds of reforms. So, let’s start seceding – leaving the others to do their own things for or to themselves. Each secession would be something like a one-man or one-women “revolution”, a quite non-violent one, offending against no one’s genuine rights and liberties. – JZ, 8.3.08. – INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM VS. TERRITORIALISM, SELF-OWNERSHIP, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, VOLUNTARISM, PESONAL LAW, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM

POWER: Full power only over oneself, instead of any power over others, merely because they live in the same territory under one or the other kind of territorial government, which is pretending to be rightfully and sufficiently representative of the whole population. – JZ, 6.7.09, 9.3.12. – TERRITORIALISM, NATIONALISM, STATES, NATIONS, PEOPLE, POPULATION, SELF-OWNERHIP, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSIONISM, GENUINE SELF-GOVERNMENT & SELF-DETERMINATION, INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY.

POWER: Genius, as an explosive power, beats gunpowder hollow.” – T. H. Huxley, Administrative Nihilism, 1871. – How many genius level people were murdered or defeated by statism, public option, the absence of a free market for ideas and talents? – How many great ideas and discoveries were expressed again and again, before they become finally generally recognized? – Genius has only that potential, not yet that certain and rapid victory. - JZ, 7.1.14. - GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM, ANARCHISM, PANARCHISM, FORCE, COERCION, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, LIBERATION, FREE MARKETS VS. CENTRAL PLANNING, IDEAS ARCHIVE, TALENT & GENIUS CENTRE

POWER: George Orwell’s remark on Lenin’s Bolsheviks: “Power is not a means, it is an end”, could be reworded, after the invention of nuclear “weapons”: “Power is not a means, it is the end.” – The continuance of nuclear power, combined with territorial power, assures sooner or later the end of mankind, even if only by accident or computer flaw. - Thus we must destroy all power of man over man, certainly all nuclear “weapons”. – JZ, n.d., & 9.3.08, 9.2.11. – NUCLEAR WAR THREAT

POWER: Give a good man great powers and crooks grab his job.” – Rick Gaber. - So we should abolish all powers and positions that can and will be striven for and abused by less than perfect men. And who is perfect enough to always resist such temptations? - JZ, 23. 11. 06. - Anyhow, perfect men shine by their absence. - In panarchies flawed men could only mislead their voluntary victims. - JZ, 9.2.11. – Territorial power attracts the worst. – JZ, 4.4.12, 7.1.14. – POLITICIANS, CRIMINALS, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, POSITIONS, JOBS, OFFICES & LEADERSHIP, POWER-MONGERS, POLITICIANS

POWER: Give politicians power and it certainly will be abused eventually -- if not by today's politicians, then by their successors." - Harry Browne - POWER

POWER: give power and freedom back to the people.” – Workers Party advertisement in NATIONAL TIMES, 17.11.75. – They never had and never knew all of their genuine individual human rights and liberties. Neither did their rulers. And even today neither the people nor their territorial governments know and appreciate all rights and liberties sufficiently to put them together in one declaration. – They show not even sufficient interest for such a declaration! – JZ, 9.3.08. - PEOPLE

POWER: Great power isn't great. - D., 77. - It's a great problem instead. - JZ, 77. - To nobody any power. - JZ, 77. - To nobody any coercive and exclusive territorial powers over dissenters. - JZ, 5.11.02.

POWER: Greater and greater powers … given to politicians, bureaucrats and planners, hardly a winning combination.” – Bernard H. Siegan, THE FREEMAN, 11/74. – POLITICIANS, BUREAUCRATS, CENTRAL PLANNERS

POWER: He consistently opposed the old evils of the French monarchy and the newer evils of the French democracy, realizing that (territorial- JZ) political power was likely to be abused by anyone who held too much of it.” – G. C. Roche III, Frederic Bastiat, A Man Alone, p.186/187, on Tocqueville. - Any degree of territorial power, i.e. power going beyond genuine individual rights and liberties, is too much power, even when e.g. miniature States appear to be relatively harmless. By now even they could turn themselves into nuclear powers, like e.g. the mini-State of Israel did. - JZ, 9.2.11.

POWER: He distrusts political power “no matter who uses it”. – From cover of Frank Chodorov: Out of Step. – In communities of volunteers only there is no power, in the usual sense, over other people. Especially seeing that their members are free to opt out of them. – JZ, 7.3.08. - POLITICS, TERRITORIALISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM

POWER: he had the power to speak to men.” – Educational TV, 8.30 am on channel 10, 28.10.76, on Henry V. - LEADERSHIP, INFLUENCE, PERSUASION, APPEALS, PROPAGANDA, SPEECH, INDIVIDUALS, PERSONAL MAGNETISM, ELOQUENCE, APPEALS, POPULARITY

POWER: He who has power – power only limited by his own desires – misunderstands both himself and the world in which he lives; he sees through a glass darkly, which dims and perverts his whole vision; he magnifies and exalts his own little self; he fondly imagines he may follow the lusts of his heart wherever they lead him; and disowns the control of the great principles, that stand forever above us all, and refuses, alike to the autocrat and the voting majority, the rule and the subjecting of the lives of others. If we feel shame and sorrow for those who are subjected, we may feel yet more shame and sorrow for the blind, self-deceiving instruments of their subjection. They in their pride sink to a lower depth than those whom they subject. Better it were to be amongst those who wear the chain than among those who bind it on the hands of other men.” – Auberon Herbert, in Mack edition of his essays, p.319.

POWER: Here is the power elite’s plan: Let’s fuck up the free market then blame the free market for being fucked up. J. Neil Schulman, - His books, quotes, articles, blogs and Facebook entries are online but copyrighted. - ADDICTS & FREE MARKETS

POWER: Here we may point to Albert Jay Nock’s penetrating distinction between “social power” – the fruits of voluntary interchange in the economy and in civilization – and “State power”, the coercive interference and exploitation of those fruits. In that light, Nock showed that human history is basically a race between State power and social power, between the beneficent fruits of peaceful and voluntary production and creativity on one hand, and the crippling and parasitic blight of State power upon the voluntary and productive social process. All of the services commonly thought to require the State – from the coining of money to police protection, to the development of law in defence of the rights of person and property – can be and have been supplied far more efficiently, and certainly more morally, by private persons. The State is in no sense required by the nature of man; quite the contrary.” – Murray N. Rothbard, The Ethics of Liberty, p.187. – VOLUNTARISM VS. TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, STATE, MONETARY FREEDOM, SOCIAL POWER, VOLUNTARISM, FREE EXCHANGE, PRIVATE SUPPLY OF PUBLIC SERVICES

POWER: Hierarchies have become self-perpetuating, so that their power increases as responsibility and individual identity decreases.” - Dr. Laurence J. Peter, The Peter Prescription, p.233. - HIERARCHIES & INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY

POWER: High political power is a heady intoxicant. ...” – Diogenes of Panarchia, THE CONNECTION 125, p.19.

POWER: History is only a tiresome repetition of one story. Persons and classes have sought to win possession of the power of the State in order to live luxuriously out of the earnings of others. Autocracies, aristocracies, theocracies, and all other organizations for holding political power, have exhibited only the same line of action.” – W. G. Sumner, What Social Classes Owe to Each Other, p.27. - We should not ignore the historical experience with voluntary, exterritorial and personal law societies and communities. If we continue to do so, e.g. under the "nuclear umbrella", and ever more multiplied and heavier taxation, laws and regulations, we do so only at a very great continuing burden and risk. - JZ, 9.2.11. – HISTORY, REPEATING ANCIENT MISTAKES & WRONGS, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: History told me that the urgency to acquire power is inherent in the State, any State.” - Frank Chodorov, Out of Step, p.126. – Here we should not forget that the common definition of a State is an organization that holds a territorial monopoly. – Frank Chodorov, like most other libertarians, had not yet sufficiently considered the alternative, namely of States, societies and communities that are only exterritorially autonomous and confined to their own volunteers, just like enterprises, churches and sports clubs etc. – Whilst such groups of volunteers might also aspire to power, they are in competition with each other, like thousands of churches, sects, and hundreds of millions of enterprises and clubs are. Thus their abuses are, as a rule, only limited ones, of their voluntary victims. Mostly autonomous societies of communities do not fight each other, at least not openly or extensively although e.g. frauds and espionage and theft still happens among them. – From all of the latter types of organizations one can freely secede. One can also freely establish more of them, new competitors to them. Try this with regard to the monopolies that territorial States claim for themselves, in the name of “the people”, even while they deprive most of the population of “their” territory of some of their most important individual rights and liberties, i.e., many to most of their genuine self-government and self-management options. - JZ, 21.3.08, 9.2.11. – TERRITORIALISM, STATE, GOVERNMENTS,  COMPETING GOVERNANCE, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM

POWER: honest people in power will be as incapable there as the dishonest are harmful and that it is impossible for liberty ever to be allied with any power whatever.” – Louise Michael, quoted in DANDELION, Winter 79. - She, too, ignored the potential power, which volunteers could and should have - over their own affairs. – JZ, 22.3.08. – VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY

POWER: How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think.” – Adolf Hitler. - Under panarchism the thinking one would be free to realize good practices among themselves and thereby also set good examples to the others. - JZ, 26. 11. 06. - GOVERNMENT, THINKING, PEOPLE, PERSONAL LAW, STATISM, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM IN EVERY SPHERE

POWER: However ‘natural” (and this is a proposition open to endless disputation) power, that is the domination of man by man, is not, never has been and never can be legitimate.” – R.V. Sampson, The Discovery of Peace, p.195. - TERROTORIALISM, LEGITIMACY

POWER: However sugarcoated and ambiguous, every form of authoritarianism must start with a belief in some group’s greater right to power, whether that right is justified by sex, race, religion or all four.” – Gloria Steinem, American feminist. - I would say "excused" instead of "justified", or put "justified" in quotation marks. - JZ, 23. 11. 06. - & AUTHORITARIANISM, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: However, the lessons of history show us that, without exception, the more powerful the government, the more tyrannical its behavior.”– Brian Wilshire, The Fine Print, published by Brian Wilshire, PO Box 209, Round Corner, NSW 2158, Australia, 1992., p.155/56. - & TYRANNY, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: Human beings will generally exercise power when they can get it; and they will exercise it most undoubtedly, in popular governments, under pretense of public safety.” - Daniel Webster, ISIL LIBERTY QUOTE LIBRARY 03. Also in  Finally, the most popular power will be the exterritorial autonomy power over the own affairs, together with like-minded people, as long as they do share the same basic views, and the least popular power, for all except the under-informed, prejudiced, fanatics and mentally retarded people, will be the power over peaceful dissenters. These intolerant people will, in future, be considered to be the main criminals and will be treated as such. – JZ, 1.4.12. – PUBLIC SAFETY, NATIONAL SECURITY, COMMON GOOD, VOLUNTARISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSIONISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY OR PERSONAL LAW FOR VOLUNTEERS - SECURITY, DEFENCE, DEMOCRACY TERRITORIALISM

POWER: I am convinced that what we call a lust for power does not stem from any of these “causes” but, basically, from unawareness. It is a weakness more than a lust; men resort to force for a very simple and an easily observable reason: they do not know any better!” – Leonard E. Read, The Miracle of the Market, in Champions of Freedom, p.59. - How many people in the world are so far sufficiently informed about their exterritorialist alternatives? - JZ, 9.2.11. – TERRITORIALISM, PERSONAL LAW, VOLUNTARISM

POWER: I am in total opposition to any institutional power.” – Karl Hess, in PLAYBOY, 7/76. - Even that of volunteers over volunteers, all only doing their own things for or to themselves? – He should have spoken thus only about  monopolistic, aggressive and territorial power over others than volunteers. – Add to the statement by K. H.: Apart from voluntary communities of intolerant fanatics, fundamentalists and “true believers”. - JZ, 25.10.75, 8.3.08. – PANARCHISM & VOLUNTARISM VS. TERRITORIALISM, Q.

POWER: I am more and more convinced that man is a dangerous creature; and that power, whether vested in many or few, is ever grasping.” – Abigail Adams, quoted in: Alfred Bester, Deceivers, p.59. – Territorial power over involuntary members and subjects should be clearly distinguished from power or authority granted in exterritorially autonomous communities of volunteers, who are free to secede from it. – JZ – TERRITORIALISM VS. EXTERRITORIALLY AUTONOMOUS PANARCHIES OF VOLUNTEERS

POWER: I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.” – Edward Everett Hale. - Imagine how much could be achieved via free experimentation among volunteers, initially, perhaps, only very few of them, but all of them under personal law and full exterritorial autonomy! Progress might become as rapid and radical as it happened in our time e.g. in science, technology and especially in the sphere of computers. - JZ, 9.2.11. - INFLUENCE, INDIVIDUALS, POWERLESSNESS, SELF-HELP, LIBERATION, PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, EXTERRITORIALISM & VOLUNTARISM VS. TERRITORIALISM

POWER: I am very doubtful whether history shows us one example of a man who, having stepped outside rational morality and attained power, has used that power benevolently.” – C.S. Lewis – Even the relatively enlightened Frederick II, 1712-1786, when he became king in 1740, used this opportunity to start a war with Austria, prompted by his self-confessed “desire of glory, even curiosity” and “a means of acquiring reputation and of increasing the power of the State.” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1958.) – JZ, 22.3.08. - At most they ended or reduced prior wrongful territorial powers. - Not one of them knew and respected all genuine individual human rights and liberties. Very few did abdicate voluntarily. - JZ, 9.2.11. - BENEVOLENCE, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: I aspire exclusively to those forms of power, which I readily concede to all other human beings. What may they be? The power to exercise and improve my own faculties, to grow intellectually, morally, spiritually. What power will I not willingly concede to any other person and – by the same token – refuse to use myself? The power to interfere with or to control in any respect the creative activity of anyone, whoever or wherever he may be. The lack of such power simply leaves me in my place, makes a non-interfering citizen of me, forces me to attend to my own business. – Leonard E. Read, Having My Way, p.149.

POWER: I believe that anyone embracing political power should agree to have his life abbreviated. In other words, the more power you lust for, the shorter your life.” – Phillip Adams, THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 26.7.75. - Kill them all after one election period? There would then, certainly, be less people eager to become powerful, at least for a while. They would have to bet their lives on their system being a good one, one worth the sacrifice of their own life. And the next martyrs would then lay down their life for quite a different system, territorially imposed by them upon a whole population, for a while. – Under this system even politicians might soon come to advocate merely full exterritorial autonomy for all communities of volunteers. Among their own followers they could then rule as long as they live, provided they manage to continue to please them. – I do not care how long somebody rules – over others! - JZ, 8.3.08. – PANARCHISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, VOLUNTARISM

POWER: I came to recognize that power, of whatever kind, must work out to be a curse. That is why I avow anarchism.” – Louse Michel, speech on return to France from exile, 1881. - Power granted only by volunteers and only over themselves, while they retain the right to secede, should be distinguished from territorial power over peaceful dissenters. - JZ, 9.2.11. - TERRITORIALISM


POWER: I had believed, or hoped, that when people could no longer compete for private property [money], they would compete for honorific attainments [working for the betterment of society]. Merit, instead of money, would be the object of endeavor and the basis of individual distinction. It did not occur to me that the new goal might be power – still less that the new rulers, by getting power, would manage to get most of the money as well. I had to learn also that power directly exercised can be more hostile to freedom, more ruthless, more evil in its effect upon the character of the wielder, than power wielded indirectly through a preponderance of wealth.” - Max Eastman, “Love and Revolution”, quoted in The Incredible Breadmachine, p.118. - He still mixed up, all too much, purchasing power with political power. Nor did he realize that purchasing power is all too limited while monetary and financial despotism still prevail. After they are abolished, everyone able and willing to work productively, could become prosperous, provided only the conventional other economic rights and liberties are also realized. - JZ, 9.2.11.

POWER: I have been increasingly impressed by the manner in which power and folly often go hand in hand.” – R. M. MacIver, Power Transformed, p.3, MACMILLAN, 1964. - Any man can only insufficiently inform himself about the affairs of all other people. And if he is, territorially, very powerful, then he will also be insufficiently informed or even misinformed by his underlings. Thus folly is inbuilt into his position. - JZ, 9.2.11. - & FOLLY, STUPIDITY, PREJUDICE, IGNORANCE, DISINTEREST, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: I have been unable to conceive how any rational being could propose happiness to himself from the exercise of power over others.” – Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826 – Quoted in THE FREEMAN, 4/75, p. 247. – Another version: “I have never been able to conceive how any rational being could propose happiness to himself from the exercise of power over others.” - Thomas Jefferson, ISIL LIBERTY QUOTE LIBRARY 03. - Territorialism and its loot are there, ready and waiting, for any crooked character to come along and abuse them. Without it the power addicts could at most lord it over those volunteers they managed to attract and retain. They would deserve each other. – JZ, 8.1.08. - But then what percentage of the people are, at least so far, really rational beings? – JZ, 23.2.08. - POLITICS, RATIONALITY, MORALITY & HAPPINESS, RULERS, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS LEADERSHIP, POLITICIANS, REPRESENTATIVES, HAPPINESS, RATIONALITY, REASON, Q.

POWER: I have no duty towards others. I will no longer humble myself before any power.” – John Henry Mackay: Max Stirner, p.146. – Not even the duty to respect the genuine individual rights and liberties of others? – JZ, 18.3.09. – DUTY, EGOISM, SELFISHNESS

POWER: I hope one day they'll find a way out of the blind alley that is power politics.” - Poul Anderson, The Long Night, p.130. - Alas, he didn't, even when it was pointed out to him. All he did get was some glimpses of panarchistic views, which he did not manage to comprehend and describe as a framework for all voluntary self-government options. He retained too many imperialistic and limited government notions, all territorial ones, and imagined that voluntary and competitive associations or leagues would, inevitably, also engage in "empire building" and its wars and repressions. - JZ, 9.2.02. - POLITICS, TERRITORIALISM, STATES, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHY

POWER: I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves.” – Thomas Jefferson. – What he said applies only to people as sovereign individuals, not to more or less conscripted, subdued, taxed and ruled inhabitants of a territory, i.e. whole populations. – JZ, 12.9.92. - The people, as a territorialist and collectivist notion, is a fiction. In his time, certainly, at least the Negroes and Red Indians did not consider themselves as part of “the” American “people” and, by most Americans, were not considered to be such. Peoples, to be rightful concepts and institutions must be like-minded volunteers, not accidental or compulsorily assembled aggregates, chance populations of a territory, people who have all too little in common with each other. In how many cases do “the people” not embrace, coercively, all too many dissenting minorities? – The touchstones to determine whether one people exists or several peoples, largely different from each other, would be the practice of individual secessionism and of personal law communities of volunteers. If these option existed, were well known and no one made use of them – only then would it be correct to speak of one people in a territory. – To entrust power to an imagined "being" seems to me to be even worse than to entrust it to one existing human being, a monarch or dictator, no matter what his or her faults may be. – It would, obviously, be a quite irrational act. - Somewhat comparable to appointing a "ghost" to be the ruler of a whole country and its population. - JZ, 23.2.08, 9.2.11. – Even the term “Americans” is widely abused by meaning with it only the diverse peoples in the U.S.A., not e.g. the Canadians, Mexicans, Middle Americans, South Americans. We cannot clarify out thoughts and ideas without sufficiently purifying our language use or abuse. – JZ, 7.1.14. - PEOPLE, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, TERRITORIALISM, POPULATION, NATIONALISM

POWER: I never could believe that Providence had sent a few men into the world, ready booted and spurred to ride, and millions ready saddled and bridled to be ridden.” – Richard Rumbold, Speech on the scaffold, 1685. – Volunteers, who are foolish enough to appoint someone as a rider for all of them, do deserve him or her. All the others in a country do not. - JZ, 9.2.11.

POWER: I never ruled Russia. Ten thousand clerks ruled Russia! - Thus spoke Czar Alexander on his deathbed. Was he right? Of course he was! And at what a price he purchased that deep and depressing insight? There was a system designed, if any system ever was, to be a tool in the hands of one man, to permit that one man to carry into effect his slightest whim. And what happened? The system would not work. Worse yet, Alexander, with all his absolute authority, was unable to make it work. (1) –– (1) Impotent Potentate Syndrome – a rather straightforward example. Additional examples: Mohammed commanding the mountain to come to him; King Canute desiring to sea to recede; President Nixon ordering the Watergate mess to disappear.” – John Gall, Systemantics, p.47. – What have been the rightful and positive results of tyrannies, dictatorships, totalitarian regimes, even territorial democracies and Welfare States, anywhere and at any time, compared with all the wrongs and harms they did. This book contains a chapter on panarchism for which he coined some unique term. - JZ, 9.2.11. – Red China has 46 million bureaucrats and this mass amounts to a lower percentage of the population than that for most supposedly much more free other countries. – JZ, 14.6.13, 7.1.14. – CHINA, CENTRALIZATION, PRESIDENTS, BUREAUCRACY, RULERS, POLITICIANS, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: I object to power without constructive purpose.” – Dr. Spock, in Startrek. – I object to power over me, even if it has a constructive purpose, but when this is not my constructive purpose. Let all those in favor of any constructive purpose support it and leave all others to their own constructive purposes. – JZ, 8.3.08. – If some people believe in constructing more pyramids, on their land, with their own labor, contributions, materials and capital, I would not obstruct them – or at most laugh about them. - JZ, 22.4.08. - PLANNING, NATIONAL PURPOSE, NATIONAL AIMS, GOVERNMENT AIMS, PANARCHISM, FREEDOM IN DIVERSITY

POWER: I only want the power to exercise counter controls against adverse controls of me by other human organisms.” – Joe Fulks, THE CONNECTION 115, p.39. – If one had to fight every old and new law that infringes one’s liberty then not much time and energy would be left to live one’s own life. One has to become free to opt out from under the lot of them and their institutions, privileges and powers. – JZ, 22.2.08, 9.2.11. – SECESSIONISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM

POWER: I suppose any body of men gets … excessive … when it has power. … When power isn’t restricted, at least.” – Poul Anderson, Shield, p.63. - When its power is not confined to its voluntary victims. - JZ, 9.2.11.

POWER: I think little of the direct influence of governments. I think with Guizot that “it is a gross delusion to believe in the sovereign power of political machinery.” To hear some men talk of the government, you would suppose that Congress was the law of gravitation, and kept the planets in their places. - Let History close the record. Let her allow that “on the side of the oppressor there was power”, - power “to frame mischief by a law”; that on that side were all the forms of law, and behind those forms, most of the elements of control: wealth, greedy of increase, and anxious for order, at any sacrifice of principle, - priests prophesying smooth things, and arrogating to themselves the name of Christianity, - ambition, baptizing itself statesmanship, - and that unthinking patriotism, child of habit and not of reason, which mistakes government for liberty and law for justice.” - Wendell Phillips, quoted in Sprading, Liberty and the Great Libertarians, p.163/64. – LAWS, JUSTICE, LIBERTY, PATRIOTISM, ORDER, ESTABLISHMENT, AMBITION, GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM

POWER: I thought that leads to capitalist monopolies.” – “If it does, then you don’t have free enterprise. But the answer to too much private power isn’t to have too much state power. Too much power concentrated anywhere is bad. Period.” – James P. Hogan, The Mirror Maze, p.393. - All territorial power over involuntary victims of it means too much power. - JZ, 9.2.11. - LAWS, MONOPOLISM, COMPETITION, FREE ENTERPRISE, FREE EXCHANGE, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM & SOVEREIGNTY

POWER: I volunteer to exchange mine for thine because I prefer thine to mine. You freely consent to the exchange when you prefer mine to thine. Each of us gains, in his own eyes – the only relevant test in these matters.” – Leonard E. Read, THE FREE MAN’S ALMANAC, July 18 entry. - TRADE BUSINESS, WEALTH, FREE EXCHANGE, ECONOMIC POWER, PROFIT

POWER: I want power decentralized, to the utmost, not centralized. - JZ, 75. – But on a quite voluntary basis and quite competitively with centralized powers of others, all only over their volunteers. Without any territorial monopoly, centralism can be quite useful, too, at least in some spheres. – JZ, 18.3.09, 7.1.13.

POWER: I will not cede more power to the state. I will not willingly cede more power to anyone, not to the state, not to General Motors, not to the CIO. I will hoard my power like a miser, resisting every effort to drain it away from me. I will then use my power, as I see fit.” – W. F. Buckley, Up From Liberalism, p 202/03. – SELF-GOVERNMENT, SELF-DETERMINATION, SELF-OWNERSHIP

POWER: I write for those who never mislead and for the bleeding of power.” – Konstantin Wecker, Das Konstantin Wecker Buch, S.139. (“Ich schreib fuer die, die nie verfuehren, und fuer den Aderlass der Macht.”) Tr. JZ

POWER: I, who deny any power to be just that is not founded upon consent.” – Algernon Sidney, Discourses Concerning Government, 1698. (Thomas G. West, ed., Indianapolis: Liberty Classics, 1990.) - CONSENT, JUSTICE & TERRITORIALISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARY STATE MEMBERSHIP & SUBORDINATION

POWER: If all power corrupts and absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely, then freedom consists in the diffusion of political power, so that there is no absolute power anywhere to be found. – Lord Hailsham, quoted in THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 13.5.78. – Territorialism by itself does already constitute an absolute power. Thus the best diffusion agent in this respect is individual secessionism and voluntary membership in States, societies and communities, all without any territorial privileges. – But I doubt that Lord Hailsham discussed this option. - JZ, 21.3.08. - FREEDOM, DIFFUSION OF POLITICAL POWER VS. TERRITORIALISM

POWER: If great power is uncontrollable it isn’t great. – D. Z., 16.7.77. GREATNESS, CONTROL

POWER: If slavery, rudeness, and desolation are to be called peace, then is peace the most wretched state of mankind. Truly there are more and sharper disputes between parents and children than between masters and slaves; and yet it were no good house-keeping to make the father into a master, and hold the children for slaves. It makes for slavery, not for peace, to confer unlimited power on one man.” – Spinoza, Tractus Theologico-Politicus, ch.5. - Or to a bunch of them, supposedly territorial representatives, in parliament. - JZ, 9.2.11. - PEACE, SLAVERY, PARENTS CHILDREN, TERRITORIALISM, PARLIAMENTARISM, VOTING POLITICIANS, REPRESENTATION

POWER: if so many are potentially evil, it follows that we cannot afford government. It is easier to deal with evil in a private person than to deal with evil in a person who holds power.” – Robert LeFevre, LEFEVRE’S JOURNAL, Winter 77, p.6. – EVILS, CRIMES, PRIVATE & PUBLIC ONES, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: if the attempt to have and to exercise power over each other has been the most fruitful cause both of the past and the present misery of the world; if force has never permanently bettered and never can permanently better any of us, but only unfits us for our struggle in a world … Auberon Herbert, in the Mack edition, p.150. - TERRITORIALISM, MONOPOLY, WARS, CIVIL WARS, VIOLENT REVOLUTIONS, TERRORISM, MISERY, POVERTY, PROGRESS, DISABLING POWER, TERRITORIAL LIFE-LONG NURSERIES FOR ADULTS, NATION STATES

POWER: If the government is going to have control over economic power, the cleverest and strongest are going to exercise more influence in the direction of control than the weak and powerless. Therefore, I believe in free enterprise because I believe it is the only kind of system under which the capitalist can be kept from having too much power.” – Milton Friedman in Australia 1975, p.27/28. – When all rightful and rational steps are taken towards making everyone a capitalist, owning some productive capital, especially in the enterprise he works or worked in, then this will also do away with the fear of “capitalist power”. – JZ, 12.4.08, 9.2.11. - FREE ENTERPRISE CAPITALISM, CONTROL, STRONG, WEAK, POWERLESS, GOVERNMENT

POWER: If the public didn’t vote with their dollars, the entrepreneur lost control of the means of production and distribution to those better able to satisfy the public’s desires.” – PURSUIT, 4/72. – Rather: When the public is free on how to choose its purchasing power, then flawed entrepreneurs lose control … - JZ, 7.1.14. - What are all advertisements but courtship rituals of entrepreneurs for the purchasing power of free consumers? – JZ, 8.3.08. – All enterprises are attempts to serve consumers better or at least as well as other enterprises do already. – JZ, 7.1.14. - BUSINESSMEN, FREE ENTERPRISE, ADVERTISEMENTS, CAPITALISTS, FINANCIERS, ENTREPRENEURS & CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY

POWER: If we can accept the evidence of history as established by Acton – and I do not think anyone can question Acton’s unrivalled learning and scientific integrity – then power as a means of attaining moral ends stands condemned, without any possibility of doubt or remission. And Acton does not stand alone in his condemnation of power. Some twenty years before Acton wrote the article from which I have quoted, another great historian, Jakob Burckhardt, was giving a course of lectures at Basle entitled “Introduction to the Study of History’; and in one of these lectures he condemned power in words which anticipate Acton’s. ‘Power’, Burckhardt said, ‘is of its nature evil, whoever wields it. It is not stability, but a lust, and ipso facto insatiable; therefore unhappy in itself and doomed to make others unhappy.’ - Burckhardt and Acton do not qualify their statements. They deduce a universal law from the evidence of history: power is evil, power corrupts, always and absolutely. Now a universal law such as this must rest on some inherent human weakness, and I think we can say that the historical evidence is fully supported by the psychological probabilities. The aggressive instinct, the will to assert the self against others, against society, if it is not born in us, is certainly developed in the earliest days of infancy.” – Herbert Read, Anarchism and Order, p.212. - Underlining by me: JZ, 22.3.08. - Alas, they did not clearly distinguish between territorial power over involuntary victims and exterritorial power over voluntary victims - or followers only, who do share the ideal of their leader, for their own affairs. - JZ, 9.2.11.

POWER: If we grant power to anybody to order us about, we soon find that their notion of what is good for us is very different from our notion.” – John Beverley Robinson, quoted in Reichert, Partisans of Freedom. A Study in American Anarchism, p.186. - Under territorialism and its coercion and monopoly we cannot then secede from them. Under exterritorialism and its voluntarism we could. - JZ, 9.2.11.

POWER: If we have learned anything in the past quarter century, it is that we cannot Federalize Virtue.” – George Bush. - He would not admit, either, that only the immoral would strive to attain and maintain territorial federal, State or local power. – JZ, 22.11.06, 9.2.11. - FEDERAL, VIRTUE & MORALITY, PRESIDENTS

POWER: If your repeated experience is that you’re in motion and everyone else is frozen on the side of the road, it is only reasonable to conclude that you are a more important person than they, that they expect you to run the universe for them. You don’t feel as though you are being corrupted by power. You feel as though you are intelligently responding to empirical evidence. And that is power’s greatest corruption: the tragic and universal misconception by the wielder of power that it isn’t corrupting him.” – Karl Hess, in PLAYBOY, 7/76. – To end this wrongful, dangerous, harmful and corruptive power of territorialism, all politicians and their governments should be put into the position of peacefully competing businessmen, striving to satisfy and thus retain voluntary customers, who at any time may boycott them and transfer their orders to another business or may even start a competing business. - JZ, 9.2.11. - CORRUPTION, DELUSIONS, TERRITORIALISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE, VOLUNTARISM, FREE ENTERPRISE, FREE TRADE, FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION & CONTRACT, CONSUMER SOVEREIGNTY IN EVERY SPHERE

POWER: Immense hidden powers lurk in the unconscious of the most common men – indeed, of all people without exception.” - Dr. Fritz Kunkel, quoted in Leonard E. Read, Castles in the Air, p.115. - Creative powers but, alas, at least potentially, also destructive powers, with the latter much more encouraged by territorialism than the former. – JZ, 22.3.08. – If as many people had seriously tackled the peace problem to the same extent that they spent their minds and energies on warfare, war would have been abolished long ago. – But they accepted territorial Warfare States as natural and obeyed them and their lies and false pretenses, for all too many centuries, in most cases and most of the time. They are still so under-informed on the peace problem and its solution that they still merely march and demonstrate for peace, expecting the Warfare State governments to produce it for them. – JZ, 8.1.14. - CREATIVITY, POWER URGE, COMMON MEN, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, LEADERSHIP MANIA, ABILITIES, TALENTS, PEACE MOVEMENTS

POWER: In a competitive market, power and privilege are not confirmed by political power as they are in a state economy, but sought out and destroyed. That is the equalizing force of the market. – Ralph Harris & Arthur Seldon, Not From Benevolence … p.118. – In a fully free market there are no territorial power privileges, either, which can legally establish and uphold other, secondary monopolies and privileges. In a fully free market, even for political, economic and social systems, there are only voluntary victims, and these will remain in this situation only as long as they are individually prepared to let themselves be victimized. Under individual secessionism and voluntarism or self-ownership or individual sovereignty, none of them will have to wait for or prepare for an election victory or a successful revolution. Instead, one by one, the victims will seek out or establish themselves better “social contracts” or competing societies and communities or protective or insurance agencies. Just like they do now when they change jobs, suppliers or investments or another residence. By these defections and less and less new volunteers, the less enlightened communities, still practising monopolies and privileges, will gradually disappear. While these still exist, even in some panarchies, they will at least have no longer any involuntary victims. The gradual “equalization” that will take place - towards equal liberties and equal rights, will occur one by one: by individuals recognizing them as most just, profitable and beneficial for themselves. Precisely because all individual rights and liberties will be involved, this will also assure a great diversity of practices and institutions and personal laws, just like religious freedom did and the degrees of free enterprise that we did achieve. - The insufficiently satisfying political “businesses” or firms will gradually be driven out of business - for lack of willing partners, cooperators, contractors, workers, investors and customers. Sometimes this will happen rather fast. Instead of having to fight and destroy privileges – they will simply become deserted by dissenters, defectors and refugees, seeking more freedom and “asylum” or simply better economic chances for themselves in more advanced societies. (They will be free to opt out without having to emigrate, without having to change their residence or jobs. - JZ, 9.2.11. - If they were public servants, then, naturally, they would have to change their jobs. – JZ, 8.1.14.) - That this trend is very strong is already indicated by the immigration restrictions practised today by the more advanced countries. Such restrictions are practised only because even these somewhat more free countries are not yet sufficiently liberated and enlightened to know how to fully employ or achieve self-employment for a sudden influx of ten thousands to millions of people in a really free enterprise and free exchange economy. They manage to cause involuntary mass unemployment but do not know how to end it. That would require, mainly, knowledge and application of full monetary and financial freedom and their sound techniques. This freedom is today largely still suppressed, even in the otherwise more free countries. If the panarchistic freedom were introduced in them, then the required monetary freedom knowledge could either become developed or freely applied, soon, and spread fast, bringing down, among other things, also the immigration barriers and replacing compulsory taxes by various voluntary contribution schemes and “Welfare States” by numerous and attractive self-help institutions. – JZ, 22.3.08, 9.2.11. – How many people are so far satisfied with their tax burdens, bureaucracies, avalanches of legislation and regulations (40,000 new ones in the USA alone, last year, according to a note on my Facebook page. – JZ, 8.1.14.) and the many crises, wars, and other wrongful actions caused by their territorial governments, who are, obviously, unable to cope with all the problems they have caused? Once genuine ways out can be freely offered and taken, there might even be great rushes towards them. - JZ, 9.2.11. – FREE MARKET, PANARCHISM, EXTERRITORIALISM & VOLUNTARISM VS. TERRITORIALISM & ITS COMPULSORY MEMBERSHIP OR SUBORDINATION, IMMIGRATION RESTRICTIONS, FULL EMPLOYMENT & MONETARY & FINANCIAL FREEDOM, COMPETITION VS. MONOPOLY, PRIVILEGES, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, QUITE FREE ASSOCIATIONISM

POWER: In matters of Power, let no more be heard of confidence in men, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” – Thomas Jefferson. Power needs more than paper constitutions to restrain it. Even the US National Guard has been brought under government control, while during the American Revolution, at least initially, it was still somewhat autonomous. - JZ, 22. 11. 06. - Territorial States do not even allow territorial secessionism to be undertaken quite freely, far less individual and group secessionism and exterritorially autonomous association alternatives for these secessionists. - JZ, 9.2.11, 8.1.14. - CONSTITUTIONS & CITIZEN SOLDIERS INDEPENDENTLY DEFENDING THEIR RIGHTS & LIBERTIES, SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, COMPETING PERSONAL LAW COMMUNITIES

POWER: In modern times we are quick to ‘throw the rascals out’, but it never occurs to us that rascality is imbedded in the office (*) or that the power invested in it can make a rascal of an honest man.” – Frank Chodorov, The Rise and Fall of Society, p.94. – (*) territorial power office! – JZ

POWER: In order to get power and retain it, it is necessary to love power; but love of power is not connected with goodness but with qualities that are the opposite of goodness, such as pride, cunning and cruelty.” – Leon Nikolaevich Tolstoi. (Leo Tolstoy)– Quoted by Gerard Bendiks on Facebook, 17.2.12. - Gerard Bendiks – Also in: - Roy Halliday, Quotations with an Attitude, online:  In order to obtain and hold power a man must love it. Thus the effort to get it is not likely to be coupled with goodness, but with the opposite qualities of pride, craft and cruelty. - Leo Tolstoy - The power addicts must become confined to their voluntary victims. - JZ, 9.2.11. The involuntary ones must become free to secede from the power addicts. – JZ, 8.1.14. - & THE LOVE OF IT, POLITICIANS, CUNNING, CRUELTY, PRIDE, POWER ADDICTION, AMBITION, IGNORANCE & IRRATIONALITY, VOLUNTARISM & PERSONAL LAW & SECESSIONISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM VS. TERRITORIALISM

POWER: In saying, that without the power of the state evil men would rule over the good, it is taken for granted that the good are precisely those, who at the present time have power, and the bad the same who are now subjugated. But it is precisely this that has to be proved. - In order to get power and retain it, it is necessary to love power; but love of power is not connected with goodness, but with qualities which are the opposite of goodness, such as pride, cunning and cruelty.” – Tolstoy, The Kingdom of God Is Within You. - GOODNESS, EVIL, GOVERNMENT, STATE, STATISM, POLITICIANS, LEADERSHIP, RULERS, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS, PREMIERS, CHANCELLORS, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: In spite of their ever-growing power, political institutions are impotent to deal with the consequences of their own policies; indeed, these policies merely result in new problems.” – Roy A. Childs, Jr., Liberty Against Power, Fox & Wilkes, San Francisco, 1994, p.5. - Territorial politics means the absence of experimental freedom for its subjects in all spheres monopolized by territorial States. Thus we cannot expect any more progress from it than we could expect in the natural sciences and in technology in the absence of experimental freedom for scientists and technicians. - JZ, 9.2.11. – EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES, POLICIES, POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS & PROBLEMS, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: In the judgment of Fénelon, power is poison.” – Lord Action, Lectures on the French Revolution, ed. by Figgis & Laurence, MacMillan, 1932, p.4. – However, the freedom of action, experimental freedom, secessionism and voluntary associationism of panarchism or polyarchy offers a cure for this poisoning or suppression of free societies and communities by territorial power. - JZ, 9.2.11. - - A POISON, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, GOVERNMENTALISM VS. PERSONAL LAW, VOLUNTARISM, SECESSIONISM, FREE EXPERIMENTAION IN EVERY SPHERE

POWER: In the last book of the New Testament it is said to the community of Philadelphia, that they would have only a small power, but even with this small power, which is also a power and not mere tiredness or resignation, they do belong to the victors. …” - Otto Dibelius, Reden – Briefe, 1933-1967, tr. JZ. – Compare: “A steady drip hollows a stone.” - INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY

POWER: In the long run, power tends to flow towards the bureaucracy administering the state, and away from the politicians. – W. Marina, Egalitarianism and Empire, p.12. – With both, politicians and bureaucrats, it is largely removed from the people, the population, i.e., almost every individual and from numerous voluntary and rightful groups of it, none of them striving for privileges at the expense of others. All of them satisfied with genuine self-government and self-determination. With individual secessionism and exterritorial autonomy for communities and societies of volunteers (even competing governments of volunteers only), it will flow back to the people, to every individual and every voluntary group within a population, excepting only criminals and other aggressors with victims. - Could anything be more just, more freedom-, justice-, peace- as well as progress-promoting and more tolerant? Could anything else promote more free and useful experiments, all at the least costs and risks, those of their volunteers? Could anything else be more educational and progressive? - Territorial rulers and their bureaucrats have held us back, exploited and otherwise abused us, even murdered masses of us, for thousands of years. Should we not finally put an end to their territorial misrule? – JZ, 21.3.08, 8.1.14. – POLITICIANS, BUREAUCRACY, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM VS. THE DIVERSE PEOPLES IN EVERY COUNTRY, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSIONISM, POLYARCHISM, PANARCHISM, COMPETING GOVERNANCE, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY

POWER: In the main it will be found that a power over a man's support [salary] is a power over his will.” - Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist, ed. Benjamin F. Wright, no. 73, p.468, (1961). - SUSTENANCE, INCOME, FREE WILL

POWER: Indeed, it is (*) power itself and its corrupting effects which are the direct cause of most of these problems and is now standing squarely in the way of their solution.” – Roy Childs, Liberty Against Power. - (*) territorial - JZ

POWER: Indeed, the exercising of State Power is nothing less than an attempt to subvert the basic fact of people’s fundamental responsibility for their own lives, to deliver to some people responsibility for and power over others.” – Roy Childs, Liberty Against Power. – PEOPLE, INDIVIDUALS, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, TERRITORIALISM VS. GENUINE SELF-DETERMINATION & SELF-GOVERNMENT

POWER: Indeed, the worship of power is still so deeply ingrained in almost everyone, so automatic, so unconscious, that the mere suggestion to the victims of organized power that they should not seek redress of grievance by means of “power”, since “power” itself is the disease, inevitably arouses the indignant suspicion that they are being invited to abandon the struggle, to sell the pass, to appease or capitulate to the oppressor.” – Ronald Sampson, Power, the Enshrined Heresy. – Sampson’s remark could, perhaps, be summed up with: Do not seek redress of grievance by means of “power” since “power” itself is the disease. - Or: Do not seek redress of grievance by means of territorialism, since territorialism itself is the disease. – “To each the government or non-governmental society of his or her choice!” What rightful complaints would remain then? - It is rather the notion of territorial monopoly power that is too deeply ingrained still, taken for granted, as if it were quite natural and inevitable, so that the alternative to it has so far been considered only by a few. – JZ, 21.3.08. - TERRITORIALISM,

POWER: Individual contracts rather than territorial powers. Voluntary memberships rather than territorial subjects. Personal laws rather than imposed laws. Freely chosen rather than imposed institutions. – JZ, 23.6.99, 14.2.08. - CENTRALIZED & TERRITORIAL VS. INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, LIBERTIES & CHOICES, CONTRACTS & PERSONAL LAWS, VOLUNTARY COMMUNITIES

POWER: Irresponsible power is inconsistent with liberty, and must corrupt those who exercise it.” - John C. Calhoun. - Territorial power is irresponsible power, in spite of all the supposedly sufficient "checks and balances". Essential checks like individual secessionism, competition from exterritorially autonomous communities of volunteers, monetary freedom, militias for the protection of individual rights and liberties, sufficient knowledge of and appreciation of these rights and liberties through a comprehensive and clear declaration of them, voluntary taxation, disarmament, negotiations and treaties by the people of volunteer communities, separation of the economy from the State, free migration and full monetary and financial freedom, full freedom of contract, association and experimentation, even merely of free trade and free migration, are all still largely unknown, unappreciated and thus unrealized or even oposed. - JZ, 13.10.02, 8.1.14. - & ITS CORRUPTION VS. LIBERTY & RIGHTS, TERRITORIALISM, MONOPOLISM, STATISM, LEGALISM, DOMINATION INSTEAD OF LIBERATION

POWER: It has become an all-pervading organization of power without responsibility – a dangerous development which threatens the foundations of our society.” – Roland Gribben, The Civil Service. – Even if powerful leaders could be held responsible with their lives, what good would that do, after they had already messed up or even ended the lives of millions? – JZ, 21.4.89, 22.2.08. - RESPONSIBILITY, IRRESPONSIBILITY, ACCOUNTABILITY, DECISION ON WAR & PEACE, TERRITORIALISM, BUREAUCRACY, LEADERSHIP, PRESIDENTS, ADMINISTRATIONS, PUBLIC SERVICES, STATISM, GOVERNMENTALISM, LEGISLATION

POWER: It has been often said that power corrupts. But perhaps it is equally important to realize that weakness, too, corrupts. Power corrupts the few, while weakness corrupts the many. Hatred, malice, rudeness, intolerance, and suspicion are the fruits of weakness. The resentment of the weak does not spring from any injustice done to them but from the sense of their inadequacy and impotence. … Our healing gift to the weak is the capacity for self-help. We must learn how to impart to them the technical, social, and political skills (*) which would enable them to get bread, human dignity, freedom and strength by their own efforts.” – Eric Hoffer, quoted in THE FREE MAN’S ALMANACH, for October 19. - (*) And economic, social and political rights and liberties! – How many of these remained largely unknown or unappreciated even to Eric Hoffer and many other great libertarian thinkers? – We will find out only once a complete declaration of individual rights and liberties if finally compiled and published. - JZ, 8.3.08. - WEAKNESS, RESENTMENT, SELF-HELP, CORRUPTION, TERRITORIALISM, POWERLESSNESS, DECLARATION OF ALL INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS & LIBERTIES

POWER: It is … hardly forgivable naiveté to believe that a state can be all-powerful in the economic sphere without also being autocratic in the political and intellectual domain and vice versa.” – Wilhelm Roepke – POLITICAL & ECONOMIC POWER, STATE, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: It is a strange desire to seek power and to lose liberty.” – Francis Bacon, 1561-1626, Of Great Place. - A. Andrews Quotations, p.21. – LIBERTY, AMBITION, POWER ADDICTION, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: It is a well-known fact that during a war the state acquires powers which it does not relinquish when hostilities are over. …” - Frank Chodorov, Fugitive Essays, p.333. – WAR, EMERGENCY POWERS, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, WARFARE STATES


POWER: It is by its promise of a sense of power that evil often attracts the weak.” – Source? According to one psychologist that I encountered, even rapists are often more driven by their power urge than by their sexual urge. – JZ, 5.1.08. - & ITS CORRUPTING EFFECT

POWER: It is dismaying to realize that even those supposedly at the centres of power generally know little and understand less of what is going on around them.” - Arthur C. Clarke & Stephen Baxter: The Light of Other Days, p.266. - IGNORANCE & PREJUDICE, KNOWLEDGE, RULERS, GOVERNMENTS, POLITICIANS, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS, PREMIERS, MINISTERS

POWER: It is easier to deal with evil in a private person than to deal with evil in a person who holds power.” – Robert LeFevre, LEFEVRE’S JOURNAL, Winter 77, p.6. - EVIL, PRIVATE LIVES, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM, BUREAUCRACY

POWER: It is equally dangerous giving a madman a knife and a villain power.” —Socrates - POLITICIANS, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: It is far more likely (*) that there will be one owner of all food if things are owned by government than if they are owned by private individuals; there are so many fewer governments. (**) Power is diminished when it is divided. If one man owns all the food, he can make me do almost anything. If it is divided among a hundred men, no one can make me do very much for him; if one tries, I can get a better deal from another.” – David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p.23. - (*) Not only likely but almost certain. – (**) Governments, too, have not only their imperialistic but also their multiplication tendencies. See the growth of new territorial governments in our time. – JZ, n.d. - DIVISION OF POWER, COMPETITION, DECENTRALIZATION, GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM, STATISM

POWER: It is important to realize that since 1914 a new power, the Public Service, has emerged.” – Edgar Berry, GOOD GOVERNMENT, 12/75. - PUBLIC SERVICE, CIVIL SERVICE, BUREAUCRACY, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: It is in losing power that government improves. Each time the governed gain some ground is made. We do not accept the balance of power and privileged opposition as a means to liberty.” – French historian Augustin Thierry, quoted in LIBERTARIAN REVIEW, Jan./Feb. 78. – Let them gain liberties and rights via exterritorial secessionism and voluntary associationism. - JZ, 9.2.11. - LIBERTY, GOVERNMENT, BALANCE OF POWER, SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARISM, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, LIBERATION

POWER: It is lack of a common motivating factor that makes the actual power still present useless.” – Frank A Javor, Patriot, in ANALOG, 8/63. – Territorialism has little power to provide really united motives, apart from some verbal delusions. – JZ, 7.3.08. – Only the voluntarism, i.e., the like-mindedness of the members of panarchies, can provide their communities with a genuine unity, and since they do have their way for themselves, although only at their own expense and risk, they will also tend to be tolerant towards other such communities and their diverse attempts at self-management. – However diverse they may be, against territorial authoritarians or totalitarians they will tend to stand united or in solidarity, since territorial domination will be their common enemy. – JZ, 12.4.08, 9.2.11.

POWER: It is necessary to abolish completely, in principle and practice, everything which may be called political power (*); as long as political power exists there will always be rulers and ruled, masters and slaves, exploiters and exploited.” – Michael Bakunin. – - Mikhail A. Bakunin, Gesammelte Werke, Golos Trude edition, III, p.22. – Not the power of volunteers over their own affairs! - He, too, does not seem to have distinguished between territorial power over involuntary victims and exterritorial power over volunteers only, powers from which one can freely secede and powers from which one cannot freely secede. - (*) territorial power! – JZ, 21.3.08, 10.3.09, 9.2.11. - TERRITORIALISM, POLITICAL POWER, STATES, GOVERNMENTS, LEGISLATION, MONOPOLISM, DOMINATION, RULE, MAJORITARIANISM, PANARCHISM, VOLUNTARISM, GENUINE SELF-GOVERNANCE, SELF-DETERMINATION, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, SELF-MANAGEMENT,

POWER: It is necessary to free man from the curse of power, from the cannibalism of exploitation, in order to release in him those creative forces which can continually give his life new meaning.” – Rudolf Rocker, Nationalism and Culture, p.256. - VOLUNTARISM, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM & EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY VS. TERRITORIALISM, ITS POWER, MONOPOLY & COERCION

POWER: It is not how the government gets its power but the amount of power it gets that determines the fate of each and every individual John Doe who lives under its jurisdiction. – Clarence Manion, The Key to Peace, p.37/38. – TERRITORIALISM – It makes a great difference whether that power is territorially imposed upon a whole population or voluntarily chosen by individuals for their own affairs, under personal laws and exterritorial autonomy. If, e.g., even fundamentalist terrorists and fanatics had and enjoyed exterritorial autonomy for themselves, would they remain terrorists for long, in most cases? Who could continue to consider any organization to be a great oppressor or exploiter when one could freely secede from it and apply any self-help measure or reform that one desires among small or large numbers, even of masses of like-minded volunteers? When no one could claim any territorial monopoly any longer and thus enforce involuntary membership or subordination to such territorial monopolies? – I firmly believe that a new renaissance would begin then and a genuine enlightenment. – If you pondered all the results, you might come to the same conclusions. - JZ, 22.3.08, 8.1.14.

POWER: It is not only that the means have become the end, but that one element of the means, power, has become the end.” - Norman Angell, Human Nature and the Peace Problem, 1925, p.159. - MEANS & ENDS, TERRITORIALLISM, STATISM

POWER: It is not power or much money that is needed for most reforms but good sense and freedom to experiment, at the own expense and risk. – JZ, 28.5.88. - Power only over the own affairs. – JZ, 22.2.08. – REFORMS, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, ONE MAN REVOLUTIONS, CONFINED TO THEIR AFFAIRS

POWER: It is not the powers that they conferred upon the government, but the powers that they prohibited to the government which makes the Constitution a charter of liberty.” – Frank I. Cob, LA FOLLETTE’S MAGAZINE, January 1920, quoted in Seldes, The Great Quotations. - Many libertarians forget too easily that their supposedly ideal limited and constitutional, but still territorial monopoly government, developed into an almost unlimited government, largely ignoring constitutional clauses supposed to restrict its powers. – Moreover, it never fully knew, proclaimed and respected all individual rights and liberties. – Their constitutional and limited government did, territory-wide, limit or outlaw all too many liberties and rights for all too many people. Should we forget that? – Limited and constitutional but territorial government has always limited all too many rights and liberties and still does. – It did not permit free competition from free societies and communities of volunteers. - JZ, 8.3.08. - CONSTITUTIONALISM, LIBERTY, LIMITED GOVERNMENT, PANARCHISM, POLYARCHISM, PERSONAL LAW, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY, INDIVIDUAL SECESSIONISM, VOLUNTARY & COMPETING GOVERNMENTS, NONE WITH A TERRITORIAL MONOPOLY. NO MORE CLOSED MINDS AGAINST SUCH FREEDOM & JUSTICE OPTIONS.

POWER: It is the human drive for power that harnesses whatever tools we have to destructive ends, and it is the success in that drive that pushes the drive to insane heights, with “insane” defined by Nazi ovens and, more recent, nuclear weapons.” – Tom Easton, The Reference Library, ANALOG, 5/98. - Power confined to volunteers and at their expense and risk tends to become enlightened, responsible and harmless to non-members. - JZ, 9.2.11. – TERRITORIALISM, WARFARE STATES, STATISM, LEADERSHIP

POWER: It is the nature of Power to be ever encroaching, and converting every extraordinary Power, granted at particular times … into an ordinary power, to be used at all times. … – Trenchard and Gordon, Cato’s Letters, quoted by Murray N. Rothbard in THE LIBERTARIAN FORUM, August 77. - Power confined to volunteers and their affairs only tends to become self-limiting, via individual secessionism and competition from other institutions of volunteers, just like genuine free enterprises, without any legalized monopolies, tend to be self-limiting. - JZ, 9.2.11. - EMERGENCY POWERS, TERRITORIALISM, VOLUNTARISM

POWER: It is the nature of primitive society to know that violence is the essence of power. – P. Clastres, Society against the State: The Leader as Servant and the Humane Uses of Power among the Indians of the Americas, quoted in LIBERTARIAN REVIEW, 3/79, p.35. - Even the Red Indians practised territorialism and its wrongs and violence, driving peaceful Hopis into hot desert areas and Eskimos into icy deserts. - JZ, 9.2.11. - VIOLENCE, COERCION, FORCE, COMPULSTION, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: It is the secret curse of every power that it becomes fatal, not only to its victims but to its possessors.” – Rudolf Rocker, Nationalism and Culture, 1933. – Alas, usually only all too late for these victimizers, i.e., after they have victimized already thousands to millions. – JZ, 9.3.08. – And is it a “secret curse” or, rather, an “open flaw”? – JZ, 1976. - TERRITORIALISM

POWER: It is true that nobody is dangerous who has no power. Consequently, it is true that everybody is dangerous who is in power. It has been proven to excess that there is no other public enemy than power.” – A. Bellagarrigue, Manifest. - What he, too, meant, was territorial power. Exterritorial power only over the own affairs, the own volunteers, combined with knowledge of and respect for the genuine individual rights and liberties of others, is not a threat to the exterritorially practised affairs of others. However, it is a long-term, possibly even a short-term threat, to all territorial powers. If it were to fully mobilize its liberating powers then it could succeed very fast, almost without or quite without bloodshed. But to achieve that - a great "revolution" has to take place first, in most heads. To promote it we have now better and more powerful recording, duplication and communication options than ever before. Much more could soon be offered - of truly liberating information - than most people could rapidly read and comprehend. However, the usual popular errors, prejudices, false definitions, wrong assumptions and conclusions, which are great obstacles to any genuine progress, could also be overcome by being encyclopedically confronted with the best refutations and definitions, slogans and best ideas. - JZ, 9.2.11. – The thief, embezzler and confidence tricksters have some negative skills but hardly power in the usual sense, unless they are politicians and can legalize their crimes or effectively hide them. – JZ, 18.6.13. - LIBERATION, ENLIGHTENMENT, POWER OF ATTRACTION, EDUCATION, KNOWLEDGE, IDEAS ARCHIVE, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF DEFINITIONS, ENCYLOPEDIA OF THE BEST REFUTATIONS, IDEAS ARCHIVE, LIBERTARIAN ENCYLOPEDIA, LIBRARY, BIBLIOGRAPHY, ABSTRACTS, REVIEWS, COMPLETE PUBLISHING IN AFFORDABLE MEDIA

POWER: it made possible the establishment of a government based on a new and untried principle, namely, that the government has no power except what the governed have granted it. That was a shift in power that had never occurred before.” – Frank Chodorov: The Income Tax, p.119. - It was still only a territorial monopoly government, not just one exterritorially autonomous community formed only by volunteers, i.e. by each individual for himself and each such community being only one among many other such communities of volunteers, all freely competing with each other in the same country and in the rest of the world and all without any exclusive territory. At best it represented on the majority of the male voters. Slaves, negroes, Indians and women were excluded as voters and, naturally, also from political offices. – JZ, 8.3.08. – USA LIMITED GOVERNMENT, ALL TOO LIMITED IN ITS LIMITATIONS & IN ITS BILL OF RIGHTS, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: It should be remembered as an axiom of eternal truth in politics, that whatever power in any government is independent, is absolute also; in theory only at first while the spirit of the people is up, but in practice as fast as that relaxes.” - Thomas Jefferson. - & THE PEOPLE, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, STATOS, TERRITORIALISM, MILITIA, ENLIGHTENMENT, DEMOCRACY

POWER: It usually takes a year or so for a new administration to come to the surprising realization that an American president’s principal power – in domestic affairs – is the power to take blame, and that his power to manage the federal establishment is largely an illusion. “Power?” asked Lyndon Johnson. “The only power I have is nuclear and I can’t use that.” - Richard Cornuelle, Healing America, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1983, p.109. – Among volunteers only, exterritorially and at the own risk and expense almost anything could be tried. However, no president or prime minister has so far tried to achieve this kind of self-responsible power. They are even unaware of is possibility, tradition and future potential. Possibly, none of their advisors or of the mass media has ever pointed it out to them. - They, too, are victims, as an old proverb states clearly: "Every leash has two ends." - Pity them e.g. for the amount of reading they are supposed to undertake and the number of meetings they must attend. How much time and energy is left to them for independent thinking and for conducting their own private lives? - They, too, have only one head and their day has only 24 hours as well. - JZ, 9.2.11. - PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS, LEADERSHIP, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: It was not only Mr. Wilson who was peculiarly ill-fitted to exercise the vast powers government had accumulated in Britain by 1970. None but saints could be so trusted. And they would not take the job, or last long if they did.” – Ralph Harris, in Dr. Rhodes Boyson, editor, Right Turn, p.26. - No one could cope contructively with all territorial powers because no one is a superman or a God. - JZ, 9.2.11. - TERRITORIALISM, LEADERSHIP OVER OTHERS THAN LIKE-MINDED VOLUNTEERS, PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS

POWER: Jesus taught that we shouldRender unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s.” (*) Implicit in what this parable omits is the view that there are “no things that are ours” and hence that there is nothing that we should render unto ourselves. Implicit in it, too, is the command that we ought to live for Caesar and God, and not for ourselves; in short, that the proper ethic is heteronomy, not autonomy.” – Thomas Szasz, Heresies, p.31. - - (*) J. C. did not enjoy the freedom of expression that T. S. has. - Actually, his saying was a clever reply to escape a verbal trap set for him. He did sensibly suggest that the State’s coin be used for the payment of the State’s taxes, while the temple’s coins be used to pay the Temple dues. He was smartly avoiding the issue whether taxes are compatible with property rights and whether it would really be a moral obligation to pay them. According to Ulrich von Beckerath there are indications that he favored a tax strike against the temple tax and disobedience towards the hierarchy of the temple and its priests. - Anyhow, only a fraction of all his teachings has been preserved, that of about 30 hours of his teaching. For how many hours did he actually teach different ideas? – One should also distinguish his remarks to his apostles, those to a crowd and those to his enemies. - JZ, 23.3.08. – The quote does not clearly state that everything belongs to the State or to the church but only those parts of property that are legally due to them, without indicating the percentage of the take of each. If there are  any property rights then both “dues” should not be compulsory but voluntary contributions by voluntary members. – JZ, 8.1.14. - PROPERTY RIGHTS, TAXES, COINAGE, COMPETING CURRENCIES, TEMPLE MONEY & TAX FOUNDATION MONEY, CHRISTIANITY, AUTONOMY, TAX STRIKE, DISOBEDIENCE

POWER: Just as primitive man sought the answers to all his questions in the totem pole, so does modern man look to political power to solve the problems of life. In both cases we have the same flight from self-reliance, the some escape from individual responsibility, the same mother complex. That is the only way one can explain this blind faith in the efficacy of political power. The superstate idea is the most advanced form of this religion. The psychological identity of primitivism and statism is only obscured by the ritualism of charters, constitutions, and protocol. …” - Frank Chodorov, Fugitive Essays, p.121/22. - However, not all of us are territorial statists. Once the non-territorialists aimed at and gained full experimental freedom for themselves, their successes could and would sooner or later enlighten the others to follow their examples. It would almost be like one UFO landing on Earth, with its visitors peacefully communicating with us, under full mass media coverage. The skepticism against their existence would almost disappear within a day. Would we refuse to accept their knowledge of e.g. of FTL travel, of the nullification of gravity and of the nullification of acceleration and deceleration effects upon our bodies and spaceships and of significant life extension information that they might be able and willing to offer us? - STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, RELIGION, SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, SELF-THINKING, UFOs, CONTACT WITH ALIEN INTELLIGENCES

POWER: Just retaliation is not power and does not necessarily expand into power.” – PPH, in THE CONNECTION 150, p 88. – Even quite justified self-defence can get you nowadays into trouble with the law. Mere retaliation, in single cases, requires much effort and risks and will still not amount to more than revenge for that particular wrong done to you. – JZ, 22.2.08.

POWER: Knowledge is power, power is knowledge.” – Karl Liebknecht, 1872 speech. – Rather: Territorial power is personified and established ignorance, and represents mainly popular errors and prejudices. – JZ, 25.5.94, 8.1.14. - Usually, those in territorial power do not posses the required knowledge and those with the required knowledge do not get into power, at least not under territorialism. Under full experimental freedom for volunteers this would be quite different. – JZ, 16.2.08, 8.1.14. – Actually, no one has or can have enough knowledge to handle reasonably and morally all the powers that the power-mongers possess. And if they were sufficiently informed, reasonable and moral beings, they would not have strive for such power positions in the first place. – JZ, 18.3.09, 8.1.14. - Did Hitler, Stalin and Mao know enough about individual rights and liberties to appreciate them for themselves and all others? - JZ, 9.2.11. - KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM, RULERS, LEADERSHIP, GOVERNMENT, TERRITORIALISM, TOLERANCE, EXPERIMENTAL FREEDOM, PANARCHISM

POWER: Knowledge might not be power, but ignorance was definitely weakness, and so was poverty.” - Lois McMaster Bujold, Komarr, p.241. - KNOWLEDGE & IGNORANCE

POWER: Lack of power corrupts and absolute lack of power corrupts absolutely.” – Pierre Trudeau, quoted in THE BULLETIN, 29.3.75. - The required equality of rights and liberties and thus self-management and self-responsibility powers or genuine self-government and self-determination or self-management can only be closely approached via the free individual choices offered by individual sovereignty, individual secessionism and voluntary associationism under full exterritorial autonomy. - JZ, 9.2.11. – INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY & SECESSIONISM, SELF-OWNERSHIP, VOLUNTARISM, PERSONAL LAW, EXTERRITORIAL AUTONOMY

POWER: Law! What do I care about the law? Ain’t I got the power?” – Cornelius Vanderbilt. - Alas, all too often the territorial law or ruler is the power, the worst power and not the rich man. - The rich man cannot take his money into his grave. He has to spend it or invest it. His spending options are somewhat limited, since he, too, is just one consumer. Even he has to struggle with the tax department or pay some tribute to it and cannot get away with breaking all rightful and all wrongful territorial laws. He may spend much on luxuries. But even they, not only his sensible investments, will benefit poor people. - If he does not manage to redistribute his riches then, mostly, his heirs will. - Even he is not free to secede and live under full exterritorial autonomy and personal law. Even he suffers under the deflations and inflations of monetary and financial despotism, which are part of territorial despotism. - JZ, 26. 11. 06, 9.2.11. –They can buy, in Western civilizations, the work of employees – but not of slaves. – JZ, 8.1.14. - & LAW, ECONOMIC "POWER", TERRITORIALISM, WEALTH, RICHES, INDEPENDENCE, CAPITALISTS

POWER: Laws have been passed, a whole library of them, and most of these laws, since they are not self-enforcing, have called for enforcement agencies who (which? – JZ) have interminably interpreted the laws, which created them and thus have spawned more laws. The effect of these laws is (a) to put restraints on the individual and (b) to concentrate in the hands of the central government all the powers that once were assigned to local government; the states are now little more than administrative units of the national government. Political power has increased, social power has waned. Would it have been different if I had voted? I don’t think so.” – Frank Chodorov, Out of Step, p.43/44. (or 42/43?) - VOTING, CENTRALIZATION, LAWS

POWER: Leave government without power! – JZ, n.d. – No territorial monopoly power over whole populations for any government. All to be confined to their own volunteers. – JZ, 21.3.08. – TERRITORIALISM, VOLUNTRISM, PANARCHISM

POWER: Leave parliament without power. Turn it just into an advisory body, one among many other think tanks. - JZ, 76. - By now there are numerous think tanks. Most of them do, probably, offer sounder ideas and advice than most parliaments do, held back by their party politics and power urges. To each the think tank or parliament, leadership, government, society, community, personal law and institutions of his own individual free choice. Merely free choice of doctors, plumbers, experts, hobbies,  arts, crafts and sports is not yet sufficient. - JZ, 9.2.11, 8.1.14. - PARLIAMENTS, THINK TANKS, SECESSIONISM & ASSOCIATIONISM IN EVERY SPHERE

POWER: LeFevre claims that political power is an addictive which overwhelms even the most well-intentioned people with megalomania and lust for more power.” – Diogenes of Panarchia, THE CONNECTION, 125, p.19. - It also asks more from any man or woman than anyone can possibly deliver. At most one can, somewhat, satisfy like-minded volunteers, when trying to realizing one's ideals that one has in common with them. - TERRITORIALISM

POWER: Let the delusion be trampled under foot which gives one individual power over millions; which reduces millions to the subjection of one; which would teach that one possesses the power to make others happy.” – Richard Wagner, The Creative Force, 1849, quoted in George Seldes, The Great Quotations. – PRESIDENTS, PRIME MINISTERS, PREMIERS, CHANCELLORS, RULERS, TERRITORIALISM, NATURAL LIMITATIONS OF INDIVIDUALS

POWER: Let us consider, my Lords, that arbitrary power has seldom, or never, been introduced into any country at once. It must be introduced by slow degrees, and, as it were, step-by-step, lest the people should see it approach. The barriers and fences of the people's liberty must be plucked one-by-one, and some plausible pretences must be found for removing or hoodwinking, one after another, those sentries who are posted by the constitution of a free country for warning the people of their danger. When these preparatory steps are once made, the people may then indeed, with regret, see slavery and arbitrary power making long strides over their land; but it will be too late to think of preventing or avoiding the impending ruin.” - Philip Dormer Stanhope, Fourth Earl of Chesterfield, (1694-1773), Miscellaneous Works, Vol. IV, 1779, Against Licensing the Stage, (speech written for delivery, House of Lord, 1737). - Another version: Let us consider that arbitrary power has seldom or never been introduced into any country at once. It must be introduced by slow degrees, and as it were step by step, lest the people should see its approach.” – Lord Chesterfield - Almost every territorial law is a more or less gradualist step towards less liberty for almost all. It's a snowflake compared with an avalanche or glacier a mere drop compared with a flood. - JZ, 24.11.02.  However, e.g. the ca. 40,000 now laws in the USA last year do already bury all too many rights and liberties. – JZ, 8.14.13. - GRADUALISM, SALAMI SLICE TACTICS, ENCROACHMENTS, LIBERTY, GRADUALISM, GROWTH OF POWER, LAWS, TERRITORIALISM

POWER: The greater the power the more dangerous the abuse. – Edmund Burke, quoted in - & ABUSE

POWER: Let us not be unmindful that liberty is power, that the nation blessed with the largest portion of liberty must, in proportion to its numbers, be the most powerful nation upon earth.” – John Quincy Adams, 1821. - Powerful only in setting a good example and in defensive and liberating strength. For it would have even most of the conscripts and tax-victims of an enemy regime as its natural and secret allies, if only it treats them as such in every respect. - LIBERTY IS POWER, LIBERATION, DEFENCE, SECRET ALLIES, POWER OF ATTRACTION, OF VOLUNTARISM, TREATMENT OF POWs & DESERTERS AS LIBERATED PEOPLE, GOVERNMENTS & SOCIETIES IN EXILE AS ALLIES, RIGHTFUL WAR- & PEACE AIMS DECLARED IN TIME, UNILATERALLY OFFERED JUST WAR & PEACE AIMS, LIBERATION, NO THREAT TO WHOLE POPULATIONS WITH NUCLEAR “WEAPONS”, TYRANNICIDE, PROGRAMS FOR RIGHTFUL REVOLUTIONS & MILITARY INSURRECTIONS PUBLISHED LONG BEFORE IT COMES TO A WAR WITH A DICTATORSHIP OR TYRANNY

POWER: Liberals who believe that power can be used for good ends delude themselves, Tucker argued, for public regulation invariable necessitates the invasion of the rights of others. The only way power can be trusted is to confine its use to individuals in their private affairs, which means that no large concentration of force can exist within society. … It might occasionally be necessary to combine one’s resources with that (those? – JZ) of others to create a more efficient instrument of self-defence.” - Reichert, Partisans of Freedom. A Study in American Anarchism, p.163/64. - Here, too, centralized and exclusive territorial power and coercion is not clearly enough distinguished from the power of volunteers to manage and defend their own affairs, under full exterritorial autonomy and personal law. – JZ, 22.3.08.

POWER: Libertarianism is the radical alternative that says state power is unworkable and immoral." - Lew Rockwell – STATES, LIBERTARIANISM

POWER: Liberty Against Power, title of an essay by Roy Childs, published by Laissez Faire Books.

POWER: Liberty is power.” - John Quincy Adams, 1821. See the longer version above, beginning with “Let us not be unmindful …”

POWER: Liberty is the power to do whatever does not injure another.” – Rights of Man, approved by the National Assembly of France, 1790. – The term “injure” or “harm” should be replaced by “wrong”. – If I do no longer work for you or buy from you or when I start a competing business, then I would, somewhat, harm your business but I would not commit any wrong towards you. – Even now this difference is still all too often overlooked. - JZ, 22.3.08. – HARM, WRONG

POWER: Locke’s ironic warning that those who attempt to use state power to inhibit the avariciousness of private men are ‘so foolish that they take care to avoid what Mischief may be done them by Pole-Cats, or Foxes, but are content, nay think it Safety, to be devoured by Lions.” – Benjamin R. Berber, Superman and Common Men, p. 91, quoting Locke. – LAWS, LEGISLATION, CONSTITUTIONALISM, STATISM, TERRITORIALISM, MONOPOLIES, COMPULSORY COLLECTIVISM, SECURITY, PROTECTION



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