Lev Nikolajevic' Tolstoy


Lev Nikolajevic' Tolstoy (1828-1910) was a Russian writer, essayist, dramatist, and educational reformer.


(1862) Education and cultural formation [English]

(1887) Lettre à Romain Rolland [Français]

(1894) On Patriotism [English]

(1897) The art of the future [English]

(1900) What should each man do [English]
(1900) Che cosa ciascuno dovrebbe fare [Italiano]

(1900) The anarchists and the violence [English]

(1901) Notes for Officers - Notes for Soldiers [English]

(1905) The State [English]

(1908) Contre la violence [Français]

(1908) La democratie comme superstition [Français]
(1908) La democrazia come superstizione [Italiano]

(1909) Address to the Swedish Peace Congress [English]
(1909) Intervento al Congresso sulla Pace di Stoccolma [Italiano]


External links

Wikipedia : Leo Tolstoy [English]

Biography : Leo Tolstoy [English]





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